Using the five senses Activity 1 Effective descriptive writing makes use of the five senses. Can you solve the sense-related anagrams to make the nouns? GSITH = __ __ __ __ __ GERAIHN = __ __ __ __ __ __ __ CTOHU = __ __ __ __ __ LESML = __ __ __ __ __ ETSTA = __ __ __ __ __ Activity 2 1. Look around you and note all the things you can see: their size, their shape, their colour. 2. Close your eyes and listen to all the sounds outside the building and inside the room. Make a note of these. 3. Feel your skin, your hair, your clothing and any objects in your immediate vicinity (such as the desk, chair etc.) 4. Eat something slowly and taste it really well. (This is the one occasion you’re allowed to eat some of your lunch!) 5. Breathe in and smell. Smell things around you like your leather/plastic bag. 6. Think of an adjective to describe something you saw, something you heard, something you tasted, something you felt/touched, and something you smelled. © 2012 16392 Page 1 of 3 Using the five senses Activity 3 Put each word below into one or more columns according to which sense(s) you use to perceive it. You can underline the strongest sense for you. One has been done for you as an example. There are no right or wrong answers as we all perceive things differently. Compare your answers with those of a partner. SIGHT HEARING an orange TOUCH SMELL TASTE an orange an orange an orange an orange grass a cat a river the moon rain a baby sand a church/ mosque/temple silk coffee leather fire a lemon a rose an orchestra a computer the English language your country yourself © 2012 16392 Page 2 of 3 Using the five senses Activity 4 Read the extract below. Make columns with the five senses, as in activity 3, and put the underlined words into the appropriate columns. It was a frosty evening in early winter. Her fingers were cold as she had been typing on the computer. As she peered through the window, she saw the full moon shining. The clock was ticking on the shelf and the fire was crackling. She looked at the black and white cat licking and cleaning its fur by the fire. It was time for supper and as she opened a tin of salmon, the cat jumped up, smelling the fish and rubbing its head against her legs. She mixed the fish with some warm rice and sat down in the armchair by the fire and began to eat. She was hungry and the food tasted good. She watched the cat sniff at the empty fish tin. The cat padded up to her and she stroked its head. The cat purred with pleasure. Suddenly the telephone rang. She picked up the phone and listened. A gruff voice said … Now have a look at your list and see what words you have in each list. You should have several words connected with each sense. Painting a picture in words using the five senses is a way to make your speaking and writing more interesting. Activity 5 Now continue the story, painting your picture with words. Compare your stories with a partner. © 2012 16392 Page 3 of 3