Presenter 4 What is the Title of the Research Document? The title of the research document is “Microeconomic Analysis of the Eating-Out Behavior of Modern Filipino Households: The Tobit, The Craggit and the Heckit Models.” TITLE QUESTION #2 Is the document a journal article or a conference paper? If it is a journal article, in what journal was it published? If it is a conference paper, in what conference was it presented? The research document is a journal article because it is intended for an academic or technical audience, not general readers and is written by a professor. It is published in a journal named “DLSU Business and Economics Review (2016) 26(1): 50-69 ARTICLE Who authored the work? CESAR D. RUFFINO AUTHOR QUESTION #4 The significant changes of modern Filipino society in the household consumption on foods, particularly FAFH (food away from home). TOPIC It is classified as basic research because it is set to achieve a better and more detailed understanding of the research subject or phenomenon, and not to solve a specific problem or question. USAGE Classify the research based on its purpose. Is it exploratory, descriptive or explanatory? It is descriptive because it attempts to explore and explain a topic and describe the characteristics of a population. It collects data that are used to answer what, when and how questions, but not why questions. What are the main premises and arguments of the research? Consumption incidence of food away from home among Filipino households has been increasing monotonically over the years. The statistics are testament to the phenomenon of chnging consumer preferences resulting in remarkable shift in food consumption patterns, particularly in cities and highly urbanized areas. ARGUMENTS What are the main premises and arguments of the research? Traditional food determinants or variables affecting the rates include household income, family size, age composition: household head's demographics like education and marital status. Usual demand predictors like age and gender are insignificant determinants. ARGUMENTS What are the main premises and arguments of the research? Non-traditional factors like employment status of the homemaker, single member status of the household head, and number of employed members contribute significant explanatory influence on FAFH consumption. But the most powerful drivers of the phenomenon proved to be the locational characteristics. ARGUMENTS We would say that the arguments and premises are strong and valid because they are backed up by a lot of data that is gathered by the researcher using various data-gathering methods and models. EVALUATION