Basic operation of what is microprocessor a Tells Block of diagram computer system a write ROM Di BI CPI element Primary - functions RoM/RA_m- - stores ④ reads executes ② prom computer 's the instructions program data Microprocessor on VLSI single a happens when Microprocessor fetches ① BIOS - ② - Basic Resident BIOS chip µ from Microprocessor # primary ③ ① BIOS 05 , the can storage turns loathes 05 , BIOS in (@ over - the instructions are : c- , Registers - lebanon something within microprocessor used of data opcode . ⇐ µ, yama, . and where data) put to ( assembler ;;,"°¥•' ° converts language assembly to How does RAM into residing programs on register - the control from of Disk binary ) ? takes instruction stores the the in it instruction . - The actual actions cycle of execute an which instruction occur during . , 05 to RAM # BIU interface ( Bus ) unit executed by Mp ALU CLK //can see startup cycle of a comp. , instruction µAddrefµ to instructions an fetch cycle the from memory E× the handle µp a memory ) Set A,B stored Fetz computer 's operating disk drive execute ( Assembly Language ) C , for temporary storage required loading program programs of order ROM hard B , of instructions from set . your computer ? on Input Output System orchestrates System a executing start and memory turn you Device memory A in ' what from Input B and C then and , .µpm CPU , f- ADI world , - A ADD Adds with external perform Logic operation Instruction play out carrying to stop - signals similar of set a - action Reset - KBDI Dish RAM up to ? what Read Data - <,AddresslData/Cont^g J J f the Arithmetic - - cpu Instruction Mf control ⑨ Timing EU ( f- xeg.FI) → → "^ → RAM → → 40 poets → Discs video ① fetch generates ① To data bus address ② Memory ③ the up , Instruction selected is ② . " control signal ( here Data transferred is I/o devices ③ Up gets Data F- U to Size of bus data result a Mp depenobontniys: ① Size . of Bus Data No - ef # CLKI Mp : is device Eg If CLK speed the , instruction one per # - - " " i I 1 1 l - - - - - - - , ! fi - - seconds ③ Size - - - - of , : ; I b- - control ⑨ → - - - ① * ALU ' - - Timing ALU ALU by 1 Processor , - - - BLOCK - - - OF DIAGRAM - A - - - - - - - generates It - and also veins ¥Es . . ! %(_ Processor D. Is Mp memory locations do not have any particular sizes associated with the control bus. It is made up of set of control signals. ' 6 bits bus ¥5 - ( synchronized It hey out finds be with does the out purpose where of the µp a write - F- 0 IOR processor control also ensures signal which instruction the overall and CLK the instruction decoder the go means to : ÷: ' MEMW control work to Need signal do whenever any one of . It of Mp locations cmemoy correct control signal n here Coutrol②Timiyuu is for address e n s u re s , ALU bit size of Mp the control PAI 16 Buses ; registers - bit data add 216 can be can . called is it determines size it If : " ' that operation of Size - , c - i " , register y i . 16 bits . mostinp.IT In -11234h F- 234 16 stored is bit 16 a - resister registers is , store can data size of if 16 is - - , BIU - # " Instruction - - G- is : data data i t Size of - of is bus lines of data - - - - # ," - - I of Registers done memory interface s - - data lines . size it 2×10 : no then ② size 2GHz of . if : synchronous sequential a . is instruction . BIU from of Execution . from instruction the moves bus Operand fetch ⑤ Storage of ④ /@ memory data the On . from fetch Instruction decode ③ ⑨ " re a d signal) ① (Any operation that MP does can be broken down into these steps) on . location Up generates address operands a re . memory . ROI figures and actions 4 - - also 8017 to RAI present) - - µ Non Read - roldiile ( Even if it only roltaile ( Data Random Access turn you is erased Memory off system remains when , ) turned off system ) Ao → Do → → A ' D AZ → ' Dz lines address in lines data m ② Microarchitecture Interconnections - ,→ " ROM → i. organization -3 D→'→ → A n -2 Dm . z → → An -1 Dm - is - " 2 X architectural micro machine Path Control M w - I t → various TfP0V rLSIAkhikuw Path Data - - elements of Aw , An : location lend ) I bits /location m ( hate ③ Physical Realization can store memory vLSIDesi g@MemoyAddressspaceA.a - - - - - - - - - Ao - - - O - l - 00000 t 1 - - - - - - - Memory Address Space Fff f f n n }→%!÷ 1 ' i I ,.,,÷, f- ISA 000h 00 | No → Zolins # - tells locations how memory many # ADD A ,B 00000001g 00-00 M ADD Allows 1 bit in - - bits - - - Add - 16 1- and store B in A) bits of resist bite , 1l_ of memos 100000001000101g - 48 bits , - it ( Instruction Allows 8 - from different points of set Execution model Processor resisters Address and architecture ) ( different Data ADD A B, M , , view 00010 tooo tooo -32 bits : # : instruction execute ) can kinds of it 0000 ADD A / M , ,Mz 000000J oool, ← €48 bits ( Different registers ) formats fifyousndybmup.AM#areO)T-M-pov organization Comp . 111011110010001oz 0000001-000001111-1 study Add Mz , - Processors ISA Mi ADD 00000001-1 each memory location U # can , - A spread fetch data from memory # - Byte organised You 0 bits 0001-10000000,10001010--32 t Size organised Nibble ( Add B 00000001-1 Aig Ao organised Bit , , 16 - Mi ] → memes Location operand format ) ( Three C oo-oooT.TO ffffn Resists - Data Memory ① A. B , ADD oi present a re CISC Fg ]→ mega memory locations I - It address lines off . Bus Vs. Instruction # Address RISC - ( formats of them be heat can used ) # ADD Miz M , , , Mz 000000J 11111111€ Is 64101¥ , ?⃝ ?⃝ ?⃝ what is If effect ? the can Instructions Size - present anywhere be of Instruction Complicates - Classification CPU [ Every varies instruction one Instruction Decoder ( per cycle Instruction 1 Ipc 1 one cisc breaks 1 operation into multiple micro instruction is operations operation m o re ISA ( Complex CISC - Operands • for be can in Computer) Instruction Set Arithmetic / Logic operation ) RISC Operands • Register • Register : multiply and in put A it /Logic } detain with B A men Computer) : mu a , 4iI ( Beit memory : LDA Ro A LDA R, B Ro Ri A. Ro @ cycles Eg ① ADD R2 ,R1,R3 ② SBR R2 ,R3 , R2 ③ STR : fetch intuition return B If , / ID , I , R2 , ( b R2 store / IE , / If , / ID , / I Pipelining Time Program Time Cycle ✗ cycle Instruction × Instructions Program f f RISC CISC reduces this 3 there , steps b) in Decode flFD= = CISC mandatory Sayles , STR RISC Execute ③ malt AIB ① store - MUL : Decode Fetch , - RISC Pipelines fetch ① CISC III parallel techniques Instruction w . . is reduces this s÷ # Pipeline hazards f, / IF , / I D , / IE , a re ) is operation Replication - ① Rg÷#- back on e Pipelining - operation Architecture EI Ed CPU one Registers in - Instruction Set Arithmetic for only any an , instruction , Register / memory ( Reduced Rest for AIM Basic - CISC per cycle ) In In atleast execute tries to Cpu ?⃝ ② Replication ( very long instruction ) Replication replicate CPU *" (hardware) of the ways classify to CPUs : Simple arch VLIW arch - - Superscalar - pro ⑨ 5 ② SIMD ③ MISD ① ISD - - Single - Multiple Single Single - o( in Alpha =b**z Store Next one instruction roam at elementof time point ② f- dstore + B ( C ÷:÷÷÷±i÷÷÷÷÷+÷ :÷÷÷::|É - Blot Load BID load BH " store 401 store Alo ) store cat store Acy Ist Next cover Intel ✗ 86 y time SIMD Load Inst Next - a LoadB_ executed It ; :*¥_| Load lo in # L - we'll ① SISD_ 4) Sum - Multiple - time , MIND Data Multiple - - MIMD Instruction y, arch " ① it ) physical realization of :I ÷÷÷÷¥¥t÷÷÷:÷¥÷i☐ I Architecture hardware one ( mist ③ Superscalar ⑧ VLIW word I n st architecture per micrometer ( SESD) time