Uploaded by Gina Harris-Toro

Physics Energy Transformation Unit Plan (11-12 Grade)

Guide to Support Lesson Plan Implementation
Title of Unit:
Unit # 3
Curriculum Area:
Physics – Energy Transformation
Content Standards:
SP3. Students will evaluate the forms and
transformations of energy.
Grade Level:
11th and 12th
Time Frame: 1.5 weeks
Characteristics of Science Standards:
SCSh4. Students will use tools and instruments for
observing, measuring, and manipulating scientific
equipment and materials.
SCSh5. Students will communicate scientific
investigations and information clearly
SCSh7. Students will analyze how scientific
knowledge is developed
SCSh8. Students will understand important features
of the process of scientific inquiry
Understandings: Overarching Understandings
Common Core Literacy Integration:
CCGPS Standard/Element(s): Reading
L11-12RST1 Cite text Evidence
L11-12RST2 Central Ideas/conclusions
L11-12RST3 Multistep Procedures
L11-12RST6 Analyze Author’s Purpose
L11-12RST7 Visual version of information
into diagrams, graphs, tables
L11-12RST9 compare and Contrast
L11-12RST10 Read and comprehend at
Related Misconceptions
1. Energy exists in various forms and can be transformed from one form to
another (Law of Conservation of Energy).
2. The mechanical energy of a system is the sum of its kinetic and potential.
3. Kinetic and potential energy are descriptions of the forms that energy
can have.
4. Work is the result of the displacement of an object under the action of a force. There is a
relationship between matter and energy in the equation
E = mc .
6. Vast amounts of energy are produced in fission and fusion reactions.
7. Nuclear fission and fusion are the processes that create the array of elements in the universe.
8. Temperature is a measure of the average kinetic energy for the molecules/atoms in a
9. Heat flow is the energy transfer between objects due to a temperature difference between
10. The energy that a substance has due to its temperature is its internal energy.
11. Power is the amount of energy used by a system in a given unit time.
12. Electrons are outside the nucleus and the protons and neutrons are located inside the
13. Radioactivity is the process of sequential steps by which unstable radioactive isotopes decay
into stable isotopes
Essential Questions: Overarching
1. Why are humans dependent on transformations of energy?
2. Why and how is energy conserved?
CCGPS Standard/Element(s): Writing
L11-12WHST1 Arguments/Claims (a-e)
L11-12WHST 2– Informative/Explanatory/Procedural
text and graphics(a-e)
L11-12WHST3 Narrative
L11-12WHST4 Clear and coherent
L11-12WHST5 Plan, revise, edit
L11-12WHST6 Use Technology
L11-12WHST7 Research Projects
L11-12WHS T8 Gather Information
L11-12WHST9 Draw text evidence that support ideas
Energy is truly lost in many energy transformations.
There is no relationship between matter and energy.
If energy is conserved, why are we running out of it?
Energy can be changed completely from one form to another (no energy losses).
Things “use up” energy.
Energy is confined to some particular origin, such as what we get from food or
what the electric company sells.
An object at rest has no energy.
The only type of potential energy is gravitational.
Gravitational potential energy depends only on the height of an object.
Doubling the speed of a moving object doubles the kinetic energy.
Energy is a “thing.” This is a fuzzy notion, probably because of the way we talk
about newton-meters or joules. It is difficult to imagine an “amount” of an
The terms “energy” and “force” are interchangeable.
From the non-scientific point of view, “work” is synonymous with “labor.” It is
hard to convince someone that more “work” is probably being done playing
football for one hour than studying an hour for a quiz.
How do you describe the relationship between energy, work, and
3. Why does society spend a lot of resources on controlling thermal energy?
4. Why are we unable to do any nuclear experiments in physics this year?
5. What happens to the energy in two different objects when the two objects collide?
6. Why may a substance feel cold to the touch to one person but warm to another?
How do you represent the relationships between the energy work and power, using
mathematical formulas?
What is the relationship between power in kW and in horsepower?
Knowledge: Students will know . . .
1. the two types of energy and the eight forms of energy
2. several examples of the law of conservation of energy
3. what a closed system with conservative forces is.
the differences among the following variables:
work from conservative forces
work from non-conservative forces
net work
change in kinetic energy
change in potential energy
f. change in internal energy
heat input to system or heat output from system
Skills: Students will be able to . . .
The student will be able to define and contrast energy, work, and power.
Identify all eight forms of energy and categorize them as kinetic or potential and transformations when they occur
Differentiate among the three types of potential energy
Given mass, distance, and time, the student will be able to calculate work and power using appropriate units.
Given the conversion formulas, the student will be able to calculate horsepower and kilowatt equivalence.
Students will use measurement tools that apply the concepts of work, power, and energy to a real life example
Performance Task Description:
1. Human Power Activity: Attachment 4
Work and power are important concepts that deal with energy. Work is a force over a given distance and power is the amount of work done in a unit time or simply the rate of doing
work or expending energy. The goal of this experiment is to get familiar with these concepts.
2. Energy on an Incline Lab: Attachment 7
What is the total amount of mechanical energy for a cart moving along an incline plane at five different locations? How do the results compare to the expected results?
To determine the total amount of mechanical energy of a cart on an inclined plane at 5 different positions and to compare the results to the expected results.
Research the mechanics of roller coasters
Energy, Work, Power, Force, Mass, Velocity, Gravitational Potential Energy, Chemical Potential Energy, Elastic Potential Energy, Force constant, Hooke’s law, Kinetic energy, Mechanical Energy,
Energy-work theorem, Thermal, Radiant, Light, Sound, Nuclear, Magnetic, Electromagnetic energy, Joule, Watt, kilowatt-hour Horsepower, Calories, Kilocalories.
Textbook, Textbook Axillaries, Computers, Promethean board, Supplemental Resources:
Students would use the computer to generate tables and possibly graphs, simulations will be shown on the Promethean board, worksheets from textbook axilliaries and sources other than the text will be
utilized to enhance learning. Virtual labs from authentic on-line sources will be utilized.
Where are your students headed? Where have they been? How will you make sure the students
know where they are going?
How will you hook students at the beginning of the unit?
What events will help students experience and explore the big idea and questions in the unit?
How will you equip them with needed skills and knowledge?
How will you cause students to reflect and rethink? How will you guide them in rehearsing,
revising, and refining their work?
How will you help students to exhibit and self-evaluate their growing skills, knowledge, and
understanding throughout the unit?
How will you tailor and otherwise personalize the learning plan to optimize the engagement and
effectiveness of ALL students, without compromising the goals of the unit?
How will you organize and sequence the learning activities to optimize the engagement and
achievement of ALL students?
Use diagnostic test (Attachment 10)and other available data to know where the students are. Use
questioning strategy to find out what they know. Have students read and understand the CCGPS
and learning objectives for the lesson .
Students will view simulations of different ways of describing motion. Students will be asked to take
notes, using 5W questions. They will draw, sketch, jot down words, map concepts.
Students will engage in hands-on activities –minilabs and full labs throughout the course of the unit.
Ability grouping will be used for cooperative learning. Each student will write a concise and
coherent lab report.
Teacher will use Reflective Assessment strategy to track what students have learned about forces
and motion in a whole class setting. This involves four steps:
Anticipate: focus on one key concept at a time, specific evidence of learning e.g. notebook,
Review: After students have conducted the activity, keep tally of which students got the concept
and which one did not, what was wrong or missing
Reflect: What teacher noticed- trends, student confusion
Adjust: Plan next steps for helping students. Help individuals if they are few, and reteach whole
class if up to half the class
Students will pair share ideas of their what they have learned about motion in their collaborative
groups an in. The will write summaries of what they learned. They will peer evaluate each other’s
work and set learning goals for themselves.
Struggling students alternate assignment: Students will create an a concept map of the science
terms and use them in sentences.
Advanced students will conduct research about the how roller coasters function without throwing
riders off their seats.
Unit activities will be scaffolded to ensure that all students are able to perform successfully on the
unit activities.
The following activities will be a part of the unit design:
Student discussion circles
KWL charts
5W Note-taking strategy
Annotated reading entries.
Week of 4/14
Curriculum Area:
Physics – Energy, Work, Power
Unit: Momentum and Energy
Suggested Time Frame: 5days (90 minutes each)
Science Lesson Plan
Alignment of the Teacher Performance Standards with the Georgia Performance Standards
Grades: 11 and 12
Teacher: Ms. G. M, Harris-Toro
Lesson Focus:
1. Understanding that energy is the ability to do work and is
used in order to perform work.
2. Recognition of energy transformations in closed systems
between kinetic and potential
3. Differentiating between energy/work and power (Power
is the rate at which work is done or energy is
4. Using mathematical representations of work and power
in problem solving
Recognizing and using appropriately the various units of energy,
work, and power
Essential Question(s):
CCGPS Standard/Element(s):
SP3. Students will evaluate the forms and transformations of energy.
a. Analyze, evaluate, and apply the principle of conservation of energy and measure the components of work-energy theorem by
• describing total energy in a closed system.
• identifying different types of potential energy.
• calculating kinetic energy given mass and velocity.
• relating transformations between potential and kinetic energy.
Literacy Integration: CCGPS Standard/Element(s): Reading
L11-12RST1 Cite text Evidence
L11-12RST3 Multistep Procedures
L11-12RST2 Central Ideas/conclusions
CCGPS Standard/Element(s): Writing
Gifted Standards: Higher Order & Critical Thinking Skills (HOTS) Elements 1-9; Higher Order and Critical Thinking Skills
L11-12WHST1 Arguments/Claims (a-e)
Standard 1-8, 10 and 11
L11-12WHST 2– Informative/Explanatory/Procedural text and
L11-12WHST9 Draw text evidence that support
Technology Integration: Computers, The Internet , LED Projector and/or Promethean board, Scientific Calculators
Students would use the computer to generate tables and possibly graphs. Computer Animations & Simulations will be shown on Promethean board.
Students will use the Internet to do research for literature reviews and research projects
Getting students ready to learn
Introduce energy with
brainstorm –
What comes to mind with the
term “Energy?” use KWL
(Attachment 10)
• where/how used
• access to energy
• Lead to concepts
of energy
Note-taking –
Demonstrate vocabulary terms
and write definitions and
equations on the board with the
appropriate units.
See attachment 1
Have student pair share the
different forms of energy they
have used or heard of, and
categorize each as kinetic or
( 8 forms: 5 KE &, 3 PE )
Students will use an
on-line simulation to show the
energy transformation for a
• Students need to observe that
the falling motion of the bob is
accompanied by an increase in
speed. As the bob loses height
and PE, it gains speed and KE;
yet the total of the two types of
mechanical energy is conserved.
• To test students’
understanding of the
conservation principle, they
use the heights and the
speeds given in the table (in
the simulation) to fill in the
remaining cells at the
various locations in a 0.200kg bob's trajectory. They will
use the pull down menus to
check their work.
What do the power
companies sell, Power or
• This will lead into the
review of the learned
concepts of energy and
power and their units.
Use the beginning of this
class to wrap up the Human
Power Activity.
• Go over/collect Big Bad
Wolf homework. (See
attachment 5)
Have student
demonstrate human
power experiment – (no
See attachment 4
Students would analyze the
scenario below and answer
• Discuss what happened
– use discussion to
review energy, work, and
power– go over equations
and units for force, work,
Work = force x distance
Force = mass x
Power = work/time
• Ask students – if we
wanted to determine how
much work student just
did, what could we
measure? (mass, time,
distance – can’t measure
force directly in this case)
The weight of the object
can also be measured
directly for student who
struggle with
Use the Energy Basics
questions to review.
(Attachment 6)
Make sure students used
right equations and units.
Which Path Requires the
Most Energy?
Suppose that a car
traveled up three
different roadways
(each with varying
incline angle or slope)
from the base of a
mountain to the summit
of the mountain. Which
path would require the
most gasoline (or
energy)? Would the
steepest path (path AD)
require the most
gasoline or would the
least steep path (path
BD) require the most
gasoline? Or would each
path require the same
amount of gasoline.
Defend your choice.
Performance Task
Energy on an incline
(Attachment 7)
Student will use the
information from the
prelab to perform this
Have 2 students to one push
a chair and the other push
on the wall.
Did either one or both of
these students do any work?
The one pushing on the
chair did work; the other did
not. “Work” requires that an
object be moved.
Did either of these expend
energy? Yes – energy
contributes to doing work,
but not all energy
successfully does work.
Releasing students to
do the work
Have class view a clip of Bill
Nye video on Energy.
Have them journal the terms
used and any at least three
things they learned.
(See URL in Unit Plan under
Reinforce that the total
energy of a closed
system is merely the
sum of the potential
energy and the kinetic
energy called
mechanical energy
(abbreviated ME).
ME = PE + KE
Explain that the potential
energy could be
gravitational or elastic
• Have students study the
diagram in Attachment 2
and explain what is going
on in the Li Ping Phar
terms of PE, KE and ME.
Students’ correct response
will state that the total
mechanical energy of Li
Ping Phar is the sum of
the potential and kinetic
Performance Task:
Human Power Activity
See attachment 4
• This activity will require
students to collect data for
mass, distance and time.
The activity sheet lists
equipment needed, but
you may want to
substitute heavier bottles
so the students can “feel”
the work they do (2-liter or
gallon milk jugs work
• Using the data collected
in the Activity, calculate
average time and apply
the appropriate formulas
to calculate work and
• From your experience in
the activity, how does Work
relate to force and power?
How does velocity relate to
Use the following
equations to reinforce their
Go to:
Students view the
simulations and write
conclusions about how
steepness affects the
Check students’
understanding of Power.
Go to
Have the students answer
the questions in groups.
energies. The two types
of energy sum up to 50,
000 Joules.
They should also notice
that the total
mechanical energy of Li
Ping Phar is a constant
value throughout her
Students will use formulas
to determine the mass of Li
Ping and her speeds at
different points on the path
PEgrav = mgh
KE = ½ mv2
Groups share out in a
whole class setting. as
teacher facilitates and
students take individual
Analysis Questions
(i)What is power?
(ii)What does it mean if
one person has a higher
value for power?
(iii)How many of you
would it take to light a 60
Students will set up an inclined
plane and investigate how
different slopes (inclined angles)
affect the energy .
The force and the mass being
pulled will be kept constant.
Elicit hat to keep the force
constant, the cart must be pulled
at a constant speed.
(Attachment 8)
Watt light bulb?
60 Watts ÷ Your Power
(from the table) =
_________ “your
60 Watts ÷
________Watts =
_________ “________ “
How does your person
power compare to the
horsepower in a car (Use
an estimated horsepower
of 166)?
Helping students make
sense of their learning
• Have students run through
several examples of work
and power. Always ask – is
there work being done?
• Do a few example
Pete locked himself in the
bathroom and he angrily
throws himself against the
door with a force of 250 N
opening the door 0.4 m in 2
seconds. What is his Work,
and Power?
(answers: W=100 J, P=50
• Students will view
simulation and analyze the
transformation of energy on
a roller coaster. Go to:
Alternatively, they can use
the diagram below:
(i) A cart of mass M on a
frictionless track starts from
rest at the top of a hill
having height h1.
What is the kinetic energy
of the cart when it reaches
the top of the next hill,
having height h2?
• Hold up a 60 Watt light
bulb and ask if anybody in
the class produced
enough power to light the
bulb. Ask if they could
produce more power
possibly with their legs.
(Give the example of the
human powered bike
Share scenarios and
applications of energy and
Students work in groups to
answer the review questions
(ii) At what point on the
path is the
KE maximum? Minimum?
PE maximum? Minimum?
• Have students
write DOK 2 and 3 questions
and word problems that
demonstrate their mastery of
the concept and relationship
among work, energy and
• 3,2,1 exit ticket
Students summarize in a
3 things they learned about
the law of conservations
of energy from the
2 things they can apply it
to, and
1 thing they would still like
to learn about energy
Extension –
electrical energy, what other
type of energy does our
home consume?
• Elicit the term used to
measure the amount of
natural gas we use to heat
our homes? Therm. 1 therm
= 100,000 BTU.
Convert to KWh.
• Have students discuss
read about James Watt’s
invention of the steam
engine and the term
horsepower and answer
text-dependent questions.
Conceptual investigation
of the work-energy
relationship, will
involve analyzing
situations involving
work being done by
external forces
forces). Such as
friction. Attachment 3
•When work is done by
external forces
forces), the total
mechanical energy of
the object is altered.
•The work that is done
can be positive work or
negative work. If the
force and displacement
are in the same
Providing Rigor and Differentiation
These are printable and students
can have copies.
• Ask and/or lead a
student (on the board)
through a calculation of
how many of themselves it
would take to light the
bulb, based on their power
output from the activity. #
of people to light 60 Watt
bulb = 60 watts/power
from the activity. (For
example, if the student’s
name was Pete and it took
300 of them to light the
bulb, it is therefore a 300
petepower bulb.)
Students answer the
Analysis Questions
from the human power
activity as part of their lab
report and write
• Have students convert
watts to horsepower in
• Have Class do the
Energy basic Assessment.
Attachment 6
Benchmark Assessments
Attachment 11
Attachment 12
pdf attachment
direction then positive
work is done on the
object. If positive work
is done on an object by
an external force, then
the object gains
mechanical energy. If
the force and the
displacement are in the
opposite direction, then
negative work is done
on the object; the
object subsequently
loses mechanical
Determining prior knowledge: “What
do you know about..?”
Arouse student interest by using a
discrepant event, telling a story, giving
a demonstration, or by showing an
object, picture, or brief video. Motivate and
capture student interest. Identify and Assess
What the Teacher Does
Poses questions (may be the essential or a
real-world scenario)
Arouse student interest (discrepant
event, story, demonstration,
showing an object, picture, video)
Assesses prior knowledge
Assesses misconceptions
Poses Problems
Asks questions
Reveals discrepancies
What the Student Does
Responds to the questions individually, in pairs,
then as a class.
Why did this happen?
What do I already know?
What can I find out about this?
Have students work with manipulative (e.g.,
natural objects, models) to make
observations, investigate a question or
phenomenon. Have students make
predictions, develop hypotheses, design
experiments, collect data, draw conclusions,
and so forth. Teacher role is to provide
support and scaffolding. Student role is to
construct their own understanding through
active experience.
Students report findings and discoveries to
the class. The teacher allows opportunities to
verbalize and clarify the concept; introduces
concepts and terms and summarizes the
results of the exploration phase. Teacher
explanations, texts, and media are used to
guide learning.
Shows interest in the topic
Experiences doubt or disequilibrium
Identifies problems to solve,
decisions to be made, conflicts to be
Tests questions, problems, etc.
Develops a need to know
Self reflects and evaluates
Allows students to work
Observes & listens to their
Asks probing questions for clarity &
Models when needed
Makes open suggestions
Provides resources
Provides feedback
Assesses understandings and
Thinks creatively
Explores resources and materials
Asks for evidence & clarification
Uses prior knowledge to explain
Encourages “fuzzy” language
explanations then provides the
scientific explanation & vocabulary
Provides feedback
Asks questions, poses new
problems and issues
Models or suggests possible modes
Offers alternative explanations
Clarifies understandings
Shares understandings for feedback
Forms generalizations
Reflects on plausibility
Seeks new explanations
Employs various modes for
explanation (writing, art, etc.)
Provides evidence
Students are asked, “Suppose you had to
design seat belts for a racecar traveling at
high speeds. How would they be different
from ones available on passenger cars?” The
students are required to write a brief response
to this “What do you think?” question in their
logs and then share with the person sitting
next to them. The class then listens to some
of the responses. This requires a few minutes
of class time.
Students relate car accidents they have
witnessed in movies or in real life. Students
view videos of crash test dummies during
automobile crashes.
Tests predictions & hypothesis
Collects data
Records ideas & observations
Self reflects and evaluates
Students are asked how they could save the
clay figure from injury during the crash into
the wall. The suggestion that the clay figure
will require a seat belt leads to another
experiment. A thin wire is used as a seat belt.
The students construct a seat belt from the
wire and ram the cart and figure into the wall
again. The wire seat belt keeps the clay figure
from hitting the wall, but the wire slices
halfway through the midsection.
Students recognize that a wider seatbelt is
needed. The relationship of pressure, force,
and area is introduced.
Have students apply the newly learned
concepts to new contexts. Pose a different
(but similar) question and have students
explore it using the concept.
Expects the application of
knowledge, skills, etc.
Reminds & refers students to
alternative explanations
Use the formative assessment from Elicit
Phase and assess (example: the design of
the investigation, the interpretation of the
data, or follow-through on questions, looking
for student growth). Growth is the desired
change in the students’ understanding of key
concepts, principles, and skills in a
differentiated classroom. Expectations vary
according to the student’s beginning point.
Summative assessment may be used here to
measure achievement and assign a grade.
Lead students to connect the concept to
different contexts, transfer new learning.
Observes & assess applied skills &
Allows students to assess their own
learning & group processing skills
Ask open-ended questions
Asks questions
Provides feedback
Provides resources
Makes open suggestions
Models when necessary
Attachment 1
Definitions and Formulas
Force: = mass x acceleration.
Energy: the ability to do work.
Potential (gravitational): mass x gravity x height
Kinetic: (1/2) x mass x velocity x velocity
Work: A measure of the change of energy when a force causes an object to move.
Work = force x distance
Power: The work done over a given time.
Power = work / time
Meter: the SI (Standard International) unit for distance.
Kilogram: the SI unit for mass.
Newton: the SI unit for force. The same as a kilogram x meter / (second x second)
Applies new skills in similar
Design experiments
Students then construct better seat belts and
explain their value in terms of Newton’s first
law and forces.
Demonstrates skill & concept
Answers questions by providing
Evaluates their progress &
Students are asked to design a seat belt for a
racing car that travels at 250 km/h. They
compare their designs with actual safety belts
used by NASCAR.
Applies new knowledge
Solves problems
Makes decisions
Performs new related tasks
Resolves conflicts
Plans and carries out new project
Asks new questions
Seeks further clarification
Students are challenged to explore how
airbags work and to compare and contrast
airbags with seat belts. The questions
explored are:
How does the airbag get
Why does the airbag not inflate
during a small fender-bender but
does inflate when the car hits a
Joule: the SI unit for energy and work. The same as a Newton x meter
Btu: 1055 Joules. The amount of energy needed to raise 1 lb of water 1 degree Fahrenheit.
Watt: the SI unit for power. The same as a Joule/second
Kilowatt: 1000 watts
Attachment 2
The diagram below depicts the motion of Li Ping Phar (esteemed Chinese ski jumper) as she glides down the hill and makes one of her record-setting jumps.
Attachment 3
The following descriptions involve external forces (friction, applied, normal, air resistance and tension forces) doing work upon an object. Read the description
and indicate whether the object gained energy (positive work) or lost energy (negative work)
+ or Work?
Change PE
KE or Both?
Megan drops the ball and hits an awesome forehand. The racket is moving horizontally as the strings apply a horizontal force while in
contact with the ball.
A tee ball player hits a long ball off the tee. During the contact time between ball and bat, the bat is moving at a 10 degree angle to
the horizontal.
Rusty Nales pounds a nail into a block of wood. The hammer head is moving horizontally when it applies force to the nail.
The frictional force between highway and tires pushes backwards on the tires of a skidding car.
A diver experiences a horizontal reaction force exerted by the blocks upon her feet at start of the race.
A weightlifter applies a force to lift a barbell above his head at constant speed.
Attachment 4
Activity: Human Power
Work and power are important concepts that deal with energy. Work is a force over a given distance and power is the amount of work done in an amount of time. The goal of
this experiment is to get familiar with these concepts.
large bottle filled with water
meter stick
Set up the experiment:
Split into groups of 3-4 students.
Collect all equipment and materials necessary to conduct the activity.
Attach one end of the rope to the bottle and the other end to the middle of the pole.
Measure the distance of the rope from the pole to the bottle and record it on the space given (meters, m).
Do work and collect data
Have each person stand on a chair and hold the pole horizontally so that the bottle is suspended. Twist the pole
so the rope winds around it, lifting the bottle. Time how fast each person can wind the rope to bring the bottle all 5.the way up to the pole. Record your data (in seconds).
Repeat so that each student has 3 tries, and record each time.
Using the given mass for your bottle, calculate Force by using:
Force (N) = mass (kg) x acceleration (m/ s2 )
Mass, m = given (kg)
Acceleration due to gravity, a = 9.81 m/ s2
Record the force on the worksheet.
Use the worksheet to calculate average time for each person, work, power in Watts and horsepower (remember that 1 hp = 746 watts .
Analysis Questions
1. What is power?
2. What does it mean if one person has a higher value for power?
3. How many of you would it take to light a 60 Watt light bulb?
60 Watts ÷ Your Power (from the table) = _________ “your name”power
60 Watts ÷ ________Watts = _________ “________ “ power
4. How does your person power compare to the horsepower in a car (Use an estimated horsepower of 166)?
Attachment 5: Homework
Name ______________________________Period____________________Date__________
Remember to show all work including formula, answer, and units
Suppose the Big Bad Wolf goes to the store to buy some bacon. The door at the entrance of the store says, “PULL”, but The Wolf huffs and he puffs to blow the door down. The
door, of course, does not move. Did The Big Bad Wolf do any work? Why or Why not? Did he use any energy?
The Wolf did NOT do any work because the door did not move. In order to do work, the exerted force has to move an object.
The Wolf DID use energy because he pushed on the door.
Kitty the Cat wants to get to Tweety Bird’s cage that is hanging from the ceiling. He has to push a chair 3.05m to get it under Tweety’s cage and Sylvester has to use a force of 30 N
to move the chair. How much work is done to move the chair to the correct spot?
W = F x D W = (30 N) x (3.05m) W = 91.5 Joules
If it took Kitty 6 seconds to push the chair under the cage, what was the power involved in moving the chair?
P = W / t P = (91.5J) / (6s) P = 15.25 Watts
What size light bulb uses almost the same amount of power as the power involved in moving the chair?
15 watt fluorescent / incandescent light bulb.
P = W / t P = (91.5J) / (6s) P = 15.25 Watts
What size light bulb uses almost the same amount of power?
15 watt fluorescent / incandescent light bulb.
Attachment 6
Energy Basics Assessment
Name: ________________________
You have 20 minutes to complete all of the questions. Questions 1-4 all correspond to the diagram below. Questions 5-9 are separate and must be answered within the
allotted time.
Write the equation for WORK.
If it takes 5 newtons of force to move the wagon 5 meters, how much work is being
done? Remember to use the correct units.
What are the units for POWER?
If it took 10 seconds to move the wagon, how much power was provided?
What is the definition of ENERGY?
What S.I. unit do we use for MASS?
A BTU is used to describe what type of measurement?
8. FORCE is measured using (please circle the correct answer)
a. Newtons
b. Joules
c. Kilograms
List three choices you can make to reduce the amount of energy you use in your life.
Explain why it is important to think about how much energy you use in your life.
Energy Basics - Solutions
Name: ________________________
You have 20 minutes to complete all of the questions. Questions 1-4 all correspond to the diagram below. Questions 5-8 are separate and must be answered within the
allotted time.
1. Write the equation for WORK.
Work = Force x distance
If it takes 5 newtons of force to move the wagon 5 meters, how much work is being done? Remember the correct units.
What are the units for POWER?
Watts, Kilowatts
If it took 10 seconds to move the wagon, how much power was provided?
Work = 5 newtons x 5 meters = 25 joules
Power = Work/time = 25 joules/10 seconds = 2.5 Watts
5. What is the definition of ENERGY?
The ability to do work
6. What Si unit do we use for MASS?
7. A Btu is used to describe what type of measurement?
English Energy Units –British Thermal Units
8. FORCE is measured using (please circle the correct answer)
a. Newtons
b. Joules
c. Kilograms
9.List three choices you can do to reduce the amount of energy you use in your life.
Turn of lights, buy energy efficient appliances, buy CFLs instead of incandescent, etc…
Explain why it is important to think about how much energy you use in your life.
The depletion of oil, environmental, societal, and economical impacts.
Copyright © 2008 Clarkson University, Office of Educational Partnerships revised 12/08 www.clarkson.edu/k12
Attachment 7
Energy on an Incline Lab
What is the total amount of mechanical energy for a cart moving along an incline plane at five different locations? How do the results compare to the expected results?
To determine the total amount of mechanical energy of a cart on an inclined plane at 5 different positions and to compare the results to the expected results.
A complete lab write-up includes a Title, a Purpose, a Data section, and a Conclusion/Discussion. The Data section should include the provided table. Work must be shown for the
KE, PE and TME calculations. The energy bar charts should be completed. The Conclusion/Discussion should include a comparison of the total energy at the five positions and a
generalization about the principle which the data support. An error analysis should be conducted in which the expectations are discussed; the degree to which the data align with the
expectations should be described. Averaging and percent differences should be used.
Attachment 8
Energy on an Incline Lab
Included, labeled and organized all parts of the lab report.
The Data section includes the provided table. Work is clearly shown for the
KE, PE and TME values. Data are reasonably accurate; all measurements were
made after the initial push. Energy bar charts are correctly completed.
Conclusion/Discussion describes the energy at the five positions. Discussed
expectations regarding the energy values and discussed the degree to which
expectations matched the results. Might have averaged all TME values and
calculated percent differences. Discussion reveals understanding.
(Lab score)
Attachment 9
KWL Chart
Name _______________________________________________ Date ______________________
Before the lesson begins, list details in the first two columns. Fill in the last column
at the end of class.
What I Know
What I Want to Know
What I Learned
More Elaborate KWL
KWL Chart
Fill in the first three columns before the lesson, and complete the fourth column at the end of the lesson as summary.
What I know I know
What I think I know
What I think I will learn
What I have learned
Attachment 10
True or False
1. In science, work can be done when an object is moved.
2. The secretary works overtime on Saturdays. This is science work.
3. Work and Energy are measured in Newtons.
4. A 1200 N-sumo wrestler ran a 100-meter dash in 120 second and 600 N-you did it in 15 seconds, since the sumo wrestler has more weight, he also developed more power.
5. Kinetic energy is energy of motion.
6. Superman applies a force on a truck to prevent it from moving down a hill. This is an example of work being done.
7. A force acts on an object to push it along a surface at constant speed. By itself, this force must NOT be doing any work on the object.
8. Powerful people and powerful machines are simply people or machines which always do a lot of work.
Multiple Choice
9. Any object that has energy has the ability to
a. burn
b. do work
c. fall
d. sit
10. In which situation is work NOT done on a football?
a. Picking up a football
c. Dropping a football
b. Carrying a football down the hall
d. Throwing a baseball
11. The mitochondrion in the cell converts the chemical energy in food to which form of energy?
a. heat (calories) b. light
c. magnetic
d. electrical
12. To measure power, you must know the amount of work and the
a. time b. number of calories
c. momentum
d. number of atoms
13. Power companies such as Georgia Power sell
a. power
b. electrical energy c. electric meters d. force
14. The law of conservation of energy states that
a. energy in food cannot be converted to any other form of energy
b. energy cannot be created nor destroyed
c. energy can change from one form to another
d. b and c are correct
15. The higher an object is from the ground (a reference point) the greater the
a. kinetic energy
c. elastic potential energy
b. gravitational potential energy
d. the chemical potential energy
16. This form of energy is stored in a battery.
a. heat
b. light
c. chemical
d. electrical
17. A cart of mass M on a frictionless track starts from rest at the top of a hill having height h1, as
shown in the diagram below.
What is the kinetic energy of the cart when it reaches the top of the next hill, having height h2?
a. M•g•(h2 – h3)
(b) 0
(c) M•g•h1
(d) M•g•(h1 – h2)
18. In the diagram below, 400. joules of work is done raising a 72 newton weight a vertical distance of 5.0 m.
How much work is done to overcome friction as the weight is raised?
(a) 400. J
(b) 40. J
(c) 360 J
(d) 760 J
Short Answer http://homework.northport.k12.ny.us/nhs/science/klibretto/Assignments/Unit7_Energy/Test_7_Review_Answers.pdf
What are the two types of mechanical energy?
Potential & Kinetic
2. Why does the amount of gravitational potential energy an object has depend on the reference
Because PE is based on how much energy is required to lift the object a certain distance, this
depends on the height above a certain object or the reference level.
3. In which situations is a person doing work? Why or why not?
a) lifting a box b) carrying a box c) holding a box d) dragging a box up a hill e) walking up stairs
4. Which are vector (if any) and which are scalar (if any): work - vector, power - scalar, energy -scalar
5. As the time it takes to lift an object at a constant speed decreases, what happens to:
a. the work done in lifting the object? Nothing – force x distance
b. the power exerted by the person lifting it? Increases – W/t
6. What are the units and alternate units for: work, power, energy?
Work: N-m = Joule (J)
Power: J/s = Watt (W)
Energy: Joule (J)
7. Describe the energy transformations and transferals in the following systems:
a. a planet orbiting the Sun. Nuclear, to electromagnetic to thermal. Sun to planet.
b. a pendulum swinging back and forth. Potential at the top, kinetic at bottom, potential at top
c. a ball bouncing off the floor. Potential at the top, kinetic on way down, back to PE on way up
d. an arrow shot up into the air. Kinetic to potential on way up, back to kinetic on way down
e. a car bouncing up and down on its shock absorber Kinetic to potential on way up, back to
kinetic on way down
f.a roller coaster ride. Potential to kinetic and back again as it goes up and down hills.
Problem Solving
Directions: Read each question carefully and record your answers in the space provided. Be sure to show all
work! Answers should be in significant figures. You will be graded on proper use of the GUESS method.
1. A 160. N box sits on a 10.0 meter long frictionless plane inclined at an angle of 30.0 0 to the
horizonontal. Anne uses a rope attached to the box to move it with constant speed up the
incline by applying a force (F) parallel to the surface of the incline. Determine the amount of work
Anne did in moving the box from the bottom to the top of the incline.
Fapp = - Fg p
= Fg sin Ө
= - sin( -160. sin(30.00 )
= 80.0 N up
W = Fapp .d
= (80.0 N)(10.0 M)
= 800.0 J
2. It takes an 84 newton force to hold a spring stretched a distance of 29 centimeters.
a. What is the spring constant of this spring?
K = F/x = 84 N = 290 N/m
Attachment 11
True or False
Energy can be stored in a compressed spring and used to do work.
Energy involved in the interaction of an object and the earth is called kinetic energy.
Because energy is conserved, as the amount of one type of energy in an object decreases, the amount of another type must increase.
Superman applies a force on a truck to prevent it from moving down a hill. This is an example of work being done.
A force acts on an object to push it along a surface at constant speed. By itself, this force must NOT be doing any work on the object.
Powerful people and powerful machines are simply people or machines which always do a lot of work.
The secretary works overtime on Saturdays. This is science work.
Work and Energy are measured in Newtons.
A 1200N- sumo wrestler ran a 100-meter dash in 120 second and 600N-you did it in 15 seconds, since the sumo wrestler has more weight he also has more power.
Multiple Choice
10. Any object that has energy has the ability to
a. burn
b. do work
c. fall
d. sit
11. In which situation is work NOT done on a football?
a. Picking up a football
c. Dropping a football
carrying a football down the hall
d. Throwing a baseball
12. The mitochondrion in the cell converts the chemical energy in food to which form of energy?
a. heat (calories)
b. light
c. magnetic
d. electrical
13. A 4.0 x 103 watt motor applies a force of 8.0 x 10 2 newtons to move a boat at constant speed.
How far does the boat move in 16 seconds?
(a) 32 m
(b) 3.2 m
(c) 5.0 m
(d) 80. M
14. Power companies such as Georgia Power sell
(a) power b. electrical energy
c. electric meters
d. force
15. The law of conservation of energy states that
a. energy in food cannot be converted to any other form of energy
b. energy cannot be created nor destroyed
c. energy can change from one form to another
d. b and c are correct
16. If the time required for a student to swim 500 meters is doubled, the power developed by the
student will be
(a) quadrupled (b) quartered
(c) halved
(d) doubled
17. The higher an object is from the ground (a reference point) the greater the
a. kinetic energy
c. elastic potential energy
b. gravitational potential energy
d. the chemical potential energy
18. This form of energy is stored in a battery.
a. heat
b. light
c. chemical
d. electrical.
19. The graph below shows the relationship between the elongation of a spring and the force applied
to the spring causing it to stretch
What is the spring constant of the spring?
(a) 0.020 N/m
(b) 2.0 N/m
(c) 25 N/m
(D) 50. N/m
20. A cart of mass M on a frictionless track starts from rest at the top of a hill having height h1, as
shown in the diagram below.
What is the kinetic energy of the cart when it reaches the top of the next hill, having height h2?
(b) M•g•(h2 – h3)
(b) 0
(c) M•g•h1
(d) M•g•(h1 – h2)
21. In the diagram below, an ideal pendulum released from point A swings freely through point B
Compared to the pendulum’s kinetic energy at A, its potential energy at B is
(a) half as great
(b) the same
(c) twice as great
(d) four times as great.
22. A cart of mass M on a frictionless track starts from rest at the top of a hill having height h1, as
shown in the diagram below.
What is the kinetic energy of the cart when it reaches the top of the next hill, having height h2?
(a). M•g•(h2 – h3)
(b) 0
(c) M•g•h1
(d) M•g•(h1 – h2)
Problem Solving
Directions: Read each question carefully and record your answers in the space provided. Be sure to show all
work! Answers should be in significant figures. You will be graded on proper use of the GUESS method.
1. A 160. N box sits on a 10.0 meter long frictionless plane inclined at an angle of 30.00 to the
horizonontal. Anne uses a rope attached to the box to move it with constant speed up the
incline by applying a force (F) parallel to the surface of the incline. Determine the amount of work
Anne did in moving the box from the bottom to the top of the incline.
Fapp = - Fg p
= Fg sin Ө
= - sin( -160. sin(30.00 )
= 80.0 N up
W = Fapp .d
= (80.0 N)(10.0 M)
= 800.0 J
2. It takes an 84 newton force to hold a spring stretched a distance of 29 centimeters.
a. What is the spring constant of this spring?
k = F/x =
84 N = 290 N/m
b. What is the elastic potential energy of the spring in this position?
PEelastic = 1/2kx = 1/2. 290N/m (0.29 )2 = 12J
Attachment 12
Assessment 2: pdf attachment
Answers: Unit Assessment
1. T
2. F
3. F
4. F
5. F
6. F
Answers: Diagnostic Test
1. T
2. F
3. F
4. F
5. T
6. F
7. F
8. F
9. B
10. B
11. D
12. A
13. D
14. B
15. D
16. C
17. B
18. C
19. D
20. D
21. B
22. D
7. T
8. F
9. B
10. B
11. D
12. A
13. B
14. D
15. D
16. C
17. D
18. B