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COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate Essay Plan

BRIDGE English School
Essay Plan
Prepared by
Elizabeth Johnson
April 25, 2064
The objectives of this essay plan are as follows:
1. To outline the flow of the main ideas for the essay
2. To reinforce thesis statement with the latest statistics data as supporting
Due to the high transmissibility rate of the COVID-19 virus as well as the serious
health risks it poses, vaccines should be mandatory in workplaces.
The essay will be a persuasive essay that uses real-time statistics and established
scientific studies to affirm the need for mandatory vaccination.
A study from the CDC reveals that three out of ten who contracted smallpox died.
Approximately, five hundred million have died from the disease in the last
century, and the vaccination program for the vaccine against smallpox began in
1796 until it was declared eradicated in 1980 by the World Health Assembly.
Topic Sentence
While no vaccine is one hundred percent effective, it is considered to be a lifesaving tool, preventing roughly three million deaths annually.
Vaccines undergo years of tedious study by medical personnel to ensure their
effectiveness. Among the several ways to formulate vaccines and one of them is
the weakened virus approach, where the virus replicates itself poorly in the body
while it is killed by chemicals to induce the body to create memory B cells that
prevent future reinfection.
The first attempt at the development of a measles vaccine began in 1954 until its
success and distribution in 1968. By 1980, there was a decrease of eighty percent
in cases as observed in previous years until it was declared eradicated in 2000.
Topic Sentence
The more people are vaccinated, the higher the chances of achieving herd
immunity, giving us a chance to control the spread of COVID-19.
Numerous countries are currently racing to vaccinate as many citizens as they can
to achieve herd immunity, which only occurs when most of the population has
been vaccinated. Vaccinated people are less likely to transmit the virus even if
they have it in them.
BBC recently reported that Israel may be close to reaching herd immunity.
Despite their return to a near-normal life, the cases for COVID-19 have been
decreasing steadily even with the younger age group still yet to be vaccinated.
Mandating vaccinations in workplaces for qualified vaccine candidates should be
implemented for the country to achieve herd immunity to protect employees as
well as the other members of the community who cannot receive the vaccine for
health reasons.
• Measles History
The essay gives information about the background of measles down to its
• Efficacy and Effectiveness
This article tackled the effectiveness, efficacy, and duration of vaccines.
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