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GSM, NMT, UMTS Training Catalogue Year 2000

Training Catalogue
Year 2000
Training Catalog
Table of Contents.............................................................................2
Introduction ......................................................................................8
Overview Courses..........................................................................13
Network Operation .........................................................................42
System Administration ................................................................100
Network Development .................................................................113
Installation ....................................................................................133
Maintenance .................................................................................137
Customer Care .............................................................................153
Business Management ................................................................157
NMT ...............................................................................................160
UMTS | WCDMA............................................................................169
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
Table of Contents
General Information on Training Options.................................................................................. 9
Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 10
Portfolio ................................................................................................................................... 10
Multimedia/Web-Based Learning............................................................................................ 10
Learning Consultancy ............................................................................................................. 11
Areas of Work ......................................................................................................................... 12
AXE Hardware Evolution (MBL) ............................................................................................. 14
LZUBB 108 108/C ............................................................................................................... 14
AXE Survey............................................................................................................................. 15
LZU 108 775........................................................................................................................ 15
Telecom Platform and AXE Survey ........................................................................................ 16
LZU 108 1435...................................................................................................................... 16
Data Network Technologies (MBL)......................................................................................... 17
LZUBB 108 032/C ............................................................................................................... 17
Technical Data Communication.............................................................................................. 18
LZU 108 3800...................................................................................................................... 18
ATM Essentials (MBL) ............................................................................................................ 19
LZU 108 1459/C .................................................................................................................. 19
Getting to Know AXE (MBL) ................................................................................................... 20
LZUBB 108 111/C ............................................................................................................... 20
GPRS System Survey.............................................................................................................21
LZU 108 876........................................................................................................................ 21
Telecoms 2000: An Overview (MBL) ...................................................................................... 22
LZU 108 989/C .................................................................................................................... 22
Telecoms 2000: Fundamentals (MBL).................................................................................... 23
LZU 108 993/C .................................................................................................................... 23
Cello Survey
NEW! ........................................................................................................ 24
LZU 108 880........................................................................................................................ 24
GSM System Introduction ....................................................................................................... 25
LZU 108 3279...................................................................................................................... 25
GSM System Survey............................................................................................................... 26
LZU 108 852........................................................................................................................ 26
GSM System Survey (MBL).................................................................................................... 27
LZU 108 4513/1C ................................................................................................................ 27
GSM on the Net 1.0 System Overview NEW! .................................................................... 28
LZU 108 3920...................................................................................................................... 28
GPRS Overview (WBL) .......................................................................................................... 29
LZU 108 3944...................................................................................................................... 29
Mobile Telecommunications Overview (MBL) ........................................................................ 30
LZU 108 4502/1C ................................................................................................................ 30
Intelligent Network Services (MBL)......................................................................................... 31
LZU 101 154/C .................................................................................................................... 31
Intelligent Network Fundamentals (MBL)................................................................................ 32
LZUBB 108 019/C ............................................................................................................... 32
Intelligent Network Overview (MBL) ....................................................................................... 33
LZUBB 108 018/C ............................................................................................................... 33
ISDN Essential (MBL) ............................................................................................................. 34
LZUBB 108 074/C ............................................................................................................... 34
Mobile Intelligent Network Overview....................................................................................... 35
LZU 108 3633...................................................................................................................... 35
PPS 3.0 Delta ......................................................................................................................... 36
LZU 108 3926...................................................................................................................... 36
PPS Technical Overview (WBL) ............................................................................................. 37
LZU 108 3925/C .................................................................................................................. 37
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WAP Gateway Operation........................................................................................................ 38
LZU 108 5004...................................................................................................................... 38
WAP Overview (WBL)
NEW! ......................................................................................... 39
LZU 108 5011...................................................................................................................... 39
WAP Technical Overview
NEW!.................................................................................... 40
LZU 108 5013...................................................................................................................... 40
WAP for Application Developers
NEW! ......................................................................... 41
LZU 108 5019...................................................................................................................... 41
GSM Advanced System Technique........................................................................................ 43
LZU 108 857........................................................................................................................ 43
GSM Advanced System Technique........................................................................................ 44
LZU 108 857........................................................................................................................ 44
AUC 10 Operation and Maintenance...................................................................................... 45
LZU 108 3632...................................................................................................................... 45
AXE IOG20 Delta.................................................................................................................... 46
LZU 108 115........................................................................................................................ 46
AXE Hardware Maintenance in GSM ..................................................................................... 47
LZU 108 3700...................................................................................................................... 47
AXE Operation Handling in GSM............................................................................................ 48
LZU 108 3684...................................................................................................................... 48
AXE 10 Operation and Maintenance Platform in GSM........................................................... 49
LZU 108 3683...................................................................................................................... 49
AXE Software Management using AXS.................................................................................. 50
INF 203 23/1........................................................................................................................ 50
GSM BSS Integration for Operations...................................................................................... 51
LZU 108 870........................................................................................................................ 51
Base Station System (BSS) Delta, R8.0................................................................................. 52
LZU 108 5025...................................................................................................................... 52
Billing Gateway Supervision ................................................................................................... 53
LZU 107 3201...................................................................................................................... 53
BSC Operation........................................................................................................................ 54
LZU 108 625........................................................................................................................ 54
CeNA R3 Delta ....................................................................................................................... 55
LZU 102 214........................................................................................................................ 55
CeNA R3 Introduction ............................................................................................................. 56
LZU 102 212........................................................................................................................ 56
Data Transcript ....................................................................................................................... 57
LZU 108 3285...................................................................................................................... 57
DTI Delta, R7 .......................................................................................................................... 58
LZU 108 3711...................................................................................................................... 58
DTI Delta, R8.0 ....................................................................................................................... 59
LZU 108 5028...................................................................................................................... 59
Data Transcript Delta, R8.0 ....................................................................................................60
LZU 108 5027...................................................................................................................... 60
DTI Operation and Maintenance............................................................................................. 61
LZU 108 3676...................................................................................................................... 61
DXX Digital Cross Connect HW System and DXX Manager Operation–Lev 1 ...................... 62
LZU 107 3361...................................................................................................................... 62
DXX Digital Cross Connect HW System and DXX Manager Operation–Lev 2 ...................... 63
LZU 107 3362...................................................................................................................... 63
GPRS BSS Operation
NEW! ............................................................................................. 64
LZU 108 3953...................................................................................................................... 64
GPRS Circuit Switched Operation NEW! ........................................................................... 65
LZU 108 3954...................................................................................................................... 65
GPRS for Application Developers
NEW! ....................................................................... 66
LZU 108 872........................................................................................................................ 66
GPRS Support Node (GSN) Basic Operation NEW! .......................................................... 67
LZU 108 2026...................................................................................................................... 67
GPRS Support Node (GSN) Configuration NEW! .............................................................. 68
LZU 108 3945...................................................................................................................... 68
GPRS Support Node (GSN) Fault Management NEW! ..................................................... 69
LZU 108 2027...................................................................................................................... 69
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GPRS Support Node (GSN) Performance Measurement NEW!........................................ 70
LZU 108 2033...................................................................................................................... 70
GPRS Support Node (GSN) Software Management NEW! ............................................... 71
LZU 108 2030...................................................................................................................... 71
GPRS System Advanced NEW! ......................................................................................... 72
LZU 108 2034...................................................................................................................... 72
GSM on the Net Operation and Data Administration NEW! ............................................... 73
LZU 108 3961...................................................................................................................... 73
HLR 10 Operation and Maintenance ...................................................................................... 74
LZU 108 3631...................................................................................................................... 74
HLR Redundancy.................................................................................................................... 75
LZU 108 3846...................................................................................................................... 75
ISDN Advanced (MBL)............................................................................................................76
LZU 108 657/C .................................................................................................................... 76
IVR Course ............................................................................................................................. 77
LZU 108 3909...................................................................................................................... 77
Mobile Charging Operation ..................................................................................................... 78
LZU 108 3271...................................................................................................................... 78
MSC Operation and Maintenance Delta, R7 .......................................................................... 79
LZU 108 3710...................................................................................................................... 79
MSC/VLR Operation ............................................................................................................... 80
LZU 108 623........................................................................................................................ 80
MXE Operation and Maintenance........................................................................................... 81
LZU 108 873........................................................................................................................ 81
Netplanning with TEMS Netplanner........................................................................................ 82
LZU 108 878........................................................................................................................ 82
NMC Operation ....................................................................................................................... 83
LZU 108 3275...................................................................................................................... 83
OJT OSS Hands On ...............................................................................................................84
LZU 108 3940...................................................................................................................... 84
OSS Delta, R8.1 ..................................................................................................................... 85
LZU 108 5034...................................................................................................................... 85
OSS IOG Configuration and Troubleshooting ........................................................................ 86
INF 203 26/1........................................................................................................................ 86
SCE Operation........................................................................................................................ 87
LZU 115 25.......................................................................................................................... 87
Signaling No 7 in the GSM Network ....................................................................................... 88
LZU 108 897........................................................................................................................ 88
Signaling System No 7 Fundamentals (MBL)......................................................................... 89
LZUBB 108 031/C ............................................................................................................... 89
Signaling System No 7 Overview (MBL)................................................................................. 90
LZUBB 108 030/C ............................................................................................................... 90
SMS Operation ....................................................................................................................... 91
LZU 115 26.......................................................................................................................... 91
SOG Operation ....................................................................................................................... 92
LZU 108 3294...................................................................................................................... 92
Switching System (SS) Delta, R8.0 ........................................................................................ 93
LZU 108 5026...................................................................................................................... 93
Using the Fault Management eXpert Tool .............................................................................. 94
INF 203 22/1........................................................................................................................ 94
Using the Log Book................................................................................................................. 95
INF 203 27/1........................................................................................................................ 95
Using the Operation Procedure Support................................................................................. 96
INF 203 24/1........................................................................................................................ 96
PPS Tariff Handling ................................................................................................................ 97
LZU 108 3962...................................................................................................................... 97
Primary Rate Access in MSC/VLR ......................................................................................... 98
LZU 108 3821...................................................................................................................... 98
SSF/SCF Operation and Maintenance ................................................................................... 99
LZU 108 3634...................................................................................................................... 99
Billing Gateway Configuration............................................................................................... 101
LZU 107 3202.................................................................................................................... 101
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Billing Gateway (BGw) Delta, R7.......................................................................................... 102
LZU 107 3318.................................................................................................................... 102
CeNA R3 System Administration.......................................................................................... 103
LZU 102 213...................................................................................................................... 103
GPRS Support Node (GSN) System Administration NEW!................................................. 104
LZU 108 3957.................................................................................................................... 104
OSS System Administration.................................................................................................. 105
INF 203 368/1.................................................................................................................... 105
GSM SOG Administration ..................................................................................................... 106
LZU 108 3278.................................................................................................................... 106
PPAS System Supervision.................................................................................................... 107
LZU 108 3907.................................................................................................................... 107
PPAS 1st and 2nd Line Support Course .............................................................................. 108
LZU 108 5084.................................................................................................................... 108
PPAS Advanced Administration System .............................................................................. 109
LZU 108 5085.................................................................................................................... 109
SCE/SMS System Administration......................................................................................... 110
LZU 115 27........................................................................................................................ 110
PPS SDP PrePaid System Administration............................................................................ 111
LZU 108 3924.................................................................................................................... 111
GSM Statistics Introduction NEW! ...................................................................................... 112
LZU 108 5079.................................................................................................................... 112
GSM Cell Planning Overview................................................................................................ 114
LZU 108 3267.................................................................................................................... 114
GSM Cell Planning Principles ............................................................................................... 115
LZU 108 3273.................................................................................................................... 115
GSM Advanced Cell Planning NEW! .................................................................................. 116
LZU 108 5032.................................................................................................................... 116
Cell Planning with TEMS Cell Planner.................................................................................. 117
LZU 108 3886.................................................................................................................... 117
Cell Planning Workshop........................................................................................................ 118
LZU 108 3287.................................................................................................................... 118
GSM Advanced Cell Planning .............................................................................................. 119
LZU 108 881...................................................................................................................... 119
GSM Hardware Node Dimensioning..................................................................................... 120
LZU 108 3815.................................................................................................................... 120
GSM Radio Network Features .............................................................................................. 121
LZU 108 3704.................................................................................................................... 121
GSM Radio Network Tuning ................................................................................................. 122
LZU 108 3298.................................................................................................................... 122
GSM Network Planning - Switching...................................................................................... 123
LZU 108 3699.................................................................................................................... 123
GSM Urban Model Tuning Workshop................................................................................... 124
LZU 108 5059.................................................................................................................... 124
Statistics Handling ................................................................................................................ 125
LZU 108 3274.................................................................................................................... 125
TEMS Cell Planner Overview (MBL) .................................................................................... 126
LZU 108 3850/C ................................................................................................................ 126
TEMS LinkPlanner ................................................................................................................ 127
LZU 102 151...................................................................................................................... 127
GSM Network Planning – Transmission Overview/Planning................................................ 128
LZU 108 3816.................................................................................................................... 128
Mobile IN Service Script Design, Basic ................................................................................ 129
LZU 108 3787.................................................................................................................... 129
GSA and SAF 3.0 Design ..................................................................................................... 130
LZU 115 28........................................................................................................................ 130
GSM OSS Statistics Handling .............................................................................................. 131
LZU 108 5080.................................................................................................................... 131
IN DESIGN WITH SDE ......................................................................................................... 132
LZU 108 5021.................................................................................................................... 132
MINI-LINK E Installation........................................................................................................ 134
LZU 113 86........................................................................................................................ 134
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RBS 2000 Installation ........................................................................................................... 135
LZU 108 3959.................................................................................................................... 135
Antenna System Installation ................................................................................................. 136
LZU 108 3960.................................................................................................................... 136
RBS Maintenance..................................................................................................................... 138
RBS 2000 Maintenance ........................................................................................................ 138
LZU 108 874...................................................................................................................... 138
RBS 200 Maintenance .......................................................................................................... 139
LZU 108 877...................................................................................................................... 139
GSM PICO RBS Installation & Maintenance ........................................................................ 140
LZU 108 3932.................................................................................................................... 140
MAXITE Operation and Maintenance................................................................................ 141
LZU 108 3808.................................................................................................................... 141
Micro RBS Operation and Maintenance ............................................................................... 142
LZU 108 3799.................................................................................................................... 142
Mini-Link E Maintenance....................................................................................................... 143
LZB 113 301...................................................................................................................... 143
DXX - Installation and Maintenance ..................................................................................... 144
LZU 107 3240.................................................................................................................... 144
Power System Operation and Maintenance ......................................................................... 145
LZU 107 217...................................................................................................................... 145
GSM BSS Integration for Field Maintenance........................................................................ 146
LZU 108 871...................................................................................................................... 146
RBS Site Maintenance OJT .................................................................................................. 147
LZU 108 3943.................................................................................................................... 147
Switch Maintenance ................................................................................................................. 148
Maintenance MSC/BSC ........................................................................................................ 148
LZU 108 3892.................................................................................................................... 148
GPRS Support Node (GSN) Hardware Maintenance NEW! ............................................ 149
LZU 108 2028.................................................................................................................... 149
GSM Maintenance MSC/BSC Extended NEW!.................................................................. 150
LZU 108 5031.................................................................................................................... 150
AXE IOG20 Advanced .......................................................................................................... 151
LZU 108 05........................................................................................................................ 151
AXE Emergency Handling Periodic Refresh Training .......................................................... 152
LZU 108 447...................................................................................................................... 152
Customer Care Professionalism ........................................................................................... 154
LZU 108 3214.................................................................................................................... 154
PPAS Business Configuration .............................................................................................. 155
LZU 108 3906.................................................................................................................... 155
PPAS Customer Care ........................................................................................................... 156
LZU 108 3903.................................................................................................................... 156
Business Oriented Training for Cellular Operators............................................................... 158
LZU 108 3695.................................................................................................................... 158
Business Telecommunications ............................................................................................. 159
LZU 108 3884.................................................................................................................... 159
NMT Functions...................................................................................................................... 161
LZU 108 3229.................................................................................................................... 161
NMT System Survey ............................................................................................................. 162
LZU 108 451...................................................................................................................... 162
MTS Operation and Maintenance (NMT).............................................................................. 163
LZU 108 455...................................................................................................................... 163
NMT Cellplanning ................................................................................................................. 164
LZU 108 802...................................................................................................................... 164
RS4000 Advanced Maintenance (NMT) ............................................................................... 165
LZU 108 3124.................................................................................................................... 165
RS4000 Installation and Maintenance (NMT)....................................................................... 166
LZU 108 804...................................................................................................................... 166
RS9000 Advanced Maintenance (NMT) ............................................................................... 167
LZU 108 3127.................................................................................................................... 167
RS9000 Installation and Maintenance .................................................................................. 168
LZU 108 805...................................................................................................................... 168
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The Evolution from 2G to 3G ................................................................................................ 170
LZU 108 879...................................................................................................................... 170
Introduction to 3G Applications ............................................................................................. 171
LZU 108 5003.................................................................................................................... 171
UMTS Transmission Overview ............................................................................................. 172
LZU 108 892...................................................................................................................... 172
WCDMA Overview ................................................................................................................ 173
LZU 108 3877.................................................................................................................... 173
WCDMA Experimental System Survey................................................................................. 174
LZU 108 887...................................................................................................................... 174
WCDMA Experimental System Workshop............................................................................ 175
LZU 108 888...................................................................................................................... 175
Alphabetical .......................................................................................................................... 176
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© Ericsson
General Information on Training Options
Training Language
The official language for all training is English. However, we aim to provide
most of our courses in any language requested, either using our own instructors
or via interpreters.
Training Documentation
All training documentation is written in English. All instructions and
documentation for equipment, etc., handled during the course is distributed to
participants during the course.
Size of Classes
The size of each class is limited to ensure that participants are able to take full
advantage of the equipment used during training, and thus assure the highest
quality for the training provided. Normal class size is 8-16 participants.
After successful completion of a course, the participants receive a certificate that
verifies their attendance. A complete certification procedure involving testing the
participant’s knowledge is available on request.
Required Equipment
A fully equipped classroom with at least one whiteboard and an overhead
projector is needed for all courses. For practical technical courses, equipment is
needed to complete exercises. Generally, it is not possible to use equipment from
systems in operation, since the exercises involve changing the configuration of
the system. For this reason, practical technical courses are normally conducted at
an Ericsson Training Center.
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© Ericsson
The advanced technology used in modern telecommunications systems is very
demanding for those involved in the running and management of a mobile
network. This means that training for all staff involved in such activities must be
of a high quality.
As the world’s biggest supplier of GSM, we at Ericsson know how to help our
customers get the most out of their networks. Moreover, we acknowledge that all
our customers are unique, as are their competence requirements. That is why we
offer more than just a standardized approach to training.
As an Ericsson customer, you will have our support in all phases of your
business. We will help you to identify your competence needs and guide your
staff towards appropriate training, whether you are setting up a new network or
maintaining one already in operation.
Our learning-product portfolio provides competence development for all
categories of staff and all levels within the organization. Where there is a specific
need that is not covered by our standard learning products, we can offer a
customized solution.
In addition to product-oriented learning products, Ericsson also offers a set of
task-oriented learning products. Our task-oriented learning is based on cases and
clearly defined tasks for the students. In order to ensure that the cases can be
solved, all documentation and systems will be available. The instructors will
work as guides or coaches for the students by providing guidance as to where a
solution can be found. When necessary, the instructor will provide facts and
information. The provision of this kind of training ensures that staff will only
require a short time to put what they have learnt into practice.
Multimedia/Web-Based Learning
As an alternative to instructor-led learning products and instructor-supported
learning products it is also possible to study using the Multimedia Technique.
Ericsson has pioneered the use of Multimedia/ Web-Based Learning
(MBL/WBL). A range of our learning products is available on CD-ROM and/or
as a Web-Based solution for use in accordance with the individual employee’s
A selection of Web-Based Learning products can be accessed through:
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© Ericsson
Learning Consultancy
Ericsson believes in providing the right learning product at the right time, tailormade to suit the customer’s needs. This, as we see it, is a prerequisite for the
successful operation of a mobile network.
In order to ensure a solution that is both tailor-made and cost-efficient, we
strongly recommend that a training plan be worked out together with an Ericsson
Learning Consultant.
The training plan will focus on relevant areas of work within an operator’s
organization, and suitable Learning Programs will be created according to the
tasks being performed in different areas by different categories of staff.
For the assistance of a Learning Consultant, please contact your nearest Regional
Training Center.
Regional Training Centers are located in:
More information can be found at:
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© Ericsson
Areas of Work
Ericsson training focuses on staff within different areas of work. The areas of
work we define within Ericsson training are Network Operation, Installation,
Maintenance, Network Development, System Administration, Customer Care and
Business Management.
Network Operation
Typical assignments within the area of Network Operation are fault management,
network supervision, action on alarms, configuration management, handling
orders for work, and minor changes to network configuration.
Typical assignments in the area of Installation are major hardware installations
such as radio base station and antennas.
Typical assignments in the area of field maintenance are on-site hardware
maintenance, hardware installations, changes of circuit cards and some on-site
Network Development
Typical assignments in the area of network planning are the expansion and
improvement of the network, using the planning tools available as well as various
methods, strategies and planning processes.
System Administration
Typical assignments in the area of System Administration are the administration
of systems used by operation and maintenance staff, customer care staff and other
staff categories, the configuration of these systems, back-up and restore handling,
and the administration of system users.
Customer Care
Typical assignments in the area of Customer Care are assisting subscribers with
user problems, answering subscribers’ questions about billing and services,
adding and deleting subscribers, blocking and de-blocking subscribers,
supporting the billing process and supporting fraud detection.
Business Management
The area of Business Management focuses on the business side of managing a
mobile network. It involves the use of technology from a commercial
perspective, convergence trends and how to develop a telecom Operators
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Overview Courses
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GSM/Overview courses
AXE Hardware Evolution (MBL)
LZUBB 108 108/C
AXE Hardware Evolution provides a comprehensive description of the
developments that have taken place under the AXE Hardware Evolution
program. The equipment practice BYB 501 is described, and particular reference
is made to the Generic Device Magazine, 212 25, Regional Processor Serial Bus,
IOG 20, and the Group Switch DL3 interface and hardware. This informative
course delivers a detailed and thorough view of recent developments in AXE
hardware with the introduction of the BYB 501 equipment practice.
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the participants will be able to describe the main
developments in AXE hardware with the introduction of the BYB 501 equipment
A good knowledge of Telecom concepts
Training Method
Multimedia-Based Learning, (MBL)
Target Audience
This course is of particular relevance to anyone who requires a comprehensive
and thorough introduction to the developments in AXE hardware.
Approximately 2.5 hours
Required Equipment
PC, 80486 or greater with at least 8 MB RAM
640x480 resolution, 256 colors
Sound Card (SB 16 compatible)
Windows 95/98 or NT
CD-ROM drive
15 MB free hard disk space
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GSM/Overview courses
AXE Survey
LZU 108 775
This course gives an overview of the functions and services provided by AXE 10.
It consists of theoretical lessons only. The course is constructed around functional
specifications and Product Marketing Libraries for today’s AXE 10.
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the participants will be able to describe, in general
terms, the structure, functions and applications of an AXE telephone exchange
Successful completion of the following courses:
• Telecoms 2000: An Overview, (MBL), (LZU 108 989/C)
• Telecoms 2000: Fundamentals, (MBL), (LZU 108 993/C)
Training Method
Instructor-led lessons
Target Audience
Technical and marketing staff who require a brief overview of AXE
Technical staff who will be working with AXE
4 days
Class Size
Maximum 16
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GSM/Overview courses
Telecom Platform and AXE Survey
LZU 108 1435
This course covers the basics in telecommunications and gives an introduction to
the AXE switching system.
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the participants will be able to describe the basic
and advanced technologies, telecommunications services, networks and
equipment. They will also be able to describe the structure, functions and
applications of an AXE telephone exchange system.
Technical education on a college level
Training Method
Instructor-led lessons, exercises and case studies
Target Audience
Operation and maintenance personnel, and personnel in other technical areas who
need a general understanding of modern telecommunications.
10 days
Class Size
Maximum 25
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GSM/Overview courses
Data Network Technologies (MBL)
LZUBB 108 032/C
Data Network Technologies provides a comprehensive introduction to the
underlying principles of data communications. In addition, it contains in-depth
descriptions of some of the core elements of modern data networks including the
transmission and methods used. Some advanced topics covered include
internetworking, network and the management of a data network.
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the participants will be able to:
• Explain the main concepts associated with data networks
and outline the history of their development
• Describe how data networks are accessed and the
transmission principles used in data networks
• Identify the main standards bodies involved in the
implementation of data communication technologies
• Explain the fundamental concepts relating to signaling and
illustrate how data is routed through a network
• Outline the criteria and strategies used in the planning and
management of data
Successful completion of the following courses:
• Telecoms 2000: An Overview, (MBL), (LZU 108 989/C)
• Telecoms 2000: Fundamentals, (MBL), (LZU 108 993/C)
Training Method
Multimedia-Based Learning, (MBL)
Target Audience
Technical staff who have little or no experience with data network
Staff working in the area of data networks who wish to increase their
Telecommunications marketing and sales staff
Management and other non-technical personnel who are starting work in the
area of data communication
Approximately 8 hours
Required Equipment
PC, 80486 or greater with at least 8 MB RAM
640x480 resolution, 256 colors
Sound Card (SB 16 compatible)
Windows 95/98 or NT
CD-ROM drive
15 MB free hard disk space
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GSM/Overview courses
Technical Data Communication
LZU 108 3800
This course will give the participants an overview of the function of datacom in a
circuit switched network.
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the participants will be able to:
• Describe the Data calling principles (GIWU/DTI) and nodes involved in a
mobile data communication network
• Describe what parts an operator can add to their network to become an
Internet Service Provider. Including the WISE™ program
Successful completion of the course:
• GSM System Introduction, (LZU 108 3279)
Training Method
Instructor-supported lessons and exercises
Target Audience
GSM Operator staff using Ericsson’s GSM network element and network
equipment, together with the WISE™ concept
Mobile Data Communication marketing and sales and staff
Mobile Data Communication Product Managers
2 days
Class Size
Maximum 16
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GSM/Overview courses
ATM Essentials (MBL)
LZU 108 1459/C
This course gives the participants knowledge about the basics of ATM.
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the participants will be able to explain the merging
of telecom and datacom, including:
• The meaning and use of ATM and B-ISDN concepts
• How ATM, SDH and PDH interact
• The characteristics of ATM
• The applications of ATM and how ATM is used for the services it supports
• How an ATM network functions
A good knowledge of Telecoms concepts
Training Method
Multimedia-Based Learning, (MBL)
Target Audience
Technical staff who have little or no experience or familiarity with ATM
Support staff in organizations where ATM products and services are
Management and other non-technical staff who need an appreciation of the
fundamentals of ATM technology
Approximately 8 hours
Required Equipment
PC, 80486 or greater with at least 8 MB RAM
640x480 resolution, 256 colors
Sound Card (SB 16 compatible)
Windows 95/98 or NT
CD-ROM drive
15 MB free hard disk space
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© Ericsson
GSM/Overview courses
Getting to Know AXE (MBL)
LZUBB 108 111/C
Getting to Know AXE is an excellent first step in learning about the AXE
system. The course provides an overview of how AXE meets the challenge of
today’s communication networks. The latest developments in AXE hardware and
software are discussed along the AXE product lines. Designed primarily for those
with a basic grounding in telecommunications who wish to take the first step in
learning about the system, the course also offers more experienced users a quick
and incisive insight into the latest developments in the world of AXE.
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the participants will have an understanding of:
• Trends in modern communications and how AXE is evolving in response to
• Main characteristics of AXE today
• AXE Product Lines
• Advanced AXE Hardware (BYB 501)
A good knowledge of Telecoms concepts
Training Method
Multimedia-Based Learning, (MBL)
Target Audience
Management staff of Network Operators and Service Providers
Technical staff of Network Operators and Service Providers
Approximately 3 hours
Required Equipment
PC, 80486 or greater with at least 8 MB RAM
640x480 resolution, 256 colors
Sound Card (SB 16 compatible)
Windows 95/98 or NT
CD-ROM drive
15 MB free hard disk space
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
GSM/Overview courses
GPRS System Survey
LZU 108 876
The course is an introduction to GPRS and Ericsson’s new products within this
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the participants will be able to:
Understand the purpose of implementing packet switching in the existing
GSM system
Understand how a terminal (Laptop or Smart Phone) uses the GPRS system
to access other networks such as corporate LAN or the internet
Know how the GPRS system architecture looks like
Know what the air interface looks like in GPRS as well as the logical
Be able to participate in more advanced courses about GPRS
To participate, the students must be familiar with the topics covered by GSM
System Survey, (LZU108852) or have equivalent knowledge.
Training Method
This product is recommended to be used as instructor-led training
Target Audience
Technical personnel who wish to know more about GPRS for further studies.
They may be from both within customer’s organizations as well as internal
Ericsson employees. Also, those that want to know more about Ericsson’s GPRS
portfolio and products from a more technical point of view and technical
managers who want to get an overview of GPRS.
2 days
Class Size
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
GSM/Overview courses
Telecoms 2000: An Overview (MBL)
LZU 108 989/C
This course gives the participants an overview of the telecommunications world
entering the new millennium.
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the participants will be able to:
• Describe the concepts and terminology associated with telecommunications
• Describe how calls are handled in the PSTN
• Explain how data is transferred between Computers in various networks
• Describe how a cellular mobile telephone is built, and how it works
• Describe evolution of demand for ISDN and broadband services, and the
technologies used to provide them
• Outline the criteria and strategies used in planning and managing networks
• Describe the various regulatory bodies and their associated standards
There are no prerequisites for this course
Training Method
Multimedia-Based Learning, (MBL)
Target Audience
Technical staff who have little or no telecommunications experience
Telecommunications marketing and sales staff
Management and non-technical personnel who are starting work in a
technical environment
Approximately 7 hours
Required Equipment
PC, 80486 or greater with at least 8 MB RAM
640x480 resolution, 256 colors
Sound Card (SB 16 compatible)
Windows 95/98 or NT
CD-ROM drive
15 MB free hard disk space
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
GSM/Overview courses
Telecoms 2000: Fundamentals (MBL)
LZU 108 993/C
This course gives the participants fundamental knowledge of the
telecommunications world entering the new millennium.
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the participants will be able to:
• Explain the basic concepts relating to transmission, signaling and switching
in telecommunications networks
• Describe the different types of transmission media and components, explain
modulation and multiplexing techniques and identify problems which are
associated with transmission and synchronization
• Give examples of subscriber signaling in different networks and compare
CAS and CCS/SS No 7 signaling
• Compare circuit and packet switching equipment in small, medium and large
Successful completion of the following course:
• Telecoms 2000: An Overview, (MBL), (LZU 108 989/C)
Or equivalent knowledge.
Training Method
Multimedia-Based Learning, (MBL)
Target Audience
Technical staff who have little or no telecommunications experience
Telecommunications marketing and sales staff
Management and non-technical personnel who are starting work in a
technical environment
Approximately 5 hours
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
GSM/Overview courses
Cello Survey
LZU 108 880
This course gives a basic introduction of the telecom control and transport
platform Cello. The focus is on general principles, rather than specific technical
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the participants will be able to:
• Explain what Cello consists of and its purpose
• Name the main types of Cello boards and their functionality
• Explain the principle and purpose of the Processor Cluster
• Explain the philosophy of the Operation and Maintenance system
• Explain how and why Cello can be expanded with subracks
• Give examples of how Cello can be implemented in a node
The participants should have a digital communication background and ATM
knowledge equivalent to successful completion of the course:
• ATM Essentials, (EN/LZY 205 05)
Training Method
Instructor-led with theoretical exercises, lessons and group tasks
Target Audience
Users and developers with no previous experience from Cello
1 day
Class Size
Maximum 20
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
GSM/Overview courses
GSM System Introduction
LZU 108 3279
The course gives the information necessary to understand the basic principles for
mobile telephony in GSM. Primarily the course focuses on GSM terminology,
concepts and the functions of the network elements associated with Ericsson’s
GSM systems.
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the participants will be able to:
• Describe the GSM standard
• Describe GSM network components
• Describe some basic concepts of wireless communications
• Describe some basic traffic cases in a mobile network
• Describe the charging principles applied in a mobile network
• Describe the subscriber services available in a mobile network
• Describe the process of planning a cellular network
• Describe the systems for managing a cellular network
There are no prerequisites for this course
Training Method
Instructor-led lessons and exercises
Target Audience
Personnel needing a brief overview of Ericsson’s GSM system, such as managers
and non-technical staff.
1 day
Class Size
Maximum 16
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
GSM/Overview courses
GSM System Survey
LZU 108 852
This is a information based course which focuses on providing participants with
knowledge about Ericsson’s GSM-based systems at a low technical level: CME
20 and CMS 40. Primarily the course focuses on GSM terminology, concepts,
functions of the network nodes and the Ericsson implementation of those network
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the participants will be able to:
• Understand the principles for GSM
• Discriminate and describe the functions of different network elements
associated with Ericsson’s GSM systems
There are no prerequisites for this course
Training Method
Instructor-led lessons and exercises
Target Audience
Personnel needing a technical overview of Ericsson’s GSM system
3 days
Class Size
Maximum 16
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
GSM/Overview courses
GSM System Survey (MBL)
LZU 108 4513/1C
This course presents a technical overview of the Ericsson Cellular Mobile System
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the participants will be able to explain in general
terms Ericsson’s GSM system. They will be able to identify and describe the
basic functions, nodes, services and operational processes.
There are no prerequisites for this course
Training Method
Multimedia-Based Learning, (MBL)
Target Audience
Personnel needing a technical overview of Ericsson’s GSM system
Approximately 10 hours
Required Equipment
PC, 80486 or greater with at least 8 MB RAM
640x480 resolution, 16 bit colors (64,000)
Sound Card (SB 16 compatible)
Windows 95/98 or NT
CD-ROM drive
15 MB free hard disc space
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
GSM/Overview courses
GSM on the Net 1.0 System Overview
LZU 108 3920
This course will give a basic understanding of the GSM on the Net 1.0 functions
and benefits, and an overview of the GSM on the Net 1.0 system and services. It
also looks ahead to the services available in Revision 1.1 of GSM on the Net.
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the participants will be able to see and have
knowledge about:
• Voice over IP Business Opportunities – general, not GSM specific
• GSM on the Net – benefits for operator and end-user
• System in brief, with node description
• Basic System configurations, ISP/Enterprise solutions
• Description of system services and features
• Hardware requirements
• Node interwork description, Call handling/traffic case
• Protocol descriptions
• Various traffic cases
GSM System Introduction (1 day)
Training Method
Instructor-led lessons, traffic cases and exercises
Target Audience
Personnel requiring knowledge about GSM on the Net 1.0 system and the future
release of version 1.1. It is suitable for sales and marketing personnel, account
managers and GSM technicians
1 day
Class Size
Maximum 16
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
GSM/Overview courses
GPRS Overview (WBL)
LZU 108 3944
This course will give the participants an introduction to GPRS and is aimed to
describe the functionality and areas within the GPRS solution. The course will
also function as a base for choosing more advanced learning products within
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the participants will be provided with a basic
knowledge of the use and benefits, as well as the overall functionality of GPRS.
The participants will also during the course be provided with:
• Information about GPRS services and their benefits
• Information about the GPRS structure, its nodes and the communication
between these
• Information about GPRS impact in a GSM network
• Basic information about the GPRS radio network structure
• Basic information about handling the GPRS system
The participants should be familiar with GSM on at least successful completion
of the course, GSM System Survey (LZU 108 852) level, but preferably higher
and with some experience working with GSM.
Training Method
Web Based Learning, (WBL)
Target Audience
Technical personnel that will be working with GPRS and have some GSM
experience, also technical personnel who wants to get introduced to the subject
for further studies. Technical managers and personnel that wishes an overview of
1,5 days
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
GSM/Overview courses
Mobile Telecommunications Overview (MBL)
LZU 108 4502/1C
This course gives the participants an overview of mobile telecommunications.
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the participants will have knowledge about:
• Mobile telecommunications technology and components
• Mobile communication principles
• Subscriber services
• Cell Planning principles
• Mobile communications standards
• Mobile communications call processing
• Ericsson products
There are no prerequisites for this course
Training Method
Multimedia-Based Learning, (MBL)
Target Audience
Non-technical, administrative, sales, marketing, and newly employed personnel
with a need for general knowledge of mobile telecommunications.
Approximately 2 hours
Required Equipment
PC, 80486 or greater with at least 8 MB RAM
640x480 resolution, 256 colors
Sound Card (SB 16 compatible)
Windows 95/98 or NT
CD-ROM drive
15 MB free hard disk space
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
GSM/Overview courses
Intelligent Network Services (MBL)
LZU 101 154/C
This course gives the participants deeper knowledge of the Intelligent Network
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the participants will be able to:
• Explain how the service operates and how service providers, subscribers and
users can benefit from it
• Describe each of the service features
• Outline how the service handles service management issues
Successful completion of the following courses:
• Intelligent Network Overview, (LZUBB 108 018/C)
• Intelligent Network Fundamentals, (LZUBB 108 019/C)
Training Method
Multimedia-Based Learning, (MBL)
Target Audience
Technical staffs who has little or no experience of IN services
Support staff in organizations where IN services are provided
Telecommunications marketing and sales staff
Management and non-technical personnel who need an introduction to IN
Subscriber and administration staff
Approximately 5.5 hours
Required Equipment
PC, 80486 or greater with at least 8 MB RAM
640x480 resolution, 256 colors
Sound Card (SB 16 compatible)
Windows 95/98 or NT
CD-ROM drive
15 MB free hard disk space
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
GSM/Overview courses
Intelligent Network Fundamentals (MBL)
LZUBB 108 019/C
This course will give the participants the ability to understand the fundamental
concepts relating to the transmission, switching and signaling of intelligent
networks. The participants will also learn about the internetworking capabilities
and the operation and maintenance activities intelligent networks. This course is
an indispensable new CD-ROM based multimedia training package.
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the participants will be able to:
• Explain the basic concepts related to the transmission, switching and
signaling of intelligent networks
• Describe the concept of service switching within intelligent networks and
outline the steps involved in the switching of an IN call
• Identify the various signaling systems and protocols used within intelligent
networks and describe the relationship between C7 signaling and IN
• Explain the need for internet working in intelligent networks and give
• Outline the principles of service creation, modification and implementation
in intelligent networks
• Describe the Ericsson implementation of intelligent networks and outline
Ericsson’s mobile IN solutions
Successful completion of the following courses:
• Telecoms 2000: An Overview, (MBL), (LZU 108 989/C)
• Telecoms 2000: Fundamentals, (MBL), (LZU 108 993/C)
• Intelligent Networks Overview, (LZUBB 108 018/C)
• An overview knowledge on AXE
Training Method
Multimedia-Based Learning, (MBL)
Target Audience
Technical staff who have little or no experience or familiarity with intelligent
Staff working within the area of intelligent networks who wish to increase
their knowledge
Telecommunications marketing and sales staff
Management and non-technical personnel who are starting work in the area
of intelligent networks
Approximately 7 hours
Required Equipment
PC, 80486 or greater with at least 8 MB RAM
640x480 resolution, 256 colors
Sound Card (SB 16 compatible)
Windows 95/98 or NT
CD-ROM drive
15 MB free hard disk space
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
GSM/Overview courses
Intelligent Network Overview (MBL)
LZUBB 108 018/C
This course will give the participants the ability to understand the basic
associated with intelligent networks, to identify the various services intelligent
networks and how they are operated and accessed. The participants will also
learn about structure and planning of intelligent networks. This course is an
indispensable new CD-ROM based multimedia training package.
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the participants will be able to:
• Explain the main concepts associated with intelligent networks and outline
the driving forces behind their development
• List the various intelligent network services and explain how these services
are provided
• Identify the main standards bodies involved in the implementation of
intelligent networks
• Explain how intelligent networks are accessed and by whom
• Outline the criteria and strategies used in planning and managing intelligent
Successful completion of the following courses:
• Telecoms 2000: An Overview, (MBL), (LZU 108 989/C)
• Telecoms 2000: Fundamentals, (MBL), (LZU 108 993/C)
Training Method
Multimedia-Based Learning, (MBL)
Target Audience
Technical staff who have little or no experience or familiarity with Intelligent
Staff working within the area of Intelligent Networks who wish to increase
their knowledge
Telecommunications marketing and sales staff
Management and non-technical personnel who are starting work in the area
of Intelligent Networks
Approximately 6 hours
Required Equipment
PC, 80486 or greater with at least 8 MB RAM
CD-ROM drive
15 MB free hard disk space
640x480 resolution, 256 colors
Sound Card (SB 16 compatible)
Windows 95/98 or NT
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
GSM/Overview courses
ISDN Essential (MBL)
LZUBB 108 074/C
This course provides the participants with an understanding of the fundamental
concepts of the Integrated Services Digital Network.
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the participants will be able to:
• Explain the concepts associated with ISDN
• Describe the different types of access to ISDN
• Identify the main standards bodies involved in the implementation of ISDN
• Outline the criteria and strategies used in planning and managing ISDN
Knowledge of basic telephony and data communication concepts and successful
completion of the following courses:
• Telecoms 2000: An Overview, (MBL), (LZU 108 989/C)
• Telecoms 2000: Fundamentals, (MBL), (LZU 108 993/C)
Training Method
Multimedia-Based Learning, (MBL)
Target Audience
Technical staff who have little or no experience or familiarity with ISDN
Staff working in the area of ISDN who wish to increase their knowledge
Telecommunications marketing and sales staff
Management and other non-technical personnel who are starting work in the
area of ISDN
Approximately 7 hours
Required Equipment
PC, 80486 or greater with at least 8 MB RAM
640x480 resolution, 256 colors
Sound Card (SB 16 compatible)
Windows 95/98 or NT
CD-ROM drive
15 MB free hard disk space
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
GSM/Overview courses
Mobile Intelligent Network Overview
LZU 108 3633
Participants attending the Mobile Intelligent Network Overview (MIN) course
will receive an overview of the concepts and workings of mobile intelligent
networks at a low technical level. This includes an overview of the intelligent
network services that can be made available in a mobile network.
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the participants attending this course will receive an
overview of the concepts and workings of mobile intelligent networks at a basic
technical level. The participants will gain a basic understanding of the following
• The concept of MIN
• The Service Switching Function and Intelligent Peripherals
• The Service Control Function
• The Service Data Function
• Signaling in a MIN
• Service Creation and Management
• Pre-Paid Services - PPS 3.0
• Traffic Cases in a MIN
Successful completion of the course:
• GSM System Survey, (LZU 108 852 or LZU 108 4513/1C)
Training Method
Instructor-led lessons and exercises
Target Audience
Personnel with Non-technical staff requiring an overview of MIN
Technical staff working in the area of MIN requiring an introduction to MIN
leading to more advanced MIN course
2 days
Class Size
Maximum 16
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
GSM/Overview courses
PPS 3.0 Delta
LZU 108 3926
The participants will, with the aid of customer documentation, be able to describe
and make use of the new and changed features of Ericsson’s Prepaid system PPS
3.0, related to configuration of AXE10 nodes in the system.
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the participants will be able to:
• Understand the implementation of new and changed end user features related
to the configuration of AXE-nodes. Features covered are: Account Balance
via USSD, Euro Conversion, Home Zone based charging, Multi User
Accounts, Multilingual Announcements, Tariff switching during calls,
Screening, Toll free number lists
• Describe the new system architecture introduced in PPS3.0, the changed role
of SCP/SMAS and functionality that now is handled in other nodes
• Understand the charging principles, tariff structure, and what data that can be
output in Charging Data Records from AXE-nodes
• Handle the management of interfaces and protocols between AXE-elements
and other nodes in the PPS system. Interfaces covered are: SSF-SCF, SCFSDP PrePaid, HLR-SDP PrePaid, HLR-SOG/PPAS, MSC/SSF-IVR
• Handle the management of databases, related to backup procedures in AXEnodes
• Understand and be able to act on PPS-related alarms generated in the AXEnodes
• Describe what PPS-statistics and -reports that can be activated and collected
in the system
• Handle the output from AXE/SMAS-part of the system
• Understand the dimensioning aspects of the system
• Initiate expansion activities
• Describe the changed structure of user documentation
Successful completion of the following courses:
• PPS Technical Overview, (LZU 108 3925)
• SSF/SCF O&M based on PPS 2.2, (LZU 108 3634)
Training Method
Instructor-led theoretical lessons
Target Audience
Personnel who will work with the Administration of the SDP PrePaid 3.0 system
1 day
Class Size
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
GSM/Overview courses
PPS Technical Overview (WBL)
LZU 108 3925/C
This course is a general introduction to PPS 3.0 covering Network Overview,
Features and Call Flows. The course is web based and consists of 5 modules.
This course will be a prerequisite for all following PPS 3.0 courses.
Learning Objectives
On completion on this course the participants will be able to:
• Describe the different PPS 3.0 Network elements
• Describe the different interfaces
• Describe how PPS 3.0 access works
• Describe the Service Class- and Service Class data- concept
• Describe the different Service Scenarios
• Describe the major features of PPS 3.0
• Describe a typical charged PPS 3.0 call flow
• Describe how the PPS 3.0 real time charging works
• Understand the different stages a PPS 3.0 subscription can be in Network
Successful completion of the following courses:
• GSM System Survey, (LZU 108 852 or LZU1084513/1C)
• Mobile IN Overview, (LZU 108 3633)
Training Method
Web Based Learning, (WBL)
Target Audience
This course is intended for all technical staff that will be working with PPS 3.0
Approximately 3-4 hours
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
GSM/Overview courses
WAP Gateway Operation
LZU 108 5004
The purpose of this course is to give the participants knowledge about WAP
gateway, the customer on-line documentation that is delivered with the gateway
and the various tools that are used in the operation of the WAP gateway.
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the participants will have knowledge about:
• On-line documentation supplied with the WAP gateway
• Node Supervisor Client
• Configuration Data Tool
• Subscriber provisioning in CAI
• WWW Subscriber Provisioning Interface
• Patrol Operator
• Event Viewer
• Backup procedures
Successful completion of the following course:
• WAP Overview (WBL), (LZU 108 5011)
Training Method
Instructor-supported, task based practical course
Target Audience
Employees who will operate the WAP gateway at the customer site
2 days
Class size
Maximum 10
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
GSM/Overview courses
WAP Overview (WBL)
LZU 108 5011
The WAP Overview web based learning course, is a product that will teach the
participants the fundamentals of WAP and how it can be utilized. It will also
point out how WAP can increase revenues as well as go through the trends within
WAP and the future use and development of it.
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the participants will be able to understand:
• The WAP-model
• The technical implementation, visualize the technology and architecture
• Terminology
• Business value and opportunities
• Services and applications: example of Ericsson WAP-applications
There are no prerequisites for this course
Training Method
Web Based Learning, (WBL)
Target Audience
Technicians working with wireless datacom
Marketing and sales people at operators
Marketing and sales personnel at content and service providers
1 hour
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
GSM/Overview courses
WAP Technical Overview
LZU 108 5013
This course will give the participants a basic understanding of the WAP concept.
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the participants will be able to:
• Understand the purpose of WAP
• Know about the WAP forum
• Be familiar with the overview WAP architecture
• Have knowledge of possible WAP applications
The participants should be familiar with the basic technology around wireless
datacom and the Internet.
Training Method
Instructor-led lessons
Target Audience
Marketing and sales personnel at different operators or at application/service
Designers within the wireless datacom field
1 day
Class Size
Maximum 20
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
GSM/Overview courses
WAP for Application Developers
LZU 108 5019
The purpose of this course is to give a basic understanding of how to develop
WAP services. When completing the course, the participants will be able to
participate in WAP service development projects.
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the participants will have gained knowledge about:
• WAP specific target and development environment
• WML and WML-Script
• Basic JSP coding
• WAP specific usability
Participants should have completed:
• WAP Technical Overview, (EN/LZU 108 5013) or have equivalent
And have two years experience from professional programming.
Training Method
The course consists of instructor-supported lessons and practical exercises
Target Audience
Personnel that are designers or work with usability, WAP application developers
1,5 days
Class Size
Maximum 20
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
GSM/Overview courses
Network Operation
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
GSM/Network Operation
GSM Advanced System Technique
LZU 108 857
This course explains the various interfaces, signals and protocols used in the
GSM system.
The course consists of two parts. Part 1 (the first four days) is specifically
adapted for the needs of personnel requiring signaling knowledge limited to the
Base Station System part of GSM. Part 2 (the fifth day) contains additional
information for personnel needing knowledge of signaling in the Switching
System part of GSM.
Learning Objectives
The overall objective of this course is to give participants the ability to explain
and describe signaling taking place between different nodes and on different
interfaces in the GSM system
Successful completion of the course:
• GSM System Survey (LZU 108 852 or LZU 108 4513/C)
• and working experience in the GSM network.
Training Method
Instructor Led Training
Target Audience
Experienced network engineers
Network tuning personnel
Network planning personnel
Anybody with GSM network work experience who needs a deep technical
knowledge of GSM system
Part 1 is appropriate for personnel dealing with the Base Station System part of
GSM. Personnel who also work with the Switching System part of GSM should
attend both Part 1 and Part 2
5 days (4 days for first part)
Class Size
Maximum 16
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
GSM/Network Operation
GSM Advanced System Technique
LZU 108 857
This course explains the various interfaces, signals and protocols used in the
GSM system.
The course consists of two parts. Part 1 (the first four days) is specifically
adapted for the needs of personnel requiring signaling knowledge limited to the
Base Station System part of GSM. Part 2 (the fifth day) contains additional
information for personnel needing knowledge of signaling in the Switching
System part of GSM.
Learning Objectives
The overall objective of this course is to give participants the ability to explain
and describe signaling taking place between different nodes and on different
interfaces in the GSM system
Successful completion of the course:
• GSM System Survey (LZU 108 852 or LZU 108 4513/C)
• and working experience in the GSM network.
Training Method
Instructor Led Training
Target Audience
Experienced network engineers
Network tuning personnel
Network planning personnel
Anybody with GSM network work experience who needs a deep technical
knowledge of GSM system
Part 1 is appropriate for personnel dealing with the Base Station System part of
GSM. Personnel who also work with the Switching System part of GSM should
attend both Part 1 and Part 2
5 days (4 days for first part)
Class Size
Maximum 16
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
GSM/Network Operation
AUC 10 Operation and Maintenance
LZU 108 3632
Participants attending the GSM AUC 10 Operation and Maintenance course will
be practically introduced to the AUC system and the authentication procedures in
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the participants will be able to relate to the
• Theoretical information about AUC specific features
• Relation to the HLR
• Triplet generation
• Maintenance
• Practical exercises on operation and maintenance of the AUC
Successful completion of the following courses:
• GSM System Survey, (LZU 108 852 or LZU 108 4513/1C)
• HLR 10 Operation and Maintenance, (LZU 108 3631)
Training Method
Instruction-supported lessons and practical exercises
Target Audience
Personnel working in operation and maintenance activities with the AXE based
AUC for Ericsson’s GSM system.
1 day
Class Size
Maximum 8
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
GSM/Network Operation
AXE IOG20 Delta
LZU 108 115
This course will familiarize the participants on the difference between the IOG11
and the IOG20. This will be obtained by class discussion, as well as documents
that have been selected by the instructor responsible.
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the participants will know the differences between
IOG11 and IOG20 and be able to perform operation and maintenance tasks on an
Successful completion of the following courses:
• AXE Operation and Maintenance Platform in GSM, (LZU 108 3683)
• AXE Operation Handling in GSM, (LZU 108 3684)
Training Method
Instructor-supported lessons
Target Audience
Operation and maintenance personnel with knowledge and experience from
1 day
Class Size
Maximum 16
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
GSM/Network Operation
AXE Hardware Maintenance in GSM
LZU 108 3700
This course will give the participants a deeper understanding of the maintenance
activities in an AXE exchange in a mobile network.
Learning Objectives
Signaling No.7 and Trunk Maintenance
On completion of this module the participants will be able to:
• Perform Maintenance Activities in AXE
• Print, load and change supervision data for trunks
• Supervise and maintain S7 networks in AXE.
Group Switch, SNT and DIP Maintenance
On completion of this module the participants will be able to:
• Interpret and repair group switch hardware alarms
• Interpret and repair SNT and DIP alarms
• Identify the speech path through the Group Switch hardware using Call Path
RP and EM Maintenance
On completion of this module the participants will be able to:
• Detect and repair RP faults and EM faults.
IOG11 and IOG20 Maintenance
On completion of this module the participants will be able to:
• Detect and solve the most common types of faults in IOG11 and IOG20.
CP Maintenance
On completion of this module the participants will be able to:
• Detect and repair CP faults.
• Handle CP stoppage/restart situations.
• Locate CP hardware.
• Describe the hardware and software functions of CPS.
Successful completion of the course:
• AXE Operation and Maintenance Platform in GSM, (LZU 108 3683)
Training Method
Instructor-supported lessons and practical exercises
Target Audience
AXE Maintenance staff
7 days
Class Size
Maximum 8
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
GSM/Network Operation
AXE Operation Handling in GSM
LZU 108 3684
This course will give the participants the ability to perform changes in the
exchange data, traffic, statistics, and measurement as well as to connect X-25
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the participants will be able to:
• Setup and change the Analysis tables for the A-number, B-number and PreAnalyses
• Change charging data in the MSC
• Define MSC TT-files
• Adjust route parameters and define new routes
• Connect Echo cancellers to a route
• Define Route Analysis and Routing Cases in the MSC
• Perform and interpret S7 printouts
• Define and change the End-of-Selection Analysis and codes
• Perform Traffic Measurement on routes and Processor Load
Successful completion of the course:
• AXE Operation and Maintenance Platform in GSM, (LZU 108 3683)
Training Method
Instructor-supported lessons and practical exercises
Target Audience
AXE operation personnel who will continue to study data transcript, service
assessment, network management or operation of AXE networks.
5 days
Class Size
Maximum 8
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
GSM/Network Operation
AXE 10 Operation and Maintenance Platform in GSM
LZU 108 3683
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the students will be able to perform the basic
operation in AXE exchanges using the exchange library and I/O-tools.
AXE 10 Survey (LZU 108 775) or Telecom Platform and AXE Survey (LZU 108
Training Method
Theoretical exercises and practical exercises in simulated environment
Target Audience
Personnel working with O & M, needing a general knowledge of basic
operation functions in AXE exchanges.
O&M personnel needing a platform for more advanced training
7 days
Class Size
Maximum 8
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
GSM/Network Operation
AXE Software Management using AXS
INF 203 23/1
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the participants will know how to use AXS for
software revision updates, software transfers, and editing command files used for
changing software in the AXE.
Good knowledge in telecommunications and successful completion of one of the
following courses or equivalent knowledge:
• XM Operations, (INF 203 347/1)
• OSS Operation, (INF 203 366/1)
Training Method
Instructor-supported lessons, demonstrations and supervised hands-on exercises
on a training system.
Target Audience
Operators who need knowledge of how to use AXS for AXE Software
2 days
Class Size
Maximum 12
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
GSM/Network Operation
GSM BSS Integration for Operations
LZU 108 870
The course is designed to bring personnel that works in a Network Management
Center (NMC)/Operational Management center (OMC) or Network Operation
Center (NOC) to a level where they are able to support the RBS technician by the
integration of new sites.
The course also covers the structure of the RBS 2000
An optional day is available that covers the structure of the RBS 200.
Learning Objectives
After completion of the course the participants will be able to:
• Perform the most common integration tasks.
• Identify RBS 2000 components and appreciate their interwork
Identify RBS 200 components and appreciate their interwork
The participant must have the experience relevant to the completion of the
following courses:
GSM System Survey (LZU 108 852 or LZU 108 4513/1C)
Or have equivalent experience
Training Method
The course combines instructor-led lessons, group work and theoretical and
practical exercises
Target Audience
The course is intended for personnel that work with operation and maintenance of
the BSC, and personnel that are involved in the integration process and need an
RBS understanding
2 days
3 days (with optional RBS 200)
Class Size
Maximum 8
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
GSM/Network Operation
Base Station System (BSS) Delta, R8.0
LZU 108 5025
This learning product describes all the new/enhanced features in the R8 release of
Ericsson’s Base Station System (BSS) compared to R7.
OSS specific BSS features are dealt with in the course "OSS Delta, R8.1".
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the participants will be able to handle the most
relevant of the new functions and hardware in the R8 release of the Base Station
System in Ericsson's GSM System, using the technical information provided in
the student book.
Successful completion of the following courses:
• GSM System Survey (LZU 108 852 or LZU 108 4513/1C)
• GSM BSC Operation (LZU 108 625)
And experience from the R7 release of Ericsson’s GSM System.
Training Method
Instructor-led lessons
Target Audience
The course is intended for operation and maintenance staff, and others, who
require knowledge of the new/enhanced features and their implementation in the
R8 Base Station System, compared to R7.
1 day
Class Size
Maximum 16
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
GSM/Network Operation
Billing Gateway Supervision
LZU 107 3201
This course will give the participants the ability to supervise the Billing Gateway.
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the participants will be able to:
• Describe the Billing Gateway (BGw) concept
• Describe the functions offered by the BGw
• Supervise and understand the flow of billing data through the BGw
• Describe different system configurations for the BGw
Familiar with basic telecommunication concepts
Training Method
Instructor-supported lessons and practical exercises
Target Audience
Operation personnel that will work with the BGw
Others who need an overview of the BGw
1 day
Class Size
Maximum 10
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
GSM/Network Operation
BSC Operation
LZU 108 625
The purpose of this course is to make the participants able to operate and
configure the BSS. The course also explains the day to day maintenance activities
of a BSC and handles practical fault finding exercises through the use of on-line
documentation and OSS/FIOL.
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the participants will be able to:
• Configure the BSS
• Configure the Radio Network
• Define supervision and recording processes
• Handle practical faultfinding using the on-line documentation
Successful completion of the following courses:
• GSM System Survey, (LZU 108 852 or LZU 108 4513/1C)
• AXE Operation and Maintenance Platform in GSM, (LZU 108 3683)
• AXE Operation Handling in GSM, (LZU 108 3684)
Training Method
Instructor-supported lessons and theoretical/practical exercises
Target Audience
MSC/BSC System Technicians
OMC/NMC Operators
5 days
Class Size
Maximum 8
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
GSM/Network Operation
CeNA R3 Delta
LZU 102 214
This course will give participants with experience in working with CeNA R2.5
the updates of working with the CeNA R3 system.
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the participants will:
• Have an overall insight of the system in total
• Learn about the new facilities and organization of the Mobile Test Units
• Gain sufficient knowledge on how to use the new Operator Console (OC)
• Experience improvements in the Presentation Station (PS)
Experience in working with CeNA R2.5 and successful completion of the course:
• CeNA R2.5 Introduction, (LZUR 106 297)
Training Method
Instructor-supported lessons and practical exercises
Target Audience
Personnel (technical and/or administration) who need a general understanding of
the new functionality and improvements introduced in the CeNA R3.
1 day
Class Size
Maximum 8
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
GSM/Network Operation
CeNA R3 Introduction
LZU 102 212
This course will give the participants an introduction to the CeNA R3 system.
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the participants will:
• Have an overall insight of the system in total
• Understand the interrelationship between the different components of the
• Gain sufficient knowledge on how to use the system in a day-to-day
• Gain experience on how to get information from the data processed by the
The participant should have:
• Good knowledge in telecommunications
• Good knowledge of Ericsson’s GSM system
Training Method
Instructor-led lessons and practical exercises
Target Audience
Personnel (technical and/or administration) who need a general understanding of
CeNA and how to operate it.
2 days
Class Size
Maximum 8
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
GSM/Network Operation
Data Transcript
LZU 108 3285
This course will develop the participant’s current knowledge and understanding
of exchange data to a point where he/she will be able to interpret Exchange
Requirements and write the Data Transcript for basic traffic cases in the
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the participants will be able to:
• Appreciate the process of writing Data Transcript
• Provide the participant with the tools and a method of working, helping them
to write the MML
• View their Data Transcript in the context of the Global Telephony network
• Write the Data Transcript
Successful completion of the following courses:
• GSM System Survey, (LZU 108 852 or LZU 108 4513/1C)
• AXE Operation and Maintenance, (LZU 108 240/C)
Training Method
Instructor-supported lessons and practical exercises
Target Audience
New Data Transcript Ericsson internal engineers
Testing personnel or Data Group personnel from Ericsson Customers
10 days
Class Size
Maximum 8
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
GSM/Network Operation
DTI Delta, R7
LZU 108 3711
This course will explain to the participants all the new functions of the DTI in
Ericsson’s GSM R7 system.
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the participants will be able to:
• Describe all new functions and the enhanced functionality in the Ericsson’s
GSM R7 Data Transmission Interworking unit (DTI)
• Use the online documentation to define the new services
• Understand how the new services are implemented in the MSC to be able to
test them
Experience from the R6.1 release of Ericsson’s GSM system and successful
completion of the following courses:
• GSM System Survey, (LZU 108 852 or LZU 108 4513/1C)
• MSC/VLR Operation, (LZU 108 623)
• DTI Operation and Maintenance, (LZU 108 3676)
Training Method
Instructor-led lessons and exercises
Target Audience
Operation and maintenance personnel requiring knowledge of the new
functionality and its implementation in R7 compared to R6.1.
1 day
Class Size
Maximum 16
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
GSM/Network Operation
DTI Delta, R8.0
LZU 108 5028
The purpose of this course is to explain and describe all new Data-functions and services introduced in GSM R8. Also the layout and handling of the new
hardware, DTI-2, will be explained.
The course consists of theoretical lessons divided into 5 learning units. Each
learning unit corresponds to a chapter in the GSM DTI O&M R8 student book.
This is a combined student text book both for the 1-day GSM DTI Delta R8
course as well as for the 3-day DTI O&M R8 course.
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the participants will have gained technical
information about the most relevant of the new functions and hardware of the
DTI, in the R8 release of the Digital Switching Application (DSA) in Ericsson’s
GSM system.
Successful completion of the following courses:
• GSM System Survey (LZU 108 852 or LZU 108 4513/1C)
• MSC/VLR Operation (LZU 108 623)
• DTI Operation & Maintenance (LZU 108 3676)
Training Method
Instructor-led lessons
Target Audience
The course is intended for O&M and service personnel working with the GSM
MSC and DTI node.
1 day
Class Size
Maximum 16
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
GSM/Network Operation
Data Transcript Delta, R8.0
LZU 108 5027
The purpose of this course is to enable participants, with experience of Data
Transcript at R7, to be able to implement new R8 features into their own
network. The course will also enable the participants to identify any changes to
existing Data Transcript, with the help of appropriate Ericsson User
Documentation such as Dynatext and Alex, that an upgrade from R7 to R8 will
have. The course is suggested to be run as an add-on to the following courses:
• GSM Switching System (SS) Delta, R8
• GSM Base Station System (BSS) Delta, R8
With the GSM Data Transcript Delta, R8 as the final day of training.
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the participants will be able to write data transcript
for the new functionality that is introduced in an upgrade from GSM R7 to
GSMR8, using the participants’ text and online documentation.
Successful completion of the following courses:
• GSM System Survey (LZU 108 852 or LZU 108 4513/1C)
Participants should also have experience of working with R7 Data Transcript
through working on live switches or should have attended the following course:
• GSM Data Transcript (LZU 108 3285)
Training Method
Instructor-led lessons
Target Audience
The course is intended for Data Transcript Engineers. This could include Data
Transcript engineers from Ericsson Companies as well as Data Group personnel
from Ericsson Customers. They should be familiar with data transcript required
to set up a “basic call” at R7.
1 day
Class Size
Maximum 16
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
GSM/Network Operation
DTI Operation and Maintenance
LZU 108 3676
This course will explain to the participants the main parts and functions of the
DTI, and how it is implemented in the Ericsson’s GSM R7 Switching System.
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the participants will be able to:
• Describe the functionality in Ericsson’s GSM system R7 Data Transmission
Interworking (DTI) unit
• Understand how different data calls are set up and routed through the GSM
• Use the online documentation to find DTI related information
• Define datacom services in the MSC
• Operate and maintain the DTI equipment
Successful completion of the following courses:
• GSM System Survey, (LZU 108 852 or LZU 108 4513/1C)
• MSC/VLR Operation, (LZU 108 623)
Training Method
Instructor-supported lessons and practical exercises
Target Audience
Operation and Maintenance staff working with Ericsson’s GSM switching system
3 days
Class Size
Maximum 6
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
GSM/Network Operation
DXX Digital Cross Connect HW System and DXX
Manager Operation – Level 1
LZU 107 3361
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the participants will be able to operate and describe
the basic functions of the DXX Equipment and the DXX Management System
(DXX Manager).
General understanding of telecommunications and mobile network operation
Training Method
Instructor-supported lessons and extensive practical exercises
Target Audience
Personnel needing a general understanding of and practical experience and
training on how to use the DXX System Hardware and DXX Manager – the
Digital Cross Connect Management System, technical management, network
planners and operators.
4 days
Class Size
Maximum 10
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
GSM/Network Operation
DXX Digital Cross Connect HW System and DXX
Manager Operation – Level 2
LZU 107 3362
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the participants will gain an in depth knowledge on
how to operate and describe the functions of the DXX Equipment and the DXX
Management System (DXX Manager).
• General understanding of telecommunications and mobile network operation
• Basic knowledge of the DXX Digital Cross Connect HW System
And successful completion of the course:
• DXX Digital Cross Connect HW System and DXX Manager Operation –
Level 1 (LZU 107 3361)
Training Method
Instructor-supported lessons and extensive practical exercises
Target Audience
Personnel needing an in depth understanding of and practical experience and
training on how to use the DXX System Hardware and DXX Manager – the
Digital Cross Connect Management System, technical management, network
planners and operators.
4 days
• 2 days in depth training of Level 1 topics
• 2 days basic training of Recovery Management System, Macro Manager,
Administration tools and GMU/SDH capabilities
Class Size
Maximum 10
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
GSM/Network Operation
GPRS BSS Operation
LZU 108 3953
The purpose of this learning product is to build up competence to perform
operational procedures in the BSS of a GPRS Network.
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the participants will be able to:
• Manage the configuration and operation of GPRS functions in BSC
• Handle GPRS Radio Resources
• Handle Fault Management
• Handle Performance Management
Successful completion of the following course:
• GPRS System Survey
Or equivalent:
• Knowledge of GSM nodes and how they operate
• Knowledge of OSS
• Knowledge of AXE
• Training Method
The training is instructor supported, process and work case oriented coupled with
theory and practical work.
Target Audience
This course is intended for personnel providing second line support in an OSS
environment. It is suitable for configuration management personnel, GSN and
BSS Support Engineers.
1 day
Class Size
Maximum 8
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
GSM/Network Operation
GPRS Circuit Switched Operation
LZU 108 3954
The purpose of this learning product is to build up competence to perform
operational procedures in the CSS of a GPRS Network.
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the participants will be able to:
• Configure the GPRS specific CSS interfaces
• Handle GPRS subscriber issues
• Manage faults in CSS
• Perform statistical and performance measurement
Successful completion of the following course:
• GPRS System Survey (LZU108876)
Or equivalent:
• Knowledge of GSM nodes and how they operate
• Knowledge of OSS
• Knowledge of AXE
Training Method
The training is instructor supported, process and work case oriented coupled with
theory and practical work.
Target Audience
The target audience for this course is personnel requiring knowledge of the
Circuit Switching System in the GPRS Network. It is intended for configuration
management personnel, GSN Integrators and CSS Support Engineers.
1 day
Class Size
Maximum 8
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
GSM/Network Operation
GPRS for Application Developers
LZU 108 872
On completion of this course the participant will be able to design GPRS
applications and use Ericsson tools in order to test them.
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the participants will understand:
• How GPRS interfaces with MTs using TCP/IP over an air interface
• Possible difficulties encountered with data transfer between TCP/IP air and
TCP/IP wired connections
• How GPRS interfaces with a backbone network for communication between
different GSNs
• How GGSN translates data formats, signaling protocols and address
information to permit communication between different networks
• The standard used for the transfer of information from different MTs
• The effects that GPRS will have on a software application in a mobile
• Security issues in GPRS
• Billing and charging
• The purpose of the GAA (GPRS Application Alliance)
• The transfer of the IP stack information over the air interface by means of the
GATE simulator for a particular test environment
Prerequisites, (LZU 108 872)
Successful completion of the course:
• GPRS Systems Overview, (LZU 108 3944)
Training Method
Target Audience
Personnel that function as system designers
2 days
Class Size
Maximum 12
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
GSM/Network Operation
GPRS Support Node (GSN) Basic Operation
LZU 108 2026
The purpose of this learning product is to build up competence to perform
operational procedures in the GSN of a GPRS Network.
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the participants will be able to:
• Perform common tasks on a GSN using the Graphical User Interface (GUI)
• Perform common tasks on a GSN using the Comand Line Interface (CLI)
Successful completion of the following course:
• GPRS System Survey, (LZU108876)
• Knowledge of UNIX
Training Method
The training is instructor supported, process and work case oriented coupled with
theory and practical work.
Target Audience
This course is intended for all network operation and network maintenance
personnel, system administrators, GSN Integrators, CCR collectors, and GSN,
BSS, CSS and Backbone Support Engineers.
2 days
Class Size
Maximum 8
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
GSM/Network Operation
GPRS Support Node (GSN) Configuration
LZU 108 3945
The purpose of this learning product is to build up competence to set-up and
configure GPRS Support Nodes (GSNs). This includes loading and configuring a
dump and setting up connections to other network elements.
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the participants will be able to:
• Connect the GSN to the related Network Elements (using the Graphical User
Interface and the Command Line Interface)
• Configure the GSN
• Maintain Network Element connections
Successful completion of the following courses:
• GPRS System Survey, (LZU108876)
• GSN Basic Operation
Also have knowledge of standard datacoms protocols.
Training Method
The training is instructor supported, process and work case oriented coupled with
theory and practical work.
Target Audience
This Learning Product is intended for customer configuration management
personnel, GSN Integrators, GSN Support Engineers, Backbone Support
Engineers, BSS Support Engineers (in part) and CSS Support Engineers (in part).
5 days
Class Size
Maximum 8
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
GSM/Network Operation
GPRS Support Node (GSN) Fault Management
LZU 108 2027
The goal of the course is to enable fault management personnel to detect and
correct GSN faults.
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the participants will be able to:
• Handle alarms
• Prepare trouble reports
• Perform test connections
Successful completion of the following courses:
• GPRS System Survey, (LZU108876)
• GSN Basic Operation
Training Method
The training is instructor supported, process and work case oriented coupled with
theory and practical work.
Target Audience
This course is intended for fault management personnel, GSN Integrators, and
GSN, BSS and CSS Support Engineers.
2 days
Class Size
Maximum 8
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
GSM/Network Operation
GPRS Support Node (GSN) Performance
LZU 108 2033
This course provides the participant with an understanding of how to improve
network quality. The participants will be able to extract, analyze and present
information about the performance of the GPRS network so that tuning and
dimensioning of the network can be performed.
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the participants will be able to:
• Configure and initiate counters in the GSN network
• Analyze statistical information
Successful completion of the following courses:
• GPRS System Survey, (LZU108876)
• GSN Basic Operation
The participants should have prior knowledge of GSM circuit switched traffic
analysis and presentation.
Training Method
The training is instructor supported, process and work case oriented coupled with
theory and practical work.
Target Audience
The course is intended for performance management personnel, GSN, BSS and
CSS Support Engineers.
2 days
Class Size
Maximum 8
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
GSM/Network Operation
GPRS Support Node (GSN) Software Management
LZU 108 2030
The purpose of this learning product is to build up competence to install and
update software on the Combined GPRS Support Node (CGSN).
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the participants will be able to:
• Perform software installations for the GSN
• Perform backups
• Install patches and software upgrades
Successful completion of the following courses:
• GPRS System Survey, (LZU108876)
• GSN Basic Operation
And knowledge about:
• Unix (for GPRS)
• Standard datacoms protocols
Training Method
The training is instructor supported, process and work case oriented coupled with
theory and practical work.
Target Audience
The course is intended for configuration management and security management
personnel, GSN Integrators and GSN Support Engineers.
2 days
Class Size
Maximum 8
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
GSM/Network Operation
GPRS System Advanced
LZU 108 2034
The purpose of this course is to give GSN Support Engineers and GSN
Integrators knowledge of the GPRS network and how traffic is handled through
the GPRS network. The participants will learn how to do advanced trouble
Learning Objectives
Successful completion of the following courses:
• GPRS System Survey, (LZU108876)
• TCP/IP & IP routing and bridging, (LZU108876)
• GSM System Survey, (LZU108852 or LZU1084513/1C )
• GSN Basic Operation
• GSN Configuration
Or equivalent knowledge.
Training Method
This course will be classroom-based instructor led training.
Target Audience
The target audience for this training is fault management and configuration
management personnel, GSN Integrators, CCR collectors, GSN, BSS, CSS and
Backbone Support Engineers.
5 days
Class Size
Maximum 8
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
GSM/Network Operation
GSM on the Net Operation and Data Administration
LZU 108 3961
The GSM on the Net Operation and Data Administration will teach the
participants to operate the GSM on the Net system and maintain the data within
its components.
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course, the participants will be able to:
• Describe the GSM on the Net system components, both hardware and
• Describe the Operation and Maintenance system of GSM on the Net
including a detailed understanding of the role, capabilities and operation of
the GMA (GSM on the Net Maintenance Application), and also how the
GMA interacts with each of the nodes in the system
• Use the GMA to manage and operate each node in the system for correct and
efficient operation
• Configure the GSM on the Net system component parameters and interfaces
for each of the Nodes within the system using the GMA
• Perform start-up and shutdown of each node, as well as fault management,
alarm tracing and alarm handling services
• Provision end-user subscriptions and end-user services to GSM on the Net
• Use the relevant product/user documentation when working with GSM on the
The participants should have an understanding of the GSM on the Net system
equivalent to the:
• GSM System Survey (LZU 108 852)
• GSM on the Net System Overview (LZU 108 3920)
• Knowledge of datacom (i.e. IP addressing, DNS and Firewalls)
• Knowledge of H.323 and SS7
Training Method
Instructor-led with theoretical exercises, lessons and group tasks.
Target Audience
Operator personnel working with GSM on the Net, and who are involved in
operation and/or data administration.
3,5 days
Class Size
Maximum 8
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
GSM/Network Operation
HLR 10 Operation and Maintenance
LZU 108 3631
Participants attending this course will be practically introduced to the HLR 10
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the participants will be able to describe and handle
the HLR 10, R7 specific features, describe the HLR 10 and SOG connection and
handle operation of the subscription handling in the HLR 10.
Successful completion of the course:
• GSM System Survey, (LZU 108 852 or LZU 108 4513/1C)
And one of the following courses:
• AXE Operation and Maintenance, (LZU 108 240/C)
• MSC/VLR Operation, (LZU 108 623)
Training Method
Instructor-supported lessons and practical exercises
Target Audience
Personnel working with the HLR 10 using the AXE platform
3 days
Class Size
Maximum 8
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
GSM/Network Operation
HLR Redundancy
LZU 108 3846
The course should be seen as an "add on module" to the courses GSM HLR 10
O&M (LZU 108 3631) and GSM SS Delta R7 (LZU 108 3709), to be used if a
more detailed description of the HLR Redundancy feature is needed.
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the participants will:
• Possess general knowledge of the benefits and functionality of HLR
• Understand how subscriber data is kept updated in two mated HLR nodes
• Know which states an HLR can assume
• Have basic understanding on when an why an HLR will/can change state
• Be aware that there are new commands introduced for the HLR Redundancy
Successful completion of the following courses:
• GSM System Survey, (LZU 108 852 or LZU 108 4513/1C)
• MSC/VLR Operation, (LZU 108 623)
Training Method
Instructor-supported lessons
Target Audience
Personnel working with operation and maintenance tasks related to the HLR who
need a thorough understanding of the HLR Redundancy feature.
0,5 day
Class Size
Maximum 16
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
GSM/Network Operation
ISDN Advanced (MBL)
LZU 108 657/C
This course will give the participants the ability to describe the possible effects of
ISDN on voice and data communication needs in networks with geographically
dispersed sites. The participants will also be able to describe in detail the
standards, interfaces, signaling, services, and facilities of ISDN. Special attention
will be paid to interfaces and signaling.
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the participants will have knowledge about:
• Current networks (PSDN, PSTN, non-PSTN and private networks)
• ISDN components
• ISDN Users and the Network
• Case Study Assignments
Knowledge of basic telephony and data communication concepts and successful
completion of the following courses:
• Telecoms 2000: An Overview (MBL), (LZU 108 989/C)
• Telecoms 2000: Fundamentals (MBL), (LZU 108 993/C) or Telecom
Platform and AXE Survey, (LZU 108 1435)
• ISDN Essential, (LZUBB 108 074/C) or equivalent knowledge
Training Method
Multimedia-Based Learning, (MBL)
Target Audience
Software and hardware designers
Network planning engineers
Telecommunications personnel needing to know more about the impact
ISDN will have on voice and data communications
Engineers and technical staff who want further information about ISDN
beyond what is presented in the Overview course
Participants who are following a syllabus in Information Technology
4 days
Required Equipment
PC, 80486 or greater with at least 8 MB RAM
640x480 resolution, 256 colors
Sound Card (SB 16 compatible)
Windows 95/98 or NT
CD-ROM drive
15 MB free hard disk space
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
GSM/Network Operation
IVR Course
LZU 108 3909
This course will give the ability to use a basic set of commands needed to operate
on the IVR, monitor the activities of the IVR, and to handle backup and
housekeeping procedures. The participants will also be able to maintain and
troubleshoot the activities of the IVR.
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the participants will have knowledge about:
• IVR Basics
• IVR Operator
-Voicetek Generation interface
-Monitoring links
-Housekeeping procedures
• IVR Troubleshooting
Digital Unix training or equivalent experience
Training Method
Instructor-supported lessons and practical exercise
Target Audience
Personnel working with IVR operation administration
5 days
Class Size
Maximum 10
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
GSM/Network Operation
Mobile Charging Operation
LZU 108 3271
This course gives the participants information about charging in Ericsson’s GSM
System (GSM 900/1800 and GSM 1900) PLMN. The charging concepts and
Operation and Maintenance are handled during the course. The course also gives
a good overall picture about charging in Ericsson’s GSM System.
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the participants will be able to:
• Describe how charging takes place in Ericsson’s GSM System
• Set exchange data in AXE exchanges to produce required call data records
with right format and contents
• List which areas in an AXE system are involved with charging in Ericsson’s
GSM system
Successful completion of the course:
• MSC/VLR Operation, (LZU 108 623)
Training Method
Instructor-supported lessons
Target Audience
Personnel working with exchange data for charging purposes requiring
knowledge of charging in Ericsson’s GSM system.
3 days
Class Size
Maximum 16
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
GSM/Network Operation
MSC Operation and Maintenance Delta, R7
LZU 108 3710
This course gives the participants information about the new most relevant of
functions and hardware in the R7 release of the Digital Switching Application
(DSA) in Ericsson’s GSM system. This course also contains practical exercises
on the new functions.
Learning Objectives
On the completion of this course the participants will have knowledge about:
• Subscriber Services
• Accounting and Policing
• Data communication
• New Map Version
• CAMEL and Mobile IN
• Primary rate access
• New and enhanced features in AUC/EIR
• Functionality enhancements
Experience from the R6.1 release of Ericsson’s GSM system and successful
completion of the following courses:
• GSM System Survey, (LZU 108 852 or LZU 108 4513/1C)
• MSC/VLR Operation, (LZU 108 623)
Training Method
Instructor-supplied lessons and practical exercises
Target Audience
Operation and Maintenance Personnel requiring knowledge of the new
functionality and its implementation in R7 compared to R6.1.
2 days
Class Size
Maximum 8
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
GSM/Network Operation
MSC/VLR Operation
LZU 108 623
This course will make the participants able to describe the main functions and
procedures handled by the MSC and VLR applications, apply these main
functions to traffic cases, define MSC/VLR specific data on a basic level, with
the help of standard documentation and work flows.
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the participants will be able to:
• Describe the main functions and procedures handled by the MSC and VLR
• Apply these main functions to traffic cases
• Define MSC/VLR specific data on a basic level with the help of standard
documentation and work flows
Successful completion of the following courses:
• GSM System Survey, (LZU 108 852 or LZU 108 4513/1C)
• AXE Operation and Maintenance Platform in GSM, (LZU 108 3683)
• AXE Operation Handling in GSM, (LZU 108 3684)
Training Method
Instructor-supported lessons and theoretical/practical exercises
Target Audience
Personnel who require knowledge of how to operate an Ericsson MSC with an
integrated VLR.
5 days
Class Size
Maximum 8
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
GSM/Network Operation
MXE Operation and Maintenance
LZU 108 873
This course will give the participants, by means of the standard documentation,
ability to operate, configure, and maintain the MXE system node. The knowledge
and skills in the provision of multimedia messaging services to MXE subscribers
located in the network are described and practiced. Operational knowledge
includes understanding messaging concepts and how these are introduced to
MXE maintenance (both hardware and software) and basic system fault detection
and correction.
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the participants will have knowledge about:
• Introduction to Messaging and MXE platform
• MXE in the network of today
• The hardware of MXE
• How multimedia services are handled in MXE
• Call processing software
• MXE commands
• MXE service creation
• MXE system databases
• Monitoring MXE in real time
• MXE workstations GUI environment
• Introduction to UNIX
• Basic MXE fault diagnosis
Basic knowledge of workstations and UNIX environment
Familiarity with telecommunications in an operator environment or
equivalent experience
Training Method
Instructor-supported lessons and theoretical/practical exercises
Target Audience
Personnel working with operation and maintenance of the MXE system
10 days
Class Size
Maximum 4
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
GSM/Network Operation
Netplanning with TEMS Netplanner
LZU 108 878
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the participants will have fundamental knowledge
of methods and planning processes in TEMS NetPlanner to be able to plan a
GSM/TDMA network with TEMS NetPlanner.
Successful completion of the following courses:
• GSM System Survey, (LZU 108 852 or LZU1084513/1C)
• GSM Network Planning, (LZU 1083699)
Training Method
Instructor-supported lessons theoretical/practical exercises
Target Audience
Technical personnel who need a general understanding of how to use the program
TEMS NetPlanner for planning of a mobile network such as:
• Network planners
• Technical Managers (™) / Mobile Network Design (MND)
3 days
Class Size
Maximum 12
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
GSM/Network Operation
NMC Operation
LZU 108 3275
This course will give the participants the ability to handle alarm supervision and
to change the configuration parameters.
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the participants will be able to:
• Perform basic alarm supervision
• Handle the most common work orders
• Change network configuration parameters
• Download BTS software
• Using OSS and the on-line information available
Successful completion of the course:
• GSM System Introduction, (LZU 108 3279)
Training Method
Instructor-supported training built on cases
Target Audience
Personnel that will be working with operational tasks at an NMC
3 days
Class Size
Maximum 12
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
GSM/Network Operation
OJT OSS Hands On
LZU 108 3940
The emphasis of this course is set on training using task oriented learning, where
each exercise is an example of the common tasks performed on a regular basis,
by the operator, in the field of maintenance of a mobile telephone network. All
exercises are derived from the customers’ network.
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the participants will more effectively utilize the
OSS applications in daily operation and maintenance of a GSM network. Which
includes competence within Fault Management, Configuration Management and
Performance Management.
Successful completion of the following courses:
• GSM System Survey, (LZU 108 852 or LZU1084513/1C) or GSM System
Introduction, (LZU 108 3279)
• GSM OSS Overview, (LZU 108 3276)
Training Method
Task orientated learning with seminars, practical exercises and cases
Target Audience
Operation and maintenance personal who are using OSS to operate and maintain
GSM mobile network.
10 days, including 2 days for preparation
Class Size
Maximum 5
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
GSM/Network Operation
OSS Delta, R8.1
LZU 108 5034
This learning product will describe all changes in existing OSS applications as
well as new applications in a modular way. Learning Units can be delivered or
left out according to the customer’s wishes.
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the participants will be able to list and explain the
changes in the function of applications and know the function of new applications
in OSS R8.0/R8.1 compared to R7.
Successful completion of the following courses:
• OSS Overview (LZU 108 3276)
• OSS Delta, R7 (LZU 108 3680)
• AXE Operation and Maintenance Platform in GSM (LZU 108 3683)
• AXE Operation Handling in GSM (LZU 108 3684)
And working experience with GSM nodes like MSC, BSC, and BTS.
Training Method
Instructor-led lessons
Target Audience
Personnel working in an NMC/OMC using OSS tools to perform Operation and
Maintenance tasks in the GSM network.
1 day
Class Size
Maximum 16
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
GSM/Network Operation
OSS IOG Configuration and Troubleshooting
INF 203 26/1
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the participants will be able to make the necessary
configurations in an OSS system, as well as in an AXE-IOG, in order to establish
and troubleshoot connections between the two systems.
Experience of IOG configuration and successful completion of one of the
following courses:
• XM Operations, (INF 203 347/1)
• OSS Operations, (INF 203 366/1)
Training Method
Instructor-supported lessons, demonstrations and supervised hands-on exercises
on a training system.
Target Audience
OSS system administrators needing knowledge about OSS-AXE communication,
or anyone involved in communication issues and file transfer tasks.
2 days
Class Size
Maximum 12
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
GSM/Network Operation
SCE Operation
LZU 115 25
The SCE Operation provides hands-on training on Ericsson's Service Creation
Environment (SCE) formerly a part of the Service Management Application
System (SMAS). The SCE is used to develop Intelligent Network (IN) services
for Ericsson networks.
Learning Objectives
On completion of the SCE Operation the participant will be able to use the SCE
in order to develop Intelligent Network (IN) services.
Successful completion of one of the following courses:
• Introduction to Intelligent Network (IN), LZU 108 3407
• MIN Overview (LZU 108 3633)
The participant should as also be familiar with the UNIX environment.
Training Methods
Combination of instructor supported lessons and practical exercises
Target Audience
Intelligent Network (IN) service designers, SCE Operators and personnel needing
a basic understanding of SCE and design of IN services.
4 days
Maximum Number of Students
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
GSM/Network Operation
Signaling No 7 in the GSM Network
LZU 108 897
This course gives an overview of the structure and functions of the Signaling
System No. 7 and its usage in the GSM network.
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the participant will be able to:
Explain the structure of the Signaling System No. 7
Explain the usage and functions of the different signaling system elements in the
GSM network
Successful completion of the course:
• GSM System Survey (LZU 108 852 or LZU 108 4513/1C
• AXE 10 Operation and Maintenance Platform in GSM (LZU 108 3683)
• AXE 10 Operation Handling in GSM (LZU 108 3684) or equivalent working
experience. Basic knowledge of telecommunication topics is also required
Experience from Ericsson’s GSM system is recommended
Training Method
Instructor Led Training
Target Audience
Technical staff requiring an understanding of the Signaling System No. 7 and its
usage in the GSM network
3 days
Class Size
Maximum 16
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
GSM/Network Operation
Signaling System No 7 Fundamentals (MBL)
LZUBB 108 031/C
This course will give the participants fundamental knowledge in the Signaling
System No 7.
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the participants will be able to:
• Understand the operation of SS No 7 in today’s telecommunications
• Explain the structure of the Open Systems Interconnections (OSI) model and
describe its relationship to SS No 7
• Describe the functions and operations of the Transaction Capabilities (TC)
and the Signaling Connection and Control Part (SCCP)
Successful completion of the course:
• Signaling System No. 7 Overview, (LZUBB 108 030/C)
Training Method
Multimedia-Based Learning, (MBL)
Target Audience
Technical staff who have little or no experience or familiarity of SS No 7
within telecommunications network
Staff working in the telecommunications industry who wish to increase their
knowledge of SS No 7
Telecommunications marketing and sales staff
Management and non-technical personnel who are starting work in the area
of SS No 7
Approximately 7 hours
Required Equipment
PC, 80486 or greater with at least 8 MB RAM
640x480 resolution, 256 colors
Sound Card (SB 16 compatible)
Windows 95/98 or NT
CD-ROM drive
15 MB free hard disk space
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
GSM/Network Operation
Signaling System No 7 Overview (MBL)
LZUBB 108 030/C
This course will give the participants an overview of the Signaling System No 7.
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the participants will be able to:
• Understand the main concepts of signaling in telecommunications networks
• Outline the advantages of SS No 7
• Describe the SS No 7 network structure
• Describe the functions of the Message MTP and the TUP of SS No 7
• Describe SS No 7 Management
Successful completion of the following courses:
• Telecoms 2000: An Overview (MBL), (LZU 108 989/C)
• Telecoms 2000: Fundamentals (MBL), (LZU 108 993/C)
Training Method
Multimedia-Based Learning, (MBL)
Target Audience
Technical staff who have little or no experience or familiarity of SS No 7
within telecommunications network
Staff working in the telecommunications industry who wish to increase their
knowledge of SS No 7
Telecommunications marketing and sales staff
Management and non-technical personnel who are starting work in the area
of SS No 7
Approximately 7 hours
Required Equipment
PC, 80486 or greater with at least 8 MB RAM
640x480 resolution, 256 colors
Sound Card (SB 16 compatible)
Windows 95/98 or NT
CD-ROM drive
15 MB free hard disk space
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
GSM/Network Operation
SMS Operation
LZU 115 26
SMS Operation provides introductory information and hands-on training on
Ericsson's Service Management System (SMS) [formerly a part of the Service
Management Application System (SMAS)]. The SMS is used to manage
Intelligent Network (IN) services for Ericsson Networks.
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the participants will have information about the
Ericsson IN solution, they will possess knowledge on the structure of the Service
Management System and have experience on using the included applications
Introduction to Intelligent Networks (IN), (LZU 108 3407) or equivalent
Introduction to UNIX, (LZUU 108 4646) or equivalent
Training Method
Instructor-led lessons and practical exercises
Target Audience
SMS operators and anyone needing a basic understanding of SMS and how IN
services are monitored and supervised.
5 Days
Class Size
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
GSM/Network Operation
SOG Operation
LZU 108 3294
The course will give knowledge of how provisioning of subscriber data and
equipment is performed from Service Order Gateway (SOG). The course is based
on SOG R7.0.
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the participants will be able to handle provisioning
of subscriber data and equipment through the SOG user interface.
Solaris for OS users, Windows NT or Windows 95
Training Method
Instructor-supported lessons and practical exercises
Target Audience
Operators using SOG for provisioning of subscriber data and equipment
1 day
Class Size
Maximum 12
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
GSM/Network Operation
Switching System (SS) Delta, R8.0
LZU 108 5026
This learning product gives the participants technical information about the most
relevant of the new functions and hardware in the R8 release of the Digital
Switching Application (DSA) in Ericsson’s GSM system.
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the students will be able to handle the most relevant
of the new functions and hardware in the R8 release of the Digital Switching
Application in Ericsson's GSM System, using the technical information provided
in the student book.
Successful completion of the following courses:
• GSM System Survey (LZU 108 852 or LZU 108 4513/1C)
• GSM MSC/VLR Operation (LZU 108 623)
And experience from the R7 release of Ericsson’s GSM System.
Training Method
Instructor-led lessons
Target Audience
The learning product is intended for Operation and Maintenance personnel
requiring knowledge of the new functionality and its implementation in R8
compared to R7.
1 day
Class Size
Maximum 16
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
GSM/Network Operation
Using the Fault Management eXpert Tool
INF 203 22/1
This course will show the participants how to use the FMX tool to develop and
maintain an expert system for intelligent alarm handling. Furthermore, they will
apply expert knowledge in rules that are put into FMX modules.
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the participants will have an idea about:
• The purpose and functions of FMX
• The general flow of an alarm record when FMX is used
• Using FMX to create and test modules
• Creating rules
• Defining FMX alarms and actions
• Good knowledge in telecommunications
• Skills and experience of how to analyze and structure complex problems
And successful completion of one of the following courses:
• XM Operation, (INF 203 347/1)
• OSS Operation, (INF 203 366/1)
Training Method
Instructor-supported lessons, demonstrations and supervised hands-on exercises
on a training system.
Target Audience
FMX developers, who need knowledge about how to develop and maintain FMX
modules. The course is suitable for any OSS FM operator who will work with, or
be affected by, the FMX rules.
3 days
Class Size
Maximum 12
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
GSM/Network Operation
Using the Log Book
INF 203 27/1
This course will give the participants the ability to use the different features of
the Log Book. The participants will be able to create a task, perform different
activities and use both the alarm list presentation and command files to complete
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the participant will have knowledge about:
• When and how to use the Log Book
• Creating, presenting, handling and closing tasks
• Searching for, analyzing and revising tasks
• Good knowledge in telecommunications
And successful completion of one of the following courses:
• XM Operations, (INF 203 347/1)
• OSS Operations, (INF 203 366/1)
Training Method
Instructor-supported lessons, demonstrations and supervised hands-on exercises
on a training system.
Target Audience
Operators who wants to take advantage of the Log Book in their every day work
1 day
Class Size
Maximum 12
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
GSM/Network Operation
Using the Operation Procedure Support
INF 203 24/1
This course will give the participants the knowledge to use the OPS as a tool to
create, edit and debug AXE command files for advanced command handling.
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the participants will know about:
• The role of OPS within the telecom management system
• Creating, editing and debugging command files
• Commanding file storage and administration
• Overview of the Command File Language, CFL
• Creating GUIs for user interaction during command file execution
Good knowledge in telecommunications and successful completion of one of the
following courses:
• XM Operations, (INF 203 347/1)
• OSS Operations, (INF 203 366/1)
Training Method
Instructor-supported lessons, demonstrations, supervised hands-on exercises and
task-oriented problem solving.
Target Audience
Command file designers who need a tool for creating advanced command
Operation and maintenance personnel needing to speed up their every-day
3 days
Class Size
Maximum 12
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
GSM/Network Operation
PPS Tariff Handling
LZU 108 3962
The course, SDP Service Operation, is a course covering the administration that
will be done via the GUI in the SDP i.e. Tariff and Service Class administration.
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the participants will be able to create, modify and
delete a Service Class and a Tariff Structure as well as Generate Statistics and
Call Reports.
Successful completion of the course:
• PPS 3.0 Overview, (LZU 108 3925)
Training Method
Instructor-supported lessons, self-study and practical exercises
Target Audience
This course is intended for network operation Personnel working with Tariff and
Service Class settings.
4 days
Class Size
Maximum 10
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
GSM/Network Operation
Primary Rate Access in MSC/VLR
LZU 108 3821
This course gives the participants knowledge about the ISDN-E Primary Rate
Access application in the MSC/VLR and the corresponding operation and
maintenance activities. The participants are with little or without any preknowledge about the Subscriber Switching Subsystem or the ISDN-E application.
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the participants will be able to:
• Define the hardware for PRA by command, using online documentation
• Detect and solve the most common hardware faults
• Define analysis data (including charging) for ISDN-E PRA
• Connect subscribers with subscriber services to the PRA by command
Successful completion of the following courses:
• AXE Operation and Maintenance Platform in GSM, (LZU 108 3683)
• AXE Operation Handling in GSM, (LZU 108 3684)
• AXE Hardware maintenance in GSM, (LZU 108 3700)
Training Method
Instructor-supported lessons, exercises and practical exercises
Target Audience
Personnel requiring knowledge about the ISDN-E Primary Rate Access
application in the MSC/VLR and the corresponding operation and maintenance
3 days
Class Size
Maximum 16
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
GSM/Network Operation
SSF/SCF Operation and Maintenance
LZU 108 3634
The course is covering O&M-aspects of the new IN-platform included within the
Ericsson GSM application, CME20 R 7.0. The course is closely related to the
pre-requisite course product Mobile IN Overview, ref. [1], where the general
mobile IN-concepts as well as the background theory for this application, are
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the participants will be able to:
• Define the exchange data to route the calls to the SSF
• Understand the use of, and perform changes in, trigger tables in SSF
• Interpret a CS1/CS1+ trace between SSF and SCF, generated in SSF
• Understand the charging possibilities available in the SSF
• Understand the importance to co-ordinate operations related to backup/dump
handling and restoration of the SCF database in connection with SMAS
activities or when one of the nodes has been reloaded
Working experience with AXE operation and maintenance and successful
completion of the following courses:
• MSC/VLR Operation, (LZU 108 623)
• Mobile Intelligent Network Overview, (LZU 108 3633)
Training Method
Instructor-supported training built on work cases
Target Audience
Technicians and system experts involved in or specifically working with the
GSM-application executing operation and maintenance work in the AXE-part
of the IN-complex
Personnel responsible for system administration of SMAS
IN service technicians
5 days
Class Size
Maximum 10
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
GSM/Network Operation
System Administration
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
GSM/System Administration
Billing Gateway Configuration
LZU 107 3202
This course will give the participants the ability to configure the Billing Gateway.
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the participants will be able to:
• Collect and distribute data
• Process billing data according to their needs (filtering, formatting, matching
and rating)
• Support hot billing
• Add new types of network elements and post processing systems
Familiar with basic telecommunication concepts and successful completion of the
following courses
• Mobile Charging Operation, (LZU 108 3271)
• Billing Gateway Supervision, (LZU 107 3201)
• Knowledge about programming in some high level programming language,
for example C, C++, Pascal or other
Training Method
Instructor-supported lessons and practical exercises
Target Audience
Personnel that will administrate and make configurations for the BGw
2 days
Class Size
Maximum 10
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
GSM/System Administration
Billing Gateway (BGw) Delta, R7
LZU 107 3318
Learning Objectives
The course gives the participants technical information about the most relevant of
the new functions in the R7 release of the Billing Gateway. It covers supervision
and configuration.
General understanding of telecommunications and mobile network operation
and successful completion of the following courses:
Mobile Charging Operation, (LZU 108 3271)
Billing Gateway Supervision, (LZU 107 3201)
Billing Gateway Configuration, (LZU 107 3202)
Training Method
Instructor-supported lessons and practical exercises
Target Audience
Operation and maintenance personnel requiring knowledge of the new
functionality and its implementation in R7 compared to R6.1.
1 day
Class Size
Maximum 10
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
GSM/System Administration
CeNA R3 System Administration
LZU 102 213
This course will give the participants a deeper knowledge of the CeNA R3
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the participants will have:
• An understanding of the interrelationship between the different components
of the system
• A deeper knowledge of how the Cellular Network Analyzer (CeNA) system
is working
• An insight in the Communication Server (ComS) and Operator Console (OC)
messages in order for the operator to use these messages as a problem
indicator tool
• Knowledge of how to perform changes to the system set-up in response to
system configuration changes
• An understanding of the Database Management System (DBMS), and the
communication between the DBMS and CeNA
• An overview of the different tables that comprises the data foundation in the
CeNA system, and an introduction to MS Query
• Knowledge of how to change important computer and Operating System
(OS) settings
• Knowledge of important maintenance routines and procedures
Good knowledge in telecommunications
Good knowledge of Ericsson’s GSM system
Previous experience in working with the CeNA system, preferably two or
three months
And successful completion of the course:
• CeNA Introduction, (LZU 102 212)
Training Method
Instructor-supported lessons and practical exercises
Target Audience
Personnel (technical and/or administration) who need an in depth understanding
of CeNA with the purpose of performing day-to-day maintenance and upgrade on
the CeNA system.
2 or 3 days (depending on the preferences of the customer)
Class Size
Maximum 6
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
GSM/System Administration
GPRS Support Node (GSN) System Administration
LZU 108 3957
GSN System Administration is the process of supervising and administering the
support systems used by the network operation and network deployment
personnel. This course will look at the GSN from a System Administrators view,
which is with respect to communication, network elements and users.
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the participants will be able to:
• Configure and administer the GSN System Management tools
• Plan and implement maintenance procedures
Successful completion of the following courses:
• GPRS System Survey, (LZU108876)
• GSN Basic Operation
• Unix Advanced
The participants should be familiar with Solaris System Administration and have
some experience with OSS system administration.
Training Method
The training is instructor supported, process and work case oriented coupled with
theory and practical work.
Target Audience
This course is intended for System Administrators. It is also intended for security
management personnel, GSN Integrators and GSN Support Engineers.
1 days
Class Size
Maximum 8
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
GSM/System Administration
OSS System Administration
INF 203 368/1
This course will give the participants a deeper knowledge of the OSS system.
Learning objectives
On completion of this course the participants will be able to:
• Explain the database and file structure for the mobile specific applications, as
well as storage needs and specific maintenance requirements
• Explain the mobile specific alarm adaptation units
• Describe error/trouble report corrections
• Explain known deviations
• Describe the structure of the manuals used for the System Administrators and
know how to use them practically
Experience in UNIX and Ericsson’s OSS applications and successful completion
of the following courses:
• OSS Overview, (LZU 108 3276)
• XM Operations, (INF 203 347/1)
Training Method
Instructor-supported lessons and practical exercises on a training system
Target Audience
Personnel working with administration of a TMOSï››/OSS system
1 day
Class Size
Maximum 12
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
GSM/System Administration
GSM SOG Administration
LZU 108 3278
The course will look at Service Order Gateway (SOG) from a system
administrator’s point of view. It is based on SOG R7.0. It does not give any
information how to operate and run different network elements that SOG is
connected to.
Learning Objectives
The overall course objective is to:
To introduce the students to how to manage and administrate a SOG system
Though SOG is not a TMOS application, it is still useful to have TMOS System
Administrator knowledge
Training Method
This course is instructor-led
Target Audience
The system administrator at the mobile operator, who should maintain
connection towards the network elements, handles userIDs and standard
maintenance (backup etc.)
Ericsson personal who should handle installation and support
4 days
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
GSM/System Administration
PPAS System Supervision
LZU 108 3907
This course will give the participants the ability to perform the basic system
administration tasks in PPAS.
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the participants will be able to handle:
• Overview of PPAS hardware and software
• Off-line batch jobs
• Data Capture; configuration, detached processes, and external request server
• Network Provisioning Interface
• Alarms and Watchdogs
• Daily Tasks
• System start-up and shutdown, backups
• Archive and Purge Utility
• PPAS Trouble shooting
• Reports
VMS training of equivalent experience
Ingres Database Management training or equivalent experience
Training Method
The course is instructor-supported with a hands-on approach and practical
sessions to reinforce course content.
Target Audience
PPAS System Administrator responsible for the day-to-day supervision of the
PPAS system, as an overview for the Database Administrator, System Manager,
Operations or IS Personnel involved in the administration tasks, and Department
1 day
Class Size
Maximum 8
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
GSM/System Administration
PPAS 1st and 2nd Line Support Course
LZU 108 5084
This course introduces participants to the 1st and 2nd line support system
administration tasks within PPAS.
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the participant will have knowledge of:
• Execution of administrative tasks, e.g. account creation and interactions with
SMAS/SCP during a subscriber life cycle
• The participant will learn how to interact with the different interfaces
contained in the administration system
• The customer care and its billing and print shop interfaces and customer
maintenance, adjustments and disconnections
• Business configuration in system, market and operation. Voucher
configuration, card groups and customer service classes
• Overview of batch job submission, log checking, overview of data capture,
• Operation, system management and trouble shooting of alarms and
watchdogs as well as log and trace files
• PPAS system Cut-over preparation, execution and PPAS upgrade
• PPAS data integrity, security. Managing disk space and maintenance routines
e.g. file defragmentation as well as problem identification and resolution
• Network Provisioning and the interface for it
VMS training up to Advanced Users and Programmers standard and Ingres
training up to System Administration standard or equivalent experience
Training Method
Instructor-led lessons and practical exercises
Target Audience
This course is essential for Ericsson Support personnel responsible for carrying
out 1st and 2nd line support tasks
8 days
Class Size
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
GSM/System Administration
PPAS Advanced Administration System
LZU 108 5085
This course introduces participants to the advanced system administration tasks
within PPAS.
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the partipant will have knowledge of:
• PPAS (VMS) data integrity, security. Managing disk space and maintenance
routines e.g. file defragmentation as well as problem identification and
• PPAS (INGRES) Managing housekeeping activities, monitoring, handling
problems, log files and archiver issues
• Network Provisioning and the interface for it
VMS training up to Advanced Users and Programmers standard
Ingres training up to System Administration standard or equivalent
Prior attendance (in previous six months) of all of the following PPAS
training courses:
• PPAS Customer Care (LZU 108 3903)
• PPAS Business Configuration ( LZU 108 3906)
• PPAS System Supervision ( LZU 108 3907)
Training Method
Instructor-supported lessons and practical exercises
Target Audience
This course is essential for Database Administrators and System Managers
responsible for managing the PPAS system
3 days
Class Size
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
GSM/System Administration
SCE/SMS System Administration
LZU 115 27
The SCE/SMS System Administration provides basic knowledge of the
maintenance of an SCE/SMS system.
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the participants will be updated on UNIX and
Sybase and also possess knowledge on the structure of SCE/SMS in terms of file
structure and databases. Participants will receive hands-on experience of daily
maintenance routines, external communication setup and troubleshooting.
Successful completion of the following courses:
• Introduction to UNIX, (LZUU 108 4646) or equivalent knowledge
• Solaris 2.x System Administration, (LZUU 108 4647) or equivalent
• SCE Operation, (LZU 115 25) or, SMS, (LZU 115 26) or equivalent
Training Method
Instructor-led lessons and practical excercises
Target Audience
SCE/SMS system administrators needing knowledge of how to maintain
SCE/SMS, and any other personnel who need to know SCE/SMS in detail.
Class Size
Maximum 10
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
GSM/System Administration
PPS SDP PrePaid System Administration
LZU 108 3924
The purpose of this learning product is to give the trainee the required knowledge
to carry out the everyday Administration jobs of the System Administrator.
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the participants will be able to:
• Describe and check the system parts
• Run backup and restore routines
• Act on hardware problems
• Perform Alarm troubleshooting
• Perform corrective and standard maintenance procedures
• Configure SS7-TCX board
Successful completion of the following courses:
• Mobile IN Overview, (LZU 108 3633)
• Introduction to SS7, (Ericsson Infotech)
• PPS Technical Overview – web based learning product, (LZU 108 3925)
• UNIX experience – SUN SOLARIS 2.6 System Administration 1
Training Method
Instructor-supported lessons, group work, self-study and practical exercises
Target Audience
Ericsson customers and Ericsson employees who are going to work with the
Administration of the SDP PrePaid system.
3 days
Class Size
Maximum 8
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
GSM/System Administration
GSM Statistics Introduction NEW!
LZU 108 5079
This course introduces the basics behind statistics for GSM. This is done by
setting up reports for Statistics and Traffic Measurement Subsystem (STS) and
Operation and Maintenance Subsystem (OMS).
Learning Objectives
At the end of this course, the participant will be able to:
Set up Statistics and Traffic Subsystem (STS) and Operation and
Maintenance Subsystem (OMS) reports
Create formulas
Knowledge of AXE command handling
Ability to handle Dynatext/ALEX to retrieve information
Network Management Center (NMC) I Platform or equivalent experience
GSM System Introduction, (LZU 108 3279)
Introduction to AXE, (LZU 103 506)
Training Method
Instructor Led Training
Target Audience
Technical Managers
Network Engineers who plan, optimize, and improve networks on radio and
switching (node and transmission)
Staff who fetch statistics
Operations staff who need to spot potential problems in the radio network
2 days
Class Size
Maximum 8
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
GSM/System Administration
Network Development
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
GSM/Network Development
GSM Cell Planning Overview
LZU 108 3267
This course will give the participants an overview of cell planning.
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the participants will be able to:
• Describe the overall cell planning concept, specifically in the GSM network
• Identify and describe terms which are necessary in performing cell planning
• Describe the procedures for cell planning surveys
• Describe why system growth affects cell planning
Successful completion of the course:
• GSM System Survey (LZU 108 852 or LZU 108 4513/C)
Training Method
Instructor Led Training
Target Audience
Personnel who need a brief understanding of the cell planning process. Personnel
who require a deeper, longer introduction to cell planning should attend GSM
Cell Planning Principles (LZU 108 3273) instead.
1 day
Class Size
Maximum 24
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
GSM/Network Development
GSM Cell Planning Principles
LZU 108 3273
This course enables participants to understand wave propagation principles,
frequency planning and traffic dimensioning. The participants will also be able to
make a normal cell plan and get an understanding of various network features.
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the participants will be able to:
• Describe the overall cell planning concept
• Describe radio wave propagation and attenuation
• Define the terms “traffic” and “Grade of Service” (GoS)
• Practically handle system balance procedures and explain why it is so
• Describe the procedures for cell planning surveys
• Describe why system growth affects cell planning
• Define the term “re-use distance”
• Describe how to avoid co-channel and adjacent channel interference during
channel assignment
• Describe different network optimization tools
• Describe how radio wave propagation’s are performed
• Describe idle mode behavior, locating, and channel administration
• List the most important features that will improve the performance of the
radio network
Successful completion of the course:
• GSM System Survey (LZU 108 852 or LZU 108 4513/1C)
Training Method
Instructor Led Training
Target Audience
Cell planning and radio network engineers
Radio network tuning engineers
4 days
Class Size
Maximum 24
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
GSM/Network Development
GSM Advanced Cell Planning NEW!
LZU 108 5032
This course is designed to provide radio network engineers with extensive theory
about cell planning.
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the participants will be able to:
• Perform power/system balances and derive and explain design criteria for
macro cell predictions
• Perform dimensioning of logical channels
• Explain how radio waves are generated, describe antenna properties and
recognize and choose different type of antennas in different type of
• Discuss different RBS configurations (including different type of CDUs) that
Ericsson supports
• Explain the principles behind (Ericsson’s) macro and micro cell propagation
prediction models
• Discuss all aspects of a proper site survey
• Choose the appropriate (Ericsson) tool for radio network design, quality
assurance and performance monitoring, analysis and optimization
• Design a simple in-building installation
• Discuss different frequency planning strategies e.g. MRP and FLP
• Set a (limited) set of cell parameters
Successful completion of the following courses:
• GSM System Survey (LZU 108 852 or LZU 108 4513/1C)
• GSM Cell Planning Principles (LZU 108 3273)
Training Method
Instructor Led Training
Target Audience
Radio network engineers actively working with cell planning issues
4 days
Class Size
Maximum 16
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
GSM/Network Development
Cell Planning with TEMS Cell Planner
LZU 108 3886
This training course provides the participants the knowledge required for making
a GSM cell plan using TEMS CellPlanner 3.0.
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the participants will be able to:
• Set up new projects
• Make nominal cell plans
• Use TEMS Cell Planner to fine tune the prediction model 9999
• Use the traffic and frequency planning tools in an efficient way
• Produce reports with help from the report generator in TEMS Cell Planner
• Use the urban modeling features of TEMS Cell Planner
• Delete projects contents
Successful completion of the following courses:
• GSM System Survey, (LZU 108 852 or LZU 108 4513/1C)
• Cell Planning Principles, (LZU 108 3273)
Training Method
Case studies with instructor-support
Target Audience
Radio Network engineers and Radio Network Tuning engineers needing a good
understanding of the processes when using the TEMS Cell Planner tool.
3 days
Class Size
Maximum 16
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
GSM/Network Development
Cell Planning Workshop
LZU 108 3287
This course is designed to provide radio network engineers with extensive theory
about cell planning and practical experience from radio network design by using
cell planning tools. The course participants are required to carry out different
design tasks using either Ericsson Engineering Tool (EET) or TEMS Cell Planner
(the latter being the default tool of the course, the former available only on
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the participants will be able to:
• Use EET for predictions of the network
• Calculate design criteria’s for different areas
• Perform a power balance
• Explain optimization propagation model 9999
• Handle TEMS in a practical environment
• Apply the cell splitting technique in order to increase the capacity of an
existing network
• Explain the difference between macro, mini, micro, and indoor cells
• Handle network expansion with help of EET
• Maintain and optimize a cellular network regarding channel planning and
• Perform a radio survey
• Define antenna configurations and antenna rear parts for different cells
Successful completion of the following courses:
• GSM System Survey, (LZU 108 852 or LZU 108 4513/1C)
• Cell Planning Principles, (LZU 108 3273)
Training Method
Instructor-supported lessons and practical exercises
Target Audience
Cell planning and radio network engineers
Radio network tuning engineers
10 days
Class Size
Maximum 12
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
GSM/Network Development
GSM Advanced Cell Planning
LZU 108 881
This course is designed to provide radio network engineers with extensive theory
about cell planning.
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the participants will be able to:
• Perform power/system balances and derive and explain design criteria for
macro cell predictions
• Perform dimensioning of logical channels
• Explain how radio waves are generated, describe antenna properties and
recognize and choose different type of antennas in different type of
• Discuss different RBS configurations (including different type of CDUs) that
Ericsson supports
• Explain the principles behind (Ericsson’s) macro and micro cell propagation
prediction models
• Discuss all aspects of a proper site survey
• Choose the appropriate (Ericsson) tool for radio network design, quality
assurance and performance monitoring, analysis and optimization
• Design a simple in-building installation
• Discuss different frequency planning strategies e.g. MRP and FLP
• Set a (limited) set of cell parameters
Successful completion of the following courses:
• GSM System Survey, (LZU 108 852)
• GSM Cell Planning Principles, (LZU 108 3273)
Training Method
Instructor-supported training and theoretical exercises
Target Audience
Radio network engineers actively working with cell planning issues
4 days
Class Size
Maximum 16
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
GSM/Network Development
GSM Hardware Node Dimensioning
LZU 108 3815
This course covers the steps involved in dimensioning hardware for AXE nodes
in GSM. The course also includes a basic description of AXE hardware, both in
BYB 202 and BYB 501, and a description of product packages for R6.1 (BYB
202), R7 (BYB 501) and R8 (BYB 501). The main emphasis is on BYB 501
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the participants will be able to perform simple
hardware node dimensioning calculations for MSC, HLR, SCP and BSC and
from these choose an appropriate product package
Successful completion of the following courses:
• GSM System Survey, (LZU 108 852 or LZU 108 4513/1C)
• GSM Network Planning - Switching, (LZU 108 3699) is recommended
Training Method
Instructor Led Training
Target Audience
The course is intended for technical staff who need a general understanding of
the hardware node dimensioning, such as switching network designers and staff
involved in marketing
4 days
Class Size
Maximum 16
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
GSM/Network Development
GSM Radio Network Features
LZU 108 3704
This course is designed to provide Radio Frequency engineers with knowledge of
the different radio network features, the parameters governing them, and, where
applicable, up to date recommendations of parameter settings.
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the participants will be able to:
• Control locating (Ericsson1 and/or Ericsson3), i.e. connection control in
dedicated mode, by means of tuning different parameters. The two main
objectives of locating, quality and continuity of calls, and “cell size control”
can then be maintained
• Choose between different channel allocation strategies
• Control the idle mode behavior of the mobile by means of the parameters that
the mobile receives from the base station on the BCCH
• Describe and tune, by means of parameter settings, auxiliary radio network
• Explain and tune, by means of parameter settings, the following GPRS radio
network features: GPRS dynamic MS power control, GPRS cell selection,
GPRS paging and DRX and GPRS channel administration (this is only
covered in the four day version of the course which also includes GPRS)
Successful completion of the course:
• GSM Cell Planning Principles, (LZU 108 3273)
Training Method
Instructor-supported lessons
Target Audience
Radio Frequency engineers involved in different aspects of RF engineering, in
particular radio network optimization.
3 days (4 days if GPRS is covered)
Class Size
Maximum 16
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
GSM/Network Development
GSM Radio Network Tuning
LZU 108 3298
This course provides Radio Frequency engineers with theory and practical ability
to tune GSM (cellular) networks.
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the participants will be able to explain how, when
and why system tuning is performed. They will also know how to interpret radio
related exchange statistics and various tuning activities to perform system tuning.
In particular they will be able to:
Use the RF guidelines in order to plan the radio network in an appropriate
Control locating, idle mode behavior and other radio network features by
tuning the parameters that govern them
Perform a cell parameter consistency and validation check
Analyze TEMS field measurements using some post processing tools
Interpret statistics collected in different network elements
Interpret results from specific measurement functions for radio network
planning and performance analysis
Successful completion of the following courses:
• GSM System Survey, (LZU 108 852 or LZU 108 4513/1C)
• GSM Cell Planning Principles, (LZU 108 3273)
• GSM Cell Planning Workshop, (LZU 108 3287)
Training Method
Instructor Led Training and practical study cases
Target Audience
Radio Frequency engineers involved in system (radio network) tuning
5 days
Class Size
Maximum 16
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
GSM/Network Development
GSM Network Planning - Switching
LZU 108 3699
This course will give the participants fundamental knowledge about network
planning of the swiching nodes in a GSM network.
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the participants will:
• Have fundamental knowledge of methods, strategies and planning processes
• Understand the components involved in planning a GSM network
• Know the process of designing a transmission network and apply it to simple
• Know the principles and the process of designing the traffic part, Intelligent
Network part, and signaling part, as well as the processor capacity in
switched networks
• Know the impacts that GPRS and satellite connections have on network
• Be able to apply the gained knowledge to plan a simple network
Successful completion of the course:
• GSM System Survey, (LZU 108 852 or LZU 108 4513/1C)
Training Method
Instructor Led Training
Target Audience
Technical staffs who need a general understanding of the network planning
process on an overview level such as:
• Network planning engineers
• Technical managers (TM) / Mobile network design (MND)
• Local product managers (LPM)
• System/product managers
5 days
Class Size
Maximum 16
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
GSM/Network Development
GSM Urban Model Tuning Workshop
LZU 108 5059
This course is designed to provide radio network engineers with practical
experience of tuning the urban model implemented in TEMS CellPlanner.
Learning Objective
On completion of this course the participants will be able to tune the urban model
Successful completion of the following courses:
• GSM System Survey, (LZU 108 852)
• GSM Cell Planning Principles, (LZU 108 3273)
• GSM Advanced Cell Planning, (LZU 108 881)
• GSM TEMS CellPlanner Workshop, (LZU 108 5058)
Training Method
Instructor-led lessons and practical exercises
Target Audience
The course is intended for radio network engineers actively working with cell
planning issues and that are responsible for optimizing the urban model in TEMS
3 days
Class Size
Maximum 16
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
GSM/Network Development
Statistics Handling
LZU 108 3274
This course outlines how statistics can be handled by an operator in a GSM
environment from an OSS point of view.
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the participants will be able to:
• Describe Performance Management and its important role in a network
• Understand the principles behind STS and how it is configured in the IOG
• Use PMR, MTR, CER and CTR to initiate recordings
• Use SRP to create reports
• Interpret statistical information
• Use statistical reports to plan improvements to and carry out tuning to the
Successful completion of one of the following courses:
• GSM MSC/VLR Operation, (LZU 108 623)
• GSM BSC Operation, (LZU 108 625)
• GSM NMC Operation, (LZU 108 3275)
Training Method
Task Based Training
Target Audience
Network supervision personnel
Network engineering personnel
Network planning personnel
5 days
Class Size
Maximum 8
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
GSM/Network Development
TEMS Cell Planner Overview (MBL)
LZU 108 3850/C
The purpose of the course is to give cell planners knowledge in the basic
functionality of TEMS CellPlanner to be able to plan radio networks.
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the participants will be able to use the TEMS Cell
Planner and its different functions:
• Installation of TEMS Cell Planner
• Using flags and filters
• User Interface
• Definition of propagation models
• Using the equipment database
• Using the site database
• Creation and modifying sites
• Analyzing traffic
• Assign traffic in the network
• Create reports
Successful completion of the following courses:
• GSM System Survey, (LZU 108 852 or LZU 108 4513/1C)
• Cell Planning Principles, (LZU 108 3273)
Training Method
Multimedia-Based Learning, (MBL)
Target Audience
Cellplanners and others who need a general understanding of the TEMS Cell
Approximately 20 hours
Required Equipment
PC, 80486 or greater with at least 8 MB RAM
640x480 resolution, 256 colors
Sound Card (SB 16 compatible)
Windows 95/98 or NT
CD-ROM drive
15 MB free hard disk space
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
GSM/Network Development
TEMS LinkPlanner
LZU 102 151
The purpose of this course is to give the participant the ability to set up a radio
network, calculate path quality and interference, use path-profiles and line-ofsight diagrams, manage presentation in the map window, calculate radio coverage
diagrams and define equipment and default values. Both point-to-point and pointto-multipoint networks are covered.
The participant will also learn how to use the support programs UTMSEL,
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the participants will be able to use the TEMS
LinkPlanner and its different functions:
• Basic concepts
• Radio wave propagation
• Geo database and map handling
• Define projects and equipment
• Quality and availability targets
• Path profiles, path calculations
• Near and far interference
• Radio coverage calculation
• Point to multipoint calculation
• Teletraffic calculation
Experience from working with Microsoft Windows, basic knowledge about radio
Training Method
Instructor supported training with practical exercises
Target Audience
Technical staff that will work with Radio Network Planning
3 days
Class Size
Maximum 12
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
GSM/Network Development
GSM Network Planning – Transmission
LZU 108 3816
The course contains two separate Learning Units, Overview (3 days) and
Planning (2 days), that can be taught separately.
The Transmission Overview covers transmission media and techniques as well as
bearer networks used between nodes in a PLMN. Ericsson products MINI-LINK
and DXX will be looked into briefly.
The Transmission Planning covers nominal planning, in particular of the access
network, using both microwave and leased line as well as detailed planning,
including principles for network design, line of sight survey, frequency planning
and microwave path calculation.
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the participants will be able to identify and
• The basic parts of media, techniques and bearer networks used in
transmission networks
• The different planning aspects to consider when planning the transmission
part of a PLMN
Successful completion of the course:
• GSM System Survey, (LZU 108 852 or LZU 108 4513/1C)
Training Method
Instructor Led Training
Target Audience
The Overview section is intended for staff needing general transmission
knowledge like system/product managers and staff involved in marketing.
The Planning section is intended for staff beginning to work as transmission
planners of PLMN.
5 days
Class Size
Maximum 16
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
GSM/Network Development
Mobile IN Service Script Design, Basic
LZU 108 3787
The purpose of the 4-day design course is that the participants will understand
Mobile IN Service Scripts.
Learning Objectives
Participants will design a Mobile IN service through several different stages,
• Developing a clear understanding of the service
• Choosing the appropriate Control Types
• Linking the Control types for program execution
• Selecting the logical settings
• Input of data to the data module
• Initiating a program logic test
During the course, the participants will work with Mobile IN service scripts:
Location Dependent Routing, Re-routing until answer and the Family & Friends
SMAS will be used during the course for exercises. The course will culminate
with the participants designing and testing an IN service. This script will be input
into SMAS and examined.
Successful completion of the course:
• Mobile Intelligent Network Overview, (LZU 108 3633)
Training Method
Individual/Paired participants operating in workshop environment
Target Audience
Personnel working with mobile IN service script adaptation or design
4 days
Class Size
Maximum 12
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
GSM/Network Development
GSA and SAF 3.0 Design
LZU 115 28
GSA Design teaches the student to build service provisioning programs for an IN
service using Ericsson's Generic Service Adaptor (GSA). The course focuses on a
general knowledge of how GSA, including the Service Agent Framework (SAF)
works and communicates. It will also provide the student with hands-on
experience with the application.
Learning Objectives
The GSA and SAF 3.0 Design will provide the student with experience of
building a GSA service provisining program using SAF, how to design a user
interface and how to use GSA as an RPC server to external clients
SCE Operation, (LZU 115 25)
• SMS, (LZU 115 26)
Equivalent knowledge
Training Method
Instructor-led lessons and practical excercises
Target Audience
Designers of service provisioning interfaces for Ericsson IN services using GSA
and/or SAF.
3 Days
Class Size
Maximum 12
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
GSM/Network Development
GSM OSS Statistics Handling
LZU 108 5080
This course introduces Operation System Support (OSS) statistics to staff who
use the OSS tool as the interface with the switch to monitor their networks.
Learning Objectives
At the end of this course, the participant will be able to initiate recordings and
produce reports for:
Statistical Reports Package (SRP)
Measurement Result Recording (MRR)
Neighboring Cell Support/ Neighboring Cell List Optimization Expert
Frequency Allocation Support/ Frequency Optimization Expert (FAS/FOX)
Cellular Traffic Recording (CTR)
Channel Event Recording (CER)
Measurement Traffic Recording (MTR)
Traffic Estimation Tool (TET)
Performance Management Application (PMA)
GSM Statistics Introduction, (LZU 108 5079)
Training Method
Instructor Led Training
Target Audience
Technical Managers
Network Engineers who plan, optimize, and improve networks on radio and
switching (node and transmission)
Staff who fetch statistics
Operations staff who need to spot potential problems in the radio network
3 days
Class Size
Maximum 8
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
GSM/Network Development
LZU 108 5021
The purpose of this course (LZU 108 5021) is to teach students how to create and
modify IN services using the tools and user documentation associated with the
Service Development Environment (SDE).
The course uses a task-oriented learning approach to step through the IN design
work processes. It is a practical course.
Learning Objectives
After completion of this course the students will be able to:
• Construct basic IN services from a control type collection
• Apply the control type settings to the service development process
• Create the service components, i.e. Control Types (CTs), Service Script
(SS), SS Group, HLSIB and IN service on the SDE
• Validate the service components using the SDE
Telecom Platforms (LZU 107 340)
IN Survey (LZU 108 543) or Mobile IN Survey (LZU 108 3633)
Training Method
This is an instructor-led course that uses task-oriented learning methodology
Target Audience
Ericsson customer staff working with service script adaptation or design
5 days
Class Size
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
GSM/Network Development
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
MINI-LINK E Installation
LZU 113 86
This course is intended for installation personnel working on MINI-LINK
implementation projects. The course covers the MINI-LINK E program, focusing
on installation.
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the participants will:
• Have a basic knowledge about the system concept
• Be able to install a MINI-LINK E system
• Be able to perform basic set-up during installation
Basic knowledge of telecommunications and radio transmission (e.g.
Telecoms 2000 - An Overview, LZU108989)
Training Method
Instructor-led with theoretical and practical exercises
Target Audience
MINI-LINK E Installation personnel
3 days
Class Size
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
RBS 2000 Installation
LZU 108 3959
This course will give the participant information about general RBS 2000
Installation, indoor (2202) or outdoor (2101, 2102) and RBS 2000 installation.
This course can be combined with Antenna Installation Course, LZU 108 3960
and/or Mini-Link E Installation Course, LZU 113 86.
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the participants will have fundamental knowledge
• General RBS 2000 Installation, theory
• Indoor (2202) or outdoor (2101, 2102), Installation, theory
• RBS 2000 Installation, practical
• Introduction to Radio Site Installation, MBL (Multimedia Based Learning)
The participants should have a basic understanding in technical English.
• Allowed (according to local regulations) to work at hights (i.e. on a rooftop)
The participants should have experience working with high-voltage equipment.
Local safety regulations may require that all work (installation, repair, revision,
etc.) with high-voltage equipment must be done by a qualified or certified
electrician only. It is the responsibility of the local maintenance manager, and not
Ericsson Radio Systems AB to ensure compliance with applicable local safety
Training Method
Instructor-led with theoretical and practical exercises
Target Audience
RBS 2000 installation personnel
5 days
Class Size
Maximum 10
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
Antenna System Installation
LZU 108 3960
The course incorporate antenna installation in theory and practical. After the
course the participants will be able to Install and verify appropriate version of
antenna system for RBS 2000 (2101, 2102, 2202) on a quality level defined by
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the participants will be able to:
• Install the antenna systems according to the safety regulations
• Interpret the Radio Site Installation Documentation make changes in the “Asbuild” drawing
• Do the personal installation planning and fill in the preparation and
installation checklists
• Connect the antenna system to the earthing and lightning protection
• Use the correct tools and instruments
• Perform basic mechanical installation
• Do connectors assembly
• Install the feeder run
• Install the cable lead-in
• Installation of outdoor cable ladders for feeders
• Do earthing of antenna system
• Install antennas (and TMA)
• Install the feeders
• Mount and seal the feeder connectors
• Install the jumper cables
• Label the feeders (and jumpers)
• Perform antenna installation tests and fill in the test record
• Do concluding routines
A hight examination and equipment to be able to work in a mast
Introduction to Radio Site Installation, MBL
Training Method
Instructor-supported lessons and practical exercises
Target Audience
The course is intended for RBS 2000 installation personnel
2 days
Class Size
Maximum 8
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
RBS Maintenance
RBS 2000 Maintenance
LZU 108 874
The purpose with this course is to supply newly employed BTS Field
Maintenance personnel with competence needed for basic Maintenance
procedures on RBS 2000.
Learning Objectives
After the course the participants will be able to:
• Perform fault localization on RBS equipment and antenna system
• Perform simple repair procedures and replace faulty hardware units
• Perform test after corrective action (e.g. test call, test of external alarms,
climate system test and antenna system test)
• Configure and install correct IDB (Installation Data Base) using the OMT
• Monitor internal and external alarms using the OMT
• Monitor the fault status of the RBS using the OMT
• Work according to the “RBS maintenance process” and interpret a workorder
from NMC/OMC
• Perform preventive maintenance on the RBS and antenna system
• Fill in a Repair Delivery Note (“Blue Tag”) and a trouble report
• Handle replaced units in a proper manner
Basic education in radio- and microwave technique and successful completion of
the course:
• GSM System Survey, (LZU 108 852) or MBL GSM System Survey,
(LZU 108 4513/1C)
Training Method
Instructor-led lesson and practical work
Target Audience
Target group is the GSM Operators BTS field maintenance staff working with
maintenance of RBS equipment.
3 days
Class Size
Maximum 8
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
RBS 200 Maintenance
LZU 108 877
The purpose with this learning product is to supply newly employed BTS Field
Maintenance personnel with competence needed for basic maintenance
procedures on RBS 200.
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the participants will be able to:
• Locate and identify the TRS hardware using system documentation
• Locate and identify the TRI hardware using system documentation
• Describe the main function of the RBS 200 hardware units
• Perform simple repair procedures and exchange fault suspected hardware
according to work order and check/update hardware revision with LMT
• Perform maintenance routines on the antenna system
• Perform test procedures (e.g. Test call, test of external alarms, antenna
system test)
• Interpret the RBS 200 status LED's using system documentation
Basic education in radio technique and successful completion of the course:
• GSM System Introduction, (LZU 108 3279)
Training Method
Instructor-supported theoretical lessons and practical work
Target Audience
GSM Operators BTS field maintenance staff working with maintenance of RBS
3 days
Class Size
Maximum 8
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
GSM PICO RBS Installation & Maintenance
LZU 108 3932
This course covers the installation, testing and maintenance of the RBS 2401.
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the participants will be able to:
• Install the RBS2401 with the help of the User's Guide
• Perform the Site installation Test with selected optional tests
• Locate a faulty replaceable unit and replace it, using the OMT and the
User's Guide
• Use and fill in a Test Record
Experience from technical work and work with the OMT and preferably
successful completion of the course:
• GSM System Introduction, (LZU 108 3279)
Training Method
Instructor-supported lessons and theoretical/practical exercises
Target Audience
The target group for this learning product is mainly technical personnel involved
in installation, testing and maintenance of the RBS2401.
1 day
Class Size
Maximum 9
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
MAXITETM Operation and Maintenance
LZU 108 3808
This course covers MAXITETM for GSM 1800 MHz or 1900 MHz (the antenna is
the big difference).
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the participants will be able to:
• Explain the MAXITE features and benefits
• Describe the function of the MAXITE HW-units on a block level
• Install RBS 2302, Power and Battery Cabinet (PBC) and Active Antenna
Unit (AAU) using the manuals and perform the Site Installation Test
• Locate a faulty replaceable unit and replace it, using Operation and
Maintenance Terminal (OMT) and the manuals
• Handle the Installation Data Base (IDB) with OMT
Successful completion of the following courses:
• GSM System Survey, (LZU 108 852 or LZU 108 4513/1C)
• RBS 2000 Operation and Maintenance, (LZU 108 3269) is recommended
Training Method
Instructor-supported lessons and theoretical/practical exercises
Target Audience
Mainly technical personnel involved in installation, testing and maintenance of
2 days
Class Size
Maximum 8
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
Micro RBS Operation and Maintenance
LZU 108 3799
This course covers the RBS 2301 and/or 2302 depending on the customer.
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the participants will be able to:
• Describe the different configuration possibilities
• Explain the Micro RBS features and benefits
• Describe the function of the Micro RBS (and PBC) HW-units on a block
• Install the Micro RBS (and PBC) using the manuals and perform the Site
Installation Test
• Locate a faulty replaceable unit an replace it, using OMT and the manuals
• Handle the Installation Data Base (IDB) with OMT
Successful completion of the course:
• GSM System Survey, (LZU 108 852 or LZU 108 4513/1C)
Training Method
Instructor-supported lessons, theoretical/practical exercises
Target Audience
Mainly technical personnel involved in installation, testing and maintenance of
the RBS 2301/2302.
1 day
Class Size
Maximum 8
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
Mini-Link E Maintenance
LZB 113 301
This is a course intended for those working with MINI-LINK field maintenance
at BTS site after site hand-over has taken place. The course covers the MINILINK E program, focusing on field maintenance. It consists of both theoretical
lectures and practical exercises.
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the participants will be able to:
• Describe the basic knowledge of the system concept
• Be able to perform basic fault-tracing
• Be able to replace faulty equipment and to perform a reconfiguration
Basic knowledge of telecommunications and radio transmission (CD LZU
108 989/C is recommended)
Experience in the use of Windows 95 or Windows NT
Training Method
Instructor-supported lessons
Target Audience
This course is primarily developed for field service technicians who needs an
overview of the MINI-LINK concept. The basic skills are to perform simple
maintenance on MINI-LINK equipment on site.
2 days
Class Size
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
DXX - Installation and Maintenance
LZU 107 3240
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the participants will have the knowledge and skills
necessary for on-site installation, commissioning, maintenance and basic level
troubleshooting of the Ericsson DXX HW Equipment.
General technical understanding
Training Method
Instructor-supported lessons and extensive practical exercises
Target Audience
The course is intended for installation and maintenance technicians and engineers
plus personnel needing knowledge about installation and testing of DXX
2-3 days
Class Size
Maximum 6
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
Power System Operation and Maintenance
LZU 107 217
The aim of the course is that the participants shall become capable of operating
and maintaining Ericsson Power Supply Systems.
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the participants will be able to understand:
• The units included in an Ericsson Power Supply Systems and their functions
• Short repetition of function and build-up of valve regulated and freely vented
batteries used for telecom applications
• Connection and communication between units
• Safety rules
• Performance testing
• How to browse through the power system’s supervision units and find and
adjust data
• The most important parameters of the software in Ericsson Power Systems
and how they shall be set
• Different alarm levels, what they mean and how to react
• How to exchange a faulty unit
• Actions in case of alarm
Theoretical and practical knowledge of power systems for telecommunications is
an advantage, for less experienced participants the introduction course LZU 105
126 is recommended as a start-off course. Battery testing and trouble shooting are
subjects regarded in course LZU 105 128, which is recommended to take on
completion of this course.
Training Method
Instructor-led with theoretical lessons and practical exercises
Target Audience
Engineers and technicians working with operation and maintenance, of Ericsson
Power Systems for telecom equipment.
3 days
Class Size
Maximum 12
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
GSM BSS Integration for Field Maintenance
LZU 108 871
The course is designed to bring the participants to a level where they are able to
support the BSC by the integration of new sites. The course also covers the
structure of the BSC and the interworking between the BSC and RBS.
Learning Objectives
After completion of the course the participants will be able to:
• Perform the most common integration tasks
• Configure an RBS 2000 using the on-line documentation
• Identify individual components in the BSS sub-system, both in the BSC and
• Appreciate the ways in which the different components interwork
• Handle practical fault-finding using the on-line documentation
The participant must have the experience relevant to the completion of the
following courses:
• RBS 2000 O&M (LZU 108 3269) or RBS 2000 Maintenance (LZU 108 874)
• 3 months working practice
Training Method
The course combines instructor-led lessons, group work and theoretical and
practical exercises
Target Audience
The course is intended for personnel that work with operation and maintenance of
the RBS, and are involved in the integration process. This can either be personnel
working with the RBS Site Maintenance, or personnel doing the RBS installation
and Testing
3 days
Class Size
Maximum 8
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
RBS Site Maintenance OJT
LZU 108 3943
The RBS Site maintenance OJT (On the Job Training) product is intended for
personnel working with maintenance of RBS equipment on site. Simple
maintenance of MINI-LINK and antennas will also be covered. The attendance
will work in her/his own network under supervision of a mentor. The training is
based on real faults occurring in the network and the most common fault
situations will be covered. If possible some actions can be performed on a test
site. The OJT will be adapted to the customers’ own maintenance routines. This
will result in that the field technician feels more secure to work according to
these routines.
Learning Objectives
On completion this course the participants will be able to:
• Conduct maintenance of RBS equipment in a real live network
• Basic routines regarding site visits (site access, location instructions, spare
parts, workorder, etc)
• Handle faulty and non-faulty spareparts (Blue tag, packing etc.)
• Preventive maintenance on RBS with the assistance of an experienced
• Perform simple maintenance on MINI-LINK equipment and be able to point
out and change suspected faulty parts with the help of a supervision tool
• Perform trouble shooting on antenna systems using Site Master and OMT
The participants should have attended the course RBS Site maintenance,
(LZU1083943) (RBS, MINI-LINK) or have corresponding knowledge
A MINI-LINK testsite is necessary in order to perform the learning unit
Training Method
Instructor-supported short theory sessions will be included before working with a
specific case/fault either in classroom or on site.
Target Audience
Field technicians working with maintenance of RBS and Mini-Link equipment
10 days, 2 days will be dedicated for preparation for the course on site at the
customers’ premises.
Class Size
Maximum 5
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
Switch Maintenance
Maintenance MSC/BSC
LZU 108 3892
The purpose of this course is to build up the competence of the participant to
perform AXE hardware maintenance of type BYB 202 and BYB 501 by using
local O&M tools.
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the participants will be able to:
• Replace various types of printed circuit boards (RP's, EM's)
• Replace various types of central printed circuit boards (CP, IOG)
• Transfer files to or from the IOG 11/20 system
Successful completion of the course:
• GSM System Survey, (LZU 108 852)
Training Method
Practical cases are solved in pairs
Target Audience
Field maintenance personnel e.g. MSC Technicians. NMC/OMC personnel that
shall be able to direct remote maintenance personnel.
10 days
Class Size
Maximum 8
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
GPRS Support Node (GSN) Hardware Maintenance
LZU 108 2028
The goal of the course is to enable maintenance personnel to replace and extend
GSN hardware.
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the participants will be able to:
• Identify GSN hardware
• Describe the function of GSN hardware
• Replace GSN hardware
• Perform test connections
• Test new hardware
Successful completion of the following course:
• GPRS System Survey, (LZU108876)
• Prior GSM knowledge
• Knowledge of AXE
Training Method
The training is instructor supported, process and work case oriented coupled with
theory and practical work.
Target Audience
This course is intended for network maintenance personnel, GSN Integrators,
GSN, BSS and Backbone Support Engineers.
1 day
Class Size
Maximum 8
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
GSM Maintenance MSC/BSC Extended NEW!
LZU 108 5031
This learning product is a course product for the work area “Maintenance”. With
this product, students will get deeper knowledge and competence to handle the
Group Switch, IOG 11/IOG 20 and software recovery in Central Processor.
The APZ 212 20, 212 25, 212 30 and IOG 11, IOG 20 will be covered.
Learning Objectives
On completion of the course the course attendant will be able to:
• Detect and solve faults in the Group Switch
• Detect and repair faults in the IOG11 and IOG20
• Determine how and when to order IOG restarts and reloads
• Activate and set parameters for the software recovery functions using local
O&M tools
• Handle software recovery alarms using local O&M tools
• Start the system after a stoppage using local O&M tools
The participant must have the experience relevant to the completion of the
following courses:
• GSM System Survey (LZU 108 852 or LZU 108 4513/1C)
• GSM Maintenance MSC/BSC (LZU 108 3892)
• Working experience in the Maintenance area after attending the GSM
Maintenance MSC/BSC course
Training Method
The methodology applied is a mixture of theoretical lessons and practical taskoriented parts. Theoretical lessons will build up the knowledge basis, which will
then be consolidated by practical excercises with task-oriented events
Target Audience
Personnel working in the Maintenance area requiring deeper knowledge of the
AXE system
5 days
Class Size
Maximum 8
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
AXE IOG20 Advanced
LZU 108 05
This course will give the experienced IOG20 operator staff a deeper knowledge
of IOG20 Operation and Maintenance.
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the participants will be able to take preparatory
measures concerning extended maintenance like extensions and introduction of
revised products, and in co-operation with an expert take an active part in
advanced fault handling.
Successful completion of the following courses:
• AXE Operation and Maintenance Platform in GSM, (LZU 108 3683)
• AXE Operation Handling in GSM, (LZU 108 3684)
• AXE IOG20 Delta, (LZU 108 115)
Training Method
Instructor-supplied lessons with practical exercises
Target Audience
Personnel involved in advanced operation and maintenance activities of AXE and
particularly of IOG20.
5 days
Class Size
Maximum 10
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
AXE Emergency Handling Periodic Refresh Training
LZU 108 447
After completing the course participants will be able to successfully diagnose and
repair faults in AXE without serious interruption to traffic handling and perform
periodic maintenance routines as specified in approved Ericsson guidelines.
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the participants will be able to:
• Repair faults in APZ and the critical parts of APT
• Restore the exchange to its working state quickly and efficiently
• Handle backup information
• Prevent serious disturbances in traffic handling caused by human error
• Handle system stoppages
• Repair GSD/CLOCK faults without causing serious interruptions in traffic
• Start an exchange and restore data
• Repair faults in APZ without causing traffic interruptions
• Manually find and repair faults in APZ
• Understand restart and error-interrupt data
Training to the level of System Technician, Operation or Maintenance
Training Method
Instructor-led with practical exercises in a training exchange
Target Audience
AXE System technicians and engineers
5 days
Class Size
Maximum 8
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
Customer Care
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
GSM/Customer Care
Customer Care Professionalism
LZU 108 3214
The Customer Care Professionalism is a training package built on a portfolio of
various training modules. Modules are chosen depending of the profile of the
target Customer Care organization. The Customer Care Professionalism will
enhance the operation of your Customer Care organization through training of
personnel on relevant tasks of operation.
Learning Objectives
This training package will help a call-center employee to answer direct customer
inquiries in a technically correct and professional manner. It will also help the
participants to fulfill their goal regarding “number of inquiries from customers
solved at first contact”.
Good English knowledge, general PC and Internet knowledge
Training Method
Instructor-led lessons and exercises
Target Audience
The target audience has been defined as two different groups:
• GSM Operators’ Customer Care organizations
• Distributors or Service Providers
2 days
Class Size
Maximum 20
Minimum 12
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
GSM/Customer Care
PPAS Business Configuration
LZU 108 3906
This course will give the participants the ability to use the basic business
configuration functions in PPAS.
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the participants will be able to handle:
• Business Configuration menu and Company Configuration
• Market Configuration
• Operational Configuration, screen and field privileges
• Pre-paid Card Configuration
• Disconnection reasons and customer classes
PC literate with good keyboard skills and successful completion of the course:
• PPAS Customer Care Course, (LZU 108 3903)
Training Method
The course is instructor-supported with a hands-on approach and practical
sessions to reinforce course content. The course reflects the business processes
with realistic examples of business configuration data.
Target Audience
PPAS Administrator responsible for maintaining configuration data
As an overview of PPAS configuration for Marketing personnel, and
Department Managers
1 day
Class Size
Maximum 8
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
GSM/Customer Care
PPAS Customer Care
LZU 108 3903
This course will give the participants the ability to use the basic customer care
functions in PPAS.
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the participants will be able to handle:
• Overview of the PPAS system and terminology
• Billing system interface and account creation
• Failed recharge history and Pre-Paid Card enquiry
• Charging and re-charging accounts
• Resolving follow-up work
• Debit and Credit adjustments
• Customer disconnection process
PC literate with good keyboard skills
Training Method
The course is instructor-supported with a hands-on approach and practical
sessions to reinforce course content. The course reflects the business processes
with realistic examples of customer maintenance activities.
Target Audience
Customer Service staff
PPAS Supervisors and Trainers
Marketing personnel, System Administrators and department managers
needing an overview of PPAS
1 day
Class Size
Maximum 8
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
GSM/Customer Care
Business Management
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
GSM/Business Management
Business Oriented Training for Cellular Operators
LZU 108 3695
The purpose of this training program is to provide managers and senior staff with
an improved understanding of the key elements influencing the profitability of a
cellular operator.
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the participants will have an improved
understanding of the key elements influencing the profitability of a cellular
operator. The use of a simulation tool in a team environment will enhance the
participants’ business acumen.
There are no prerequisites for this course but a basic knowledge of
telecommunication is recommended.
Training Method
Instructor-supported lessons including business cases and the use of case based
training in a team environment.
Target Audience
Management and senior staff in cellular operating companies
3 days
Class Size
Maximum 16
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
GSM/Business Management
Business Telecommunications
LZU 108 3884
The purpose of this course is to provide the participants with a basic
understanding of telecommunications technology, the limitations and the
opportunities the technology can bring.
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the participants will be able to transform customer
telecommunication needs into profitable solutions as well as communicate the
customer value.
A question battery will be provided by the training center to be completed before
attending the course.
Training Method
Instructor-led interactive sessions combined with group exercises, discussions
and the participants’ presentations. Case studies and role-plays simulating real
life business situations to ensure that participants learn from each others’
experience, and also learn to find solutions as a team.
Target Audience
The target audience is junior account managers, business solutions managers and
product managers. The participants should already have a commercial
background or has got an MSc, BSc or equivalent in marketing or management,
but doesn’t need any significant technical background.
5 days
Class Size
Maximum 16
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
GSM/Business Management
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
NMT Functions
LZU 108 3229
This course will be adapted to customer requirements. The course deals with the
functions introduced to NMT from phase 41 and onwards. It includes a more
detailed discussion of the functions than what is possible in the MTS operation
and maintenance course (LZU 108 455). The course can be theoretical or
practical with demonstrations and implementation exercises. On completion of
the course the participants will have an understanding of the functions and their
use. Based on the practical exercises they will be able to implement the functions
in their own network. A selection of the phases described can be included in the
Learning Objectives
To be agreed between customer and training supplier
Good knowledge of NMT, Experience from operation and maintenance for
courses with practical exercises.
Training Method
Instructor-led lessons and theoretical/practical exercises
Target Audience
Planning personnel and/or operation and maintenance staff in MTX according to
course contents and objectives.
To be agreed between customer and training supplier
Class Size
Theoretical courses: 16
Practical courses: 10
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
NMT System Survey
LZU 108 451
This course will give the participants a general understanding and the ability to
explain, in general terms, the entire NMT system.
Learning Objectives
On the completion of this course the participants will be able to:
• Explain in general terms, the entire CMS 45/89
The participants will also have a general idea of:
• The history of NMT
• Network structure, terms and components
• The basic structure of the Mobile Telephone Exchange (MTX)
• The basic structure of the Radio Base Station (BS)
• The basic structure of the Mobile Station (MS)
• Cell Planning principles
• Signaling principles
• How traffic cases is handled in CMS 45/89
• Operation and maintenance functions of the CMS 45/89
Successful completion of the following courses:
• AXE Survey, (LZU 108 775 or LZU 108 776/C)
• Mobile Telecommunications Overview (MBL), (LZU 108 4502/1C)
Training Method
Instructor-led lessons and exercises
Target Audience
Personnel who need a technical overview of the NMT system
3 days
Class Size
Maximum 16
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
MTS Operation and Maintenance (NMT)
LZU 108 455
This course is intended for staff with AXE experience who are going to work
with the operation and maintenance of an AXE exchange in NMT (MTX).
Learning Objectives
On completion of the course the participants will be able to operate and maintain
the MTX with the guidance of the operation and maintenance manual.
Successful completion of the following courses:
• NMT System Survey, (LZU 108 451)
• AXE Cellular Operation and Maintenance, (LZU 108 624) or equivalent
AXE Operation and Maintenance training
Training Method
Instructor-supported lessons and theoretical/practical exercises in a training
Target Audience
Operation and maintenance staff on NMT/MTX
8 days
Class Size
Maximum 10
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
NMT Cellplanning
LZU 108 802
This course will give the participants basic knowledge of cell planning in general,
and Ericsson Radio Systems cell planning in particular.
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the participant will have basic knowledge of the
• Capacity calculations in the radio network
• Radio wave propagation
• Fading
• Interference
• Models for propagation
• The Ericsson tool for cell planning (EET)
• Practical network design
• System tuning
Successful completion of the course:
• NMT System Survey, (LZU 108 451)
Training Method
Instructor-supported lessons and a study case
Target Audience
Customers and Ericsson employees involved in NMT projects
3 days
Class Size
Maximum 16
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
RS4000 Advanced Maintenance (NMT)
LZU 108 3124
This course will give the participants the skills and knowledge to work and lead
advanced service and maintenance of RS4000 Radio Base Stations at site.
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the participants will handle:
• Overview of the units in RS4000, functional and mechanical
• Presentation of the production line and visit to the Service and Repair Centre
• Presentation of test point and parameters
• Test of the RX-, CU/AF-and PA-board in the CTR
• Presentation of the TXBP, RXBP, Filter Combiner and PSU
• Test of the units in the CE-frame
• Cabinet wiring, wiring CE-frame/CTR/Back-plane of RS4000
• Measurements on RS4000 with Stabilock, e.g. SQ-level, RX-sensitivity and
S/N ratio
• Trouble shooting of prepared RS4000
• Calibration and adjustment of units at system test of RS4000
Successful completion of the course:
• RS4000 Installation and Maintenance, (LZU 108 804)
And very good knowledge in service of electronics and radio-communication
Training Method
Instructor-supported lessons and practical exercises
Target Audience
Service technicians performing trouble shooting in Radio Base Stations RS4000
5 days
Class Size
Maximum 4
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
RS4000 Installation and Maintenance (NMT)
LZU 108 804
This course will give the participants the capability to install and commission an
RS4000 Radio Base Station. The participants will also be able to locate, identify
and replace a faulty unit in the base station for later repair at a service center.
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the participants will handle:
• Presentation of the NMT system and the Radio Base Station
• Functional and mechanical description of units
• Receiver/transmitter signal path
• Installation of RBS cabinet and subunits
• Running the OP terminal, installing software and setting of parameters
• Use of MTX-simulator or FAD
• Commissioning, pre-settings and running
• Measurements and tests, trouble shooting and replacement of units
General knowledge in electronics and radio communication and successful
completion of the course:
• NMT System Survey, (LZU 108 451)
Training Method
Instructor-supported lessons and practical exercises, Interpretation and use of
Target Audience
Installation, commissioning and maintenance staff
3 or 5 days
Class Size
Maximum 9
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
RS9000 Advanced Maintenance (NMT)
LZU 108 3127
This course will give the participants the skill and knowledge to work and lead
advanced service and maintenance of RS9000 Radio Base Stations at site.
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the participants will handle:
• Overview of the units in RS9000, functional and mechanical
• Presentation of the production line and visit to the Service and Repair Centre
• Presentation of test point and parameters
• Test of the RX-, CU/AF-and PA-board in the CTR
• Presentation of the TXBP, RXBP, Filter Combiner and PSU
• Test of the units in the CE-frame
• Cabinet wiring, wiring CE-frame/CTR/Back-plane of RS9000
• Measurements on RS9000 with Stabilock, e.g. SQ-level, RX-sensitivity and
S/N ratio
• Trouble shooting of prepared RS9000
• Calibration and adjustment of units at system test of RS9000
Successful completion of the course:
• RS4000 Installation and Maintenance, (LZU 108 804)
And very good knowledge in service of electronics and radio-communication
Training Method
Instructor-supported lessons and practical exercises
Target Audience
Service technicians performing trouble shooting in Radio Base Stations RS9000
5 days
Class Size
Maximum 4
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
RS9000 Installation and Maintenance
LZU 108 805
This course will give the participants the capability to install and commission an
RS9000 Radio Base Station. The participants will also be able to locate, identify
and replace a faulty unit in the base station for later repair at a service center.
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the participants will handle:
• Presentation of the NMT system and the Radio Base Station
• Functional and mechanical description of units
• Receiver/transmitter signal path
• Installation of RBS cabinet and subunits
• Running the OP terminal, installing software and setting of parameters
• Use of MTX-simulator or FAD
• Commissioning, pre-settings and running
• Measurements and tests, trouble shooting and replacement of units
General knowledge in electronics and radio communication and successful
completion of the course:
• NMT System Survey, (LZU 108 451)
Training Method
Instructor-led lessons and practical exercises, Interpretation and use of
Target Audience
Installation, commissioning and maintenance staff
3 or 5 days
Class Size
Maximum 9
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
The Evolution from 2G to 3G
LZU 108 879
This course shows the participants the main reasons for the 3G standardization.
The course also explains the 3G standardization and describes the evolution from
GSM to 3G (UMTS). It also provides the participants with an understanding on
the UMTS Network structure and the main differences between GSM and
UMTS, especially the principles of the UMTS Radio Interface.
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the participants will be able to:
• Outline the history of mobile communication, explain the importance of new
technology and standardisation to the market evolution, discuss the current
mobile communication market demands and outline central aspects of the GSM
evolution as an answer to market demands
• Discuss the ITU IMT-2000 standardisation and the different IMT-2000 radio
transmission technology (RTT) proposal, outline the targets of the third
generation standardisation
• Distinguish the different UMTS standardisation organisations, outline the targets
of UMTS standardisation, explain the evolution from GSM to UMTS and the
coexistence of GSM and UMTS network elements
• Explain the UMTS concept, describe differences of GSM and UMTS cells and
handover, discuss the common GSM/UMTS network architecture, summarise the
functional units of the common GSM/UMTS network and define the functions of
the new GSM Phase 2+ and UMTS Phase 1 network elements
• Define the WARC-92 spectrum allocation for IMT-2000, outline the regional
IMT-2000 / UMTS spectrum reservation, discuss UMTS terrestrial and satellite
spectrum requirements and outline further spectrum extensions
• Explain the principles of information transmission and outline the important
transmission principles of 1G and 2G systems
• Talk about the different UTRA proposals, outline the ETSI decision for UTRA,
explain the harmonisation of FDD and TDD mode and understand the basic
principles of FDD and TDD mode
Depending upon the participants prior knowledge this course can be held as a one
or two day course, where the one day version demands that the participants have
got prior GSM knowledge, whereas the 2 day version calls for knowledge on the
principles of telecommunication.
Training Method
Instructor-led lessons
Target Audience
Employees within the technology and management sectors, who requires general
knowledge about UMTS planning.
1 or 2 days depending on students prior knowledge
Class Size
Maximum 20
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
Introduction to 3G Applications
LZU 108 5003
This course will give the participants an introduction to 3G applications from the
end user perspective - how the human will face 3G technology. Focus is on
demonstrating and simulating applications of today and discussing future
applications. It is the general principles that are presented, rather than specific
technical details.
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the participants will be able to:
• Discuss 3G applications and what kind of application the end user prefers
• Discuss trends around applications
• Discuss application enablers
• Discuss how the end user is studied
The participants should have general digital mobile communication background,
equivalent to GSM System Introduction (LZU 108 3279). The participants should
have a basic understanding of the scope of the 3rd generation mobile telephony
Training Method
Instructor-led lessons and theoretical exercises
Target Audience
Marketing and Technical personnel that are new in the area of 3G applications
2 days
Class Size
Maximum 16
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
UMTS Transmission Overview
LZU 108 892
This course will give the participants an overview of transmission within UMTS.
The course will go through the fundamentals of IP / ATM, SDH / PDH and the
interaction between these, as well as introduce the participants to some of
Ericssons switching products on the edge, and in the backbone. The course also
covers GSM to UMTS migration scenarios.
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the participants will have an understanding of:
• Transport Network Overview for GSM and UMTS
• ATM, IP and SDH/PDH Basics
• IP over ATM
• GSM over packet
• UMTS transport alternatives
• Ericsson IP and ATM products
• GSM - UMTS migration scenarios
The participants should understand the basic principles of a GSM network as well
as the migration to UMTS.
Training Method
Instructor-led lessons
Target Audience
Marketing staff and management seeking information/knowledge about
Transmission technology for GSM and UMTS.
1 day
Class Size
Maximum 20
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
WCDMA Overview
LZU 108 3877
The WCDMA Overview gives a basic introduction to the third-generation access
technology WCDMA. The focus is on general principles, rather than specific
technical details.
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the participants will be able to:
• Setup and change the Analysis tables for the A-number, B-number and PreAnalyses
• Change charging data in the MSC
• Define MSC TT-files
• Adjust route parameters and define new routes
• Connect Echo cancellers to a route
• Define Route Analysis and Routing Cases in the MSC
• Perform and interpret S7 printouts.
• Define and change the End-of-Selection Analysis and codes
• Perform Traffic Measurement on routes and Processor Load
The participants should have general digital mobile communication background
and some knowledge about radio communication, equivalent to GSM System
Training Method
Instructor-led lessons and theoretical exercises
Target Audience
The course is intended for students with no previous experience from
The duration of the course is either one day (six hours) or two days (twelve
hours), the two day course goes in deeper on UTRA the ETSI UMTS Terrestrial
Radio Access RTT candidate.
Class Size
Maximum 20
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
WCDMA Experimental System Survey
LZU 108 887
The WCDMA Experimental System Survey will give the participants an
introduction to Ericssons's WCDMA Experimental System.
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the participants will:
• Have an understanding of what the Ericsson WCDMA Experimental System
is and the background to the development of this system
• Know the basics of WCDMA, that is the important concepts such as:
• Radio Access methods
• Spreading principles
• Power control
• Handover
• Rake receiver
• Cell breathing
But also be able to:
• Describe what ATM is
• Give an overview of the WCDMA Experimental System
• Describe how the air interface is specified
• Give a brief review of the WCDMA Experimental System nodes and
channels, briefly describe a voice and data call
Successful completion of the course:
• WCDMA Overview (LZU 108 3877)
Training Method
Instructor-supported lessons and practical exercises
Target Audience
Personnel who needs to become familiar with the Ericsson WCDMA
Experimental System and WCDMA technique.
2 days
Class Size
Maximum 20
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
WCDMA Experimental System Workshop
LZU 108 888
This course will give the participants an opportunity to personally experience the
Ericsson WCDMA Experimental System and to see the concept and behaviour of
third generation mobile technology. It will also deliver hands-on experience on
both technology and real time applications.
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course the participants will have:
• Information about five measurement types (Eb/I0, Bit Error Estimation, Fast
Power Control, Layer 3 messages for packet data, Soft Handover) in the Base
Station and the Mobile Simulator, and what they can be used for
• Knowledge about 3 traffic cases (voice incoming/outgoing, packet)
• Experience on how to set up measurements, analyze the output of the
measurements in text and graphical form, and perform analysis on forehand
collected measurements.
• Knowledge about how the Power Control works
• Knowledge about how the Soft and Softer Handover evaluation algorithm
• Experience in link-budget calculations on the perch-channel
• Knowledge about when radio switching and channel type switching are used
WCDMA Overview (LZU 108 3877)
WCDMA Experimental System Survey (LZU 108 887)
Training Method
Instructor-supported lessons and practical exercises
Target Audience
An Operator’s technically skilled personnel that will have a WCDMA system
in the future
An Operator’s technically skilled personnel who do not have their own
Experimental System but wish to see one operating
An Operator’s technically skilled personnel who want to investigate the
capabilities of WCDMA by seeing applications and the system supporting it
5 days
Class Size
Maximum 10
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
Course Index
Antenna System Installation
ATM Essentials (MBL)
AUC 10 Operation and Maintenance
AXE 10 Operation and Maintenance Platform in GSM
AXE Emergency Handling Periodic Refresh Training
AXE Hardware Evolution (MBL)
AXE Hardware Maintenance in GSM
AXE IOG20 Advanced
AXE IOG20 Delta
AXE Operation Handling in GSM
AXE Software Management using AXS
AXE Survey
Base Station System (BSS) Delta, R8.0
Billing Gateway (BGw) Delta, R7
Billing Gateway Configuration
Billing Gateway Supervision
BSC Operation
Business Oriented Training for Cellular Operators
Business Telecommunications
Cell Planning with TEMS Cell Planner
Cell Planning Workshop
Cello Survey
CeNA R3 Delta
CeNA R3 Introduction
CeNA R3 System Administration
Customer Care Professionalism
Data Network Technologies (MBL)
Data Transcript Delta, R8.0
Data Transcript
DTI Delta, R7
DTI Delta, R8.0
DTI Operation and Maintenance
DXX - Installation and Maintenance
DXX Digital Cross Connect HW System and DXX Manager Operation– Lev 1
DXX Digital Cross Connect HW System and DXX Manager Operation–Lev 2
Getting to Know AXE (MBL)
GPRS BSS Operation NEW!
GPRS Circuit Switched Operation NEW!
GPRS for Application Developers
GPRS Overview (WBL)
GPRS Support Node (GSN) Basic Operation NEW!
GPRS Support Node (GSN) Configuration NEW!
GPRS Support Node (GSN) Fault Management NEW!
GPRS Support Node (GSN) Hardware Maintenance NEW!
GPRS Support Node (GSN) Performance Measurement NEW!
GPRS Support Node (GSN) Software Management NEW!
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
GPRS Support Node (GSN) System Administration NEW!
GPRS System Advanced NEW!
GPRS System Survey
GSA and SAF 3.0 Design
GSM Advanced Cell Planning NEW!
GSM Advanced Cell Planning
GSM Advanced System Technique
GSM Advanced System Technique
GSM BSS Integration for Field Maintenance
GSM BSS Integration for Operations
GSM Cell Planning Overview
GSM Cell Planning Principles
GSM Hardware Node Dimensioning
GSM Maintenance MSC/BSC Extended NEW!
GSM Network Planning - Switching
GSM Network Planning – Transmission Overview/Planning
GSM on the Net 1.0 System Overview NEW!
GSM on the Net Operation and Data Administration NEW!
GSM OSS Statistics Handling
GSM PICO RBS Installation & Maintenance
GSM Radio Network Features
GSM Radio Network Tuning
GSM SOG Administration
GSM Statistics Introduction NEW!
GSM System Introduction
GSM System Survey (MBL)
GSM System Survey
GSM Urban Model Tuning Workshop
HLR 10 Operation and Maintenance
HLR Redundancy
Intelligent Network Fundamentals (MBL)
Intelligent Network Overview (MBL)
Intelligent Network Services (MBL)
Introduction to 3G Applications
ISDN Advanced (MBL)
ISDN Essential (MBL)
IVR Course
Maintenance MSC/BSC
MAXITETM Operation and Maintenance
Micro RBS Operation and Maintenance
MINI-LINK E Installation
Mini-Link E Maintenance
Mobile Charging Operation
Mobile IN Service Script Design, Basic
Mobile Intelligent Network Overview
Mobile Telecommunications Overview (MBL)
MSC Operation and Maintenance Delta, R7
MSC/VLR Operation
MTS Operation and Maintenance (NMT)
MXE Operation and Maintenance
Netplanning with TEMS Netplanner
NMC Operation
NMT Cellplanning
NMT Functions
NMT System Survey
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson
OJT OSS Hands On
OSS Delta, R8.1
OSS IOG Configuration and Troubleshooting
OSS System Administration
Power System Operation and Maintenance
PPAS 1st and 2nd Line Support Course
PPAS Advanced Administration System
PPAS Business Configuration
PPAS Customer Care
PPAS System Supervision
PPS 3.0 Delta
PPS SDP PrePaid System Administration
PPS Tariff Handling
PPS Technical Overview (WBL)
Primary Rate Access in MSC/VLR
RBS 200 Maintenance
RBS 2000 Installation
RBS 2000 Maintenance
RBS Site Maintenance OJT
RS4000 Advanced Maintenance (NMT)
RS4000 Installation and Maintenance (NMT)
RS9000 Advanced Maintenance (NMT)
RS9000 Installation and Maintenance
SCE Operation
SCE/SMS System Administration
Signaling No 7 in the GSM Network
Signaling System No 7 Fundamentals (MBL)
Signaling System No 7 Overview (MBL)
SMS Operation
SOG Operation
SSF/SCF Operation and Maintenance
Statistics Handling
Switching System (SS) Delta, R8.0
Technical Data Communication
Telecom Platform and AXE Survey
Telecoms 2000: An Overview (MBL)
Telecoms 2000: Fundamentals (MBL)
TEMS Cell Planner Overview (MBL)
TEMS LinkPlanner
The Evolution from 2G to 3G
UMTS Transmission Overview
Using the Fault Management eXpert Tool
Using the Log Book
Using the Operation Procedure Support
WAP for Application Developers
WAP Gateway Operation
WAP Overview (WBL)
WAP Technical Overview
WCDMA Experimental System Survey
WCDMA Experimental System Workshop
WCDMA Overview
EN/LZT 123 1210
© Ericsson