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ภาพรวมภาษี: ภาษีเงินได้บุคคลธรรมดา, นิติบุคคล, VAT, ธุรกิจเฉพาะ

1. Tax overview
2. Personal income tax
- Taxpayers (natural person / unregistered ordinary partnership / unregistered group of
- Calculation (General method / Special method)
- Income (Recognition ‘cash basis’ / categories 1-8 / Thai and foreign source / tax exempt
1-9 )
- Expenses (standard deduction / actual deduction)
- Allowances 1-14
- Tax calculation
- Taxpayer’s obligation (yearly and half-yearly tax return)
Corporate income tax
Taxpayers (JCP / for tax purpose)
Calculation (4 bases)
Carrying business in Thailand
Deduction of expenses
Income paid from or in Thailand
Obligations (filing return / bookkeeping)
Tax point
Non-deductible input tax
5. Specific Business Tax
1. Tax overview
1.1 World Bank: Tax revenue above 15% of GDP are a key ingredient for economy’s
growth and poverty reduction (Thailand = 17.2 %)
1.2 Major collectors:
- Rev. Dept. (under rev. code: PIT, CIT, VAT, SBT, Stamp Duty)
ิ ค ้าควบคุม เชน
- Excise Dept. (กรมสรรพสามิต) เก็บภาษี ของนำเข ้าฟุ่ มเฟื อย หรูหรา กับสน
เหล ้า บุหรี่ น้ำมัน
- Customs Dept. (Import and export duty)
1.3 Classification of taxes:
- By tax base (income, consumption or sales , capital or property)
- By tax burden:
- Direct Tax: Taxpayer = Tax bearer
- Indirect Tax: Taxpayer ≠ Tax bearer
2. Personal income tax
2.1 Taxpayers
- Natural person
- Unregistered ordinary partnership (ห ้างหุ ้นสว่ นสามัญไม่จดทะเบียน)
- Unregistered group of persons (คณะบุคคลไม่จดทะเบียน)
Calculation (General method / Special method)
Income (Recognition ‘cash basis’ / categories 1-8 / Thai and foreign source / tax exempt
1-9 )
Expenses (standard deduction / actual deduction)
Allowances 1-14
Tax calculation
Taxpayer’s obligation (yearly and half-yearly tax return)
Corporate income tax
Taxpayers (JCP / for tax purpose)
Calculation (4 bases)
Carrying business in Thailand
Deduction of expenses
Income paid from or in Thailand
Obligations (filing return / bookkeeping)
Tax point
Non-deductible input tax
8. Specific Business Tax