See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: Context is everything: comments on Radivojevic et al. (2013) Article in Antiquity · December 2014 CITATIONS READS 0 53 2 authors, including: Dusan Boric Sapienza University of Rome 113 PUBLICATIONS 3,948 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: Raw materials in prehistoric chipped-stone assemblages in the Balkans View project HIDDEN FOODS - ERC Starting Grant Project View project All content following this page was uploaded by Dusan Boric on 29 June 2016. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. Context is everything: comments on Radivojević et al. These comments are in response to Radivojević et al. (2013) in which it is claimed that a small foil object identified as tin bronze (11.7 per cent tin), found at the Late Neolithic and Early Copper Age site of Pločnik in southern Serbia, comes from an undisturbed context of the Vinča culture settlement. The object was used as the central piece of evidence to argue for the first appearance of tin bronze production in Eurasia (and presumably the world). This object is compared to 14 other objects, characterised as tin bronzes on the basis of their compositions, from 10 sites, mainly in the central and eastern Balkans, in present-day Serbia and Bulgaria. These sites have complex settlement histories and while they have produced evidence of late fifth millennium BC habitation, their deep stratigraphies show that this is only one phase among many that extend into later prehistory. It is on the basis of these finds that Radivojević et al. argue that the previously accepted narrative regarding the evolution of metallurgy in Eurasia is destabilised. They claim a date for the rise of tin bronze production 1500 years before its first documented emergence among the Bronze Age societies of south-west Asia. They suggest that the colour obtained by producing tin bronzes imitated the aesthetic properties of mid fifth millennium BC golden objects. Radivojević et al. conclude that the evidence they present suggests the nature of early metallurgy in the Balkans was ‘polymetallic’. There are several fundamental problems with both the factual evidence presented in the paper and the research design. The compositional analysis undertaken by Radivojević et al. is not questioned and we assume that their identification of the objects as tin bronzes is accurate. However, we are concerned by the archaeological context and the interpretation of the findings. The key issue that concerns us here is the provenance of the central piece of evidence—the tin bronze foil, labelled as sample 63 from the site of Pločnik. At this point, we should state that one of the present authors (DŠ) has been the principal investigator of the archaeological works at the site of Pločnik since 1996 and was present at the site as its field director throughout the 2008 field season when the object in question was found. DŠ also provided Miljana Radivojević with the piece of metal foil, with its contextual information, for analysis. Contrary to the statement made in the article, this object was not found in “an undisturbed context, on the floor of a dwelling structure next to a copper workshop [. . .] approximately 1m from a fireplace” (Radivojević et al. 2013: 1032), but in the spoil heap above section CD, which is on the opposite side of the excavated area from the find spot indicated in their figure 2. The metal foil was noticed by the excavators and collected from the spoil heap; it 1 2 Department of Archaeology, National Museum in Belgrade, Trg Republike 1, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia (Email: Department of Archaeology and Conservation, Cardiff University, Colum Drive, Cardiff CF10 3EU, UK (Author for correspondence; Email: C Antiquity Publications Ltd. ANTIQUITY 88 (2014): 1–6 1 Debate Duško Šljivar1 & Dušan Borić2 Context is everything was provisionally assigned to spit 5, which was being excavated on the day it was found. A note about the metal foil was made in the official field journal of excavations at Pločnik on 23 September 2008. The metal foil object (inv. C–397) could belong to a possible horizon of 0.75m of cultural deposits; that is between 301.98m, the height of spit 1, and 301.23m, the bottom of spit 5. Only below this horizon, at the level of spits 7 and 8, was the burnt structure shown in their figure 2 completely exposed. The floor of the burnt structure had not been revealed on the day this object was found. A copy of the field journal describing this season of excavations has been archived at the Ministry of Culture in Serbia since 2009; this particular object is mentioned on page 7. Radivojević et al. (2013: 1032) cite Šljivar and Kuzmanović-Cvetković (2009) to support their claim that the piece of metal foil comes from an undisturbed context. However, the burnt structure in the publication they cite is not from trench XXI excavated in 2008, which is shown in their figure 2, and above which the metal foil was found. The article they cite describes a similar burnt structure with an oven, found in trench XX, excavated in 2007. Whatever the reason for the errors in reporting the provenance of the metal foil, it is important to correct these factual details as Radivojević et al. rely heavily on this context to support the argument they present. It is also claimed that “[t]his securely contextualised find comes from a single undisturbed occupation horizon that has been dated to c. 4650 BC” (Radivojević et al. 2013: 1032). There are no radiocarbon dates from trench XXI; 4650 cal BC is the date of the peak of the Bayesian probability density estimate for the end of the settlement at Pločnik, which is estimated at 4760–4340 cal BC (95.4% probability) or 4690–4530 cal BC (68.2% probability) (Borić 2009: 215). On the basis of eight existing assays from this site dating other structures and deposits, it is reasonable to assume that the same span applies to the structure in Trench XXI. However, in the absence of radiocarbon dates from this part of the site, the dating of the burnt structure and deposits overlying it must remain provisional and this does not justify the statement that “[t]he tin bronze foil from the site of Pločnik is therefore the earliest known tin bronze artefact anywhere” (Radivojević et al. 2013: 1032). In the past two decades, it has been shown that copper objects from Pločnik can indeed be assigned to the Vinča horizon at this site (Šljivar 1996; Šljivar & Jacanović 1996). This challenged the views of scholars who had questioned the chronology of metal objects at Pločnik in relation to the Vinča period; they preferred an Early Copper Age date (BubanjHum cultural horizon) in the second half of the fifth millennium BC, rather than a Late Neolithic date (the preceding Vinča cultural horizon) (cf. Chapman 1981; Tasić 1995). The new chronology for copper at Pločnik is in line with pioneering work on Vinča metallurgy by Borislav Jovanović (1982, 1994) at Rudna Glava. This site has extraordinary evidence for Vinča society mining explorations, now confidently dated to as early as the middle or beginning of the sixth millennium BC. Extraction mining activity continued for the duration of the Vinča period until its end in the forty-seventh or forty-sixth century cal BC (Borić 2009). Consequently, we believe that the Pločnik metal hoards must belong to the Vinča culture, probably dating to the second quarter of the fifth millennium BC (cf. Hansen 2013: 146–47). Though the latest levels at Pločnik have no recognised post-Neolithic occupation horizon, we cannot rule out the possibility of brief visits to the site during the long period after the end of the Neolithic phase at Pločnik, and that taphonomic processes are responsible for the presence of this tin bronze foil in the uppermost deposits of the site. Many Vinča C Antiquity Publications Ltd. 2 culture sites, including Pločnik, have occasional pieces of pottery of Copper Age date or later, mixed with Vinča culture materials just below the ploughsoil. In the case of Pločnik, Bubanj-Hum pottery is often found at the site. The most parsimonious explanation is that these chronologically later diagnostic objects could come from unrecognised pits that cut Late Neolithic deposits. It is not impossible to imagine that the piece of metal foil in question ended up in the deposits of the site in a similar way. Radivojević et al. (2013: 1032) suggest the piece of foil was used for “wrapping a ceramic vessel”; we find this interpretation odd and decontextualised as there are no analogies for a similar practice in the history of research on the Vinča culture or neighbouring contemporaneous culture groups. We also remain puzzled by the fact that in singling out a particular object to make a claim about the ‘original’ character of this cultural context for the ‘rise of tin bronzes in Eurasia’, Radivojević et al. completely ignore the predominant group of more than 35 artefacts found at Pločnik during its long research history from 1927 to 1996. These artefacts are all copper objects, mainly typologically recognisable chisels and axe-hammers, which weigh over 16kg. This sample of objects consists of pure copper metallographic texture (Pernicka et al. 1993) and hardly suggests that Vinča metallurgy was polymetallic in nature. Radivojević et al. choose to decontextualise the dominant pattern of evidence from the site for the sake of making a claim about the ‘rise of tin bronzes’. In terms of the regional distribution of the Vinča culture, the presence of tin bronze objects in this cultural context cannot be supported by the piece of tin bronze ring (8.5 per cent tin) from the site of Gomolava that Radivojević et al. (2013: fig. 1B) also studied. No contextual information about this object was provided apart from the statement that it can “tentatively [be] dated to the mid fifth millennium BC” (Radivojević et al. 2013: 1032). The site of Gomolava is a multi-phase tell site where, apart from the Late Neolithic Vinča culture occupation at the bottom of the tell, there are also occupation horizons dated to the Copper, Bronze and Iron Ages, as well as later historic periods. Pits from these later occupation horizons often contaminate the Late Neolithic levels (Brukner 1988; Borić 2009: 221–27). Having identified problems with the context and dating of the foil from Pločnik and the ring fragment from Gomolava, we are still left with 13 objects that supposedly come from Chalcolithic contexts (the second half of the fifth millennium BC), and against which the tin bronze foil from Pločnik was contextualised in the article. Radivojević et al. are aware that all of these objects come from problematic contexts (Pernicka et al. 1997; Radivojević et al. 2013: 1034). Yet, they assert that these objects could be dated to the Chalcolithic period on the basis of their compositions even though “the exact concentrations of [lead, arsenic, nickel, cobalt, iron and gold] vary widely from sample to sample” (Radivojević et al. 2013: 1034). Despite acknowledging the poor contextual data for the 15 tin bronzes examined in their article, Radivojević et al. (2013: 1038) believe that these are a homogenous group, and dismiss the possibility that they may represent later contamination of the early levels. They also mention another 25 tin bronze artefacts with similar compositions found in Early Bronze Age (early second millennium BC) contexts in Croatia and Bosnia and Hercegovina. Radivojević et al. argue for a temporal and spatial disjuncture of these two groups of objects, but considering their tin bronzes appear to belong to contaminated contexts and are not securely dated, it remains unclear why they believe that tin bronze objects from Serbian sites C 3 Antiquity Publications Ltd. Debate Duško Šljivar & Dušan Borić Context is everything should have more in common with those found in Bulgaria than objects from neighbouring Bosnia or Croatia. Two copper objects with larger amounts of tin have recently been reported: a copper ringshaped bead (8.35 per cent tin), found at the Late Neolithic site of Aruchlo I in Georgia and dated to 5800–5300 cal BC (Hansen et al. 2012), and a copper awl (6 per cent tin), found in the fill of a richly ornamented burial at the Middle Chalcolithic site of Tel Tsaf in Israel, with associated layers dated to 5100–4600 cal BC (Garfinkel et al. 2014). In both instances excavators believe the deposits were undisturbed and reject the possibility of later contamination. It has been suggested that these examples should be understood as the use of natural copper-tin alloy, which is found in Mušiston, Tajikistan, and other regions; this raises the possibility of long-distance trading of such objects during the middle Chalcolithic period in the Levant (Garfinkel et al. 2014: 4 and references therein). Contextualising such finds in the wider Eurasian regional framework remains a task for the future. For the purposes of this paper, the possibility of naturally occurring copper-tin alloys in the Balkans must be considered. Radivojević et al. cite Glumac and Todd (1991) who assume significant tin mineralisations in western Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Romania as part of the Tethyan-Eurasian metallogenic belt. Western Serbia and Cer Mountain in particular are singled out as potentially important sources of tin. One recent project explicitly targeted possible tin sources in the Jadar area of western Serbia with emphasis on aspects of Bronze Age metallurgy (Bankoff et al. 2011); while this project determined the geological presence of tin ore (cassiterite) it did not find significant alluvial deposits, suggesting that such deposits might have been exhausted by intensive exploitation in the Bronze Age. It is fair to say that the current evidence for sources of natural copper-tin alloys in the Balkans is inconclusive. The argument presented by Radivojević et al., that copper ores rich in tin were consciously exploited for their specific aesthetic properties during the fifth millennium BC in the Balkans, remains an interesting but unsubstantiated hypothesis. We believe that more evidence from secure contexts is required before this can be considered seriously. Radivojević et al. concede that tin bronzes disappeared from the archaeological record of the Balkans after the brief début posited in their paper, and did not reappear before the third or second millennium BC. This is not reflected in the title of their article however, which suggests a continued ‘rise’ after their supposed emergence in the second half of the fifth millennium BC. To acknowledge the subsequent decline in the title would describe more realistically the trajectory of the phenomenon they claim to have identified. This, of course, would suggest that the phenomenon had been correctly identified; we believe we have shown here that it was not. We cannot exclude the possibility that Late Neolithic or Early Copper Age Balkan smiths might have targeted copper ores rich in tin in the fifth millennium BC. However, at present, the robust sample of analysed copper artefacts strongly suggests that objects made from pure copper were dominant during the fifth millennium BC in the Balkans. From a handful of documented tin bronze objects, found at several sites that had, among other periods, fifth millennium BC levels, not a single object was found in a securely dated fifth millennium BC context. Finally, we would like to comment on the claim made by Radivojević et al. that the colour of tin bronzes might have imitated gold at the time when the earliest examples of golden objects, Varna gold, appeared in the Balkans. The central piece of evidence, the Pločnik C Antiquity Publications Ltd. 4 Duško Šljivar & Dušan Borić metal foil, dates, according to Radivojević et al., to c. 4650 cal BC. The current dates for Varna suggest a cultural horizon from 4560 to 4450 cal BC (Chapman et al. 2006; Higham et al. 2007). It is impossible that people in the Vinča period, which is earlier than the Varna culture, decided to imitate golden objects that did not exist at the time. We conclude that the argument presented by Radivojević et al. is based on limited evidence and there are a number of problematic points: 1) the context of the central piece of evidence for the presence of tin bronze at Pločnik is erroneously reported; 2) the chronological and cultural attributions of 15 objects identified as early tin bronzes are questionable and the suggested dating of these objects to the second half of the fifth millennium BC remains unsubstantiated; 3) the sample of 15 objects is unrepresentative in comparison to the composition of contemporary metal copper objects; this makes the far-reaching conclusions expressed in the paper problematic. In our opinion, the only appropriate method of interpreting unexpected finds is to accumulate robust datasets with precise recording of contextual information and to combine the full spectrum of archaeological evidence with an intimate knowledge of archaeological sequences. This is the only way to reconceptualise established paradigms in our understanding of the past. Acknowledgements CHAPMAN, J.C., T. HIGHAM, V. SLAVCHEV, B. GAYDARSKA & N. HONCH. 2006. The social context of the emergence, development and abandonment of the Varna cemetery, Bulgaria. European Journal of Archaeology 9: 159–83. GARFINKEL, Y., F. KLIMSCHA, S. SHALEV & D. ROSENBERG. 2014. The beginning of metallurgy in the southern Levant: a late 6th millennium cal BC copper awl from Tel Tsaf, Israel. PLoS ONE 9(3): e92591. pone.0092591 GLUMAC, P. & J. TODD. 1991. Early metallurgy in southeast Europe: the evidence for production, in P. Glumac (ed.) Recent trends in archaeometallurgical research: 9–19. 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