E XERCISE 1 a) b) I do see packets, because I am connected to the WIFI, and have active network requests such as safari and discord connections. E XERCISE 2 P ART A a) b) c) 22, this number is random only in the first establishment, after which it becomes a constant. d) E XERCISE 2 P ART B a) b) After both client and server establish a secure way of communication, they become encrypted, and info is no longer provided. c) After the 3-way handshake, Cline sends a key exchange request, next the server sends a key exchange request, 3rd client replies with Elliptic curve Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange Init, and server replies with the same request and keys. Lastly, Client sends their keys. This is a way of establishing an encrypted connection. E XERCISE 3 a) Client: Source: b) 80 c) 1) Deny GETS from unknown IP addresses, by filtering them 2) Filtering packets to not allow any POSTs with malicious files.