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Contemporary Philippine Arts
from the Regions
Quarter 1 – Module 1:
Contemporary Art Forms and
Practices from the Regions
Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Regions– Grade 11/12
Self-Learning Module (SLM)
Quarter 1 – Module 1: Contemporary Art Forms and Practices from the Regions
First Edition, 2020
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Development Team of the Module
Writers: Monib E. Anggi
Editors: Name of LRE and language editor
Reviewers: Eden Ruth D. Tejada
Cover Art Designer: Reggie D. Galindez
Management Team: Romelito G. Flores, CESO V – Schools Division Superintendent
Juliet F. Lastimosa, CID Chief
Sally A. Palomo, EPS - LRMS
Gregorio O. Ruales, EPS – ADM Coordinator
Luzviminda R. Loreno, EPS – EsP/SHS Coordinator
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Philippine Arts
from the Regions
Quarter 1 – Module 1:
Contemporary Art Forms and Practices
from the Regions
Introductory Message
For the facilitator:
Welcome to the Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Regions-Grade 11/12 SelfLearning Module (SLM) on Contemporary Art Forms and Practices from the Regions!
This module was collaboratively designed, developed and reviewed by educators both from
public and private institutions to assist you, the teacher or facilitator in helping the learners
meet the standards set by the K to 12 Curriculum while overcoming their personal, social,
and economic constraints in schooling.
This learning resource hopes to engage the learners into guided and independent learning
activities at their own pace and time. Furthermore, this also aims to help learners acquire the
needed 21st century skills while taking into consideration their needs and circumstances.
In addition to the material in the main text, you will also see this box in the body of the
Notes to the Teacher
This contains helpful tips or strategies
that will help you in guiding the learners.
As a facilitator you are expected to orient the learners on how to use this module. You also
need to keep track of the learners' progress while allowing them to manage their own
learning. Furthermore, you are expected to encourage and assist the learners as they do the
tasks included in the module.
For the learner:
Welcome to the Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Regions-Grade 11/12 SelfLearning Module (SLM) on Contemporary Art Forms and Practices from the Regions.
The hand is one of the most symbolized part of the human body. It is often used to depict
skill, action and purpose. Through our hands we may learn, create and accomplish. Hence,
the hand in this learning resource signifies that you as a learner is capable and empowered
to successfully achieve the relevant competencies and skills at your own pace and time.
Your academic success lies in your own hands!
This module was designed to provide you with fun and meaningful opportunities for guided
and independent learning at your own pace and time. You will be enabled to process the
contents of the learning resource while being an active learner.
This module has the following parts and corresponding icons:
What I Need to Know
This will give you an idea of the skills or
competencies you are expected to learn in the
What I Know
This part includes an activity that aims to check
what you already know about the lesson to take.
If you get all the answers correct (100%), you
may decide to skip this module.
What’s In
This is a brief drill or review to help you link the
current lesson with the previous one.
What’s New
In this portion, the new lesson will be introduced
to you in various ways such as a story, a song, a
poem, a problem opener, an activity or a
What is It
This section provides a brief discussion of the
lesson. This aims to help you discover and
understand new concepts and skills.
What’s More
This comprises activities for independent practice
to solidify your understanding and skills of the
topic. You may check the answers to the
exercises using the Answer Key at the end of the
What I Have Learned
sentence/paragraph to be filled in to process
what you learned from the lesson.
What I Can Do
This section provides an activity which will help
you transfer your new knowledge or skill into real
life situations or concerns.
This is a task which aims to evaluate your level of
mastery in achieving the learning competency.
Additional Activities
In this portion, another activity will be given to
you to enrich your knowledge or skill of the
lesson learned. This also tends retention of
learned concepts.
Answer Key
This contains answers to all activities in the
At the end of this module you will also find:
This is a list of all sources used in developing this
The following are some reminders in using this module:
1. Use the module with care. Do not put unnecessary mark/s on any part of the module.
Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises.
2. Don’t forget to answer What I Know before moving on to the other activities included
in the module.
3. Read the instruction carefully before doing each task.
4. Observe honesty and integrity in doing the tasks and checking your answers.
5. Finish the task at hand before proceeding to the next.
6. Return this module to your teacher/facilitator once you are through with it.
If you encounter any difficulty in answering the tasks in this module, do not hesitate to
consult your teacher or facilitator. Always bear in mind that you are not alone.
We hope that through this material, you will experience meaningful learning and gain
deep understanding of the relevant competencies. You can do it!
What I Need to Know
This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help you master the
Contemporary Art Forms and Practices from the Regions. The scope of this module permits
it to be used in many different learning situations. The language used recognizes the diverse
vocabulary level of students. The lessons are arranged to follow the standard sequence of
the course. But the order in which you read them can be changed to correspond with the
textbook you are now using.
You are expected to describe various contemporary art forms and their practices from
the various regions. CAR11/12IAC-0a-1
This module consist of only 1 lesson, namely:
Lesson 1 – Contemporary Art Forms and Practices from the Regions.
After going through this module, you are expected to:
1. identify various contemporary art forms found in Mindanao;
2. describe various contemporary art forms through using subject and elements of art
through making an art analysis chart/map; and
3. show appreciation and awareness to contemporary art forms from the regions
through creating visual design with own craftsmanship and creativity.
What I Know
As you go on with this module you will be able to describe various contemporary art forms
and their practices from the various regions. But before that, let us assess your previous
knowledge by answering this test. By doing so, follow the direction below.
Direction: Write the correct answer on the blank provided before each statement. Choose
your answer from the given choices inside the box.
Shape and Form
Kublai Millan
Modern Art
Contemporary Art
________________ 1. It is the newest form of art, amusing people from the middle
to the late 20th century up to this very minute.
________________ 2.This form of art emerged in the late 1800s and continued to
grow for more or less a century.
________________ 3. A form of art of applying paint, pigment, color or other medium
to a solid surface (called the "matrix" or "support").
________________ 4. It is a traditional Tausug dance, from Jolo and Tawi-Tawi,
characterized by elaborate body postures and gestures and the
graceful arm and hand movement of the dancer, amplified by
the use of janggay or metal claws.
________________ 5. Refers to a racked gong chime instrument played in the
southern islands of the Philippines, along with its varied
accompanying ensembles.
________________ 6. A performing art that involves rhythmic body movement
within a given space, choreographed based on musical beat.
Performed either in front of an audience or by everyone on a
dance floor.
________________ 7. This ethnic dance is originated from the Maranao people who
inhabit the shores of Lake Lanao. It is derived from a story in
the Darangen, the Maranao interpretation of the ancient
Indian epic, the Ramayana.
________________ 8. It is an element of art in which it refers to the extension of a
point, a short or long mark drawn or carved on a surface.
________________ 9. An element of art that refers to a sensation created by visible
wave lengths of light caught in a prism.
________________ 10. It is the surface of an artwork. A texture can be actual or
tactile. What element of art is it?
________________ 11. In visual arts, it is the degree of lightness and darkness
of a color
________________ 12. It is the era that give birth to what we know now as
contemporary art.
________________ 13. It is describe as a figure separate from its surrounding area
or background.
________________ 14. Famous contemporary prolific artist from Mindanao.
________________ 15. In visual arts can be defined as a void, an emptiness which
can either be positive or negative.
Contemporary Art Forms and
Practices from the Regions
Hello, students! Welcome to this school year. I am so excited to impart knowledge this term
and assist you in achieving your educational goals. I truly look forward to our class and
getting to know each of you. Welcome to Module 1!
Contemporary art is essential to you not only because it belongs to your time, but it also
serves as a form of expression of the people’s present feelings and longings.
Contemporary works of art are the means through which the artists of today communicate
their sentiments.
What’s In
Imagine that you are riding a time machine that brings you back to the past-ten years ago.
You look at yourself, and you notice that have also turned ten years younger!
Now you look around and study your surroundings.
You find yourself in the center of your hometown. What do you see aside from the people?
Walk around and examine the scenery.
Is there a commercial center? a plaza?
Are there houses, schools or churches?
What type of buildings do you see? Are there any monuments or statues around? Drawings
and posters?
You move on, and soon enough, you stop at a store where people are watching a dance
routine in a television program. What kind of music do you hear from the program? What
type of dance movements do you see? What are the dancers wearing?
Try to recall in detail the sights and sounds in your hometown existing ten years ago. If you
do not have a vivid memory of your hometown, you can interview your parents, guardians, or
other residents of your town about how it was ten years ago. Then, provide answers to the
1. Describe the scenery in your hometown ten years ago. Did it have any works
of art (architecture, visual arts, etc.) What did they look like?
2. Describe the present scenery in your hometown.
3. From what you have envisioned in numbers 1 and 2, make a conclusion on
what has changed and what has remained in the arts in your hometown?
What’s New
Are you now ready to learn our lesson? So, we are going to discuss about the
work of arts of our local artists. With this, we are going to have an activity
called picture analysis. Let’s start!
Activity 1: Picture Analysis
Direction: Identify the three pictures below and answer the guide question by filling the
table provided.
Guide question:
1. Can you identify the three artworks above? Fill in the table provided:
Name of an artwork
Name of an artist
Location of an artwork
What is It
In order to understand more about the topic, you are going to read and comprehend the
discussions presented in this portion. What is contemporary art for you? How do you
compare and contrast contemporary art and that of the modern art? What are the subject
and elements of art? What are some forms of art in various regions in the Philippines? Let’s
find out!
Contemporary Art Defined
Contemporary art is the art that springs out of the present-day events and passions of the
society. It is the newest form of art, amusing people from the middle to the late 20th century
up to this very minute.
Authorities in the arts place the emergence of contemporary art sometime during the start of
postmodernism in the west, around the late 1970s. This was the time when artists reacted to
the previous art called modernism, whose idea of using a pure, simplified, and a streamlined
form and style was fundamental in creating something new at that time. This gave birth to
the idea that “less is more.”
Contemporary Art vs. Modern Art
In grade 10, you have come across the different art forms of the Modern Era. You have
learned about the movements, the artist and the other by-products of the late 1800s up to
the mid-20th century.
Perhaps the main distinction between modern art and contemporary art is the time period in
which they have existed. Modern art emerged in the late 1800s and continued to grow for
more or less a century. It slowly waned in the middle to late 20th century when
postmodernism came to light. Postmodernism then give birth to what we know now as
contemporary art. This art exists up to this day, and no one knows when a new period will
arrive to veil contemporary art in its shadow.
The Subject and Elements of Art
The Subject of Art
To create your own contemporary piece, you must fully understand what makes an
artwork a true work of art. You must first explore the subject of art.
In visual design, there are different ways or styles of depicting a subject. Get to know
these styles through the works of art of various Filipino contemporary artist
1. Realism
The first style is realism in which the subject is done the way it actually looks.
An example of this is the painting of Araceli Dans, the Bridal White.
2. Distortion
The artist uses his or her imagination and alters the subject according to his
or her desire. A stylized work is a form of distortion like Norma Belleza’s
painting, the Fiesta.
3. Abstraction
The artist breaks a part a subject and rearranges it in a different manner.
The paintings of the National Artist Vicente Manansala belong to this
4. Non Objectivism
In here, there is no subject at all-just an interplay of pure elements, like line,
shape or color, and so on. A good example of this is the painting of Roberto
Chabet which is on Acrylic paper.
Elements of Art
Art forms in the different regions vary in subject, theme, style, medium, and
technique. However as you have learned in Grade 7, there are certain
characteristics that are common to all. The following are the elements of art:
1. Space
 Space in visual arts can be defined as a void, an emptiness which can
either be positive or negative.
 Space refers to the area that is occupied by an object or a subject, as
well as the area surrounding that object or subject. An illusion of
space can still be created in a two-dimensional surface using
perspective. There are two types of perspective: atmospheric
perspective, which utilizes the properties of light and air in depicting
the illusion of distance; and linear perspective, which involves the use
of vanishing points and receding hidden lines.
2. Line
 Line is the extension of a point, a short or long mark drawn or carved
on a surface.
 This refers to a prolongation of a point or a mark on a surface. Solid
lines can be used in order to define form while broken lines are
typically used to suggest hidden forms.
3. Shape and Form
 When the ends of a line meet, they form a shape. It can also be
described as a figure separate from its surrounding area or
 This element refers to an area with boundaries identified or drawing
lines. A shape may be natural or living forms called an organic shape
and can be irregular or rounded. It may also be measured forms
called geometric shape.
4. Color
 Probably the most striking art element that catches the eye is color. It
is a sensation created by visible wavelengths of light caught in a
 This refers to visual perception that allows a person to differentiate
objects due to the way various wavelengths of light are reflected.
Color is a very important element because it can communicate
information and emotion to the viewer. These are the three properties
of color:
 Hue, which refers to the basic or pure color, and is represented
in the color wheel.
 Value, which refers to the lightness and darkness of color. A
light color or tint is the result of adding white to a hue, while a
dark color or shade results from adding black to a hue.
 Saturation, which refers to brightness and dullness of color. It is
also referred to as purity of the color. A bright color can be
produced by adding more pigment to the same hue, while a dull
color can be produced by adding gray or the color’s complement
to the pigment
 The color wheel is an arrangement of primary, secondary and
tertiary colors. It is important tool to identify which colors can
work well if used in a certain artwork which is the color schemes
or color relationships. These are some of the color schemes:
5. Value
 In visual arts, value is the degree of lightness and darkness of a color.
6. Texture
 Texture is the surface of an artwork. A texture can be actual or tactile,
meaning, it can really be felt by touch, or it can be simulated or
illusory, which mean it can only be seen, not felt.
 This element refers to the feel or appearance of a surface. Person
may describe as actual or implied. Actual texture can be felt tangibly
based on the material that is used for the artwork while implied
texture can be exhibited, for instance, in a painting of fur of an
7. Time and Motion
 Movement in the visual arts can either be an illusion or an actual motion. An
illusion of movement is more common in two-dimensional artworks. On the
other hand, actual motion is easily seen in kinetic sculpture that moves with
the wind or are vibrating with the surrounding air.
Philippine Art Forms in Modern and Contemporary Era in Various Regions
Artistic works produced in the period beginning in the 1860s and ended in the 1970s. On this
module let us describe the two forms of arts in the Philippines, the dance and the painting.
Philippine Arts in Modern Era
It has evolved into a wide variety of expressions and medium turning the country into
a situation of creative upheavals
Modern Filipino Artists have more freedom to explore on his own.
Their style is from cross-cultural exposures in the Eastern and Western world yet
they have not forgotten their Filipino roots.
Many of them use color for their emotional rather than intellectual values.
Contemporary Era
 It follows modern art, beginning from 1970s to now and ongoing.
 Contemporary artworks use a variety of materials and techniques, including new
technologies such as computers, three-dimensional, live elements and
performances, etc.
Example of Contemporary Art in Some Regions in the Philippines
 A performing art that involves rhythmic body movement within a given space,
choreographed based on musical beat. Performed either in front of an audience or by
everyone on a dance floor.
Elements of Dance
Theme – most basic element of a dance. It conveys the message of a dance.
Design – pattern of movement in time and space.
Movement – the bodily actions of the dancer that include his steps
Technique – the skill of movement executed by the dancer
Music – the auditory background to which a dancer moves
Costume & body paraphernalia – properties worn by the dancer that help reflect the
message, customs and beliefs
7. Choreography – the figures and steps in dancing that enable the dancers to perform
in an organized manner
8. Scenery – the background or setting where the dance is performed to make it more
realistic and enriching
Some Examples of Contemporary (Folk/Ethnic) Dance in Mindanao
A. Pangalay: A Tausug Dance
Pangalay is a traditional Tausug dance, from Jolo and Tawi-Tawi, characterized by elaborate
body postures and gestures and the graceful arm and hand movement of the dancer,
amplified by the use of janggay or metal claws. The dance is performed to the music of the
kulintangan, gandang, agong and gabang. Commonly referred to as the fingernail dance,
Pangalay is usually performed during weddings and other festive celebrations.
Refers to a racked gong chime
instrument played in the southern
islands of the Philippines, along with
its varied accompanying ensembles.
The Kulintang
Pangalay is a living link to the traditional dance cultures of Asia with closest affinity to the
Indian, Javanese, Thai, Burmese and Cambodian styles of classical dancing.
Pangalay is basically pure dancing. A sense of anti-linear time pervades the slow, refined,
meditative, elegant and almost hypnotic movements. The dancer’s serious face with
downcast eyes creates a mask-like expression, matched by a countenance generally
refined, dignified but without stiffness.
Postures and gestures suggest emotional metaphors and symbols that offer a broad range
of expression. For instance: outstretched palms and arms can stand for salutation, welcome
or joy; or, as a symbol of things in nature such as a palm leaf, flowers, sea waves, the wind,
sea weeds, a bird and a flutter of wings.
The Pangalay Courtship is one of the
versions of the dance wherein a pair of
dancers imitate the graceful courtship
dance of birds. During wedding
performances, it is a tradition that
guests would tuck money between the
fingers of the female dancer.
Pangalay Courtship Dance
Pangalay with money tucked on hand
by audience.
Pangalay has a number of versions including the
Pangalay Linggisan, which is performed by a solo
female dancer imitating the movement of a bird in
flight. According to Mr. Rapih Jairi, Director of the
Ingat Kapandayan Performing Arts of the Notre
Dame of Jolo College, the Pangalay performed in
Sulu is characterized by the graceful movement of
the dancer's arms and hands flowing in synchrony
the gentle blowing of the wind. While in other parts of
the Sulu Archipelago, including Tawi-Tawi and
Sabah, the movements of the arms and hands are
more pronounced as they are imitating the waves of
the Sulu Sea.
Pangalay Linggisan (Wind Dance/Bird Dance
The Pangalay ha Patung is characterized
by two men carrying two bamboo poles
on their shoulders with a solo female
dancer keeping her balance on top of the
two bamboo poles. This version of
Pangalay paints a picture of a woman
dancing on a sail boat.
Pangalay ha Patung (Bamboo)
Hand paraphernalia
Janggay from Sulu,
Beautifully made for
Pangalay traditional
dance of the Tausug
Pangalay Costume
Pangalay Dancers from Notre Dame of
Jolo College
B. Singkil: A Maranao Dance
The Singkíl originated from the Maranao people who inhabit the shores of Lake Lanao. It is
derived from a story in the Darangen, the Maranao interpretation of the ancient Indian epic,
the Ramayana. The name of the dance itself means "to entangle the feet with disturbing
objects such as vines or anything in your path". It is a popular dance performed during
celebrations and other festive entertainment. Originally only women, particularly royalty,
danced the Singkíl, which serves as either a conscious or unconscious advertisement to
potential suitors. A kulintang and agung ensemble always accompanies the dance. While
often erroneously referred to by non-Maranaos as a "Muslim dance", the Singkíl is in fact
secular in nature, performed by the Ummah communities of the Maranao and Maguindanao.
Initially, the dance was performed with just one pair of bamboo poles, eventually adopting
the use of two criss-crossing pairs.
The Singkil Dance
Costume Used in Singkil
A Maranao costume is mainly worn in this form of
dancing. In addition, the female lead dancer wears an
elaborate dress of a princess and holds “decorated
fans” in both hands, while the male lead dancer holds
either handkerchiefs in both hands and in some cases
a sword and a shield.
The Singkil Costume
II. Painting
 Painting is the practice of applying paint, pigment, color or other medium to a
solid surface (called the "matrix" or "support").The medium is commonly applied
to the base with a brush, but other implements, such as knives, sponges, and
airbrushes, can be used.
 In art, the term painting describes both the act and the result of the action (the
final work is called "a painting"). The support for paintings includes such surfaces
as walls, paper, canvas, wood, glass, lacquer, pottery, leaf, copper and concrete,
and the painting may incorporate multiple other materials, including sand, clay,
paper, plaster, gold leaf, and even whole objects.
 Among the famous artist in the field of painting is Fernando Amorsolo. Below is
one of his paintings.
Fernando Amorsolo (1892-1972) was a
dominant figure in the visual arts of the
Philippines during the decades before the
Second World War and into the post-war
period. The ‘Planting Rice with Mayon
Volcano, Exhibits the happiness across
from the difficulties in planting rice. The
Filipino Villagers in their bright clothes
and straw hats plant together with a
fresh and green landscape of plenty.
Behind the Filipino villagers is the
peaceful flume of steam.
The Mayon Volcano by Fernando
Amorsolo, Luzon (Philippines)
What’s More
Having read the discussion on the preceding page, let us have an activity to enrich your
Activity 2: All about Dances
Direction: The pictures below are common contemporary dances in Mindanao, the Pangalay
and the Singkil of the Tausug and Maranao people of Mindanao. Analyze the pictures and
explain how elements of dance is applied and write it on the right column of the table.
Elements of Dance
1. Theme
2. Design
3. Movement
4. Technique
5. Music
6. Costume and
7. Choreography
8. Scenery
What I Have Learned
After you have learned the subject and elements of art, you are going to know more about
the other contemporary art in other region.
Activity 3: The Elements of Art
Direction: Below is the painting of Fernando Amorsolo (Luzon). By recalling the
elements of art, describe how elements of art is used in this painting. Put your answer
on the respective shapes below:
Time and Motion
Shape and Form
What I Can Do
How was your previous activities? Have you enjoyed it? How about another activity in order
to deepen your understanding this topic? Can you do it? Let’s begin!
Activity 4: Read My Palm
Direction: Read the instructions carefully and do what is being asked for. A rubrics below is
to be used as basis in rating your output.
of Topic
Poor Quality
Good Quality
No evidence of skill
development in the media; Demonstrates some
little technical competency skills with the media;
technically proficient
Does not exhibit
Exhibits innovative
innovative thinking - very thinking - sufficient
little experimentation to
experimentation to
enhance concepts
enhance concepts
Poor interpretation and
communication of
thematic concepts due to
inappropriate or
inadequate images or
interpretation and
communication of
thematic concepts
Excellent Quality
Demonstrates strong skills
with the media, technically
Exhibits distinct
experimentation and
innovation to enhance
creative concepts
Excellent interpretation
and communication of
thematic concepts
 Create an abstract work using your own hand as the subject. On the space (box)
provided, place your palm. Make sure that your fingers are spread on the surface of
the paper.
 Carefully, trace the outline of your hand and wrist. Then, slightly move your hand.
Trace the outline of your hand and wrist again. Repeat the process three more times,
letting the succeeding outlines overlap the first ones. (Tip: Before tracing your hand
outline, plan the movement of your hand first)
 By this time, you will notice that the overlapping lines have created shapes. Fill these
shapes with color of your choice. Apply these colors creatively. Check and see if all
the shapes are filled with color. Notice how the colors affect each other.
Now, study your artwork and answer the following questions:
1. How will you describe your artwork?
2. Explain the mood of your artwork based on the:
a. Line that you have drawn.
b. Shapes that you have created.
c. Colors that you have used.
Congratulations, you made it! You will further be tested on the concepts that you have
learned on this module. Are you ready?
Direction: Select the best answer from the given choices. Encircle the letter of the correct
1. It is a traditional Tausug dance, from Jolo and Tawi-Tawi, characterized by
elaborate body postures and gestures and the graceful arm and hand
movement of the dancer, amplified by the use of janggay or metal claws.
a. singkil
c. carińosa
b. pangalay
d. tinikling
2. This form of art emerged in the late 1800s and continued to grow for more or
less a century.
a. traditional art
c. contemporary art
b. modern art
d. old art
3. A form of art of applying paint, pigment, color or other medium to a solid
surface (called the "matrix" or "support").
a. sculpture
c. drawing
b. painting
d. writing
4. Refers to a racked gong chime instrument played in the southern islands of
the Philippines, along with its varied accompanying ensembles.
a. kulintang
c. agong
b. tambol
d. piano
5. A performing art that involves rhythmic body movement within a given space,
choreographed based on musical beat. Performed either in front of an
audience or by everyone on a dance floor.
a. martial art
c. gymnastic
b. yoga
d. dance
6. It is an element of art in which it refers to the extension of a point, a short or
long mark drawn or carved on a surface.
a. color
c. line
b. texture
d. value
7. It is the newest form of art, amusing people from the middle to the late
20th century up to this very minute.
a. traditional art
c. contemporary art
b. modern art
8. An element of art that refers to a
lengths of light caught in a prism.
a. color
b. texture
d. old art
sensation created by visible wave
c. line
d. value
9. It is the surface of an artwork. It can be actual or tactile. What
element of art is it?
a. color
c. line
b. texture
d. value
10. In visual arts, it is the degree of lightness and darkness of a color.
a. color
c. line
b. texture
d. value
11. It is the era that give birth to what we know now as contemporary
a. modernism
c. post-modernism
b. renaissance
d. pre-historic
12. It is describe as a figure separate from its surrounding area or
a. color
c. line
b. shape and form
d. space
13. Famous contemporary prolific artist from Mindanao who built some
famous sculptures in Region XI and Region XII.
a. Lang Dulay
c. Kublai Millan
b. Poly Manalo Herrera
d. Leonor Goquingco
14. In visual arts can be defined as a void, an emptiness which can
either be positive or negative.
a. color
c. line
b. shape and form
d. space
15. This ethnic dance is originated from the Maranao people who inhabit
the shores of Lake Lanao. It is derived from a story in the Darangen,
the Maranao interpretation of the ancient Indian epic, the Ramayana.
a. singkil
c. carińosa
b. pangalay
d. tinikling
Additional Activities
After studying this module, how far have you learned about some
contemporary art forms and their practices from the various regions?
Now, make a research on something popular art form in you region.
Activity 5: Know More!
Direction: Make a research about the history of art, specifically on “Dream Weaver”
and answer the following questions on the space provided. See this link for this
activity. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/T%27nalak
History of art in my region (Region XII):
1. When and how this contemporary art in your region emerged?
2. Who is the local artist famous for this form of art? Name her.
What I Know
1. contemporary
2. modern art
3. painting
4. pangalay
5. kulintang
6. dance
7. singkil
8. line
9. color
13.shape and form
14.Kublai Millan
1. b
2. b
3. b
4. a
5. d
6. c
7. c
8. a
9. b
Answer Key
Book Sources:
Angelita Benavides-Perez, Philippine Contemporary Arts Expressions
and Experimentations, 5c Brilliant Creations Publishing, Inc. 2016
Online Sources:
This Self-learning Module (SLM) was developed by DepEd – Division of
General Santos City with the primary objective of preparing for and
addressing the new normal. Contents of this module were based on DepEd’s
Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELC). This is a supplementary
material to be used by all learners in General Santos City in all public
schools beginning SY 2020-2021. The process of LR development was
observed in the production of this module. This is version 1.0. We highly
encourage feedback, comments, and recommendations.
For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:
Department of Education – General Santos City
Learning Resource Management System (LRMS)
Tiongson St., Lagao, General Santos City
Telefax No.: (083) 552-8909
Email Address: depedgensan@deped.gov.ph