EFN412 Advanced Managerial Finance Marco Elia 2. The Pricing of Risky Assets and the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) Reading and Assumed Knowledge Reading Berk and DeMarzo 5th ed. - Chapter 10 (10.5 – 10.8) Chapter 11 (11.5 – 11.8) Assumed Knowledge Topic 2 builds on the ideas about CAPM introduced in the Managerial Finance course and on those in the Topic 1 lecture. Goal Measure the effect of risk on expected return. How prices of individual securities are determined? Learning Objectives - Critical Concepts • Systematic and Unsystematic Risk • Systematic Risk and Beta • The Capital Market Line (CML) • The Security Market Line (SML) and the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) • Fama-French Model Assumptions of Capital Market Theory 1. All investors are Markowitz efficient investors. 2. Investors can borrow or lend any amount of money at the risk-free rate. 3. All investors have homogeneous expectations, i.e. they estimate identical probability distributions for future rates of return. 4. All investors have the same one-period time horizon, for eg. one month, one-year or ten years. 5. All investments are infinitely divisible which means that it is possible to buy or sell fractional shares of any asset in the portfolio. 6. There are no taxes or transaction costs involved in buying or selling assets. 7. There is no inflation or any changes in interest rates, or inflation is fully anticipated. 8. Capital markets are in equilibrium, ie. we begin with all investments properly priced in line with their risk levels. The Risk-Free Asset The risk-free asset is critical to asset pricing. The expected return on a risk-free asset is entirely certain, thus, the standard deviation of its expected return is zero. RF 0 Risk free assets only exist in theory. Empirically, we use government bonds or treasury bills as proxies for risk free asset. Covariance with the Risk-Free Asset Recall the covariance between two sets of returns is: n Covij [ Rit E ( Rit )][ R jt E ( R jt )] / (n 1) t 1 n Covij [ Rit E ( Rit )][ R jt E ( R jt )] pij t 1 Because the returns for the risk-free asset are certain, the standard deviation is zero, R-E(R) will equal zero and the above expression will equal zero. Thus, the covariance of the risk-free asset with any risky asset or portfolio will always equal zero. Therefore, the correlation between any risky asset and the risk-free asset would be zero. C o v R F ,i R F ,i 0 6 R F i Combining the Risk-Free Asset with a Risky Portfolio – ‘Expected Return’ The expected return for a portfolio that includes a risky asset and the risk-free asset is the weighted average of the two returns: E(R port ) w R F ( R F ) (1 w R F ) E ( Ri ) where w R F the proportion of the portfolio invested in the rf asset. E(R i ) the expected rate of return on risky Portfolio i R F the rate of return of the risk-free asset. 7 Combining the Risk-Free Asset with a Risky Portfolio – ‘Standard Deviation’ Recall, the variance for a two-asset portfolio is: 2 port wA2 A2 wB2 B2 2 wA wBCov A,B Substituting the risk-free asset for Security A, and the risky asset i for Security B, the above formula becomes: 2 port wR2 R2 (1 wR )2 i2 2wR (1 wR )CovR F 8 F F F F F ,i Combining the Risk-Free Asset with a Risky Portfolio – ‘Standard Deviation’ We know that (i) the variance of the risk-free asset is zero and (ii) the correlation (and covariance) between the risk-free asset and any risky asset is also zero. So: 2 port wR2 R2 (1 wR ) 2 i2 2 wR (1 wR )CovR F F F F F F ,i 2 port (1 wR ) 2 i2 F port (1 wR ) 2 i2 F port (1 wR ) i F 9 The standard deviation of a portfolio that combines the risk-free asset with a risky asset is the linear proportion of the standard deviation of the risky asset. Portfolio Possibilities Combining the RiskFree Asset with Risky Portfolios on the Eff. Frontier E(R) M D B Rf 10 A port Risk-Return Combinations 11 A number of portfolio possibilities exist when a risk-free asset is combined with alternative risky portfolios on the Markowitz efficient frontier. The set of portfolio possibilities along the RF-M line dominates ALL portfolios below Point M. The Capital Market Line (CML) E(R) The new efficient frontier when you include a risk-free asset. CML M Rf port The Market Portfolio (Point M) 13 Portfolio M lies at the point of tangency therefore everybody will want to invest in Portfolio M and borrow or lend to be somewhere on the CML. Theoretically, this Market Portfolio (Point M) must include ALL risky assets in the entire world. If a risky asset is not in this portfolio in which everyone wants to invest, there would be no demand for it and therefore it would have no value. Because the market is in equilibrium, it is also necessary that all assets are included in this portfolio in proportion to their market value. Because the Market Portfolio contains all risky assets, it is ‘completely diversified’, which means that all the risk unique to individual assets in the portfolio is diversified away. Specifically, the unique risk of any single asset is offset by the unique variability of all other assets in the portfolio. Features of the CML CML shows only efficient portfolios (max expected return for every level of risk) M is the market portfolio Slope of the CML line is [E(Rm) - Rf]/ M E( RP ) = R f 14 E( R M ) - R f + M P Risk-Return Possibilities with Leverage 15 An investor may want to have a higher return than available at Point M You do this by adding leverage to the portfolio by borrowing money at the risk-free rate and investing the proceeds in the risky asset portfolio at Point M Beware: higher return as well as higher risk The Capital Market Line (CML) Borrowing (dotted line) E(R) 15% CML Lending (solid line) 12% M Rf 16 6% port Systematic and Unsystematic Risk 17 Unsystematic Risk A risk that specifically affects a single security or a small group of securities. Can be diversified away in a large portfolio. It is also referred to as idiosyncratic risk. Examples: • Volkswagen’s emission scandal • Alitalia’s pilots go on strike • A competitor comes up with a lower cost product Systematic Risk Variability in all risky assets caused by macroeconomic variables. It cannot be diversified away through the formation of a portfolio. It remains in the market portfolio M. Examples: • • • • Pandemic Energy prices go up Hurricane War Decomposition of Risk Total Firm risk = Systematic Risk + Unsystematic Risk Systematic risk is driven by market-wide factors Unsystematic risk is firm-specific Investors can diversify (20-40 securities) and eliminate (or reduce substantially) unsystematic risk Investors require higher returns as compensation for higher systematic risk Diversification The standard deviation of returns is a measure of total firm risk Adding more stocks reduces volatility This reduction in risk arises because worse than expected returns from one asset are offset by better than expected returns from another However, there is a minimum level of risk that cannot be diversified away and that is the systematic portion Diversification Standard Deviation of Return diversifiable risk (unsystematic, unique or idiosyncratic risk) Total Risk undiversifiable risk (non-diversifiable, systematic, beta or market risk) Number of Assets in the Portfolio Diversification Unsystematic risk is eliminated by diversification There is not a reward for bearing risk unnecessarily. Diversification cannot eliminate systematic risk. Investors must be rewarded for bearing this risk. The expected return on an asset depends only on that asset’s systematic risk ONLY SYSTEMATIC RISK MATTERS FOR THE COST OF CAPITAL From the CML to the CAPM How should we measure the risk of an individual asset (stock)? The relevant risk measure for risky assets is their covariance with the M portfolio which is known as their ‘Systematic Risk’ or Beta. We can proceed to use an asset’s covariance to determine an appropriate expected rate of return on a risky asset. 24 Beta and the CAPM For an efficient asset, there is no diversifiable risk, therefore total risk will be equal to systematic risk. For an inefficient asset, total risk will be greater than systematic risk. 25 Given that the CML only plots efficient assets (whose total risk = sys risk), we must modify it to get a model which allows us to price efficient and/or inefficient assets. The Role of Beta Diversifiable risk can be eliminated - Only systematic risk is rewarded For an efficient asset, there is no diversifiable risk - The CML only plots efficient assets To model all assets we need a measure of systematic risk Let’s look at the role of beta 26 The CAPM’s Security Market Line (SML) The return for the market portfolio M should be consistent with its own risk, which is the covariance of the market with itself. The covariance of any asset with itself is its variance. The equation for the risk-return line (SML) is… 27 Security Market Line (SML) In equilibrium the expected return on a risky asset (or inefficeint portfolio) is: E ( Ri ) RF E(R RM m)- RRFF RF Defining Covi , M Covi,M 2 M 2 M 2 M (Covi , M ) ((E(R RM m)-RRFF)) as beta, (i ), this equation can be stated: CAPM E(R i ) RF i ((E(R RM m)-RR ))= CAPM FF Linear relationship between beta and expected returns 28 CAPM E(Ri) SML Rm Rf Slope = E(Rm) - Rf Intercept = Rf E(Ri ) R f i [E(Rm ) R f ] 29 ßi The slope of the line Remember the slope of a line is given by the difference in the “y” coordinates divided by the difference in the “x” coordinates • (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1) Using the points Rf and Rm • [E(Rm) - Rf] / ( 1 - 0) = [E(Rm) - Rf] 30 CAPM 31 CAPM: assets are priced according to systematic risk Risk of asset relative to market risk In equilibrium: each risky asset priced so that it plots on the SML CAPM and SML are ‘ex-ante’ models Based on expectations (forward looking) The return to be earned on an investment will depend on its beta CAPM applies to individual assets and to portfolios (betas linearly additive) Measuring Systematic Risk What does beta tell us? i Cov Ri , RM M2 A beta of 1 : firm has the same systematic risk as the overall market A beta < 1 : firm has less systematic risk than the overall market A beta > 1 : firm has more systematic risk than the overall market NOTE - Additivity Variance is not linearly additive BUT Return Covariance Beta are linearly additive. 33 CML and SML 34 SML plots all assets, both efficient and inefficient, but CML only plots efficient portfolios which are combinations of the market portfolio and the risk free asset. For efficient assets, the SML reduces to the CML. Systematic risk = Cov(i,m)/ M2. The correlation between an efficient asset and the market must be +1. For efficient assets, systematic risk = total risk. CML and SML - Equations For any portfolio P: P,M Cov( P, M ) 2M p ,m p m p ,m p 2 M M Thus, the SML can be written as: E[ RM ] RF E[ R p ] RF ( p ,m p ) M For efficient assets p , m 1 so SML reduces to CML: E( R P ) = R f 35 E( R M ) - R f + M P CML and SML - Equations An asset lies on the SML and CML if p ,m 1 An asset p only lies on the SML and is not a combination of the risk free asset and the market portfolio if p ,m 1 36 ESTIMATION OF CAPM USING THE MARKET MODEL (MM) 37 CAPM Estimation with ‘Market Model’ 38 To test CAPM theory and apply it to real world situations, an ‘ex-post’ or historical model is used. The most common approach is to use the market model proposed by Markowitz (1959). Model identifies different components of return. Return due to market wide (systematic) factors. Return due to asset unique (non-systematic) factors. The Market Model - MM Variable Return not explained by Rm (error term) Total Return Ri i i Rm i The Average Return Unique to Asset “i” 39 Asset Return due to Market wide Factors The Market Model in Words Ri is the return on any asset “i” and is made up of returns influenced by market wide factors plus returns due to asset unique factors Rm is the return on the market portfolio i and i are parameters unique to “i” i is the unpredictable part of Ri 40 Estimating the Parameters (i and i ) To calculate the parameters for an asset, say a share in Apple Inc., we perform a regression of the returns on Apple Inc. with the returns on the market. Example (Apple Inc.) Historical data for Apple and the SP500 index (Value weighted index) are collected and a time series of both returns are calculated. An OLS regression is then performed. The regression provides values for the parameters and a plot of the observations may be made. 41 The Market Model Graphically Ri Rm 42 Sometimes this is called the ‘Characteristic Line’. The Market Model Graphically Ri Slope is Beta Rm Intercept is Alpha Error Term Epsilon 43 The Market Model Graphically Ri Upward sloping beta is positive Rm Downward sloping beta is negative Monthly Apple and SP500 returns 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 25-May-79 14-Nov-84 7-May-90 28-Oct-95 Return_APPL 45 19-Apr-01 Return_SP500 10-Oct-06 1-Apr-12 Example: regress Return of APPL on SP500 return (1981-2015) Return_SP500 Line Fit Plot 0.6 Y=0.01233+1.3974*X 0.4 Return_APPL 0.2 -0.25 0 -0.2 Return_SP500 Standard Error -0.05 0 -0.4 t Stat 0.01233 0.006159 2.001735 1.397398 0.13995 9.985018 Adjusted R Square 0.194025 46 -0.1 -0.2 Coefficients Intercept -0.15 -0.6 Return_SP500 Return_APPL -0.8 Predicted Return_APPL 0.05 0.1 0.15 Beta Estimates of Australian Stocks 47 Name of Firm Industry Sector Beta ANZ Banking Group Banks 1.16 BHP Billiton Materials 1.32 Coca-Cola Amatil Food, beverage and tobacco 0.41 Amcor Packaging 0.75 Fairfax Media Media 1.16 Harvey Norman Retailing 1.03 QBE Insurance Insurance 0.95 Woolworths Food and Staples Retailing 0.46 CAPM & MM Both CAPM and MM provide expressions of returns on an asset. CAPM & MM - Differences CAPM/SML plotted in E(Ri)/ i space and the slope is [E(Rm) - Rf] MM plotted in Ri/Rm space and the slope is i CAPM is in expectations. MM is in realizations. Treatment of Non-Systematic Risk (NSR) 48 CAPM and NSR (Diversifiable Risk) 49 CAPM is formulated under the assumption that individuals will diversify. It follows that diversifiable risk will not attract a premium (will not be rewarded). Only systematic risk is recognized in the formula, that is, β. MM and NSR (Diversifiable Risk) Ri i i Rm i Var ( R i ) Var { i i R m i } Var ( R i ) Var ( i ) Var ( i R m ) Var ( i ) Var ( R i ) 0 i2 Var ( R m ) Var ( i ) Total Risk = Systematic Risk plus Non-Systematic Risk 50 Applications of the CAPM Since its origins in the 1960’s the CAPM has been widely employed in the real-world and in academic applications. Gives 51 cost of capital for project – calculate NPV ALTERNATIVES TO THE CAPM: APT and FAMA-FRENCH 52 Timeline 53 Early Testing, up to 1980s Asset Pricing Anomalies Arbitrage Pricing Theory Fama and French Multifactor Model Asset Pricing Anomalies 54 In most cases the CAPM has been rejected. Other things have been found to matter (appear). Small firm effect. Day of week effect. Within-the-month effect. January effect. So what? These anomalies appear to persist and such factors are not correctly priced by the CAPM. Arbitrage Pricing Theory (APT) Alternative models have been suggested APT is the most prominent CAPM limits pricing to one factor, the market APT allows for several factors (measures of systematic risk) including Rm CAPM identifies the measure of systematic risk (the market) as a result of an equilibrium argument. APT does not use an equilibrium argument, so it does not identify factors APT ri i 1Factor 1 2 Factor 2 .. n Factor n 55 Researchers do not agree on the APT risk factors Fama-French Model Fama & French (1992, 1996) suggest the following multifactor model: E Rit R ft i M E RMt R ft i S E SMB + i h E HML 56 The model Includes: - Market factor - SMB: a small minus big portfolio factor - HML: a high minus low book-to-market portfolio (value – growth stocks) Carhart (1997) adds Momentum to the factors Summary – Key Points Goal Measure the effect of risk on expected return. • Total firm risk can be divided in systematic (driven by market-wide factors) and unsystematic risk (risk specific to the particular firm) • Only systematic risk matters for the cost of capital • Use the CAPM to measure to effect of risk on expected returns E(RE) = Rf + E x [E(RM)- Rf] • Fama-French model • Stock prices and firm betas:http://www.google.com/finance