APPENDIX A COMMONLY USED ABBREVIATIONS AA A.M. ASHD a a.c. ad adlib agit ante aq aq dest B.M. BP BPH bid C CA CBC CD CPR CHF COPD CVA c cap cc comp DC Dx dil ECG/EKG ER Ex elix os oz PE of each morning Arteriosclerosis Heart Disease before before meals up to as desired shake before water distilled water bowel movement blood pressure Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy twice a day Celsius (Centigrade) cancer Complete Blood Count communicable disease Cardiopulmonary Resusciation Congestive Heart Failure Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Cerebrovascular Accident with capsule cubic centimeter compound discontinue diagnosis dissolve or dilute Electrocardiogram Emergency Room take elixir mouth or opening ounce Physical Examination F GI GU gm gr gtt h h.s. IM I and O IV kg LLE LLQ lab M m mcg mg ml NPO neg no. noc. non repetat O OB OD OOB OR OS or OI OU od or qd oh or qh rt SOS s s.c./subcu/sub Fahrenheit Gastrointestinal genitourinary gram grain drops hour hour of sleep/bedtime Intramuscular Intake and Output Intravenous kilogram left lower extremity left lower quadrant laboratory mix minim microgram milligram milliliter nothing per orem negative number night do not repeat pint Obstetrics right eye Out of bed Operating Room left eye each eye/both eyes once a day/everyday every hour right once if necessary/if it is needed without PT P p p.c. per p.o. post op pre op prep p.r.n. Physical Therapist pulse after/post post cebum (after meals) by or through per orem/by mouth post-operative pre-operative preparation pro re nata (when necessary) q Sig or S sp. gr. ss stat Sx T.P.R. tid tinct/tr U subcutaneous label specific gravity one half at once/immediately symptoms temperature, pulse, respiration ters en die (three times a day) alcohol base solution unit pt q qd q.i.d. q.o.d. q.s. RBC RLE RLQ RUE RUQ Rx rept. patient every everyday four times a day every other day sufficient quantity red blood cell right lower extremity right lower quadrant Right upper extremity Right upper quadrant take may be repeated UA ung WBC WNL Abd ABO ADL Adm amb amt approx c/o Urinalysis unguent/ointment white blood cell within normal limits Abdomen The main blood group systems Activities of Daily Loving Admitted/Admission ambulatory amount approximately complains of APPENDIX B MEDICAL TERMINOLOGIES (PREFIXES AND SUFFIXES) PREFIX adeno arthro chole chondro colpo cranio entero gastro hysteron laparo litho maste myo nephro neuro osteo phleb pneumo pylo MEANING gland joint bile cartilage vagina skull intestine stomach uterus loin/flank stone breast muscle kidney nerve bone vein air pelvis, basin salpingo teno thoraco tracheal tube tendon chest neck SUFFIX ectomy oscopy ostomy otomy MEANING a cutting out or excision examination by means of lighted instrument formation of a fistula or opening a cutting or an incision APPENDIX C OPERATING ROOM TERMINOLOGIES MEDICAL TERMINOLOGIES ROOT arthro adeno cardi chole cholecyst col colpo cranio cysto cyst derma doch duodeno entero gastro hepato hystero jejuno lith mast myo nephro neuro oophor ophtalmo orebi os oto pneumo procto rhino salping MEANING joint gland heart related to bile gallbladder colon related to vagina skull related to sac urinary skin duct duodenum intestine stomach liver uterus jejunum stone breast muscle kidney nerve ovary eye testicle opening or orifice ear lung rectum nose tubes thoraco chest SURGICAL TERMINOLOGIES PREFIX a or an ante anti circum contra dys ox extra hem or hemat hemi hyper hypo infra MEANING without before against around against, opposed difficulty, painful away, from, without outside of, beyond blood half higher, more lower, less beneath, below ROOT inter intra peri post pre retro scint sub super supra trans ultra MEANING between within around after, behind before backward, behind half under above, excess above, over through, across excess SURGICAL TERMINOLOGIES SUFFIX desis ectomy itis orrhaphy oscopy ostomy otomy pexy plasty MEANING surgical fixation of removal of inflammation of repair of looking into with an instrument incision into for drainage incision into fixation or suspension plastic repair of EXAMPLE arthrodesis appendectomy appendicitis hemorrhaphy bronchoscopy tracheostomy nephrotomy neparopexy rhinoplasty APPENDIX D MEASUREMENT EQUIVALENTS APOTHECARIES SYSTEM 15 or 16 minims 1 fluid dram 1 fluid dram METRIC SYSTEM 1 milliliter 4 milliliters 4 grams 1 fluid ounce 1 fluid ounce 1 pint 1 quart 15 or 16 grains 2 grains 1 grain 1 grain 1/60 grain 1 grain 2.2 or 2.3 pounds 1 kilogram 1 gallon HOUSEHOLD MEASURES 1 teaspoonful 1 teaspoonful 1 tablespoonful 2 tablespoonfuls 1 teacupful 1 tumblerful 30 milliliters 30 grams 500 milliliters 1000 milliliters 1 gram 1 minim 0.065 gram 60 milligrams 1 milligram 60,000 micrograms 1 kilogram 1,000 grams 4,000 ml APOTHECARIES SYSTEM 60 drops 1 dram 4 drams 1 ounce 6 ounces 8 ounces METRIC SYSTEM 4 ml or 5 ml 4 ml or 5 ml 15 or 16 ml 30 ml 180 ml 240 ml LITER – unit of measure for liquid capacity. GRAM – unit for measure for weight (metric). GRAIN – unit of measure for weight (apothecary). APPENDIX D DRUG COMPUTATION FORMULA FORMULA FOR IV COMPUTATION A. ml/H = B. ml/min = C. gtt/min = Hours of infusion = Total volume of fluid Total number of hours _____Total volume of fluid____ Total no. of hours x 60 min. hr. Total volume of fluid x drop factor Total number of hours x 60 min. hr. Total volume of fluid x _drop factors_ x __h__ infusion ratio min DROP FACTORS Adult Pedia (Abbott – 15 drops/ml) (Intrafix – 20 drops/ml) (Micro – 60 drops/ml) *** 1 gtt = 4 mcgtts at a drop factor of 15 DROP COMPUTATION ORAL = D A SOLUTIONS = D x Q A D – dosage A – available stock Q – quality of diluents DROP COMPUTATION Clark’s Rule CD = _weight of child in pounds_ 150 (average adult weight) x adult dose Young’s Rule CD = ___age of child (in years)___ age of child (in years) + 12 x adult dose