SOUTHEAST ASIAN LIBRARIANS LEADERSHIP CONVERGENCE VOL. 1 A Prelude to the Establishment of Mutual Recognition of Professional Qualifications among ASEAN Countries November 10 – 11, 2020 NOVEMBER 2020 The Cover Designed by Brian Aljer Coballes. Elements taken from Contents 3 C ONTENTS 4 MESSAGE 5 MESSAGE 6 MESSAGE 7 President PRC Chairman PRC Commissioner MESSAGE PRC Commissioner 8 MESSAGE 9 MESSAGE 10 PROGRAM OF ACTIVITIES COUNTRY REPORTS 13 35 Philippines 56 65 COUNTRY REPORTS Laos 19 COUNTRY REPORTS COUNTRY REPORTS Thailand 71 COUNTRY REPORTS Vietnam 76 ALIGNMENT OF LIS Education Southeast Asian Region 88 Cambodia 16 COUNTRY REPORTS Singapore Chairperson PLAI President COUNTRY REPORTS ALIGNMENT OF LIS PRACTICE Southeast Asian Region 91 TECHNICAL WORKING GROUP Bionote Malaysia 26 COUNTRY REPORTS Myanmar SOUTHEAST ASIAN LIBRARIANS LEADERSHIP CONVERGENCE | NOVEMBER 2020 4 Message ME SSAGE Pr e s i d e n t SOUTHEAST ASIAN LIBRARIANS LEADERSHIP CONVERGENCE | NOVEMBER 2020 Message ME SSAGE 5 PRC Chairman SOUTHEAST ASIAN LIBRARIANS LEADERSHIP CONVERGENCE | NOVEMBER 2020 6 Message ME SSAGE PRC Commissioner Republic of the Philippines Professional Regulation Commission Manila MESSAGE I am pleased to extend cordial greetings to the Professional Regulatory Board of Librarianship (PRBOL) and the Philippine Librarians Association Incorporated (PLAI) on the historic conduct of the “First Southeast Asian Leadership Convergence” via online platform on November 10 to 11, 2020. This leadership convergence which aims to establish the Mutual Recognition of Professional Qualifications among ASEAN countries has a global thrust that underlines the benchmarking initiatives towards global practice and its grasp of the implications of trade liberalization of the practice of librarianship profession. It also reinforces the leading role that the PRBOL and PLAI have taken in advancing the cause of globalization in the practice of this profession. In this respect, it is aligned with the Professional Regulation Commission’s own agenda of International Alignment and Continuing Professional Development. Thus, the Commission fully supports this worthy endeavor and urge all the leaders-professionals to actively participate with enthusiasm and vision in this international convergence as a contribution towards making Librarianship a globally competitive profession. More power to the Professional Regulatory Board of Librarianship, the Philippine Association of Librarians, Inc., and to all practitioners of Librarianship profession in the Philippines and in the ASEAN Region! YOLANDA D. REYES Commissioner SOUTHEAST ASIAN LIBRARIANS LEADERSHIP CONVERGENCE | NOVEMBER 2020 Message ME SSAGE 7 PRC Commissioner MESSAGE It is my great pleasure and honor to congratulate the Professional Regulatory Board of Librarians and the Philippine Librarians Association, Inc. for organizing the First Southeast Asian Librarians Leadership Convergence 2020 in cooperation with the Professional Regulation Commission. The conference will surely tackle very relevant issues affecting the practice of librarians. But it is noteworthy that this conference will focus on leadership and the mutual recognition of professional qualifications. There have been so much developments all around us. In the field of health, e-health or telehealth has taken over the practice of a number of health professions because of the Covid-19 pandemic. In the field of education, online learning, teaching and assessment have been adopted by educational and training institutions as part of the new normal. The role of librarians in providing electronic information to many sectors of society most especially faculty and students, and even ordinary people in the community has expanded significantly. Many researches are being conducted worldwide and librarians have a very critical role in helping researchers identify the most useful sources of relevant literature. Many cities and towns have established their own libraries to serve the needs of their communities. Getting librarians from Southeast Asia to collaborate and cooperate in conducting this first Leadership Convergence will go a long way in defining and advancing the leadership role of librarians in this part of the world. It is my hope that these kinds of activities will be sustained by Southeast Asian librarians. JOSE Y. CUETO JR., MD Commissioner Professional Regulation Commission SOUTHEAST ASIAN LIBRARIANS LEADERSHIP CONVERGENCE | NOVEMBER 2020 8 Message ME SSAGE Chairperson Professional Regulation Commission Manila O n behalf of our Professional Regulation Commission, through the International Development Division of its International Affairs Office and the Professional Regulatory Board for Librarians, the Philippine Librarians Association, Inc. (PLAI), and our funding institution, the Department of Foreign Affairs, I am particularly honored to greet all the participants to the First Southeast Asian Librarians Leadership Convergence : A Prelude to the Establishment of the Mutual Recognition of Professional Qualifications among ASEAN Countries. The Convergence, originally scheduled on July 22-24, 2020, was postponed to November 10-11, 2020 due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Rest assured that the agenda for the Convergence will revolve around a crucial thrust of the Professional Regulatory Board for Librarians aimed at setting the direction for the development of the Library and Information Science (LIS) profession not only in the Philippines but in the Southeast Asian region as well: the standardization of LIS education and practice which will result in the establishment of the Mutual Recognition of Professional Qualifications (MRPQ) in the region. Let us do justice to the chance we all have in this Convergence to contribute valuable ideas to dissect and enrich the objectives set for this event relative to LIS education and practice: (1) to identify commonalities and gaps, (2) to come up with recommendations to bridge the gaps, and (3) to learn how to establish MRPQ. The Board and the PLAI have high hopes that library organizations from most, if not all, Southeast Asian countries will express their intent, better yet, sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with PLAI. The recognition and harmonization of qualifications will lead to Mutual Recognition Agreement (MRA) that will facilitate the mobility of LIS professionals. I encourage all LIS leaders to have sound collaboration and teamwork towards bringing the quality of LIS education and practice in the region at par with international standards. Let us make the mobility of our professionals the central strategy for global competitiveness and economic resiliency. Thank you, dear delegates and speakers, for your active participation. We managed to make this Convergence a reality with a lot of help from our Commission officials, our funding institution, PLAI, and the Technical Working Group led by the International Development Division of our International Affairs Office. November 2020 YOLANDA C. GRANDA Chairperson Professional Regulatory Board for Librarians SOUTHEAST ASIAN LIBRARIANS LEADERSHIP CONVERGENCE | NOVEMBER 2020 Message 9 ME SSAGE P L A I Pr e s i d e n t Philippine Librarians Association, Inc. T he Philippine Librarians Association, Inc. (PLAI) wishes to convey its immense gratitude for this rare opportunity of co-hosting this event, the “First Southeast Asian Librarians Leadership Convergence: A Prelude to the Establishment of Mutual Recognition of Professional Qualifications among ASEAN Countries.” We are also happy to work with colleagues in the ASEAN Region and take part in the discussions on the Mutual Recognition Arrangements (MRAs) for professional services like library and information services practitioners. Such MRAs should have been identified and developed by 2012 with the full implementation of completed MRAs in 2015 if we are to look back at the Strategic Schedule for ASEAN Economic Community laid down in the ASEAN Economic Community Blueprint (2008). Efforts and discussions by Southeast Asian librarians have been made through the Congress of Southeast Asian Librarians (CONSAL). In addition, there have been Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Philippine Librarians Association, Inc. with the Thai Library Association and Myanmar Library Association to show that given the opportunity, everyone would like to cooperate and work for a common goal of mutual recognition among library and information services practitioners in our countries. Let us then take this First Southeast Asian Librarians Leadership Convergence to move forward and take another step, we hope a bigger stride this time to catch up with our fellow professionals in the region. Our goals and objectives have been set in our Online Pre-Convening Session. We have opened our doors of dialogue and cooperation, so let’s sustain our efforts even through the corridors of CONSAL meetings. Lastly, PLAI, the integrated national organization of librarians and information professionals that is duly recognized as the accredited professional organization by the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) reiterates its deepest appreciation for the leadership provided by the PRC and the Professional Regulatory Board for Librarians (PRBFL) in holding this milestone event. Our acknowledgment also goes to the International Development Division, International Affairs Office of PRC for the overwhelming support from day one of the conceptualization to the implementation of this major event. Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, we braved the odds. With God’s grace, we will be celebrating the First Southeast Asian Librarians Leadership Convergence. To our ASEAN colleagues, welcome everyone! - and to our Technical Working Committee, thank you very much! Let us dedicate this event to all ASEAN librarians and information professionals! Keep safe everyone and Mabuhay!!! (SGD.) EMMA M. REY, RL President Philippine Librarians Association, Inc. SOUTHEAST ASIAN LIBRARIANS LEADERSHIP CONVERGENCE | NOVEMBER 2020 10 Program of Activities PROGRAM OF AC TIVITIES Date / Time Activity Speaker Day 1 – November 10, 2020 Attire: National dress 8:30 A.M. – 8:45 A.M. Opening Salvo Invocation Philippine National Anthem Welcome Remarks Message Hon. Yolanda C. Granda Chairperson, Professional Regulatory Board for Librarians Hon. Yolanda D. Reyes Commissioner I Professional Regulation Commission 8:45 A.M. – 9:30 A.M. Message Hon. Jose Y. Cueto, Jr. Commissioner II Professional Regulation Commission Keynote address Hon. Teofilo S. Pilando, Jr. Chairman Professional Regulation Commission 9:30 A.M. – 9:40 A.M. Mechanics of the ConverMs. Elvira B. Lapuz, Philippines gence Proper: Guidelines for University Librarian Country Presentation, etc. University of the Philippines Diliman 9:40 A.M. – 4:00 P.M. Presentation of Country Reports on Library and Information Science (LIS) Education and Practice 9:40 A.M. – 10:10 A.M. 10:10 A.M. – 10:40 A.M. 10:40 A.M. – 11:10 A.M. Brunei Darussalam Cambodia Indonesia Country Representative of Brunei Darussalam Country Representative of Cambodia Country Representative of Indonesia SOUTHEAST ASIAN LIBRARIANS LEADERSHIP CONVERGENCE | NOVEMBER 2020 Program of Activities 11 11:10 A.M. – 11:40 A.M. Lao People’s Democratic Republic 11:40 A.M. – 1:00 P.M. BREAK 1:00 P.M. – 1:30 P.M. Malaysia Country Representative of Malaysia 1:30 P.M. – 2:00 P.M. Myanmar Country Representative of Myanmar Country Representative Lao People’s Democratic Republic Prof. Mary Grace Golfo-Barcelona Dean School of Library and Information Studies University of the Philippines Diliman Hon. Lourdes T. David 2:00 P.M. – 2:30 P.M. Philippines Member Professional Regulatory Board for Librarians Representative from National Library of the Philippines Ms. Emma M. Rey President Philippine Librarians Association, Inc. 2:30 P.M. – 3:00 P.M. Singapore Country Representative of Singapore 3:00 P.M. – 3:30 P.M. Thailand Country Representative of Thailand 3:30 P.M. – 4:00 P.M. Vietnam Country Representative of Vietnam 4:00 P.M. – 5:00 P.M. Open Forum Day 2 – November 11, 2020 Attire: National dress Synthesis of Day 1 9:00 A.M. – 9:45 A.M. Presentation of Salient Features of Philippine Republic Act 9246 9:45 A.M. – 10:15 A.M. 10:15 A.M. – 11:00 A.M. Sharing of Experiences and Status of MOUs of three countries: Philippines (Philippine Library Association), Thailand (Thai Library Association) and Myanmar (Myanmar Library Association) 11:00 A.M. – 11:15 A.M. BREAK 11:15 A.M. – 11:45 A.M Presentation on the Alignment of Country Reports on LIS Education and Practice Ms. Elvira B. Lapuz, Philippines University Librarian University of the Philippines Diliman Mr. Michael A. Pinto, Philippines Ex-Officio Philippine Librarians Association, Inc. Ms. Emma M. Rey, Philippines President Philippine Librarians Association, Inc. Representatives from Thai and Myanmar Library Associations Hon. Yolanda C. Granda Chairperson Professional Regulatory Board for Librarians SOUTHEAST ASIAN LIBRARIANS LEADERSHIP CONVERGENCE | NOVEMBER 2020 12 Program of Activities 11:45 A.M. – 12:15 P.M. 12:15 P.M. – 1:30 P.M. 1:30 P.M. – 3:30 P.M. Report on Country Recommendations Mr. Michael A. Pinto, Philippines Ex-Officio Philippine Librarians Association, Inc. BREAK Presentation of Resolution and Manifesto of Commitment Ms. Emma M. Rey, Philippines Virtual Signing of Manifesto Mr. Michael A. Pinto, Philippines Philippine Librarians Association, Inc. Open Forum 3:30 P.M. – 3:45 P.M. BREAK Atty. Jesper P. Paquito 3:45 P.M. – 4:00 P.M. 4:00 P.M. – 4:15 P.M. Message Closing Remarks Officer-in-Charge International Affairs Office Ms. Michelle Loise C. Saquido-Marcial Chief International Development Division SOUTHEAST ASIAN LIBRARIANS LEADERSHIP CONVERGENCE | NOVEMBER 2020 Program of Activities 13 C OUNTRY REPORTS Cambodia Name of Country: Kingdom of Cambodia Name of Library: National Library of Cambodia Name of Director: Mrs. KhlotVibolla Address: Christopher Howes Street 92, Daunpenh, Phnom Penh, Cambodia Telephone: (+855) 12 95 15 82 Official Website: N/A Official Email: N/A Name of Contact person: Mrs. Chhuon Mony Email of contact person:, General Overview National Library of Cambodia (NLC) The mission of National Library of Cambodia (NLC) is to collect and preserve the Kingdoms literary and documentary of cultural heritage and to provide services for study and research including an access to the nation’s cultural heritage. NLC is the primary library in Cambodia. Given the fact of no public or community libraries, the need for reading, teaching and learning support to all Cambodians is crucial. NLC provides a portion of its library as a public library. It offers the community the opportunity to access, read and lend books for promoting the reading and reading habits in families. Additionally, in playing role of legal deposit, NLC collects publications published in Cambodia by means of issuing the ISBN. NLC has a unique Palm Leaf and Paper manuscript collection, French Protectorate collection, along with Khmer rare book collection. To provide access information, references, and documents to support education, government and research in Cambodia. Relationship to Government The National Library of Cambodia is under the responsibility of the Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts with direct responsibility to the Ministry’s Department of Books and Reading. It works to preserve and collect the written, audio and visual heritage about Cambodia and to guarantee that all Cambodians have to access information. Its motto enshrined over the doorway of the reading room is, “Force binds for a moment, ideas link forever.” Key Facts General population of the area served by NLC is more than 14.061 visitors include both visitors and researchers. Total Library collection (books 715, serials 605, special materials) volumes since April 2017. Holdings (Digital collection: more than 20.000 volumes) The NLC is preserving all kinds of Khmer collection which is available to all Cambodians. This provides the younger generation the opportunity to learn about their recent history. This is particularly important as some history is so recent that parents who suffered tragically do not find it easy to talk about and thus do not do so with their children. Infrastructures The National Library is the Center for Local Library and providing access to the nation’s documentary heritage as well as to collect every publishing in Cambodia. New Developments in Creating and Building Collection Through creating and building its collections, the National Library of Cambodia has acquisitions and gifts, donation, the library’s material resources increased in the recent time. The total library collection is more than 102.950 volumes. The collection acquired in 2019 includes printed and non-printed materials and digital materials. NLC has also the opportunity to advise and guide new and established publishers and authors on how to be successful in their endeavors. New Developments in Managing Collections The National Library of Cambodia is developing in two directions at present – as a public library for the people of Phnom Penh and as a research library. Central to the success of NLC digitization programmes and especially in order to preserve cultural treasures, a planned programme of conservation is in place at NLC. Our unique rare collections are still in urgent need of good preservation and long term conservation administration to halt deterioration. Our focuses have been on planning and organizing to digitize these collections. NLC has Books in print web-database is used to organize books SOUTHEAST ASIAN LIBRARIANS LEADERSHIP CONVERGENCE | NOVEMBER 2020 14 Program of Activities published in Cambodia. The database makes it easy for the general public to know what books were published in Cambodia. The books in print database not only increase visibility of books published in Cambodia to local audiences, but also international audiences. Manuscripts, books, and serials digitization which was projected by National UNESCO committee. This project aims to preserve Cambodia rare book for long last. New Developments in Providing Access The NLC is guided by Copyright and International Copyright law and has in place process to ensure any agreements now and in the future takes into consideration the control of access to its unique collections. The NLC reserves the right to control access to our unique collections. Given the ease of pirating copies, it is important that the NLC assumes appropriate responsibility for its collections. Providing service relating to ancient document rare books as a unit to collect, store, conserve the original ancient document, entering into database and searching for these information from these document for reading service. Recently, we have just added more collections for ASIAN. In order to improve library services, NLC had held a workshop in 2018 which it’s heading mainly about (Book Publishing in Cambodia). There were more than 109……participants those of whom were from school and Ministry libraries in Cambodia. On the other hand; to promote reading and nursery reading habits from childhood, NLC had operated Children Collection which donated by ANZ Royal bank, had hosted annual Cambodia Book Fair which was cooperated with Cambodia Librarians Association and cooperated with International Board on Books young People (IBBY) in Cambodia to celebrate it in May 2019 at Institute de France. Collaboration with Other Institutions and Professional Association The NLC has service agreements and works in partnership with local companies Khmerdev for its PMB service in the past, but today we are using Koha which provides more ease to researchers. Moreover, in conjunction with the Cambodian Librarians and Documentalist Association, we annually organize the Cambodian Book Fair. The 2018 Fair attracted over 135.000 participants including authors, writers, illustrators, book publishers, bookstore, NGOs working the field of education, students, parents and kids. Currently are continuing our cooperation in organizing this 2019 Books Fair. Hope it is going to be a more successful in this year. Recently, National Library of Cambodia has also cooperated with Library for Children and Young Adults of South Republic Korea in order to launch reading campaign named “All-together Reading Campaign: Read Me a Book” the purpose of this reading campaign is to expand the “reading aloud culture” in ASEAN nations and ROK Education and Training We have Literacy Program for students. The government encouraged curriculum reading promotion to come in school. We have contributed books to the Primary schools especially to rural and remote areas. The librarians of National Library of Cambodia participated a crucial workshop about Union Catalogue and Inter Library Loan at Royal University of Law and Economics. Conclusion To conclude, National Library of Cambodia together with Cambodian Librarians and Documentalists Association have been working closely to promote the library work and access to information and knowledge in Cambodia through various activities and an access to the existing resources available to in the library. We also continue our collaborating efforts to create and develop more resources to meet the current needs of the patrons. LIS P R AC TI CE STATUS OF PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE OF LIBRARIANSHIP ACADEMIC LIBRARIES GOVERNMENT REGULATION Qualifying Examination/s (if any, please specify) No Code of Ethics (Yes or No?) No ETHICAL ISSUES Continuing Professional Development (CPD) (please specify units per required period ) No SOUTHEAST ASIAN LIBRARIANS LEADERSHIP CONVERGENCE | NOVEMBER 2020 NA Program of Activities 15 SCHOOL LIBRARIES GOVERNMENT REGULATION Qualifying Examination/s (if any, please specify) Code of Ethics (Yes or No?) Continuing Professional Development (CPD) (please specify units per required period ) ETHICAL ISSUES Example: CPD Law of 2016 requires 45 CPD units in 3 years PUBLIC LIBRARIES GOVERNMENT REGULATION Qualifying Examination/s (if any, please specify) Code of Ethics (Yes or No?) Continuing Professional Development (CPD) (please specify units per required period ) ETHICAL ISSUES Example: CPD Law of 2016 requires 45 CPD units in 3 years SPECIAL LIBRARIES GOVERNMENT REGULATION Qualifying Examination/s (if any, please specify) Code of Ethics (Yes or No?) Continuing Professional Development (CPD) (please specify units per required period ) ETHICAL ISSUES Example: CPD Law of 2016 requires 45 CPD units in 3 years PROFILE OF LIBRARY ASSOCIATIONS Name of Library Association Cambodian Librarians and Documentalists Association (CLDA) Types (Please check ✓) Goals Academic School Public Special ü ü ü ü Promote and advocate the value of libraries and information centers, the professionalism of librarians, information specialists as well as the library interest groups in Cambodia; 2. Defend and promote the interests of all people engaged in library and information work or who are interested in libraries and information centers; 3. Promote the development of libraries and information centers of any kind in Cambodia; 4. Unite and foster relations among members who are librarians, information specialists and the library and information interest groups; 5. Represent libraries and information centers in Cambodia in the national and international arenas; 6. Encourage and promote lifelong learning and reading among Cambodians. Year Established 1996 Ongoing Programs/ Projects Cambodia Book Fair SOUTHEAST ASIAN LIBRARIANS LEADERSHIP CONVERGENCE | NOVEMBER 2020 16 Program of Activities C OUNTRY REPORTS Laos Name of Country : Name of Library: Name of Director : Name of contact Person: Email of contact person: Lao PDR National Library of Laos Mrs. Khanthamaly Yangnouvong Mrs . Phaysithong Vongphakdy General Overview Libraries in Laos The state of libraries in Laos Socio-economic development plan the government has focus to the development of education and libraries side by side to develop human resources to have knowledge for the development of themselves and the nation. In particular, focus on remote areas, schools away from the city, giving students access to information. We have developed a variety such as book-cases, book-bags and expand reading room in schools throughout the country in a accordance with government policy and a number of others have supported from NGO’s to develop more and more libraries. The table below shows the type and number of libraries in Laos: Type of Libraries Total National Library of Laos 1 Public libraries / State libraries 11 School libraries 1,956 Special libraries - Government ( 35) and Private ( 15) 50 University libraries –Government (15 ) Private Schools (63 ) College libraries (63) and Vocation school libraries ( 23) 173 Total Mobile libraries – 5 cars / 2 Boat libraries / 1 Elephant library 2,191 8 Book-cases 8,615 Book-bags 2585 Total 11,208 National Library of Laos The National Library of Laos was opened officially in 1956. It provides knowledge, literature, magazines and newspapers to the readers. It used to be under the Department of Fine Art in the Ministry of Education. Now National Library was under the direction of Department of Publishing and was under the Ministry of Information Culture and Tourism. The National Library organization structure is headed by the Director General and have three Deputy Director, each of person is responsible for various duties as assigned. We have six Division such as Administration, Acquisition, Cataloguing, Manuscript and Palm Leaf, Services and Relationship and Reading Promotion and Network Library around country. The work of the library is the duty of the entire public of the country as well as requiring the participation of relevant ministries, sections and organizations, in order to provide places where people can read and gather professional data to contribute to the development of human resources. Public libraries/State libraries The State Public libraries are governed by their respective state Enactment. The role of the National Library is to channel and monitor development and operational professional to them, For budget depends on their organization. Each year National Library cooperated with Lao Library Association has organized training course to them, for improving their library and has upgraded staff library. Special libraries The Special libraries are also found in the private sectors such as Companies Bank, and non-governmental organization (NGO’s). The role of the National Library is provide human resource and advisory services to government special libraries. The staff at these special libraries are seconded from national library and they may be professional or non-professional depending on the requirements of these libraries. One of the function of special library is to a knowledge hub in their respective Departments Ministries. Most Special libraries are only open to their staff and members. SOUTHEAST ASIAN LIBRARIANS LEADERSHIP CONVERGENCE | NOVEMBER 2020 Program of Activities University/College libraries The University and College libraries are under the Ministry of Education and Sport. The University are Central libraries and have some libraries at the Faculty, for College libraries are same too. Into the National Library has cooperated with library professional together. For the University and College libraries mostly services students and teachers. School libraries School libraries or resource central in the primary and secondary schools are under the Ministry of Education and Sport, but library professional National library is helping them. The government is focused on building school libraries as much as possible to instill a love of reading in children at an earlier age and to teach them how to use libraries from primary school and to learn on their own by using libraries to make the most of their free time. 17 digital images) from Laos available via the Internet. Further research was also undertaken on the Annotated Catalogue of Tai Nuea Manuscripts, We have also prepared fresh plans for a new National Library building. Infrastructures The National Library is the center for local library networks throughout the country. We was established Lao Library Association and Lao Association Library Center (LALIC) for connecting together in libraries and to make union catalog. New Developments in Creating and Building Collection Relationship to Government The National Library has responsible to provide and administration rules from the Department of Printing and Library under the Ministry of Information Culture and Tourism. So the Reading Promotion Project development cooperation with the Ministry of Education to build twenty school libraries. We had received fund from NGO’s and helped classification of books, books shelves and children’s activities training for them. We have library Law since 2012. New Developments in Managing Collection The Government and the Ministry of Information Culture and Tourism have appointed the National Library to cooperate with all sectors to organize a library development project, and to promote this project in order to attract assistance from international and neighbouring countries the ASEAN network. The Government have encouraged and supported fund to purchase books, magazines, newspapers and etc… . In this year the Ministry of Education and Sport have permitted to open curriculum library science and information technology in faculty social science and geography at National University. The National Library continues to provide reading corner for information on ASEAN countries, NGO, Women’s rights and the Lao Women’s Union, and national Heritage as reference materials. We has new collection in the national library is bellow : • • • • Deposit of Library Material Act Formerly a French colony, Laos had a regulation on the distribution of domestic publications to national copy in 1927, it is still used today. National Library of Laos has also been given the responsibility to carry out the Deposit of Library Material Act which requires all publishers in Laos to deposit 5 copies of printed. This Act defined National Library of Laos roles in the preservation, conservation, bibliographical control and use of library materials published in Laos. • • Filipino books collection donated by ambassador Philippines in Laos. Thai books collection donated by Institute research of Thailand. Thai books collection donated by Princess Sirinthorn of Thailand. English and Thai books collection donated by Asia Foundation. And UNDP collection ASEAN Collection Asia Foundation Collection Chinese Collection Indochina Collection Japanese Collection Manuscripts Collection Vietnamese Collection New Developments in Providing Access Key Facts and Figures The Lao Government’s policy is to develop the human resources library infrastructure in order to promote information literacy within the country and quality servicers in the library sector. The National Library is responsible for building of public libraries in every provinces of the country and to develop its reading promotion program. At the National Library, we are not yet able to physically expend our premises, so we have focused on improving the quality of our services. We developed an IT training room for training staff from Ministries within the Lao Government. We also renovated the Indochina collection, which was at the same time digitally scanned, including photographs of Laos from the French colonial period. We continued and improve the second phase of the Digital Library of Lao Manuscripts project, which made almost 12,000 primary manuscript sources (approximately 500,000 Librarians and Information professional are educated in all forms of published information, print, non-print and electronic, in the use of computers, automated technical and information system, and networks in principles of section, organization and use of information. Therefore information professional provide services in such as traditional library setting as, academic, research library, public library, school library media centers, special or technical libraries, industry, the government or medical library and other specialized collections. The following background reading will be helpful to persons interested in the library information professional. SOUTHEAST ASIAN LIBRARIANS LEADERSHIP CONVERGENCE | NOVEMBER 2020 18 Program of Activities Collaborations with Other Institutions and Professional Associations • • • • • • Lao Library Association published newsletter each year 300 volumes, distributed for all libraries Lao Library Association made Directory of Professional Librarians and a Directory of members. LLA had conducted roadshows and delivered talks on the role LLA, librarianship as a career and professional development opportunities to government librarians, school librarians. LLA had organized local areas for surveying libraries and helped them for improving libraries is better. LLA organized meeting for sharing knowledge and experience together with members and we also conducted study visits to public libraries. Reading festivals are organized annually in June October , in collaboration with many partners. The national Library has also published children’s books for distribution to schools. We are collaborating on establishing manuals and guidelines for librarians and we have two way of disseminating information to the public. Education and Training The work of the library is the duty of the entire public of the country as well as requiring the participation of relevant ministries, sections and organizations, in order to provide places where people can read and gather professional data to contribute to the development of human resources. We have literacy program for grade 1 and 2 primary school. The government encouraged curriculum reading promotion to come in school. We have distributed book boxes to the primary school and lower secondary schools specially to Rural remote areas. We have also built and established 280 libraries and reading rooms has been supported by foreigner organizations such as Japan and American NGO’s. we have also been responsible for the publication of 250 titles children pictorial educational books. A week we organized to service mobile library two times to primary school and communities for children’s activities such as storytelling and how to make picture’s books and children’s books. We organized training as bellow : • • • training for staff library in public library is under topic “Build strong for public library and reading promotion” Training about PMB database version 4.0 for librarians. Training on cataloguing SOUTHEAST ASIAN LIBRARIANS LEADERSHIP CONVERGENCE | NOVEMBER 2020 Program of Activities 19 C OUNTRY REPORTS Ma l a y s i a LIS E D U CATI O N NAME (Last name, First Name, M.I.) ROSLINA BINTI OTHMAN PROFILE OF THE LIS FACULTY INSTITUTIONAL AFFILIATION Department of Library and Information Science, International Islamic University Malaysia EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT Phd - Information Retrieval from University of Wales - Aberystwyth, Wales, UK (2001) MLIS (Bibliometrics) from International Islamic University Malaysia (1994) BBA Major in Finance Minor in Economics from Eastern Washington University, WA, USA (1987) ROOSFA BIN HASHIM Department of Library and Information Science, International Islamic University Malaysia PhD from University Malaya (2010) EXPERTISE AND FIELD OF SPECIALIZATION Information Retrieval; Knowledge Management; Islamic Search Engine; Islamic Information Sources; Bibliometrics; Taxonomy and Ontology; Open Science and Open Data; Data and Information Quality; Performance and Measurement; Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methods Publishing MLIS from University Malaya (2000) BSc from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (1986) SHARIFAH NUR AMIRAH SARIF ABDULLAH Department of Library and Information Science, International Islamic University Malaysia Ph.D in Library and Information Science from International Islamic University Malaysia (2017) Bibliographic control, Bibliographic database system, and Human Information Behavior Master of Library and Information Science from International Islamic University Malaysia (2011) Bachelor of Human Sciences (Psychology) with Honours from International Islamic University Malaysia (2009) SOUTHEAST ASIAN LIBRARIANS LEADERSHIP CONVERGENCE | NOVEMBER 2020 20 Program of Activities NOR SA’ADAH MD NOR Department of Library and Information Science, International Islamic University Malaysia Ph.D in Library and Information Science from International Islamic University Malaysia (2019) Digital Malay Manuscripts, Library Conservation & Preservation, Digital Electronic Resources, Information Users, Master of Library and Information & Data Quality, Information Science from Quantitative Research, International Islamic Partial Least SquareUniversity Malaysia (2012) Structural Equation Modelling Analysis (PLSBachelor in Human Sciences SEM) from International Islamic University Malaysia (2010) NUR LEYNI NILAM PUTRI BINTI JUNURHAM Department of Library and Information Science, International Islamic University Malaysia Ph.D in Library and Information Science from International Islamic University Malaysia (2019) Master of Library and Information Science from International Islamic University Malaysia (2012) Mosque Library, Information Sources and Services, Reference services, Information Search strategy, Bibliometrics Bachelor of Sunnah Studies with Information Management from Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (2009) BRIEF HISTORY FOR LIS EDUCATION IN MALAYSIA CHRONOLOGY OF EVENTS IMPORTANT DEVELOPMENTS 1968 ITM established the Department of Library Science under the School of Public Administration and Law. It conducted a full time programme in Librarianship preparing students for the Associateship of the Library Association (ALA), UK ALA Programme 1970 ITM established the School of Library Science; changed its name to “School of Library and Information Science” in 1979; “Faculty of Information Studies” in 1997; and the current name “Faculty of Information Management” since 2005 School of Library Science, ITM 1972 With the end of the external ALA Program, ITM introduced a 3-year Diploma in Library Science program, with local contents planned into the curriculum. Diploma in Library Science 1972 ITM introduced a 1-year Post Graduate Diploma in Library Science programme Post Graduate Diploma in Library Science 1991 ITM’s 3-year Diploma in Library Science (equivalent to a General Degree) was upgraded to a 4-year Honours Degree programme; and in 1999, ITM became Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Bachelor (Hons) in Library Science PIONEERS (Bionote and other information) First LIS school in the country Change of Act 1996 1992 DLIS, IIUM established in 1992 under Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences, IIUM SOUTHEAST ASIAN LIBRARIANS LEADERSHIP CONVERGENCE | NOVEMBER 2020 Program of Activities 1995 Master of Library and Information Science Programme UM was offered since1995 until 2010 as a Coursework mode and Mix mode Different Nomenclature used 1997 UiTM’s Bachelor in Information Studies (Hons) programme branched out into 4 specializations 4 new specializations: a. Library and Information Management b. Information System Management c. Records Management d. Resource Centre Management 1997 UiTM started the MSc. in Information Management programme Msc. In Information Management 1999 UiTM started the PhD in Information Management programme PhD in Information Management 1999 UiTM started the Diploma in Information Management programme Diploma in Library Science 21 First Phd in LIS research field graduated in 2004. 2002 DLIS, IIUM became one of the two initial Departments under Kulliyyah of ICT in 2002 2003 UiTM started the Master of Knowledge Management programme Master of Knowledge Management 2006 UiTM started the Master in Library Science programme Master in Library Science 2007 Unisel started diploma in library science programme under the Faculty of Education & Social Science Computer laboratories, university library as teaching library and classrooms in library 2010 MLIS programme in coursework mode was not offered in 2010/2011 in supporting Research University agenda to offer programmes with 70% research components (focused to a mixed mode programme) Master of Library & Information Science (coursework mode, mixed mode) - since 1995 ; MLIS full research since 2000 2011 Unisel offered Bachelor of Library Science programme under the Faculty of Education & Social Science (until 2018, moved to Faculty of Communication, Visual Arts & Computing) At present 6 academic staff with industry experience. Students: diploma 50, bachelor 70 2017 Starting in Session 2017/2018 UM – MLIS by coursework was offered again due to higher demand from prospective students Master of Library and Information Science - mixed mode (from 2010/2011 – 2015/2016) – 56 credits 2019 UiTM started the Bachelor (Hons) in Content Management programme Bachelor (Hons) in Content Management 2019 Starting in Session 2019/2020 UM – MLIS by mixed mode was not offered anymore to give more focus on MLIS coursework which has higher demand from prospective students Master of Information Science (Library Science) - mixed mode (from 2016/2017 2019/2020 ) – 50 credits Master of Information Science (full research) - since 2016/2017 Master of Library and Information Science - coursework (from 2016/2017 – now) – 45 credits NUMBER OF LIS SCHOOLS IN MALAYSIA COUNTRY DEGREE PROGRAM (Please indicate number) Bachelor Malaysia 6 Masteral 7 NUMBER OF LIS SCHOOLS (Please indicate number) Doctoral 3 Degree Program 4 Diploma 2 Short Term 0 Other Training Programs 0 SOUTHEAST ASIAN LIBRARIANS LEADERSHIP CONVERGENCE | NOVEMBER 2020 22 Program of Activities CURRENT STATUS OF LIS EDUCATION IN MALAYSIA STRENGTHS Example: Regulation through examinatons WEAKNESSES Example: Promotion of LIS profession CHALLENGES IN LIS EDUCATION Example: Lack of qualified faculty REGULATION BY GOVERNMENT (if any) Example: Yes Example: Lack of national promotion of LIS profession LIS is a professional profession Promotion of LIS profession; Job market shrinking; Frozen employment opportunities for new graduates Lack of national promotion of LIS profession Curriculum: Yes Robust program for online T&L Students intake Lack of career programs on LIS postgraduates programs Public sector employment: Yes Highly integrated with ICT skills and knowledge Open source software for T&L LIS Lack of networks with vendors and OSS communities Increasing number of PhD holders as academic staff member Certification similar to MBOT Lack of national recognitions LIS growing with new developments and trends in libraries and digital technologies Trainings for academic staff for new courses; Hiring of non-LIS graduates for new developments in LIS Lack of local trainings Serving the nation and its populations Testbeds for LIS research and T&L Lack of collaborations (MoU/MoA) Scholarship Awareness of scholarship availability Publics not well informed Library Association Role of LIS educators Lack of platforms for LIS educators PEO and PLO - in line with and supportive of the UM vision and mission Promotion of LIS profession Student were not able to complete Research Project in Semester 3/ special semester PEO and PLO periodically reviewed involving UM internal and external stakeholders MLIS candidate wont Lack of national be able to have a credit promotion of LIS transfer across the profession MLIS programs within the country (UM< UITM, UIA) To work in a government library as a librarian, the candidate must hold a degree with specific nomenclature of Library Science, this is a required condition by JPA, therefore to change to a different nomenclature is not feasible since the graduate won’t be able to serve in government libraries SOUTHEAST ASIAN LIBRARIANS LEADERSHIP CONVERGENCE | NOVEMBER 2020 REMARKS (Actions undertaken to address the weaknesses and challenges) Program of Activities 86% of the academic staff in DLIS, are Ph.D holders - produce graduates who have advanced knowledge, skills, research in LIS 23 Student are not able to complete the curent program in a year (3 semester including a special semester) due to the current structure 100% staff received >3.5 point over 5.0 points for CTES – satisfaction of students Balance assessment - formative and summative components Emphasizes in community engagement – MAB, PPM Ranked 31th – QS Ranking by Subject 2019 in Library Science & Info Management Strong community through community Information Services Programs For Example: ( LIS students and Librarian) expose the usage of libraries throughout social activities. Less Marketing and Publicity on the importance of having a qualified librarian especially in government school. Most of the organization/employer did not aware on qualification in LIS . YES Student are allow and able to do their industrial training in overseas. Lack of Media Advertising for example: having our own column on librarianship (newspaper column/enewspaper). Example: Lack of LIS team members on promotion of LIS profession Yes, but the Program should get a full Accreditation by MQA and JPT Less social media documentary on LIS to the community. Nowadays, most of the programs they started expose the niche of the program via social media but to get more followers is on of the challenges when we compare with other program such as mass communication and media . The Programs get full accreditation from MQA approved by JPT and student are allow to do their practical in overseas with own cost. indirectly can attract more school or IPT leavers (SPM or STPM,Diploma) SOUTHEAST ASIAN LIBRARIANS LEADERSHIP CONVERGENCE | NOVEMBER 2020 24 Program of Activities L IS P R AC TI CE STATUS OF PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE OF LIBRARIANSHIP ACADEMIC LIBRARIES GOVERNMENT REGULATION Qualifying Examination/s (if any, please specify) Code of Ethics (Yes or No?) Continuing Professional Development (CPD) (please specify units per required period ) ETHICAL ISSUES Example: CPD Law of 2016 requires 45 CPD units in 3 years SCHOOL LIBRARIES GOVERNMENT REGULATION Qualifying Examination/s (if any, please specify) Code of Ethics (Yes or No?) Continuing Professional Development (CPD) (please specify units per required period ) ETHICAL ISSUES Example: CPD Law of 2016 requires 45 CPD units in 3 years PUBLIC LIBRARIES GOVERNMENT REGULATION Qualifying Examination/s (if any, please specify) Code of Ethics (Yes or No?) Continuing Professional Development (CPD) (please specify units per required period ) ETHICAL ISSUES Example: CPD Law of 2016 requires 45 CPD units in 3 years SPECIAL LIBRARIES GOVERNMENT REGULATION Qualifying Examination/s (if any, please specify) Code of Ethics (Yes or No?) Continuing Professional Development (CPD) (please specify units per required period ) Example: CPD Law of 2016 requires 45 CPD units in 3 years SOUTHEAST ASIAN LIBRARIANS LEADERSHIP CONVERGENCE | NOVEMBER 2020 ETHICAL ISSUES Program of Activities 25 PROFILE OF LIBRARY ASSOCIATIONS IN MALAYSIA Name of Library Association Persatuan Pustakawan Malaysia (PPM)/ Librarians Association of Malaysia (LAM) Types (Please check ✓) Goals Academic School Public Special ü ü ü ü Please refer to attachment Year Established 1955 Ongoing Programs/ Projects 1)Kuala Lumpur World Book Capital (KLWBC) 2020 -LAM Encourage Reading Programs: (a) Heritage Trail (b) Reading in the Park (c) Bookwalk &Bookhunt 2) Malaysian Skills Certificate in Librarianship for supporting staff ( Written Instructional Materials) 3)PPM 2U Talk 4) PPM 2U Forum 5) Leadership Development & Strategic Thinking Programs: (a)Young Librarians Camp (b)Leadership and Strategic Thinking For Mid-Level Librarians Persatuan Pustakawan Malaysia/ Librarians Association of Malaysia’s Goals • • • • • • To provide professional views and advise related to the development of library and information services and the library profession To encourage and support research through publications in the field of library and information services. To provide, encourage and support research and training to enhance the library and information services. To formulate standards and guidelines as well as monitor the legislation relating to the profession. To foster strategic alliances with government bodies, private agencies and other organisations at national, regional and international level towards enhancement of the profession, library and information services. To solicit fund through various activities and finance activities consistent with the objectives of the Association. SOUTHEAST ASIAN LIBRARIANS LEADERSHIP CONVERGENCE | NOVEMBER 2020 26 Program of Activities C OUNTRY REPORTS Myanmar LIS E D U CATI O N PROFILE OF THE LIS FACULTY IN MYANMAR NAME (Last name, First Name, M.I.) DESIGNATION INSTITUTIONAL AFFILIATION EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT EXPERTISE AND FIELD OF SPECIALIZATION Zaw, Ni Win Professor & Head of the University of Yangon Department PhD Information Technology & Retrieval System Kyaw, Tun Aung Professor PhD Information Technology & Retrieval System Oo, Sanda Professor & Head of the Yadanabon University Department PhD Information Sources & Services, Information Technology & Retrieval System Oo, Ohn Mar Professor PhD Information Sources & Services, Library Management Kyi Tha, Saw Mya Professor & Head of the University of East Department Yangon PhD Information Technology & Retrieval System Min, Nitra Soe Associate Prpfessor University of Yangon PhD Information Sources & Serivices Maw, Win Win Associate Professor University of Yangon PhD Information Technology & Retrieval System Kyi, Khin Thuzar Associate professor University of East Yangon PhD Information Sources & Serivices Win, Myat Myat Associate Professor University of East Yangon MA Information Sources & Serivices Thida Associate Professor Yadanabon University PhD Information Sources & Services, Information Technology & Retrieval System Naing, Yu Yu Associate Professor Yadanabon University PhD Information Technology & Retrieval System, Library Management Aung, Yi Yi Associate Professor Yadanabon University PhD Archives and Records Management, Library Development University of Yangon Yadanabon University SOUTHEAST ASIAN LIBRARIANS LEADERSHIP CONVERGENCE | NOVEMBER 2020 Program of Activities 27 Win, Lei Lei Lecturer University of Yangon MA Library History, Bibliographic Standard & Formats Myint, Swe Swe Lecturer University of Yangon MRes Information Technology & Retrieval System Htut, Zaw Aung Lecturer University of Yangon MA Preservation and Conservation of Library Materials Yee, Nwe Nwe Lecturer University of Yangon MA Preservation and Conservation of Library Materials Aye, San San Lecturer University of Yangon MA Library Management, Bibliographic Standard & Formats Aung, Thida Lecturer University of Yangon PhD Information Sources & Serivices Yee, Saw Wut Lecturer University of Yangon PhD Information Sources & Serivices Oo, Khin San Lecturer University of Yangon MA Library Management, Information Sources & Services Htun, Min Min Lecturer University of Yangon PhD Information Sources & Serivices Soe, Thein Thein Lecturer University of Yangon MRes Library Management Kyi, Thant Phyu Lecturer University of Yangon PhD Information Sources & Serivices Maw, Aye Aye Lecturer University of East Yangon MA Information Sources & Services, Library Management Aung, Ni Ni Lecturer University of East Yangon MA Information Technology & Retrieval System Aye, Than Than Lecturer University of East Yangon MA Information Technology & Retrieval System Than, Aye Aye Lecturer University of East Yangon MA Information Sources & Services Aye, Mee Mee Lecturer University of East Yangon MA Library Management Wai, Tin Yu Lecturer University of East Yangon MA Library Management Hlaing, Khin Saw Lecturer University of East Yangon MA Preservation and Conservation of Library Materials, Library Management Naing, Swe Swe Lecturer University of East Yangon MA Information Technology & Retrieval System Myint, Kay Thwe Moe Lecturer University of East Yangon MA Information Sources & Services, Information Technology & Retrieval System Than, Moet Moet Lecturer University of East Yangon MA Preservation and Conservation of Library Materials, Library Management Sint, Htay Htay Lecturer University of East Yangon PhD Information Sources & Services, Information Technology & Retrieval System Thet, Phyo Su Lecturer University of East Yangon PhD Information Sources & Services, Information Technology & Retrieval System SOUTHEAST ASIAN LIBRARIANS LEADERSHIP CONVERGENCE | NOVEMBER 2020 28 Program of Activities Yee, Myint Lecturer University of East Yangon PhD Information Sources & Services, Information Technology & Retrieval System New, Thae Thae Lecturer University of East Yangon MA Information Sources & Services Thin, Khaing Khaing Lecturer University of East Yangon MRes Information Sources & Services Yi, Nu Nu Lecturer Yadanabon University MA Organization of Knowledge, Bibliographic Standards & Formats War, Zin Ngu Lecturer Yadanabon University MA Information Sources & Services, Interlectual Properties in Library Profession Htay, May Myat Myat Lecturer Yadanabon University MA Information Sources & Services, Preservation and Conservation of Library Materials Latt, Khin Thida Lecturer Yadanabon University MA Organization of Knowledge, Information Sources & Services, Mya, Khin Win Lecturer Yadanabon University PhD Information Sources & Services, Information Technology & Retrieval System Swe, Nilar Lecturer Yadanabon University MA Organization of Knowledge, Preservation and Conservation of Library Materials Htay, Win Win Lecturer Yadanabon University MA Organization of Knowledge, Library Management Win, Phyo Phyo Lecturer Yadanabon University MA Information Technology & Retrieval System, User Studies Oo, Hla Min Lecturer Yadanabon University MA Information Sources & Services, Interlectual Properties in Library profession Khaing, Aye Aye Lecturer Yadanabon University MA Library Management, Contemporary Libraries Thu, Khin Myo Lecturer Yadanabon University MA Information Technology & Retrieval System, User Studies Kyaw, Mon Mon Lecturer Yadanabon University MA Information Technology & Retrieval System Aung, Myat Kthee Lecturer Yadanabon University MRes Information Technology & Retrieval System Nwe, Khin Lay Assistant Lecturer University of Yangon MRes Information Sources & Services Swe,Thwe Thwe Assitant Lecturer University of East Yangon MRes Information Technology & Retrieval System, Hlaing, Su Myat Assitant Lecturer University of East Yangon MRes Information Technology & Retrieval System, Zin, Thwe Hnin Ei Assitant Lecturer Yadanabon University MA Information Sources & Services Swe, Thet Mon Assitant Lecturer Yadanabon University MA Information Technology & Retrieval System SOUTHEAST ASIAN LIBRARIANS LEADERSHIP CONVERGENCE | NOVEMBER 2020 Program of Activities 29 BRIEF HISTORY FOR LIS EDUCATION IN MYANMAR CHRONOLOGY OF EVENTS IMPORTANT DEVELOPMENTS PIONEERS (Bionote and other information) 15th September 1971 Post-graduate diploma in library science programme was first initiated as part-time programme at the University of Yangon. Dr. U Thaw Kaung, Head of the Department & Chief Librarian of Universities’ Library 26th September 1997 University of Yangon Senate accepted the U Thein Lwin, Associate Professor & Head of proposal of library science which stated new the Department name of the department (Department of Library and Information Studies) and opened a full time diploma course. 1999 The full time programme of Post-graduate Diploma was started at University of Yangon. Duration is one and half years U Thein Lwin, Associate Professor & Head of the Department 1999 Master Degree Programme was started at University of Yangon. U Thein Lwin, Professor & Head of the Department 2000 The Department of Library and Information Studies was establisehed at the University of East Yangon and started open B.A. Degree Programme. U Thein Shwe, Lecturer & Head of the Department 2001 Master of Research Programme (one year research programme) was offered at University of Yangon. U Thein Lwin, Professor & Head of the Department 2003 The Department of Library and Information Studies was establisehed at Yadanabon University and started open Under-graduate Degree Programme. Daw. Sanda Oo, Lecturer & Head of the Department 2003 MA Qualifying Class was opened at East Yangon University. U Thein Shwe, Associate Professor & Head of the Department 2005 Master Degree Programme was opened at East Yangon University. Daw Yin Yin Sein, Professor & Head of the Department 2006 MA Qualifying Class was opened at Yadanabon Daw Sanda Oo, Lecturer & Head of the University. Department 2008 Doctoral Programme was started at University of Yangon. U Thein Shwe, Professor & Head of the Department 2008 Master of Research Programme (one year research programme) was offered at East Yangon University. Dwa Yin Yin Sein, Professor & head of the Department 2012 Master Degree Programme was started at Yadanabon University. Daw Sanda Oo, Lecturer & Head of the Department 2013 The first five doctorate degree holders in library and information stuudies appeared. Dr. U Thaw Kaung, Chief Librarian (Rtd.), Universities’ Central Library U Thein Lwin, Professor (Rtd. ) U Thein Shwe, Professor (Rtd.) Daw Htay Htay Win, Lecturer & Head of the Department 2015 Under-graduate Programme was started at University of Yangon. Dr. Ni Win Zaw, Professor & Head of the Department 2015 Post-graduate Diploma in Library and Information Studies was started at Yadanabon University. Dr. Sanda Oo, Professor & Head of the Department SOUTHEAST ASIAN LIBRARIANS LEADERSHIP CONVERGENCE | NOVEMBER 2020 30 Program of Activities NUMBER OF LIS SCHOOLS IN MYANMAR COUNTRY DEGREE PROGRAM (Please indicate number) Bachelor Myanmar 3 Masteral 3 NUMBER OF LIS SCHOOLS (Please indicate number) Doctoral 1 Degree Program Diploma 3 2 Short Term - Other Training Programs - CURRENT STATUS OF LIS EDUCATION IN MYANMAR STRENGTHS WEAKNESSES CHALLENGES IN LIS EDUCATION Well awareness of the gap in the curriculum and job market among LIS professors Curriculum mostly based on the traditional library practices Upgrading curriculum development Awareness to evaluate the current curricula in LIS schools Necessary to upgrade Lack of preparedness the LIS curriculum for job opportunity based on modern trends for library functioning and services by adopting the ICT application Yearly increase in a good number of students’ enrollment in Library and Information Studies specialization Small number of LIS schools Rapid change in information and communication technology Able to fulfil the requirement of human resources in library profession Need to build up technological knowledge and skills among the LIS faculty Inadequate ICT infrastructure in LIS schools Cultivating the knowledge and skills needed to become librarians and information professionals Need to evaluate performance of LIS schools More expectation of IT knowledge by the library professional Providing the basic skills that graduates will need to adapt and effectively operate the library Lack of professional guideline for librarians and library staff Less ICT skills among LIS faculty Need to collaborate among LIS schools in ASEAN countries Requirement of facilities and training (Online Learning) for students and teachers Promotion of LIS profession Lack of national promotion of LIS profession REGULATION BY GOVERNMENT (if any) No SOUTHEAST ASIAN LIBRARIANS LEADERSHIP CONVERGENCE | NOVEMBER 2020 REMARKS (Actions undertaken to address the weaknesses and challenges) Program of Activities 31 LIS EDUCATION - NATIONAL LIBRARY IMPORTANT DEVELOPMENTS DEGREE PROGRAM (Please indicate number) Bachelor The two national libraries of Myanmar offer the Library Management Diploma course for graduated people since 2010 and has been conducting on functions of library for upgrading library staffs and besides one-month course for library assistants are also opened. Offering Post-Graduate Diploma on Library Management in National Library. With the collaboration of Department of Historical Research, National Library and the National University of Arts and Culture (Yangon), Post-Graduate Diploma on Library Management Course is offered by the National Library (Yangon) since 2010-2011 fiscal year. Any graduate from the government universities are allowed to join the course. It is one-year course and period are from 10 a.m. to 4:20 p.m. in week days. Library and Information subjects are offered by the senior librarians and teachers from the Yangon and Yadanabon University. After completion, post Graduate Diploma in Library Management (PGDLM) certificate is conferred by the National University of Arts and Culture (Yangon/Mandalay).In 2020-2021 academic year, it will be carried out one year for theory and practical training for six months. Qualification Diploma graduates are allowed to attend the Master course. NUMBER OF LIS SCHOOLS (Please indicate number) Masteral Diploma 2 Doctoral Degree Program Diploma 2 Requirements for the Post-Graduate Diploma in Library Management (PGDLM) Any graduate can apply to the Post-Graduate Diploma in Library Management (PGDLM). The english and general knowledge on literature test for enrollment is conducted. PGDLM has two semesters in one year course and each semester has examination. After second semester examination, there is a practical period and compiling bibliography for completion of the course. SOUTHEAST ASIAN LIBRARIANS LEADERSHIP CONVERGENCE | NOVEMBER 2020 32 Program of Activities STRENGTHS WEAKNESSES PGDLM courses are opened at the National Library (Yangon) and (Nay Pyi Taw). Advantages of the PGDLM courses is more practical works on the lectures because students have an opportunity to involve in the daily library functions for their practices. The students have to apply the lectures on the library functions that makes them to improve their comprehensive skill in librarianship. Another advantage is submitting the restrospective bibliography for their completion of graduation. As the result of compiling bibliograpgy, the students have good experience of searching and data compiling of library function. The bibliographies compiled by the students are useful for restrospective bibliography of the National Library of Myanmar. The period is too short for students to learn LIS. Due to the organization structure of government institutions, PGDLM is under the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Culture. The qualified students of PGDLM were not able to join the Master Degree on LIS in universities under the Ministry of Education until 2019. CHALLENGES IN LIS EDUCATION REGULATION BY GOVERNMENT (if any) Short Term 2 SOUTHEAST ASIAN LIBRARIANS LEADERSHIP CONVERGENCE | NOVEMBER 2020 REMARKS (Actions undertaken to address the weaknesses and challenges) Program of Activities 33 LIS P R AC TI CE STATUS OF PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE OF LIBRARIANSHIP ACADEMIC LIBRARIES GOVERNMENT REGULATION Qualifying Examination/s (if any, please specify) There is no Professional Qualifying Examination in Myanmar as a regulatory board. Each Ministry has a set of required qualification of the post of librarians and examination is needed to qualify for the post. Code of Ethics (Yes or No?) Yes for a staff of the university or colleges. Continuing Professional Development (CPD) (please specify units per required period ) ETHICAL ISSUES Myanmar Librarianship Profession has the different ways for the Continuing Professional Development: such as attending the short courses, post graduate courses from the Academic Degree Program, and short-term training courses. SCHOOL LIBRARIES GOVERNMENT REGULATION Qualifying Examination/s (if any, please specify) No Qualifying examination but Only Art and Science Graduate for TeacherLibrarians. Most schools there is a teacher-librarian and that person I suspervised by the Principal or an assigned teacher. They are responsible for the activities in the library. Code of Ethics (Yes or No?) A Teaching staff of the school Continuing Professional Development (CPD) (please specify units per required period ) ETHICAL ISSUES Example: CPD Law of 2016 requires 45 CPD units in 3 years PUBLIC LIBRARIES GOVERNMENT REGULATION Qualifying Examination/s (if any, please specify) There is no Professional Qualifying Examination in Myanmar as a regulatory board. The Ministry of Information has a set of required qualification of the post of librarians and examination is needed to qualify for the post. Code of Ethics (Yes or No?) Yes for a staff of the Ministry. Continuing Professional Development (CPD) (please specify units per required period ) ETHICAL ISSUES Myanmar Librarianship Profession has the different ways for the Continuing Professional Development: such as attending the short courses, post graduate courses from the Academic Degree Program, and short-term training courses. SOUTHEAST ASIAN LIBRARIANS LEADERSHIP CONVERGENCE | NOVEMBER 2020 34 Program of Activities NATIONAL LIBRARIES GOVERNMENT REGULATION Qualifying Examination/s (if any, please specify) Code of Ethics (Yes or No?) Continuing Professional Development (CPD) (please specify units per required period ) There is no Professional Qualifying Examination in Myanmar as a regulatory board. The Ministry of Culture and Religion Affairs has a set of required qualification of the post of librarians and examination is needed to qualify for the post. Yes for a staff of the Ministry. ETHICAL ISSUES Myanmar Librarianship Profession has the different ways for the Continuing Professional Development: such as attending the short courses, post graduate courses from the Academic Degree Program, and short-term training courses. PROFILE OF LIBRARY ASSOCIATIONS IN MYANMAR Name of Library Association Myanmar Library Association (for all types of the library profession) Types (Please check ✓) Goals Academic School Public Special ü ü ü ü To promote library disciplines, skills and services, support the development of Myanmar libraries and librarians, and disseminate information and knowledge about the library profession Year Established 1994 Ongoing Programs/Projects School Library Development Project partnership with the Ministry of Education, The Department of Basic Education (Ongoing since 2017) Go Digital ASEAN Project partnership with the Asia Foundation (2020-2021) MLA Certificate Course on Library Education and Information Literacy (Ongoing) Basic Library Education Course (Ongoing) Providing the workshops, trainings for the Continuing Professional Development for the library professions (Ongoing) Participating in International Network for Emerging Library Innovators (INELI) South Asia Program for innovation in the library field (2019- ) Particiapting in Southeast Asian School Libraries Regional workshop annually (hosted 4th Regional Workshop in Myanmar) SOUTHEAST ASIAN LIBRARIANS LEADERSHIP CONVERGENCE | NOVEMBER 2020 Program of Activities 35 C OUNTRY REPORTS Philippines LIS P R AC TI CE Lourdes T. David, RL Member, Professional Regulatory Board for Librarians, Professional Regulation Commission and Chair, Continuing Professional Development Council for Librarians Abstract Library practice in the Philippines is regulated by the Professional Regulation Commission by virtue of the Philippine Librarianship Act of 2003 (R.A. 9246, s 2003). The Law defines the term librarian, provides the scope of the practice of librarianship and identifies the subjects covered in the Librarian Licensure Examination. The terms of specification for the examination is based on the Commission on Higher Education Policies, Standards and Guidelines for the Bachelor of Library and Information Science. Graduates of the Bachelor of Library and Information Science program have to pass the Librarian Licensure Examination; register with the Commission; take the oath of professionals and the oath of librarians before they can be included in the roster of registered librarians to enter the workforce and work as librarians in libraries and other information centers. After taking their oath, the registered professional is given a Certificate of Registration and a Professional Identification Card. To continue practicing as a librarian, the professional has to renew his/her PIC every three years. Introduction Library practice in the Philippines is regulated by the Philippine Regulation Commission by virtue of the Philippine Librarianship Act of 2003 (R.A. 9246). The Act defines the term “librarian” as “an individual who is a bonafide holder of a Certificate of Registration (COR) and Professional Identification Card (PIC) issued by the Professional Regulatory Board for Librarians (PRBFL) and by the Figure 1. Relationship of the different aspects of library practice in the Philippines. SOUTHEAST ASIAN LIBRARIANS LEADERSHIP CONVERGENCE | NOVEMBER 2020 36 Program of Activities Professional Regulation Commission (PRC).” (See Fig 1. For the relationships of the different aspects of library practice in the Philippines) Section 16, provides the coverage of the licensure examination. The COR and the PIC are given only to those individuals who have passed the licensure examination and taken their oath as professionals and as librarians. In addition, the Law also states that holders of the COR and the PIC are automatically members of the Philippine Librarians Association, Inc. (PLAI). There are only 9,954 registered librarians in the Philippines. As per PRBFL Resolution No. 1, s 2018, only registered librarians may affix the letters RL after their names to indicate that they are Registered Librarians (RL). To continue practicing as a librarian, he/she must renew his/her PIC with the PRC every three years. Librarians Licensure Examination The Board examination is based on the Policies, Standards and Guidelines (CMO 24, s2015) for the Bachelor of Library and Information Science Program and the scope of examination stated in the Law (R.A. 9246 s 2004). The Board prepares a table of specifications that will guide them in making the questions for the Board exam (See Table 1) Table 1. Scope of Licensure Examination Based on R.A. 9246 Table of Specifications for the Scope of Examination Stated in the Law Selection and acquisition—15% Reference, bibliography—20% Cataloguing and classification—15% Organization and management—20% Indexing and abstracting—15% Information Technology--15% The percentages are based on the number of units per subject in the curriculum. After the weights per subject has been decided, weights for the topics covered per subject are again assigned. The questions which can be easy, moderate and difficult can now be formulated. The computer selects at random the questions to be given in the exam. Scope of Practice Section 5 of the Law provides the scope of practice of librarianship in the Philippines. Registered Librarians can work as librarians in academic, school, special and public libraries. Many registered librarians work as indexers, consultants, teachers of LIS, archivists, records managers, systems analysts, systems designers, systems managers, programmers and systems developers. The Bachelor of Library and Information (BLIS) curriculum provides for training in acquisition, cataloguing, indexing, reference, library management, conservation and preservation of records, systems design, programming and other ICT applications. The BLIS curriculum also requires attachment training in a library/s. Although librarian positions require registered librarians to fill-up the positions, if the position title of the job is not “librarian” and the work entails tasks that are not in the scope of practice defined by R.A. 9246, graduates of LIS may opt not to take the LLE, if their targeted job does not have librarian in the position title. Unlike the BLIS, the Philippines has no new PSG for the master’s degree in Library and Information Science (MLIS). It is still waiting for the Commission on Higher Education CHED to approve the submitted draft. Meanwhile CHED has directed the library schools to use the PSG for graduate education as a guide in offering the master’s degree program in library and information science. It should be noted however, that the Philippine Librarianship Act specifies that only graduates of BLIS and MLIS may take the LLE. Continuing Professional Development The PRBFL has a CPD Council which monitors and approves CPD programs for Librarians. The programs must be “advanced” meaning, the content of the topics offered must be higher in level than those taken up in library school. When a CPD activity is approved by the CPD Council, it is given accredited CPD credit units. These credit units may be used in the application for PIC renewal. The professional may also attend programs of non-accredited providers, conduct research, publish papers, etc. to acquire CPD credit units under the selfdirected (SDL) modality. They may also apply their professional work experience (PWE) for CPD accreditation, however, credit units acquired in self-directed and PWE activities only count as 30% of the required CPD credits for the three-year renewal cycle. The CPD Law of 2016 is currently under review. It is possible that accumulation of CPD credit units will no longer be tied to the renewal of the PIC but to career progression. Renewal of the PIC The documents required in renewing the PIC are the Certificate of Good Standing (COGS) from the Philippine Librarians Association, Inc. (PLAI) and continuing professional development (CPD) credit units. The requirement for the COGS is active membership in the Philippine Librarians Association, Inc. defined as “a member with paid dues within the three year renewal cycle for the PIC.” This is mandated by PRBFL Resolution No. 1, s2018. The requirement for CPD credit units for the renewal of the PIC stems from the provision in Section 10 of the CPD Act of 2016 (R.A. 10912) which mandates the completion of the required CPD units before a professional can renew his/her PIC. Because of the many complaints regarding this requirement of CPD credit units for the renewal of the PIC, the Philippine Congress directed the PRC to review the Implementing Rules and Regulations for the CPD Act of 2016 and imposed several antecedents to be completed prior to the full implementation of the CPD Act. The period before the completion of the antecedents is called the “Transitory period”. During this period, the required number of credit units for Filipino librarians practicing within the country is fifteen (15) CPD credit units for non-seniors and ten (10) for senior citizens (60 years old and above). Filipino librarians working abroad are not required to have CPD credit units when they renew their PIC. New LLE passers are also not required to present CPD credit units when they renew their PICs for the first time. Once the antecedents are completed, the required number of CPD credit units will increase, the exact number of which is not yet determined at this time. Code of Ethics and Technical Standards Section 8h of the Philippine Librarianship Act states that one of the functions of the Board for Librarians is to devise a Code of Ethics and a Code of Technical Standards. SOUTHEAST ASIAN LIBRARIANS LEADERSHIP CONVERGENCE | NOVEMBER 2020 Program of Activities The Code of Ethics is PRBFL Resolution No. 6, s 2006 while the technical standards are in PRFL Resolution 03, s 2006, entitled, “Prescription, Adoption and Promulgation of a National Competency-Based Standards for Filipino Librarians.” The latter resolution is currently being revised to include new practices in librarianship and new competencies required of librarians especially in the area of ICT. The revised standards will also include the competency requirement per PQF level. The Code of Ethics must be observed by every registered Filipino Librarian. It provides for the following acceptable behaviors towards the: 1. state and society; 2. librarianship profession; 3. 4. 37 suppliers, publishers and dealers; and users of their professional service. The technical standards are divided into two main areas: I. Personal competencies; and A. Communication B. Customer Service C. Leadership D. Lifelong learning and personal growth E. Ethics and values F. Interpersonal relationships G. Cultural competency II. Professional competencies Figure2. The Philippine Qualifications Framework A. B. C. D. Managing information resources; Managing information services; Managing information technologies; and Managing information organizations. Career Progression System Career progression is aligned with the Philippine Qualifications Framework (PQF). New graduates who have a COR and PIC are at level 6 of the PQF. They can progress to levels 7 or 8 either through the academic or professional track. CPD activities can be taken under the professional or academic track. If the professional selects the academic track to advance in his/her career, he/she automatically advances to PQF level 7 upon completion of a master’s degree and level 8 upon completion of a doctoral degree and/or a post-doctoral. For the PQF levels see Figure 2: The Philippine Qualifications Framework. If the professional selects the academic track to advance in his/ her career, he/she automatically advances to PQF level 7 upon completion of a master’s degree and level 8 upon completion of a doctoral degree and/or a post-doctoral program. If the professional selects the professional track she can acquire CPD credit units leading to a specialization through special modules designed for the professional track. After finishing the CPD offerings or the modules, he/she may apply for accreditation towards a specialization to a specialty group who will assess her qualifications. If she/he satisfies all the requirements of the specialty group, her application will be endorsed to the PRC through the Career Progression Committee who will grant his/her the appropriate PQF level. Credit Transfer System The PRC is working closely with CHED on devising a credit transfer system where some credit units earned in the CPD professional track can be accredited in the academic track. For example, if the curriculum has identified attendance to seminars as part of its curriculum, the professional may attend relevant seminars or modules with the approval of the academe and apply them for credit in his/her academic program. This possibility is still under discussion with CHED although there have been cases in the past, where this practice was observed on a limited scale. Library Associations Part of the mandate of the Board for librarians is to monitor the performance of different types of libraries. Each type of library has each own association. The Board has prepared several standards for these libraries in collaboration with the library SOUTHEAST ASIAN LIBRARIANS LEADERSHIP CONVERGENCE | NOVEMBER 2020 38 Program of Activities associations. In addition, these associations will take care of preparing the modules for specialization in collaboration with an academic institution. The Board for Librarians has published the following resolutions for the standards of the different types of libraries. • PRBFL Resolution No. 1, s 2016. “Prescription, Issuance and Promulgation of the Standards for Special Libraries in the Philippines.” • The Standards for School Libraries prepared by the Board is annexed to the Department Order 56, series of 2011 of the Department of Education. • PRBFL Resolution No.05, s 2015. “Prescription, Adoption and promulgation of the “Revised Standards for Philippine Public Libraries.” • The new standard for higher education libraries is awaiting approval by CHED. Where we are now being reviewed for possible amendment or repeal. It might take a year or two for the new/amended bills to be enacted into law. Meanwhile, our present practice is governed by the Philippine Librarianship Act of 2003 (R.A. No. 9246, 2003) and the Continuing Professional Development Act of 2016 (R.A. 10912, 2016). All the PRBFL Resolutions governing the practice of librarianship in the Philippines, except for the Code of Ethics are also under review because of the changes brought about by the fast-paced developments in ICT and the current disruptive situation in our society because of the COVID-19 crisis. The Career progression system and the credit transfer system are still being formulated by the different PRC boards. The recommendations that they are formulating are based on the PQF Act of 2016. We look forward to the coming changes as they will again be challenges for the Filipino librarian in providing better service to their clients. The Philippine Librarianship Act and the CPD Act are currently REPUBLIC ACT 9246: THE PHILIPPINE LIBRARIANSHIP ACT OF 2003 Michael A. Pinto,RL PLAI Ex-Officio Head, Cagayan Provincial Learning and Resource Center Historical Background In the desire to professionalize the practice of librarianship in the Philippines, the Philippine Librarians Association Incorporated leadership made a historic act when the Republic Act 6966 was passed into law on September 19, 1990 entitled “An Act regulating the Practice of Librarianship and Prescribing the Qualifications of Librarians” by then President Corazon C. Aquino. On December 5, 1990 this law took effect at that same day was the reckoning date for the compliance of requirements for the registration without examination or the Grand Fathers Clause. For twelve years, the Republic Act 6966 has been the guide of all librarians in the practice of librarianship in the country. However, considering the recent developments in the field, the Philippine Librarians Association Incorporated leadership together with some advocates pushed for the repeal of Republic Act 6966. On December 2, 2003, House Bill No. 5351 entitled “An Act Modernizing the Practice of Librarianship in the Philippines thereby Repealing Republic Act 6966” was passed by the House of Representatives. After fourteen days, on December 16, 2003, Senate Bill (SB) No. 2579 which is the Senate version of the House Bill 5351 was passed by the House of Senate. On February 19, 2004, the two bills were consolidated and entitled “An Act Modernizing the Practice of Librarianship in the Philippines thereby Repealing Republic Act No. 6966, Appropriating Funds Therefor and for Other Purposes” and signed into law by then President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo and now known as Republic Act 9246. As a matter of requirement for a law to take effect, it was published in the Manila Times, a national newspaper of general circulation. After 15 days, on March 16, 2004 Republic Act 9246 took effect and finally repealed the Republic Act 6966. Salient Features of RA 9246 ARTICLE I TITLE, STATEMENT OF POLICY, OF TERMS, SCOPE OF THE PRACTICE DEFINITION Republic Act 9246 has a shot title “the Philippine Librarianship Act of 2003” under Section 1. At present, it is the latest law on Philippine librarianship. The exact title of Republic Act 9246 is “AN ACT MODERNIZING THE PRACTICE OF LIBRARIANSHIP IN THE PHILIPPINES THEREBY REPEALING REPUBLIC ACT NO. 6966, ENTITLED: “AN ACT REGULATING THE PRACTICE OF LIBRARIANSHIP AND PRESCRIBING THE QUALIFICATIONS OF LIBRARIANS,” APPROPRIATING FUNDS THEREFOR AND SOUTHEAST ASIAN LIBRARIANS LEADERSHIP CONVERGENCE | NOVEMBER 2020 Program of Activities FOR OTHER PURPOSES” 7. To provide the rationale in relation to the state policy, Section 2 specifies the Statement of Policy which elaborates the essential role of librarianship in nation building: “The State recognizes the essential role of librarianship as a profession in developing the intellectual capacity of the citizenry thus making library service a regular component for national development. It shall, through honest, effective and credible licensure examination and regulatory measures, undertake programs and activities that would promote and nurture the professional growth and well-being of competent, virtuous, productive and well-rounded librarians whose standards of practice and service shall be characterized by excellence, quality, and geared towards world-class global competitiveness.” Section 3 describes the objectives of the Act. Accordingly, the Act shall govern the following:(a) National examination for licensure, registration of librarians, issuance of Certificate of Registration and Professional Identification Card;(b) Supervision, control and regulation of practice of librarianship;(c) Integration of librarians under one national organization; and(d) Development of professional competence of librarians. In order to understand some terms used in the law, Section 4 provides the definition of terms. In the provision of the law, it defines the following: a. b. c. Librarian refers to an individual who is a bona fide holder of a Certificate of Registration and Professional Identification Card issued by the Professional Regulatory Board for Librarians and by the Professional Regulation Commission in accordance with this Act. This provision provides exclusivity of the term librarian to refer to the above description. Commission refers to the Professional Regulation Commission. Board refers to the Professional Regulatory Board for Librarians. Section 5 specifies the Scope of the Practice of Librarianship. Under this provision, librarianship shall deal with the performance of the librarian’s functions, which shall include, but not be limited to the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Selection and acquisition of multi-media sources of information which would best respond to clientele’s need for adequate, relevant and timely information; Cataloguing and classification of knowledge or sources of information into relevant organized collections and creation of local databases for speedy access, retrieval or delivery of information; Development of computer-assisted/ computerbacked information systems which would permit online and network services; Establishment of library systems and procedures; dissemination of information; rendering of information, reference and research assistance; archiving; and education of users; Teaching, lecturing and reviewing of library, archives and information science subjects, including subjects given in the licensure examination; Rendering of services involving technical knowledge/ expertise in abstracting, indexing, cataloguing and classifying; or the preparation of bibliographies, subject authority lists, thesauri and union catalogues/lists; 8. 9. 39 Preparation, evaluation or appraisal of plans, programs and/or projects for the establishment, organization, development and growth of libraries or information centers, and the determination of library requirements for space, buildings, structures or facilities; Provision of professional and consultancy services or advice on any aspect of librarianship; and Organization, conservation, preservation a n d restoration of historical and cultural documents and other intellectual properties. ARTICLE II CREATION OF THE PROFESSIONAL REGULATORY BOARD FOR LIBRARIANS One of the salient features of the law is the existence of the Professional Regulatory Board for Librarians. Section 6 specifies the Creation and Composition of the Board. The board is composed of the Chairperson and two (2) members who shall be appointed by the President of the Philippines from among the list of three (3) recommendees for each position submitted by the Commission from among the list of five (5) nominees for each position submitted by the accredited, integrated national professional organization of librarians from among the librarians of recognized standing who qualify under SEC 7 which enumerates the Qualifications of Members of the Board as follows: a. b. c. d. e. f. A natural born citizen and resident of the Philippines; A good reputation and moral character; A librarian as defined in “section 4(a)” of this Act; Active in the practice of librarianship for at least ten (10) years, five (5) years of which is in a managerial position; Must not be a member of the faculty of a university, college, school or institution conferring the academic degree on librarianship, or offering review classes for librarian licensure examination; nor a person who has a direct or indirect pecuniary interest in any such institution; and (f) Must not be an incumbent officer of the accredited, integrated national professional organization of librarians. ARTICLE III LICENSURE EXAMINATION AND REGISTRATION One of the major features of the law is on the provision on examination under Section 14. Accordingly, applicants for registration, except those specifically allowed under SEC 19 of this Act, shall be required to undergo a written licensure examination to be given by the Board in such places and dates the Commission may designate subject to compliance with the requirements prescribed by the Commission. On Section 15, on Qualifications of Applicants. The law requires that applicants for the licensure examination are the following: a. b. c. Citizen of the Philippines or a foreign citizen whose country has reciprocity with the Philippines as regards the practice of librarianship; Good health and good moral character; and Graduate of Bachelor’s degree in Library Science and Information Science: Provided, That a holder of a master’s degree in Library and Information Science shall be allowed to qualify for application to the licensure examinations: Provided, further; That within five (5) years from the effectivity of this Act, holders of the SOUTHEAST ASIAN LIBRARIANS LEADERSHIP CONVERGENCE | NOVEMBER 2020 40 Program of Activities following degrees shall also be allowed to qualify for application to the licensure examination: 1. Bachelor of Science in Education or Elementary Education; or Bachelor of Arts with a major or specialization in Library Science; 2. Master of Arts in Library Science or Library and Information Science; or 3. Any masteral degree with concentration in Library Science. For the applicants who will take the examination, section 16 provides the Scope of Examination as follows: 1. selection and acquisition of multi-media sources of information; 2. cataloguing and classification; 3. indexing and abstracting; 4. reference, bibliography and information services; 5. organization, management and development and maintenance of multi-media based library or information service, laws, trends and practices affecting the profession; and 6. information technology. By practice, the examinees shall take the examination for two days. Three subjects will be taken by the examinees per day. The Board is hereby authorized to modify or add to the subjects listed above as the needs and demands in the library profession may require. On Section 17, the Rating in the Board Examination is enumerated To be qualified as having passed the licensure examination, a candidate must obtain a weighted general average of seventyfive percent (75%), with no grade lower than fifty percent (50%) in any subject. The result of the examination and the rating of the exam should be issued 10 days after the examination. The Grand Fathers Clause or the provision on Registration Without Examination is under Section 19 of the law. Upon application and payment of the required fees, the Board shall issue a Certificate of Registration and Professional Identification Card to an applicant who, on the date of effectivity of Republic Act No. 6966, is: a. a practicing librarian who has completed at least a bachelor’s degree and a librarian or s u p e r v i s i n g librarian eligible; b. a practicing librarian who has completed at least a bachelor’s degree, eighteen (18) units in Library Science, five (5) years experience in librarianship, and a first grade eligible or its equivalent; c. a practicing librarian who has completed a masteral degree in Library Science or Library and Information Science, and a first grade eligible or its equivalent; or d. a practicing librarian who has completed at least a bachelor’s degree, eighteen (18) units in Library Science, and seven (7) years experience in librarianship. Those who qualify under this section shall be given three (3) years within which to apply for registration upon the effectivity of this Act. Section 20 specifies the Issuance of Certificate of Registration and Professional Identification Card. The Commission, on recommendation of the Board, shall issue a Certificate of Registration and Professional Identification Card to each person who passed the licensure examination for librarians and to those who are registered without examination under this Act and shall enter the name of the registered professional in the Roster of Philippine Librarians. The Certificate of Registration shall bear the signature of the Chairperson of the Commission and the Chairperson and members of the Board, stamped with the official seals of the Board and the Commission indicating that the person named therein is entitled to the practice of the profession with all the privileges appurtenant thereto. The said certificate of registration shall remain in full force and effect until suspended or revoked in accordance with this Act. A professional identification card bearing the name and signature of the registrant, registration number, date of issuance, expiry date, duly signed by the Chairperson of the Commission, shall likewise be issued to every registrant who has paid the prescribed fee. On Section 21 stipulates the Oath of Profession. As stipulated, all successful examinees qualified for registration and all qualified applicants for registration without examination shall be required to take an oath of profession before any Commission Officer, or member of the Board or any government official authorized to administer oaths, prior to entering into the practice of librarianship in the Philippines. In case the board finds it necessary to refuse to issue Certificate of registration and Identification Card, Section 22 enumerates the grounds for refusal. The Board shall not register any successful examinee nor any applicant for registration without examination if he/she has been convicted by a court of competent jurisdiction of any criminal offense involving moral turpitude or has been found guilty of immoral and dishonorable conduct after investigation of the Board, or has been declared to be of unsound mind. The reason for the refusal shall be set forth in writing. Section 23 specifies the Revocation and Suspension of Certificate of Registration and Professional Identification Card or Cancellation of Temporary/Special Permit. The Board has the power, after due notice and hearing, to revoke or suspend the Certificate of Registration or cancel a temporary or special permit of any librarian on any ground stated under section 22 of this Act, or for any of the following: unprofessional or dishonorable conduct; malpractice; incompetence; serious ignorance or negligence in the practice of librarianship; fraud; deceit or falsification in obtaining a certificate of registration, professional identification card, or temporary/special permit; abetment of illegal practice by allowing illegal use of his/her certificate of registration, or professional identification card, or temporary/special permit; practice of profession during the period of suspension; or any violation of this Act, its Implementing Rules and Regulations, the Code of Ethics or the Code of Technical Standards for Librarians, or Board policies. The respondent may appeal the Board’s decision, order/resolution to the Commission within fifteen (15) days from receipt thereof. Section 24 discusses the Reissuance of Revoked Certificate of Registration and Replacement of Lost Certificate of Registration and Professional Identification Card. The Board after two (2) years from the date of revocation of the Certificate of Registration may reissue a certificate upon proper application. A new Certificate of Registration and Professional Identification Card or temporary/special permit, which has been lost, destroyed or mutilated, may be reissued after payment of the required fee prescribed by the Commission. On Section 25 specifies the Roster of Librarians. The Board, in coordination with the accredited and integrated national organization of librarians, shall maintain an up-to-date, complete SOUTHEAST ASIAN LIBRARIANS LEADERSHIP CONVERGENCE | NOVEMBER 2020 Program of Activities and properly organized Roster, which shall include those who had been issued Certificates of Registration under Republic Act No. 6966 and those who shall qualify under this Act, to contain the following data: a. alphabetical list by surname of librarians with their addresses and license numbers; b. the list of licensees, numerically arranged by license numbers; and c. such other lists which the Board may deem necessary. Copies of the Roster, which shall be provided to the National Library, the Civil Service Commission, and the accredited national organization of librarians, shall be kept as permanent record. ARTICLE IV PRACTICE OF LIBRARIANSHIP In this article, it specifies the practice of librarianship. Section 26 provides provision on the Illegal Practice of Librarianship. Accordingly, a person who does not have a valid Certificate of Registration and Professional Identification Card or a temporary/ special permit from the Commission shall not practice or offer to practice librarianship in the Philippines or assume any position, which involve performing the function of a librarian as provided under SEC 5 of this Act. Section 28 specifies the provision on Foreign Reciprocity. Accordingly, a librarian from another country shall be admitted for licensure examination, be issued a Certificate of Registration and Professional Identification Card and be entitled to the rights and privileges appurtenant to this Act, if the country or state he/she is a citizen of or subject, permits Filipino librarians to practice librarianship on an equal basis as the librarians of said country or state: Provided, That the requirements for Certificate of Registration in said country or state are substantially the same as the requirements under this Act: Provided, further, That the law of such country or state grants Filipino librarians the same privileges as the citizens/subjects of that country/state. A specific provision is also included on the Integrated and Accredited National Organization of Librarians which is under 41 Section 30. As stated, all registered librarians shall be integrated under a single organization recognized and accredited by the Board and approved by the Commission. A librarian duly registered and licensed by the Board and the Commission shall automatically become a member of the integrated and accredited professional organization and shall receive the benefits and privileges appurtenant thereto upon payment of the required fees and dues. Membership in the integrated and accredited professional organization shall not be a bar to membership in any other association of librarians. Another important provision of the law is specified on Section 31. It specifies the provision on Employment of Librarians. In the law, only qualified and licensed librarians shall be employed as librarians in all government libraries. Local government units shall be given a period of three (3) years from the approval of this Act to comply with this provision. ARTICLE V PENAL AND FINAL PROVISIONS On the Penal Provisions under Section 32, the law specifies that any person who practices or offers to practice any function of a librarian as provided for under SEC 5 of this Act who is not registered and has not been issued by the Commission a Certificate of Registration and Professional Identification Card, or a temporary license/permit or who violates any of the provisions of this Act, its Implementing Rules and Regulations, shall, upon conviction, be penalized by a fine of not less than Thirty thousand pesos (P30,000.00) nor more than One hundred-thousand pesos (P100,000.00), or imprisonment of not less than one (1) month nor more than three (3) years at the discretion of the court. The above provisions are the salient features of Republic Act 9246. At present, an initiative has been made to repeal this law in order to include the latest developments in the field. The Philippine Librarians Association Incorporated, the Professional Regulatory Board for Librarians, and the different library associations in the country participated in the Librarians Leadership Convergence organized by PLAI. To date, as new concepts and developments are coming in, the draft of the new law is still in progress. SOUTHEAST ASIAN LIBRARIANS LEADERSHIP CONVERGENCE | NOVEMBER 2020 42 Program of Activities National Library of the Philippines 1st Southeast Asian Librarians Leadership Convergence: A Prelude to the Establishment of Mutual Recognition of Professional Qualifications among ASEAN Countries Edgardo B. Quiros Asst. Director November 10-11, 2020 • 1887 -- Royal Decree led to the creation of the Museo Biblioteca • 1901, Act No. 222 established the American Circulating Library Division under the Bureau of Education • January 31, 1918, Act No. 2572 SOUTHEAST ASIAN LIBRARIANS LEADERSHIP CONVERGENCE | NOVEMBER 2020 Program of Activities 43 • Act No. 3477 issued in 1928 • June 1945. From the Legislative Building to the former Bilibid Prison • Executive Order No. 94, Series of 1947. National Library to the Bureau of Public Libraries • Republic Act No. 3873 in 1964. The National Library. • Republic Act No. 10087, enacted on May 13, 2010. National Library of the Philippines (NLP) Mandate – repository of the printed and recorded cultural heritage of the country and other intellectual, literary and information sources. Vision – by 2022, NLP shall have enhanced library facilities, relevant library resources, and dynamic services that contribute to the intellectual, social, and cultural development of the Filipino society. Mission – Acquire, organize, conserve, and preserve Filipiniana materials and provide equitable access to library resources through a system of public libraries throughout the country. SOUTHEAST ASIAN LIBRARIANS LEADERSHIP CONVERGENCE | NOVEMBER 2020 44 Program of Activities Major accomplishments and On-going Activities 1. Granted the ISO 9001:2015 Certification for Quality Management System on December 26, 2018 and valid until December 25, 2021. Major accomplishments and On-going Activities 2.a Final phase of the reconstruction and design of the NLP Building. SOUTHEAST ASIAN LIBRARIANS LEADERSHIP CONVERGENCE | NOVEMBER 2020 Program of Activities 45 Major accomplishments and On-going Activities 2.b Installation of Gas-Based Fire Suppression System Major accomplishments and On-going Activities 2.c Installation of additional four (4) service elevators Passenger Cargo Book SOUTHEAST ASIAN LIBRARIANS LEADERSHIP CONVERGENCE | NOVEMBER 2020 46 Program of Activities Major accomplishments and On-going Activities 3. Affiliated 39 public libraries to NLP. Atty. Al-Fred I. Concepcion Municipal e-Library Balaoan, La Union Brgy. Conception Reading Center Hilongos, Leyte Major accomplishments and On-going Activities 4. Adopting to the New Normal. 4.a Electronic Registration of International Numbering Systems (ISBN, ISSN, ISMN) with application fee temporary suspended. SOUTHEAST ASIAN LIBRARIANS LEADERSHIP CONVERGENCE | NOVEMBER 2020 Program of Activities 47 Major accomplishments and On-going Activities 4. Adopting to the New Normal. 4.b Electronic Copyright Application with application fee temporary suspended. Major accomplishments and On-going Activities 4. Adopting to the New Normal. 4.c Electronic request for Cataloging-InPublication. SOUTHEAST ASIAN LIBRARIANS LEADERSHIP CONVERGENCE | NOVEMBER 2020 48 Program of Activities Major accomplishments and On-going Activities 5. Adopting to the New Normal. 5.d Online Children’s activities like storytelling, read aloud and arts and crafts. Major accomplishments and On-going Activities 4. Adopting to the New Normal. 4.e Conduct of webinars. SOUTHEAST ASIAN LIBRARIANS LEADERSHIP CONVERGENCE | NOVEMBER 2020 Program of Activities 49 Major accomplishments and On-going Activities 4. Adopting to the New Normal. 4.f Purchase of more and up to date eResources. Some newly purchased eResources Major accomplishments and On-going Activities 4. Adopting to the New Normal. 4.g Conduct of Online Monitoring of Affiliated Public Libraries. Samar Provincial Library online monitoring via Zoom SOUTHEAST ASIAN LIBRARIANS LEADERSHIP CONVERGENCE | NOVEMBER 2020 50 Program of Activities Major accomplishments and On-going Activities 5. Network of Emerging Filipino Library Innovators (NEFLI). NEFLI was launched in 2018. It is a leadership training project for public librarians in the country. It involves public library leaders in the country and other interested parties in the country. This project aims to enhance the leadership skills of emerging library leaders; create a vibrant network of library leaders; build capacity to provide ongoing leadership training; and foster collaboration and strong partnership among stakeholders. Network of Emerging Filipino Library Innovators (NEFLI) SOUTHEAST ASIAN LIBRARIANS LEADERSHIP CONVERGENCE | NOVEMBER 2020 Program of Activities 51 Major accomplishments and On-going Activities 6. Network of Emerging Filipino Library Innovators (NEFLI). NEFLI was launched in 2018. It is a leadership training project for public librarians in the country. It involves public library leaders in the country and other interested parties in the country. This project aims to enhance the leadership skills of emerging library leaders; create a vibrant network of library leaders; build capacity to provide ongoing leadership training; and foster collaboration and strong partnership among stakeholders. Major accomplishments and On-going Activities 7. Conduct of Online KOHA The Information Technology Division was able to provide 3 online training (36 hours) for public library staff. SOUTHEAST ASIAN LIBRARIANS LEADERSHIP CONVERGENCE | NOVEMBER 2020 52 Program of Activities Major accomplishments and On-going Activities 8. Library and Information Services Month. This month long observance of library services every November was made through Proclamation No. 837 in 1991. All libraries are encouraged to organize activities to promote libraries and showcase the importance of this in the community. Major accomplishments and On-going Activities Theme: “LibREAL” (Libraries: Relate, Engage, Advocate, Lead) LISM Activities: a. Poster making contest SOUTHEAST ASIAN LIBRARIANS LEADERSHIP CONVERGENCE | NOVEMBER 2020 Program of Activities 53 Major accomplishments and On-going Activities Theme: “LibREAL” (Libraries: Relate, Engage, Advocate, Lead) LISM Activities: b. Best online Activities by LIS Associations Major accomplishments and On-going Activities Theme: “LibREAL” (Libraries: Relate, Engage, Advocate, Lead) LISM Activities: c. Cutest Photo in the Library Contest SOUTHEAST ASIAN LIBRARIANS LEADERSHIP CONVERGENCE | NOVEMBER 2020 54 Program of Activities Major accomplishments and On-going Activities Theme: “LibREAL” (Libraries: Relate, Engage, Advocate, Lead) LISM Activities: d. Share-a-Book: Book-Based Interactive Storytelling Contest Major accomplishments and On-going Activities Theme: “LibREAL” (Libraries: Relate, Engage, Advocate, Lead) LISM Activities: e. Maki VLOG na!. An original 5 min. vlog centered on the theme. SOUTHEAST ASIAN LIBRARIANS LEADERSHIP CONVERGENCE | NOVEMBER 2020 Program of Activities 55 Major accomplishments and On-going Activities Theme: “LibREAL” (Libraries: Relate, Engage, Advocate, Lead) LISM Activities: f. Webinar Series Protocols: Libraries of the New Normal Filipi of the NLP: A Trove of Cultural and Intellectual Publications and other Materials Major accomplishments and On-going Activities 9. Preparation for the opening of NLP reading services in the New Normal. SOUTHEAST ASIAN LIBRARIANS LEADERSHIP CONVERGENCE | NOVEMBER 2020 56 Program of Activities C OUNTRY REPORTS Singapore 25 March 1972 Objectives: • Represent the interests of library and information professionals • Promote professional education • Provide opportunities for members to increase their professional capacities and performance Library Association of Singapore 2 1.The MSc in Information Studies (IS) programme was launched in 1993. • Launched in 1993 by Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information, Nanyang Technological University • Students are required to complete a critical inquiry research project/dissertation module MSc in Information Studies • MSc in Information Systems MSc in Knowledge Management 3 SOUTHEAST ASIAN LIBRARIANS LEADERSHIP CONVERGENCE | NOVEMBER 2020 Program of Activities 57 Emerging Trends • Demand for expertise in collecting, analyzing, and visualizing large corpus of data and information • Ability to understand the increasingly diverse and global users, so as to provide information resources and services to them effectively • Launched new courses in recent years, including Data Extraction Techniques, and User Metrics and Analytics. Emerging Trends • Rapid evolution of information and communication technologies (ICT), and changes in information policy and users' information behavior has led to substantial changes to many library science subfields. • With new cataloguing standards, modules on Information Organisation and Cataloguing and Classification have been redeveloped to teach the new cataloguing frameworks and standards such as Resource Description and Access (RDA). SOUTHEAST ASIAN LIBRARIANS LEADERSHIP CONVERGENCE | NOVEMBER 2020 58 Program of Activities Challenges • Fast-changing information and sociotechnological landscape affecting the types and scopes of LIS professional work, and these are also ever-changing. • Potentially increase employers' expectations that LIS professionals be knowledgeable in many newly developed theories, systems, and analytical techniques. Challenges • Challenges such as information overload, and misinformation on social media have highlighted the importance of subject domains. For example, knowledge and skills in user education, information literacy training, are very relevant nowadays. • As the information ecosystem is complex and competitive and LIS programmes have to be responsive to this fluid information landscape and prepare students with an up-to-date and extensive set of knowledge and skills. SOUTHEAST ASIAN LIBRARIANS LEADERSHIP CONVERGENCE | NOVEMBER 2020 Program of Activities Workplace Skills Qualification (WSQ) • Initiative in 2007 by the then Workforce Development Agency (Currently known as Workforce Singapore) to address evolving skills and manpower challenges. • To develop competency standards for library and information industry • Those who wish to develop or conduct training programmes within this framework has to certified as Advance Certificate in Training and Assessment (ACTA) • Focus on para-professionals, WSQ Higher Certificate 8 • Local versus global access • Managing physical resources to developing digital content • Serving users onsite to users on the virtual space • Cataloguing and classifying physical formats to metadata in digital formats • Print towards more digital preservation 59 Changing roles of library professionals 9 SOUTHEAST ASIAN LIBRARIANS LEADERSHIP CONVERGENCE | NOVEMBER 2020 60 Program of Activities New Professionals Data Democracy: How Libraries can Strengthen Users’ Data Literacy 10 Focus group for midcareer professionals Your Career: The Now, The New, The Next... 11 SOUTHEAST ASIAN LIBRARIANS LEADERSHIP CONVERGENCE | NOVEMBER 2020 Program of Activities 61 Mentoring programme LAS-NLB Joint Professional Sharing Sessions 12 LAS Conference 13 SOUTHEAST ASIAN LIBRARIANS LEADERSHIP CONVERGENCE | NOVEMBER 2020 62 Program of Activities Papers on Information Literacy Research and Practice in Singapore • • • • • • • • Delivering Research Skills to All First-year Students: The Temasek Polytechnic Example Experiences of NUS Librarians as Lecturers of a PhD Engineering Module Flipping Library Instruction: Singapore Polytechnic Library’s Experience Legal Research Teaching at Singapore Management University and at NUS Law School The Embedded Librarian(s) at the National University of Singapore: The Journey Continues Information Literacy: Diagnostics, Interventions and Assessments Collaboration on a Research Literacy Module for Project Work Trial by Fire, Boot Camps and Brown Bags: How Do We Learn to Teach? Singapore Journal of Library & Information Management 14 • Recognises the effort and achievements of librarians in their continuous professional training and development effort • “Practicing Professional (PP)” for 2 year period Professional Development Scheme 15 SOUTHEAST ASIAN LIBRARIANS LEADERSHIP CONVERGENCE | NOVEMBER 2020 Program of Activities 63 GROUP A – PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES (COMPULSORY) • Study visit to other libraries and LIS-related organisations and organisations related to field of work • Participate in an internship or exchange programme • Participate as committee member of LAS or any LIS related professional body • Participate in activities organised by LAS GROUP B – LEARNING EVENTS • Participate in a conference, course, workshop, forum or talk on LIS and related areas as an audience, chair, panel speaker or speaker. • e-learning course, webinar, or online conference on LIS and related areas • Participate in product/services training, briefing, updates and demonstrations by vendor SOUTHEAST ASIAN LIBRARIANS LEADERSHIP CONVERGENCE | NOVEMBER 2020 64 Program of Activities GROUP C – CONTENT CREATION • Paper, book and article publication, presentation or poster a conference, as single or joint author • Write an article of >1,000 words, or 3 short articles of >300 words each, in a published magazines, newsletter or blog, or a personal commentary on LIS • Develop course materials for LIS related industries, with courses and materials made available to LAS members GROUP D – INDEPENDENT LEARNING • Professional reading as evidenced by certified reading log • Participation in study group or reading circle • Independent learning project with documentation SOUTHEAST ASIAN LIBRARIANS LEADERSHIP CONVERGENCE | NOVEMBER 2020 Program of Activities 65 C OUNTRY REPORTS Thailand LIS E D U CATI O N PROFILE OF THE LIS FACULTY NAME (Last name, First Name, M.I.) INSTITUTIONAL AFFILIATION EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT EXPERTISE AND FIELD OF SPECIALIZATION Chulalongkorn University, Faculty of Arts CU BA, MA, Ph.D Library and Information Science Srinakarinwirot University, Faculty of Humanities SWU BA, MA Library and Information Science Khon Khen University, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences KKU BA, MA, Ph.D Information Science Thammasart University, Faculty of Liberal Arts TU BA Library and Information Science Chiangmai University, Faculty of Humanities CMU BA, MA Library and Information Science Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University, School of Liberal Arts STOU BA, MA, Ph.D Information Science Ramkhamhaeng University, Faculty of Humanities RU BA, MA Library and Information Science Silpakorn University, Faculty of Arts SU BA, MA Library and Information Science Thaksin University, Faculty of Humanities TSU BA, MA Library and Information Science Suranaree University of Technology SUT BA, MSc Information Management / Technology Walailak University WU BA, MSc Information Management / Technology Burapha University BUU BA, MA Library and Information Science Mahasarakham University MSU BA, MSc Information Science / Technology Suandusit University SDU BA Library and Information Science 25 Rajabhat Universities in 25 Provinces CHRONOLOGY OF EVENTS 1951 BA BRIEF HISTORY FOR LIS EDUCATION IMPORTANT DEVELOPMENTS Library and Information Science PIONEERS (Bionote and other information) The first library training program in Thailand was developed by the Fulbright Prof.Sutthiluck Ampunwong Commission at the Faculty of Arts, Chulalongkorn University. SOUTHEAST ASIAN LIBRARIANS LEADERSHIP CONVERGENCE | NOVEMBER 2020 Program of Activities 66 1954 The Thai Library Association (TLA) was established by a group of Thai librarians who attended library science courses organized at Chulalongkorn University under the Fulbright program. Prof.Khunying Manmas Chavalit 1955 A diploma program was established in Department of Library Science, Faculty of Arts, Chulalongkorn University. Prof.Sutthiluck Ampunwong 1957 The bachelor program offered at Chulalongkorn University (CU.) Prof.Sutthiluck Ampunwong 1962 The bachelor program offered at Thammasat University (TU.) Prof.Charuwan Sinthusophon 1964 The master’s program in Library Science was introduced at CU. Prof.Sutthiluck Ampunwong 1965 There was Advanced Certificate in Library Science at the College of Education, Prasanmit Campus (now Srinakharinwirot University). Dr.Maria Laosunthara 1971 The bachelor program offered at KhonKaen University (KKU.) Assoc.Srithong Srihapong 1971 The bachelor program offered at Chiangmai University (CMU.) Wilai Panploy, Fongnual Sakkawej, Suparb Sujinda 1972 The bachelor program offered at Ramkhamhang University (RU.) Prof.Runjuan Intarakamhang 2003 The doctoral program in Information Studies was introduced at KhonKaen University ( Assoc.Prof.Dr.Yupin Techamanee,Prof.Dr.Kulthida Tuamsuk 2010 The doctoral program in Information Science at Sukhothaithammathirat Open University. ( Prof.Dr.Chutima Sacchanund 2020 The doctoral program in Information Studies (International Program) was introduced at Chulalongkorn University.( NUMBER OF LIS SCHOOLS COUNTRY DEGREE PROGRAM (Please indicate number) Bachelor Thailand 39 Masteral 8 Doctoral 3 NUMBER OF LIS SCHOOLS (Please indicate number) Degree Program Diploma Short Term Other Training Programs 39 CURRENT STATUS OF LIS EDUCATION STRENGTHS WEAKNESSES CHALLENGES IN LIS EDUCATION Building professional librarians and Interdisciplinary Careers for information professionals Lack of national promotion of LIS profession Promotion of LIS education. Collaboration with international associations and organizations Collaboration of LIS faculty members Redesign LIS Learning Outcomes REGULATION BY GOVERNMENT (if any) Yes Engagement of LIS education with Library Association SOUTHEAST ASIAN LIBRARIANS LEADERSHIP CONVERGENCE | NOVEMBER 2020 REMARKS (Actions undertaken to address the weaknesses and challenges) Program of Activities 67 LIS P R AC TI CE STATUS OF PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE OF LIBRARIANSHIP ACADEMIC LIBRARIES GOVERNMENT REGULATION ETHICAL ISSUES Qualifying Examination/s (if any, please specify) Code of Ethics (Yes or No?) Continuing Professional Development (CPD) (please specify units per required period ) - Yes 1. Seminar of Thailand Libraries (Code of Ethics for Thai Consortium under the THAILIS (Thai Library Professionals, Libraries Integrated System) SECTION II : ETHICS TOWARDS THE PROFESSION 2. Commit on lifelong learning and knowledge development in order to meet professional standards, and always seek out the opportunity to develop skills and new approaches to vitalize library services; 3. Cooperate in performing functions to ensure quality and development of the profession. 2. The PULINET (Provincial University Libraries Network) Academic Annual National Conference 3. Meeting of the Private Higher Education Institutions -Sub Committee for System Development and Library Network, Thai Private University Libraries. All programmes are under the Ministry of Higher Education Science Research and Innovation SCHOOL LIBRARIES GOVERNMENT REGULATION ETHICAL ISSUES Qualifying Examination/s (if any, please specify) Code of Ethics (Yes or No?) Continuing Professional Development (CPD) (please specify units per required period ) - Yes (Code of Ethics for Thai Library Professionals, Teacher Profession Development Institute of the Basic Education Commission under the Ministry of Education SECTION II : ETHICS TOWARDS THE PROFESSION 2. Commit on lifelong learning and knowledge development in order to meet professional standards, and always seek out the opportunity to develop skills and new approaches to vitalize library services; 3. Cooperate in performing functions to ensure quality and development of the profession. SOUTHEAST ASIAN LIBRARIANS LEADERSHIP CONVERGENCE | NOVEMBER 2020 68 Program of Activities SPECIAL LIBRARIES GOVERNMENT REGULATION Qualifying Examination/s (if any, please specify) - ETHICAL ISSUES Code of Ethics (Yes or No?) yes Continuing Professional Development (CPD) (please specify units per required period ) 1. A Seminar Forum on “Rare Books and Ancient Document from Myths to the Present Time” , Bangkok, August 7 , 2019 TLA Section II : ETHICS TOWARDS THE PROFESSION 2. An annual General Meeting 2019 and Conference on “Professional Librarian Development and Disruptive Techonologies” at the Stock Exchange of Thailand Building, Ratchadaphisek Road, Bangkok , November 1, 2019 2. Commit on lifelong learning and knowledge development in order to meet professional standards, and always seek out the opportunity to develop skills and new approaches to vitalize library services 3. A Study visit to the Public Law Library, the Administrative Court and the Administrative Court Museum, March 2019 - 4. A study visit to the Siam Society Library September 2019- A study visit to the ASEAN Library@NIDA, August 2019 5.A study visit to King Prajadhipok’s Institute Library, November 2019 6.Participated in the online Seminar “Library Practices in the new Normal” organized by the Thai Library Association, August 3, 2020 7.General Conference on Strong Library inInnovative Society for Sustainable Development Goals” organized by the Thai Library Association, September 11, 2020 PUBLIC LIBRARIES GOVERNMENT REGULATION Qualifying Examination/s (if any, please specify) - ETHICAL ISSUES Code of Ethics (Yes or No?) yes Continuing Professional Development (CPD) (please specify units per required period ) 1.Brainstroming focus group in order to proactive the policy of Public Libraries (Chalermrajkumari) Development to be Digital Library, first session at Mahasarakram Province by Office of the Non-Formal and Informal EducationThailand 15-16 july, 2020. Second session at Flower Grand Hotel Pitsanurok Province,22-23 July 2020. TLA Section II : ETHICS TOWARDS THE PROFESSION 2. Organized workshop/seminar 20/yrs on designing thinking ,services design, and other activities inorder to develop the capability of Tkpark personnel and general people. 2. Commit on lifelong learning and knowledge development in order to meet professional standards, and always seek out the opportunity to develop skills and new approaches to vitalize library services 3.Providing live lecture on survival skill, passion to second job,prints and play (Board game). 4. Online learning/conference 5. Children Day Activities 6. Bangkok City Library Showcase 7. Bangkok Book Talk 8. Monthly Activities SOUTHEAST ASIAN LIBRARIANS LEADERSHIP CONVERGENCE | NOVEMBER 2020 Program of Activities 69 NATIONAL LIBRARIES GOVERNMENT REGULATION ETHICAL ISSUES Qualifying Examination/s (if any, please specify) Code of Ethics (Yes or No?) Continuing Professional Development (CPD) (please specify units per required period ) - Yes NLT Internship Program: The National Library of Thailand (NLT) provides educational and professional training for Library and Information Science (LIS) which is named “NLT Internship Program”. The program is designed for librarianship, library staffs and students who involve for libraries, information centers, universities and other educational institutions in Thailand, ASEAN regional and international level. The program aims to provide the national library professional experience and knowledge through the training and workshop program.The program includes 5 courses as following; 1. Information Resources Management 2. Reference and Information Services 3. Library Research, Development and Innovation 4. Manuscripts and Inscription Management 5. Preservation and Conservation TLA Section II : ETHICS TOWARDS THE PROFESSION/Commit on lifelong learning and knowledge development in order to meet professional standards, and always seek out the opportunity to develop skills and new approaches to vitalize library services PROFILE OF LIBRARY ASSOCIATIONS Name of Library Association Types (Please check ✓) Academic School Public Thai Library ü Association (comprises of 9 Groups such as National Library Group, University Library Group, School Library Group, Public Library Group, Special Library Group, International Librarians Group, Teacher Group in Library and Information Science, Vocational Library Group, Green Library Group) ü ü Goals Year Established Ongoing Programs/ Projects Special ü 1. Continuing Professional Development in Library Competencies and Accreditation 2. Upgrade the library profession to International standards 1954 1.Library for ALL Project. It was conducted in various libraries as follows: 1.1 Prompanya Library, Department of Corrections, 3 libraries: • Nakhon Phanom Prison • Rayong Prison • Trang Prison and Songkla Prison 1.2 International Tripitaka Hall, Panyavichalai Institute, Wat Cholpratan Rangsalit. 2.Library : Care the Bear Care for the Bear. It was conducted 3 times at 3 places as follows: 2.1 The Stock Exchange of Thailand, Bangkok with 300 participants 2.2 Phuket Rajabhat University, Phuket with 100 participants 2.3 Mae Fah Luang University, Chiang Rai with 150 participants 2.4 Sakol Nakorn Rajabhat University, with 200 participants SOUTHEAST ASIAN LIBRARIANS LEADERSHIP CONVERGENCE | NOVEMBER 2020 70 Program of Activities 3.Network development and library groups collaboration to support LIS education and practices 3.Prison Library Development 4.Strong library association with good governance management 4.Book of MY Life Project. The project purposes are as follows: to campaign and promote reading culture for society and community, searching, compiling and making book on the inspiration of administrator, social leaders and net idols; to create the inspiration, encourage and promote society and community reading; to create the chain of reading in building concrete learning society in Thailand. At present, the Project has received the information from 25 inspirers. 5.Ongoing & Substainable Learning Center : Relearning Space @ Library 6.Revised library standards and competency. 7.Produce academic journals and books 8.Training handbook for library professionals. 9.Thai library network database SOUTHEAST ASIAN LIBRARIANS LEADERSHIP CONVERGENCE | NOVEMBER 2020 Program of Activities 71 C OUNTRY REPORTS Vietnam BRIEF HISTORY FOR LIS EDUCATION IN VIET NAM CHRONOLOGY OF EVENTS 1931-1945 1954 – 1959 PIONEERS (Bionote and other information) IMPORTANT DEVELOPMENTS Opened training courses for library and archive staff of government agencies. Central Public Library of Indochina Started to organize short-term training classes for library staff (initially 15-20 days, then National Library of Viet Nam improving to 1-3 months). 1960 Opened the one-year training course at the Intermediate level adapted from the Intermediate Library Program of The Soviet Union. 1961 Opened Faculty of Library Science belonged to Hanoi School of Theory and Technique Hanoi School of Theory and Technique of of Culture with the mission of offering library education at Intermediate degree and Culture Bachelor degree. 1973 Offered training Bachelor of Library science in four and a half year. Faculty of History, Vietnam National University, Hanoi, then Ha Noi University of Culture 1991 Opened the first training course for Master degree of Library Science. Hanoi University of Culture 2008 Started to train Doctor of Library Sciences. Hanoi University of Culture National Library of Viet Nam with the support of the Soviet Union experts PROFILE OF THE LIS FACULTY IN VIET NAM NAME INSTITUTIONAL AFFILIATION Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities Can Tho University Faculty of Library and Information Ho Chi Minh City University of Culture Sciences Faculty of Library and Information Studies University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City Faculty of Social Management Science Hanoi Interior University Faculty of Information Technology Hanoi Pedagogical University 2 Faculty of Library and Information Sciences Faculty of Library and Information Sciences Hanoi University of Culture University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Viet Nam National University, Hanoi EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT University University Postgraduate Training (Master) University Postgraduate Training (Master, Doctor) Intermediate College University EXPERTISE AND FIELD OF SPECIALIZATION History of Geographical Tourism Literature Library and information Sciences Sociology Library Science Library and Information Sciences Library and Information Sciences University Library and Information Sciences Information Management Cultural Management Cultural Studies Cultural Communication Cultural Tourism Library and Information Sciences University Postgraduate Training (Master, Doctor) University Postgraduate Training (Master, Doctor) Information Management Library and Information Sciences Information Management Library and Information Sciences SOUTHEAST ASIAN LIBRARIANS LEADERSHIP CONVERGENCE | NOVEMBER 2020 72 Program of Activities LIS SCHOOLS IN VIET NAM Number of LIS Schools in Viet Nam DEGREE PROGRAM (Please indicate number) NUMBER OF LIS SCHOOLS (Please indicate number) COUNTRY Viet Nam Bachelor Masteral Doctoral Degree Program Diploma Short Term Other Training Programs 7 4 3 7 7 7 01 (Hanoi University of Culture) also offers training courses on request. CURRENT STATUS OF LIS EDUCATION IN VIET NAM STRENGTHS WEAKNESSES The training program is modern and Lack and not yet perfect of Lecturers has many subjects related to information technology, multidisciplinary, so students can have many optional subjects. Lecturers have experiences in Still exists a small number of students researching and publishing articles in who do not really love, nor have domestic and foreign journals. passion for the library major or do not have good study methods. This leads to not high academic results. CHALLENGES IN LIS EDUCATION REGULATION BY GOVERNMENT o Regulations code on recruitment to The change in technology 4.0 and social needs require constant updating the Civil Service of the training program. The number of students who really love o Library Law, decrees guiding the implementation of library law library information sciences is not much, affecting the quality of learning. regarding training content Classrooms are fully equipped with Science research activities among Graduated students do not like to work facilities for teaching and learning in a students are still fuzzy, some lecturers in school libraries but prefer to work in modern environment. are still limited in capacity of science a professional environment while many research. libraries have not yet caught up with the trend. Universities provides a full range of Not yet expanded and innovated in It is very difficult to recruit lecturers with materials for studying, teaching and organizing for students to go on field degrees in Information Technology to scientific research for students, trips, internships and practice in the conduct research and teach about the trainees, lecturers, etc. and are the institutes having libraries and/or technology application in Information places for students of Library and operating in the fields of information, and Library field. Information Sciences and Library data, and libraries. Science practice and internships. SOUTHEAST ASIAN LIBRARIANS LEADERSHIP CONVERGENCE | NOVEMBER 2020 Program of Activities 73 PROFILE OF LIBRARY ASSOCIATIONS IN VIET NAM Name of Library Association Vietnamese Library Association (VLA) National Academic ✓ School Types (Please check ✓) Public Special Others Year Established 2006 Northern Academic Library Association (NALA) ✓ 2001 Vietnamese Library Association of Southern Academic Libraries (VILASAL) ✓ 2001 Library Union of Northern mountainous provinces ✓ 1997 ✓ 1993 ✓ Library Union of the Red river delta provinces Library Union of the North Central provinces 1997 ✓ Library Union of Mekong Delta provinces 1998 Library Union of Southeast and South Central Coast ✓ 1992 Library Union of South Central and Central Highlands ✓ 1998 Military Library Union Association Branch for Library friends Total number 1 2 6 ✓ 1 ✓ 2004 2012 1 NON-PROFESSIONAL TRAINING IN LIBRARY-INFORMATION & THE ROLE OF THE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF VIET NAM Training Institutions: National Library of Viet Nam, National Agency for Science and Technology Information, Centre Library of about 30 ministries, 63 public province libraries, and libraries of several major universities. Type of education: Short-term training courses and Hands-on for library staff working on Information Technology, training courses on materials processing for cataloguing of materials (MARC21, AACR2, Subject Heading, DDC 14, 23, RDA…), preservation technique, skills of information management and service provision etc. Beside organizing training courses, the NLV also offer professional guidance and conduct scientific research about library and related sectors. SOUTHEAST ASIAN LIBRARIANS LEADERSHIP CONVERGENCE | NOVEMBER 2020 74 Program of Activities NATIONAL LIBRARY OF VIET NAM SHORT-TERM TRAINING COURSES BY THE NLV Training of DDC23 at the NLV, 2013 Training RDA at the NLV, 2018 SOUTHEAST ASIAN LIBRARIANS LEADERSHIP CONVERGENCE | NOVEMBER 2020 Program of Activities 75 CONCLUSION The system of training and fostering professional qualifications for the people working in libraries in Viet Nam has developed quite widespread and synchronous contributed to form a full officials and employees of the library sector with professional qualifications meeting the development requirements of the industry and the society. SOUTHEAST ASIAN LIBRARIANS LEADERSHIP CONVERGENCE | NOVEMBER 2020 76 Program of Activities ALIGNMENT OF LIS EDUCATION Southeast Asian Region Prof. Mary Grace Golfo-Barcelona Dean, School of Library and Information Studies University of the Philippines Diliman This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA-NC This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND SOUTHEAST ASIAN LIBRARIANS LEADERSHIP CONVERGENCE | NOVEMBER 2020 Brunei Darussalam Malaysia Myanmar Philippines Singapore Thailand Vietnam LIS EDUCATION PROFILE 1. Profile of LIS Faculty Institutional Brunei Politeknik 4 Universities Offering LIS 3 Major Universities approx. 80 LIS NTU (Master's About 14 universities and 25 Rajabhat 7 Institutions Can Tho University Programs (UiTM, IIUM, affiliation University of East Yango; Schools degree) Univ in 25 Provinces UM, Unisel) University of Yangon; Yadanabon University Chulalongkorn University, Faculty of Arts Ho Chi Minh City University of Culture Srinakarinwirot University, Faculty of Humanities University of Social Sciences Khon Khen University, Faculty of and Humanities, Vietnam Humanities and Social Sciences National University, Ho Chi Thammasart University, Faculty of Minh City Liberal Arts Chiangmai University, Faculty of Hanoi Interior University Humanities Hanoi Pedagogical University Sukhothai Thammathirat Open Hanoi University of Culture University, School of Liberal Arts Ramkhamhaeng University, Faculty of University of Social Sciences Humanities and Humanities, Viet Nam Silpakorn University, Faculty of Arts National University, Hanoi Thaksin University, Faculty of Humanities Suranaree University of Technology Walailak University Burapha University Mahasarakham University Suandusit University 25 Rajabhat Universities in 25 Provinces Countries Program of Activities 77 SOUTHEAST ASIAN LIBRARIANS LEADERSHIP CONVERGENCE | NOVEMBER 2020 Digital Library, Information Science Doctoral Degree Philippines Doctoral Degree LIS EDUCATION PROFILE Myanmar Doctoral degree Singapore Doctoral Degree Thailand Information Library Management; General Librarianship; Information Library and Information Management Information Sources & Services; Studies Science (LIS)/ Information Technology & Retrieval Information Technology; Information System; Information Science/ Studies Preservation and Conservation of Library Information Materials Management; Information Content Library History Management/Technology Management Health Librarianship; Bibliographic Standard & Formats Archives and Records Management; Law Librarianship; Library Development; Intellectual Properties in Library Academic/Schools Profession; Librarianship Preservation and Conservation of Library Materials; Special Library User studies; Management; Contemporary Libraries; Organization of Knowledge Records Management and Archives Doctoral Degree 1. Profile of LIS Faculty M Scie in Digital Library Highest and Information Science Educational Attainment Field of Expertise Malaysia Brunei Darussalam Countries History of Geographical Tourism Literature/ Library and information Sciences/ Sociology Library Science Library and Information Sciences Information Management Cultural Management Cultural Studies Cultural Communication Cultural Tourism Information Doctoral Studies Vietnam 78 Program of Activities SOUTHEAST ASIAN LIBRARIANS LEADERSHIP CONVERGENCE | NOVEMBER 2020 Brunei Darussalam LIS EDUCATION PROFILE 2 0 0 0 0 1 3 3 2 3 Doctoral Degree Level 5 Diploma Certificate 7 Master's Degree Diploma Certificates Short Term Training Other Training Programs 6 Bachelor's Degree yes yes 3 3 (IM) 19 40 0 0 0 0 1 0 no data no data 0 3 8 39 1 7 7 2 4 7 Malaysia Myanmar Philippines Singapore Thailand Vietnam 1. Number of LIS Schools and LIS Programs Currently Offered Countries Program of Activities 79 SOUTHEAST ASIAN LIBRARIANS LEADERSHIP CONVERGENCE | NOVEMBER 2020 Strengths Malaysia Philippines COUNTRY ANALYSIS OF THE CURRENT LIS EDUCATION Myanmar Singapore SOUTHEAST ASIAN LIBRARIANS LEADERSHIP CONVERGENCE | NOVEMBER 2020 100% staff received >3.5 point over 5.0 points for CTES – satisfaction of students End of semester LIS is a professional profession Well awareness of the gap in the IT specialization is Recognition of examination given curriculum and job market among strengthened in the new LIS profession to the students Robust program for online T&L; LIS professors; prescribed curriculum; Highly integrated with ICT skills and Final Year Project – knowledge; Core common competencies Individual research Awareness to evaluate the and learning outcomes are LIS growing with new developments and current curricula in LIS schools; defined by a national policies, Education Trip to trends in libraries and digital technologies; standards and guidelines; Malaysia and local Yearly increase in a good number organizations Serving the nation and its populations; of students' enrollment in Library Growing number of students and Information Studies taking the program; Scholarship; specialization; Current information era Library Association Able to fulfil the requirement of makes the profession highly PEO and PLO - in line with and supportive human resources in library relevant; of the UM vision and mission profession; Presence of a regulating body Cultivating the knowledge and which reviews and updates PEO and PLO - periodically reviewed skills needed to become librarians LIS curricula based on involving UM internal and external and information professionals; prevailing international stakeholders standards; Providing the basic skills that 86% of the academic staff in DLIS, are graduates will need to adapt and Ph.D holders - produce graduates who effectively operate the library have advanced knowledge, skills, research in LIS. Countries Brunei Darussalam Vietnam Collaboration with international associations and organizations; Universities provides a full range of materials for studying, teaching and scientific research for students, trainees, lecturers, etc. and are the places for students of Library and Information Sciences and Library Science practice and internships. Classrooms are fully equipped with facilities for teaching and learning in a modern environment. Lecturers have experiences in researching and publishing articles in domestic and foreign journals. Building The training program is professional modern and has many librarians and subjects related to Interdisciplinar information technology, y Careers for multidisciplinary, so information students can have many optional subjects. professionals; Thailand 80 Program of Activities Strengths Countries Brunei Darussalam Myanmar Philippines Student are allow and able to do their industrial training in overseas. Strong community through community Information Services Programs For Example: ( LIS students and Librarian) expose the usage of libraries throughout social activities. Ranked 31th – QS Ranking by Subject 2019 in Library Science & Info Management. Emphasizes in community engagement – MAB, PPM Balance assessment - formative and summative components Curriculum includes a one year or 400 hr of OJT; Regulating body also ensures that all LIS schools comply with the revised policies, standards and guidelines for LIS programs. Standard core competencies required of all graduates of the LIS programs. COUNTRY ANALYSIS OF THE CURRENT LIS EDUCATION Malaysia Singapore Thailand Universities provides a full range of materials for studying, teaching and scientific research for students, trainees, lecturers, etc. and are the places for students of Library and Information Sciences and Library Science practice and internships. Vietnam Program of Activities 81 SOUTHEAST ASIAN LIBRARIANS LEADERSHIP CONVERGENCE | NOVEMBER 2020 Weaknesses Lack of promotion on LIS education Darussalam Countries Brunei Myanmar Philippines Lack of professional guideline for librarians and library staff; Need to evaluate Teachers performance of LIS schools; SOUTHEAST ASIAN LIBRARIANS LEADERSHIP CONVERGENCE | NOVEMBER 2020 Less social media documentary on LIS to the community. Low Salaries of LIS Need to build up Limited research technological knowledge and funding available; skills among the LIS faculty; other field of Small number of LIS schools; specialization; Promotion of LIS profession LIS schools in ASEAN countries; Not yet expanded and innovated in organizing for students to go on field trips, internships and practice Science research e still fuzzy, some lecturers are still limited in capacity of science research. low academic results. Small number of students Vietnam Necessary to upgrade the LIS Field relatively curriculum based on modern unpopular trends by adopting the ICT compared with application; Thailand Lack and not yet perfect of Lecturers Singapore Curriculum mostly based on Absence of a Need to keep the traditional library Doctoral program up with new practices; in LIS; changes Lack of Media Advertising for example: having our own column Need to collaborate among on librarianship (newspaper column/e-newspaper). Less Marketing and Publicity on the importance of having a qualified librarian especially in government school. Student are not able to complete the current program in a year (3 semester including a special semester) due to the current structure. MLIS candidate wont be able to have a credit transfer across the MLIS programs within the country (UM< UITM, UIA) Hiring of non-LIS graduates for new developments in LIS; Testbeds for LIS research and T&L; Awareness of scholarship availability; Role of LIS educators; Promotion of LIS profession Promotion of LIS profession; Job market shrinking; Frozen employment opportunities for new graduates; Students intake; Open source software for T&L LIS; Certification similar to MBOT Trainings for academic staff for new courses; COUNTRY ANALYSIS OF THE CURRENT LIS EDUCATION Malaysia 82 Program of Activities • Exposure to actual work thru OJTs and exposure trips ,locally and abroad. • The program produces graduates who have advanced knowledge, skills and research in LIS. • LIS is recognized as a profession in a number of countries in the region. • Highly integrated with IT skills and knowledge; • High Tech labs for IT Training • There is a growing number of students enrolling in the field; • The current information Era makes the LIS profession socially and economically relevant; This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND • Lack of standards curricular content does not allow seamless transfer of students • Lack of international collaborations • Need to build up technological knowledge and skills among the LIS faculty; • Low student intake • Few highly skilled teachers • Absence of effective promotional strategy Strengths and Weaknesses of LIS Schools in Region Program of Activities 83 SOUTHEAST ASIAN LIBRARIANS LEADERSHIP CONVERGENCE | NOVEMBER 2020 Challenges Countries Myanmar Inadequate ICT infrastructure in Changing value of LIS schools; information also Lack of platforms for LIS educators affects the field of More expectation of IT study; Student were not able to complete Research Project in knowledge by the library Semester 3/special semester. professional; Requires continuous review Lack of national promotion of LIS profession. Less ICT skills among LIS faculty; and evaluation of curricula due to the Most of the organization/employer did not aware on Requirement of facilities and expanding scope of qualification in LIS . training (Online Learning) for the LIS profession; students and teachers; Example: Lack of LIS team members on promotion of LIS The need for profession. Lack of national promotion of LIS strong profession Promotional/ Nowadays, most of the programs they started expose Marketing strategy the niche of the program via social media but to get more followers is on of the challenges when we compare with other program such as mass communication and media . Publics not well informed; To attract students Philippines Singapore COUNTRY ANALYSIS OF THE CURRENT LIS EDUCATION Malaysia Lack of national promotion of LIS profession; Lack of preparedness for job Limited number of Lack of career programs on LIS post-graduates programs; opportunity; enrolees; Information Studies Lack of networks with vendors and OSS communities; remains uncertain in Lack of national recognitions; Upgrading curriculum New prescribed the ICT sector development; courses in IT (Reference Brunei ICT Lack of local trainings; requires highly Industry Competency Rapid change in information and technical skill from Framework, BIICF) Lack of collaborations (MoU/MoA); communication technology; LIS teachers; Lack of manpower Brunei Darussalam Engagement of LIS education with Library Association; Redesign LIS Learning Outcomes; Promotion of LIS education; Thailand It is very difficult to recruit lecturers with degrees in Information Technology Less number of students interested to take the program affecting the quality of learning The change in technology 4.0 and social needs require constant updating of the training program Vietnam 84 Program of Activities SOUTHEAST ASIAN LIBRARIANS LEADERSHIP CONVERGENCE | NOVEMBER 2020 Remarks/ Suggestions Actions to be undertaken to address the weaknesses and challenges Regulation Countries On hold the programme starting next year till the challenges solved Brunei Darussalam Myanmar Philippines indirectly can attract more school or IPT leavers (SPM or STPM,Diploma) Yes, but the Program should get a full Accreditation by MQA and JPT The Programs get full accreditation from MQA approved by JPT and student are allow to do their practical in overseas with own cost. IT component of the LIS Curriculum is further strengthened based on the increasing demand of the profession. In order to achieve genuine convergence of LIS education in Asia, common core minimum conpetenccy standards and learning outcomes should be identified and agreed on by all participating countries There are LIS Schools who are preparing to offer the PhD Program; More LIS Faculty are pursuing Doctoral Degree; Curriculum follows the prescribed curriculum of a national agency, the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) To work in a government library as a librarian, the candidate must hold a degree with specific nomenclature of Library Science, this is a required condition by JPA, therefore to change to a different nomenclature is not feasible since the graduate won't be able to serve in government libraries. YES Practice is regulated by a Licensure Examination officated by the Coard for Librarians (BFL), Yes Singapore Curriculum: Yes Public sector employment: Yes COUNTRY ANALYSIS OF THE CURRENT LIS EDUCATION Malaysia Yes Thailand Library Law, decrees guiding the implementation of library law regarding training content Regulations code on recruitment to the Civil Service Vietnam Program of Activities 85 SOUTHEAST ASIAN LIBRARIANS LEADERSHIP CONVERGENCE | NOVEMBER 2020 SOUTHEAST ASIAN LIBRARIANS LEADERSHIP CONVERGENCE | NOVEMBER 2020 Opportunities This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA • No seamless mobility for employment among graduates of the region • Limited local and International engagement • Continuous upskill of LIS teachers • The need to constantly review and update curriculum • Lack of national promotional strategy • Low number of enrollees • Limited manpower/highly skilled LIS teachers 86 Program of Activities The LIS Education in the ASEAN Region This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA • Varied specialization • IT component is strengthened • There are almost 160 schools in ASEAN region offering the program • Lean enrollment of students in the program • More aggressive promotion and marketing of the programs is critical to the expansion of the field • Research collaborations and student exchanges should be enhanced • Research funding needed • Constant review of the LIS curricula is necessary Program of Activities 87 SOUTHEAST ASIAN LIBRARIANS LEADERSHIP CONVERGENCE | NOVEMBER 2020 88 Program of Activities ALIGNMENT OF LIS PRAC TICE Southeast Asian Region Hon. Yolanda C. Granda Chairperson Professional Regulatory Board for Librarians Countries Cambodia Lao PDR Malaysia Myanmar Philippines Singapore Thailand Vietnam STANDARDS IN LIS PRACTICE 1. QUALITY ASSURANCE 1.a Degree Required Prior to LIS Practice Countries × Cambodia NI Lao PDR Minimum entry qualification of bachelor’s degree (specialization In the field of lib. or other higher qualification recognized by the government) Malaysia Depending on Bachelor of MSc in the profession Library and Information level; different Information Studies degrees are Science (BLIS) required or MLIS (nonBLIS) Myanmar Bachelor’s Degree Philippines Singapore Thailand NI Vietnam STANDARDS IN LIS PRACTICE 1. QUALITY ASSURANCE 1.b Qualifying × Examination NI Management No Qualifying and Professional Examination have to pass given by a Bahasa regulatory Malaysia (Malay board language) Each Ministry subject as prerequisite for gives appointment examination and also for the posts have to pass in academic, Psychometric school, public and National test libraries ü Librarians Licensure Examination based on R.A.9246, s.2004 and CHED 24, s. 2015 × ü Regulated by govt. -MSc in Info. Studies in Academic Libraries Table of Specifications implemented to assure quality, outcomes and market- based exam SOUTHEAST ASIAN LIBRARIANS LEADERSHIP CONVERGENCE | NOVEMBER 2020 NI Program of Activities Countries Lao PDR Cambodia Malaysia Myanmar 89 Philippines Singapore Thailand Vietnam STANDARDS IN LIS PRACTICE QUALITY ASSURANCE 1.b. Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Countries Short training Training on basic courses, courses such as provided by library staff evelopment, the univ., & other IT in public training libraries courses provided by the National Library and lib. asso. Lao PDR Cambodia 7 days of training Short CPD Law, R.A. 1 year FT program/2 under the courses, 10912. S. Training Policy post-graduate 2016, includes year PT program in of Public Sector courses from Section academic Service Human the academic on Career libraries Resource for degree Progression CPD prog. Federal Civil program, and Service, 2005 and shortSpecialization provided by lib. asso. term training Program courses Board for Librarians has a CPD Council which monitors and approves CPD programs for librarians Board has a Career Progression and Specialization Program Committee Malaysia Myanmar Various CPD activities for academic, public, school and special librarians Philippines Singapore Thailand Training courses provided by library asso.. and NLV on cataloging IT, preservation, info. mgt among others Vietnam STANDARDS IN LIS PRACTICE 2. QUALITY STANDARDS 2.a National Agency that Regulates the Practice of LIS Profession × × × × ü Professional Regulation CommissionProfessional Regulatory Board for Librarians ü Name of agency not indicated × NI SOUTHEAST ASIAN LIBRARIANS LEADERSHIP CONVERGENCE | NOVEMBER 2020 90 Program of Activities Countries Lao PDR Cambodia Malaysia Myanmar Philippines Singapore Thailand Vietnam STANDARDS IN LIS PRACTICE 2. QUALITY STANDARDS × 2.b. Professional Standards NI NI × ü ü National CompetencyBased Standards for Filipino Librarians, 2015 NI ü Standards for all types of library Standards for Each Type of Libraries : Academic, Public, School, and Special Libraries Countries Lao PDR Cambodia Malaysia Myanmar Philippines Singapore Thailand Vietnam STANDARDS IN LIS PRACTICE 3. ETHICAL STANDARDS 3.a Code of Ethics Countries NI NI ü Public Officers (Conduct and Discipline) 1993, [P.U. (A) 395] Public Officer (Appointment, Promotion and Termination of Services) Regulations 2012 [P.U. (A)] 1/2012 Public Servant Pledge (contract between the public servants and the government – Aku Janji Lao PDR Cambodia Malaysia ü Ministry has a Code of Ethics for Service Personnel Myanmar ü Code of Ethics for Filipino Librarians × According to university’s guidelines Professional Regulatory Board for Librarians Resolution No. 6, s. 2006 Philippines Singapore NI ü Code of Ethics for Thai Library Professionals Thailand Vietnam STANDARDS IN LIS PRACTICE 3. ETHICAL STANDARDS 3.b Ethical Issues NI NI NI No issues raised No issues raised No issues raised SOUTHEAST ASIAN LIBRARIANS LEADERSHIP CONVERGENCE | NOVEMBER 2020 No issues raised NI Technical Working Group 91 TECHN I C A L WOR KI NG GR O U P Bionote YOLANDA C. GRANDA Librarian, Archivist Archives Educator and Hon. Yolanda C. Granda has been in government service for 51 years as librarian, archivist and archives educator. As the present Chairperson of the Professional Regulatory Board for Librarians of the Professional Regulation Commission and Member of the Technical Committee for Library and Information Science (LIS) of the Commission on Higher Education since 2013, she has been leading in the improvement of the quality of institutional resources and services for LIS in the country, aiming for more competent faculty, graduates and registered librarians. She addresses challenges like the standardization of LIS education and practice in Southeast Asian region. She is also the Chairperson of the Professional Regulatory Board for Librarians’ Career Progression and Specialization Program – Credit Accumulation and Transfer System Committee. She started her career as librarian at the University of the Philippines (UP) Diliman Library in 1969 and became the Head of the UP Archives (19741983) which is the central depository of the documentary heritage of the University that served as a model in the setting up of college and university archives in the country. Subsequently as Head Librarian of the UP College of Engineering (1983-2009), she developed its two libraries into world-class facilities, then set up the Engineering Archives. She also served as concurrent Head Librarian of the UP College of Architecture (1983-1985). In recognition of her remarkable library computerization initiatives and her vast contributions to the advancement of the librarianship, records management and archives professions, she was awarded the Gawad Chanselor for Most Outstanding Research, Extension and Professional Staff of UP Diliman in 2004. She developed and taught records management and archives courses at the UP School of Library and Information Studies’ (UPSLIS) master’s program for 22 years (1991-2013). Archives was made a track in the Master in LIS program and subsequently in the Bachelor in LIS (BLIS) program. Other institutions offering BLIS started teaching Archives courses. She has been connected with the Society of Filipino Archivists for 29 years (19912020), serving as President for 10 years. She was also the Head and Executive Member of the National Commission for Culture and the Arts–National Committee on Archives for 14 years (1996-2010). Through her leadership, numerous training programs were implemented for beginning archivists, records officers, librarians and other information professionals which resulted in the institutionalization of records management and archives functions as distinct responsibilities in the national and local government units as well as in academic, business, medical, religious and other institutions in the country. She actively rendered technical assistance on establishment of archives and disaster preparedness, response and recovery of records here and abroad. In 2014, the UP Library Science Alumni Association conferred to her the Distinguished Alumnus Award in recognition of her outstanding achievements in the field of LIS. November 2020 SOUTHEAST ASIAN LIBRARIANS LEADERSHIP CONVERGENCE | NOVEMBER 2020 92 Technical Working Group Lourdes T. David is a graduate of Bachelor of Science in Food Technology and Master of Library Science from the University of the Philippines. Her specialization is in computer applications in library operations obtained through training programs in IBM Philippines, USA, Canada, UK, and Australia. In 1994, she led a team of librarians in computerizing the library operations of eight academic libraries in the Philippines, namely, Ateneo de Manila, De La Salle University, MSU IIT, University of Santo Tomas and four libraries of the University of the Philippines. Her library work experience has been mainly in academic Libraries from 1973 to 1979 and 1982 to 2001 at the University of the Philippines, Diliman and from 2001 to 2013 at the Ateneo de Manila University. From late 1979 to 1981, she was seconded by the Philippine Government to SEAMEORECSAM in Penang, Malaysia Emma C. CSEE, RL Muñoz-Rey, EDUCATION • • Bachelor of Library Science, 1969-1974 Master of Library Science, 1994-1997 EMPLOYMENT Executive Director (Director V, Salary Grade 29), Congressional Library Bureau, House of Representatives (April 15, 2010-2018) Retired Senior Lecturer, School of Library and Information Studies, University of the Philippines, 2005 to present Lecturer on Library Science, Virgen Milagrosa University Foundation, 2002-2003, 2007 to present Consultant, Library and Archives, Virgen Milagrosa University Foundation, 2010-present as its Assistant Director for Information. She has been a consultant of WHO, UNESCO, Ford Foundation, PIDS, DOST, Save the Children, UK among others. At present she is a member of the Board for Librarianship of the Professional Regulation Commission and the Chair of the CPD Council of the Board. Before she became a librarian, she was a teaching fellow then instructor of chemistry at the University of the Philippines in U.P. Los Banos. She has conducted training programs in more than ten Asian countries and presented papers in conferences and seminars here and overseas. She is still an active paper presenter in continuing professional development programs. She conducts research and has published articles in international peer reviewed journals, chapters in books published abroad, and several modules on librarianship for UNESCO Consultant, Purita Kalaw Ledesma Collections (20182019) Consultant, Jorge Vargas Research and Filipiniana Center, University of the Philippines Diliman (July 20132014; 2019) Consultant, Vice President Salvador H. Laurel Personal Papers (July 2008-December 2011) which are being used by librarians in Asia. In recognition of her work in the field of librarianship, she has been granted awards from local and international organizations. Among these are: The Library Technology Award given by the University Microfilms International in New York City, USA, the Hall of Fame Award given by the Philippine Librarians Association, Inc., Outstanding Professional Award for Information Technology given by the University of the Philippines, Diliman, the Distinguish Alumna Award given by the UPLSAA, the Academic Librarian of the Year Award given by PAARL, and the Outstanding Professional Award for Librarianship given by the Professional Regulations Commission. In addition, she has been featured in local and international magazines and newspapers here and abroad. • • • • • ORGANIZATIONS • • • • Philippine Librarians Association, Inc. (President, 2019-present) Society of Filipino Archivists, Inc. (Exofficio, 2019-present) Philippine Group of Law Librarians, Inc. (Member, Board of Trustees, 2019-present) National Commission for Culture and the Arts, 1997-present; Vice Head, 20172019) SOUTHEAST ASIAN LIBRARIANS LEADERSHIP CONVERGENCE | NOVEMBER 2020 • • • • UNESCO Philippine Committee, Memory of the World Member representing Archives, 2007-2010 Southeast Asia Pacific Audio-visual Archive Association Founding Member, 1996; Associate Member 2013 to present; r e p r e s e n t e d SEAPAVAA in the Task Force Meeting of the Coordinating Council for Audiovisual Archive Associations (CCAAA) on Training and Professional Development of A u d i o v i s u a l Archivists, London, U.K. (January 17-18, 2006) Association of Parliamentary Librarians of Asia and the Pacific (APLAP) Vice President for Asia, 2015-2017 Technical Working Group 93 Elvira B. Lapuz,RL Development Council (PRCCPDC). She earned her Bachelor of Library Science (BLS) in 1991 and her Master of Library Science (MLS) in 2003 from the UP School of Library and Information Studies (SLIS) where she is also appointed as part-time Senior Lecturer handling courses in Management of Library and Information Center, Collection Development and Management and Records Management. In 2016, she was selected as an Associate of the International Federation of Library Association and Institutions (IFLA) International Leaders Program2 (ILP2). IFLA ILP2 is a two-year Program designed to increase the cohort of leaders who can effectively represent the wider library sector in the international arena, and to develop leaders within IFLA. As part of her continuing engagement in the ILP2, she has advocated for libraries and their role in the achievement of the UN 2030 Agenda and 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Ma. Pri-Ann M. Tinipunan, RL, LPT, MALS and Library Consultant, experienced in organizing school and academic libraries She is an Assistant Professor 4 and currently the Coordinator of the Bachelor of Library and Information Science (BLIS) Program of the UST College of Education; an appointed 2nd Alternate Member and Additional CPD Programs Evaluator of the Professional Regulatory Board for Librarians Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Council; Member of CHED Regional Quality Assessment Team (RQAT) for LIS Program in the National Capital Region (NCR) and Region IV-A CALABARZON. She was appointed as a Digital Media Asset Management Librarian of the UST Educational Technology Center and was a Course Developer for the Graduate Certificate Program for Educational Technology (GCET). She is experienced in training teachers on ICT integration for active learning and have designed a module for the UNESCO Resource Distribution and Training Centres (RDTC). She also taught Media and Information Literacy and Practical Research to Senior High School students, and was a Part time lecturer of the MA in Library and Information Science (MALIS) Program of the UST Graduate School. She is currently the Vice President of the Philippine Association of Teachers of Library and Information Science, Inc. (PATLS), where she also held the following positions: Secretary, LIS Enrichment Program Director, and Board Member of PATLS. She was a former Member of the Commission on Higher Education Technical Committee for Library and Information Science (CHED- TCLIS). She has been invited as a Speaker by various professional organizations, and a Lecturer for the Librarians Licensure Examination in different review centers and LIS schools. She is the University Librarian of the University of the Philippines Diliman. She was elected National President of the Philippine Librarians Association, Inc. (PLAI) in 2015-16 and the Philippine Association of Academic and Research Librarians (PAARL) in 2009. A Member of the Executive Board of the Congress of Southeast Asian Librarians (CONSAL). She also sits in Professional Regulations CommissionContinuing Professional Ma. Pri-Ann M. Tinipunan is a registered librarian and a professional teacher. She earned her degree in Bachelor of Secondary Education major in Library Science and Master of Arts major in Library Science from the University of Santo Tomas. Currently, she is pursuing her Doctor of Philosophy in Teaching and Technology at the Graduate School of Advanced Technology Management, Assumption University of Thailand. Prior to working as a fulltime faculty member of the University of Santo Tomas College of Education, she worked as a school librarian with the following positions: Readers Services Librarian, High School Librarian and Circulation Librarian. She conducted library instruction to high school and grade school students, and have designed Library Instruction Programs, integrating Information Literacy skills. She also worked as a Marketing Research Assistant, SOUTHEAST ASIAN LIBRARIANS LEADERSHIP CONVERGENCE | NOVEMBER 2020 Michael A. Pinto, RL PLAI President, the National Board of Trustees was able to seek approval on the use of RL, the abbreviation after every after librarian’s name to mean Registered Librarian. He was also instrumental in organizing the Librarians Leadership Convergence where leaders of the different library associations gather together to discuss issues and concerns about the practice of librarianship in the country. Currently he is the founding President of the Cagayan and Kalinga Apayao (CaAKAp) Librarians Association Inc., established in 2006. The Vice president of the Association of Librarians in Public sector in 2015-2016. Currently, he is also a member of the Regional Quality Assurance Team (RQAT) under the Commission on Higher Education Regional Office II under the BLIS program. He has received numerous awards such as, Leadership Award and Nakem Award by PLAI Cagayan Valley Librarians Council (CaVRLC), Ambrocio Dayrit Award given by the Association of Librarians in Public Sector (ALPS), Severino I. Velasco Award and Gabriel Bernardo Leadership Award given by the Philippine Librarians Association Inc., PAARL 2013 Outstanding Academic and Research Librarian award given by PAARL and 2nd Place in the 2020 Gawd Parangal sa Natatanging Propesyonal na Tagapangasiwa sa Pampublikong Aklatan given by the National Library of the Philippines. He has represented PLAI in international undertakings such as the Congress of Southeast Asian Librarian (CONSAL) and IFLA- Building a Strong Library Association (BSLA). He is the author of the book “Layb Life: Mga Kwento at Karanasan ng Isang Librarian” published in 2013. He was the top 8 in the 2006 Librarians Licensure Examination. Amor C. Martin, RL positions in the University Library as Acting Director (May 1, 2009 to April 2010), Assistant Director (June 1, 2008 to April 30, 2008), Acting Assistant Director (June 1, 2007 to April 30, 2008), Executive Assistant to the Library Director (June 1, 2005 to April 30, 2007) – concurrent, Circulation Librarian (May 2005 to April 30, 2009), Filipiniana / Periodicals Librarian (November 8, 2001 to May 2005). Her decision in joining AUF has opened doors for other opportunities which anyhow further enrich her experiences in the profession, such as internal quality auditor (2009-current), contributor / collaborator / project leader in designing and formulation of forms, policies, work instructions, training modules, accreditation documents, among others (2007 to current), lecturer of library user education activities (2001 to current), trainer of new library personnel (2002 to 2008), facilitator/member of organizing team and NOMELEC chair of Central Luzon Librarians Regional Council (2004-2008), etc. He is the current head of the Cagayan Provincial Learning and Resource Center formerly known as the Cagayan Provincial Public Library which is situated in Tuguegarao City, Province of Cagayan. He is a graduate of Political Science in 2003 and Library Science in 2006 respectively. He is also a graduate of two master’s degree – Masters in Public Administration and Masters in Library and Information Science. A professor in the under graduate of the Bachelor of Library and Information Science and a graduate school professor of the University of Saint Louis, Masters in Public Administration. He was the former Director of Libraries of the University of Saint Louis from 2007-2014. He was the former Executive Vice President and eventually the President of the Philippine Librarians Association Inc. (PLAI) National Board of Trustees for the year 20172018. During his time as is the Library Director of Angeles University Foundation (AUF) – University Library (2010 to current). She holds a Master’s Degree in Library and Information Science from the School of Library and Information Studies of University of the Philippines – Diliman. Her bachelor’s degree is in the field of Secondary Education major in Library Science at Holy Angel University – Angeles City. Prior to assuming her current position, she was appointed and assigned to serve various Roilingel MEd., RL P. Calilung, A holder of Master of Education in Library and Information Science from Philippine Normal University, Roilingel P. Calilung is presently the Director of Libraries and BLIS Program Chair of the University of the Assumption in Pampanga. He writes poems and short stories in Kapampangan and Filipino. His book with other two authors Brian Aljer Coballes, M TM, RL Mr. Brian Aljer B. Coballes graduated Bachelor in Library and Information Science from the School of Library and Information Studies, University of the Philippines – Diliman, with distinction (cum laude), in 2006. He got the 5th place during the Librarians Licensure Examination of the said year. In 2011, he finished his Masters in Technology Management from UP Technology Management Center. He started working as Information Specialist in UP College of Engineering Library II before becoming a school librarian at the Ateneo de titled, Diwang Kayanakan Kawatasan Kapampangan is finalist in the National Book Awards in 2013. He is one of the translators in Zoilo J. Hilario’s book Bayung Sunis published by the Komisyon sa Wikang Filipino in 2015. His poems Crash and Pagnasan have been published in Ubod (2016). Manila High School. For several years, he was the Librarian In-Charge of NonPrint of the Educational Media Center (EMC), Ateneo de Manila High School. While a school librarian, he developed the AHS Memory Project – an institutional repository of the school. He also designed an online equipment inventory system for the EMC. He is also the Moderator of two (2) school organizations – Web Development (Junior HS) and Video Club (Senior HS). Currently, he is facilitating the creation of an in-house Patron Attendance Record System and Automated Equipment Inventory for the Instructional Technology Center (ITC) of the Junior High School - EMC. His passion for the application of ICT enables him to teach students to explore the fundamentals of web development as well as create different forms of media through graphics design, photography, and videography. In 2016, he assumed the position of EMC Coordinator of the Ateneo de Manila Junior High School.