SPONGE HOLDER USE, clean the skin with swab dipped in antiseptic solution. TENACULUM FORCEP ALLIS VAGINAL SPECULUM SIM’S SPECULUM USE, Retract posterior vaginal wall VULSELLUM FORCEP USE, Grasping the cervix (usually anterior lip of the cervix is grasped.) UTERINE SOUND USE, Measure uttering length. UTERINE CURETTE USE, Scraping endometrial cavity to obtain sample for histopathology. HEGAR’S DILATOR USE, Dilate cervix OVUM HOLDING FORCEPS USE, Remove POC ( product of conception) KIDNEY TRAY USE, Store Waste Practice Quiz/Questions: 1. USE, Scraping endometrial cavity to obtain sample for histopathology. a. Kidney Tray b. Vulsellum Forceps c. Uterine Sound d. Uterine Curette 2. USE, clean the skin with swab dipped in antiseptic solution. a. Utrine Sound b. Ovum Holding Forceps c. Sponge Holder d. Hegar’s Dilator 3. USE, Grasping the cervix (usually anterior lip of the cervix is grasped.) a. Ovum Holding Forceps b. Sim’s Speculum c. Vulsellum Forceps d. Sponge Holder 4. USE, Store Waste a. Sim’s Speculum b. Kidney Tray c. Hegar’s Dilator d. Uterine Curette 5. USE, Dilate cervix a. Hegar’s Dilator b. Ovum Holding Forceps c. Uterine Sound d. Vulsellum Forceps 6. USE, Measure uttering length. a. Uterine Sound b. Sim’s speculum c. Vulsellum Forceps d. Kidney Tray 7. USE, Remove POC ( product of conception) a. Ovum Holding Forceps b. Vulsellum Forceps c. Sim’s Speculum d. Hegar’s Dilator 8. USE, Retract posterior vaginal wall a. Ovum Holding Forceps b. Vulsellum Forceps c. Sim’s Speculum d. Hegar’s Dilator Sim’s Speculum- Retract posterior viginal wall Hegar’s Dilatot- Dilate Cervix Ovum Holding Forcep- Remove POC Sponge holder- clean skin with swab dipped in antiseptic solution. Uterine curette- scrapping endometrial cavity to obtain sample for histopathology Vulsellum Forceps- Grasping of Cervix Uterine sound- Measure Uttering Length