Common Drain Stage (Source Follower) Claudio Talarico, Gonzaga University Common Drain Stage vgs = vi - vo vbs = - vo VDD RS vs VS VvIN i vi o vVOUT IB RL CL G + vgs - CgdC +C gdgb Cgs ro EE 303 – Common Drain Stage gm vgs -gmbvo vo S VB B&D RL Csb+CL 2 CD Bias Point VDD RS § Assume VB=VOUT, so ID=IB VIN VOUT = VIN −VGS VOUT VS IB RL VB VGS = VT + ID 0.5COXW / L VT = VT 0 + γ ( PHI +VOUT − PHI VDS = VDD −VOUT = VDD −VIN +VGS § For M1 to be in saturation VDS > VOV = VGS +VT ! VDD −VIN +VGS > VGS +VT ! VIN < VDD +VT This is almost always the case in practical realizations EE 303 – Common Drain Stage 3 ) I/O DC characteristic (1) Example: VIN = 2.5V; I1=400µA; VDD=5V; W/L=100µm/1µm DC Transfer Function − 1 um Technology 5 4.5 Vout 3.5 Vout [V] VDD-Vth ≈ 3.43 V Source: Razavi M1 triode Vth 4 3 2.5 2 M operation 1 1.5 6 1 5 0.5 Vds=Vdd−Vout 0 Vov=Vin−Vout−Vth 4 M1 triode 1 0 1 2 3 2 3 4 Vin [V] 5 6 7 Math “artifact” due to ideal current source (a current source can take any voltage value across it !!) 2 0 1 AV (@ VIN = 2.5V) ≅ 0.821 M1 sat. 3 0 4 Vin [V] 5 6 7 8 EE 303 – Common Drain Stage § Vout(min) ≈ 0 § Vout(max) ≈ VDD-Vth 4 8 I/O DC characteristic (2) element 0:m1 0:m2 model 0:simple_n 0:simple_n region Saturati Saturati id 452.1261u 452.1261u ibs -13.0315f 0. ibd -50.0000f -13.0315f vgs 1.1968 900.0000m vds 3.6968 1.3032 vbs -1.3032 0. vth 833.4784m 500.0000m vdsat 363.3703m 400.0000m vod 363.3703m 400.0000m beta 6.8484m 5.6516m gam eff 600.0000m 600.0000m gm 2.4885m 2.2606m gds 33.0095u 40.0000u gmb 514.7852u 758.2384u cdtot 72.3963f 93.2122f cgtot 256.5245f 256.4846f cstot 246.1466f 286.3341f cbtot 66.1318f 128.5634f cgs 203.3341f 203.3341f cgd 51.1337f 50.3996f * measurement av0= 808.9285m Vout [V] I1 Example: VIN = 2.5V; I1=400µA; VDD= 5V; VB = 0.9V; W/L=100µm/1µm; DC Transfer Function − 1 um Technology 5 4.5 4 3.5 3 Vout=Vds2 Vov2 2.5 Vds1 Vov1 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 M2 off M1 sat § 1 2 M2 triode M1 sat 3 4 Vin [V] M2 sat M1 sat 5 6 7 8 M2 sat M1 triode Reduced output (and input) swing - Vout(max) = VDD – VOV1 - Vout(min) = VOV2 EE 303 – Common Drain Stage 5 CD Voltage Transfer ' 1 vo %% sC Ltot + sC gs + RLtot & vi + vgs - Cgs gmvgs Cgd+Cgb $ "" − vi sC gs − g m (vi − vo ) = 0 # g m + sC gs vo = vi g + sC + sC + 1 m gs Ltot RLtot vo CLtot C Ltot = C L + Csb RLtot RLtot = RL || LHP zero sCgs vo gm gm = = ⋅ 1 s C + C vi g + ( gs Ltot ) m 1+ RLtot 1 gm + RLtot s 1− z = av0 ⋅ s 1− p 1+ 1 || ro g mb often RLtot≅ 1/gmb EE 303 – Common Drain Stage 6 Low Frequency Gain av 0 = gm gm + RLtot = RL || 1 RLtot 1 || ro g mb § Interesting cases – Ideal current source; PMOS with source tied to body; no load resistor; RL=∞, ro=∞, gmb= 0 VDD Vo Vi av 0 = 1 CL Yin – Ideal current source; NMOS; no load resistor; VDD RL=∞, ro=∞, gmb≠0 Vi Vo IB RL CL av 0 = gm g m + g mb (typically ≅ 0.8) – Ideal current source, PMOS with source tied to body; load resistor ro=∞, gmb=0, RL finite gm av 0 = 1 gm + EE 303 – Common Drain Stage 7 RL Low frequency input and output resistances RS vs Rin Rout vout vin gmvin ro 1/gm 1/gmb RL av0= gm / (g’m+1/ro+1/RL) § Rin = ∞ § Rout = ro || (1/g’m) EE 303 – Common Drain Stage 8 High Frequency Gain av0 = s v z av (s ) = o = av 0 ⋅ s vi 1− p 1− gm g'm +1 / ro +1 / RL 1 RLtot p=− C gs + C Ltot gm + g z=− m C gs § Three scenarios: |z|<|p| |z|>|p| |a v(s)| |z|=|p| |av(s)| |av(s)| av0 av0 av0 f The presence of a LHP zero leads to the possibility that the pole and zero will provide some degree of cancellation, leading to a broadband response f f (infinite bandwidth ?!?) EE 303 – Common Drain Stage 9 CD Input Impedance § By inspection: vi Yin Hint: i=Cgs(vi-vo) + vgs - Cgs Yin = sCgd + sCgs (1− av (s)) gmvgs Cgd+Cgb vo CLtot Consistent with insight from Miller Theorem RLtot § Gain term av(s) is real and close to unity up to fairly high frequencies § Hence, up to moderate frequencies, we see a capacitor looking into the input – A fairly small one, Cgd, plus a fraction of Cgs EE 303 – Common Drain Stage 10 CD input impedance for PMOS stage (with Body-source tie) VDD § gmb generator inactive – Low frequency gain very close gmro >> 1 to unity IB vOUT Vout Cgs vVIN in CCinin@≈ CCgdgd Cgd Cbsub av0 = CL gm 1 gm + ro ≅1 § Very small input capacitance Yin = sCgd + sCgs (1− av (s)) Yin ≅ sCgd for av=1 (Vout=Vin) no current flows through Cgs(perfect bootstrap) § The well-body capacitance Cbsub can be large and may significantly affect the 3-db bandwidth EE 303 – Common Drain Stage 11 CD Output Impedance (1) § Let's first look at an analytically simple case – Input driven by ideal voltage source + vgs - Z out = Cgs gmvgs vo Cgd+Cgb Csb AC shorted 1 1 g m + g mb s (C gs + Csb ) 1/gmb Zout ZL YL=sCL+1/RL EE 303 – Common Drain Stage Low output impedance • Resistive up to very high frequencies 12 CD Output Impedance (2) § Now include finite source resistance vg Ri Cgs gm(vg-vo) Zx Cgd+Cgb ix Zout Csb vo 1/gmb ZL Neglect Cgd Neglecting Cgd " vg % ix = ( vo − vg ) ( gm + sCgs ) = vo $1− ' ( gm + sCgs ) # vo & " % $ ' vo 1+ sRiCgs 1 $ 1+ sRiCgs ' Zx = ≅ = sCgs ' ix gm + sCgs gm $ 1+ $ ' g # & m EE 303 – Common Drain Stage vg Ri ≅ 1 vo + Ri sCgs 13 CD Output Impedance (3) Zx ≅ 1 (1+ sRiCgs ) gm " sCgs % $1+ ' gm & # NOTE: Typically 1/gm is small, so this can happen !! § Two interesting cases Ri < 1/gm Ri > 1/gm |Zx(s)| |Zx(s)| 1/gm 1/gm f f Inductive behavior! EE 303 – Common Drain Stage 14 Equivalent Circuit for Ri > 1/gm 1 (1+ sRiCgs ) Zx ≅ gm " sCgs % $1+ ' gm & # for s = 0 ⇒ Z x = 1 / gm for s → ∞ ⇒ Z x = Ri Zx Zout R1 for s = 0 ⇒ Z x = R1 || R2 for s → ∞ ⇒ Z x = R2 R2 Csb 1/gmb 1 R1 || R2 = gm R2 = Ri L L= L (R + sL)R2 RR R1 Zx = 1 = 1 2 R1 + R2 + sL R1 + R2 1+ L R1 + R2 Ri2C gs g m Ri − 1 1+ § This circuit is prone to ringing! – L forms an LC tank with any capacitance at the output – If the circuit drives a large capacitance the response to step-like signals will result in ringing EE 303 – Common Drain Stage 15 Inclusion of Parasitic Input Capacitance* What happens to the output impedance if we don’t neglect Ci=Cgd ? * Hint: replace Ri with ( € ) 1 1+ sRi (Cgs + Ci ) Zx = gm ! sCgs $ #1+ & (1+ sRiCi ) g " m % Ri Zi = Ri + sCi Ri 1 Ri (Cgs + Ci ) < 1 gm 1 < Cgs RiCi Ri (Cgs + Ci ) |Zx (s)| |Zx(s)| 1/gm 1/gm f EE114 EE 303 – Common Drain Stage < 1 g < m RiCi Cgs f 16 Applications of the Common Drain Stage § Level Shifter § Voltage Buffer § Load Device EE 303 – Common Drain Stage 17 Application 1: Level Shifter Vi=VGS +Vo VDD Vo=Vi – VGS= Vi – (Vt+VOV) Vi Vo VGS=Vt +Vov ≅ const. IB § Output quiescent point is roughly Vt+Vov lower than input quiescent point § Adjusting the W/L ratio allows to “tune” Vov (= the desired shifting level) EE 303 – Common Drain Stage 18 Why is lowering the DC level useful ? § When building cascades of CS and CG amplifiers, as we move along the DC level moves up § A CD stage is a way to buffer the signal, and moving down the DC level EE 303 – Common Drain Stage 19 Application 2: Buffer VDD VVBB1 IB1 RD M1 (large) Rout vx Vvinin vVout out MX M2 IB2 RL (small) VB2 § Low frequency voltage gain of the above circuit is ~gmRbig – Would be ~gm(Rsmall||Rbig) ~ gmRsmall without CD buffer stage § Disadvantage – Reduced swing Vout (max) = VDD −VOV1 Vout (min) = VOV 2 EE 303 – Common Drain Stage 20 Buffer Design Considerations VDD § Without the buffer the minimum allowable value of Vx for Mx to remain in saturation is: VX > VGSX – Vthx VVB B1 IB1 RD (large) M1 Rout vx Vx V vinin MX vVoutout VB M IB2 2 RL (small) § With the buffer for M2 to remain in sat. it must be: VX > VGS1+VGS2-Vth2 VB2 § Assuming the overdrive of Mx and M2 are comparable this means that the allowable swing at X is reduced by VGS1 which is a significant amount (VGS1=VOV1 +Vth1) EE 303 – Common Drain Stage 21 Application 3: Load Device Looks familiar ? “CS stage with diode connected load” VDD M2 1/(gm2+gmb2 ) Vo Vi M1 § Advantages compared to resistor load – "Ratiometric" • Gain depends on ratio of similar parameters • Reduced process and temperature variations – First order cancellation of nonlinearities § Disadvantage – Reduced swing Vout (max) = VDD −V th2 av 0 = g m1 g m 2 + g mb 2 Vout (min) = VIN −V th1= VOV1 EE 303 – Common Drain Stage 22 CD stage Issues § Several sources of nonlinearity – Vt is a function of Vo (NMOS, without S to B connection) Vt = Vt 0 + γ ( PHI +Vo − PHI ) – ID and thus Vov changes with Vo • Gets worse with small RL 1 W 2 I D = µCOX (VGS −Vt ) 2 L If we worry about distortion we need to keep ΔVin/2VOV small (à we need large VOV, and this affect adversely signal swing). If RL is small, things are even worse because to obtain the desired ΔVout we need more ΔVin (and so even more VOV) ΔVout gm ≈ ΔVin g'm +1 / RL Small RL means less gain § Reduced input and output voltage swing – Consider e.g. VDD=1V, Vt=0.3V, VOV=0.2V (VGS=Vt+Vov=0.5V) • CD buffer stage consumes 50% of supply headroom! – In low VDD applications that require large output swing, using a CD buffer is often not possible – CD buffers are more frequently used when the required swing is small • E.g. pre-amplifiers or LNAs that turn µV into mV at the output EE 303 – Common Drain Stage 23 Summary – Elementary Transistor Stages § Common source – VCCS, makes a good voltage amplifier when terminated with a high impedance § Common gate – Typically low input impedance, high output impedance – Can be used to improve the intrinsic voltage gain of a common source stage • "Cascode" stage § Common drain – Typically high input impedance, low output impedance – Great for shifting the DC operating point of signals – Useful as a voltage buffer when swing and nonlinearity are not an issue EE 303 – Common Drain Stage 24 CD Voltage Transfer Revisited (1) § The driving circuit has a finite resistance Rs CD Core Zin Zout RS vs example: if RS is the output resistance of a CS stage it can be relatively large vin Cgd vout Cgs gmvin 1/g’m Csb RL CL ro||1/g’m Rtot || Ctot § This model resembles the model of the CS stage - The main difference is in the polarity of the controlled source - This difference has profound impact on the Miller amplification of the capacitance coupling input and output EE 303 – Common Drain Stage 25 CD Voltage Transfer Revisited (2) Cgs 1+ s vout gm = av0 ⋅ vs 1+ b1s + b2 s 2 av0 = gm Rtot b1 = RsCgs (1− av0 ) + RS Cgd + Rtot Cgs + Rtot Ctot b2 = RS Rtot (CgsCgd + CgsCtot + Cgd Ctot ) § The zero in the transfer function is on the LHP and it occurs at approximately ωT § Unfortunately the high frequency analysis can become quite involved. A dominant real pole does not always exist, in fact poles can be complex. In the case the poles are complex a designer should be careful that the circuit does not exhibit too much overshoot and ringing. EE 303 – Common Drain Stage 26 CD Voltage Transfer Revisited (3) Cgs vout gm = av0 ⋅ = av0 ⋅ 2 vs 1+ b1s + b2 s 1+ s 1+ s Cgs gm s s2 1+ + 2 ω 0Q ω 0 § Interesting cases: - A dominant pole condition exist - Poles are complex ω 3dB ≅ 1 b1 ( b = ∑τ ) 1 j A dominant pole condition exist for: Q2 << 1/4 b2 << 1 / 4 b12 EE 303 – Common Drain Stage 27 Poles Location s s2 § Roots of the denominator of the transfer function: 1+ + 2 =0 ω 0Q ω 0 § Complex Conjugate poles (overshooting in step response) ω0 2 for Q > 0.5 ⇒ s1,2 = − 2Q (1± j Poles location with Q> 0.5 jω 4Q −1 ) - For Q = 0.707 (φ=45°), the -3dB frequency is ω0 (Maximally Flat Magnitude or Butterworth Response) φ= σ - For Q > 0.707 the frequency response has peaking § Real poles (no overshoot in the step response) for Q ≤ 0.5 ⇒ s1,2 = − ω0 1± 1− 4Q 2 2Q ( ) EE 303 – Common Drain Stage Source: Carusone 28 Frequency Response |H(s)| 10 H (s) = 1 s s2 1+ + ω 0Q ω 02 Magnitude [dB] 5 0 −5 −10 −15 −20 −2 10 Q=0.5 Q=1/sqrt(2) Q=1 Q=2 −1 10 EE 303 – Common Drain Stage 0 / 10 1 10 0 29 Step Response “Underdamped” Q > 0.5 Source: Carusone Q=0.5 “Overdamped” Q > 0.5 time § Ringing for Q > 0.5 § The case Q=0.5 is called maximally damped response (fastest settling without any overshoot) EE 303 – Common Drain Stage 30