Was Henry VIII a Renaissance prince? Evidence he was Evidence he was not Education – learned Latin, War on and off throughout reign Mathematics, sport 1512 – 1540 mainly against Rivalry with France and the France, occasionally against Emperor – 1520 Field of the Charles (bad to fight Charles Cloth of Gold showcase for the controlled Netherlands) posing of Francis and Henry War not good for the Ruthless- discarded anyone who Renaissance – detract attention did not agree with him, Wolsey, away from other things, end of More, Boleyn Machiavellian But 1530s using up last of the money More is a Humanist - maybe from the dissolution – could better the other side. have gone a lot further in aiding Glittering court – composed his the Renaissance own music, acted, danced, Dissolution of the monasteries – masques became set pieces of which side would they go, end of propaganda libraries , end of shrines, Tournaments, jousts echo pilgrimage, opportunity and chivalry desecration Patron of the arts – Holbein, Lay education pro or anti the Flemish artists, not an English Renaissance flowering in portraiture Reformation - did it end the Promoter, composer and Renaissance, will it increase or performer of music both church decrease the debate and court. Promoted translation for the Built a lot of palaces – depends Bible decorated by Holbein on style Interest in theology Patronised Linacre and More Supported last wife when she Refounded Christ Church was under attack for her Oxford, and founded Trinity advanced thoughts in terms of College Cambridge and several the reform of the church schools Education of his children