Booksie Curriculum Designer and Reading Tutor Assignment The purpose of this assignment is two-fold: (1) to give you a better sense of the types of tasks you will do in the role, and (2) to give us a better sense of your skillset and fit for the role. Lesson plan ● ● ● Create a lesson plan for a Book Club session (including time allocation) for our Beginner’s Level 2 readers. Readers in this group are usually 4-6-years-old and are in KG1 - Grade 1. A book club session is from 10am to 2pm We are intentionally not sharing our current book club activities or what a current outline looks like so you can approach the task with fresh eyes and ideas Curriculum design Part 1 ● ● First, outline the curriculum for the first 4 weeks of Reading Camp for a Beginner’s Level 1 class. Readers in this group are usually 3-5-years-old and are in Nursery 1 Grade 1. Reading Camp is a 5-day a week programme which starts at 9am and ends at 3pm. Part 2 ● Share the full lesson plan for the first 2 days of Reading Camp for the same Reading Level group Poster design We need to design a ‘reading rules’ poster for the Booksie Centre. Share 5-10 important rules that we must list on this poster