ETI2205 AnalogueElectronics II BJT Review Textbook –Microelectronics, Circuit Analysis & Design, 4th edition, Donald A. Neamen Chapter5 & 6 "Small signals, applied to the transistor base, determine strong variations of the current flowing through the device (at the collector and emitter). This property makes the transistor an essential element in electronics. Some of its uses are in electronic switching circuits, control circuits of current or voltage, amplifiers, oscillators, digital logic, and memory circuits." S. Kiambi BJT Review, Page- 1 npn Output Family of Curves Output characteristic ( versus ) ; ; DC load line equation: S. Kiambi BJT Review, Page- 2 npn BJT dc Equivalent Reverse biased Forward biased iB 1 I S evBE VT Forward biased Diode relationship VBE ~ 0.6 – 0.7 V for Si transistors at room temperature S. Kiambi BJT Review, Page- 3 Calculating Bias Currents & Voltages Q-point is specified by (and ) and Apply KVL on BE loop to get , (and Apply KVL on CE loop to get ). What is IC, IE, VCE, etc., for the circuit below? DC model for npn BJT Key to solving circuits such this is that if the transistor is in the forward active mode, VBE ~ 0.7 (for Si) S. Kiambi BJT Review, Page- 4 Calculating Bias Currents Q-point is specified by (and ) and Apply KVL on BE loop to get , (and Apply KVL on CE loop to get S. Kiambi ). BJT Review, Page- 5 Voltage Transfer Characteristic for npn Circuit Junc. BE Junc. CB Operation . Properties Forw. Bias Rev. Bias Active Region IC ~ IB VCE =0.2 to 0.4 V Forw. Bias Forw. Bias Saturation IE = 0 A Rev. Bias Rev. Bias Cutoff Transistor parameters of S. Kiambi ( ) ( ) BJT Review, Page- 6 Voltage Transfer Characteristic for pnp Circuit Notations for junction voltages: Transistor parameters of ( ) , and ( ) Recall: Allows for use of +ve voltage sources! S. Kiambi BJT Review, Page- 7 Digital Logic Inverter S. Kiambi NOR gate BJT Review, Page- 8 Bipolar Inverter as Amplifier Determines the Q-point (and ) and Q-point is specified by . If Q-point is given apply KVL on BE and CE loops to solve for biasing network resistors. S. Kiambi BJT Review, Page- 9 BJT Biasing: Improper Biasing Output voltage is clipped Input voltage S. Kiambi BJT Review, Page- 10 BJT biasing:Single, BaseResistor Biasing ( )⁄ and CE . Generally a bad idea Reason 1: varies significantly from device to device; also increases with temperature. Reason 2: Thermal runaway VBE decreases by about 2 mV/oC. This increases IC, which heats up the transistor, which further decreases VBE . Increase of with rise in temperature also leads to thermal runaway S. Kiambi BJT Review, Page- 11 BJT biasing: Voltage Divider Biasing and Emitter Resistor Find IB, IC, etc. VBE ~0.7 V IB not zero, so VB [ R2 /( R1 R2 )]VCC Replace base network with Thevenin equivalent VTH [ R2 /( R1 R2 )]VCC RTH R1 || R2 IB 0 VTH I B RTH 0.7 (1 ) I B RE 0 VB VTH I B RTH S. Kiambi BJT Review, Page- 12 Voltage Divider Biasing and Emitter Resistor VBE ~0.7 V ib 0 VTH [ R2 /( R1 R2 )]VCC This biasing scheme is one of several methods referred WRas “self-bias” schemes (and ) and allow the BJT to adjust (through negative feedback which fix provided by ) to achieve a stable bias. S. Kiambi here BJT Review, Page- 13 Example Find Q-point voltages and currents. For the Si transistor, = 50 VBE ~0.7 V Determine Q-point: BE-KVL: 𝑉𝑇𝐻 = 𝑅𝑇𝐻 𝐼𝐵𝑄 + 𝑉𝐵𝐸 + 𝐼𝐸𝑄 𝑅𝐸 => 𝑰𝑩𝑸 = CE-KVL: 𝑉𝑇𝐻 − 𝑉𝐵𝐸 ; 𝑰𝑪𝑸 = 𝛽𝐼𝐵𝑄 ; 𝑰𝑬𝑸 = 1 + 𝛽 𝑅𝐸 𝑅𝑇𝐻 + 1 + 𝛽 𝑅𝐸 𝑉𝐶𝐶 = 𝑅𝐶 𝐼𝐶𝑄 + 𝑉𝐶𝐸𝑄 + 𝐼𝐸𝑄 𝑅𝐸 => 𝑽𝑪𝑬𝑸 = 𝑉𝐶𝐶 − 𝐼𝐶𝑄 𝑅𝐶 − 𝐼𝐸𝑄 𝑅𝐸 To ensure a stable bias point (i.e. 𝐼𝐶𝑄 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑉𝐶𝐸𝑄 independent of 𝛽) we choose 𝑅𝑇𝐻 s.t. 𝑹𝑻𝑯 ≪ 𝜷𝑹𝑬: => 𝑰𝑩𝑸 ≈ S. Kiambi 𝑉𝑇𝐻 −𝑉𝐵𝐸 1+𝛽 𝑅𝐸 ; 𝑰𝑪𝑸 ≈ 𝑉𝑇𝐻 −𝑉𝐵𝐸 𝑅𝐸 ; 𝑽𝑪𝑬𝑸 ≈ 𝑉𝐶𝐶 − 𝑅𝐶 +𝑅𝐸 𝑅𝐸 (𝑉𝑇𝐻 − 𝑉𝐵𝐸 ) BJT Review, Page- 14 Example Find Q-point voltages and currents. For the Si transistor, = 75 VBE ~0.7 V S. Kiambi BJT Review, Page- 15 BJT biasing with two voltage sources Is a self-bias method similar to the voltage-divider biasing and provides a stable bias point as long as 𝑅𝐵 ≪ 𝛽𝑅𝐸 . A voltage of −𝑉𝐸𝐸 is assigned to the ground (reference voltage). BE-KVL: 𝐼𝐶𝑄 ≈ 𝑉𝐸𝐸 −𝑉𝐵𝐸 𝑅𝐸 = constant. CE-KVL: 𝑉𝐶𝐸𝑄 ≈ 𝑉𝐶𝐶 + 𝑉𝐸𝐸 − 𝐼𝐶𝑄 (𝑅𝐶 + 𝑅𝐸 )=constant Both 𝐼𝐶𝑄 and 𝑉𝐶𝐸𝑄 are independent of 𝛽. Uses two bias resistors 𝑅𝐵 and 𝑅𝐸 (as opposed to three in the voltage divider biasing. In most applications 𝑅𝐵 can be removed and directly couple the input signal (without a capacitor) to the BJT: as such this configuration can also amplify DC signals. S. Kiambi BJT Review, Page- 15 Integrated Circuit Biasing: current mirror Constant Current Source IC IQ I1 1 2 Question: what is I1? I1 4.3 R1 Current mirror This circuit is called a “current mirror" as the two transistors work in tandem to ensure that current remains the same as reference current no matter what circuit is attached to the collector of . As such, the circuit behaves as a current source and can be used to bias BJT circuits, i.e., collector is attached to the emitter circuit of the BJT amplifier to be biased. S. Kiambi BJT Review, Page- 16 Multistage Circuits: cascade, cascode, Darlington pairs, etc. S. Kiambi Transistor amplifier circuits can be connected in series, or cascaded, as shown below. This may be done either to increase the overall small-signal voltage gain or to provide an overall voltage gain greater than 1, with a very low output resistance. The overall voltage or current gain, in general, is not simply the product of the individual amplification factors. The input and output resistances (or impedances) come into play by reducing the overall gain. If the amplifiers were ideal ( and ), and each had a gain of , the overall gain would simply be See illustration below. BJT Review, Page- 17 Cascade Circuit “Staged” amplifiers are often used to achieve higher power gains than what would be possible using a single transistor. Examples are on the right: o 1st with DC blocking between stages, and all NPN transistors Voutput Vinput First stage Second stage Third stage o 2nd with two common-emitter circuits: NPN and PNP; both biased in the forward-active mode. npn transistor S. Kiambi pnp transistor BJT Review, Page- 17 Cascode Circuit Cascode amplifier is a CE amplifier driving a CB stage.Is quite a faster amplifier. Idea: Combine the advantages of common emitter (high input resistance) with common base (no Miller effect, t.b.d. later) to get greatly improved performance. The output resistance looking into the collector of is much larger than the output resistance of a simple common-emitter circuit. Another important advantage of this circuit is its large bandwidth. , , and set the bias points, and is used to adjust the current through both transistors. In fact, if the ß values are relatively large, the collector currents are equal: ; CB CB configuration is known for wider bandwidth than the CE configuration, but the low input impedance (10s of Ω) of CB is a limitation for many applications. Solution is to precede the CB stage by a low gain CE stage which has moderately high input impedance (kΩs). The stages are said to be in a cascode configuration, i.e. stacked in series, as opposed to cascaded for a standard amplifier chain. The cascode configuration has both wide bandwidth and moderately high input impedance. Voltages are in blue CE Currents are in green S. Kiambi BJT Review, Page- 18 CE with Time-Varying Input iC I S e Collector current: CE voltage: Slope = -1/RC vBE VT Q-point (and without the sinusoidal input): With the addition of the sinusoidal input we have Input: Base current: BE voltage: Load line: (dc quantities) are time-varying or ac signals vs changes vBE, which moves the Q-point along the load line A. Kruger BJT Review, Page- 20 IB Versus VBE Characteristic iC I S evBE VT What is the incremental resistance? iC I S evBE VT 1 i B r vBE S. Kiambi iB IS e vBE VT vbe or vπ I S vBE e vBE 1 I S vBE VT e VT Q pt 1 I BQ VT Q pt VT r Q pt VT V T I BQ I CQ is the BE small-signal input resistance with BJT Review, Page- 21 IC Versus VBE Characteristic iC I S evBE VT iC I S evBE VT What is the incremental increase in IC as a function of an incremental change in VBE? I CQ iC I S evBE VT gm S. Kiambi iC vBE Q pt I S e vBE VT v BE 1 I S evBE VT 1 I CQ VT VT vbe or vπ Q pt Q pt gm I CQ VT is the small-signal transconductance with BJT Review, Page- 22 AC Equivalent Circuit for CE r Above two and VT V T I BQ I CQ are sufficient for specifying small signal model when gm I CQ VT is large. The small-signal resistance when looking into the BE junction from the emitter side is given by . Other important relations: S. Kiambi BJT Review, Page- 23 Small Signal Equivalent Circuits Original Small Signal Model I Small Signal Model II AC Equivalent S. Kiambi BJT Review, Page- 24 Small-Signal Hybrid- Model for npn BJT gm vπ r I CQ VT 40 I CQ VT I CQ g m r VT = ? S. Kiambi VT ~ 26 mV at room temp., => gm ~ 40 ICQ at room temp. BJT Review, Page- 25 Small Signal Equivalent Circuits Small Signal Model I Small Signal Model II AC Equivalent S. Kiambi BJT Review, Page- 26 Hybrid- Model for npn with Early Effect VA ro I CQ How do we account for the slope? The linear dependence of versus in the forward-active mode can be described by: ⁄ The output resistance ( ) looking into the collector. is the Q-point collector current. The Early voltage is in the range ; is thus quite large and can sometimes be ignored. S. Kiambi BJT Review, Page- 27 Hybrid- Model for pnp with Early Effect In AC analysis, we are interested in determining the following quantities: i) Voltage gain, ii) Input resistance and iii) Output resistance S. Kiambi BJT Review, Page- 28 Small-Signal Equivalent Circuit for npn CE VO r Av ? Av Vo RC ( g mV ) V VS VS r RB r Vo RC g m VS r RB S. Kiambi r Av ( gm RC ) r RB BJT Review, Page- 29 CE with RE B B C C E E C B E S. Kiambi BJT Review, Page- 30 CE with RE Rib KVL: Vin Ib Vin I b r I b I b RE 0 Vin I b r I b I b RE Rib I b r I b I b RE Ib Rib r (1 ) RE Ri R1 R 2 Rib Av S. Kiambi VO VS I b RC VS Vin 1 RC Rib VS BJT Review, Page- 31 CE with RE S. Kiambi Av RC if Ri RS RE Av RC 2 5 RE 0.4 BJT Review, Page- 32 CE with RE Av ? Av S. Kiambi RC 1 10 RE 0.1 BJT Review, Page- 33 CC or Emitter-Follower Amplifier Homework: verify that , is high, and is low. Av < 1 Ri is high (for BJT) S. Kiambi RO is low BJT Review, Page- 34 Common-Base Amplifier E C B B C E Note sign of Vπ and direction of Io S. Kiambi BJT Review, Page- 35 CB Small Signal Model E Vo gmV RC || RL V V V Vs gmV 0 RE r RS r 1 gm V VS RS S. Kiambi r R || R E S 1 KCL for node E: sum of current flowing away from node is 0 R || R r Av gm C L RE || RS Av gm RC || RL as RS 0 RS 1 BJT Review, Page- 36 Input Resistance: CB Assuming , I i I b g mV V g mV r V r Rie Ii 1 1 V r S. Kiambi BJT Review, Page- 37 Output Resistance: CB Ro ? Turn off independent sources and add text source Vx Ro Vx Ix Ix KCL at collector (C): Ix Vx g mV RC g mV constant Why? Vx g mV 0 RC g mV ? Vx cannot change the current flowing through the current source so gmVπ is fixed and we can remove it from the circuit just like any normal current source. Thus S. Kiambi Ix Vx RC RO Vx RC Ix BJT Review, Page- 38 Output Resistance: CB Take 2 Ro ? Turn off independent sources and add text source Vx Ro Vx Ix Ix KCL at collector (C): Ix Vx g mV RC g mV constant Why? Vx g mV 0 RC g mV ? Vx cannot change the current flowing through the current source so gmVπ is fixed and we can remove it from the circuit just like any normal current source. Thus S. Kiambi Ix Vx RC RO Vx RC Ix In other words, looking into the current source from C, once sees and infinite resistance. BJT Review, Page- 39 Output Resistance: CB Take 2 If the previous result seems counterintuitive, below is an alternative approach. Start with a BJT model that includes the output resistance ro. Then turn off independed sources, add a test source, etc., to determine the output resistance: KCL equations at the collector and emitter nodes, using the convention that currents flowing into a node are positive are: (carefully note the sign of Vπ) give 𝐼𝑥 − 𝑔𝑚 𝑉𝜋 − 𝑔𝑚 𝑉𝜋 + Combining give Letting S. Kiambi 𝑟𝑜 → ∞ 𝑉𝑥 = 𝑅𝑂𝐶 = 𝑟𝑜 1 + 𝑔𝑚 𝑅𝑆 𝑅𝐸 𝑟𝜋 𝐼𝑋 results in 𝑅𝑂𝐶 → ∞ 𝑉𝑥 − −𝑉𝜋 𝑟𝑜 𝑉𝜋 𝑅𝑆 𝑅𝐸 𝑟𝜋 − =0 −𝑉𝜋 − 𝑉𝑥 =0 𝑟𝑜 + 𝑅𝑆 𝑅𝐸 𝑟𝜋 Same result as before: looking into the current source, once sees an infinite resistance BJT Review, Page- 40 DC and AC Load Lines The load lines are found by writing a KVL equation around the collector– emitter loop. A dc load line helps to visualize the relationship between the Q-point and the transistor characteristics. When capacitors are included in a transistor circuit, a new effective load line, called an ac load line, may exist. The ac load line helps to visualize the relationship between the small-signal response and the transistor characteristics. The ac operating region is on the ac load line. When the ac quantities , we are at the Q-point. When ac signals are present, we deviate about the Q-point on the ac load line. The ac load line can be used to determine the maximum output symmetrical swing. If the output exceeds this limit, a portion of the output signal will be clipped and signal distortion will occur. V + = +5 V RC RS = 0.5 kΩ vs + – vO CC RB = 100 kΩ RE1 RE2 CE V – = –5 V S. Kiambi BJT Review, Page- 42 BTJ Impedance Scaling or Resistance Reflection Rules S. Kiambi BJT Review, Page- 43 Emitter Follower Analysis Ro = ? Ri = ? S. Kiambi Notice that ro is in parallel with RE Rib = ? BJT Review, Page- 44 Emitter Follower Analysis Rib = ? Ro = ? Vo I o ro RE I o 1 I b Vo I b 1 ro RE Vin I b r Vo Vin I b r (1 ) I b (ro || RE ) Rib Vin r (1 )( ro RE ) Ib r R1 || R2 || RS Ro RE ro 1 S. Kiambi } Somewhat involved to derive each time Ro = ? Rib = ? Notice that Rib is rπ plus resistance at emitter scaled up with (1+β) Notice that Ro is base resistance scaled down with (1+β), in parallel with other resistance at emitter BJT Review, Page- 45 Emitter Follower Small Signal Model ro rπ ro Rib = ? Rib r (1 )(ro RE ) S. Kiambi Example of BJT resistance scaling: looking from the base, the emitter impeadance is scaled up by (1+ BJT Review, Page- 46 BJT Resistance Scaling r RS || R1 || R2 Ro RE ro 1 Resistance in base circuit divided by β+1 Rib = ? Rib r (1 )(ro RE ) S. Kiambi BJT Review, Page- 47 Resistance Scaling Example The transistor in the circuit below has β =150. Neglect ro , and estimate the input and output resistances shown. The collector current is IC = 0.8 mA, VA = ∞ g m 40I C 32 mA/V r rπ Ro Rib Ro S. Kiambi r RS || R1 || R2 RE 1 gm 4.7K Rib r (1 ) RE 4.7K 302K 306K 4.7K 0.49K 2K 33.8 151 BJT Review, Page- 48 BJT Resistance Scaling The following sub-circuit often appears in small signal circuits Ro R ro (1 g m R) Question: can you derive this? ADD A TEST VOLTAGE SOURCE AT THE OUTPUT TERMINALS Ro (r || RE ) ro 1 g m r || RE ro 1 g m r || RE S. Kiambi BJT Review, Page- 49 Darlington Pair In some applications, it is desirable to have a BJT stage with a much larger current gain than can normally be obtained. A multitransistor configuration, called Darlington pair provides such increased current gain. Ai 1 2 S. Kiambi Ri ? Av ? BJT Review, Page- 41 Composite Transistors iCp p iBP iBn i 2 (1 n )iBn i 2 (1 n ) piBp p niBp S. Kiambi i 2 p niBp Ai 1 2 Current gain BJT Review, Page- 51 Example Darlington END S. Kiambi BJT Review, Page- 52