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College notes Digital Marketing

College notes Digital Marketing
L1: Intro
Segment 1: RACE
RACE= plan + measure & optimize
Reach; getting visitors (SEO)
Act; site needs to be interesting enough to keep them on the site and let them search through
Convert; convert to buying
Engage; after purchase and they involve friends, advocacy
Netflix case
Own experience
Via SEO by searching a film
Youtube ads
1 month free
Netflix originals are
prominently showed
Videos start immediately
Easy to subscribe
Different plans, basic,
standard, premium and
downgrade or upgrade at any
Personalised advices
Unique visitors
Avg. time on site
Bounce rate
Percentage that fills in their email
IP addresses?
Average order value
Views in same category?
Repeat purchase
Segment 2: Customer experience
Customer experience (CX)= roots + process + touch points
Cognitive; you are thinking things
Emotional; feeling you have about being here
Behavioural; maybe you are taking notes
Sensorial; heat in the room yesterday
Social; the other who are here
Todays experience influences the next experience
Touch points;
Brand owned; Packaging
Partner owned; partner owns the touch points, supermarket decide placing
Customer owned; only customer has control over this, customers buys and maybe does something
else with it
Social/external; social media, experience from another person you see on SM
Due to covid we know: “We need faster, safer and better experiences”
CJ stages: Pre-purchase, purchase, post-purchase
Touch point
Glas licking for taste
Customer Journey
Pre purchase
Why implement
Segment 3: Putting it all together
Story telling  current customer experience  touch points
Touch points  RACE  Plan (digital customer journey steps) + Measure & optimize (KPI’s)
Video; following topics will be covered in following sessions
Artificial serendipity; s3; searching online and if you are surprised when you go somewhere
NFT; s6; Hotwheels with own digitial cars
Re-inventing customer loyalty; s4
Metaverse commerce; s7; buying something in metaverse
Defining ethical boundaries; s10; ethic to predict behaviour from AI?
Influencer marketing; s9
L3: Search and choice
Segment 1: Search and motivation
Story about mixtape from his younger years about his crush
These days you can follow a playlist, shuffle, and share
Moral of the story, these days everything is digital. Effort and time is appreciated by people.
Digital technology changed how customers find what they are looking for online vs offline; people
looking online for shoes and visit a store to see; taking class online vs online gives a different
So important to understand what customers what, do they want to feel and think online or offline,
what do they expect?
Segment 2: Choice and influence
Haring opinions and narratives
Gopher is an internet protocol
DSMM; digital social media and marketing
Soon everything in marketing will be automated. You ask a AI software to create the best ad picture
and use the best SM to promote.
Influences your decisions + discovery
SEM / SEO; also the suggested advertisements on FB due to trackers
What makes online content viral?
When you share something online, you have a reason for it.
If you share usefull information it could lead to better decision.
If you share more positive content, it has more social transmission, more attractive for others.
Neutral emotion did not gave a significant effect on social transmission
Negative emotion in posts also has a effect social transmission, makes your post more viral, think off
a post about a loss of a friend.
Positive emotions are more socially transferrable, because people might think you are a positive
person, so they perceive you different
Easier to share positive than bad things, because people don’t like to talk about bad things, like
mental health
People may be afraid to share bad things, because it might hurt the people reading it
Better grade if reflect better, better critical thinking
Segment 3:
Relatability, trust and experience by exchanging information
Important to keep in mind for who the product is. Values are different for everyone.
Red Bull sponsors extreme sports, the way they perceive themselves, is verry important, also the way
consumers experience things. If you don’t do this well, you disrupt the story of influencing
Storytelling important, because take you on a journey, gives you expectations
When correctly told story, it makes you relate and makes you trust to engage
Once engagement is settled, you can let them behave in a way you want it.
L4: missed
L5: user-generated content
Segment 1:
Major types of UGC’s
Blog comments
Social media comments and posts
User generated media (image & videos)
User generated blog posts
Important that voice of the brand is the same as the voice of the customers
Example of squid game. Influence did game out of squid game. Who benefits? The influencer or the
Netflix series?  who benefits and why depends. People react differently. You will be most effective
if you figure out how people react.
Advantages and challenges of UGC
Advantage is the grow of communities and might grow rapidly, a challenges then is to produce the
growing ask for products, if you can produce then maybe you have to much personal for after the hype,
if you cannot produce then you might lose customers.
Segment 2: aren’t UGC’s simply stories told by others
Most of the content is created by consumers (60%), only 20% is created by brands.
Memes work if they are relatable.
Tiktok want to leverage UGC content, because when normal people do it, it is more authentic, but is
it? Are those people not secretly paid by the company to promote.
Authenticity and control
As a viewer/audience you know when something changed, if the influence behaves different than
normally you will see.
Example with Khaby Lame with Xbox series S advertisement, you just feel there is something off, it is
not authentic to his regular work.
Mentimeter what drives people to create UGC:
Money, fun, fame, helping others, loyalty, dissatisfaction
When your organisations voice if in line with the voice of customers, you will get to UGC. But if you are
off, it will not work.
Segment 3: UGC and dissatisfied customers
What is attitude toward a firm’s response?
More extraversive people will create more UGC and have a better attitude towards the firm respons.
Vengeance is sort of refusal against a company, no one can stop you saying you things on your SM.
Altruism and vengeance were the strongest drives of UG creation after a negative service experience
Venting ad-self-enhament.. significant results.
About the article, they measured the five on the left. Therefore they gathered data via reviews, they
changed al the text to data.
Vengeful extraverted service customers more likely to spread negative UGC
less extroverted customers Service customers motivated by altruism or selfenhancement have strong positive attitudes towards a firm’s response to a service failure
Think about what comes first.
L6: Firm-generated content
Owned social media and shared social media?
Europese en Nederlandse marketing prijs gewonnen met video
Schaal omgesmolten en naar seizoenkaarthouders gestuurd tijdens corona
Three birds waren verboden in Turkije op het alternatieve shirt, dus provoceerden ze UEFA op
verschillende manieren.
We saw firm-generated content and how it is spread, wat is the link with customer experience?
Touch point is choosing man of the match, we have brand owned and partner owned.
Brand owned because you can fill it in online via their own website/app, via Facebook is partnerowned, because communication via Facebook and has limitations due to how Facebook works,
if it is via the app of Ajax themselves and people fill it in, in the stadium, then it is social owned, because
social aspect has an influence, your neighbours have an influence.
A poll via Facebook is social, but this was only send your vote and no showing of the result ondertussen
The stages of pre match, during match and after match are the same as pre purchase, purchase and
post purchase, because there are people who buy only one ticket. For season pass holders the cycle is
way longer.
The way Ajax uses different sort of posts for different platforms relate to the RACE framework, because
Via Facebook is for selling tickets
Via Instagram is for selling merchandise
We thus see things get more interlinked, social media and shops, this is start of RACE
Firm-generated content= (multi) format + fails
(multi) format  written above
Fails  bad advertisement, who make people feel bad/don’t like
Valance and orientation:
Positive and negative valance,
Valance and subject manner, if we have both, we have (substantial advantage) long term advantage
Goooood and stretch, so valance, we have temporary impact, this is customer based, because about
fans. (was it long term effect)
Second one: positive valance, but article does not talk about emoji’s, so unclear.
Third one; valance because of the capital letters, orientation is competitive, because is about a
Last one; there are words who are negative valance, but it does not say about customers
Negative valance; example from burger king giving free whoppers if u used the fire filter to McDonalds.
Formal name better in firm generated content better for willingness to purchase and perceived
Nick name better in user generated content for willingness to purchase and perceived authenticity.
L7: influencer marketing - missed (skiing)
L8: Marketing in video games
Do you think advertising is the only way to promote products/services/brands in video games?
Skin by a brand or a car by brand in a game is (not) a advertisement, but a display with a brand is a
advertisement? It is hard to draw a line between this. This question is not answered in the lecture. It
depends on the game, the way it is placed in the game. If it disrupts your experience, than it is more
like an advertisement.
L9: Guest lecture
Kids that play advergames relate better to brand
L10: AI in digital marketing
Ethics are an interesting point in your assignment (deep fake especially)
Use RACE to tie things together in your assignment
Segment 1:
Machine learning trying to help us predict
Companies collect data, the algorithm segments the customers for better targeting with marketing.
Data collection  Profile unification  segmentation  prediction & Decision  activation
Multiple price points leads to more revenue, but may be not fair. Same hotel room/flight seat, but
different prices.
A lot of data is needed, can be from own website, or look what competitors do.
Downside is the opinion of customers.
Segment 2: RACE and AI in digital marketing
Back in the days chatbots know rules and just went through the data set of rules to know how to
react. Now it works based on machine learning. ChatGPT goes more to Deep Learning. ChatGPT is not
creative, but it has enough data to react.
Data Mining builds data and feeds it to AI (chatbots) it tries to understand the words out of
NN is Neural Networks
You can not use AI without data. You have to feed the AI. How to do this ethically is important
Slides about interaction.
Little changes between the segments don’t help. You have to use lot of data to differentiate the site
interface to the segments.
Segment 3: AI applications
Snowball effect of AI. If you feed it crap, it will create crap and will feed another algorithm and will
also generate crap.
What do you think is a disadvantage of using chatbots to understand customer feelings? Why?
Because you know it is not a person, you interact differently.
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