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Introduction to Technopreneurship Presentation

Chapter 1: Introduction to
Prepared and Presented by: Glaiza Mae Gonzales / DIET Instructor
What is Technopreneurship
ENTREPRENEURSHIP is the practice
of consistently converting good ideas
into profitable commercial
TECHNOLOGY is human innovation in
What is Technopreneurship
 is the use of technology as an integral and key element in the transformation of
goods and services.
 is about managing technology in order to achieve superior value for the
 is either involved in delivering an innovative hi-tech product (e.g. Microsoft) or
makes use of hi-tech in an innovative way to deliver its product to the
consumer (e.g. eBay), or BOTH.
Innovation & Ideas
 Ideas – the indispensable start-up ingredient all inventions and innovations need.
 Invention
- novel/ new/ original product, device, process, or concept.
creation of a new product.
 Innovation
newer and better solution that meet new requirements or existing market needs.
Introduction of a
adding value to something already existing.
practical implementation of new idea.
Products & Services
 Products – are physical items that
include raw materials, parts, subassemblies.
 Services – are activities that provide
some combination of time, location, form, or
psychological value.
Examples of Technopreneurship
A technology-based enterprise is one that derives a competitive advantage from
direct or indirect use of technology
Example 1: Apple iPod
 it has a number of innovations
 the most significant of which is 160Gb 1.8 inch hard disk drive ( smaller than
average harddisk 3.5 inch a 40Gb capacity )
Example 2: UPS (United Parcel Services)
 able to offer one day delivery anywhere in the world
 they have their sorting and delivery facility that could process up to
1,000,000,000 parcels a year
The Technopreneur
 is an entrepreneur who uses cutting-edge
technology to develop new business. (Daniel
Mankani, 2003)
 is an entrepreneur who involves himself in
technological changes in producing
goods and services for his organization.
(Sarimah Hanim & Abd. Rashid,2008)
 are entrepreneurs who use technology as
their driven factor in transforming
resources into goods and services,
creating an environment conducive to
industrial growth”
Technopreneur & Entrepreneur
Likes to compete
Is a self-starter/pioneer
Is able to do many things at once
Likes to work for him or herself and be
in control
Is motivated by a strong desire to
achieve and attain financial success
Likes to innovate
Is part of a team
Is able to do many things at once, but chooses to delegate
Likes to be the one to control innovation and be part of
an evolution
• Is motivated by a strong vision and the passion to
Entrepreneurial Mindset
Entrepreneurial Mindset
5 Characteristics of an Entrepreneur
1. Decisiveness – ability to make
decisions quickly and effectively
 To succeed as an entrepreneur, you must gain the
2. Confidence – self-assurance arising
from one’s appreciation of one’s own abilities
or qualities
ability to look at a problem or situation, digest all
available data (at that point in time), and make a
 Looking confident, practiced, and skilled is what
we ADMIRE in others. But looking confident and
being confident are two different things. Seriously.
 Your ability as a decision maker will make or break
 Acting confident while getting on stage to give a
speech to a packed room, even when your hands
are violently shaking, is essential to learn the
confident decision to move forward.
your future successes.
 In fact, at the opposite end, indecision is one of the
greatest causes of business failure.
 When you can’t decide what to do, you delay
taking action. In other words, you do
art of public speaking.
 Pretending you are good at something will enable
you to do it confidently enough times until you
become good at it. The more you do this, the
better you will become.
Entrepreneurial Mindset
5 Characteristics of an Entrepreneur
3. Accountability – willingness to accept
 The entrepreneurial mindset comes from taking
responsibility for your actions and outcomes.
 You need to internalize and accept that:
Everything that happens at work – YOU are
responsible for.
Everything that happens to your business – YOU are
responsible for.
Whether you succeed or fail, it is YOUR
 From this moment forward, you must accept
responsibility for everything in your life and hold
yourself accountable to it.
4. Resilience – capacity to recover
quickly from difficulties
 As an entrepreneur, you will need to learn to
deal with making mistakes and failing.
They are inevitable and a part of your growth.
 Success rarely happens in a straight line. Taking
wrong turns and making mistakes is something
that happens to everyone.
 Resilience enables you to think, act, and
move iteratively — making small, incremental
corrections along the way.
Entrepreneurial Mindset
5 Characteristics of an Entrepreneur
5. Humility – freedom from pride or arrogance
 It ties all of the characteristics of entrepreneurship.
From decisiveness to confidence, humility will keep you focused and centered.
From accountability to resilience, you will continue to move forward through failure, mistakes, and upsets.
 Along with humility comes coachability — the ability to be coached.
 If you want to accomplish big things in life, you need to be willing to learn from others and nourish a growth.
 Thinking like an entrepreneur means seeking out mentors and coaches who have been where you are trying to go —
and having the humility to accept their guidance.
Team Formation
 A
team is a group of
individuals working together to
achieve their goal.
Stages of
Team Formation
Tuckman’s Stages of Team Formation
1. Forming
2. Storming
Stage where a group of people comes
together to accomplish a shared purpose.
Disagreement are constant at this stage of
development since team members are still
getting to know each other.
The leader plays a dominant role at this stage
because team members' roles and
responsibilities aren’t yet clear.
This stage can last for some time, as people
start to work together, and as they make an
effort to get to know their new colleagues.
The leader’s role is to help the team get to know
each other whether to offer team building
activities or simply a listening ear.
Team Formation
Tuckman’s Stages of Team Formation
3. Norming
4. Performing
This is when people start to resolve their
differences, appreciate colleagues' strengths,
and respect the authority of the leader.
Relationships, team processes, and the team’s
effectiveness in working on its objectives are
syncing to bring about a successfully functioning
The team has consciously or unconsciously
formed working relationships that are enabling
progress on the team’s objectives.
The leader shall ask for periodic updates from
the team and regularly check the team’s
This is the stage at which the real work of the
team is progressing.
The leader shall help solve problems and provide
input as needed.