Uploaded by Alejhon Ramiso


FIELD STUDY 1: Observations of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment
Dolores, Mabalacat City, Pampanga
Institute of Teacher Education
Bachelor of Technical Vocational
Teacher Education
FIELD STUDY 1: Observations of
Teaching - Learning in Actual School
MODULE 1: The Learners’
Development and
(Episodes 1-4)
Maureen P. Santos, LPT, EdD.
Conrad M. Buerkley, LPT, EdD.
FIELD STUDY 1: Observations of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment
Field Study
Episode 1:
School as a Learning Environment
Name of FS Student: Ramiso, Alejhon M.
Program: BTVTED-4A
Resource Teacher: Ms. Luiza C. Luy
Cooperating School: Doña Asuncion Lee Integrated School
Your Target:
At the end of this activity, you will be competent in determining an e-learning environment that
provides social, psychological, and virtual environment supportive of learning.
Your Map:
A general observation of the online learning and the virtual classroom is an exciting way to start
your observation.
Your mission is to do the following tasks Online:
Observe a virtual
Accomplish the
class. Look into
checklist as you
course materials, and
observe the virtual
teaching platform.
Based on your
gathered data in the
checklist, describe
the e-learning
Present your idea of a good online-learning environment
Make a reflection on
through any of these:
the characteristics of
distance learning
A.Descriptive Paragraph, B. Photo Essay C. Sketch or
Drawing D. Poem, E. Song/Rap
environment that
promotes learning.
FIELD STUDY 1: Observations of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment
Your mission is to do the following tasks Offline:
1. Visit a school.
Look into
facilities and
support learning
areas in the
campus, then in
the classroom.
2. Accomplish
the checklist as
you move
around the
school premises.
5. Present your idea of a good school
environment through any of these:
a) Descriptive Paragraph; b) Photo
Essay; c) Sketch or drawing; d) Poem,
Song or Rap
3. Based on your
gathered data in
the checklist,
describe the
4. Make a
reflection on the
characteristics of
a school
that promotes
As you engage yourself in the distance learning, activity forms are provided for you to
document your observations. It is advised that you read the entire worksheet before observing a
virtual class. A good understanding of the activities and tasks to be accomplished in the activity
sheets yield better learning results.
Read the following statements carefully. Then write your observation report
on the provided space.
1. Describe the online learning environment.
2. Describe the teaching and learning platforms in face to face class.
FIELD STUDY 1: Observations of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment
Name of School: Doña Asuncion Lee Integrated School
School Address: Xevera, Tabun, Mabalacat City, Pampanga
Date of Observation: September 20 2022
When I deployed in my cooperating school I saw the school, it is too big and
there’s a lot of classrooms and buildings around the school. When the head teacher of TLE
Major comes to my colleague major, she said that we were having an appointment in my
cooperating teacher. So after we assigned in different cooperating teacher we joined the class
of the assigned cooperating teacher and what I observed is the real classroom set-up. I saw
the platform that used of teacher. I saw the black board the television that used in presenting
lesson/discussion. And I realize that the teaching platform is too powerful when you standing
in front of the student, this is the platform that the student will learn and studying inside the
classroom. And this is the platform that you will observed if the teacher is effective in her
FIELD STUDY 1: Observations of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment
Be guided by these tasks as you do your observation. Then accomplish the matrix
to record your data.
1. What learning materials/ equipment are present?
2. Observe the students. Do students participate in the class?
3. Do teachers deliver their lesson effectively?
4. What are the pros and cons of face to face classroom?
FIELD STUDY 1: Observations of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment
Based on my observation about the learning
materials/equipment that used by the teacher, the
teacher used different kind of learning
materials/equipment to help her student’s to catch
up the lesson faster. And examples of this are
power point presentation, video learning
presentation and actual paraphernalia that
demonstrate the used of materials that related to
Based on my observation about student’s
participation, I observed that when we enter the
different classes they have different behavior in
participating in the class lesson that teacher teach
to them. They have different attitude in
participating discussion and recitation, the other
section are active most likely boys, and for other
section is most in the class are participating, and
lastly the last section that we entering, they are
too shy to participate in class discussion and
Based on my observation about the delivery of
the lesson in the class, the teacher focuses on the
lesson when she teaching her lesson to her
student’s. Because the time is too short and she
needs to deliver the lesson for that day to not
affect the other day lesson. And she needs to
accomplish the activity and task that given in that
they, so that the student will not be late in the
other they next lesson.
Based on my observation about the pros in face
to face learning is, it can help the student to
understand the lesson that the teacher teach in the
class and aside that the teacher easily ask
question personally to the student and having a
good conversation and feedback about the lesson
that the student take. And for the cons, based on
what observed is if the teacher have poor
teaching skills in teaching the students will not
focused on what she teaching and for that the
result of understanding level about the everyday
lesson is low and it can cause to the students to
be lack of confident in joining class participation.
FIELD STUDY 1: Observations of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment
Name of School: Doña Asuncion Lee Integrated School
School Address: Xevera, Tabun, Mabalacat City, Pampanga
Date of Observation: September 20 2022
Based on my actual observation about the environment of teacher and students in class, I
observed that the teacher is always ready in her lesson and to her materials and equipment that she used
in her discussion. And the way of her teaching is more educational by giving her student’s visual video
presentation and actual demonstration so that her student’s will surely understand her lesson and helps
them to develop their learning by actual learning demonstration and verbal learning.
FIELD STUDY 1: Observations of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment
1. How do the online learning and virtual classroom in particular impact on the
learning of the students? What are your conclusions?
Based on what I observed in the environment of both teacher and students, the class room set-up and
face to face learning helps both teacher and students to bind the natural way of teaching and learning of
both parties. This set-up help teacher to express her teaching skills freely without using online
classroom and virtual class. Teacher will easily help students to their concern like miss understanding
the lesson, teacher will easily know if his/her students are not listening and participated in her class. So
she can easily get the attention of her student’s. And for the student they can easily understand the
lesson by knowing the expression and the style of delivery of techniques that used by their teacher.
And student will ask the teacher by confident in reality. This kind of set-up helps both teacher and
student to know the real atmosphere of real class room based environment. And I conclude that this
kind of teaching environment helps teacher to enhance their knowledge to help the students to innovate
their learning ability in studying inside the classroom.
2. How does this relate to your knowledge of child and adolescent development?
How does this relate to your knowledge of facilitating learning?
Based on what I observed in different classes that I attended, I know that the behavior and attitude of a
student is different in adolescent, so teacher helped the students not only in studying in classroom but
the teacher will also develop their growth of understanding in different stages of life of human, how to
act in their age and what kind of attitude that they portray in their age. And for me how can I relate to
my knowledge the facilitating learning, I think this question helped me to know way back the time
when I firstly observed my first class in observation. In that moment when I observed the teaching
strategies and techniques of teacher when she teaching her students both of them are taking advantage
because as a teacher you will need to study your lesson before you will deliver and teach to your
students and for the students they will need to listen and analyze what the lesson is, and by helping of
teacher the students will know the lesson. And in this situation I know that the classroom environment
is healthy.
1. Would you like to teach in the online-learning environment you just
observed? Why?
Yes, because in this chance I will enhance and build my confident in facing the students and
improving my speech in teaching. In this moment I will be practicing more to keep me active and
confident when I’m teaching the students. This opportunity help me to not only build my
confidence but by improving my knowledge in delivering the lesson to my students, so that I will
FIELD STUDY 1: Observations of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment
2. What kind of virtual class is conducive to learning?
Based on my observation in the class, the teacher used instructional materials and video visual
presentation to help her student to be more understanding in technology and normal
instructional materials. And base on that student will be more flexible in their learning.
3. In the future, how can you accomplish your answer to number 2?
In my own point of view about the question that relates to question number 1. How can
accomplish it by listening and observing my cooperating teacher so that I will it to myself so
that it can help me to enhance my ability on teaching, and how can portray myself as a good
future educator soon.
4. Write your additional learning and insights here.
I learned that always giving yourself a determination to do your task as a good practice teacher
and give yourself a motivation to do the things that given to you by your cooperating teacher.
And don’t forget to love the teaching because teaching students are not easy and be a teacher is
not easy. Being teacher you will be a role model to your student, if you think you will not be a
perfect teacher to them, choose to be inspiring teacher to them so that your students will
reminds you that we have a teacher that is not perfect but it help me to inspire my dream and
FIELD STUDY 1: Observations of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment
FIELD STUDY 1: Observations of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment
Episode 2:
Learners’ Characteristics and Needs
Name of FS Student: Ramiso, Alejhon M.
Program: BTVTED-4A
Resource Teacher: Ms. Luiza C. Luy
Cooperating School: Doña Asuncion Lee Integrated School
Your Target:
At the end of this activity, you will gain competence in differentiating the
characteristics and needs of learners from different developmental levels.
Your Map: To reach your target, do the following tasks:
Step 1
Step 3
Observe 3 groups of learners from
Validate your observation by
different levels.
interviewing the learners.
Step 2
Describe each of the learners based on
your observations.
Step 4
Compare them in terms of their
interests and needs.
FIELD STUDY 1: Observations of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment
Use the activity form provided for you to document your observations.
An Observation Guide for the Learners’ Characteristics
Read the following statements carefully. Then write your observation
report on the provided space. Your teacher may also recommend another
observation checklist if a more detailed observation is preferred.
1. Describe how they interact with teachers.
1. Describe the emotional disposition or temperament of the learners.(happy, sad,
easily cries, mood-shifts)
2. How do they express their wants/needs? Can they wait?
3. How do they handle frustrations?
4. Describe their level of confidence as shown in their behavior. Are they selfconscious?
1. Describe their ability to use words to communicate their ideas. Note their language
2. Describe how they figure out things. Do they comprehend easily? Look for evidence
of their thinking skills.
3. Were there opportunities for problem solving? Describe how did they show problem
solving activities.
FIELD STUDY 1: Observations of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment
Learners’ Development Matrix
Record the data you gathered about the learners’ characteristics and needs in this
matrix. This will allow you to compare the characteristics and needs of learners at
different levels. The items under each domain are by no means exhaustive. These
are just sample indicators. You may add other aspects which you may have
Interaction with
Indicate age range
of children
Indicate age range of
children observed:
High School
Indicate age range of
observation in the class,
the student’s interact
based on the teacher
attitude or behavior and
what the lesson is all
about. And based on
what observed all the
student will joining in
the class recitation and
they will engage their
self to activity most
likely, most of all if the
students are fast learner
and they want to do
activity in the class.
Moods and
expression of
Based on what I
observed in the class I
observed that the moods
of students are different
like my cooperating
sections, every section
portray different moods,
like the first section is
more energetic and
most of them are boys,
and for the second
section they are active
and they always jolly in
cooperative in each
other. And for the last
they are least active and
most of them are shy in
participating in the class
FIELD STUDY 1: Observations of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment
Ability to use
Ability to figure
out things
Problem Solving
observation in the class
when the teacher ask
question to her student’s
the student recite and
answer it by using
bilingual English and
Filipino, because the
students struggle in
answering English only,
pandemic the students
experiencing of poor
conversation most likely
English, so that they
answering Tag-lish so
they are comfortable in
responding to question
of the teacher. And for
the ability to figure out
the lesson ting hey are
fast thinker most likely
if they catch up easily
the lesson that teacher
teach to them. And
solving I observed that
if they are in group
activity they enjoy
and ideas to their group
mates, in that case they
easily solve the problem
that they encounter
when having group
Write the most salient developmental characteristics of the learners you
observed. Based on these characteristics think of implications for the teacher
Implications to the
Age range of learners
observed: 5-6 yrs. old
Age range of learners
observed: 7-8 yrs. old
High School
Age range of learners
Based on what I observed to the Based on what I observed if the
student’s that I observed they are teacher is flexible in her teaching
cooperative, fast learner and skill her student will catch up
most likely fast thinker when easily her lesson. And if the
they having group activity in teacher is creative and fast
thinker her student’s will be
active in her class.
FIELD STUDY 1: Observations of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment
Your Reflections
1. While you were observing the learners, did you recall your own
experiences when you were their age? What similarities or differences do
you have with the learners you observed?
Yes, when you say similarities there’s a lot examples of that they are excited to learn
something new and they want to be curious about what the next activity that they do in their
class. And they always thinking if the teacher has surprise quiz and there’s a lot in my mind
that I want to express, but still they enjoy the class. And for the differences I think is being a
hard working in studying, because in my time I always take down notes when the teacher
discussing her lesson. In the present time they want to take picture in the board or television
to get their lectures for that day.
2. Think of a teacher you cannot forget for positive or negative reasons. How
did she/he help or not help you with your needs (physical, emotional, social,
and cognitive)? How did it affect you?
Based on my experienced as a student in that time I will always reminds of my teacher in
TLE subject, when I’m in high school days, she will always look fierce and terror to us
and when she teaching her lesson always the class is silent and they all focusing in her
teaching lesson so in that time they are active in listening and active in participating in
her class. But I cannot say it is a negative side but I consider it as a positive because of
her I always remind of the some of her lessons that I used it in my future status as a
future educator and by standing that she will give a big help for her student. And I think
she give cognitive experience to me, now thank you to her I will apply it in myself as
self-discipline person and I will improve it and using it and not by hurting and forcing
FIELD STUDY 1: Observations of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment
3. Which is your favorite theory of development? How can this guide you as
a future teacher?
Social Interaction with Teachers, Based on my experienced as observer in my cooperating
school I learned that the most important in teaching you must need to get the attention of
your student’s so the interaction in your student’s will help them to more to learn by asking
questions and feedback about your lesson or discussion, so that you will know if the
feedback of your discussion is well presented or not.
4. Share your other insights here.
Based on what I observed in the past few weeks that I observed, I learned that every
movements, attitude and behavior of students must important to know, because in this way you
will learn how you will adapt and make a decision on what kind of attitude you will apply to
help your students to comfortably interacting, socializing and etc. that help your student to
improve and have a progress in their intellectual development of action inside the class.
FIELD STUDY 1: Observations of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment
Episode 3:
Individual Differences and learner’s
Interaction – A Multicultural Approach (focusing on
differences in gender, racial, and religious background)
Name of FS Student: Ramiso, Alejhon M.___________________________________________
Program: BTVTED-4A
Resource Teacher: Ms. Luiza C. Luy
Signature: _________________
Cooperating School: Doña Asuncion Lee Integrated School
Your Target
At the end of this activity, you will gain competence in determining teaching approaches and
techniques considering the individual differences of the learners.
Your Map
The learners’ individual differences and the type of interaction they bring surely affect the
quality of teaching and learning. This episode is about observing and gathering data to find out
how student diversity affects learning.
To reach your target, do the following tasks:
Step 1. Observe a class in different parts of a school day.
(beginning of the day, class time, recess, etc.)
Step 2. Describe the characteristics of the learners in
terms of age, gender, and social and cultural diversity.
Step 3. Describe the interaction that transpires inside and
outside the classroom.
Step 4. Interview your resource teacher about the
principles and practices that she uses in dealing with
diversity in the classroom.
Step 5. Analyze the impact of individual differences on
the learners’ interaction.
FIELD STUDY 1: Observations of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment
Use the activity form provided for you to document your observations.
An Observation Guide for the Learners’ Characteristics
Read the following statements carefully before you begin to observe. Then
write your observation report on the space provided on the next page.
Find out the number of students. Gather data as to their ages, gender,
racial groups, religious and ethnic backgrounds.
During class:
1. How much interaction is there in the virtual classroom? Describe how the
students interact with one another and with the teacher. Are there groups
that interact more with the teacher than the others.
2. Describe the relationship among the learners. Do the learners cooperate
with or compete against each other?
3. Which students participate actively? Which students ask for most help?
4. When a student is called and cannot answer the teacher’s question, do the
classmates try to help him? Or do they raise their hands so that the teacher
will call them instead?
FIELD STUDY 1: Observations of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment
Name of School: Doña Asuncion Lee Integrated School
School Address: Xevera, Tabun, Mabalacat City, Pampanga
Date of Observation: September 20 2022
Based on what I observed when they interact both teachers and their
classmate’s, I simply say that when they having a class discussion, the teacher discuss her
lesson and explaining thoroughly in her class by having video visual presentation, actual
demonstration of activity that she will discuss in the class, and by asking question to the class
to know if her lesson is well presented and discussed in her class, and to help her to have
evaluation of good feedback in her lesson. And for the bonding or relationship of student to
their teacher, by simply saying that when the teacher have and good technique of skill that
she portray to her student’s the bonding of her students will be good and presented based on
the relationship standard in class. And for the relationship of creating group activity
sometimes in first approach of their brain storming they argue sometimes but in the end they
will accomplished it by having good tea work, so in the end they will get a high score in the
group activity. And based on what I observed of the rest of my attended class the most
students’ that participate and actively are boys. And for the students ask most for help is the
slow learning because on my observation and actual statement of my cooperating teacher
they all affected of pandemic, the problem they are non-readers and elementary thinkers not
high school thinkers so that the teacher must a just when they teaching. Based on my
observation about them they must helping each other when the one student can’t answer the
question that teacher raise the students helps they classmate so that the student will not shy
and shame, but others sometimes raising their hands so that they recognize to answer.
FIELD STUDY 1: Observations of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment
1. Identify the persons who play key roles in the relationship and interactions in
the classrooms. What roles do they play? Is there somebody who appears to be the
leader, a mascot/joker, an attention seeker, a litter teacher, a doubter/pessimist?
Based on what I observed all the students are portraying different roles in the class like the other
students are smart, so most likely they are always recognize in class recitation. But sometimes the
others are average level that they will portray for being leader that helping their classmates. And some
others are joker and attention seeker so the class sometime interrupted and the teacher is extending her
to discuss her lesson. And sometimes in the class have little teacher that portraying to be a teacher,
what I mean are they are helping their classmate that struggling when they analyzing the lesson and
lastly some others are doubter that they portray of being weak in the class or slow learners.
2. What makes the learners assume these roles? What factors affect their behavior?
Based on what observed on the learners they assume different kind of roles, for example some of them
are smart and some others are skillful and the rest are observant and listeners. And for what I observed
what factors affects their behavior is true active participation and group activity in their performance
3. Is there anyone you observed who appear left out? Are students who appear
“different?” Why do they appear different? Are they accepted or rejected by the
others? How is this shown?
Based on my observation in different classes that I attended they have anyone left out, and in this
observation I simply say that they are classified as different to other students, they classifies as
different because of their appearance, behavior, intellectual understanding based on the teacher
teaching skills, and lastly because they are Person’s with disability (PWD).Based what I feel and I
observed the other students are given special treatment and care and some others are not open minded
so in this cased they will distance their selves to them for having them an awkward moment when they
FIELD STUDY 1: Observations of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment
4. What does the teacher do to address issues like this?
Based on what I observed in this case that teacher must simply analyze the situation first and she
has an ability to decide and think fast how to solve it by the help of her experience in teaching.
She portray good conduct to help all student to accept all the students have difficult situation like
this and explain how the special student to help by the normal student to boost their confidence
in participating in the class and help to socialize with their classmates and embrace them as a
student also inside the class.
Your Reflections:
1. How did you feel being in that classroom (online/offline)? Did you feel a sense
of oneness or unity among the learners and between the teacher and the
Based on my observation and what I fell in different classroom that I attended is, they
embraced me as a good observant even though I’m not a practice teacher in that moment,
they will give me an social interaction between the learners, teachers and I. In that moment
I felt that I’m one them and I felt that I’m a real teacher in that class. And also my
cooperating teacher helps me to improve my understanding inside the class.
FIELD STUDY 1: Observations of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment
Episode 4:
Individual Differences and learner’s
Interaction – A Multicultural Approach (focusing on
different levels of abilities)
Name of FS Student: Ramiso, Alejhon M._____________
Program: BTVTED-4A
Resource Teacher: Ms. Luiza C. Luy
Cooperating School: Doña Asuncion Lee Integrated School
Your Target
At the end of this activity, you will gain competence in determining, understanding and accepting
the learners’ diverse backgrounds; and in relating the learners’ background to their performance
in the classroom.
Your Map
To reach your target, do the following tasks:
Observe two or more learners of different abilities but from the same grade or year level.
Find out some information of their background.
Observe them as they participate in a classroom activity.
Write a narrative report and a brief reflection on your experience.
FIELD STUDY 1: Observations of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment
Your Tools
Use the activity form provided for you to document your observations.
An Observed Guide for Individual Differences
Read the following carefully before you begin to observe. Then write your
observation report on the space provided.
1. Observe the face to face class to see the differences in abilities of the
2. Try to identify the students who seem to be performing well and those that
seem to be behind.
3. Validates your observations by asking the teacher about the background
(family, socio-economic, presence of some learning disability, etc.) of these
4. Observe the behavior of both high achieving and low-achieving learners.
Note their dispositions, pace in accomplishing tasks, interaction with
teacher, and interaction with others.
5. Observe the teacher’s method in addressing the individual learning needs
of the students in his/her class.
FIELD STUDY 1: Observations of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment
Name of School: Doña Asuncion Lee Integrated School
School Address: Xevera, Tabun, Mabalacat City, Pampanga
Date of Observation: September 20 2022
Based on what I observed inside the class that I attending I will spotted the
student that performing well and to those who seem to be behind. In this observation I simply
ask my cooperating teacher in their background, and thankfully I truly understand how they act
like that and what exactly behavior that I saw to them. In that case I will understand that the
most active student are most likely have healthy environment in their fields while the others
have a lack of financial and poor social interaction because they are slow learners. And by that
I observed that because the smart students are mostly active in social interaction because they
believe that they are high level to those slow learners. And for the slow learners they are
simply observing because if they will join the social interaction and they feel that they wrong
when they answering the questions of the teachers and they will think that the whole class will
laugh at them. And what I observed in my cooperating teacher, she portray as a good and
professional teacher when she standing in front of her class, she identify the students that are
active and she giving consideration to the student who slow learners to help her class to be
healthy when she teaching. And by that she gave also different method to approach those who
felt that they are behind.
FIELD STUDY 1: Observations of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment
1. Did your observation match the information given by the teacher? Were you
able to correctly identify who among the students performed well and who did
not? What behavior helped you identify them? (Volunteering to answer, responding
to teacher’s directions, etc.)
In my own point of view the given information of my cooperating teacher is correct, based on my
observation in the class, the student have the ability to perform well in the class are the students have
an stable financial and they are the students that love to participate in class discussion and they are well
sociable in their classmates. And for those who behind they are the students wants to listen and
observed only, they are the type of students that feel that even though they know the answer they chose
to keep it silent and not participating in the class. They are the student’s that feel that if they answer the
question of the teacher even though they are correct they felt it wrong and additional of that they feel
that they classmates laugh at them. And what behavior that help me to identify them, I answer it by
simply by saying that based on their actions and participation in the class discussion of the teacher.
2. Describe the differences in ability levels of the students in the class. Is there a
wide gap between the students who are performing well and those that are not?
Based on what I observed inside the class I simply know the different ability levels on the
class because of their interaction, participation, and understanding in the class discussion.
And for what I observed they have a gap between those who well participate and left behind
by considering of their intellectual ability to understanding in the class discussion.
FIELD STUDY 1: Observations of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment
3. Describe the methods used by the teacher in handling the students’ differences
in abilities. How did the students respond to the teacher?
Based on my observation in the class discussion, my cooperating teacher is completely
fabulous when she handling the class discussion, she portray different behavior and attitude to
help her students to help to catch up the lesson easily, and one of that I will amazed to her is
by the technique that she apply so that all her students are not behind even though the other
students are participating well in her class. And for those who slow learners she simply apply
an good attitude to pursue her students to participate in the class and she also helping them by
giving them an token chips so that they will happily interacting and socializing to the students
that fast learners.
Your Reflections:
4. Recall the time when you were in the elementary or high school. Recall the high
and low achievers in your class. How did your teacher deal with differences in
abilities? Was your teacher effective?
In my own experienced when I was in high school I experienced that my classmates are the same
when I’m taking my observation, they will portraying to be actively participating in the class
discussion so that it can help them to be a future achievers in the class. And also I felt that the
nature of studying in schools is always repeating itself because every moment inside the class
theirs always be a late bloomers and slow learners so that in my own experience when in your
elementary and high school you will see the students have ability to catch her dreams to be a part
of achiever’s inside the classroom. By that my teacher given a token of appreciation to those
students portrays their duty in the class by giving them awards like certificates. And for the slow
learners and late bloomers the teacher simply given them also award, for example certificate of
perfect attendance so that it can help them to always going in the school and class. And also
teacher gives them an consideration like token points when they answering in the class, by this I
know that teacher fulfill her duty as a good teacher in her class.
FIELD STUDY 1: Observations of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment
5. With the principle of individual differences in mind, what methods and strategies
will you remember in the future to ensure that you will be able to meet the needs
In my own point of view in this kind of question, for me what methods and strategies will I
remember in the future to ensure that I will be able to meet the needs of both the high and low
achievers in my class? For me is to give an extra efforts when I teaching, be creative, thinker,
innovative and fast learner in different kinds of methods to improve my teaching skills so that
both my students high and low achievers are enjoying my class and also they learned enough.
And I believe that no one are left behind.
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