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The Definition of Happiness: An Essay

The definition of the word “Happiness”
“Happiest are the people who give most happiness to others.” (D. Diderot)
The one who is not able to endure the happiness and well-being of
another person, can never be truly happy! (Author)
In general, as many people inhabits earth, as many definitions of the word “Happiness” we can find.
The reason of that is that each person while defining happiness for himself/herself embeds his/her
value, by that implying something unique and peculiar.
For some to be happy not much is needed, sometimes this can even fit in one word. However, others
usually need a lot; in most cases, these are material needs, which, in their opinion, and by their moral
standards are always insufficient and most important in life.
Truth! God created human to live on Earth, provided the human with self-preservation and the
persuasion towards comfort, but this does not mean that this should be the only and main criterion and
measure of happiness.
The main character of the film by S.I. Rostotsky "Let's survive till Monday" fitted his personal notion
about this word in one sentence in his essay by stating: "Happiness is when you are understood."
Understanding is a very important factor in human relationships.
A person should carefully, with special attention treat the feelings showed towards him/her.
And this understanding of the state of mind of a loved one, the one dear to you or just a person with
whom you are communicating - very important.
I would say that – Happiness is when you are needed, and someone needs you.
The talent given to person by the Almighty is relating to spiritual riches and values.
"The gift of poetry, music, painting, statues would not have found expression if this gift had not been
blessed by the grace of God, the spark of the Lord given to His chosen ones" (Valeria Porokhova.
People endowed with the divine gift, do not need to promote their works, many scientists dedicated all
the free time only to achieve their goals and missions, this was the main lifegoal for them. They did this
without regards to their time, health and completely unselfishly.
Some did not even patent their brilliant discoveries.
Nobel Prize winners Marie and Pierre Curie wrote, "Extracting commercial benefits does not correspond
to the spirit of Science, the idea of free access to knowledge.
All the scientific activity of Grigory Perelman was aimed at the practical solution of the hypothesis of
Henri Poincaré, a French mathematician, a member of the Paris Academy of Sciences since 1887, which
is one of the most important mysteries of mathematical science. He gave a solution to the hypothesis;
Herefused the Nobel Prize and the Millennium Prize, He has the only Happiness - his discovery - the
solution of the hypothesis.
Most people do not understand that sometimes the mental satisfaction of the results of work done and
achievements is more important and more weighty than any material awards regardless of how
prohibitively large they are.
Some who are dissatisfied with their fate are looking for those responsible for this. You can not grieve
about something that does not exist in the present and should remove acquisitions to the whole world.
As Ken Case, co-author of “Looking Ahead”(1926), once said, "We always have enough for happiness if
we get joy from what we have and don't worry about what we don't have. And everything has its own
time, which everyone expects differently. "
According to the outstanding French educator Jean Jacques Rousseau, "Doing good is the truest
Happiness that can acknowledged by the human heart (soul).
All of us explicitly or secretly dream of happiness and joy, but still prefer to grieve about what has not
come true and doubt whether happiness will come. You can not sit for years, idly by and wait for
happiness to come to your door. You have to deserve it. Learn, develop spiritually and culturally, do
good to someone from which he or she will become joyful, happier and this joy and happiness that you
gifted someone will return to you through the prism of the universe, strengthened and doubled.
If analyze, we will understand that we have a lot of experiences we are worrying about usually for trifles
and far-fetched issues for no reason.
Live realistically and in present!