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Training Systems Design & Evaluation: Psychology Chapter

Psychology (Far Eastern University)
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Chapter 8
Designing and Evaluating Training Systems
A planned effort by an organization to facilitate the
learning of job-related behavior on the part of its
-Is based on the recognition that not every
employees need training in which areas.
-Should also include an evaluation of an
employee’s readiness for the training.
Need analysis
The process of determining the training needs
of an organization.
Organizational Analysis
The process of determining the organizational
factors that will either facilitate or inhibit
training effectiveness.
Task Analysis
Identifies the task performed by each, the
conditions under which these tasks are
performed, and the competencies needed for
the task under specified conditions.
Person analysis
-The process of identifying the employees who
need training and determining the areas in
which each individual employee needs to be
-To determine the individual training needs for
each employee, person analysis uses
performance appraisal scores, surveys, and
interview, skill and knowledge tests.
Performance appraisal score - a rating representing
some aspect of an employee’s work performance; The
easiest method of needs analysis
Surveys- questionnaires asking employees about the
areas in which they feel they need training; Common
approach to determine training needs is to design and
administer a survey that asks employees what
knowledge and skills they believe should be included in
future training.
Interviews - third method of needs analysis
• Which usually done with a selected number of
• Interviews are not used as extensively as
surveys, but they can yield even more in-depth
answers to questions about training needs.
• Interview yields more in-depth answers to
questions about training needs- but data are
difficult to quantify and analyze
Critical Incidents - dimensions of good and poor
Skills and Knowledge tests
Skill test- a test that measures an employee’s
level of some job related skill.
Knowledge test- a test that measures the level
of an employee’s knowledge about a job related
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It is only effective if it physically and
psychologically simulates actual job conditions
What does the organization wants to accomplish?
Practicing Interpersonal Skills Through Role-Play
Role play allows trainee to perform necessary
interpersonal skills by acting out simulated
It can be challenging to make employees
participate in roleplaying because it is
sometimes perceived as “embarrassing.” This
reluctance can be reduced by warm up exercises
or praising employees after they participate
Increasing Interpersonal Skills Through Behavior
Behavior Modeling- A training technique in
which employees observe correct behavior,
practice that behavior and then receive
feedback about their performance.
Learning points- begins with a discussion of a
problem, why it occurred, and the employee
behaviors necessary to correct the problem.
Must state the following (Mager, 1997):
What learners are expected to do
The conditions under which they are expected
to do it
The level at which they are expected to do it
Goal statements should: Include an action word, an
item, a condition, a standard
• By the end of this training session, you will be
able to answer (action word) customer
questions about loan rates (item) without asking
others (condition) 90% of the time (standard).
Classroom Setting
Using Lectures to Provide Knowledge
- It can take a great deal of time and very
effective to obtain knowledge
- The trainer must research a topic, develop a
training outline, create visuals, create handouts,
and create supporting materials
- The trainers prepare in a long period of time for
the every hour of training
Using Case Studies to apply knowledge
A training technique which employees, usually
in a group are presented with a real or
hypothetical workplace problem and are asked
to propose the best solution
Good sources for developing analysis, synthesis
and evaluation skills.
Taken from actual situations
Must be interesting
Using Simulation Exercises to Practice New Skills
Simulation Exercises - allow trainee to practice
newly learned skills; allow trainee to work with
equipment used in actual working conditions
without the consequences of mistakes.
Motivating employees to attend training
• Relate the training to an employee’s immediate
• Make the training interesting
• Increase Employee buy-in
• Provide incentives.
• Provide food
• Reduce the stress associated with attending.
Conducting Classroom Training
On-site training less expensive
Off-site training getting the employees away from the
work site and allowing them concentrate on their
Disturbed Learning/ Practice- training material should
be presented in small, easily remembered chunks
distributed over a period of time.
Massed Learning/ Practice- concentrating learning into
a short period of time.
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Preparing for Classroom Training
• Adjusting for the audience. A trainer must
consider the size, demographics, and ability of
the audience.
Delivering the Training Program
• Introducing the trainer and the training session
• Using Icebreakers and Energizers
• Delivering the presentation
Conducting Training Through Distance Learning
• Asynchronous – employees can complete
training at their own pace and at a time of their
• Synchronous – require employees to complete
the training at the same time and at the same
pace, although they may be in different physical
Asynchronous Distance Learning
Employees are provided with media materials for
learning the content, as well as with a series of exams
that measure what they have learned from them.
Information can be provided to the employee in a
variety of ways including;
- printed materials
- Videos
- DVDs
- Web-based programs
Interactive Video – a training technique in which an
employee is presented with a videotaped situation and
then receives feedback based on the response.
Programmed Instruction – a training method in which
employees learn information at their own pace.
 First learning – self-paced, each trainee
proceeds at his own pace
 Second learning – each training is actively
involved in the learning.
 Third learning – presents information in small
units or chunks, because learning smaller
amounts of material is easier than learning
larger amounts.
Synchronous Distance Learning
Many training programs are conducted live where the
trainer communicates to an audience.
Fast-growing sources of synchronous distance learning
are teleconferences:
Webinars (short for web-based seminar) – interactive
training method in which training is transmitted over
the internet.
Webcast – a noninteractive training method in which
the trainer transmits training information over the
Interactive, online communities of learning:
Blog – a website in which the host regularly posts
commentaries on a topic that readers can respond to.
Wiki – a collection of web pages in which users can
create web pages on a topic ad readers can freely edit
those pages.
Listserv – a program that automatically distributes email messages to a group of people who have a
common interest .
Conducting On-the-Job Training
Learning by Modeling Others
Also called social learning.
Modeling – is a vitally important method of learning for
training in organizations.
Modeling – learning through watching and imitating the
behavior of others.
Characteristics of the Model – for modeling to be
effective, the appropriate role models for employees
should be similar to them in significant ways.
Characteristics of the Observer – for an employee to
model another’s behavior, three conditions are
• First – the employee must pay attention to the
behavior of other employees.
• Second – the employee must be able to retain
the information that is being modeled.
• Third – the employee must have the ability or
skill to reproduce the behavior that is seen.
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Learning Through Job Rotation
spend several months training new employees before
resuming their old jobs.
Employee performs several different jobs within an
Popular for managerial training
Commonly used to train nonmanagerial employees
Main advantage is that it allows for both lateral transfers
within an organization and greater flexibility in replacing
absent workers
Cross-training – teaching employees how to perform
tasks traditionally performed by other employees.
Job rotation can improve job satisfaction by reducing
boredom that often comes with a task-repetitive job.
Learning Through Apprentice Learning
Apprentice Learning – a training program usually found
in the craft and building trades, in which employees
combine formal coursework with formal on-the-job
- an individual takes a minimum of 144 hours of formal
class work each year and works with an expert for
several (usually four) years to learn a particular trade
and perhaps become eligible to join a trade union.
Apprenticeships are good for both the apprentice and
the organization.
Learning Through Coaching and Mentoring
Coaching – another popular method of training new
employees and typically takes one of two forms: 1)
experienced employees working with new employees,
2) professional coaches who work with all employees
I. Experienced Employees as Coaches – a new
employee is assigned to an experienced employee, who
is told to “show the kid the ropes.”
Coaching has problems
Good workers are not necessarily good trainers, and
good trainers are not necessarily good workers.
It diminishes the expert’s productivity
Pass-through programs – in which experienced workers
are temporarily assigned to the training department.
These workers are taught training techniques and then
II.Professional Coaches
- “corporate coaches”
- Similar to consultants yet, they are hired to
coach a particular employee, usually a manager.
- They also help employees identify strengths and
weaknesses, set goals, and solve problems
Mentoring – is a form of coaching that has recently
received much attention.
Mentor – a veteran in the organization who takes a
special interest in a new employee and helps him not
only to adjust to the job but also advance in the
Performance Appraisal
One of the major uses for employee
performance evaluation is training.
• One excellent method of on-the-job training is
to have a supervisor meet with an employee to
discuss his strengths and weaknesses on the
• As pointed by Kirkpatrick, three factors account
for the difficulty of using performance appraisal
for both training and determining raises and
1) The focus on salary administration is on past
behavior, whereas the focus for training is on
future behavior.
2) Performance appraisal for salary administration
often is subjective and emotional, whereas such
appraisal for training is objective and
3) Salary administration looks at over all
performance, whereas training looks at detailed
Providing Incentives for Learning
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Employees motivated to learn perform better in
training than their less motivated counterparts.
This motivation to learn is often related to the
perception that there is an incentive to learning.
Types of incentives that can be used to motivate:
• Money
• Job security
• Self-improvement
• Advancement
• Fun
• Opportunity to enter new career
Skill-based pay
• Common financial incentive method
• Compensating an employee who participates in
a training program designed to increase a
particular job- related skill.
Four common skill-based pay plan:
1. Vertical skill plans
2. Horizontal skill plans
3. Depth skill plans
4. Basic skill plans
Employees will be more motivated to learn when
training program is interesting.
Providing employees with specific information about
how well they are performing a tasks or series of tasks.
-Negative feedbacks
Telling employees what they are doing incorrectly in
order to improve their performance of a task
Use Realistic Training Programs
• Research in learning has indicated that the more
similar the training situation is to the actual job
situation, the more effective training will be.
(Aamodt, 2016)
Training research shows that it is easier for people to
more actively engage with training when they see
specific purposes for the challenges of learning,
practicing, using feedback to improve, and applying
what they learn. Relevance creates an environment for
training to transfer to the workplace. (Shank,2017)
1. Have Opportunities to Practice Work-Related
Behavior During the Training
• Transfer of training is increased by having the
trainee practice the desired behavior as much as
• Overlearning – Practicing a task even after it has
been mastered in order to retain learning.
Driskell, Willis, and Cooper (1992) found that
overlearning had a significant and positive effect on
long-term retention for both physical and cognitive
tasks. Overlearning increases the length of time training
material is retained; if training involves learning a skill,
then employees should be asked to demonstrate the
skill even after they have reached some initial mastery
2. Provide employees with the Opportunity to Apply
their Training
• Employees are more likely to be given
opportunities to perform what they learned if
their supervisor perceives them to be
competent and the organizational climate is
supportive (Baldwin & Ford, 1998; Ford et al.,
3. Ensure Management is Supportive of the Training
• An important factor in employee motivation to
apply training is the atmosphere set by
management. That is, employees are most likely
to apply their new knowledge and skills if
supervisors encourage them to do so.
• Learning and improvement should be
celebrated in the workplace, and managers
should take an interest in the progress that their
staffs are making in their training.
4. Have Employees set Goals
• The use of knowledge and skills learned in
training can also be encouraged by having
employees set goals.
Goals must…
-align with the organization’s goals/mission.
-be framed in time, with clear beginning and ending
-be supported by rewards.
-be achievable.
Research Designs for Evaluation
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Two factors:
Experimental Rigor
The most simple and practical of research
designs implements a training program and
then determines whether significant changes
happen (Pretest-Training-Posttest).
 Pretest- is taken before the implementation of
 Posttest- is taken after the training program is
 Control Group- is used to overcome the possible
problems that might affect the research.
 Control Group- these people will be tested and
treated like experimental group but will not
receive training.
• Experimental Group: Pretest*Training*Posttest
• Control Group: Pretest*No training*Posttest
Solomon Four-Groups Design
Group 1= No pretest*Training*Posttest
Group 2= Pretest*Training*Posttest
Group 3= Pretest*Training*Posttest
Group 4= No pretest*Training*Posttest
(6) Evaluation Criteria
 Content Validity- comparing KSAO
 Employee Reactions
 Employee Learning
 Application of Learning-the extent to which
employees actually can use the learned
 Business Impact-determining whether the goals
of the training met
 Return on Investment- the amount of money an
organization makes after subtracting the cost of
training or other interventions.
• Did the organization actually save money?
• Did they actually benefit from it?
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