FF Faculty of Engineering and Materials Science MECHANICS II (DYNAMICS) Prof. Dr. E.I. Imam Morgan Dean, Faculty of EMS elsayed.morgan@guc.edu.eg C7.115 (1) ► Office hours: Actually any time but Thursday ► Teaching Assistant: Engineers: ● Nihal El-Zayat(C1:212) ● Ahmed Fahmy (C1:212) ) ●Abdel Rahman Hatem (C1: 212) ● Omar Medhat(C1:212) ● Veronica Ehab (C3:208) ● Mohamed Manzour (C1: 212) ► Text book: ● Beer, F.P., and Johnston, E.R. “ VECTOR MECHANICS for ENGINEERS: Statics & Dynamics” 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, and 12th editions. McGraw Hill Publishing Co., New York, NY, ISBN 0-07-121828-9 ●● R. C. Hibbeler “ ENGINEERING MECHANICS – DYNAMICS “ 10th, 11th ,12th, and 14th editions Pearson, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, ISBN 0-13-122882-X ► Course Assessment: 10% .... 20% .... 30% .... 40% .... 3Assignments (no best) 3Quizzes (best two) Mid-Term exam. Final-Term exam. No compensation under any conditions ► Attendance: 75% of the course must be attended Important: The student has to attend in his/her scheduled slot (No group change) Prof. Imam Morgan Dean of EMS – MCTR dept. (2) INTRODUCTION ►What is meant by Dynamics ? ►Basic Definitions ? ►Frame Work ? Prof. Imam Morgan Dean of EMS – MCTR dept. (3) Dynamics Input F and / or M The System is Moving Mechanical System ✓►One Particle ✓►Multi-Particles(fixed number) ✓ ►One Rigid Body ✓ ►Several Connected Rigid Bodies (Machine) System Characteristics ● Geometric Chcs The relation(s) between the applied actions (forces & moments) and the generated motion is called: ( KINETICS ) These relations must include the System’s Characteristics Prof. Imam Morgan Dean of EMS – MCTR dept. ● Inertia Chcs center of mass (gravity) total mass (m) mass distribution (M.O.I) product of inertia Output Motion ■ Particle: position r velocity v acceleration a ■ Rigid Body : and for the R.B v A and a A for po int A Determination of motion parameters and how are they related as well as their variation with time without considering the applied forces is called: ( KINEMATICS ) (4) Basic Definitions ► Particle It is a material body with infinitesimal dimensions containing a definite quantity of matter. When the size of a body is very small compared with its range of motion it may be considered as a particle (airplanes, stars and planets have small dimensions compared with their trajectories). Particle P ► Rigid Body Is supposed to represent a continuous system of an infinite number of particles. Each particle is considered as a point on the body. Moreover, the body is Rigid when the distance between any two points (particles) is constant during its motion under the action of any loading conditions. Prof. Imam Morgan Dean of EMS – MCTR dept. (5) ► Machine (Mechanism) Slider-Crank Mechanism Four Bar Mechanism The machine (or, the mechanism) is composed of several rigid bodies that are connected using joints. The joints are of different types and shapes and they are chosen according to the required performance of the machine. The machine is designed to transmit the motion and/or the power. Prof. Imam Morgan Dean of EMS – MCTR dept. (6) ► Motion The motion is defined as the change of the position of the: particle or rigid body in a chosen reference space during a certain interval of time as particle P in Fig.a. For R.B., the path of a point A (or particle A) on the body is the locus of the points reached by the particle during motion. Path of P Path of A A A’ B’ B Motion of a Particle P Prof. Imam Morgan Dean of EMS – MCTR dept. Motion of a Rigid Body So, Particle can be considered as a point of a Rigid body (7) Contents Ch. 1 …. Kinematics of Particles (Rectilinear Motion) Ch. 2 …. Kinematics of Particles (Curvilinear Motion) Ch. 3 …. Kinetics of Particles Part I ● Accelerating Force Dynamics of Particle 5 Lectures Ch. 4 …. Kinetics of a Particle ● Impulse and Momentum ● Energy Approach Part II Dynamics of R.B Prof. Imam Morgan Dean of EMS – MCTR dept. Ch. 5 …. Kinematics of R.B. ● Translation ● Rotation about a fixed axis ( 2D & 3D) ● General Plane Motion ● Rotation about a fixed point (Spherical Motion) Ch. 6 …. Simultaneous Motion (Coriolis effect) Ch. 7 …. Kinetics of Rigid Body ● Accelerating Force 7 Lectures Ch. 8 …. Kinetics of Rigid Body ● Energy Approach (8) Note: Multi-particles Systems Out of Scope of this course A ►Constant No. of Particles: A/ Fixed No. B/ Gaining and Losing ►Variable No. of Particles: C/ Gaining or Losing Fixed Number of Particles Prof. Imam Morgan Dean of EMS – MCTR dept. B Gaining and Losing Particles Fluid Stream Diverted by Vane or Duct Jet Engine Prof. Imam Morgan Dean of EMS – MCTR dept. Fan Helicopter ( 10 ) C Gaining or Losing Particles Gains mass (Variable Mass) Loses mass Classical form of Newton’s law can not be applied in these cases Prof. Imam Morgan Dean of EMS – MCTR dept. ( 11 ) Part I Dynamics of a Particle Prof. Imam Morgan Dean of EMS – MCTR dept. (12) Part I Dynamics of Particles Lect. (1) Ch. 1 …. Kinematics of Particles (Rectilinear Motion) Position Displacement Velocity …. Average and Instantaneous Acceleration Displacement & total distance travelled (path description) Motion determination Multi connected particles and relative motions Ch. 2 …. Kinematics of a Particle (Curvilinear) Ch. 3 …. Kinetics of a Particle ● Accelerating Force Ch. 4 …. Kinetics of a Particle ● Impulse and Momentum ● Energy Approach Prof. Imam Morgan Head of MCTR Depart. (13) Chapter 1 Kinematics of Particles I Rectilinear Motion ►Position, Velocity, and Acceleration. ►Multi Connected Particles 14 General & Important Notes Kinematic Parameters v Path P a r ... Position vector r r t v ...Velocity vector v v t tangent to the path a ... Acceleration vector a a t not tangent to the path r ►How can we express each observer vector at any time ? O The path can be: ■ Straight line …… Rectilinear Motion ■ Plane or Space curve…. Curvilinear Motion Prof. Imam Morgan Dean of EMS – MCTR dept. ►How can we derive the relation(s) between them ? ►The physical meaning of each vector (why ?and how ?) (15) Rectilinear Motion The aircraft shown is considered as a particle in rectilinear motion during landing operation. Its motion relative to the ground is characterized at any instant by its position, velocity, and acceleration. Prof. Imam Morgan Dean of EMS – MCTR dept. (16) 1 Rectilinear Motion t t=0 x v r Po a Straight line Path P O In this case, the Kinematic quantities r , v ,and a are directed along the specified straight line. Prof. Imam Morgan Dean of EMS – MCTR dept. Therefore, the magnitude and sense of each quantity are required to be known for complete description of that quantity. So, scalar analysis is an adequate approach for solution (17) A: Position +ve x ►The path of the particle is defined using a single coordinate axis x. ►The origin O is a chosen fixed point on the path. - ve x ►The position of the particle at any time is given by the distance x measured from O. x = x(t) For example: x 6t 2 t 3 or, it may be given in the form of a graph (x - t ) Prof. Imam Morgan Dean of EMS – MCTR dept. Note: The value of x does not indicate the direction of motion!!! ☺ (18) B: Displacement ■The displacement, Δx = Δx1,2 , of the particle, over a time interval Δt = Δt1,2 = t2 – t1 , represents the change of position of the particle during that interval. ■The displacement is given by: +ve x x1 x2 Δx1,2= x2 – x1 Δx can be: positive, negative, or zero. Third position 3 • O Initial position 1 Δx1,3 – ve Prof. Imam Morgan Dean of EMS – MCTR dept. Δx2,3 – ve Second position 2 Δx1,2 + ve x (19) Example: The position of a particle is define by the relation: x 6t 2 t 3 where x in m and t in sec. Determine Δx0,2 and Δx2,5 and Δx2,7 t=2 Δx0,2 = 16 Δx2,5 = 9 t=0 x O t=7 Δx2,7 = - 65 t=5 Calculate: xi (at time t = i) i = 0, 2, 5, and 7 then, xo = 0 x2 = 16 m x5 = 25 m x7 = – 49 m So, Δx0,2 = x2 – xo = 16 – 0 = 16 m Δx2,5 = x5 – x2 = 25 – 16 = 9 m Δx2,7 = x7 – x2 = – 49 – 16 = – 65 m Prof. Imam Morgan Head of MCTR Depart. (20) C: Velocity (average and instantaneous) ►Consider a particle which occupies position P at time t and P’ at t +Dt , Average velocity Dx Dt Dx Instantaneous velocity lim Dt 0 Dt ►From the definition of the derivative, Dx dx v lim Dt 0 Dt dt ►Instantaneous velocity may be positive or negative. ►Magnitude of velocity is referred to as particle speed. Note: The sign of v indicates the direction of motion. Prof. Imam Morgan Dean of EMS – MCTR dept. (21) x 6t 2 t 3 dx v 12t 3t 2 → instantaneous velocity at any time dt Find the average velocity of the particle during the time interval 2 < t < 7. Dx2,7 average velocity vav Dt2,7 e.g., but, Dx2,7 65 Dt2,7 5 vav 65 13 5 m/ s x7 = – 49 x2 = + 16 t=2 t=0 t=7 actual path x O vav Prof. Imam Morgan Dean of EMS – MCTR dept. Δx2,7 = - 65 (22) D: Acceleration (average and instantaneous) ►Consider particle with velocity v at time t and v’ at t +Dt, Dv Instantaneous acceleration a lim Dt 0 Dt ►From the definition of the derivative, Dv dv d 2 x a lim 2 Dt 0 Dt dt dt e.g. x 6t 2 t 3 v 12t 3t 2 dv a 12 6t dt Prof. Imam Morgan Dean of EMS – MCTR dept. Note: The sign of a does not indicate the direction of motion. (23) Instantaneous acceleration may be: Positive Negative ▪▪▪ ▪ ▪▪▪▪ ▪▪ ▪ increasing positive velocity ▪▪ decreasing negative velocity ▪▪▪ decreasing positive velocity ▪▪▪▪ increasing negative velocity. If a = 0, then v will be kept constant in positive or negative direction. Prof. Imam Morgan Dean of EMS – MCTR dept. (24) Displacement ∆x and Total distance traveled xT D x xT O t t xT x D xt , t D xt ,t D x xT O xT t t xT = ∆𝑥𝑡,𝑡ሗ + ∆𝑥𝑡,ሷ 𝑡ሗ Prof. Imam Morgan Dean of EMS – MCTR dept. D xt , t t x D xt ,t Time of zero velocity t t” ● t' v=0 (25) Example (1) The position of a particle in rectilinear motion is given by : x = t 3 – 6t 2 ‒ 36t + 116 (m,s) For the time interval 0 ≤ t ≤ 8 seconds, determine: a- the displacement, and the average velocity, b- the total distance traveled by the particle. c- Sketch the motion. x O P x (t ) Solution: x t 3 6t 2 36t 116 (m) v 3t 2 12t 36 (m / s) a 6t 12 (m / s 2 ) Prof. Imam Morgan Dean of EMS – MCTR dept. (26) Solution: x t 3 6t 2 36t 116 x O P x v 3t 2 12t 36 a 6t 12 (t ) a- The displacement, and the average velocity: Dx0,8 x8 x0 x0 116 m and x8 44 m Dx0,8 44 116 160 vav m Dx0,8 160 20 m / s Dt 0,8 8 – 44 t8 = 8 ● O 116 to = 0 x vav = – 20 Prof. Imam Morgan Dean of EMS – MCTR dept. (27) b- The total distance traveled by the particle. x t 3 6t 2 36t 116 v 3t 2 12t 36 a 6t 12 At first, find (if exist) the time(s) within the given interval at which v = 0. For v 0 3t 2 12t 36 0 t 6 t6 and t 2 refused as t6 lies within the int erval : time scale t0 = 0 xT Dx0 ,6 Dx6 ,8 x6 x0 x8 x6 ↑ x0 116 t6 = 6 ↑ ∆t0,8 t8 = 8 ↑ x6 100 x8 44 xT 100 116 44 100 272 m –100 ● t6 = 6 v=0 Prof. Imam Morgan Dean of EMS – MCTR dept. t8 = 8 – 44 ● O 116 to = 0 (28) x t 3 6t 2 36t 116 c- Sketch the motion. v 3t 2 12t 36 a 6t 12 x6 = – 100 x0 = + 116 t6 = 6 ● v6 = 0 a6 = +ve t0 = 0 O t8 = 8 v8 = –ve x v0 = –ve x8 = – 44 a0 = –ve ∆x0,8 = – 160 xT Dx0,6 Dx6,8 x6 x0 x8 x6 xT 100 116 44 100 272 Prof. Imam Morgan Dean of EMS – MCTR dept. x0 116 x6 100 x8 44 m (29) 2 Determination of Rectilinear Motion Two Types of Problems: Given x = x (t) ? ? v = v (t) ? ? a = a (t) Given Direct differentiation Direct Integration (I. C.) Typically, conditions of motion are specified by the type of acceleration experienced by the particle. a = a (t) a = a (x) a = a (v) Prof. Imam Morgan Dean of EMS – MCTR dept. (30) ►Acceleration given as a function of time, a = a(t): a at dv at dt v t v0 0 t dv at dt v vt dx vt dt x t x0 0 vt v0 at dt 0 t dx vt dt xt x0 vt dt 0 x xt ►►Acceleration given as a function of position, a = a(x): a a x dv a or dt dv a v a x dx v v x dx v x dt Prof. Imam Morgan Dean of EMS – MCTR dept. v x vo xo vdv a x dx x dx t v x dt xo 0 x xt (31) ►►►Acceleration given as a function of velocity, a = a(v): a av v t dv av dt v0 dv t dt av 0 v vt dx vt dt x t xo o dx vt dt x xt or : a av v v dv x av dx vo xo dv v av dx v v x dx v x dt Prof. Imam Morgan Dean of EMS – MCTR dept. x dx t v x dt xo 0 x x(t ) (32) vo Example (2) Brake mechanism used to reduce gun recoil consists of piston attached to barrel moving in fixed cylinder filled with oil. As barrel recoils with initial velocity vo , piston moves and oil is forced through orifices in piston, causing piston and barrel to decelerate at rate proportional to its velocity. Determine v (t), x (t), and v (x). x a kv SOLUTION: ■ Integrate a = dv/dt = -kv to find v(t). vt t dv v k dt v0 0 dv a kv dt ln vt kt v0 vt v0 e kt Prof. Imam Morgan Dean of EMS – MCTR dept. (33) ■■ Integrate v (t) = [dx/dt ] to find x (t): vt xt dx v0 e kt dt t t 1 xt v0 e kt k 0 kt dx v0 e dt 0 0 v xt 0 1 e kt k ■■■ Integrate a = v [dv/dx ]= - kv to find v (x). dv a v kv dx dv k dx v x v0 0 dv k dx v v0 kx v v0 kx Prof. Imam Morgan Dean of EMS – MCTR dept. (34) Or, one can use an alternative solution: with and then v0 xt 1 e kt k vt vt v0e kt or e kt v0 v vt xt 0 1 k v0 v v0 kx Note: Uniformly accelerated Rectilinear Motion v vo at v 2 vo2 2ax 1 2 x vot at 2 Prof. Imam Morgan Dean of EMS – MCTR dept. a = const. t=0 vo t v x (35) End of Lecture Thank you: Imam Morgan Prof. Imam Morgan Dean of EMS - MCTR Depart. (36)