Uploaded by Jorge Hidalgo

PVHS Engineering Academy Bi-Laws

Rev. 3
Engineering academy Bi-Laws
We are happy that you decided to be in our academy at PVHS! As a member of our
academy, you will receive many benefits, including, but not limited to::
❖ Dedicated and supportive teachers who will work to provide the support you
need. Students are always a topic of discussion at the weekly academy teacher
collaboration meeting
❖ When you take our PLTW and AP computer Science course with Cx or better,
you will fulfill UC/CSU A-G requirements.
❖ Study trips to companies, organizations, and schools focused on Engineering
and Trade
❖ Guest speakers
❖ Use of a computer lab
❖ Many resources for support and guidance
❖ And more!
Behavior Expectations:
Being in an academy is a privilege. We believe suspensions, cursing teachers out,
being disrespectful to teachers, damaging equipment and PVHS staff is not acceptable.
If you continually misbehave in any academy class, you will start a behavior contract.
We will send a letter home to parents, may have a robo call sent home, you will be
given a chance to improve. If no improvement is seen, you may be asked to leave the
Summer Opportunities:
We encourage our students to expand their knowledge in the technology field by participating in
summer camps or attend community college:
❖ Contra Costa Development Economic partnership
➢ Solar Camp
➢ Environmental Camp
➢ Engineering Camp (obtain college credit, held at DVC)
➢ Bioengineering Camp
➢ All of the camps are free to wccusd students
➢ All camps are 1 week, in most cases free bus picks up and drop students
off at PVHS
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❖ Contra Costa Community College or other local community college.
College Credit:
A major benefit of joining PVHS engineering is the student’s ability to earn college credit through
articulation agreement with CCC.
❖ Students must complete IED and POE with C or better and obtain a B on the final
in each class.
❖ Students must register while in POE for CCC. No cost to student
❖ Benefit of registering and obtaining college credit:
➢ Save money in college
➢ Obtain a state community college identification and CCC identification
Project Lead The Way (PLTW) Affiliation
Project Lead The Way provides transformative learning experiences for K-12 students and teachers
across the U.S. by creating an engaging, hands-on classroom…
● Some colleges give PLTW students priority admittance
Grade policy:
We require any student who receive any grades lower than D, in math,english,science,or
engineering/computer science to seek tutoring
● PVHS offers tutoring normally tuesday -thursday
● Your engineering teachers are available during office hours, lunch and after school by
● Grades will be monitored prior to progress report cards are due, a letter or Robo call
from principal will be communicated to parents/guardian.
● If students have not improved grades within 6 weeks of being notified of their tutoring
requirement, we will request a parent meeting; and ultimately removal from Academy.
Study Trips:
All students are eligible to attend study trips. In some cases the number of students permitted to
go is limited by the hosting company or chaperons available by PVHS. In most cases students
are allowed to go on Maximum 2 study trips a year.
Cheating and plagiarism is NOT tolerated -severe consequences will be enforced for any type of
cheating, copying or plagiarizing.
Academy computer Lab
Use of the computer lab, laptops, and tablets is a privilege. If you do not follow district, school,
and academy protocols when using technology, you will lose your privilege. Refer to the student
hand book.
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Joining and leaving the academy
Most students join our academy in 9th grade. In some rare cases students will join as an 11th
grader but these students will have to complete a Transfer Assignment to make up knowledge
gained in the 10th grade class.
After 10th grade you can switch academies if there is a good reason to do so, but it is
Stay connected:
Sign up to receive text reminders about Academy related activities and news. You only need to
sign up once during your academy time. Go to remind.com/join/1pvhseng or text @pvhspare to
the number 81010.
Check out engineering website: https://www.wccusd.net/Page/4573
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-----------------------------------------cut below and return below information-------------------We have read the rules and mission of the PVHS engineering academy and agree to the terms.
___________________________________ _____________________________
Signed by Parent:
Parent Contact number
Parent Email
Student Name (please print)
_____I am an approved chaperon for wccusd, ie fingerprint on file.
______I am willing to assist at senior celebration
______ My company would be an interesting place for us to visit.
Name of company,_________________________________
contact information ____________________________ .
Other comments: _______________________________________________