Multiplying and Dividing Fractions In multiplying and dividing common fractions, the denominators do not matter. That is, whether or not the denominators are like or unlike, it does not matter when multiplying and dividing common fractions. Multiplication of Common Fractions ◈ The steps below can be used to multiply common fractions: 1. Multiply the numerators (top numbers) 2. Multiply the denominators (bottom numbers) 3. Simplify the fraction (if needed). First, convert mixed number into improper fraction. Second, multiply the numerators. Then multiply the denominators. Finally, simplify the product. Note every whole number has a denominator that is 1. Division of Common Fractions ◈ The steps below can be used to divide common fractions: 1. Turn then second fraction (The fraction you want to divide by) upside down. –This is now the reciprocal. 2. Multiply the first fraction by the reciprocal 3. Simplify the fraction (if needed). Activity