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Online Refresher Course: New Age Teaching Skills

Fifteen Days Online
New Age Teaching Methods & Skills
in Higher Education
17 - 31 AUGUST 2022
Organised by
Jagran Lakecity University, Bhopal
Droit Penale Group
A Unit of Arjun Das Gulati Memorial Society, Prayagraj
In-Collaboration with
Guru Angad Dev Teaching Learning Centre
Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers &Teaching
Ministry of Education, Government of India
A s P e r U G C R e g u l a t i o n s - 2 0 1 8 (P a g e - 9 9 )
Call for Registration
Flexible Online Mode With Live Session
Refresher Courses for teachers aimed to advance the quality of teaching and research in social sciences
both at the graduate and post-graduate levels. The initiative has been taken to organise Online Refresher
Courses for the advancement of the quality of teaching and research in the aspects of Legal Studies both at
the graduate and post-graduate levels. The subject areas extended to substantive and procedural courses.
The present Online Refresher Course will look at the syllabus, study materials and teaching methods in
Social Sciences, Law and Commerce. Updating recent developments in knowledge and skills on the laws as
well as emerging tools and techniques for better teaching/learning of these subjects will be the focus of the
This fifteen-day law teaching refresher course is aimed at providing Academicians and Research Scholars
who would like to update their knowledge of the best teaching methodology and practices, materials,
content analysis, and presentation style to enhance their teaching skills and promote discussion, to share
the ideas and experience with fellow Professors.
Participants are encouraged to share their experiences and views. The expected learning outcome includes
not just updating knowledge, but also how translating it into teaching/learning modules in the respective
subjects. Through the exchange of experience, the course expects to adopt best practices and innovative
methods in teaching and research.
The methodology of the Online Refresher Course shall be based on an online session comprising of
minimum one session a day of three hours. The compulsory lecture shall be followed by an assignment and
cumulative assessment of the assignment: Classroom lectures, case study, exercise-based, group
discussion, and presentation by participants.
Subjects and Practical Themes to be covered1. Teaching Skills and Ethics
2. Making Graduate Practice Ready with reference to teaching.
3. Human Rights in the contemporary world and innovative Digital Teaching Practices.
4. Framing and Drafting a Policy in India
5. Research writing and reporting
6. Interpretation: Tools, IT, Technology and PPT
7. Online teaching and creating MOOC’s
8. Emerging areas in social science research
9. Law and social transformation
10. New Education Policy (NEP-2020)
11. Academic Leadership in Higher Education
12. Flipped Classroom Model of Enhancing Quality of Higher Education
After this Online Refresher Course, the participating faculties and research scholars, irrespective of
discipline, will be aware of various useful teaching skills and teaching tools. Their theoretical and practical
approach will be broadened. They will be well versed with emerging contemporary challenges in the law
and their future prospects. The interaction between various law, social science and commerce teachers
across the nation would also be among many outcomes that we aspire to achieve during this Online
Refresher Course.
The Online Refresher Course has been specifically designed for academicians, research scholars and
doctoral candidates who are teaching or conducting research in the field of interdisciplinary subject areas.
Full Commitment of fifteen days required.
Fifteen Days Live Online Training Sessions (04:00 PM - 07:30 PM)
It fulfils requirements as per CAS of UGC and AICTE for promotion requirements of the teachers and
successful completion.
Institutional Benefits: NAAC AND NIRF
This will be conducted through Online Mode and will be equivalent to a face-to-face Fifteen Days Refresher
Two Options:
Option A: (With Duty Leave)
The Teachers are entitled to “Duty Leave” provided they complete all the activities in a time-bound manner
within the duration of this Online Refresher Course. The Duty leaver order or relieving order has to be
submitted by a participant.
Option B: (Flexible Mode without Duty Leave)
This Online Refresher Course can also be done in flexible mode. In that case, no duty leave shall be
applicable and additional time of a maximum of 2 weeks will be given to complete the assignments, project,
etc. for completion.
IMPORTANT: Option- A will be converted into Option B if the form is not duly forwarded by the HOD of the
institution or the Non-Submission of Duty Leave.
Successful completion certificate: After Qualifying as per parameters including Attendance, Assignments,
Online Quizzes and projects and as per norms. (50% or above)
Certificate of Participation: Those who do not qualify, but attend all live sessions, will be given a certificate of
Limited Seat Registration on First Come, First serves basis.
Last Date of Payment & Registration: 14/08/2022
Registration Fee: 1650/- (INR)
Accounts Details
Account No.: 520101221978271
Name of the Bank: Corporation Bank (Now Union Bank of India)
Branch: George Town, Prayagraj (Allahabad)
Type of Account: Savings
IFSC: UBIN0905330
Razorpay Link: https://rzp.io/l/RDKAFuwq3i
Note: Please pay the registration fee online (NEFT/RTGS/IMPS/GOOGLE PAY/ BHIM ETC.
Kindly mention the transaction No. of Fee deposit and upload its screenshot in the registration form.
Participants have to attend all the online lectures, Q & A and the hand -on session through Zoom App.
It is mandatory to fill out the attendance and feedback form daily.
The participants have to self-practice by themselves. Mentors will be available to solve the queries and
provide assistance during practice.
Registration Link: https://forms.gle/XSnFYz6CNN1xP6Jk6
Feel free to contact us at: refreshercourse.budpg@gmail.com
STEPS for registration
Step 1: Make the Payment on the aforementioned account details or through the link mentioned above.
Step 2: Submit the Google form prescribed.
R E G I S T R A T I O N L I N K : H T T P S : / / F O R M S .G L E / X S N F Y Z 6 C N N 1 X P 6 JK 6
Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching (PMMMNMTT) is a Scheme
launched by the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India. The aim of the scheme to
improve the quality of school and higher education by addressing comprehensively all issues related to
teachers, teaching, teacher preparation, professional development, curriculum design, designing and
developing assessment & evaluation methodology, research in pedagogy and developing effective
pedagogy. Many centres such as TLC, FDC, School of Education, etc. have been opened throughout the
Guru Angad Dev Teaching Learning Centre(GAD-TLC) was inaugurated on 1st July 2016 by Smt. Smriti
Zubin Irani. GAD-TLC is a leading Centre of Ministry of Education, Govt. of India under PMMMNMTT.
GAD-TLChas have been created under the Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on
Teachers and Teaching(PMMMNMTT) of the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Govt.
of India which addresses comprehensively all issues related to teachers, teaching, teacher preparation
and professional development and thus helps in the preparation of modern age ICT savvy teachers.
This centre empowers through various basic and advanced workshops for teachers in pedagogy
(virtual & blended) and ICT skills. MHRD has also selected GAD-TLC as the National Resource Centre
(NRC) of Chemistry in 2018
Since 2016, it has trained more than 73,000 teachers in the areas of e-Learning, Blended Learning
Pedagogies, ICT Tools and Educational Technologies, etc.
The Core Team of GAD-TLC has the expertise of developing more than 50 MOOCs for SWAYAM
platform of Govt. of India and the e-content produced by GAD-TLC has been rated as one of the best
in quality at the National Level.
IMPORTANT: This activity is one of the activities being carried out by GAD-TLC in a self-sustainable
Jagran Lakecity University (JLU) Bhopal is a private university established under Section 2(f) of UGC Act 1956
and is based out of Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh.
JLU Bhopal is one of the fastest growing and one of the most awarded universities of Central India having
practice-based pedagogy at its core. Currently, the university is offering 50+ degree programs to more than
2500 students from 8 countries and 27 states of India.
The university has numerous Partnerships with Top Industries and International Educational Institutes,
ensuring the students get great exposure both nationally and internationally. JLU Bhopal is the only
participating university from Central India ERASMUS+ programme under the Tuning India Project, funded
by the European Commission and is also currently the country chair for Association of Universities of Asia
Pacific (AUAP).
Jagran Lakecity University became the first university in MP & CG to be awarded the 'DIAMOND' rating by QS
I-Gauge, an International Rating agency in June 2021. JLU was ranked 30th best private university in India by
the Education World in 2021 and also got the E-Learning Excellence for Academic Digitisation (E-Lead)
Certification 2020-21, by QS I –Gauge.
India Today and Outlook India, has ranked Jagran School of Journalism and Mass Communication, JLU
Bhopal as No.1 in Madhya Pradesh and top 15 in India in 2020 and the University has been bestowed with
several prestigious awards, such as 'University of the Year' by Government of Madhya Pradesh for
consecutive five years from 2015 to 2019 and is recognized as a Global League Institution in 2015 at the House
of Commons, London, UK
The Arjun Das Gulati Memorial Society which is registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 with the
order of the Registrar of Societies "Registration No. 583 Letter No. AL-39586 dated 2017-2018", has catered to
the objectives of Droit Penale Group. The Droit Penale group has also registered society for the research in
the Criminology “Indian Legal Research Society on Criminology”, this society will look into the research and
publication of research work under the banner of “Indian Legal Research Society on Criminology”.
The organisation is signing MOUs with various Universities, Colleges and organisations for the welfare and
encouragement of young minds in the research and publication. ‘Droit Penale Group’ is an initiative taken in
the legal field to provide the discussions on minute nuances involved in the intricacies of law in a simple and
qualified manner. Droit Penale literally translates into ‘criminal law’ in French. However, our initiative is not
only limited to criminal law but also to various facets of law. The Droit Penale: Indian Law Journal on Crime &
Criminology ILJCC was established in the year 2016, where in the year 2019 the Droit Penale: ILJCC was
considered as the Group where we have started other ventures under the name of Droit Penale Group.
The Droit Penale Group is established for the purpose of promoting interests in law by organising
workshops, seminars, debates and discussions; to publish illustrations, journals, magazines, periodicals, and
other publications in different languages. Not only this but also the Droit Penale Group focuses to impart
free education and training to poor and needy students. The Group has actively involved in the promotion
of legal aid to a poor and aggrieved classes of society by regular organising the free legal aid camps.
Organising Committee
Shri Hari Mohan Gupta, Chancellor,
Jagran Lakecity University, Bhopal
Shri. Abhishek Mohan Gupta,
Jagran Lakecity University, Bhopal
Prof. Sandeep Shastri
Jagran Lakecity University, Bhopal
Prof. Vivek Khare
Jagran Lakecity University, Bhopal
Organising Secretaries
Dr. Alok Misra
Dean – Faculty of Law
Jagran Lakecity University, Bhopal
Dr. Deevanshu Shrivastava
Head – Faculty of Law
Jagran Lakecity University, Bhopal
Program Coordinators
Dr. Purnendu Mishra
Assistant Professor of Law
Advisor, Droit Penale Group
Dr. Kritika Singh
Founding Member
Droit Penale Group, Prayagraj
Dr. Nitesh Bhatt
Founding Member
Droit Penale Group, Prayagraj
Guru Angad Dev Teaching Learning Centre
(PMMMNMTT),Ministry of Education,
SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi, Delhi
Chairman, GAD-TLC
Prof. A.K Bakhshi
Hon'ble Vice-Chancellor
PDM University, Haryana
Prof. Jaswinder Singh
SGTB Khalsa College
National Coordinator
Prof. Vimal Rarh
Project Head & Joint Director,
Organising Committee
Dr. Anita Ladha
Associate Professor
Faculty of Law
Jagran Lakecity University, Bhopal
Dr. Yash Tiwari
Assistant Professor
Faculty of Law
Jagran Lakecity University, Bhopal
Dr. Apoorva Dixit
Assistant Professor
Faculty of Law
Jagran Lakecity University, Bhopal
Mr. Abhishek Kumar Jain
Assistant Professor
Faculty of Law
Jagran Lakecity University, Bhopal
Ms. Saumya Shaji
Assistant Professor
Faculty of Law
Jagran Lakecity University, Bhopal
Ms. Somya Khare
Assistant Professor
Faculty of Law
Jagran Lakecity University, Bhopal
Dr. Pyali Chatterjee
Member Advisory Board
Droit Penale Group, Prayagraj
Ms. Ayushi Dwivedi
Head, Events & Social Media
Droit Penale Group
Mobile No's:
Dr. Deevanshu Shrivastava
Dr. Yash Tiwari
Dr. Apoorva Dixit
Ph: +91-9893088822
Mr. Abhishek Kumar Jain
Ph: +91-9179472118
Mail Us At:
Whatsapp Us At:
(+91) 9129495447
Call Us At:
0532-3552008; 0532-3569740