Lesson Plan By Xia Li Performance Novice Day in Range Low Theme/Topic Where We Are in Place & Time? Grade 3 Date 1 Minutes 45 Unit Essential Why do we need time? And why do we need plans/schedules? Question Daily topic: Number 1-100 STANDARDS LESSON OBJECTIVES Which modes of Can-Do Statement: communication 1. I can recognize numbers from What are the will be 1 to 10 when gestures or visuals communicative Communication addressed? support them in conversations. and cultural and Interpersonal 2. I can tell the difference Cultures Interpretive between Chinese counting objectives for Presentational gestures and American counting the lesson? gestures. If applicable, Connections indicate how Comparisons this lesson Communities connects to other standards. Other Standards Key Vocabulary & Language Features: 数字(number),一(1)to 一百(100),岁(year Visuals/Materials/Resources old) PowerPoint, word cards, Q: 名字+几+岁?(How old is Name?) whiteboard,bingo paper A: 名字+数字+岁 (Name+number+years old) Lesson Materials/Resources/ Activity/Activities Time* Sequence Technology Warm-up: (5 mins) Recall the Chinese numbers 1 to 10 learned before via I Spy picture. I DO: I show a picture of I Spy on a slide and ask students to find how many certain animals there are. WE DO: Students told me about the numbers in Chinese, and we counted together how many certain animals there were. Main procedures: 30 mins WE DO: I introduce to the students how we use one hand (five fingers) to express the numbers 1 to 10 in China and ask them to do it with me. WE DO: I randomly say a number from 1 to 10, and the students express it with their hands / I show a number with my hands, and the students say the corresponding Chinese number. YOU DO: Share what is the difference between Chinese and American number counting gestures. I DO: By playing the video, I let the students realize that the topic of learning today is Chinese numbers 1 to 100. Before playing the video, I will write down a few numbers bigger than ten on the whiteboard and let the students find the answer in the video. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1RNFE4690fk) YOU DO: Students watch the video, look for answers, and tell me the numbers I wrote on the whiteboard in Chinese. (If students can't answer, I will remind them with gestures) I DO: I use POWERPOINT to show some stars that students are familiar with, ask them if they know the age of these stars, and try to say it in Chinese. WE DO: I use the Chinese counting gestures we just learned to help students tell the ages of these stars use a structure “名字+数字+岁“(Name+number+years old). YOU DO: Discuss with peers the ages of two famous people or athletes they know with a structure “名字+数字+岁“(Name+number+years old) YOU DO:Share the information students discuss with their peers with the whole class. (If students don't know this information, they can make up a person and age) Closure: (10 mins) WE DO: Number Bingo. I prepared some bingo paper with numbers in advance, and I said the first number, and then different students said different numbers. In the end, the first five students who get bingo can get rewards. Reflection/ After classroom observation, through bingo games, I will consciously ask students who I think may not have fully mastered the numbers. In Notes to Self this way, these students are given more opportunities to practice. According to the level of students, I will allow them to use some English when discussing and expressing their opinions in the discussion, but if it is a word or sentence learned before, it must be in Chinese. Lesson Plan By Xia Li Performance Novice Low Grade 3 Date Day in Unit 2 Minutes 45 Range Theme/Topic Where We Are in Place & Time? Essential Why do we need time? And why do we need plans/schedules? Question Daily topic: Time STANDARDS LESSON OBJECTIVES Which modes of Can-Do Statement: communication 1. I can express different times of What are the communicative and cultural Communication will be the day in Chinese with the help addressed? of gestures or visuals. and Interpersonal objectives for Cultures 2. I can differentiate between 24- Interpretive hour system in China VS 12- Presentational hour system use in the United the lesson? States. If applicable, Connections indicate how Comparisons this lesson Communities connects to Other other standards. Standards Key Vocabulary & Language Features: 现在(now),点(o’clock),分(minute), 半(half) Q: 现在几点?(What time is it? ) Visuals/Materials/Resources PowerPoint, whiteboard, clock, handout A: 现在__点/现在__点__分/现在__点半 (It's __ o'clock/It's __ o'clock__minutes/It's __:30.) Lesson Materials/Resources/ Activity/Activities Sequence Time* Technology Warm-Up: (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1RNFE4690fk) (5 mins) Recall the Chinese numbers 1 to 100 learned before via the video. I DO: I lead students to review Chinese numbers 1 to 100 through POWERPOINT YOU DO: I randomly show a POWERPOINT slide from 1 to 100 and pick a student to say it out. Main procedures: 30 mins I DO: Show the clock to the students and tell the students in Chinese that one o'clock until 12 o'clock by turning the hour hand in a clockwise order. WE DO: Write down the sentence structure we need on the whiteboard. After I use gestures to teach students how to say these sentences, I will turn the clock hands and let the students try to tell the time. The sentence structure: Q: 现在几点?(What time is it? ) A: 现在__点/现在__点__分/现在__点半 (It's __ o'clock/It's __ o'clock__minutes/It's __:30.) YOU DO: Ask one student to go to the front of the classroom to move the clock hands while the other students give the time. If the student gets it right, he/she can appoint the next student to present at the front of the classroom. YOU DO: Game Play "What's the time, Mr. Wolf?" (In Chinese)——One student is chosen to be Mr. Wolf and stands at the opposite end of the classroom from the other students facing away from them. I will divide the students into several groups, with about four students, and each turn will be one group to play. Students who have not yet had their turn to participate will join the chant in unison. A call-and-response then takes place: all students except for Mr. Wolf chant in unison, "What's the time, Mr. Wolf?" and Mr. Wolf will answer in one of the two ways: 1. Mr. Wolf may call a clock time (e.g., "5 o'clock"). The other players will then take that many steps, counting them aloud as they go ("One, two, three, four, five"). Then they ask the question again. 2. Mr. Wolf may call the random trigger time I gave students in advance (such as 12:30, 1:00, and 3:15, the trigger time of each round is different), then Mr. Wolf will turn around and chase the other players. If Mr. Wolf tags a student, that student becomes the new Mr. Wolf, and the rest of the group members will return to their seats and switch to another group. WE DO: Combining the Chinese number 1 to 100 learned in the previous lesson, introduce students to the 24-hour time used in China, and discuss how it differs from the time expression they use (i.e., 12-hour time). Closure: (10 mins) YOU DO:finish the handout. Reflection/ When playing the game "What's the time, Mr. Wolf?”, the trigger time of each round can be given by other students or the teacher. Tell them the Notes to Self trigger time can use Chinese or English, but the students playing the game can only use Chinese. According to the level of students, I will allow them to use some English when discussing and expressing their opinions in the discussion, but if it is a word or sentence learned before, it must be in Chinese. Lesson Plan By Xia Li Day Performance Novice Low Grade 3 Date in 3 Minutes 45 Range Unit Theme/Topic Where We Are in Place & Time? Essential Why do we need time? And why do we need plans/schedules? Question Daily topic: Daily Routine STANDARDS LESSON OBJECTIVES What are the Which modes of Can-Do Statement: communication 1. I can identify daily routine words will be communicative Communication addressed? and cultural objectives for and Interpersonal Cultures Interpretive Presentational the lesson? when they are supported by TPR or visuals. 2. I can introduce my daily routine with the help of TPR or visuals. 3. I can know that the weekday schedule of Chinese students is different from that of American students. If applicable, Connections indicate how Comparisons this lesson Communities connects to Other other Standards standards. Key Vocabulary & Language Features: 起床(get up),上学(go to school),回家(go Visuals/Materials/Resources home),吃饭(have a meal),睡觉(sleep) 我/你/他/她几点做什么。(What will I/You/He/She PowerPoint, whiteboard, word cards, clock, handout,Kahoot! do/does at what time.) Lesson Materials/Resources/ Activity/Activities Time* Sequence Technology Warm-Up:(5 mins) WE DO:Review how to tell time by playing the game "What's the time, Mr. Wolf?" (In Chinese). Main procedures: 30 mins I DO:I will use powerpoint to show and read the new vocabulary. At the same time, I will also apply TPR to let my students have a better understanding the new words. YOU DO:Play Kahoot! . (Through this game, I can observe students' mastery of new words, and I can take them to review new words again) I DO: Show students some Chinese students’ daily routines and introduce them in Chinese and supported by TPR (use the structure: 他/她几点做什么。What will He/She does at what time.) WE DO: Ask students questions based on some Chinese students’ daily routines (like what time does she wake up, what is he doing at 7 am?) YOU DO: Send handouts to students and let them create their daily routines. YOU DO: Present and report to the class about their daily routines.(use the structure: 我几点做 什么。What will I do at what time.) Closure: (10 mins) WE DO: Compare the daily routines of Chinese and American students. YOU DO: Students discuss whether they prefer the daily routines of Chinese students or the daily routines of American students. Why? Reflection/ Notes to Self According to the level of students, I will allow them to use some English when discussing and expressing their opinions in the discussion, but if it is a word or sentence learned before, it must be in Chinese.