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Nottyboy Latex Condoms

Welcome To Nottyboy
Condom Company
When we hear the word sex, the first thing that comes to mind is... We
always think that I don't want to suffer from any diseases, so saving you
from STD's is our top priority. NottyBoy is a condom manufacturer who
sells at a wholesale price. We carry all of your favourite condoms, such as
climax delay spray control condoms, dotted condoms, ribbed condoms,
lubricated condoms, super thin condoms, and all-flavored condoms.
About Latex
The last two centuries have seen many advances in
medicine. One of them is the ability to manipulate
human reproduction.
People who do not want to have children want to
start a relationship or simply enjoy sex without
having to worry about an unplanned pregnancy.
Most people prefer condoms that are comfortable
to wear and offer adequate protection against
sexually transmitted infections.
What is Latex Condoms?
Latex condoms are male condoms made from latex, a natural rubber derived from the sap of the
Hevea brasiliensis tree. The rubber sheath is designed to cover the penis during intercourse, thereby
preventing the majority of STIs and unwanted pregnancies.
Because of the simple application and wide availability of the material used in production, latex
condoms account for approximately 90% of condoms on the market. They come in a variety of
shapes and sizes, as well as thickness, colours, and flavours. They have evolved over the last century
and are now sold with spermicidal lubricants, ensuring 99% contraceptive safety.
What is Non-Latex Condoms?
Non-latex condoms are typically made of polyurethane, a type of plastic, or polyisoprene, a natural rubber or lambskin ingredient.
These condoms are ideal for people who are allergic to latex, and they can be used with any lubricant.
Unfortunately, non-latex condoms have more disadvantages in terms of STI resistance and contraception protection than latex condoms.
Non-latex condoms were developed by condom manufacturers in the 1990s to provide allergy-free condom options. If you are allergic to latex
condoms, there are several types of non-latex condoms available today.
Condoms made of non-latex conduct more heat, allowing them to adjust to your body temperature more quickly. However, they are more
expensive than latex condoms and do not stretch as far as latex does. Polyurethane, the first material, has no odour and no proteins that can
cause allergic reactions.
Advantages of Latex
They are a reliable method of preventing
pregnancy and protecting both partners from STIs
such as Chlamydia, gonorrhoea, and HIV when
used correctly and consistently.
Buy Latex Condoms
Phone Number
+91 777-788-1188
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"That's all
she wants."