Other Percentage Taxes Coverage 116 Persons exempt from VAT (Sec. 116) Tax Base Tax Rate Gross sales or receipts 1% (July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2023) 3% (July 1, 2023 onwards) 117 Domes c carriers and keepers of garages (Sec. 117) Gross receipts 3% Minimum quarterly gross receipts Jeepney for hire Taxis Manila and other ci es 2,400 Manila and other ci es Provincial 1,200 Provincial Public u lity bus 2,400 Car for hire Not exceeding 30 passengers 3,600 With chauffeur 3,000 Over 30 but not 50 6,000 Without chauffeur 1,800 Over 50 passengers 7,200 118 International air and shipping carriers doing business in the Philippines (Sec. 118) 119 Franchise grantees (Sec. 119) 120 3,600 Gross receipts 3% Gas and water u li es Gross receipts 2% Radio and television broadcas ng companies Gross receipts 3% Amount paid for the service 10% Gross receipts or income See below Overseas dispatch, message or conversation originating from the Philippines (Sec. 120) Exempt: Diploma c services International organizations News agencies or services Government 121 Banks and non-bank financial intermediaries performing quasi-banking functions (Sec. 121) Interest, commissions, and discounts from lending ac vi es and financial leasing: 122 If the maturity period is five (5) years or less 5% If the maturity period is more than five (5) years 1% Dividends and equity shares and net income of subsidiaries 0% Royal es, rentals of property, real or personal, profits from the exchange and all other items treated as gross income under Sec. 32 of the Tax Code 7% Net trading gains within the taxable year of foreign currency, debt securi es, deriva ves, and other similar financial instruments 7% Other non-bank financial intermediaries (Sec. 122) Gross receipts or income Interest, commissions, discounts and all other items treated as gross income under the Tax Code See below 5% Interest, commissions, discounts from lending ac vi es and financial leasing: If the maturity period is five (5) years or less 5% If the maturity period is more than five (5) years 123 1% Total premiums collected Life insurance premiums (Sec. 123) 2% Exempt: Premiums refund within six (6) months a er payment on account of rejec on of risk or returned for other reasons Reinsurance premiums Premiums from life insurance of non-residents received from abroad by branches of domes c corpora on, firm or associa on doing business outside the Philippines Excess of premiums on variable contracts in excess of the amounts necessary to insure the lives of the variable contract owners Premium collected by a purely coopera ve company or associa on 124 Agents of foreign insurance companies (fire/marine or miscellaneous insurance) (Sec. 124) Agents of non-resident foreign corpora ons engaged in insurance business Total premiums collected 4% Total premiums paid 5% Place for boxing exhibi ons* Gross receipts 10% Place for professional basketball games Gross receipts 15% Cockpits, cabarets, night or day clubs Gross receipts 18% Jai-alai and racetracks Gross receipts 30% Owners of property obtaining insurance directly with foreign insurance companies 125 Amusement (Sec. 125) Liable: proprietor, lessee or operator of the following: *Requisites for exemp on of boxing exhibi ons: 1. World or oriental championship is at stake 2. One of the contenders is a ci zen of the Philippines 3. Promoted by ci zens of the Philippines or by a corpora on or associa on at least 60% of the capital of which is owned by such ci zen 126 Winnings (Sec. 126) Owner of the winning horse Gross winnings 10% Ordinary Net winnings 10% Special (double, forecast, quinella, trifecta) Net winnings 4% Be or in a horse race or jai-alai: 127 Sale, barter or exchange of shares of stock listed and traded through the local stock exchange or through initial public offering (IPO) (Sec. 127) Shares of stock listed and traded Gross selling price 6/10 of 1% Shares of stock sold through IPO Gross selling price See below Ratio of shares sold/outstanding shares after the listing: Up to 25% 4% Over 25% to 33 1/3% 2% Over 33 1/3% 1% *** Nothing follows *** @leiiistudies