Uploaded by Muhamed M. ElGhnaam

Amit- Buttons delete up and edit.txt

UI Test cases.
Sr.No Testcase_ID Test Cases
1 Testcase_01 Verify that upload file field design is as per specification or not
2 Testcase_02 Verify that the upload file field icon should be displayed properly
4 Testcase_03 Verify that the upload file button should be displayed properly
5 Testcase_04 Check that text should be displayed properly on the button
6 Testcase_05 Verify if upload file functionality is required then a red “*” mark should be displayed.
Functional Test cases of Upload File.
Sr.No Testcase_ID Test Cases
1 Testcase_01
Verify that the upload file functionality field should be displayed properly on the web page.
2 Testcase_02 Verify that the upload file button is clickable or not.
3 Testcase_03
Verify if an upload file field is required then a validation error message should be displayed.
4 Testcase_04
Verify that when the user clicks on the upload file button the window pop up is open or not
5 Testcase_05 Verify that the user is able to cancel upload file functionality or not
6 Testcase_06
Verify that the user is able to select and upload files from the device or not (happy path)
7 Testcase_07 Verify that upload file functionality with maximum file size
8 Testcase_08 Verify that upload file functionality with minimum file size
9 Testcase_09 Verify that upload file functionality with .doc file format
10 Testcase_10 Verify that upload file functionality with .txt file format
Testcase_11 Verify if error messages display if user save resume step without upload a PDF file.
Test cases of DELETE button.
Sr.no Testcases_ID Test Casese
Testcases_01 Verify Delete button is present on the page or not.
Testcases_02 Verify the whole button should be clickable or not.
Verify a confirmation message on popup or alert shown as the user clicks on the delete button.
Testcases_04 Verify the record or report should not be deleted as the user clicks on the NO on the co
5 Testcases_05
Verify that the delete functionality works as the user clicks on the YES button on the confirmation popup.
6 Testcases_06
Verify an error message should be shown if the user clicks on the Delete button without selecting the file.
7 Testcases_07
Verify as the user deletes the report it should be redirected to the correct required screen or not.
Test Cases For Download
Sr.No Testcase_ID Test Cases
1 Testcase_01 Verify whether the Download button is clickable or not.
2 Testcase_02 Verify on click of the download file; it should ask for the destination location or not.
4 Testcase_03 Verify if the downloaded file size is equal to the original file size.
5 Testcase_04
Verify if the downloaded file name is the same as the one shown before the download.
6 Testcase_05 Verify if the downloading stopped or not when the internet got lost.
Verify with unsupported files (e.g., only jpg and png can be supported.