Cation exit ic El Communicatton System Vaite Sourae yW Voce 300H-3.5ktz Tanpduder at SoUrce Audio; 20H 2 klz Sheer hyeea |ormation Tx Au Recu'ver Chann Destinati Tranaduter Rx nB o - y.S HM2 trom TranAmiter to Recaiver. or everywhere. Basic Block diagram Vdeo on dtination sInlomatton tr Communi sourCe to oTranamiasibn ProCas a ec trom is ch CommuniCation s Intyoduction to Communi'cation ar SourCa TranaduCaY Converta Phycal igna into electital e9uivalewt Le which siqnad ia Propagated channa ip the medium throu Recarver Trankducar Converta luctrica ignal into Physical signa euivaant, YouTube Video Link, LearnByWatchElectronics, Teacher: Raj Kumar Thenua ( General r e d CommuUniCation iA PrelMered for short diatanca CommUw Caton wirelasa Communication sytem:- El EMA ec Block diaqam tr on ic s Communication stem. Warelass communi Cation Ja Prehered for ong diatanca in Jn which signad ia Propa^ated through t r e Sbace. angua Jchaed ch SourC Modular D DeModulata at SoUra Recaiver Tanadu Destinat nB yW Drdormabi Le Jp ewred. ar for om long diztance Generally tor Commitation hrough tras sbace Modulation Antenna heisht For Prober TYanam'anion through an s ec at nB Voila: 3oo2-3.S kt2 Y 25k Le 4x 3x Same as lizhe. Modulation ia the Procaza increaging te treuney the Signal to reduca antenna heisht ar h e 3x1o elactvomanakie yW sig t- 3KHz m El ch htmi he 2 X 3xo$ antenna. Velouity Exa ht3x0 and Recaption Minimumyheisht Y a enne otn kantenna Antenna 2S 3 Mz on Reducing 3k tr 1. ation:- ic Basic Need Modu O YouTube Video Link, LearnByWatchElectronics, Teacher: Raj Kumar Thenua ( (2 2. Multiening Lt is the P¥otaAA Audio 1 (20tt2-20 kM) muultapa number C20e-2 kM s Tree on Auio 2- Audio 3 - Singa chann at h e Same time. thouE modudation multiaxing tr (20te-2o kMe) ec Generall channa ic ranamiaa1on o ignals through a ) El i p n o OAihl. purpore o ultplaing. modultion ja nB yW F o r uuire lass Communication yeaded to reduta antenna at tor the Le ar oY muhleing PurpAa ch Tn wired CommuniCation modulatton ia neaded heiskt and 32/7 Audio i (20H2 2okte) 92.7 ree FM 93Se ( Channs) 3 Audio 2 (20 H2-20 ke) E n Avdio 3 (20H2-2o kz) FM MMZ Based on Communication a Commucation ckannal, a mode ode otronsmiAton channels netwok ave a dwded i t o two ec Cotegorie. Communicatabn on acCompiah ed by means o acro ic normatten tr The transmissien s Commuwcation channels: ch El Communication channelsA at Guided Probazation Cat channds yW Broad Co-aal Calla Mobs adio channals nB Tusted Pair Casl Ungidad ar Fre probayahan tibera Satallrte chamel Le ar optial YouTube Video Link, LearnByWatchElectronics, Teacher: Raj Kumar Thenua ( The The chavackrjctic JmpedancA ia 90 aa T t Can aLow signaauin 11o Tlted Pair cahla a PVC o sheath. o-200 yW ch at Supbonta on TanAmipion aalactrica sizna Cabl Seberated by aa Cobber a ue and aktenuoakton. X Cobber Conducto Eig 1. Tuasted inner Conductor Consist o an dielectric ingulating ar Co-axial Le A4 nB Co-axia Cahla - kHz Banduidh, without my El Tuted Pair Cabla tr en Cased in Cosiat ec A s uikes ic Palys to igne tranamjaaion. which each two Salid Cobber Conductaa ench uping bult channl » The talephone on Tuuated Poir Cala outer Conductor materi. mada o and n Pair Cable outer Conductor The inner Conductr h Cobper Coated etal. made o s ic on tr ec El ch at yW nB ar Le 9 and ilica Pure claddin gla4A are both mada and the Jackat i GH. majr dikadvantase o opt yW The CLED laper) the Rane Le ar nB Cost. tbe Cahl at o oera banduidth n cAadain Light soUrca ch obtica tbre mada El oPatie. o ec Coe tr byathin Patective Tacket. The probagakinq wave s Coines cladding a ic Cantad Cove wutin which tha and Core a Surounded b a ayer, ushith a p e sumounded Conpiat on It F 3 optica ftber uithout waes yting a bhyaic ic Tranaport Eleetromagnetic s unguided or rea Shac Probzatin Conductor may be suda pobagokron, Trobospheric Psobazation EM Pcsatio, Lonoatherie bropagation and Spac praposatron tr on wave The much Coatly. El InibiaSatub a ec Tt ia yaed fo long dxtanca tanamisnion. bvoadcat wireless in Unguded Probagation * adio and Tala union signals. Propataon channils tar M at ch yged Prouwding broad- Axea Coverage nB For Fox yW alss ed nmobil Communicatiouy t and 4-Hz band both a tar sataldite for tha downLink. Le uplink ar Satallte channa ced. The bobular tre9uany The m n . Continenta and Communicabion intertonainenta da 6 Gte t find tre quanties contained ec tr xt) FTxf on Aed to Fourier Tranadorm is bapically b ven ime domain siqnad. ic s Fourer Tansorm Prek voia sig- Shectrm at Atouptic ch El xE) Anakyser ar nB yW wVhM Spectrum Anauser shoua sbectrum a Le ,IxcE| 30ok 3-5kle sig. YouTube Video Link, LearnByWatchElectronics, Teacher: Raj Kumar Thenua ( Neac o Fouier TranAlm ic s Ampliba ec VVVVVV tr on Amlitud V Le ar nB yW at ch El MMMwww% MOMOMOAMOMMMMOMOAMOMOAA Wew t o Time Domain Amp time (2 ( s ic on tr ec El ch at yW nB ar Le ( Sin(xf t) x zft s xf = A At sinc[ft] 1 ec Sinc[ft] tr xfy = on ic xcf yW Highest Rectangudar Pule Le Bw = ar Signal Bandwidth Contains nB Rectangular Pulse at ch El t r l,2,t3-. = entire band +ve frequ4nty- trequencias lowest +ve de -o frequanty to +0o s Band Lu'miting ProcesA Psober TranamiAsion o a signa on channa BanduidthSignad Banduiat tr trangmiauion o Rectangular Pulse banduidh aja re9uired but fora racti should be ivite channe banduidth | HC Low Pass& El a channal haing o at ch Filter Tewred. yW Thereove band Limiking To LPF Outbut AT Band imited ar nB band imik a signal all ita Signiicaw tre qiny Componenta has to be retained inianiitant fre9uenty Component has to b lumineked. Le and AA ec For Band Unimited ic for YouTube Video Link, LearnByWatchElectronics, Teacher: Raj Kumar Thenua ( signad Prober Low Jto ch at yW nB ar tilter CLPF) u u he availasko chann bandmidth in ctentt El URe manner Le Pas8 ec Ued. allow u treuancies wul be low freguencias tr a ic signad Signiicant Generally tor bandimit therere band these a on othe Signad. Bandlimiting Baralimiting tatal strengh s SigniCant te9uentias Contains almopt 95/-99/ Vaic30on-3-5kMa Avlio 2o He/- 20 k2 video o Sz s Band Lu'miting ProcesA Psober TranamiAsion o a signa on channa BanduidthSignad Banduiat tr trangmiauion o Rectangular Pulse banduidh aja re9uired but fora racti should be ivite channe banduidth | HC Low Pass& El a channal haing o at ch Filter Tewred. yW Thereove band Limiking To LPF Outbut AT Band imited ar nB band imik a signal all ita Signiicaw tre qiny Componenta has to be retained inianiitant fre9uenty Component has to b lumineked. Le and AA ec For Band Unimited ic for YouTube Video Link, LearnByWatchElectronics, Teacher: Raj Kumar Thenua ( signad Prober Low Jto ch at yW nB ar tilter CLPF) u u he availasko chann bandmidth in ctentt El URe manner Le Pas8 ec Ued. allow u treuancies wul be low freguencias tr a ic signad Signiicant Generally tor bandimit therere band these a on othe Signad. Bandlimiting Baralimiting tatal strengh s SigniCant te9uentias Contains almopt 95/-99/ Vaic30on-3-5kMa Avlio 2o He/- 20 k2 video o Sz s ic on tr ec El ch at ar nB yW 3 Le YouTube Video Link, LearnByWatchElectronics, Teacher: Raj Kumar Thenua ( s ic ad a on tr ec El ch at yW nB ar Le at (3 FT xtf) on t) ic s 3. Modulation Proper tr then ec x(f-£) + x(f+f) Le ar nB yW at ch El 2 s Modulation:(Baseband Passband aignada) ic Concept baseband signak, saseband Sana Can ex. Vaica net ete drecky throush an antenna X tre9uencies ( z iooRHE ) Paband or Band Pas Sand. yW known os ky) El ch SgniCant igher ignd Conpia wideo at a Audio, tranamitted Voia; 30eH2 3.r kna Audio; 20e 20 KM2 Video *o SMMz a , tr as ec knoun to on to Ta sugned Conpizt q signiiCant loutre quancies (Up Mt) BandPan si Le ar nB Paka snd Can be tranamilted Band directly throush an ankenna YouTube Video Link, LearnByWatchElectronics, Teacher: Raj Kumar Thenua ( (2 Bandpas* ABSUme meaga we Can Sy ian. siga mt easeband Signa Mf ec m at MS C Le JVVVVIUVVU ar AAMAMA Ae Cgn(arft) yW - nB uignact) - to k u 2 tokM2 Let IMH= ]00o KMz FT Baaeband Lo Pa4s ign El ch FT Cabrier s or **in ic HF) Yesion Lower fre quanty (LF) on toHighex tre quan Converted into tranalaked from ign J the tr ey modlation Band Paf SAgn on ic s Modulated signa st) = mtt). cit) S tr FT 99o k looo lolo ka modulation Dinakion!n yW Modulat'on js the Proass at ch El ec - 1o loh-leooh-90ok which (e Amituda Freqany ov Phape) on charackeratic faramater Camier ja vaed inearly th Le ar nB wuith ebect to memage signod Amplitud Vavaations. ! s ic on tr ec El ch at yW nB ar Le AAUme message igna mt) and given at nB be a re writen AM Modwator a» ar eO Can c Kamt] Caaarft A+Ka where ka: Amplitude Senpitrui = yW SamA) a ch A Signd ezpreguion aier signal El cLt)= A Cop artt Genesad Vaed ic to respect uwih on Jinear ineary tr i ProCana the Anitude C a r l e r d Variationa measaga Signa Amktuda which in ec Tt the s Amplituda Modulation (AM): Le SAm4)= Ac CgAR +Akamtt) Casartt Cavwier ina Medudaed sigal YouTube Video Link, LearnByWatchElectronics, Teacher: Raj Kumar Thenua ( T s ic on tr ec El ch at yW nB ar Le (3 ic beComes ar nB yW at ch El ec tr A[ scf-t)+ Sci+4] + A[t-4)+H¢f«£) Le s ee, yow es on Take foure Tranpom Amitui modulated signal Santt) s Fov Platting reany spectom al s ic on tr ec El ch at yW nB ar Le sing treuandy Campome, ic Cowtai The mesiage. signa s Singla tone AM = Ac Cop artt Ae+amuks CoaaTft = at SAmt) El kow that ch We ct) ec and tr AgAUme mlt) = Am Co2T tint repulting on modulated ignad ia knam ad inga tone AM AM. then t h Le ar nB yW SAMLA)= A+KaAm Corant ] Coparft I ka An Aoddation dnde o A) Under medulakion I Criti Mod«Iation over over Modulation YouTube Video Link, LearnByWatchElectronics, Teacher: Raj Kumar Thenua ( M ot O I s ic on tr ec El ch at yW nB ar Le 1 For o (No modulation) ic s Power o AM For e= tr on eA 2R A s P increaes trom ec Fuss=s (A/aR A8R sa=Fusat Fiss A+ A= BR 4R 8R A 2 yW nB ar where: Alter modulation Power Belore modndation P: Cartier Power : Carier oto1 dnereaed at ] R tatal At Power a 50. El ch 4-R Le (loo/. moduNation) 11 af s ic on tr ec El ch at yW nB ar Le 1 Power Tranemiter Power n nven know th on we madulation. El ec tr So yoow. ic Find AM ranAmiter Power uith 307 ven s An unmodulated Am tansmiter . ch yo0fe+ ar w Le S62 nB yeow 1t(oo yW 0.9> at Peyoow YouTube Video Link, LearnByWatchElectronics, Teacher: Raj Kumar Thenua ( se1oo w R ic on Gaven tatal Am trantmitter Power o 6 we ch El ec fuu(, AA. 8R 2RUX yW 5S.ssw at 2 nB Pets= Sss.s+ l00 ar 6ssSSW Le S given by loow tr Fnd totalsideband Power s s 2. Fos an A AM 2R ic ko.9,41A, 414,14? at ch El ec tr when 9.43A yW T O'5. s 1oA utth e o: hat nB know ar we iA ivn y AM transmiter Cumrent wwt Le Find anamiter cumet on 3. An Am sign o aind CoAaT xio' tA sig 2 Cas 6Txidt with reos. 5 Am Banduidh Amibude modulated by antenna Reaistanta s A Cartier a ic 9. meuaz zven by lo. ec tr hny A2 t3ky2 .S w = 2xt Carrer fower 2x3ka ar ci Am fe = A= 2R Le c , R= lo at 2 Coa GTx* nB m) jooo K ch A SVf=|o° El Civ 1-41 w yW S on CAeier Power, tata Power, Sidaband Powe, and lat trequAntSectmm. , 6kMz 2Xlo So= e -Pe = l141-I-2 l-2sw YouTube Video Link, LearnByWatchElectronics, Teacher: Raj Kumar Thenua ( 1 at yW nB ar Le on tr ec El ch 1 11 s ic 1 Parametena A a l he we kro CoA 2000rt +5 es 2400 Xt Hat SAn) Ae oAaft Ae lov, leooz + Ae ConrCt+f)t + Ae 2 ec So +Io 2f2000 = 2xfn By W 1 2X 2 0 Mz ar n ci A &. Jo Le 2x1 arct-fJt . at eleooM2 A o El ind 5 CoAI6oort : tr on SA) ic s An Am signad a ch . Sow 24 yo8 Mz tiv) ee= - e 7s-So 2s fA= 33-33/. YouTube Video Link, LearnByWatchElectronics, Teacher: Raj Kumar Thenua ( 1 at 1 1 yW nB ar Le on tr ec El ch 11 s ic ( Am,Coartn, t + AmCoA axtut that A[ Ramt] Cosar£ nB AAUme s yW at SA4) ic ec Khow = mult. tone Am. a e reaulting El We mt) known tre9eny ch Aszume s one on modulated Signa Jthan mare tr Multi-tone AmTmeAage mesge aigna Contains KaAm= Ka Am Le ar SA4)= Ai+r conar fnt+ Ca atnt] Caaaxft YouTube Video Link, LearnByWatchElectronics, Teacher: Raj Kumar Thenua ( +A Marfet Caa ar fat s SAt)A conarft + An cgsarkt toAarf coa ar Cf+f t + A cos ar (f-t,)* ic A copartt + A VSB- on t+e ar (f+ cok LSB-1 Cos ar Cfe-tm) tr USB-2 El ec AAsUme 7 Ls8- yW = (+n)- -+m) nB 2tm 2tma ar Bandwuidh 2xihat treund Le AM at ch A meAA na A s ic on tr ec El ch at yW nB ar Le s ic on tr ec El ch 1 1 Le ar nB yW at 1 YouTube Video Link, LearnByWatchElectronics, Teacher: Raj Kumar Thenua ( 19 1 1 s ic on tr ec El ch at yW nB ar Le 11 1 s ic on tr ec El ch at yW nB ar Le ( AM ModuWatovA:are Known AM as modulatoqs, on Waves ic s The ciruts wuich are Used tor the Generation o Amlitude Modulakes tr O Square laus modulakar ec Swtthing Me dudatrr ch dioda thi cirtut a squa law deuica ike s knoun a d Squarelaw modlator, mt) therafr BPF SA nB Dewca yW Diod Square ed at n El Sruare law Moduotr!- O Le LoCa oCiAatr ar ACoar£t Fiyi. Suare law Modudatar YouTube Video Link, LearnByWatchElectronics, Teacher: Raj Kumar Thenua ( Vo inear Jinesr ic ( law Square aw Vi on Squave s Vo V tr VA V,a,V+aV +a, v+ ch genermte we e n e n b Oberata n Now strength ofactial merage ignad j at and he Carmier Squareas Conyaider h Sum ar eeented by V and t Le uuth th strengh a much Sma dibde Can be yW kvow that unear char. nB We - El At low valtags : suare laus ehar. At igh valkagus : -- ec ioda chamckeratie characteiatit rezion. mesAa Sgn Camer signa nea and peak Volkage j s Ac Coa r t ic =mt)+ C) The outpuk a squae laus dawca on V= mt) + ch ,+V El Consider onlytirat two tema ec tr zvenb at amt+ AcoAar£t)+mt+Ae (grarf+) Le ar nB yW a(m+ ACosarf+)+ / m+ Acanix +2Am x xEA) Reapons o BPF sa apliedn BPF honld be as shawn in tase s ( e v) ic The dioda outpuk on The = nB SAm)= a,Ae SAt4) th i sigsign modulakd SAmt) aACA rtt+ 2a,Ae mt) CoA r t yW Sa) + 2 Mt)| Cas art Ati+KamA)] Coxa t | ar ePop wwe at tlter ontput Le Band Paas ch El ec tr HC whe A , Ae ka 2a(Am ty) a 'Senitru wuh hi Perdamed tr square Law demodlator Envelohe datectar Aouin helf tallouing on damoduatora , O s Can be ic Demodudation of AM Demoduation o AM Sagnals datecto Sunchronaw detec.tor or coherent datector 3 Ay Val ec El Demodulatrr! ch Square lau at O 0ibde o Dewce LPF mt Le ar nB 1 yW Square law SA demoddatr E.BlotKdiagram Suare law YouTube Video Link, LearnByWatchElectronics, Teacher: Raj Kumar Thenua ( Asigna expsemion s Genera Ac Coar tt + Ackamtt) Cosant SANL&)= A[+ kam] Coaarit rhented &4 on i deuca eufuk tr Squaye lau ec + Aekamit) (oxartt|+A.Cgaartt+ Aekamlt)Caaa£* oiarit ACartt + Akmt) coaar]+A cOsinft +Ar +2Akamk) Cosat ch at yW nB X ar , El AAaKtt Le Let 2 ic We Know 2 X -.. X 1 z + s ic on tr ec El ch at yW nB ar Le zn z|» should N be high t ferdect re Construetion s that meand should be Very ow. be o-2 = 2/. ic should igh So that nat Prea damodudakton. Le ar nB yW trr Am 24k 2t0-2 that meAns 987. Power Wasted diataibukion shousd be square law demodlatar t fower El tent ch for at u ec Sow, eieny wl be Ver dow, tr on (0 s Envelope Detector demodlation AM ic ysed tur tha Tt Ja veSima and cheaper. +ve o t aphlied signal and produtes tr detector (ED) extact en at the output. Can be ted tor FsI ch Rs c R at SA4) datector an be F>I V Envalope Dekecto deaigned uith t halp o daoda 4 Capaiter as shown in Le En velope ar nB Eip tales tor yW Vi Tt El Envelobe datectr ec Envelope ne. on Envelobe datector is YouTube Video Link, LearnByWatchElectronics, Teacher: Raj Kumar Thenua ( AMUme dibde ja doa Rlo » Sc (shot Cirtu) PN R:B oc (oben chrut) dnhut E D a a sinyaaida wave when t=ot (Greater than zero) PN F8 ec be elairad f. Re ch Caje tiy Can El ED woing atallows tr shown in tisa. Now the t on ARAUMe the Righ s F.B ic PN 3.C V at Time Canatnt Cape cii) when t= t Le ar PN R B nB yW RCshoudd be Smadl, So hat Cabatitr char aatowarda nput. 0C HE (W) ic E s on tr ec El ch at yW nB ar Le Vi -V. at ED inut nB ar A1+ km4] Conar yW VCoaat Le NOTE ch El ec tr on ic s For Projer envelope datection Rsc showld be mall and Rc shondd be hign. A[1+Kam - Act Ackamtt) ang threush abacdk SAnl4) = ka mt) Ac[1+ M] Coa arft 5v AAAUm ka=| at I+kam Sv yW - SA El +ve. ch Care ci) Should be that mean CCxibica yoduaion ) Cape cii) AAAUme ka SAH ov Itank) Le ar nB -yv 1+Kam ec AcC+ kam4] Should be +e tr tos envelobe datector I+kamtt) Asume Ka= s Caseti) know t h a on We ic Impo.tanCa Amplitude Sensitiuity Cka) over modulated) CUnder modsakion YouTube Video Link, LearnByWatchElectronics, Teacher: Raj Kumar Thenua ( s ic on tr ec El ch at yW nB ar P. Le aM Ros Should re meAa signad, congtrueton bPerack in both Synchronous ic Loca tr Perdact tre queny and or We oAcNatar outtut Phae w h reapeat ec For Am Sna, on Syndhronous dateckor ip sed tor the demo duation Can Say to e CoveY meAAg Signal mut). s Synchronouk Detector or Coherent datector: ch El to trangmiter Carries. SAnt LPF mt) yW at MuObie Coherent datector Le ar nB LoLoaloscillatar YouTube Video Link, LearnByWatchElectronics, Teacher: Raj Kumar Thenua ( + ro ct chPlar El e at yW nB ar Le cs ni easiy Synchronization additional Cirtutar A Ac CoAartet on A ka m(t) CA AT tt + for Loc oA Clator output El Nou ConAider two Ca tr A + Kamt)] Cosxft+ ec = to mantain e d k h maks Synekronoa datector vera Ccovna SA&) but ic Pha Can be maintained s Fre9uaney Synchronizatton yW SAA.CLO)ojp ar nB =A Co2xft Le mulojp at ch Case ci AAAUme Lo output = AcCokant (Pexdect Synehronigotion) + A kamt) Ca ax fet 2 s ic on tr ec El ch at yW nB ar Le -