計算機概論 四工管一乙班 姓名: 課末測驗試題範例 分數(滿分??分) 學號: [選擇題] 1. ( )以下選項何者不是使用專家系統的優點? (A) 它是有效率的,它記錄先前的反應而且不會問不相干的問題。 (B) 它是經過仔細建構一套規則系統,即便你不知道某些問題的答案,他也經常能有提供有用 的指引。 (C) 它是一個全方位的系統,不單是做某一專門領域,還可以處理各樣、各方面的問題與知識。 (D) 它是目標導向,他不會聚焦在抽象的或理論的資訊上,而是聚焦在解決特定的問題上。 請各組設計 20 題以上的 選擇題 作為題庫 [簡答題] 1. Distinguish between computing as a tool and computing as a discipline. 2. Distinguish between systems areas and applications areas in computing as a discipline. 請各組設計 10 題以上的 簡答題 作為題庫 2020/10/13 Fall 2020 計算機概論 四工管一乙班 第??章 課末測驗試題參考答案 Reference Solutions [選擇題] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 A A A A A B B B B B 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 C C C C C D D D D D 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 A A A A A B B B B B [簡答題] 1. Distinguish between computing as a tool and computing as a discipline. Computing as a tool refers to the use of computing to solve problems in a person's professional or personal life. Computing as a discipline refers to the study of the body of knowledge that makes up computer science and/or computer engineering. 2. Distinguish between systems areas and applications areas in computing as a discipline. The systems areas of computing as a discipline relate to the understanding and building of computer tools: algorithms and data structures, programming languages, (computer) architecture, operating systems, software methodology and engineering, and human-computer communication. The applications areas in computing relate to the computer's use as a tool: numerical computation, databases and informational retrieval, artificial intelligence and robotics, graphics, organizational informatics, and bioinformatics. 2020/10/13 Fall 2020