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Cybersecurity Network Appliances Guided Notes

Cybersecurity Guided Notes
Lesson 3.3.6 - Network Appliances
1. Match the following
A. Jump Server
An intermediate point between the user and
the service they are trying to access
B. Proxy Server
Identifies when an attack is occurring and then
notifies an end user
A network system used to access and manage
devices within a security zone
Stops an attack from happening
2. Match the following
A. Signature-based
Hashes data and checks these hashes against
known malicious threats
B. Behavior-based
A system recognizes when something is not like
the rest of the traffic
C. Anomaly-based
A system looks for instructions that are
potentially malicious
3. What is an HSM?
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4. Match the following
A. Sensors
Acquires and interprets data
B. Collectors
A device that serves other devices
C. Aggregators
Detects information
5. What is a web application firewall?
6. What is the difference between stateful and stateless firewalls?
7. What is Unified threat management?
Copyright © 2022 Cyber Innovation Center
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8. What can content/URL filtering help prevent?
9. What are some advantages/disadvantages of hardware firewalls? Software firewalls?
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