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Fossil Fuels & Quantum Communication: Science News Articles

Lopez, L.A. A. / ABM 12 - Perseverance / Physical Science
“Fossil Fuels: The Dirty Facts”
This article will discuss all things related to fossil fuels, including how they
harm both our environment and our health. This article will address everything
readers should know about fossil fuels and the importance of embracing a
sustainable and a clean energy future.
Over the past years, the majority of the energy needed to drive our cars, run
our businesses, and keep the lights on in our homes has been produced by burning
fossil fuels. About 80% of our energy demands are still met by oil, coal, and gas.
However, despite the importance and the benefit the fossil fuels give to people, is
that it has a price. The usage of fossil fuels for energy has a negative impact on
humanity and to the environment, that pollutes the air, the water, and causes global
Firstly, what are fossil fuels? The fossilized remains of plants and animals that
formerly lived millions of years ago make up fossil fuels. Natural gas, crude oil, and
coal are examples of fossil fuels. These have a high carbon content and are
classified as fossil fuels because of where they came from. Since fossil fuels are now
being introduced, here are some of the disadvantages of mining fossil fuels on our
planet Earth. The first one is “Land Degradation,” wherein our ecosystems and
landscapes are severely damaged as a result of the unearthing, processing, and
transportation of underground oil, gas, and coal deposits. Therefore, the wildlife
habitat, which includes the area needed for breeding and migration, was destroyed
as a result of mining fossil fuels. Even animals with the ability to flee may suffer since
they are frequently forced into unfavorable habitats and must compete with native
creatures for them to survive. Second disadvantage is that it causes “Water Pollution”
as the growth of coal, oil, and gas poses numerous risks to our streams and
groundwater. Coal mining activities discharge large amounts of undesirable rock and
soil into streams as well as harmful runoff into rivers, lakes, and streams which
causes water pollution as a result. Thirdly, is that it causes “Emissions”, as before
they are burned, hazardous air pollutants are released by fossil fuels.These include
benzene (linked to childhood leukemia and blood disorders) and formaldehyde (a
cancer-causing chemical).
In addition, here are some of the effects of burning fossil fuels on our planet.
Firstly, it causes “Global Warming Pollution” since when burned, fossil fuels release a
lot of carbon dioxide. Climate change is caused by carbon emissions, which trap heat
in the atmosphere. Secondly, is that burning fossil fuels also causes “Ocean
acidification” wherein the ocean's fundamental chemistry is altered by the burning of
oil, coal, and gas, increasing the acidity of the ocean, and as the acidity of our seas
increases, the amount of calcium carbonate, a material utilized by oysters, lobsters,
and several other marine species to produce shells, decreases. This may hinder
growth, erode shells, and endanger entire food chains.
Lopez, L.A. A. / ABM 12 - Perseverance / Physical Science
Lastly, we’re not locked into a fossil fuel future as the United States has made
progress in scaling up renewable energy and energy efficiency in recent years, due
to policies that have supported the growth of the clean energy industry. Renewable
energy sources, such as wind and solar, are becoming cheaper than fossil fuels and
are driving the development of clean energy and job growth. Energy efficiency is a
major contributor to the country's energy needs and has created more jobs than oil,
coal, natural gas, or nuclear power. President Biden has proposed a goal of 80%
clean electricity by 2030, which will require increasing renewable energy, electrifying
transportation, and reducing energy demand and fossil fuel use in buildings through
coordinated policy efforts from various sectors.
Lopez, L.A. A. / ABM 12 - Perseverance / Physical Science
Reaction Paper:
This article about fossil fuels has really taught me a lot. Since fossil fuels aren't often
studied in schools and aren't widely known online, I wasn't exactly sure what they
were back then. I only recently learned about fossil fuels online as a result of
scientists' protests to stop their extraction, and I had no idea that doing so would be
harmful to our environment and our health. I can now see why the scientists favored
ending fossil fuel mining. It is true that people value fossil fuels since they are a
dependable and effective source of energy. They serve as the fuel for industrial
activities as well as the production of electricity, building heating, and vehicle power.
They contribute significantly to the global economy and are a substantial source of
income for many nations.
But despite its uses and benefits to people and to every country, I have learned and
we cannot deny its negative impact on our planet and those who live on it. Our planet
and its people are more important. These impacts include land degradation, water
pollution, emissions of harmful air pollutants, global warming, and ocean acidification.
Fortunately, I have read somewhere that there are cleaner forms of energy available
to take the place of fossil fuels.
I dream of a future when we can transition to using cleaner, more sustainable energy
sources. It is evident that switching to a cleaner energy will enhance and benefit
public health and the environment in addition to the economy. The acceleration of
this transition must, in my opinion, be given top priority by the government and
society as a whole if we are to lessen the worst effects of climate change and build a
future that is healthier and more prosperous.
Lopez, L.A. A. / ABM 12 - Perseverance / Physical Science
“Aliens could send quantum messages to Earth, calculations suggest”
This article will discuss a certain study that finds that quantum signals could
travel over interstellar distances. address everything readers should know about
fossil fuels and the importance of embracing a sustainable and a clean energy future.
In this article, It has been hypothesized that an intelligent alien civilization
may send Earth quantum messages. According to research published on June 28 in
Physical Review D, photons could be transmitted over great interstellar distances
without losing their quantum nature. This means that scientists looking for
extraterrestrial signals could also look for quantum messages. Currently, scientists
are developing “Earth-based quantum communication". This is a technology thay
uses quantum particles to send information and has the potential to be more secure
than standard, or classical, communication. Intelligent extraterrestrials, if there are,
may have also adopted quantum communication, according to physicist Arjun
Berera. As of the moment, “Decoherence”, in which a quantum particle loses its
quantumness as it interacts with its environment, is a major barrier or obstacle to
quantum communication.
Since the average density of matter in space is much less than on Earth,
particles could be expected to travel farther before succumbing to decoherence.In
order to determine how far light, in particular X-rays, may travel into interstellar space
without being damaged, Berera and theoretical physicist Jaime Calderón Figueroa,
both from the University of Edinburgh, performed calculations. In addition, According
to the researchers, X-ray photons may travel thousands of light-years beyond the
Milky Way, if not hundreds of thousands of light-years.
Lopez, L.A. A. / ABM 12 - Perseverance / Physical Science
Reaction Paper:
I'm actually fascinated by this article. Ever since, I've always believed that us
Humans aren't the only living beings in our Universe, and I'm actually curious up to
this day what kind of creature those extraterrestrials are, like do they look like us? Or
are they way more intelligent than us Humans? Or are they even interested in us?
Here are some of the questions that I've been looking for an answer ever since
This information really engers my interest and excitement as it is fascinating to
consider the potential for communicating with other intelligent civilizations through the
use of advanced technology, and the possibility of using quantum communication to
do so adds an additional layer of complexity and intrigue. However, as stated in the
article, there is a barrier which is the "Decoherence" in which quantum particles lose
their quantum properties as they interact with their environment, is a major barrier to
the success of quantum communication. In order to transmit messages over such
vast distances, it will be necessary to find a way to mitigate or eliminate the effects of
decoherence in order to make this possibility a reality.
Yet, overall, I am very much hopeful that this study advances and our technology
even more improves in the future years as well as the Earth-based quantum
communication. Confirming that there is life from other planets will surely have a
significant impact on society and our understanding of the universe. It will be exciting
to see how this research and development in this area progresses in the coming