SURVEY QUESTIONNAIRE ON COMPETITION ANXIETIES IN VOLLEYBALL MATCHES AMONG VOLLEYBALL PLAYERS OF BALUGO NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL- SENIOR HIGH: A BASIS FOR COMPETITION ANXIETY REDUCTION PROGRAM General Directions. Please read the directions carefully for each part of this self-evaluation questionnaire. Please answer it honestly. Part 1. The Demographic Profile of Senior High Volleyball Players of Balugo National High School. Directions. Please provide the necessary information. Please put a checkmark on the box on whatever is applicable. 1. Name (Optional): _______________________ 2. Gender: Male Female 3. Grade Level: Grade 11 Grade 12 4. Age: ___________ Part 2. Level of Competition Anxieties Among Senior High Volleyball Players of Balugo National High School in Volleyball Match. Directions. Read each statement and mark “X” as the appropriate number which indicates your level of somatic, cognitive, state, and trait anxiety. Scoring Legend: Rating Scale Qualitative Description 5 Strongly Agree 4 Agree 3 Moderately Agree 2 Disagree 1 Least Disagree Interpretation This means that the volleyball player experiences a high level of competition anxiety in a volleyball match. This means that the volleyball player experiences a moderately high level of competition anxiety in a volleyball match. This means that the volleyball player experiences a moderate level of competition anxiety in a volleyball match. This means that the volleyball player experiences a moderately low level of competition anxiety in a volleyball match. This means that the volleyball player experiences a low level of competition anxiety in a volleyball match. A. Statements of Somatic Anxiety as adapted from Competitive State Anxiety Inventory-2 by Martens et al. (1990) 1. I feel nervous. 2. I feel jittery. 3. My body feels tense. 4. I feel tense in my stomach. 5. My body feels relaxed 6. My heart is racing. 7. I feel my stomach sinking. 8. My hands are clammy. 9. My body feels tight. 10. My feet feel cold. Rating Scale 5 4 3 2 1 B. Statements of Cognitive Anxiety as adapted from Rating Scale Competitive State Anxiety Inventory-2 by Martens et al. 5 4 3 2 1 (1990) 1. I am concerned about this performance. 2. I have self-doubts. 3. I am concerned I may not do as well in this performance as I could. 4. I am concerned about losing or doing poorly. 5. I am worried about performing well. 6. I’m concerned about performing poorly. 7. I’m worried about reaching my goal. 8. I’m concerned that others will be disappointed with my performance. 9. I’m concerned I won’t able to focus. 10. I’m concerned that I won’t be at ease. C. Statements of State Anxiety as adapted from State-Trait Rating Scale Anxiety Inventory Form Y-1 by 5 4 3 2 1 C. D. Spielberger and R.L. Gorsuch (1970) 1. I feel calm. 2. I feel secure. 3. I am tense. 4. I feel strained. 5. I feel at ease. 6. I feel upset. 7. I am presently worrying over possible misfortunes. 8. I feel satisfied. 9. I feel frightened. 10. I feel comfortable. 11. I feel self-confident. 12. I feel nervous. 13. I am jittery. 14. I feel indecisive. 15. I am relaxed. 16. I feel upset. 17. I am worried. 18. I feel confused. 19. I feel steady. 20. I feel pleasant. D. Statements of Trait Anxiety as adapted from State-Trait Anxiety Inventory Y-2 by C. D. Spielberger and R.L. Gorsuch (1970). 1. I feel pleasant. 2. I feel nervous and restless. 3. I feel satisfied with myself. 4. I wish I could be as happy as others seem to be 5. I feel like a failure. 6. I feel rested. 7. I am “calm, cool, and collected”. 8. I feel that difficulties are piling up so that I cannot overcome them. 9. I worry too much over something that doesn’t matter. 10. I am happy. 11. I have disturbing thoughts. 12. I lack self-confidence. 13. I feel secure. 14. I make decisions easily. 15. I feel inadequate. 16. I am contented. 17. Some unimportant thought runs through my mind and bothers me. 18. I take disappointments so keenly that I can’t put them out of my mind. 19. I am a steady person. 20. I get in a state of tension or turmoil as I think over my recent concerns and interests. Rating Scale 5 4 3 2 1 Part 3. Feeling Experienced by the Respondents Experienced In Volleyball Match. Directions. Read each statement and mark “X” as the appropriate number which indicates your feeling of somatic, cognitive, state, and trait anxiety. Scoring Legend: Rating Scale Qualitative Description 5 Strongly Agree 4 Agree 3 Moderately Agree 2 Disagree 1 Least Disagree Interpretation This means that the volleyball player always experienced such feelings in a volleyball match. This means that the volleyball player usually experienced such feelings in a volleyball match. This means that the volleyball player frequently experienced such feelings in a volleyball match. This means that the volleyball player sometimes experienced such feelings during a volleyball match. This means that the volleyball player occasionally experienced such feelings in a volleyball match. A. Statements of Somatic Anxiety as adapted from Competitive State Anxiety Inventory-2 by Martens et al. (1990) 1. I feel nervous. 2. I feel jittery. 3. I feel tense in my stomach. 4. I feel that my body is relaxed. 5. I feel my stomach sinking. 6. I feel that my body is tight. 7. I feel my heart racing. 8. I feel my feet are cold. 9. I feel my hands are clammy. 10. I feel my body tense. Rating Scale 5 4 3 2 1 B. Statements of Cognitive Anxiety as adapted from Rating Scale Competitive State Anxiety Inventory-2 by Martens et al. 5 4 3 2 1 (1990) 1. I am concerned about this performance. 2. I have self-doubts. 3. I am concerned I may not do as well in this performance as I could. 4. I am concerned about losing or doing poorly. 5. I am worried about performing well. 6. I’m concerned about performing poorly. 7. I’m worried about reaching my goal. 8. I’m concerned that others will be disappointed with my performance. 9. I’m concerned I won’t able to focus. 10. I’m at ease. C. Statements of State Anxiety as adapted from State-Trait Rating Scale Anxiety Inventory Form Y-1 by 5 4 3 2 1 C. D. Spielberger and R.L. Gorsuch (1970) 1. I feel calm. 2. I feel secure. 3. I am tense. 4. I feel strained. 5. I feel at ease. 6. I feel upset. 7. I feel satisfied. 8. I feel frightened. 9. I feel comfortable. 10. I feel self-confident. 11. I feel nervous. 12. I feel indecisive. 13. I feel upset. 14. I feel confused. 15. I feel steady. 16. I feel pleasant. D. Statements of Trait Anxiety as adapted from State-Trait Anxiety Inventory Y-2 by C. D. Spielberger and R.L. Gorsuch (1970). 1. I feel pleasant. 2. I feel nervous and restless. 3. I feel satisfied with myself. Rating Scale 5 4 3 2 1 4. I feel like a failure. 5. I feel rested. 6. I feel that difficulties are piling up so that I cannot overcome them. 7. I feel secure. 8. I feel inadequate. 9. I feel calm, cool, and, collected. 10. I feel happy.