xSpider version 3.3.10 DEMO - Generator Load Sharing Instructional presentation Generator Load Sharing: All generators in project are "coupled" via controller (like ComAp InteliGen 500, Deepsea DSE8610, ...). Required power is divided according to generators nominal power. New functionality available in xSpider 3.3.10 and higher How does it work? No controller, no load sharing Generator Load Sharing Required power is divided according to impedances Required power is divided according to generators nominal power 60% InGen 434.9A 32.2% 559.2A 41.4% 1375A 100% 35% InGen 335.8A 26.4% 22% InGen 35% InGen 250A 18.5% 550A 40.7% 35% InGen 35% InGen 550A 40.7% 1375A 100% Click for next slide Generator Load Sharing: How to use it? 1. Draw wiring diagram (respect prerequisites and restrictions – check next slides in this presentation). 2. Set parameters of sources and loads. 3. Set parameters of wirings, switching and protective devices. 4. Set operation state – network must be supplied from generators only. ON ON OFF OFF Click for next slide Generator Load Sharing: How to use it? 5. Activate Generator Load Sharing functionality. 1. 2. 3. 4. Ribbon menu, File tab. Information about project icon. Calculation tab. Switch-ON “All generators in project are coupled via controller...” switch. This setting is valid for currently edited project. Settings is saved to project. Click for next slide Generator Load Sharing: How to use it? 6. Run “Voltage drop and load distribution” calculation. 7. Prerequisites and restriction are checked. 8. If everything is OK calculation run through. Results are displayed in wiring diagram. Simultaneous factors (Ks) are respected. Function has influence on load distribution calculation only. Function has not any influence on shortcircuit calculation. x If function is active, Auto Dimensioning is not allowed. Click for next slide Generator Load Sharing: Prerequisites If they are not met, function is ignored 1. At least two generators are connected to the network. 2. Network is supplied from generators only, other sources are disconnected. Click for next slide Generator Load Sharing: Restrictions If they are not met, function is ignored 1. No power source or load is connected directly to the network node. 2. Each generator branch must contain one line-type component only. Click for next slide Generator Load Sharing: Restrictions If they are not met, function is ignored 1. Generators must be connected to one or to max 2 different nodes. 2. Generators must be connected to max 2 directly connected nodes. Click for next slide Generator Load Sharing: Restrictions If they are not met, function is ignored 1. All wires in coupling between nodes must be "Dummy Coupling" with minor impedance. 2. Length of coupling between nodes must be less than max allowed length. 3. All switching devices in coupling between nodes must be switched ON. Click for next slide Generator Load Sharing: Restrictions 1. All messages connected to this function are in English language only (independently on current xSpider language). Translations to 2. other languages will be added later. If this function is active, Auto Dimensioning is not allowed. Click for next slide More information available at the address: www.xspider.eaton.eu xspider@eaton.com Eaton Industries (Austria) GmbH Scheydgasse 42, A-1215 Wien, Austria Tel.: +43 0 28 53 7 02-0