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5S Methodology Application Report

NAME: Ivan Terrence Diaz
DATE: 2023/03/10
1. For the first picture, the dish tray is presented with plates that are newly cleaned in the sink.
(Figure 1.1: Dish tray with cleaned plates that are still wet.)
For the second picture, a trash can is presented.
(Figure 1.2: Trash can with a variety of trash.)
2. For the application of 5S in these selected areas. We will start with the first picture. Since the dish
tray is full of plates that are yet to be placed in a dish cabinet, as well with the utensils and cups.
The dishes should be wiped dry and clean with a proper towel. This is to sort the dishes and
utensils present in the area and to set in order by properly placing them in the dish cabinet. The
shine and standardize is properly mandated by wiping the dishes and utensils clean. And to ensure
a maintained area, this is sustained every day.
For the second picture, a trash can is presented. With full of trash, sort and set in order is also
observed by properly disposing the garbage in the garbage truck that is announced by the
barangay. Shine and standardize is applied by replacing the trash bag with a new one and this is
all maintained by sustaining it every day.
3. The first picture from above is now then applied to here in the next pictures to be shown below.
(Figure 3.1: The dish tray is clean.)
(Figure 3.2: The dishes and utensils are properly placed.)
The continuation for the second picture in number 1 is now then applied with the pictures given below.
(Figure 3.3 and 3.4: The trash can yet to be placed with a trash bag; now with a trash bag below it.)
The 5S that are implemented in the given figures are the sort, set in order, shine, standardize and sustain.
By sorting and setting it in order, the area is cleaned and sorted according to their proper disposal areas.
By shining and standardizing, the area is free of foreign illness that may be caught by the person that is
next in line to use the said dishes and utensils, especially the trash can. This is to ensure that the person
that will use those in the future to be free of illness and worry in using the materials. Lastly, this is done
with consistency since it is part of our everyday lives. Without doing it, the case will worsen and the worst
case scenario is that the house will be full of unknown illness that may penetrate the person’s immune