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Technical Drawing SBA Portfolio: Building Drawing Option

Name of Centre: Arthur Waldron Seventh Day Adventist Academy
Teacher Name: Mrs. Igna Vidal
Subject Name: Technical Drawing
Option: Building Drawing
Proficiency: General
Centre Code: 070011
Candidate Name: Jeanmac Michel St.Rose Elizee
Candidate Registration Number:
Examination Year: 2023
Table of Contents
Introduction…………………………………………………………………………………Page No. 4
Fundamentals of Technical Drawing………………………………………………………..Page No. 5
Geometrical Construction…………………………………………………………………....Page No.6
Building Drawing………………………………………………………..…………..……...Page No. 7
Selected Evidence for SBA Mark…………………………………………………………...Page No. 8
Section 1: Fundamentals of Technical Drawing
1. Occupational Health, Safety and the Environment..........................................................Page No.9
2. Solution: Equipment, Tools, Materials, Lettering, Linework, Dimensions and Scales...........Page No. 12
Importance of Technical Drawing to the Industry……………………………………Page No.12
Project- Lines, symbols, and Conventions for materials........................................Page No.13
Project- Drawing Equipment and materials...........................................................Page No.21
Section 2: Geometrical Construction
Solution: Plane Geometry………………………………………….……………………..Page No.33
Solution: Solid Geometry……………….…………………………………………………Page No.34
Section 3: Building Drawing
Building Drawing Project…………………………………………………………..….…..Page No.35
Business Plan………………………………………………………………………………Page No.38
Self Reflection……………………………………………..……………………………….Page No.39
My name is Michel Elizee, and I am a student at the Arthur Waldron Seventh-Day
Adventist Academy. I am waiting to write my CSEC examinations in the year two
thousand and twenty-three. I chose the subject of Technical Drawing because it stood out
to me from the other choices. I always adored art and the world of drawing and
geometrical shapes. During the past four years of practicing this subject, I have honed
and developed my skill of drawing. I have been assembling my electronic portfolio, and
as you will observe, I have met the demand of my Technical Drawing School-Based
Assessment. Within this portfolio, I have compiled evidence of work done during my
years as well as growth in my drawing skill.
Fundamentals of Technical Drawing
The safety and hygiene standards in technical drawings are essential because they look for
projects that are free of dirt and have an impeccable presentation. It is imperative that the job site
of a drawing professional does not have stains of ink, dust, or rubbish. Always be aware that
work items such as squares, compasses, rulers, and bevels are clean because they are the
elements that will be in contact with the surface of the drawings.
Here are 10 safety and hygiene measures:
Do not eat or drink from the work area
Hands should be kept clean at all times during work.
Keep the work area clean and try to keep it in order.
All drawing instruments should be kept clean with a cloth or towel.
Try to always keep the eraser free of ink and graphite.
Have a brush to wipe away any debris from the eraser.
Always try to have a natural light entrance at your workplace..
Never carry your work items into your mouth.
The pencil should always be kept sharp and should be used properly. It should be kept
away from the drawing sheet and other instruments.
10. Rubbing or erasure should be done correctly with a soft eraser.
Geometrical Construction
Geometrical construction involves construction employing only straightedge and
compasses or is affected by drawing only straight lines and circles. Constructive solid
geometry allows a modeler to create a complex surface or object by using Boolean
operators to combine simpler objects, potentially generating visually complex objects by
combining a few primitive ones. Plane geometries are flat shapes like lines, circles, and
Building Drawings
An object is turned into one of these drawing views to help better understand the dimensions of
that said object.
● As-built drawings and record drawings
● Assembly drawings
● Block plan
● Component drawings
● Concept drawings and sketches
● Construction drawings and working drawings
● Design drawings
● Detail drawings
● Electrical drawing
● Elevations
● Floor plans
● Engineering drawing
● Location drawings/general arrangement drawings
● Installation drawings
● Location plan
● Perspective
● Production drawing
● Roof plan
● Scale drawing
● Section drawings
● Shop drawings
● Site plans
Selective Evidence of SBA Mark
Section 1
Solution: Occupational Health, Safety and the Environment
Hazards and hazardous substances
Hazard - a hazard is a potential source of harm or adverse health effect on a person or persons.
Hazardous Substances - is any material that can cause harm to you either directly or indirectly.
Example of a material safety data sheet:
Storing of materials and supplies safely:
Perform a mock drill for an emergency
The emergency procedure for an Earthquake.
If an earthquake happens, protect yourself right away:
If you are in a car, pull over and stop. Set your parking brake.
If you are in bed, turn face down and cover your head and neck with a pillow.
If you are outdoors, stay outdoors away from buildings.
If you are inside, stay and do not run outside and avoid doorways.
1. Drop (or Lock)
Drop to your knees and grab hold of something strong wherever you are. Make sure your wheels
are secured if you're using a wheelchair or walker with a seat, and stay seated until the shaking
2. Cover
Use your arms to envelop your neck and head. Crawl below a strong table or desk for cover if
one is nearby. Crawl next to an internal wall if there isn't a shelter nearby (away from windows).
Only crawl if there is no other way to get to better cover without wading through more rubble.
To protect your important organs, keep a crouching position.
3. Hold On
Hold on with one hand if you are below a desk or table and prepare to move with it if it moves.
Bend forward, cover your head with your arms, and hold on to your neck with both hands if
you're seated and unable to get to the floor.
Evidence of the mock drill being performed at my school (Arthur Waldron Seventh-Day
Adventist Academy)
Solution: Equipment, Tools, Materials, Lettering,
Linework, Dimensions and Scales
“What is the importance of Technical Drawing to the industry?”
One field that makes use of the global universal languages of lines and numbers is
technical drawing. This language has such a wide range of applications that anybody and
everyone may comprehend what is written on the page without there being words.
Detailed visual presentations are produced to help assist the individual in completing the
building made out of the technical drawing.
Lines, Symbols, and Conventions for materials
Date: October 15th 2022
Name: Michel Elizee
Teacher: Mrs. Igna Vidal
Subject: Technical Drawing
Lines are infinitely long collections of points extending in two opposite directions.
The use of lines and symbols for engineers- The use of line symbols enables engineers/designers
to express the features of designed products clearly and accurately and the symbols are also an
international language.
Line weight is the visual lightness, darkness, or heaviness of a line within a drawing. In any
architectural drawing, from a sketch to a construction drawing, the interplay of different relative
line weights is used to communicate depth, importance, and proximity.
Table of Contents
Definition of lines…………………………..………….………………..pg 16
Types of lines…………………………………………………………….pg 17
Functions of lines…………………………………………………….pg 18-19
What is a line?
A line is a long, narrow mark or band
Examples of a line:
Types of lines
There a different types of lines such as; straight, curved, parallel, intersecting and perpendicular.
The lines which are more focused n engineering/ technical drawing are:
● Object/Visible
● Construction
● Dimension
● Hidden
● Centre
● Extension
● Cutting plane
● Short and long break
Functions of each line
Object/Visible- a visible line, or object line is a thick
continuous line, used to outline the visible edges or contours
of an object.
Construction- are the guiding lines that you draw to
help you to draw main lines. They do not form the
part of the model you are drawing. They are drawn
slightly faint .
● Dimension- is a fine, dark, solid line with arrowheads
on each end. It indicates direction and extent of a
dimension. In machine sketches and drawings, in
which fractions and decimals are used for
dimensions, the dimension line is usually broken near the middle to provide open space
for the dimension numerals.
Hidden- also known as a hidden object line is a
medium weight line, made of short dashes about 1/8”
long with 1/16”gaps, to show edges, surfaces and
corners which cannot be seen.
Centre- is to show circular/cylindrical features in a
drawing, which are found in abundance in
mechanical parts.
Extension- continue or extend from the surface of
the object and establish the size of the dimension.
They do not touch the object lines and extend slightly
past the dimension line. Extension lines provide a
means of displaying a measurement without placing
the dimension on the part.
Cutting Plane- on the plans they are drawing up to
differentiate what is inside an object and what lies
outside it. The cutting plane line bisects the object
and provides a view of its interior features.
Short and Long Break- They are used to remove, or 'break
out” part of a drawing for clarity, and also to shorten objects
which have the same shape throughout their length and may
be too long to place on the drawing. Short and long break
lines are used for flat surfaces.
Leader- is a line that establishes a
connection between a graphical
representation of an item and some text.
Phantom- are long-short-short-long lines most often
used to show the travel or movement of an object or a
part in alternate positions. It can also be used to show
adjacent objects or features.
Section- a line representing the boundary of a section
of land. One of a series of parallel lines indicating a
cut surface in a mechanical or architectural drawing.
Drawing Equipment and Materials
Date: October 15th 2022
Name: Michel Elizee
Teacher: Mrs. Igna Vidal
Subject: Technical Drawing
Table of Contents
Definition of equipment and materials……………….………………..pg 23
Equipment and tools……...………………………………………….pg 18-19
Drawing Instruments……………………………………………….pg 18-19
Drafting tools may be used for measurement and layout of drawings, or to improve the consistency and
speed of creation of standard drawing elements. Tools such as pens and pencils mark the drawing
medium. Other tools such as straight edges, assist the operator in drawing straight lines, or assist the
operator in drawing complicated shapes repeatedly. Various scales and the protractor are used to measure
the lengths of lines and angles, allowing accurate scale drawing to be carried out. The compass is used to
draw arcs and circles. A drawing board was used to hold the drawing media in place; later boards
included drafting machines that sped the layout of straight lines and angles. Tools such as templates and
lettering guides assisted in the drawing of repetitive elements such as circles, ellipses, schematic symbols
and text. Other auxiliary tools were used for special drawing purposes or for functions related to the
preparation and revision of drawings. The tools used for manual technical drawing have been displaced
by the advent of computer-aided drawing, drafting and design (CADD).
Equipment most commonly refers to a set of tools or other objects commonly used to achieve a particular
objective. Different jobs require different kinds of equipment.
In technical drawing an example of the equipment used would be paper, ruler and pencil.
Material is a substance or mixture of substances that constitutes an object
In technical drawing an example of the materials are a dusting brush for eraser shavings
Equipment and tools
Drawing Boards- A drawing board is, in its antique form, a
kind of multipurpose desk which can be used for any kind of
drawing, writing or impromptu sketching on a large sheet of
paper or for reading a large format book or other oversized
document or for drafting precise technical illustrations.
T-squares- a technical drawing instrument used by
draftsmen primarily as a guide for drawing horizontal
lines on a drafting table. It may also guide a set square to
draw vertical or diagonal lines.
Drafting Machines- allows a straightedge to be
moved while maintaining any desired angle
between it and the edge of the drawing board.
Combining the functions of the T square, triangle,
protractor, and scale, it greatly increases the
efficiency of producing a drawing.
Computers- an electronic device for storing and
processing data, typically in binary form, according to
instructions given to it in a variable program
Plotters-a piece of equipment that marks out points on a chart.
Printers-a machine for printing text or pictures,
especially one linked to a computer.
Cameras- a device for recording visual images in the form of
photographs, film, or video signals
Scanners- a device that optically scans images, printed
text, handwriting or an object and converts it to a
digital image
Multimedia Devices- allows a person to deal with a variety of
these media while eliminating the need to have a separate device
Drawing Instruments
Compasses- an instrument for drawing circles and arcs and measuring distances
between points, consisting of two arms linked by a movable joint, one arm ending
in a point and the other usually carrying a pencil or pen.
Triangles (set squares)- an instrument for drawing circles and arcs
and measuring distances between points, consisting of two arms
linked by a movable joint, one arm ending in a point and the other
usually carrying a pencil or pen.
Protractors Dividers- an instrument for measuring or marking
French Curves-a template used for drawing curved
Templates- are stencils that allow you to draw specific
symbols and shapes that you use repeatedly in a
Lettering guides- used to get even and neat writing
Rulers- sometimes called a rule or line gauge, is a
device used in geometry and technical drawing,
as well as the engineering and construction
industries, to measure distances or draw straight
Scale ruler-A scale ruler is a tool for measuring lengths
and transferring measurements at a fixed ratio of length;
two common examples are an architect's scale and
engineer's scale.
Drawing Materials
Drafting paper- A fine white or cream-colored paper that is hard-surfaced and has good
erasing characteristics.
Tracing paper- transparent paper used for tracing
maps, drawings, or designs.
Erasers-a piece of soft rubber or plastic used to rub out something written.
● Dusting cloth - a cloth used to sweep away debris from a drawing to prevent smearing
Ink-a coloured fluid or paste used for writing,
drawing, printing, or duplicating.
Pencil- an instrument for writing or drawing,
consisting of a thin stick of graphite or a similar
substance enclosed in a long thin piece of wood or
fixed in a cylindrical case.
Section 2
Plane Geometry
A plane shape is a two-dimensional surface that extends indefinitely.
The basic plane shapes are triangle, square, rectangle, oval, circle, and polygons.
Solid Geometry
In Geometry, the shape or the figure that has three (even higher) dimensions are known as solids
or three-dimensional shapes. The study of the properties, volume and surface area of threedimensional shapes is called Solid Geometry.
Common examples of solid shapes are the cube, cuboid, prism, cone and sphere
Plane Geometry:
Solid Geometry:
Section 3
Building Drawing Project
Name of Candidate: Michel Elizee
Registration Number: 0046
Name of school: Arthur Waldron Seventh-Day Adventist Academy
Subject: Technical Drawing
Proficiency: General
Option: Building Drawing
Name of Project: School Based Assessment
The incomplete outline of a floor layout plan for a three-bedroom residence is shown in Figure 2.
Draw, to a scale of 1:50, the entire completed floor plan to include a suitable design for the
incomplete section, marked "A".
The drawing should include:
1. The design should conform to all building regulations and standard drawing practices.
2. ONE Master bedroom and adjoining bathroom
3. TWO additional bedrooms and ONE bathroom
4. Corridor
5. The incomplete section A must be designed to utilize to the fullest the recommended building
size occupant specifications.
6. Layout of newly designed bedrooms and bathroom areas should be shown on the floor plan.
7. The design should attract customers and provide security.
I positioned the master bedroom across from the living room to give it more space, and I
positioned the master bathroom in a corner to give it maximum seclusion. The other two
bedrooms were positioned next to one another so that the bathroom could be set up at the end of
the hallway, keeping the room free of bathroom odours. The restroom was positioned so that
visitors could use it without disturbing anyone's privacy when they arrived at the house.
Business Plan
Everlasting Coverings
The sole proprietor and controller of Everlasting Coverings will be Jeanmac Michel St.Rose
Elizee as of January 2023. Everlasting Coverings is a business that aims to satisfy its customers
by providing them with sustainable and affordable coverage. To our regional and international
customers who are seeking a long-lasting sturdy roof with affordable prices, Everlasting
Coverings can provide just that.
Marketing Plan:
Statement on competitors
Unlike our competitors whose completion of work is faster due to their 5 years of experience in
the field, we provide you with cheaper prices and a larger range of materials, style and color that
you may choose to personalize your roof with.
Main strategies
Upon startup the prices for our roofs will be the cheapest that they could provide customers
which are eager to take advantage of our aspects. Orders can be placed online on our website
which includes our phone number or you could visit us at our main office where our friendly
staff are waiting to speak with you one on one to ensure that we provide the best personalized
roof for you.
Statement on promotion of activities
Everlasting Coverings: Coverings that last a lifetime. I am going to advertise this business
through the means of radio ads, billboards and sponsorships.
To ensure that all our customers are satisfied with their roofs.
To sell at the best affordable prices for our customers.
Self Reflection
When the time came for me to choose my subject in 2nd Form, I just knew that Technical
Drawing was the one. Technical drawing has helped me to hone my skill of drawing and develop
the love that I have for the language of art. I believe that Technical Drawing is a subject which
has humbled me because it is a subject which requires a lot of patience, time and precision. My
teacher throughout the years has guided me and I believe that my skill has vastly grown from
what it once was. Due to the fact that she grades hard, getting a 100% on an assignment would
be excellent because that is overachieving compared to the easier gradings of others. Upon
making use of the application AutoCAD in form 5, it drastically changed my time spent drawing.
Using AutoCAD is much quicker and easier than drawing manually. AutoCAD has some
features like chamber and copy which cuts back the time sent on the drawing. If errors are made
it is uch easier to clean up. I prefer using AutoCAD to draw because of its effectiveness.
Technical Drawing is a world of wonder which I sometimes find myself lost in for hours at
times. I deeply admire this subject and the way it has changed me as a person is even more