A Detailed Lesson Plan in TLE-Beauty Care (Nail Care Services) Grade 7 I. OBJECTIVES At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to: 1. identify the different nail care tools; 2. distinguish the uses of each nail care tools; 3. appreciate the importance of each nail care tools. II. SUBJECT MATTER Topic: Nail Care Tools Instructional Materials: Visual Aids, Reference: Cornell, Rondilla V. et al., Career Pathways for the New Century Based on the K to 12 Curriculum for TLE Grade 8, pp. 55-56 Instructional Materials: Realias and Visual aids, III. Procedure A. Preparatory Activity Teachers Activity A. Preparation a. Prayer Class, let us all stand and pray. b. Greetings Good morning class. c. Checking of Attendance I’d like to know, how many are absent? “Before we begin with our discussion, kindly arrange your chairs properly and check if there are any pieces of trash around you. Please properly dispose it inside the trash can to maintain our classroom cleanliness.” Students Activity (Class Prayer) Good morning Ma’am. (Students response) (The students will properly arrange their seats and dispose any pieces of trash they may find.) “Good job, class! Is it easier to think in a clean and conducive environment?” d. Review “Now, class I want to ask you, what do you know about beauty care? Tell me what comes to your mind when you hear those two words.” “When we think of the words beauty care, we think of spas, pampering, relaxation, hygiene, manicure and pedicure.” “Why do you think we need to study and apply beauty care in “To make ourselves presentable, to take class?” care of ourselves and others as well.” (The students will raise their hands to “How do you describe beauty care?” answer and give their own opinions on how they describe beauty care.) e. Motivation “Now, class I’ve brought some pictures with me, and I want “Ma’am, we can see different pictures of you to tell me what you see.” fingernails.” This study source was downloaded by 100000863636680 from CourseHero.com on 03-13-2023 01:31:55 GMT -05:00 https://www.coursehero.com/file/84228899/GRADE-8-NAIL-CAREdocx/ “Do you think that these fingernails on the pictures look presentable or beautiful enough?” (Students will answer.) “How do you think you can make these plain fingernails more attractive or appealing?” “How will you prepare the nails before applying nail polish?” “And what do you call these tools?” “How will you describe tools?” Correct! Tools are the articles used in any nail care service which are durable or permanent and are hand-held. Tools are also referred to as implements. “By applying nail polish, Ma’am, and by using it to create nail art. “By using cuticle pusher, cuticle softener and sanitizer, and a nail brush.” “They are called tools for cleaning or maintaining nails, Ma’am.” “Tools are handheld articles that are used to fulfil a task which we cannot do with our bare hands alone.” “Now, do you have an idea what is our topic for today?” “That’s right, class!” “Yes, we do, Ma’am! Our topic for today is: Nail Care Tools.” “But before we proceed to our lesson proper, kindly read the learning objectives for our lesson today.” B. PRESENTATION “Okay, class I have here actual objects of nail care tools. I will show you it one by one and after that, you must guess the name. If you want to answer, just raise your hand. Once you answered in chorus, I will not consider your answer. Are you ready? ” A student will read the learning objectives. At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to: 1. identify the different nail care tools; 2. distinguish the uses of each nail care tools; 3. appreciate the importance of each nail care tools. Yes ma’am. (The teacher will show the nail file) Ma’am that is nail file. Very Good! What did you observe in nail file? Precisely! What do you think is the purpose of nail file? It is made of sand paper with rough file on one side. It has a rounded ends. Nail file is used to smoothen the nails. Exactly! A nail file is used to shape and smoothen the free edge of the nails. (The teacher will show metal pusher and nail cutter) Ma’am those are metal pusher and nail cutter. Metal pusher is made of metal with pointed This study source was downloaded by 100000863636680 from CourseHero.com on 03-13-2023 01:31:55 GMT -05:00 https://www.coursehero.com/file/84228899/GRADE-8-NAIL-CAREdocx/ “Very Good! What did you observe in the metal pusher and nail cutter?” Precisely! Give the purpose of metal pusher and nail cutter. on both ends while nail cutter is made of metal with two sharps blade to trim the nails. Ma’am, metal pusher is used to loosen dead cuticle while nail cutter is used to shorten the nails. A metal pusher is used to push back or loosen dead cuticle. While nail cutter or nail cutter is used to cut or shorten fingernails and toenails. Ma’am that is orange wood stick. (The teacher will show orange wood stick) It is made of pointed and rounded ends. Very Good! What did you observe in the Orange Wood stick? Precisely! Tell the use of orange wood stick. Ma’am it is used to remove the polish around the cuticle nails. Very well answer! Orange wood stick is used to loosen cuticle, clean underneath the nails, and remove the polish around the cuticle nails. Ma’am those are cuticle nipper and nail (The teacher will show cuticle nipper and nail brush) brush. Yes, ma’am. Very Good! Have you experience to use cuticle nipper and nail brush? What are its uses? Cuticle nipper is used to cut the cuticle while the nail brush s a plastic handled brush used to clean dirt and cosmetic residue from the nail surface and skin. Excellent! It only means that you have knowledge in manicuring. Cuticle nipper is used to trim hang nails and dead cuticle. While the nail brush is a small plastic brush used to clean nails and fingers. Nail Buffer Ma’am. (The teacher will show nail buffer) Very Good! What did you observe in nail buffer? Correct! What do you think is the use of a buffer in cleaning nails and in plain manicure? A buffer has two different grits on one side (black and white) and smooth, gray material on the other side. Student answer. The smooth side is used to give glossy shine to nails when This study source was downloaded by 100000863636680 from CourseHero.com on 03-13-2023 01:31:55 GMT -05:00 https://www.coursehero.com/file/84228899/GRADE-8-NAIL-CAREdocx/ polished. The coarse side is used to smooth irregular nail ridges. And last but not the least. Ma’am that is cuticle scissors. (The teacher will show cuticle scissors) Cuticle scissors are used to cut the cuticles. Very Good! What is the used of cuticle scissors? Exactly! Cuticle scissors are used to cut dead and stubborn cuticles. Those are some hand tools used in nail care. They have different functions in facilitating manicure or pedicure in order to give the needs and satisfaction of the customer. Is there any question about our topic? None ma’am. None ma’am. Clarification? Since, you do not have any questions and clarification about nail care tools it means that you have already understand our discussion. Am I right? C. APPLICATION Now, I will divide you into three groups. The Group 1 will make a role play showing how to promote those tools or implements. The goal of the Group 1 is to get the attention and interest of your customer to buy your products. Did you understand? The Group 2 will make a jingle about the uses of the different nail care tools or implements. The jingle must consist of two stanzas. Understood? Yes Ma’am. Yes ma’am. Last, the Group 3 will make an essay about the importance of nail care tools. Is that clear? I will give you 10 minutes to brainstorm or to do your task with your group mates and another 2 minutes to perform or to show your group task. I am the one who will grade you. Before you do task, let us discuss first the rubric. Participation 5 Excellent If all 4 Very Good the If some of 3 Good If the This study source was downloaded by 100000863636680 from CourseHero.com on 03-13-2023 01:31:55 GMT -05:00 https://www.coursehero.com/file/84228899/GRADE-8-NAIL-CAREdocx/ the members of the group contribute positively to the group work. If some of the members of the group think creatively. members of the group does not contribute in any positive way to the group work. If the members of the group does not think creatively. If some of the members of the group are usually willing and focused during presentation. Understandin If all the If some of g to members of the instruction the group members of fully the group understand fully and follow to understand the and follow to instruction the given. instruction given. If the members of the group are not willing and focused during presentation Creativity Performance members of the group consistently contribute in a positive way to the group work. If all the members of the group think creatively. If all the members of the group are always willing and focused during the presentation. If the members of the group does not fully understand and follow to the instruction given. Yes ma’am. Understand? The group who will excel will receive additional points for your recitation. The group who will gain a highest score will receive 5 points for the recitation, second will get 4 points and third will get 3 points. Class, are you ready? Yes ma’am. (The 3 groups will do the task) Let us start. We will start from Group 1, next Group 2 and last Group 3. Thank you class. I am glad that in our activity, you are all active. But the group who excelled is the Group ____, next the Group _____, followed by the Group ____. Let us all give a WOW CLAP. 1-2! 1-2-3! WOW! (Students answer.) D. GENERALIZATION “I know you’ve learned a lot from today’s discussion, so anyone who can summarize the lesson? (Students answer.) Is it possible to have a clean and well maintained nails without the nail care tools? How important does the nail care tools in maintaining the cleanliness of our nails? Very Good! We use our hands every day, and they are also This study source was downloaded by 100000863636680 from CourseHero.com on 03-13-2023 01:31:55 GMT -05:00 https://www.coursehero.com/file/84228899/GRADE-8-NAIL-CAREdocx/ one of the first things that others notice about us. Having great looking nails can give you another boost of confidence throughout your day. So, with the availability and use of each nail care tools we make it easy to keep our nails healthy and looking great. Additionally, clean and well maintained nails not only look beautiful but also reflect what kind of personality we have. If your nails don't look clean, it reflects to your cleanliness and habits. So clean nails is really a must. Take note class, “Always sanitize all implements or before and after each use to prevent micro-organism and do not use water in Yes ma’am. cleaning the tools to avoid rust.” No more ma’am. Understand? Is there any questions? Clarification? If there’s none, I will give you a short quiz to measure how much you’ve learn. E. EVALUATION DIRECTION: Identify the word describe in each item. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. It is used to push back or loosen dead cuticle. It is used for shaping the free edge of the nails. This is used to cut dead and stubborn cuticles. It is small plastic brush used to clean nails and fingers. It is used to loosen cuticle, clean underneath the nails, and remove the polish around the cuticle nails. 6. It is used to cut or shorten fingernails and toenails. 7. It is used to trim hang nails and dead cuticle. 8. This side of buffer is used to give glossy shine to nails when polished. 9. This side of buffer is used to smooth irregular nail ridges. 10. This are articles used in any nail care service which are durable or permanent and are hand-held. Answer Key: 1. Metal Pusher 2. Nail File 3. Cuticle scissors 4. Nail brush 5. Orange wood stick 6. Nail Cutter/ Nail Clipper 7. Cuticle nipper 8. Smooth side 9. Coarse side 10. Tools F. ASSIGNMENT Bring your own complete nail care tools. Prepared by: Ms. Kristale Key Z. 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