HAC - MANUAL HOLCIM ASSET-CODE Cement Plant Coding and Base for Asset Management Systems Edition May 2001 The copyrights for this document and all appendices are reserved by Holcim Group Support Ltd. The right to reproduce them entirely or in part in any form and to make them available to third parties is subject to the authorization of Holcim Group Support Ltd. Holcim Asset-Code Page 1 CONTENT LIST: 1. OBJECTIVE AND PURPOSE OF THE ASSET-CODE HAC 5 1.1 Objective of an Asset Management System 5 1.2 Purpose of the Asset Coding System HAC 5 1.3 Administration of the Asset Coding System HAC 6 2. STRUCTURE AND APPLICATION OF THE HOLCIM ASSET CODE - HAC 7 3. THE GROUP NUMBER 9 3.1 Code I1I: Main- Preprocess- and Auxiliary Cost Centers 9 3.2 Code I1I2I: Technical Groups 9 3.3 Code I3I: Parallel Production Installations 10 4. THE ASSET UNIT 10 4.1 Code I4I: Asset or Depreciation Categories 10 4.2 Code I4I5I: Types of Assets 10 4.3 Code I4I5I6I Similar Asset Units 11 5. THE COMPONENT 11 6. EXPLANATIONS TO THE TABLES 12 TABLES: Table 1: Groups within main cost centers Table 2: Groups within preprocess and auxiliary cost centers Table 3: Machinery Assets/Mechanical Maintenance Units–Depreciation Category AA ZZ Dictionary – English – German – French - Spanish Table 4: General Assets – Depreciation Category 10 … 9Z Table 5: Current Assets – table eliminated Table 6: Electrical Components ANNEXES: Annex 1: Application Examples of the HAC for "GROUP NUMBERING" Annex 2: Application Examples of the HAC for "MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT" Annex 3: Application Examples of the HAC for "ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT" HES 97/6’345/E Edition: May 2001 D:\Q\HES\STANDARD\HAC-CODE\EDI5_01\English\HAC-E.DOC Holcim Asset-Code Page 2 Change Index to edition January 1998 2. 1) Functions for Cost Centers should be grouped in production (1 to 5 and A to U); distribution (6,7); 3.2 Groups within "Main Functions" are defined by numbers in position I1I and by letters or numbers in position I2I. 3.3 new paragraph Table 1: more examples: 14,27,28,2E,34,35,38,3E,4A,54,5E,64,6B,6E Table 2: H1 deleted, new: T (slag), U (mixing) Table 3: new codes for: VB, QA, GN, TP, CM, RT, VR; symbol for: BI, CP, DG; no remark 2) for: BW, FM; changed remark for DG, FV,MX,MI; general update of symbol library. Dictionary: Additional column with title. Table 4: new codes for: 2B, 2M; 3U with remark 5) Annex 1: 2. DEFINITION OF PARALLEL GROUPS, updated and new drawing; new: 3. GROUPS AND COST CENTERS. Annex 2: additions to 1.2 bag filters; changed 1.6 cyclone coding; new example: 2.5 Electrical rooms Annex 3: new: 3.2 Control loops including new drawing. Spanish and French edition are now also available. Tables also exist in Italian and Portuguese (update by Merone and Holdercim) Change Index to edition August 1998 1.1 Definition of ICP, PNS 2. Structure and Application of HAC, spare parts coding, asset tags 3.2 and 3.3 Additional definitions group and production line Table 1: Text to 24, 25, 38, 41, 51, 61, 67, 70 New code for 52, 65, 6A, 6D, 6K, 71, 72, 73 Table 2: New code for L7, M4, P0; changed title: Electric Power and Control Table 3: New code for FC, GT, SU, Y ,Z ; changed remarks (footnote) for SQ, VC, SJ, MT, WI, IJ, FV: changed title for VD. Table 4: Changed title for Electrical and Control; new code 1J, 49; changed text 2N Annex 1: 1. The storage is part of the feeding group. 1.1.2 Water pump PU 2. Material (s), 3. Example: separate material, sub cost centre pyrite (group 3Ax) HES 97/6’345/E Edition: May 2001 D:\Q\HES\STANDARD\HAC-CODE\EDI5_01\English\HAC-E.DOC Holcim Asset-Code Page 3 4. New: Groups in Auxiliary Cost Centers Annex 2: Changed title new: 1.3.1 aeration fan / fan additions to 1.7 valves, flowmeters, 4.1 : Version 14 4.2: Standard size, HAC-INFO, Remarks 4.3 Flowsheet lines General update of Autocad (V14) symbol library including more mechanical, electrical and valve components, separate layer for HAC- INFO, additional fields for hidden attributes. Change Index to edition March 1999 1. Definitions adapted to Holcim Accounting and Reporting Manual 2. Table 0 adapted to Holcim Accounting and Reporting Manual, new cost centers: alternative fuels (V) alternative raw materials (W), correctives (X). 3. Naming: Function replaced by cost center and technical group, new pre-process cost center 4. Table 5 (current assets) eliminated Table 1: Naming of cost centers adapted to Holcim Accounting and Reporting Manual Code 23, 24 eliminated. Remark for 14, 24, 27, 28, 52, 6A, 6B, 6D. New code for 32, 5K, 6U, 6X, 6Y. Table 2: Naming of cost centers adapted to Holcim Accounting and Reporting Man ual, B9 without elevator (to be allocated to main cost center), E1 without power plant, Remark for D4, E5, L7, P0, R0. New code for EG, P3 Table 3: New code for VE, MK, MP; changed remarks (footnote) for FP, changed name for BL, VD. Table 4: New Cost Center for 4R, new code 6Z Table 5: Eliminated (please refer to Holcim Accounting and Reporting Manual) Annex 1: 1. General according Holcim Accounting and Reporting Manual 2.1.4 Kiln dust transport 4. Sub-cost centers 5. Adapted to Holcim Accounting and Reporting Manual, new: 5.3. air conditioning, lifts, compressed air Annex 2: HES 97/6’345/E 1.2 Big bag filters coded same as cyclones (1.6) Edition: May 2001 D:\Q\HES\STANDARD\HAC-CODE\EDI5_01\English\HAC-E.DOC Holcim Asset-Code Page 4 Change Index to edition April 2000 1. "Holderbank" changed to Holcim PNS changed to PCS 6. Explanations to the tables Table 1 & 2: Group names with material name where possible HES 97/6’345/E Edition: May 2001 D:\Q\HES\STANDARD\HAC-CODE\EDI5_01\English\HAC-E.DOC Holcim Asset-Code 1. Page 5 OBJECTIVE AND PURPOSE OF THE ASSET-CODE HAC The present manual describes the Holcim Asset Coding System, which shall be part of the Asset Management System as defined in the Holcim Accounting and Reporting Manual and applied in SAP and other systems of Holcim Companies and Plants. 1.1 Objective of an Asset Management System The objective of an asset management system is: to record, at the earliest possible opportunity, all asset related data of technical and economical relevance in a way o ä to allow tracking and optimisation of investment, operating and maintenance cost of such assets ä to enable decisions, based on correctly calculated economical depreciation charges and proper carrying amounts of the respective assets The Asset Management System comprises the following areas: KIWI PROJECT ENGINEERING Project Budgeting ICP Project Cost Control FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATION Physical Asset Numbering Cost Accounting and Reporting HAC HTC PLANT OPERATION Plant Control System Technical Documentation Technical Specification PLANT MAINTENANCE Maintenance Units Materials Management Spare Parts Classification PCS KIWI Please refer to the Holcim Accounting and Reporting Manual PCS Please refer to the Holcim Commerce ICP Guide to Investment Cost Presentation HTC Holcim Technical Code, Extension of HAC for Reporting Considering the large number of application areas, the Asset Coding System HAC has been developed and elaborated by an interdisciplinary team representing the former Corporate Controlling - CCO, the Corporate Technical Services - CTS, as well as the Corporate Engineering – CE. 1.2 Purpose of the Asset Coding System HAC o The basis of any asset management system (covering all relevant areas) is a suitable homogeneous classification, identification and coding of the assets. In most Holcim plants, this classification is made through the Holcim Asset Coding System, called HAC. o The HAC identifies the type of asset and its location within the plant. o The HAC covers the multiple needs of both the project and the operating phase. HES 97/6’345/E Edition: May 2001 D:\Q\HES\STANDARD\HAC-CODE\EDI5_01\English\HAC-E.DOC Holcim Asset-Code 1.3 Page 6 Administration of the Asset Coding System HAC To assist the users of the system and to assure that the feedback of information from the plants is used to improve further applications of the code, Corporate Engineering – CE in Switzerland has been assigned to act as the HAC - Co-ordinator. CE offers courses both on-site or at Holderbank on the application of the HAC. For first users, an introductory workshop may be advantageous to start the plant numbering system on the right track. The following additional tools can be provided to assist the plants in the elaboration of their documentation of assets: 1. Tables 1 to 6, - ACCESS 97 data files, Print Files are available in Holspace (Engineering). 2. Flowsheet symbols complete with HAC code, attributes for main data of the asset and standard electrical components, - AutoCAD (14) data files 3. HDRS97 an engineering tool for the documentation of plant specific groups, assets and electrical components and for their integration with the plant automation system. For further information on HAC and HTC please contact: Holcim Group Support Ltd CH-5113 Holderbank Corporate Engineering Phone: Fax: E-Mail: ++41 58 858 62 35 ++41 58 858 62 75 ulrich.hinden@holcim.com or Phone: Fax: E-Mail: ++41 58 858 63 30 ++41 58 858 63 27 remo.bernasconi@holcim.com For questions in relation with ICP please contact: Phone: Fax: E-Mail: HES 97/6’345/E ++41 58 858 62 47 ++41 58 858 63 27 karl.kuehner@holcim.com Edition: May 2001 D:\Q\HES\STANDARD\HAC-CODE\EDI5_01\English\HAC-E.DOC Holcim Asset-Code 2. Page 7 STRUCTURE AND APPLICATION OF THE HOLCIM ASSET CODE - HAC The HAC is composed of a six-digit alpha-numeric code which can be supplemented by additional individual digits. Components of the Asset Unit (or Maintenance Unit) are classified with additional digits. In case several plants are to be organised under the same asset code, the official "Holcim Plant Code" should precede the HAC. For easy reference between group, asset and component the delimiters "-" and "." shall be used. For codes in position I1I, I4I I5I and I7I, the "Standard-Numbering" presented in the following table 0 is applicable. Within maintenance systems as e.g. SAP the HAC shall be used to identify the location of an equipment. The HAC shall not be used to identify or tag spare parts. The HAC tag at the physical location of the asset in the plant shall therefor be placed on the fixed part or the support structure of the asset. Corporate Controlling encourage linking the HAC to the financial fixed asset register in order to facilitate the Holcim Financial Reporting as well as communication within group companies. For further guidance please consult the Holcim Accounting and Reporting Manual. HES 97/6’345/E Edition: May 2001 D:\Q\HES\STANDARD\HAC-CODE\EDI5_01\English\HAC-E.DOC Holcim Asset-Code Page 8 Table 0: Structure of the Holcim Asset Code - HAC The Plant X* X* X1 X* . The Group Number 1 2 3** Cost Centers Clinker /Cement1) Main Cost Centers All main cost centers Raw material extraction Raw material preparation Raw meal preparation Clinker production Cement grinding Pre-Process Cost Centers K Additives prep. handling L Traditional fuels prep. handl. T Mineral components prep. h. V Alternative fuels prep. handl. W Alternative raw mat. prep. h. X Correctives prep. handling EG Power generation Auxiliary Cost Centers B Infrastructure C Plant management D General plant services E Electric power and control F Parts and supplies manag’t G Plant maintenance/workshops H Quality control and laboratory I Mobile equ.mainten./garage J Internal transport system M Water treatment / distribution N Sewage treatment / station P Flue gas treatment > CC 4 Q Solid waste disposal R Waste heat utilisation > CC 4 S Environmental protection Logistics and Distribution U Mixing / Blending 6 Shipping and packing 7 Distribution outbound 8 Marketing and sales 9 Administration 0 1 2 3 4 5 1) 2) * - The Asset Unit 4 Depreciation Categories 00 1.. 2.. 3.. 4.. 5.. 6.. 7.. 8.. 9Z AA to ZZ 5 6** 2) The Component . 7 ... Components Categories General Assets All asset units Medium voltage installations Low voltage installations Buildings and installations Vehicles Laboratory equipment Workshop and warehouse Furniture Land and concessions Construction in progress (digit I4I numbers only) Machinery Assets Machinery and mechanical equipment units understood as: "Maintenance Units" (digit I4I5I letters only) Current Assets / Inventories refer to Holcim Accounting and Reporting Manual and HTC Mechanical Components Mechanical components are to be classified using numbers in position I7I. Mechanical components normally refer to machinery assets (i.e. digit I4I5I = letters) but may also be used for general asset units (i.e. digit I4I = number) Electrical Components Electrical components are to be classified using letters in position I7I. Electrical components normally refer to machinery assets (i.e. digit I4I5I = letters) but may also be used for general asset units (i.e. digit I4I = number) General Asset Components Components of general assets as civil- ,vehicles -, laboratoryshall use branch specific codes, as long as they refer to the corresponding asset unit code I4I. Please refer to Holcim Accounting and Reporting Manual For Plant Codes see Holcim Annual Technical Report ATR. ** The digits in position 3 and 6 serve for sequential numbering: digit 3 for parallel main process equipment; digit 6 for numbering the same asset type within a group N.B.: The letter "O" shall never be used in order to avoid confusion with the number "0" HES 97/6’345/E Edition: May 2001 D:\Q\HES\STANDARD\HAC-CODE\EDI5_01\English\HAC-E.DOC Holcim Asset-Code 3. Page 9 THE GROUP NUMBER The group number defines the cost center (CC) and the place within the plant. The Group Number 1 2 3 Example: Group 3643 36 - = Cost Center = Raw Meal Preparation = Technical Group = Raw Meal Grinding 364 = Sequential # 4 = Production Line # 4 For the definition of cost centers please refer to the Holcim Accounting and Reporting Manual and to annex 1 of this manual. 3.1 Code I1I: Main- Preprocess- and Auxiliary Cost Centers The Holcim Asset Code defines the cost center by means of a 1-digit short code I1I. Main cost centers are generally represented by numbers and preprocess and auxiliary cost centers by letters as shown in the preceding table 0: Structure of the Holcim Asset Code. Annex I shows the borderlines between cost centers. It is to be noted, that at the transfer from one cost center to the following one, all equipment for transport and feed of material into a storage as well as the storage itself, are part of the preceding cost center. On the other hand, all equipment for reclaiming and extraction from the storage belong to the following cost center. Similarly, this applies also to the dedusting equipment related of the above transport and storage equipment. The transfer between a main cost center and an preprocess or auxiliary cost center follows the same rules whereby the storage involved between the groups might be minimal or even non-existent. 3.2 Code I1I2I: Technical Groups The cost centers above need to be subdivided into technical groups. The subdivision of the cost centers into technical groups are defined by the codes I1I2I. Groups within main cost centers are defined by numbers in position I1I and by letters or numbers in position I2I. Groups within preprocess or auxiliary cost centers are defined by letters in position I1I and by letters or numbers in position I2I. The number 0 in position I2I is used to identify the sum of all assets and project related expenses of the cost center. Groups within cost centers are specified for a "standard" cement as well as for aggregates and ready-mix concrete production. These standard lists may be modified as required by the individual needs of a specific plant, but by respecting the general specifications as defined in the Holcim Accounting and Reporting Manual. To subdivide the main process of a plant into groups, one has to take into account the flowsheet, the layout, the process technology, as well as the desired subdivision of the cost centers of the plant. Therefore, it is mandatory to define the groups in a project team including the maintenance, the accounting, the mechanical and the electrical automation project engineers. A group shall normally have a reasonable size e.g. between 5 to 50 assets, the lower limit to justify the cost structure, the higher limit to ease the numbering and to structure the assets. HES 97/6’345/E Edition: May 2001 D:\Q\HES\STANDARD\HAC-CODE\EDI5_01\English\HAC-E.DOC Holcim Asset-Code Page 10 There is no common subdivision into groups possible for all types of processes and organisations. However, a typical classification of groups, based on experience, can be found in the following tables. The existing codes can be supplemented using combinations of numbers and letters within allocated areas of code combinations. 3.3 Code I3I: Parallel Production Installations Production lines or parallel similar installations within the same main cost center are distinguished by sequential numbering using numbers from 1 - 9 or letters from A - N and P - Z in coding position I3I. It is recommended to use numbers to distinguish between main process activities of separate production lines and to use letters to distinguish between groups, serving different production lines or used for a variety of products. A production line is normally defined per production process within the main cost center 3, 4, 5. For cost centers 1, 2, 6 and for preprocess or auxiliary cost centers the definition of a production line may differ, depending on the structure of the specific installations. Please refer to annex I for examples. The denomination of each code combination I1I2I3I should be defined and stored in a plant specific database (SAP and/or HDRS etc.). A simple denomination normally indicates a good subdivision of the process. 4. THE ASSET UNIT The asset unit means primarily a "Physical Production Equipment", a "Maintenance Unit", typically a machine. Such physical production equipment is to be allocated to a Group defined with codes I1I2I3I as specified in the previous chapter 3. Group Number 1 2 3 The Asset Unit - 4 5 6 Example: Equipment-BE3 B BE = Asset category Machinery (letter only) = Maintenance unit Bucket elevator BE3 = Similar asset Bucket elevator # 3 The "Asset Units" are classified primarily according to their "Rate of Depreciation" (buildings and installations, machinery, mobile equipment, etc.). These rates of depreciation are based on the techno-economic lifetime of the assets. 4.1 Code I4I: Asset or Depreciation Categories Asset categories are also used as depreciation categories. The depreciation categories are defined by alpha-numeric characters in digit I4I. The "Standard Classification" of assets in depreciation categories with the corresponding codes I4I is specified in the preceding table "Structure of the HAC" as well as in the tables of the following chapter. 4.2 Code I4I5I: Types of Assets The subdivision of the "Depreciation Category" in "Asset Units" are defined in Codes I4I5I. The "Asset Catalogue" is a list of combinations of numbers and letters which specifies types of assets and is classified in depreciation categories I4I. Basi- HES 97/6’345/E Edition: May 2001 D:\Q\HES\STANDARD\HAC-CODE\EDI5_01\English\HAC-E.DOC Holcim Asset-Code Page 11 cally, those equipment items which appear in the "Asset Lists" I4I5I can be considered as independent "Maintenance Units". Components of such maintenance units are to be coded in digits I7I. For the definition of Current Assets such as consumables, materials, fuels etc. please refer to the Holcim Accounting and Reporting Manual and to the HTC. The "Standard Asset Lists" I4I5I are included in the following listed tables: Code Asset and Depreciation Category Table AA – ZZ 00 - 9Z Machinery / Mechanical Production Equipment Units General Assets (Numbers only in position I4I) 3 4 The flowsheet symbols included in the tables are examples only. For complete information refer to 1.3. 4.3 Code I4I5I6I Similar Asset Units Same types of asset units / physical production equipment I4I5I within the same group I1I2I3I are distinguished by sequential numbering using code I6I. For this purpose, numbers 1 - 9 or letters A - N and P - Z are to be used. The sequence of numbering shall normally follow the flow of material. (see also annex II) 5. THE COMPONENT The coding of components has to be co-ordinated with the stores and with the maintenance documentation. Except for electrical component coding, no corresponding component lists have been included in the HAC Manual. In general it is recommended to use the component numbering of the corresponding maintenance software, e.g. SAP or the component numbers as indicated on the machine suppliers maintenance documents. Whenever possible, these codes should start with a number in position I7I in order to avoid the risk of a duplication with an electrical component code. The electrical component code always uses a letter in position I7I. The code generally follows international electrical and instrumentation codes, but has been slightly adapted to suit the special requirements of our industry. The component code shall be extended with sequence numbering or a process function numbering, as required and as the performance of the plant control system software permits. For automated reporting purpose with TIS and according KIWI the Holcim Technical Code HTC shall be used. The electrical component list is to be found in Table 6. Application examples of the HAC for electrical equipment coding are to be found in annex III. HES 97/6’345/E Edition: May 2001 D:\Q\HES\STANDARD\HAC-CODE\EDI5_01\English\HAC-E.DOC Holcim Asset-Code 6. Page 12 EXPLANATIONS TO THE TABLES * stands for "any", Example 3C = Control within Cost Center 3 >>> indicates, that corresponding costs (if separately recorded) are to be allocated to the indicated Cost Center () Groups for segment aggregates and concrete HES 97/6’345/E Edition: May 2001 D:\Q\HES\STANDARD\HAC-CODE\EDI5_01\English\HAC-E.DOC Holcim Asset-Code Table 1 Page 1 of 5 Table 1: Groups within Main Cost Centers Group Number 1 2 3 - Example: Group 364 3 36 364 Main Cost Center Technical Group Sequential # - Raw Meal Preparation - Raw Meal Grinding - Production Line # 4 All physical assets are to be allocated to a cost center. The following list is the suggested classification of the main cost centers into technical groups . Details have to be discussed between maintenance-, accounting-, production- and automation engineers. Code Group-Description Code Group-Description General 19 Control within a cost center Contrôle dans le centre de coôt Steuerung innerhalb der Kostenstelle Control en el centro de coste Raw material transport Transport de matières premières Rohmaterial Transport Transporte de materias primas 1A Lighting within a cost center Eclairage dans le centre de coût Beleuchtung innerhalb der Kostenstelle Alumbrado en el centro de coste . . . . Raw material preparation *C *L *P Electric power distribution within a CC Distribution d'énergie dans le centren Elektrische Energieverteilung in der Kst Distribución de energía en el centro c. 20 Raw material preparation Préparation de matières premières Rohmaterial Aufbereitung Preparación de materias primas 21 Raw material extraction Extraction de matières premières Rohmaterial Gewinnung Extracción de materias primas Limestone crushing Concassage du calcaire Kalkstein Brecherei Trituración de caliza 22 Limestone extraction Extraction de calcaire Kalk Abbau Extracción de caliza Clay/shale/marl crushing Concassage de l'argile/shiste/marne Ton/Schiefer/Mergel Brecherei Trituración de arcilla/pizara/marga 23 Clay or marl extraction Extraction d'argile Mergel Abbau Extracción de arcilla Alternative raw material prep. >>> CC W Préparation matière alternative Altern. Rohmaterial Aufbereitung Preparación materias alternativas 24 Sand extraction Extraction de sable Sand Gewinnung Extracción de arena . . . . 25 Raw material sampling / Online analizer Echantillonnage Rohmaterial Probenahme Muestreo Raw material extraction 10 11 12 13 14 ( Aggregates extraction ) Extraction de gravier Kies Gewinnung Extracción de agregados HES 97/6'345/E Edition: May 2001 Rep 12 E Main Functions Holcim Asset-Code Table 1 Page 2 of 5 Code Group-Description Code Group-Description 27 ( Aggregates washing and screening ) Lavage de granulat Kies Wasch- und Siebanlage Lavado de agregados 36 Raw meal grinding Broyage du cru Rohmehl Mahlung Molienda del crudo 28 ( Aggregates crushing and classifying ) Classification de granulat Kies Brech- und Sortieranlage Classifcación de agregados 37 . . . . 29 Raw material transport/storage Transport et stockage - matières prem. Rohmaterial Transp.und Lagerung Transporte y almacenamiento 38 Raw meal homogenizing Homogénisation cru Rohmehl Homogenisierung Homogeneizatión del crudo 2A . . . . 39 Raw meal transport and storage Transport et stockage du cru Rohmehl Transport und Lagerung Transporte y almacenamiento del crudo 2E Receiving raw material Entré matières premières Rohmaterial Empfang Entrada de materias primas 3A . . . . 3E Receiving of prepared raw material Entré matières premières préparées Empfang von aufbereitetem Rohmaterial Entrada de materias primas preparados Raw meal preparation 30 Raw meal preparation Préparation du cru Rohmehl Aufbereitung Preparación del crudo Clinker production 31 Raw material reclaiming and transport Reprise du stock et transport matière Rohmaterial Lagerabbau und Transport Extracción del depósito y transporte 40 Clinker production Fabrication du clinker Klinker Fabrikation Fabricación de clinker 32 Correctives preparation >>> CC X Préparation matière de correction Korrekturmaterial Aufbereitung Preparación de corectivos 41 Raw meal transport to kiln feed Transport du cru à l'alimentat'n du four Rohmehl Transport zur Ofenaufgabe Transp. del crudo hasta aliment. horno 33 Raw mill feed Alimentation du broyeur cru Rohmühlenaufgabe Alimentación de la molienda crudo 42 Dedusting of kiln system Dépoussiérage du système four Ofenanlage Entstaubung Desempolvamiento del sistema horno 34 Raw material pregrinding - press Prébroyage - presse cru Rohmaterial Presse/Vormahlung Premolienda - prensa crudo 43 Kiln feed Alimentation du four Ofenaufgabe Alimentación del horno 35 Raw material drying and heating Séchage et chauffage cru Rohmaterial Trocknung und Heizung Secador y calentador crudo 44 Preheating Préchauffage Vorwärmung Precalentamiento HES 97/6'345/E Edition: May 2001 Rep 12 E Main Functions Holcim Asset-Code Table 1 Page 3 of 5 Code Group-Description Code Group-Description 45 Precalcining including firing Injection-combustible à la précalcinat. Vorkalzinierung mit Feuerung Inyección-combustible para precalcinac. 52 Gypsum preparation >>> CC K Prép. du Gypse à la trémie Gips Aufbereitung Preparación yeso a tolva 46 Kiln Four Ofen Horno 53 Cement mill feed Alimentation du broyeur ciment Zement Mühlenaufgabe Alimentación del molino de cemento 47 Clinker cooling Refroidissement du clinker Klinker Kühlung Enfriamiento del clinker 54 Clinker pregrinding - press Prébroyage - presse clinker Klinker Vormahlung - Presse Premolienda - prensa de clinker 48 Kiln firing Injection de combustible au four Ofen Feuerung Inyección de combustible al horno 55 . . . . 49 Clinker transport and storage Transport et stockage du clinker Klinker Transport und Lagerung Transporte y almacenamiento del clinker 56 Cement mill Broyage du ciment Zementmühle Molienda del cemento 4A Kiln by-pass Bypass du four Ofen Bypass Bypass de horno 57 . . . . 4B . . . . 58 . . . . 4D Dust transport and insufflation Transport et injection poussières Staubtransport und Einblasung Transporte y inyección polvo 59 Cement transport and storage Transport et stockage du ciment Zement Transport und Lagerung Transporte y almacen. del cemento 4E . . . . 5A . . . . 5E Receiving of clinker Entré du clinker Empfang von Klinker Entrada de clinker 5K Clinker loading (internal) Chargement clinker Klinkerverlad Carga de clinker Cement grinding 50 51 Cement grinding Mouture du ciment Zement Mahlung Molienda de cemento Clinker transport to mill feed Transport du clinker à la trémie d'alim. Klinker Transport zur Mühlenaufgabe Transp. clinker hasta alim.molino HES 97/6'345/E Edition: May 2001 Rep 12 E Main Functions Holcim Asset-Code Table 1 Page 4 of 5 Code Group-Description Code Group-Description Packing and shipping 6B Packing and shipping Ensachage et expédition Packerei und Versand Ensacado y expedición ( Loading of ready mix ) Chargement de beton Laden von Beton Carga de hormigón 6D Cement transport to loading Transp.vers chargement en vrac et sac Cement Transport zu Verladung Transp.hasta carga a granel/ensacoado ( Loading of dry-crete ) Chargement de mortier sec Laden von Trockenmörtel Carga de hormigón seco 6E Bulk loading road Chargement en vrac - route Loseverlad Strasse Carga a granel - carretera Receiving of cement Entré du ciments Empfang von Zement Entrada de cemento 6F Bulk loading rail Chargement en vrac - rail Loseverlad Bahn Carga a granel - ferrocarril Bag loading ships/barges Chargement des sacs - bateau/barque Sackverlad Schiff Carge en sacos - navio/barco 6K Bulk loading ships/barges Chargement en vrac - bateau/barque Loseverlad Schiff Carga a granel - navio/barco Clinker loading (to customer) Chargement clinker Klinkerverlad Carga de clinker 6U Big bag loading Chargement big bag Big bag Verladung Carga big bag Cement blending / mixing >>> CC U Système de mélange Zement Mischanlage Planta de mezclado 6X Packing plant Ensachage et ensacheuse Packanlage Ensacado y ensacadora Mixing silo at customer site Silo de mélange sur chantier Mischsilo Baustelle Silo de mescla en obras 6Y Palletizing, wrapping, shrinking Palettisation Palettieranlage Paletizador Bulk silo at customer site Silo en vrac sur chantier Loseverladsilo Baustelle Silo granel en obras Distribution outbound 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 Bag loading rail Chargement des sacs - train Sackverlad Bahn Carga en sacos - vagón ferrocarril 70 Distribution outbound Distribution Verteilsystem Distribución 69 Bag loading road Chargement des sacs - camions Sackverlad Strasse Carga en sacos - camión 71 Owned transportation road Transport route Transport Strasse Transporte carretera 6A ( Loading of aggregates ) Chargement de granulats Laden von Kies Carga de agregados 72 Owned transportation rail Transport chemin de fer Transport Bahn Transporte ferrocarril HES 97/6'345/E Edition: May 2001 Rep 12 E Main Functions Holcim Asset-Code Code Group-Description 73 Table 1 Page 5 of 5 Code Group-Description Owned transportation waterway Transport eau Transport Wasserweg Transporte por vía fluvial Marketing and sales 80 Marketing and sales Vente et marketing Verkauf und Marketing Venta y marketing 81 Sales Vente Verkauf Venta 82 Marketing Marketing Marketing Marketing 83 . . . . Administration 90 Administration Administration Verwaltung Administración 91 General management Direction Unternehmensleitung Dirección 92 Human resources Personnel Personal Personal 93 Finance and controlling Comptabilité Buchhaltung Contabilidad 94 Information services Informatique IT Informática 95 Purchasing Achat Einkauf Compras HES 97/6'345/E Edition: May 2001 Rep 12 E Main Functions Holcim Asset-Code Table 2 Page 1 of 9 Table 2: Groups within Pre-Process and Auxiliary Functions Group Number 1 2 3 - Example: Group E44 E E4 E44 Auxiliary Function Group Number Sequential # - Electric Power and Control - Lighting and Power - Production Line # 4 All physical assets are to be allocated to a cost center. The following list is a complete classification of the pre-process and auxiliary functions into groups. Details have to be discussed between maintenance-, accounting-, production- and automation engineers. Seperate cost centers need only to be established if justified by it's size. Code Group Description Code Group Description General B5 Control within a cost center Contrôle dans le centre de coôt Steuerung innerhalb der Kostenstelle Control en el centro de coste Harbour Port Hafenanlage Puerto B6 Lighting within a cost center Eclairage dans le centre de coût Beleuchtung innerhalb der Kostenstelle Alumbrado en el centro de coste Install. for employees and guard house Inst. pour employés et corps de garde Einrichtungen f. Mitarb.& Pförtnerdienst Instal. para empleados y guardianes B7 Electric power distribution within a CC Distribution d'énergie dans le centren Elektrische Energieverteilung in der Kst Distribución de energía en el centro c. Dwellings Habitations Wohnkolonie Viviendas B8 Recultivation Réhabilitation des terrains Rekultivierung Recultivación B9 Entrances Accès équipment Zufahrten Entradas *C *L *P Infrastructure B0 B1 B2 B3 B4 Infrastructure Exploitation Infrastruktur Infraestructura Land and surroundings Terrain et entourage Gelände und Umgebung Terreno y alrededores Plant management C0 Traffic areas and systems Aire de roulage et système de trafic Verkehrsflächen, Verkehrssysteme Areas y sistemas de tráfico Plant management Gestion d'usine Fabrikleitung Gestión de fábrica C1 Water drainage Canalisation Kanalisation Drenaje de agua Technical management Gestion technique Technische Leitung Gestión técnica C2 Plant administration Administration de l'usine Fabrikverwaltung Administración de la fábrica Public installations Installations publiques Öffentliche Einrichtungen Instalaciones públicas HES 97/6'345/E Edition: May 2001 Rep 12 E Auxiliary Functions Holcim Asset-Code Table 2 Page 2 of 9 Code Group Description Code Group Description C3 Training centre / technical Centre de formation / technique Ausbildungszentrum / Technik Centro de formación / técnica E3 Low voltage power distribution and MCC Distribution basse tension et CCM Niederspannungsvert.und Schützengerüste Distribución baja tensión y CCM C4 . . . E4 Lighting and power Eclairage et prises de courant Licht und Kraft Alumbrado y tomas de corriente E5 Plant automation / Control Système d'automatisation Anlagen Automation Automatización de planta E6 Instrumentation, sensors and subcontrols Instrum., capteurs et syst.sous direct. Instrument., Sensoren und Untersteuerung Instrumentación, sensores y sist.control E7 Communication Communication Kommunikation Comunicación E8 Drives Entraînement Antriebe Accionamiento E9 Cabling, grounding, lightning protection Câblage, mise à terre, protection foudre Verkabelung, Erdung und Blitzschutz Cableado, puesta tierra y protec.rayo EF Fire detection Détection incendie Brandmeldung Sistema de detector de incendio EG Power Plant / HV line >>> Preprocess CC Centrale électrique / ligne de HT Kraftwerk / HS Leitung Central eléctrica / linea AT General plant services D0 General plant services Services généraux de l'usine Allgemeine Dienstleistungen Servicios generales de la fábrica D3 Compressed air system Génération et distrib.d'air comprimé Druckluftversorgung Generación y distrib. de aire comprimido D4 Heating, ventilation, aircon >>> main CC Chauffage, ventilation, air conditionné Heizung, Ventilation, Klimatisierung Calefacción, ventilación, aire acondic. D5 Cleaning Nettoyage Reinigung Limpieza D6 Safety and plant security Sûreté et sécurité de l'usine Unfallverhütung und Sicherheit Seguridad y prevención de accidentes D7 Weighing of incoming and outgoing goods Pesage marchandise entrante et sortante Verwiegestatation für ein.und aus.Güter Balanza mercancías entrantes y salientes Electric power and control E0 Electric power distribution and control Distribution électrique et contrôle Elektrische Verteilung und Steuerung Distribución eléctrica y control Parts- and supplies management E1 Main transformer station Poste de trafo principal Haupttransformatoren Station Transformador principales E2 Medium voltage power distr./transformer Distr.moyen tension et transformateurs Mittspannungsverteilung/Transformatoren Distribución media tensión/transformad. HES 97/6'345/E F0 Parts- and supplies management Gestion des matériaux Materialbewirtschaftung Gestión de los materiales F1 . . . . Edition: May 2001 Rep 12 E Auxiliary Functions Holcim Asset-Code Table 2 Page 3 of 9 Code Group Description Code Group Description F2 Fuels for vehicles Combustibles pour véhicules Brennstoffe für Fahrzeuge Combustibles para vehículos G2 Electrical workshop Maintenance électrique Elektrische Instandhaltung Mantenimiento eléctrico F3 Lubricants Lubrifiants Schmiermittel Lubrificantes G3 Electronics workshop Maintenance électronique Elektronische Instandhaltung Mantenimiento electrónico F4 Wear parts, auxiliary material Pièces d'usures, mat. de consommation Verschleissteile und Verbrauchsmaterial Desgasto G4 Computer maintenance Maintenance informatique Informatik Instandhaltung Mantenimiento informatico F5 Spare parts, standard parts Pièces de rechange, standardisées Ersatzteile, Normteile Piezas de recambio G5 Masonry workshop Maçonnerie Bau Werkstatt Taller de albañilería F6 Machine parts, components, electr.items Pièces de machines, composante, électr. Maschinenteile, Komponenten, E-Teile Partes mecánicos y eléctricos G6 Carpenter workshop Menuiserie Schreinerei Carpintería F7 Other stores Autres stocks Andere Lager Otros almacenes G7 . . . . F8 . . . . G8 . . . . F9 . . . . G9 . . . . FA . . . . Quality control and laboratory H0 Quality control and laboratory Contrôle de qualité et laboratoire Qualitätskontrolle und Labor Control de calidad y laboratorio Plant maintenance and workshops G0 Plant maintenance / workshops Maintenance de l'usine/ ateliers Instandhaltung / Werkstätten Mantenimiento de la fábrica H1 . . . . G1 Mechanical workshop Maintenance mécanique Mechanische Instandhaltung Mantenimiento mecánico H2 Sample transport system (mailing) Transport des échantillons Probentransport Transporte de los muestreos HES 97/6'345/E Edition: May 2001 Rep 12 E Auxiliary Functions Holcim Asset-Code Table 2 Page 4 of 9 Code Group Description Code Group Description H3 Sample preparation Préparation des échantillons Probenaufbereitung Preparación de los muestreos I3 . . . . H4 X-ray analysing section Contr.de la matière par X-ray analyseur Röntgenspektrometrie Análisis de rayo-X I4 . . . . H5 Chemical laboratory Laboratoire chimique Chemisches Labor Laboratorio químico Internal material transport system H6 H7 H8 H9 HA J0 Physical laboratory Laboratoire physique Physikalisches Labor Laboratorio físico Internal transport (general purpose) Transport interne (utilisation générale) Internes Transportsystem (Allgemein) Transporte interna (uso general) J1 Quality control Contrôle de qualité des produits Qualitätskontrolle Control de la calidad Internal transport by road Système de transport interne par route Internes Transportsystem - Strasse Sistema de transporte interna carretera J2 . . . . Internal transport by rail Système de transport interne par rail Internes Transportsystem - Schiene Sistema de transp.interna - ferrocarril J3 Chemicals storage Magasins des produits chimiques Chemikalienlager Almacenamiento productos químicos Other internal transports Système de transport interne divers Andere interne Transportsysteme Otras sistemas de transporte internas J4 . . . . . . . . Gypsum & additives prep. and handlin K0 Mobile equipment maintenance/garage Maintenance équipements mobiles/garage Fahrzeuginstandhaltung/Garage Mantenimiento de los equipos móviles Gypsum & additives preparation Manutention et prép. gypse et des ajouts Gips und Zuschlagstoffe Aufbereitung Preparación de yeso y de los aditivos K1 Mobile equip.maintenance/plant garage Maintenance équip. mobiles de l'usine Fahrzeuginstandhaltung in der Fabrik Manten. de los equipos móviles fábrica Unloading and storage Déchargement et stockage Entladung und Lagerung Descarga y almacenamiento K2 Intermediate transport and storage Transport intermédiaire et stockage Zwischentransport und - Lagerung Transporte y almacenamiento intermedio Mobile equipment maintenance/garage I0 I1 I2 Mobile equip.maintenance/quarry garage Maintenance équip.mobiles de la carrière Fahrzeuginstandhaltung im Steinbruch Manten. de los equipos móviles cantera HES 97/6'345/E Edition: May 2001 Rep 12 E Auxiliary Functions Holcim Asset-Code Table 2 Page 5 of 9 Code Group Description Code Group Description K3 Crushing Concassage Brecherei Trituración L3 Fuel crushing Concassage combustibles Brennstoff Brecherei Trituración combustibles K4 . . . L4 K5 Drying and heating Séchage et chauffage Trocknung und Heizung Secado y calefacción . . . . L5 Fuel drying Séchage comubstibles Brennstoff Trocknung Secado combustibles L6 Fuel grinding Broyage combustibles Brennstoff Mahlung Molienda combustibles L7 Alternative fuels >>> CC V Combustibles alternatifs Alternative Brennstoffe Combustibles alternativos L8 . . . . L9 Fuel transport and storage Transp. vers trémie d'alimentation Transport zum Aufgabesilo Transp. hacia la tolva de alimentación K6 K7 K8 K9 KA KB Grinding Broyage Mahlung Molienda . . . . . . . Transport to feed bin Transport vers trémie d'alimentation Transport zum Aufgabesilo Transporte hacia tolva de alimentación . . . . Water supply/treatment/distribution M0 Water supply/treatment/distribution Préparation/aliment,et distribut. d'eau Wasserversorgung/Aufbereit./Verteilung Preparación/alimentac. y distrib.de agua M1 Water supply / well Alimentation en eau / source Wasserversorgung / Quelle Alimentación con agua M2 Drinking water treatment/distribution Préparation/distribution d'eau buvable Trinkwasseraufbereitung und Verteilung Preparación/distribución de agua potable M3 Process water treatment/distribution Préparation/distr.d'eau processus Prozesswasseraufbereitung/Verteilung Prep. y distrib.de agua proceso . . Traditional fuel prep. and handling L0 Traditional fuel preparation and hand. Manutention et préparation-combustibles Transport und Aufbereitung Brennstoffe Transporte y preparación combustibles L1 Fuel unloading and storage Déchargement et stockage Entladung und Lagerung Descarga y almacenamiento L2 . . . . HES 97/6'345/E Edition: May 2001 Rep 12 E Auxiliary Functions Holcim Asset-Code Table 2 Page 6 of 9 Code Group Description Code Group Description M4 . . . . P2 Flue gas dedusting Dépoussiérage Rauchgasentstaubung Desempolvamiento M5 Fire fighting water system Système de distribution d'eau - incendie Löschwasser System Systema distribución de agua - incendio P3 Feed Alimentation Dosierung Alimentación M6 . . . . P6 Scrubber / Absorber Absorbeur Absorber / Gasreiniger Absorbente M7 . . . . P7 . . . . P9 Transport Transport Transport Transporte Sewage treatment / plant N0 Sewage treatment and - plant Epuration des eaux usées Abwasserreinigung Tratamiento de aguas Solid waste disposal N1 Industrial sewage treatment/plant Epuration des eaux industrielles Industrieabwasserreinigung Tratamiento de aguas industriales Q0 Solid waste disposal Traitement des déchets Beseitigung fester Abfallstoffe Tratamiento de desechos sólidos N2 Domestic sewage treatment/plant Epuration des eaux domestiques Abwasserreinigung Tratamiento de aguas domésticos Q1 . . . . N3 . . . . Waste heat utilisation >>> CC 4 R0 Waste heat utilisation (= cost center 4) Utilisation de la chaleur perdue Abwärmeverwertung Utilización del calor perdido Flue gas treatment / plant >>> CC 4 P0 Flue gas treatment (= cost center 4) Traitement des fumées Rauchgasreinigung Tratamiento de los humos R1 Water treatment for waste heat recovery Traitem.d'eau/utilisation chaleur perdue Wasseraufbereitung/Abwärmeverwertung Tratam.de agua/utilización calor perdido P1 . . . . R2 Kiln waste heat recovery Chaleur perdue du four Ofenabwärme Calor perdido del horno HES 97/6'345/E Edition: May 2001 Rep 12 E Auxiliary Functions Holcim Asset-Code Table 2 Page 7 of 9 Code Group Description Code Group Description R3 Auxiliary heating Chauffage auxiliaire Zusatzheizung Calefacción auxiliar T1 MIC granulator Granulation MIC MIC Granulator Granulador MIC R4 Waste heat exchanger Echangeur de chaleur perdue Wärmetauscher Intercambiador de calor T2 MIC intermediate transport and storage Transport intermédiaire et stockage MIC MIC Zwischentransport und - Lagerung Transporte y almacenamiento intermedio R5 . . . . T3 MIC mill feed system Alimentation du broyeur MIC MIC Mühlenaufgabe Alimentación del molino MIC R6 Steam distribution Distribution des vapeurs Dampfverteilung Distribución vapores T4 . . . . R7 Turbines and generators Turbines et générateurs Turbinen und Generatoren Turbinas y alternadores T5 MIC drying and heating Séchage et chauffage MIC MIC Trocknung und Heizung Secado y calefacción MIC R8 Condensation plant Equipement de condensation Kondensationsanlage Equipo de condensación T6 MIC grinding Broyage MIC MIC Mahlung Molienda MIC R9 . . . . T7 . . . . RA . . . . T8 . . . . T9 MIC transport to feed bin/storage Transport et stockage du MIC MIC Transport zum Silo/Aufgabebunker Transporte hacia silo/tolva MIC TA . . . . TE Receiving of mineral components Entré composants mineraux Empfang von mineralischen Komponenten Entrada de componentes minerales Environmental protection S0 Environmental protection Protection de l'environnement Umweltschutzmassnahmen Protección del medio ambiente Mineral components prep. and handlin T0 Mineral components preparation Manut. et prép. des composant minéraux Aufbereitung mineralische Komponenten Preparación de componentes minerales HES 97/6'345/E Edition: May 2001 Rep 12 E Auxiliary Functions Holcim Asset-Code Table 2 Page 8 of 9 Code Group Description Code Group Description Mixing / blending station >>> CC 6 V0 Mixing / blending station (= CC 6) Système de mélange Mischanlage Planta de mezclado Alternative fuel preparation (AF) Manutention et prép.combustibles altern. Transp und Aufbereitung alt.Brennstoffe Transporte y prep. Combustibles alternat V1 Cement preparation Préparation du ciment Zement Aufbereitung Preparación de cemento AF unloading and storage Déchargement et stockage AF AF Entladung und Lagerung Descarga y almacenamiento AF V2 ( Aggregates preparation ) Préparation du gravier Kies Aufbereitung Preparación de agregados . . . . V3 Preparation of ground slag Préparation des scories Aufbereitung von Schlacke Préparación de escorias AF crushing Concassage AF AF Brecherei Trituración AF V4 . . . . . . . . V5 Preparation of additives Préparation d'additives Aufbereitung von Zuschlagstoffen Preparación de aditivos AF drying and heating Séchage et chauffage AF AF Trocknung und Heizung AF Secado y calefacción V6 Mixing Circuit Circuit mélangeur Mischer Mezclador AF grinding Broyage AF AF Mahlung Molienda AF V7 . . . . . . . . V8 . . . . . . . . V9 Transport of mixed product Transport du produit fini Transport von Mischgut Transporte de mezclado AF transport to feed bin Transp. vers trémie d'alimentation AF AF Transport zum Aufgabesilo Transp. hacia la tolva de AF Alternative raw material prep. and hand U0 U1 U2 U3 U4 U5 U6 U7 U8 U9 Alternative fuel prep. and handling HES 97/6'345/E W0 Alternative raw material preparation Préparation des matériaux alternativs Aufbereitung alternative Rohmaterialien Preparación de materias alternativas Edition: May 2001 Rep 12 E Auxiliary Functions Holcim Asset-Code Table 2 Page 9 of 9 Code Group Description Code Group Description Correctives preparation and handling X0 Correctives preparation and handling Préparation des correctivs Aufbereitung Korrekturmaterialien Preparación de corectivos HES 97/6'345/E Edition: May 2001 Rep 12 E Auxiliary Functions Holcim Asset-Code Table 3 Page 1 of 12 Table 3: Machinery Assets / Mechanical Maintenance Units Depreciation Category: AA ... ZZ Group Number 1 2 3 The Asset Unit Example: 364-BE3 3 36 364 364-BE 364-BE3 - 4 5 6 Main Function Group Number Sequential # 4 Asset Code Sequential # 3 - Raw Meal Preparation - Raw Meal Grinding - Production Line # 4 - Bucket Elevator - Bucket Elevator # 3 The classification of assets into the depreciation category for machinery / mechanical production equipment units, also considered as separate maintenance units, will always be carried out according to the following table. In order to make a correct mnemonic, it is necessary to create a code liste for each language as it is presented below. Code Asset Unit -Description CRUSHERS Flow Sheet Code DS DA DA DR Asset Unit -Description Disagglomerator Désagglomérateur Desagglomerator Desaglomerador LC EM KE TH Lump Crusher Emotteur Knollenbrecher Trituradora de Aglomerados CR CR BC TR Crusher - General 1) Concasseur - Général Brecher - Allgemein Trituradora - General HC KX HB TS Hammer Crusher Concasseur à Marteaux Hammerbrecher Trituradora de Martillos RC KC WB TZ Roller Crusher Concasseur à Cylindres Walzenbrecher Trituradora de Rodillos JC KR BK TM Jaw Crusher Concasseur à Mâchoires Backenbrecher Trituradora de Mandíbulas ML BE ML ML Mill - General 1) Broyeur - Général Mühle - Allgemein Molino - General GC KG KB TG Gyratory Crusher Concasseur Giratoire Kreiselbrecher Trituradora Giratoria BM BB KM MB Ball Mill / Tube Mill Broyeur Tubulaire Kugelmühle / Rohrmühle Molino de Bolas / Tubular CZ KZ KG TI Cone Crusher Concasseur à Cône Kegel Brecher Trituradora en Cono RM BG WM MR Roller Mill / Vertical Mill Broyeur à Galets Walzenschüsselmühle Molino de Rodillos/Vertical IM KJ PL TB Impact Crusher Concasseur Impact Prallbrecher Trituradora de Impacto RP PX RP PX Roller Press Presse à Rouleaux Rollenpresse Prensa de Rodillos MQ KM MB TX Mobile Crusher 1) Concasseur Mobile Mobil Brecher Trituradora Móvil SR SR SH SP Separator Séparateur Sichter Separador HES 97/6'345/E Flow Sheet . . . . MILLS Edition: May 2001 Rep 45 E Mechanical Assets Holcim Asset-Code Code Asset Unit -Description Table 3 Page 2 of 12 Flow Sheet Code Asset Unit -Description CS CC ZN CE Cyclone Air Separator Cyclone - Séparateur d'Air Zyklon Umluftsichter Ciclón Separador de Aire PH PC WT PR Preheater 3) Préchauffeur Wärmetauscher Precalentador WM PU SK RJ Wash Mill Pont Racleur de Boue Schlämm Rechen Rejilla de Pasta PR PQ VC PQ Precalciner Précalcinateur Vorkalzinierer Precalcinador BP BQ BQ BQ Bypass System 1) Système de By-pass Bypass System Sistema de By-pass KL FR DQ HR Kiln / Rotary Kiln Four Rotatif Drehofen Horno Rotatorio KR GA QR RH (Kiln) Roller Station Galet (du Four) (Ofen) Rollenstation Rodillos (de Horno) KT BU QF GA Kiln Thrust Unit Butée Axiale du Four Ofen Längsführung Guía Axial del Horno KH TD QK HC Kiln Exit Hood Tête du Four Ofen Kopf Cabeza de Horno KI FE QE HE Kiln Inlet Chamber Chambre d'Entrée du Four Ofeneinlauf Kammer Camara de Entrada de Horno BU BR BR QE Burner / Kiln Burner Brûleur du Four Brenner / Ofenbrenner Quemador de Horno DRYERS DR SH TR SE Dryer - Rotary Séchoir -Tubulaire Trockner - Rohr Secador - Tubular DY SY TY SF Dryer / Fluid Bed Séchoir / Fluidale Trockner / Schwebebett Secador / Fluido CD KS BX ST Crusher - Dryer 1) Concasseur - Sécheur Brecher - Trockner Trituradora con Secado HG FA HG HA Hot Gas Generator Foyer Auxiliaire Heissgaserzeuger Hogar Auxiliar FH RH BH CC Fluid Heater Réchauffeur (carburant) (Brennstoff) Heizung Calentador (de combustible) FS FP FI PF Filter Press Filtre Presse Filter Presse Filtro Prensa PE AE GT PG Pelletizer Assiette de Granulation Granulierteller Plato de Granulación VB BS TB BD Vacuum/Drying Belt Bande de Séchage/Vide Trocknungsband/Vakuum Banda de Secado/Vacuo CLINKER PRODUCTION HES 97/6'345/E Flow Sheet COOLERS CL RF KH EE Cooler - General 1) Refroidisseur - Général Kühler - Allgemein Enfriador - General CC RK KK EK Clinker Cooler 1) Refroidisseur de Clinker Klinkerkühler Enfriador de Clinker Edition: May 2001 Rep 45 E Mechanical Assets Holcim Asset-Code Code Asset Unit -Description Table 3 Page 3 of 12 Flow Sheet Code Asset Unit -Description GQ RG RK EB Grate Cooler Refroidisseur à Grilles Rostkühler Enfriador de Parrilla PM ES PM EV Packing/Bagging Machine Ensacheuse Packmaschine Ensacadora PY RE PK EP Planetary Cooler Refroidisseur Planétaire Planetenkühler Enfriador Planetario BA AS AA AA Bag Applicator / Feeder Applicateur de Sacs Aufsteckautomat Aplicador de Sacos RK RU RH ER Rotary Cooler Refroidisseur Tubulaire Rohrkühler Enfriador Rotatorio LM MS LM KA Loading Machine - Bag Machine de Chargement - Sac Lademaschine/Beladeband Maquina Cargadora - Sacos CQ RC ZK EJ Cement Cooler Refroidisseur de Ciment Zement Kühler Enfriador de Cemento PA PE PT PZ Palletizing Machine Palettiseur Palettisiermaschine Paletizador AQ RX LK EA Air to Air Cooler Refroidisseur Air - Air Luft - Luft Kühler Enfriador Aire - Aire BN NS SQ LS Bag Cleaner Nettoyeur de Sacs Sackreiniger Limpiador de Sacos GX RQ GK EQ Gravity Cooler Refroidisseur (Gravitation) Gravitations Kühler Enfriador (Gravitación) BT EJ SC TW Bag Trap / Reject Ejecteur de Sacs Sackfalle Trampa de Sacos EC RV VK EM Evaporation Cooler Refroidisseur d'Evaporation Verdampfungskühler Enfriador de Evaporación FQ AD GL AB Bag Flattening Belt Aplatisseur de Sacs Sack Glättband Aplastador de Sacos CT TC KT TA Conditioning Tower Tour de Conditionnement Konditionierungsturm Torre Acondicionamiento WR HS FA EY Wrapping Machine Housseuse Folien Auflege Maschine Empaquetadora HX EY WX CU Heat Exchanger 2) Echangeur de Chaleur Wärmeaustauscher Cambiador BB GC GS EG Big Bag Loader Ensacheuse pour Big Bag Gross Sack Packer Ensacadora-Sacos Grandes QA RY MK UA Quench Air Unit Refroidisseur Air By-pass Mischkammer / Bypass Unidad de Aire de Templado BK CP LV DC Bulk Loading Device 1) Chargeur en Vrac Loseverladeeinrichtung Dispositivo Carga Granel GN GN GN GN Granulator (Slag) Granulateur (Scories) Granulator (Schlacke) Granulador (Escoria) UB DM EM DG Unloader for Bulk Material Déchargeur - Mat.Solides Entlader für Schüttgut Descargadora de Granel LA CM VL CG Loading Mobile / Spout Chargeur Mobile / Culotte Verlade Mobil / Stutzen Cargador Móvil PACKING AND LOADING HES 97/6'345/E Edition: May 2001 Flow Sheet Rep 45 E Mechanical Assets Holcim Asset-Code Code Asset Unit -Description Table 3 Page 4 of 12 Flow Sheet Code Asset Unit -Description TC GT TE DT Telescopic Chute Glissoire Télescopique Teleskop Stutzen Deslizadera Telescópica FB TA AF TY Feed Bin / Hopper 1) Trémie d'Alimentation Aufgabesilo / Bunker Tolva de Alimentación RB TY RN RI Roller Conveyor Transporteur à Rouleaux Rollenbahn Transportador de Rodillos HP TI TI TL Hopper Trémie Trichter Tolva BD DE SV DS Bag Deflector Déflecteur de Sacs Sackweiche Deflector de Sacos SB EH MY EH Silo Blending Equipment 1) Equip.Homogénisation-Silo Mischsystem für Silos Equipo Homogeneización AE AN BS SA Aeration System for Silos Aération pour Silos Belüftungssystem für Silos Sistema Aireación de Silos SQ EX SA ES Silo Discharge Equipm't Equip. d'Extraction-Silo Siloaustragseinrichtung Equipo Extracción de Silo DB CD VQ CJ Distribution Box Caisse de Distribution Verteilkasten Caja de Distribucion VE SK UA SY Vent.Valve Silo Silo Clapet Surpression Druck Ausgeich Silo Silo Valvula MIXBED EQUIPMENT TR CH BA CY Tripper Chariot Déverseur Bandabwurfwagen Carro de Descarga ST ST AZ AD Stacker Stockeur Absetzer Apiladora RE RP AB RC Reclaimer Récupérateur Abbaukratzer Recuperador BY EV EI RP Bucket Chain Excavator Excavateur à Godets Eimerketten Aufnehmer Recuperador de Cangilones CG CG FF CH Carriage for Conveyor Chariot de Transporteur Fahrwerk für Förderer Carro de Transportadora TK RS TA RT Tank 4) Réservoir Tank Recipiente/Tanque SA AB SR AL Slurry Agitator Agitateur de Boue Schlamm Rührwerk Agitador de Pasta FT RR BT TQ Fuel Tank 4) Réservoir de Carburant Brennstofftank Tanque de Combustible BR BL BL BL Boiler Chauffe-eau Boiler Boiler / Caldera SV CJ DP KV Steam Boiler Chaudière à Vapeur Dampfkessel Caldera de Vapor SILO EQUIPMENT BI TI BN TL Bin 4) Trémie Bunker Tolva HES 97/6'345/E Flow Sheet TANK Edition: May 2001 Rep 45 E Mechanical Assets Holcim Asset-Code Code Asset Unit -Description Table 3 Page 5 of 12 Flow Sheet Code Asset Unit -Description PV RN DU DB Pressure Vessel/Receiver Accumulateur de Pression Druckkessel Deposito de Presión FC AC AX LT Feeder Crusher/Box Feeder Alimentation Concasseur Aufgabe Brecher Alimentador Trituradora AB KA LS KN Air Blast-Shock Blower Unit Canon à Air Luftstoss - Gerät Canón de Aire RZ PA WF AE Reciprocating Feeder Plancher Mobile Schubwagen Förderer Alimentador Movil GR GM RS PM Grate / Movable Grate Grille Mobile Rost / Schubrost Parrilla Movil EW RD AR RE Extraction Wheel Bras Extracteur - Roue Austragsrad Rueda de Extracción TF AT TG AR Table Feeder Alimentateur-Sole Tournant Teller Aufgeber Alimentador-Solera Rotatoria WQ AU RE AT Wobbler Feeder Alimentation à Rouleaux Rollen Aufgeber Alimentador de Rodillos RG ER RR EF Roller Bar Extracteur à Rouleaux Rollenrost Extractor Con Rodillos SF AR SS AN Slurry Feeder Alimentateur de Boue Schlamm Schöpfrad Alimentador de Pasta VF AV VA AV Vibrating Feeder Alimentateur Vibrant Vibrationsaufgeber Alimentador Vibratorio DF CA AY AF Discharge Feeder (clinker) Caisse Alimentation (clinker) Aufgabekasten (Klinker) Caja Alimentacion (clinker) CH GL ST DZ Chute 2) Glissoire Schurre Deslizadora MK MK MQ MK Mid Kiln Mid Kiln Mid Kiln Mid Kiln SCREENS SN TM SI CT Screen Tamis / Crible Sieb Criba / Tamiz VS TV VS CV Vibrating Screen Tamis Vibrant Vibrationssieb Criba Vibratorio SY TX SE CZ Screening Screw Tamis à Vis Siebschnecke Criba Tornillo RS TF TS CW Rotary Screen Tamis Rotatif Trommelsieb Criba Rotatoria SZ TR SX CL Sizer for Mill Balls Trieuse à Boulets Sortierer für Mahlkugeln Clasificadora de Bolas TP ED MF TF Trap for Balls/Materials Ejecteur de Boulets/Matières Material/Kugelfalle Trampa de Bolas/Materias FEEDERS FD AX AG AM Feeder - General 1) Alimentateur - Général Aufgeber - Allgemein Alimentador - General AF AP DT DP Apron Feeder Alimentateur à Plaques Dosierplattenband Dosificador de Placa HES 97/6'345/E Edition: May 2001 Flow Sheet Rep 45 E Mechanical Assets Holcim Asset-Code Code Asset Unit -Description SCALES / WEIGHERS Table 3 Page 6 of 12 Flow Sheet Code Asset Unit -Description MY AM MG AY Material Analyser Analyseur de Matériaux Material Analysegerät Analizador de Materiales SL BC WA BB Scale - General 1) Balance - Général Waage - Allgemein Báscula - General BW BI FW PD Belt Scale - Weigher Balance Intégratrice Förderbandwaage Cinta Pesadora GA QB SB CM Gate - General 1) Obturateur - Général Schieber - Allgemein Compuerta - General WF BD DB BP Weigh Belt Feeder Bande Doseuse Dosierbandwaage Báscula Dosificadora SG QF AS CQ Slide Gate 7) Glissière de Fermeture Abschlussschieber Compuerta de Cierre NS BN NW BX Nuclear Scale 2) Balance Nucléaire Nuklearwaage Báscula Nuclear NG VR NS CR Needle/Pin Gate Vanne à Tringles Nadel Schieber Corredera de Agujas WB PT BG BW Weigh Bridge Pont à Bascule Brückenwaage Báscula de Plataforma DG GD VR CD Divertor Gate Pneumatic Glissière de Distribution Verteilschieber Pneumatik Compuerta Distribuidora Neum PF DQ PD DY (Pneumatic) Rotor Feeder Doseur Rotorique (Pneumat.) (Pneumat.) Dosierrotowaage Dosificador Rotorico (Neumát) GT VG WL DA Gate Air Slide Vanne Aeroglissière Weiche Luftförderer Deflector Aerodeslizador MB MD MA MD Mid-(Belt) Discharge Device Mid- Déverseur Mitten- Abwurf Med- Descarga MW AY MW DM Material Distribution Gate Aiguillage de Matériel Materialweiche Deflector de Material RF SC ZS VR Rotary Feeder / Airlock Sas Cellulaire Zellenradschleuse Esclusa Celular/Valvula Rot. FV VC KS EU Flap / Tipping Valve Clapet / Vanne Klappen Schleuse Esclusa / Clapeta PG VQ DW CF (Proport.) Throttle Gate 7) Vanne à Casque (Dosier) Walze Compuerta (Dosificadora) FLOWMETERS FM DS DM MS Flowmeter-Bulk Material Débimètre à Solides Durchflussm.Schüttgut Medidor Flujo a Granel FL DL DL LM Flowmeter for Liquids 2) Débimètre à Liquide Durchflussm.Flüssigkeit Caudalimetro de Liquidos FG DG DG GC Flowmeter for Gas 2) Débimètre à Gaz Durchflussmesser Gas Contador de Gas MT DT MD DX Metal Detector Détecteur de Métal Metalldetektor Detector de Metales HES 97/6'345/E Flow Sheet MATERIAL GATES / DEFLECTORS Edition: May 2001 Rep 45 E Mechanical Assets Holcim Asset-Code Code Asset Unit -Description Table 3 Page 7 of 12 Flow Sheet Code Asset Unit -Description RT VY DS PT Rotary Gate 7) Vanne Cylindrique Drehschieber Compuerta Rotatoria WI IE WE IJ (Water) Injection 1) Système d'Injection (d'eau) (Wasser) Eindüsung Sistema Inyección (de Agua) CM GI MU PB Clamshell Gate Glissière à Coquille Muschelschieber Compuerta Bivalva IJ IN ES IN Injection System Système d'Injection Einspritz System Sistema de Inyección VR SV VU SV Valve Rack Système de Vannne Ventil Gerüst Sistema de Válvula . . . . GAS - DAMPERS . . . . DA CL KL PS Damper - General 1) Clapet - Général Klappe - Allgemein Compuerta/Clapeta SD CW AK PC Shut Off Damper Clapet de Fermeture Abschlussklappe Persiana de Cierre DE DP EA CS Dedusting Equipment 1) Dépoussiérage Entstaubungsanlage Colector de Polvo BV VL FK VQ Butterfly Damper Vanne Papillon Flügelklappe Válvula de Mariposa BF FT GF FT Bag Filter / Bag House Filtre à Manches Gewebefilter Filtro de Mangas LD CZ JK PL Louver Damper Clapet Persienne Jalousie Klappe Persiana Louvre CF FC AU FS Cartridge Filter Filtre à Chapeau Aufsatz Filter / Bunker Filtro Sobrepuesto TV VS DR VN Throttle / Radial Damper Ventelle Drosselklappe Válvula de Estrangulación CN CY ZY CI Cyclone Cyclone Zyklon Ciclón EX CS EK CX Explosion Gate Clapet d'Explosion Explosionsklappe Clapeta de Explosión WE LG NF FH Wet Filter Lavage de Gaz - Filtre Nass Filter Filtro Húmedo MC MC MC MC Multicyclone Multicyclone Multizyklon Multiciclon GF FG KF FA Gravelbed Filter Filtre à Gravier Kiesbettfilter Filtro de Lecho de Grava VALVES VA VA VT VA Valve 2) Vanne Ventil Válvula HES 97/6'345/E Flow Sheet DEDUSTING EQUIPMENT Edition: May 2001 Rep 45 E Mechanical Assets Holcim Asset-Code Code Asset Unit -Description Table 3 Page 8 of 12 Flow Sheet Code Asset Unit -Description VN AA SG AI Vacuum Cleaner Aspirateur à Poussière Staubsauger Aspirador de Polvo BE EG BW EC Bucket Elevator Elévateur à Godets Becherwerk Elevador de Cangilones EP EF EF PE Electrostatic Precipitator Electro Filtre Elektro Filter Precipitador Electrostático SC VT SF GU Screw Conveyor Vis Transporteuse Schneckenförderer Gusano / Tornillo Transport. SU AK AC LG Scrubber, Absorber Absorbeur Gas Absorber, Gasreiniger Limpiador de Gas BS VB BE TJ Breaker Screw Vis Broyeuse Brechschnecke Trituradora de Tornillo MECHANICAL CONVEYORS . . . . BC BT FB BT Belt Conveyor Bande Transporteuse Förderband Banda Transportadora TB CT RG QT Tube Belt Conveyor Convoyeur Tubulaire Rohrgurtförderer Transportador Tubular PC CQ PF TN Pneumatic Conveyor 1) Convoyeur Pneumatique Pneumatische Förderer Transportador Neumático BZ NB BY LC Belt Cleaner 2) Nettoyeur de Bandes Band Reiniger Limpiador de Bandas AS AG LF AZ Air Slide Aéroglissière Luftförderrinne Aerodeslizador AC TN PB TP Apron Conveyor Transporteur à Plaques Plattenband Transportadora de Placas AL AL AI AX Air Lift/Pneumatic Elevator Air Lift/Elévateur Pneum. Air Lift/Pneumatik Förderer Air Lift/Elevador Neumático PN TG BZ TC Pan Conveyor Transporteur à Godets Becherzellenband Transportador de Cangilones PT TP DF DN Pneumatic Transport Vessel Transport Pneumatique Druckgefässförderer Deposito Transp.Neumatico CV TS KD TK Chain Conveyor / Drag Transporteur à Chaînes Kettenförderer / Redler Transportador de Cadena PP PP PP BN Pneumatic Pump Pompe Pneumatique Pneumatische Pumpe Bomba Neumática VC CV VF TV Vibrating Conveyor Convoyeur Vibrant Vibrationsförderer Transportador Vibratorio . . . . SX RL KZ RD Spillage Conveyor Racleur pour Déchets Kettenkratzer Rascadora Desechos HES 97/6'345/E Flow Sheet PNEUMATIC CONVEYORS Edition: May 2001 Rep 45 E Mechanical Assets Holcim Asset-Code Code Asset Unit -Description Table 3 Page 9 of 12 Flow Sheet MIXERS MX MX MX MX Mixer 1) Malaxeur Mischer Mezclador MZ MR MI MZ Continuous Mixer 1) Malaxeur Continu Durchlauf Mischer Mezclador Continuo MI ME ME ME Mixing Screw Vis Mélangeuse Misch Schnecke Tornillo Mezclador PW RM MR RM Paddle Wheel Roue Mélangeuse Mischrad Rueda Mezcladora BX MA CM MA Batch Mixer Mélangeur Chargen Mischer Mezclador de Cargas . . . . AERATION / EXHAUST SYSTEMS CP CX KP CA Compressor - General 1) Compresseur - Général Kompressor - Allgemein Compresor de Aire - General BL SF GB SR Blower - Roots / Rotary Soufflante - Surpresseur Gebläse - Drehkolben Soplante - Roots CX CI KW CN Screw Compressor Compresseur à Vis Schrauben Kompressor Compresor à Tornillo VP CF LP LA Rotary Vane Compressor Compresseur à Lamelles Lamellen Kompressor Compresor de Láminas HES 97/6'345/E Code Asset Unit -Description PQ CN KC CP Piston Compressor Compresseur à piston Kolben Kompressor Compresor de Embolo/Pistón WS SE WS SD Water Separator 2) Séparateur d'eau Wasserabscheider Separador de Agua QS SZ QA SZ Oil Separator 2) Séparateur d'Huile Ölabscheider Separador de Aceite AY SD LT SX Air Dryer Sécheur d'Air Luft Trockner Secador de Aire FN VE VE VE Fan Ventilateur d'Exhaure Ventilator Ventilador FA VN VB VT Fan / Blower - Aeration Ventilateur Fluidisation Ventilator - Belüftung Ventilador - Aireación FX VX VX VX Fan - Axial Ventilateur - Axial Ventilator - Axial Ventilador - Axial SI SX SD SI Silencer 2) Silencieux Schalldämpfer Silenciador Flow Sheet . . . . PUMPS PU PM PU BM Pump, Centrifugal Pompe Centrifuge Pumpe, Zentrifugal Bomba Centrífuga TU PR TU BU Turbine Pump Pompe Turbine Turbinen Pumpe Bomba de Turbina Edition: May 2001 Rep 45 E Mechanical Assets Holcim Asset-Code Code Asset Unit -Description Table 3 Page 10 of 12 Flow Sheet Code Asset Unit -Description PX PZ AP BZ Pump, Axial Pompe Axiale Axial Pumpe Bomba Axial SK CE KN CK Stack 4) Cheminée Kamin Chimenea SP PB SL BH Slurry Pump Pompe à Boue Schlamm Pumpe Bomba de Pasta EJ JD KX KT Expansion Joint 2) Joint de Dilatation Kompensator Compensador WP PD WP BA Water Pump 1) Pompe à Eau Wasser Pumpe Bomba de Agua . . . . FP PI BP BC Fuel Pump 1) Pompe à Carburant Brennstoffpumpe Bomba de Combustible SJ PS SP BS Sump Pump Pompe de Puisard Sumpfpumpe Bomba de Sumidero FF FU BF FC (Fuel) Filter 2) Filtre (pour Combustible) (Brennstoff) Filter Filtro (para Combustible) MP PF MP BR Diaphragm Pump Pompe à Diaphragme Membranpumpe Bomba de Membrana DUCTING / PIPING DRIVES MD EP HA AP Main Drive Assembly 2) Entraînement Principal Hauptantrieb Accionamiento Principal AD EA HI AK Auxiliary Drive Ass. 2) Entraînement Auxiliaire Hilfsantrieb Accionamiento Auxiliar HD ET HM AH Hydraulic Drive Entraînement Hydraulique Hydraulikmotor Accionamiento Hidráulica GB EN GE EN Gear Box 2) Engrenage / Reducteur Getriebe Engrenage / Reductor PI TU VG TU Piping 4) Tuyauterie Verrohrung Tuberías CU AQ KU AQ Coupling 2) Accouplement Kupplung Acoplamiento DU GS RL DU Ducting (process gas) 2) Gaines (gas de procès) Rohrleitungen (Prozessgas) Conductos (gas de proceso) BG FN BM FR Brake 2) Frein Bremse Freno PL PN FG TT Pipe 2) Pipeline / Conduite Förderleitung Tubería de Transporte HS HY HS UH Hydraulic System Système Hydraulique Hydrauliksystem Unidad/Sistema Hidraulico DP TT ER PV Dedusting Duct/Pipe 2) Tuyauterie-Dépoussiérage Entstaubungsleitung Tuberías-Desempolvado EG GE NG GE Emergency Diesel Generator Groupe Electrogène Notstromdiesel Gruppe Grupo Diesel-Emergencia HES 97/6'345/E Flow Sheet Edition: May 2001 Rep 45 E Mechanical Assets Holcim Asset-Code Code Asset Unit -Description Table 3 Page 11 of 12 Flow Sheet LIFTING EQUIPMENT CA GU KR GR Crane / Bridge Crane Grue / Pont Roulant Kran / Brückenkran Grúa / Puente Grúa EH TQ EL CB Electric Hoist / Winch Treuil Electrique / Palan Elektro Hebezug / Winde Cabestrante Eléctrico EL AW LI AS Elevator Ascenseur/Monte-Charge Lift / Aufzug Ascensor / Elevador TI CU WR VD Rail Car/Truck/Tipper Culbuteur de Wagon/Camion Wagen Kipper Volcador de Vagón/Camión CW TZ SZ TE Cable Way / Monorail Transporteur Aérien Seilbahn Teleferico IL AZ SY AC Inclined Lift / Skip Hoist Ascenseur sur Plan incliné Schrägaufzug Ascensor - Inclinado LP TB HE PA Lifting Platform Table Elévatrice Hebebühne Plataforma Elevadora AR RA AN RA Adjusting Ramp Rampe Ajustable Anpassrampe Rampa Ajustable HT PH HY GH Hydraulic Thrust / Jack 1) Piston Hydraulique / Vérin Hydraulik Hebevorricht. Gato Hidraulico MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT FE EI FL EZ Fire Extinguisher Extincteur d'Incendie Feuerlöscher Extintor de Incendio HES 97/6'345/E Code Asset Unit -Description FI AH BB EI Fire Protection Equipment Equipement Anti - Feu Brandschutz Ausrüstung Equipo Anti-Incendio BQ EB SN ET Blasting Equipment Equip.d'Abattage-Explosif Sprengausrüstung Equipo Para Voladura IG FI IK FU Industrial Gun Fusil Industriel Industrie Kanone Fusil Industrial IP IG IA PI Inert Gas System Equipement - Gaz Inerte Inert Gas Anlage Planta de Gas Inerte SS SQ SU EX Steelstructure Support Structure Métallique Stahlbau - Unterbau Estructura Metálica SW AJ WI AJ Switches - Railroads Aiguillage-Chemins de Fer Weichenanlage der Bahn Agujas de Ferrocarril WT TE WN TD Water Treatm't Equipm't 4) Equip.Traitement d'eau Wasseraufbereitung Tratamiento de Agua MS SM MS SM Magnetic Separator Séparateur Magnétique Magnetabscheider Separador Magnético TM EC RA SC Tube Mailing System Transport d'Echantillon Rohrpost Anlage Transporte Tubular SM EL PN MU Sampler Echantillonneur Probenehmer Muestreador SE DX PQ MV Sample Divider Diviseur d'Echantillon Probenteiler Cortador de Muestras AU KI KA UC Air-conditioning Unit 4) Climatisation Klimaanlage Unidad de Climatización Edition: May 2001 Flow Sheet Rep 45 E Mechanical Assets Holcim Asset-Code Code Asset Unit -Description LQ EQ SM EL Lubricating Equipment Equipement de Graissage Schmiereinrichtung Equipo de Lubricación BJ BV BJ BV Barrier, Gate Barrière levante Barriere, Schranke Barrera VD DV VI DV Vibrating Device / Shaker Dispositif Vibrant/Babillard Vibrations Vorr. / Rüttler Disposit.Vibratorio / Vibrador Y. Y. Y. Y. Spec. Assets, local use only Activs speciaux, usage locale Spezielle, lokale Einheiten Activos especiales, uso local Z. Z. X. Z. Special Groups of Assets Groupes d'actives speciaux Spez. Gruppen von Einheiten Grupos de activos especiales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Table 3 Page 12 of 12 Flow Sheet Code Asset Unit -Description Flow Sheet 1) Duplicate or too general. Do not use for new applications. Apply specific code, where applicable. 2) Only to be used for important maintenance units, else use mechanical or electrical component code 7 3) Use special code for each cyclone (see annex II) 4) Use "Buildings and Installations" Code 3.. for new applications 7) See also SILO EQUIPMENT: Code SQ for block unit HES 97/6'345/E Edition: May 2001 Rep 45 E Mechanical Assets Holcim Asset-Code Dictionary E Page 1 of 11 Dictionary E - Code I4I5I: Machinery Assets / Mechanical Maintenance Units - Depreciation Category: AA ... ZZ Cod English - Description Cod German - Description Cod French - Description Cod Spanish - Description Title Footnote A AB Air Blast-Shock Blower Unit LS Luftstoss - Gerät KA Canon à Air KN Canón de Aire TANK AC Apron Conveyor PB Plattenband TN Transporteur à Plaques TP Transportadora de Placas MECHANICAL CONVEYORS AD Auxiliary Drive Ass. HI Hilfsantrieb EA Entraînement Auxiliaire AK Accionamiento Auxiliar DRIVES AE Aeration System for Silos BS Belüftungssystem für Silos AN Aération pour Silos SA Sistema Aireación de Silos SILO EQUIPMENT AF Apron Feeder DT Dosierplattenband AP Alimentateur à Plaques DP Dosificador de Placa FEEDERS AL Air Lift/Pneumatic Elevator AI Air Lift/Pneumatik Förderer AL Air Lift/Elévateur Pneum. AX Air Lift/Elevador Neumático PNEUMATIC CONVEYORS AQ Air to Air Cooler LK Luft - Luft Kühler RX Refroidisseur Air - Air EA Enfriador Aire - Aire COOLERS AR Adjusting Ramp AN Anpassrampe RA Rampe Ajustable RA Rampa Ajustable LIFTING EQUIPMENT AS Air Slide LF Luftförderrinne AG Aéroglissière AZ Aerodeslizador PNEUMATIC CONVEYORS AU Air-conditioning Unit KA Klimaanlage KI Climatisation UC Unidad de Climatización MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT AY Air Dryer LT Luft Trockner SD Sécheur d'Air SX Secador de Aire AERATION / EXHAUST SYSTEMS BA Bag Applicator / Feeder AA Aufsteckautomat AS Applicateur de Sacs AA Aplicador de Sacos PACKING AND LOADING BB Big Bag Loader GS Gross Sack Packer GC Ensacheuse pour Big Bag EG Ensacadora-Sacos Grandes PACKING AND LOADING BC Belt Conveyor FB Förderband BT Bande Transporteuse BT Banda Transportadora MECHANICAL CONVEYORS BD Bag Deflector SV Sackweiche DE Déflecteur de Sacs DS Deflector de Sacos PACKING AND LOADING BE Bucket Elevator BW Becherwerk EG Elévateur à Godets EC Elevador de Cangilones MECHANICAL CONVEYORS BF Bag Filter / Bag House GF Gewebefilter FT Filtre à Manches FT Filtro de Mangas DEDUSTING EQUIPMENT BG Brake BM Bremse FN Frein FR Freno DRIVES 2) BI Bin BN Bunker TI Trémie TL Tolva SILO EQUIPMENT 4) BJ Barrier, Gate BJ Barriere, Schranke BV Barrière levante BV Barrera MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT BK Bulk Loading Device LV Loseverladeeinrichtung CP Chargeur en Vrac DC Dispositivo Carga Granel PACKING AND LOADING BL Blower - Roots / Rotary GB Gebläse - Drehkolben SF Soufflante - Surpresseur SR Soplante - Roots AERATION / EXHAUST SYSTEMS BM Ball Mill / Tube Mill KM Kugelmühle / Rohrmühle BB Broyeur Tubulaire MB Molino de Bolas / Tubular MILLS 2) 4) B HES 97/6'345/E Edition: May 2001 1) Rep 45 Alpha Dictionary EDFS Holcim Asset-Code Dictionary E Page 2 of 11 Cod English - Description Cod German - Description Cod French - Description Cod Spanish - Description Title Footnote BN Bag Cleaner SQ Sackreiniger NS Nettoyeur de Sacs LS Limpiador de Sacos PACKING AND LOADING BP Bypass System BQ Bypass System BQ Système de By-pass BQ Sistema de By-pass CLINKER PRODUCTION BQ Blasting Equipment SN Sprengausrüstung EB Equip.d'Abattage-Explosif ET Equipo Para Voladura MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT BR Boiler BL Boiler BL Chauffe-eau BL Boiler / Caldera TANK BS Breaker Screw BE Brechschnecke VB Vis Broyeuse TJ Trituradora de Tornillo MECHANICAL CONVEYORS BT Bag Trap / Reject SC Sackfalle EJ Ejecteur de Sacs TW Trampa de Sacos PACKING AND LOADING BU Burner / Kiln Burner BR Brenner / Ofenbrenner BR Brûleur du Four QE Quemador de Horno CLINKER PRODUCTION BV Butterfly Damper FK 1) Flügelklappe VL Vanne Papillon VQ Válvula de Mariposa GAS - DAMPERS BW Belt Scale - Weigher FW Förderbandwaage BI Balance Intégratrice PD Cinta Pesadora SCALES / WEIGHERS BX Batch Mixer CM Chargen Mischer MA Mélangeur MA Mezclador de Cargas MIXERS BY Bucket Chain Excavator EI Eimerketten Aufnehmer EV Excavateur à Godets RP Recuperador de Cangilones MIXBED EQUIPMENT BZ Belt Cleaner BY Band Reiniger NB Nettoyeur de Bandes LC Limpiador de Bandas MECHANICAL CONVEYORS CA Crane / Bridge Crane KR Kran / Brückenkran GU Grue / Pont Roulant GR Grúa / Puente Grúa LIFTING EQUIPMENT CC Clinker Cooler KK Klinkerkühler RK Refroidisseur de Clinker EK Enfriador de Clinker COOLERS 1) CD Crusher - Dryer BX Brecher - Trockner KS Concasseur - Sécheur ST Trituradora con Secado DRYERS 1) CF Cartridge Filter AU Aufsatz Filter / Bunker - FC Filtre à Chapeau FS Filtro Sobrepuesto DEDUSTING EQUIPMENT CG Carriage for Conveyor FF Fahrwerk für Förderer CG Chariot de Transporteur CH Carro de Transportadora MIXBED EQUIPMENT CH Chute ST Schurre GL Glissoire DZ Deslizadora FEEDERS 2) CL Cooler - General KH Kühler - Allgemein RF Refroidisseur - Général EE Enfriador - General COOLERS 1) CM Clamshell Gate MU Muschelschieber GI Glissière à Coquille PB Compuerta Bivalva MATERIAL GATES / DEFLECTORS CN Cyclone ZY Zyklon CY Cyclone CI Ciclón DEDUSTING EQUIPMENT CP Compressor - General KP Kompressor - Allgemein CX Compresseur - Général CA Compresor de Aire - General AERATION / EXHAUST SYSTEMS CQ Cement Cooler ZK Zement Kühler RC Refroidisseur de Ciment EJ Enfriador de Cemento COOLERS CR Crusher - General BC Brecher - Allgemein CR Concasseur - Général TR Trituradora - General CRUSHERS CS Cyclone Air Separator ZN Zyklon Umluftsichter CC Cyclone - Séparateur d'Air CE Ciclón Separador de Aire MILLS CT Conditioning Tower KT Konditionierungsturm TC Tour de Conditionnement TA Torre Acondicionamiento COOLERS CU Coupling KU Kupplung AQ Accouplement AQ Acoplamiento DRIVES 2) C HES 97/6'345/E Edition: May 2001 1) 1) 2) Rep 45 Alpha Dictionary EDFS Holcim Asset-Code Dictionary E Page 3 of 11 Cod English - Description Cod German - Description Cod French - Description Cod Spanish - Description Title CV KD Kettenförderer / Redler TS Transporteur à Chaînes TK Transportador de Cadena MECHANICAL CONVEYORS CW Cable Way / Monorail SZ Seilbahn TZ Transporteur Aérien TE Teleferico LIFTING EQUIPMENT CX Screw Compressor KW Schrauben Kompressor CI Compresseur à Vis CN Compresor à Tornillo AERATION / EXHAUST SYSTEMS CZ Cone Crusher KG Kegel Brecher KZ Concasseur à Cône TI Trituradora en Cono CRUSHERS DA Damper - General KL Klappe - Allgemein CL Clapet - Général PS Compuerta/Clapeta GAS - DAMPERS DB Distribution Box VQ Verteilkasten CD Caisse de Distribution CJ Caja de Distribucion SILO EQUIPMENT DE Dedusting Equipment EA Entstaubungsanlage DP Dépoussiérage CS Colector de Polvo DEDUSTING EQUIPMENT DF Discharge Feeder (clinker) AY Aufgabekasten (Klinker) CA Caisse Alimentation (clinker) AF Caja Alimentacion (clinker) FEEDERS DG Divertor Gate Pneumatic VR Verteilschieber Pneumatik GD Glissière de Distribution CD Compuerta Distribuidora Neum MATERIAL GATES / DEFLECTORS DP Dedusting Duct/Pipe ER Entstaubungsleitung TT Tuyauterie-Dépoussiérage PV Tuberías-Desempolvado DUCTING / PIPING DR Dryer - Rotary TR Trockner - Rohr SH Séchoir -Tubulaire SE Secador - Tubular DRYERS DS Disagglomerator DA Desagglomerator DA Désagglomérateur DR Desaglomerador CRUSHERS DU Ducting (process gas) RL Rohrleitungen (Prozessgas) GS Gaines (gas de procès) DU Conductos (gas de proceso) DUCTING / PIPING DY Dryer / Fluid Bed - TY Trockner / Schwebebett - SY Séchoir / Fluidale SF Secador / Fluido DRYERS EC Evaporation Cooler VK Verdampfungskühler RV Refroidisseur d'Evaporation EM Enfriador de Evaporación COOLERS EG Emergency Diesel Generator NG Notstromdiesel Gruppe GE Groupe Electrogène GE Grupo Diesel-Emergencia DRIVES EH Electric Hoist / Winch EL Elektro Hebezug / Winde TQ Treuil Electrique / Palan CB Cabestrante Eléctrico LIFTING EQUIPMENT EJ Expansion Joint KX Kompensator JD Joint de Dilatation KT Compensador DUCTING / PIPING EL Elevator LI Lift / Aufzug AW Ascenseur/Monte-Charge AS Ascensor / Elevador LIFTING EQUIPMENT EP Electrostatic Precipitator EF Elektro Filter EF Electro Filtre PE Precipitador Electrostático DEDUSTING EQUIPMENT EW Extraction Wheel AR Austragsrad RD Bras Extracteur - Roue RE Rueda de Extracción FEEDERS EX EK Explosionsklappe CS Clapet d'Explosion CX Clapeta de Explosión GAS - DAMPERS Chain Conveyor / Drag - Footnote D 1) 1) 2) 2) E Explosion Gate HES 97/6'345/E Edition: May 2001 2) Rep 45 Alpha Dictionary EDFS Holcim Asset-Code Cod English - Description Dictionary E Page 4 of 11 Cod German - Description Cod French - Description Cod Spanish - Description Title Footnote F FA Fan / Blower - Aeration VB Ventilator - Belüftung VN Ventilateur Fluidisation VT Ventilador - Aireación AERATION / EXHAUST SYSTEMS FB Feed Bin / Hopper AF Aufgabesilo / Bunker TA Trémie d'Alimentation TY Tolva de Alimentación SILO EQUIPMENT FC Feeder Crusher/Box Feeder AX Aufgabe Brecher AC Alimentation Concasseur LT Alimentador Trituradora FEEDERS FD Feeder - General AG Aufgeber - Allgemein AX Alimentateur - Général AM Alimentador - General FEEDERS FE Fire Extinguisher FL Feuerlöscher EI Extincteur d'Incendie EZ Extintor de Incendio MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT FF (Fuel) Filter BF (Brennstoff) Filter FU Filtre (pour Combustible) FC Filtro (para Combustible) PUMPS 2) FG Flowmeter for Gas DG Durchflussmesser Gas DG Débimètre à Gaz GC Contador de Gas FLOWMETERS 2) FH Fluid Heater BH (Brennstoff) Heizung RH Réchauffeur (carburant) CC Calentador (de combustible) DRYERS FI Fire Protection Equipment BB Brandschutz Ausrüstung AH Equipement Anti - Feu EI Equipo Anti-Incendio MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT FL Flowmeter for Liquids DL Durchflussm.Flüssigkeit DL Débimètre à Liquide LM Caudalimetro de Liquidos FLOWMETERS FM Flowmeter-Bulk Material DM Durchflussm.Schüttgut DS Débimètre à Solides MS Medidor Flujo a Granel FLOWMETERS FN Fan VE Ventilator VE Ventilateur d'Exhaure VE Ventilador AERATION / EXHAUST SYSTEMS FP Fuel Pump BP Brennstoffpumpe PI Pompe à Carburant BC Bomba de Combustible PUMPS FQ Bag Flattening Belt GL Sack Glättband AD Aplatisseur de Sacs AB Aplastador de Sacos PACKING AND LOADING FS Filter Press FI Filter Presse FP Filtre Presse PF Filtro Prensa DRYERS FT Fuel Tank BT Brennstofftank RR Réservoir de Carburant TQ Tanque de Combustible TANK FV Flap / Tipping Valve KS Klappen Schleuse VC Clapet / Vanne EU Esclusa / Clapeta MATERIAL GATES / DEFLECTORS FX Fan - Axial VX Ventilator - Axial VX Ventilateur - Axial VX Ventilador - Axial AERATION / EXHAUST SYSTEMS GA Gate - General SB Schieber - Allgemein QB Obturateur - Général CM Compuerta - General MATERIAL GATES / DEFLECTORS 1) GB Gear Box GE Getriebe EN Engrenage / Reducteur EN Engrenage / Reductor DRIVES 2) GC Gyratory Crusher KB Kreiselbrecher KG Concasseur Giratoire TG Trituradora Giratoria CRUSHERS GF Gravelbed Filter KF Kiesbettfilter FG Filtre à Gravier FA Filtro de Lecho de Grava DEDUSTING EQUIPMENT GN Granulator (Slag) GN Granulator (Schlacke) GN Granulateur (Scories) GN Granulador (Escoria) COOLERS GQ Grate Cooler RK Rostkühler RG Refroidisseur à Grilles EB Enfriador de Parrilla COOLERS GR Grate / Movable Grate RS Rost / Schubrost GM Grille Mobile PM Parrilla Movil FEEDERS 1) 1) 2) 1) 4) G HES 97/6'345/E Edition: May 2001 Rep 45 Alpha Dictionary EDFS Holcim Asset-Code Dictionary E Page 5 of 11 Cod English - Description Cod German - Description Cod French - Description Cod Spanish - Description Title Footnote GT Gate Air Slide WL Weiche Luftförderer VG Vanne Aeroglissière DA Deflector Aerodeslizador MATERIAL GATES / DEFLECTORS GX Gravity Cooler GK Gravitations Kühler RQ Refroidisseur (Gravitation) EQ Enfriador (Gravitación) COOLERS HC Hammer Crusher HB Hammerbrecher KX Concasseur à Marteaux TS Trituradora de Martillos CRUSHERS HD Hydraulic Drive HM Hydraulikmotor ET Entraînement Hydraulique AH Accionamiento Hidráulica DRIVES HG Hot Gas Generator HG Heissgaserzeuger FA Foyer Auxiliaire HA Hogar Auxiliar DRYERS HP Hopper TI Trichter TI Trémie TL Tolva SILO EQUIPMENT HS Hydraulic System HS Hydrauliksystem HY Système Hydraulique UH Unidad/Sistema Hidraulico DRIVES HT Hydraulic Thrust / Jack HY Hydraulik Hebevorricht. PH Piston Hydraulique / Vérin GH Gato Hidraulico LIFTING EQUIPMENT 1) HX Heat Exchanger WX Wärmeaustauscher EY Echangeur de Chaleur CU Cambiador COOLERS 2) IG Industrial Gun IK Industrie Kanone FI Fusil Industriel FU Fusil Industrial MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT IJ Injection System ES Einspritz System IN Système d'Injection IN Sistema de Inyección VALVES IL Inclined Lift / Skip Hoist SY Schrägaufzug AZ Ascenseur sur Plan incliné AC Ascensor - Inclinado LIFTING EQUIPMENT IM Impact Crusher PL Prallbrecher KJ Concasseur Impact TB Trituradora de Impacto CRUSHERS IP Inert Gas System IA Inert Gas Anlage IG Equipement - Gaz Inerte PI Planta de Gas Inerte MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT Jaw Crusher BK Backenbrecher KR Concasseur à Mâchoires TM Trituradora de Mandíbulas CRUSHERS KH Kiln Exit Hood QK Ofen Kopf TD Tête du Four HC Cabeza de Horno CLINKER PRODUCTION KI Kiln Inlet Chamber QE Ofeneinlauf Kammer FE Chambre d'Entrée du Four HE Camara de Entrada de Horno CLINKER PRODUCTION KL Kiln / Rotary Kiln DQ Drehofen FR Four Rotatif HR Horno Rotatorio CLINKER PRODUCTION KR (Kiln) Roller Station QR (Ofen) Rollenstation GA Galet (du Four) RH Rodillos (de Horno) CLINKER PRODUCTION KT Kiln Thrust Unit QF Ofen Längsführung BU Butée Axiale du Four GA Guía Axial del Horno CLINKER PRODUCTION H I J JC K HES 97/6'345/E Edition: May 2001 Rep 45 Alpha Dictionary EDFS Holcim Asset-Code Cod English - Description Dictionary E Page 6 of 11 Cod German - Description Cod French - Description Cod Spanish - Description Title Footnote L LA Loading Mobile / Spout VL Verlade Mobil / Stutzen CM Chargeur Mobile / Culotte CG Cargador Móvil PACKING AND LOADING LC Lump Crusher KE Knollenbrecher EM Emotteur TH Trituradora de Aglomerados CRUSHERS LD Louver Damper JK Jalousie Klappe CZ Clapet Persienne PL Persiana Louvre GAS - DAMPERS LM Loading Machine - Bag LM Lademaschine/Beladeband MS Machine de Chargement - Sac KA Maquina Cargadora - Sacos PACKING AND LOADING LP Lifting Platform HE Hebebühne TB Table Elévatrice PA Plataforma Elevadora LIFTING EQUIPMENT LQ Lubricating Equipment SM Schmiereinrichtung EQ Equipement de Graissage EL Equipo de Lubricación MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT MB Mid-(Belt) Discharge Device MA Mitten- Abwurf MD Mid- Déverseur MD Med- Descarga MATERIAL GATES / DEFLECTORS MC Multicyclone MC Multizyklon MC Multicyclone MC Multiciclon DEDUSTING EQUIPMENT MD Main Drive Assembly HA Hauptantrieb EP Entraînement Principal AP Accionamiento Principal DRIVES MI Mixing Screw ME Misch Schnecke ME Vis Mélangeuse ME Tornillo Mezclador MIXERS MK Mid Kiln MQ Mid Kiln MK Mid Kiln MK Mid Kiln FEEDERS ML Mill - General ML Mühle - Allgemein BE Broyeur - Général ML Molino - General MILLS 1) MP Diaphragm Pump MP Membranpumpe PF Pompe à Diaphragme BR Bomba de Membrana MQ Mobile Crusher MB Mobil Brecher KM Concasseur Mobile TX Trituradora Móvil CRUSHERS 1) MS Magnetic Separator MS Magnetabscheider SM Séparateur Magnétique SM Separador Magnético MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT MT Metal Detector MD Metalldetektor DT Détecteur de Métal DX Detector de Metales FLOWMETERS M 2) MW Material Distribution Gate MW Materialweiche AY Aiguillage de Matériel DM Deflector de Material MATERIAL GATES / DEFLECTORS MX Mixer MX MX Malaxeur MX Mezclador MIXERS MY Material Analyser MG Material Analysegerät AM Analyseur de Matériaux AY Analizador de Materiales FLOWMETERS MZ Continuous Mixer MI Durchlauf Mischer MR Malaxeur Continu MZ Mezclador Continuo MIXERS NG Needle/Pin Gate NS Nadel Schieber VR Vanne à Tringles CR Corredera de Agujas MATERIAL GATES / DEFLECTORS NS Nuclear Scale NW Nuklearwaage BN Balance Nucléaire BX Báscula Nuclear SCALES / WEIGHERS Mischer 1) 1) N HES 97/6'345/E Edition: May 2001 2) Rep 45 Alpha Dictionary EDFS Holcim Asset-Code Cod English - Description Dictionary E Page 7 of 11 Cod German - Description Cod French - Description Cod Spanish - Description Title Footnote PZ Paletizador PACKING AND LOADING P PA Palletizing Machine PT Palettisiermaschine PE Palettiseur PC Pneumatic Conveyor PF Pneumatische Förderer CQ Convoyeur Pneumatique TN Transportador Neumático PNEUMATIC CONVEYORS PE Pelletizer GT Granulierteller AE PG Plato de Granulación DRYERS PF (Pneumatic) Rotor Feeder PD (Pneumat.) Dosierrotowaage DQ Doseur Rotorique (Pneumat.) DY Dosificador Rotorico (Neumát) SCALES / WEIGHERS PG (Proport.) Throttle Gate DW (Dosier) Walze VQ Vanne à Casque CF Compuerta (Dosificadora) MATERIAL GATES / DEFLECTORS 7) PH Preheater WT Wärmetauscher PC Préchauffeur PR Precalentador CLINKER PRODUCTION 3) PI Piping VG Verrohrung TU Tuyauterie TU Tuberías DUCTING / PIPING 4) PL Pipe FG Förderleitung PN Pipeline / Conduite TT Tubería de Transporte DUCTING / PIPING 2) PM Packing/Bagging Machine PM Packmaschine ES Ensacheuse EV Ensacadora PACKING AND LOADING PN Pan Conveyor BZ Becherzellenband TG Transporteur à Godets TC Transportador de Cangilones MECHANICAL CONVEYORS PP Pneumatic Pump PP Pneumatische Pumpe PP Pompe Pneumatique BN Bomba Neumática PQ Piston Compressor KC Kolben Kompressor CN Compresseur à piston CP Compresor de Embolo/Pistón AERATION / EXHAUST SYSTEMS PR Precalciner VC Vorkalzinierer PQ Précalcinateur PQ Precalcinador CLINKER PRODUCTION PT Pneumatic Transport Vessel DF Druckgefässförderer TP Transport Pneumatique DN Deposito Transp.Neumatico PNEUMATIC CONVEYORS PU Pump, Centrifugal - PU Pumpe, Zentrifugal - PM Pompe Centrifuge BM Bomba Centrífuga PUMPS PV Pressure Vessel/Receiver DU Druckkessel RN Accumulateur de Pression DB Deposito de Presión TANK PW Paddle Wheel MR Mischrad RM Roue Mélangeuse RM Rueda Mezcladora MIXERS PX Pump, Axial - AP Axial Pumpe PZ Pompe Axiale BZ Bomba Axial PUMPS PY Planetary Cooler PK Planetenkühler RE Refroidisseur Planétaire EP Enfriador Planetario COOLERS QA Quench Air Unit MK Mischkammer / Bypass RY Refroidisseur Air By-pass UA Unidad de Aire de Templado COOLERS QS Oil Separator QA Ölabscheider SZ Séparateur d'Huile SZ Separador de Aceite AERATION / EXHAUST SYSTEMS Roller Conveyor RN Rollenbahn TY Transporteur à Rouleaux RI Transportador de Rodillos PACKING AND LOADING Assiette de Granulation 1) PNEUMATIC CONVEYORS Q 2) R RB HES 97/6'345/E Edition: May 2001 Rep 45 Alpha Dictionary EDFS Holcim Asset-Code Dictionary E Page 8 of 11 Cod English - Description Cod German - Description Cod French - Description Cod Spanish - Description Title Footnote RC Roller Crusher WB Walzenbrecher KC Concasseur à Cylindres TZ Trituradora de Rodillos CRUSHERS RE Reclaimer AB Abbaukratzer RP Récupérateur RC Recuperador MIXBED EQUIPMENT RF Rotary Feeder / Airlock ZS Zellenradschleuse SC Sas Cellulaire VR Esclusa Celular/Valvula Rot. MATERIAL GATES / DEFLECTORS RG Roller Bar RR Rollenrost ER Extracteur à Rouleaux EF Extractor Con Rodillos FEEDERS RK Rotary Cooler RH Rohrkühler RU Refroidisseur Tubulaire ER Enfriador Rotatorio COOLERS RM Roller Mill / Vertical Mill WM Walzenschüsselmühle BG Broyeur à Galets MR Molino de Rodillos/Vertical MILLS RP Roller Press RP Rollenpresse PX Presse à Rouleaux PX Prensa de Rodillos MILLS RS Rotary Screen TS Trommelsieb TF Tamis Rotatif CW Criba Rotatoria SCREENS RT Rotary Gate DS Drehschieber VY Vanne Cylindrique PT Compuerta Rotatoria MATERIAL GATES / DEFLECTORS RZ Reciprocating Feeder WF Schubwagen Förderer PA Plancher Mobile AE Alimentador Movil FEEDERS SA Slurry Agitator SR Schlamm Rührwerk AB Agitateur de Boue AL Agitador de Pasta MIXBED EQUIPMENT SB Silo Blending Equipment MY Mischsystem für Silos EH Equip.Homogénisation-Silo EH Equipo Homogeneización SILO EQUIPMENT SC Screw Conveyor SF Schneckenförderer VT Vis Transporteuse GU Gusano / Tornillo Transport. MECHANICAL CONVEYORS SD Shut Off Damper AK Abschlussklappe CW Clapet de Fermeture PC Persiana de Cierre GAS - DAMPERS SE Sample Divider PQ Probenteiler DX Diviseur d'Echantillon MV Cortador de Muestras MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT SF Slurry Feeder SS Schlamm Schöpfrad AR Alimentateur de Boue AN Alimentador de Pasta FEEDERS SG Slide Gate AS Abschlussschieber QF Glissière de Fermeture CQ Compuerta de Cierre MATERIAL GATES / DEFLECTORS 7) SI Silencer SD Schalldämpfer SX Silencieux SI Silenciador AERATION / EXHAUST SYSTEMS 2) SJ Sump Pump SP Sumpfpumpe PS Pompe de Puisard BS Bomba de Sumidero PUMPS SK Stack KN Kamin CE Cheminée CK Chimenea DUCTING / PIPING 4) SL Scale - General WA Waage - Allgemein BC Balance - Général BB Báscula - General SCALES / WEIGHERS 1) SM Sampler PN Probenehmer EL Echantillonneur MU Muestreador MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT SN Screen SI Sieb TM Tamis / Crible CT Criba / Tamiz SCREENS SP Slurry Pump SL Schlamm Pumpe PB Pompe à Boue BH Bomba de Pasta PUMPS SQ Silo Discharge Equipm't SA Siloaustragseinrichtung EX Equip. d'Extraction-Silo ES Equipo Extracción de Silo SILO EQUIPMENT SR Separator SH Sichter SR Séparateur SP Separador MILLS SS Steelstructure Support SU Stahlbau - Unterbau SQ Structure Métallique EX Estructura Metálica MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT 7) S HES 97/6'345/E Edition: May 2001 1) Rep 45 Alpha Dictionary EDFS Holcim Asset-Code Dictionary E Page 9 of 11 Cod English - Description Cod German - Description Cod French - Description Cod Spanish - Description Title Footnote ST Stacker AZ Absetzer ST Stockeur AD Apiladora MIXBED EQUIPMENT SU Scrubber, Absorber AC Absorber, Gasreiniger AK Absorbeur Gas LG Limpiador de Gas DEDUSTING EQUIPMENT SV Steam Boiler DP Dampfkessel CJ Chaudière à Vapeur KV Caldera de Vapor TANK SW Switches - Railroads WI Weichenanlage der Bahn AJ Aiguillage-Chemins de Fer AJ Agujas de Ferrocarril MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT SX Spillage Conveyor KZ Kettenkratzer RL Racleur pour Déchets RD Rascadora Desechos MECHANICAL CONVEYORS SY Screening Screw SE Siebschnecke TX Tamis à Vis CZ Criba Tornillo SCREENS SZ Sizer for Mill Balls SX Sortierer für Mahlkugeln TR Trieuse à Boulets CL Clasificadora de Bolas SCREENS TB Tube Belt Conveyor RG Rohrgurtförderer CT Convoyeur Tubulaire QT Transportador Tubular MECHANICAL CONVEYORS TC Telescopic Chute TE Teleskop Stutzen GT Glissoire Télescopique DT Deslizadera Telescópica PACKING AND LOADING TF Table Feeder TG Teller Aufgeber AT Alimentateur-Sole Tournant AR Alimentador-Solera Rotatoria FEEDERS TI Rail Car/Truck/Tipper WR Wagen Kipper CU Culbuteur de Wagon/Camion VD Volcador de Vagón/Camión LIFTING EQUIPMENT TK Tank TA Tank RS Réservoir RT Recipiente/Tanque TANK TM Tube Mailing System RA Rohrpost Anlage EC Transport d'Echantillon SC Transporte Tubular MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT TP Trap for Balls/Materials MF Material/Kugelfalle ED Ejecteur de Boulets/Matières TF Trampa de Bolas/Materias SCREENS TR Tripper BA Bandabwurfwagen CH Chariot Déverseur CY Carro de Descarga MIXBED EQUIPMENT TU Turbine Pump TU Turbinen Pumpe PR Pompe Turbine BU Bomba de Turbina PUMPS TV Throttle / Radial Damper DR Drosselklappe VS Ventelle VN Válvula de Estrangulación GAS - DAMPERS Unloader for Bulk Material EM Entlader für Schüttgut DM Déchargeur - Mat.Solides DG Descargadora de Granel PACKING AND LOADING VA Valve VT Ventil VA Vanne VA Válvula VALVES VB Vacuum/Drying Belt TB Trocknungsband/Vakuum BS Bande de Séchage/Vide BD Banda de Secado/Vacuo DRYERS VC Vibrating Conveyor VF Vibrationsförderer CV Convoyeur Vibrant TV Transportador Vibratorio MECHANICAL CONVEYORS VD Vibrating Device / Shaker VI Vibrations Vorr. / Rüttler DV Dispositif Vibrant/Babillard DV Disposit.Vibratorio / Vibrador MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT VE Vent.Valve Silo UA Druck Ausgeich Silo SK Silo Clapet Surpression SY Silo Valvula SILO EQUIPMENT T 4) U UB V HES 97/6'345/E Edition: May 2001 2) Rep 45 Alpha Dictionary EDFS Holcim Asset-Code Dictionary E Page 10 of 11 Cod English - Description Cod German - Description Cod French - Description Cod Spanish - Description Title Footnote VF Vibrating Feeder VA Vibrationsaufgeber AV Alimentateur Vibrant AV Alimentador Vibratorio FEEDERS VN Vacuum Cleaner SG Staubsauger AA Aspirateur à Poussière AI Aspirador de Polvo DEDUSTING EQUIPMENT VP Rotary Vane Compressor LP Lamellen Kompressor CF Compresseur à Lamelles LA Compresor de Láminas AERATION / EXHAUST SYSTEMS VR Valve Rack VU Ventil Gerüst SV Système de Vannne SV Sistema de Válvula VALVES VS Vibrating Screen VS Vibrationssieb TV Tamis Vibrant CV Criba Vibratorio SCREENS WB Weigh Bridge BG Brückenwaage PT Pont à Bascule BW Báscula de Plataforma SCALES / WEIGHERS WE Wet Filter NF Nass Filter LG Lavage de Gaz - Filtre FH Filtro Húmedo DEDUSTING EQUIPMENT WF Weigh Belt Feeder DB Dosierbandwaage BD Bande Doseuse BP Báscula Dosificadora SCALES / WEIGHERS WI (Water) Injection WE (Wasser) Eindüsung IE Système d'Injection (d'eau) IJ Sistema Inyección (de Agua) VALVES WM Wash Mill SK PU Pont Racleur de Boue RJ Rejilla de Pasta MILLS WP Water Pump WP Wasser Pumpe PD Pompe à Eau BA Bomba de Agua PUMPS WQ Wobbler Feeder RE Rollen Aufgeber AU Alimentation à Rouleaux AT Alimentador de Rodillos FEEDERS WR Wrapping Machine FA Folien Auflege Maschine HS Housseuse EY Empaquetadora PACKING AND LOADING WS Water Separator WS Wasserabscheider SE Séparateur d'eau SD Separador de Agua AERATION / EXHAUST SYSTEMS 2) WT Water Treatm't Equipm't WN Wasseraufbereitung TE Equip.Traitement d'eau TD Tratamiento de Agua MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT 4) Spec. Assets, local use only Y. Spezielle, lokale Einheiten Y. Activs speciaux, usage locale Y. Activos especiales, uso local Special Groups of Assets X. Spez. Gruppen von Einheiten Z. Groupes d'actives speciaux Grupos de activos especiales W Schlämm Rechen 1) 1) Y Y. Z Z. HES 97/6'345/E Edition: May 2001 Z. Rep 45 Alpha Dictionary EDFS Holcim Asset-Code Cod English - Description Dictionary E Page 11 of 11 Cod German - Description Cod French - Description Cod Spanish - Description Title Footnote 1) Duplicate or too general. Do not use for new applications. Apply specific code, where applicable. 2) Only to be used for important maintenance units, else use mechanical or electrical component code 7 3) Use special code for each cyclone (see annex II) 4) Use "Buildings and Installations" Code 3.. for new applications 7) See also SILO EQUIPMENT: Code SQ for block unit HES 97/6'345/E Edition: May 2001 Rep 45 Alpha Dictionary EDFS Holcim Asset-Code Table 4 Page 1 of 11 Table 4: General Assets Depreciation Category: 10 ... 9Z Group Number The Asset Unit Example: 3P4-1T1 3 Main Function 3P Group Number 3P4 Sequential # 3P4-1T Asset Unit 3P4-1T1 Sequential # 1 2 3 - 4 5 6 - Raw Meal Preparation - Power Distribution - Production Line # 4 - Transformer - Trafo #1 of Group 3P4 The classification of assets into the general depreciation categories (e.g. electrical installations, buildings and installations, vehicules, laboratory equipment, workshop and warehouse, furniture) which are to be considered as seperate maintenance units, will always be carried out according to the following table. General assets are identified by means of the depreciation categories 0 to 9 in position I4I and numbers and letters in position I5I. Code Asset Unit -Description Flow Sheet Code Asset Unit -Description 1A All Asset Units Tous les Actifs Alle Anlagen Einheiten Todos los Activos Cable Supports MV Supports pour Cãbles MT Kabelpritschen Mittelspann'g Soporte - Cables Media Tens. 1B . . . . Cable Supports LV Supports pour Cãbles BT Kabelpritschen Niederspa'g Soporte de Cables Baja Tens. 1C Capacitor-Power Factor Corr. Condensateur / Compensat'n Kompensations Anlage Condensador/Compensación 1D Electrical Installations Installations Eléctriques Elektrische Installationen Instalaciones Electricos Cable Supports Control Supports p. Câbles Contrôle Kabelpritschen Steuerkabel Soporte de Cable Señalización 1E 11 . . . . Grounding-Lightning Protect. Mise à Terre et Paratonnerre Erdung und Blitzschutz Puesta a Tierra y Pararrayos 1F 12 . . . . Light Fixtures and Lamps Eclairage et Lampes Beleuchtungskörper/Lampen Alumbrado y Lamparas 1G 13 . . . . Generator Générateur Generator Alternador Assets 00 01 Electrical Installations 10 HES 97/6'345/E Edition: May 2001 Flow Sheet Rep 45 E General Assets Holcim Asset-Code Table 4 Page 2 of 11 Code Asset Unit -Description 1H Medium Voltage Cable Câble de Moyenne Tension Mittelspannungskabel Cable de Media Tensión 1I Flow Sheet Code Asset Unit -Description Flow Sheet 1U Miscellan. Electrical Units Unités Electriques Divers Verschiedene El. Einheiten Unidades Eléctricas Divers. . . . . 1V Low Voltage Switchgear Distribution Basse Tension Niederspannungsverteilung Distribución de Bajo Tensión 1J Distrib. Motor Control (DMC) 5) Contrôle Moteur Distribué Verteilte Motorsteuer Einheit Control Motores Distribuido 1W Substation Sous - Station Unterstation Sub - Station 1K . . . . 1X Medium Voltage Motor Moteur Moyenne Tension Mittelspannungsmotor Motor de Alta Tensión 5) 1L Low Voltage Cable Câble de Basse Tension Niederspannungskabel Cable de Baja Tension 5) 1Y Low Voltage Motor Moteur Basse Tension Niederspannungsmotor Motor de Baja Tensión 5) 1M Motor Control Center (MCC) Tableau Contrôle Moteur-TCM Schützengerüst-SG Centro de Control Motores-CCM 1Z Speed Controlled Motor 5) Moteur à Vitesse Variable Drehzahlgeregelter Motor Motor de Velocidad Variable 1N Lighting Distribution Panel Tableau - Distrib.d'Eclairage Lichtverteiltableau Tablero Distribción de Alum. 1P 1Q 1R 1S 1T 5) High Voltage Powerline Ligne de Haute Tension Hochspannungsleitung Linea de Alta Tensión . . . . Rheostat and Liquid Starter 5) Rhéostat/Démarreur Electrol. Widerstands- Flüssigk.Anl. Reostato- Arrancador Electrol. Medium Voltage Switchgear Distribution Moyenne Tension Mittelspannungsverteilung Distribución de Media Tension Control and Instrumentation 20 Control and Instrumentation Contrôle et Instrumentation Steuerung und Instrumentierung Control y Instrumentación 21 . . . . 22 . . . . 23 . . . . 2A AC Power Supply / UPS Alimentation Stabilisée CA AC Speisegerät / USV Alimentación Estabilizado CA Transformer Transformateur Transformator Transformador HES 97/6'345/E Edition: May 2001 Rep 45 E General Assets Holcim Asset-Code Table 4 Page 3 of 11 Code Asset Unit -Description 2B Fibre Optic System Câble Fibre Optique Lichtwellenleitersystem Cable Fibra Optica 2C Flow Sheet Code Asset Unit -Description Flow Sheet 2N Special Measurement System Système de Mesure Spécial Spezial Mess System Sistema de Medición Especial Control Cabinet, Subc.Unit Tableau Contrôle, S.S.Direct. Steuerschrank, Subsystem Tablero de Mando, Subsist. 2P Process Station / PLC Station Processus/Automat. Prozess Station / SPS Estación de Proceso / PLC 2D DC - Power Supply Alimentation Courant Continue Gleichstromversorgung Aliment'n Corriente Continua 2Q Measuring Center/Instr.Rack Unité Traitement Mesure Messzentrale/Messverteiler Centro Medición/Tabl.Instr. 2E Radio/Intercom/Walky Talky Système Radio, Interphone Radio/Funk/Gegensprech. Sistema Radio, - Intercom 2R Distrib'n-,Terminal-,I/O-Rack Répartiteur, C.Entrés/Sortis Rangierverteiler, I/O - Rack Repartidor, Cab.Entr./Salidas 2F Fire Alarm System Système d'Alarme Incendie Feueralarm System Sistema Alarma Incendio 2S Signal Cable Câble de Signalisation Signalkabel Cable de Señalización 2G Management Station Station de Gestion Management Station Estación de Gestión 2T Telephone, Clock System Téléphone, Système Horloge Telefon, Uhrensystem Teléfono, Sistema de Relojes 2H Operator Station Station d'Opérateur Operateur Station Estación de Operador 2U Miscellaneous Control Units Unités de Contrôle Divers Diverse Steuerungseinheiten Unidades de Control Diversas 2I Miscellaneous Instrument'n 5) Unités d'Instrument'n Div. Verschiedene Messeinricht'n Unidades Instrument'n Div. 2V Television (CCTV) Télévision Fernsehen Televisión 2J Junction- /Connection Box Coffret de Répartition Anschlusskasten/Untervert. Caja de Distributión/Conexión 2W Warning Devices Système d'Avertissement Warn - Geräte Sistemas d'Advertencia 2K Gas Analyzer Analyseur de Gaz Gas - Analysengerät Analizador de Gas 2X Auxiliary/Utility Control Système de Contrôle - Aux. Steuerung Hilfsbetriebe Tablero de Control de Auxiliar 2L Local Control Panel Poste de Contrôle Local Lokales Steuerungstableau Tablero de Control Local 2Y Engineering/Test System Unité de Program./ Test Programmier-/Testsystem Unidad de Program./ Test 2M Control Power Panel Tableau Contrôle. Steuerspannungsverteiler Tablero de Control 2Z Central Control Panel Poste de Contrôle Central Zentrales Steuerungstableau Tablero de Control Central HES 97/6'345/E 5) Edition: May 2001 5) Rep 45 E General Assets Holcim Asset-Code Code Asset Unit -Description 31 32 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 3G 3H Flow Sheet Code Asset Unit -Description 3I Buildings and Installations Bâtiments et Installations Gebäude und Installationen Edificios e Instalaciones Infrastructure Building Infrastructure - Bâtiment Infrastruktur - Gebäude Infraestructura - Edificio 3J . . . . Tunnel/Channel/Well/Shaft Infrastructure Souterrain Infrastruktur-Tunnel/Kanal Infraestructura Subterránea 3K . . . . Stack / Chimney Cheminée Kamin Chimenea 3L Air-Conditioning Unit Unité de Climatisation Klimaanlage Unidad de Climatización Supporting Steel Structure Structure Métallique/Support Stützkonstruktion/Profilstahl Estructura Metálica 3M Steel - Bin / Tank / Silo Trémie/Réservoir/Silo - Acier Bunker/Tank/Silo aus Stahl Tolva/Tanque/Silo - Metálica Material Storage (Hall) Aire de Stockage (Couvert) Material Lager (Halle) Zonas de Almacenamiento 3N Supporting Concrete Struct. Structure / Support en Beton Stützkonstruktion aus Beton Estructura en Hormigón . . . . 3P Transfer Station / Tower Station de Transfert / Tour Übergabestation Statione de Transferencia Production Building Bâtiment de Production Produktionsgebäude Edificio de Producción 3Q Electrical Station / Building Station Electrique/Bâtiment Elektro Gebäude Statione Eléctrico /Edificio Administration/Auxil.Building Bâtiment Administration/Aux. Administration/Hilfsgebäude Edificio - Auxiliaras 3R Foundation for Machine Fondation pour Machine Maschinen Fundament Fundacione para Maquina . . . . 3S . . . . Concrete - Silo / Bin / Tank Silo/Trémie/Réservoir - Béton Silo/Bunker/Tank aus Beton Silo/Tolva/Tanque - Hormigón 3T Accommodation, Houses Habitations , Maisons Wohnhäuser Viviendas, Casas Traffic Installations / Roads Installations de Circulations Verkehrsanlagen, Strassen Instalaciones de Circulación 3U Pipes, Ducts Tuyaux, Tuyauterie Rohre, Rohrleitungen Tubos, Tuberia Buildings and Installations 30 Table 4 Page 4 of 11 HES 97/6'345/E Edition: May 2001 Flow Sheet 5) Rep 45 E General Assets Holcim Asset-Code Code Asset Unit -Description Table 4 Page 5 of 11 Flow Sheet Code Asset Unit -Description Flow Sheet (D) 3V Water Treatment Traitement d'eau Wasseraufbereitung Tratamiento de Agua 46 Automobile-Technical Staff Auto-Personnel Technique Auto-Technisches Personal Automóvil-Personal Técnico 3W Sewage Treatment Traitement des eaux usées Abwasserreinigung Tratamiento de aguas 47 . . . . 3X . . . . 48 Automobile-Administrat.Staff (C) Auto-Personnel Administratif Auto-Verwaltungs Personal Automóvil - Personal Admin. 3Y Gates / Fences Clôtures, Bordures Tore / Umzäunungen Bordes 49 Trailer Remorque Anhänger Remolque 3Z . . . . 4A Rope Shovel Pelle à cable Seilbagger Pala Mecánica (1) 4B Hydraulic Excavator Excavateur Hydraulique Hydraulikbagger Excavador Hidráulica (1) 4C Drilling Machine for Quarry (1) Foreuse Mobile p. la Carrière Bohrmaschine für Steinbruch Taladradora Móvil - Cantera 4D Dozer and Ripper Bulldozer à Chenilles Bulldozer Bulldozer de Orugas (1) 4E Track Loader Pelle Mécanique s.Chenilles Raupenlader Pala Mecánica s.Orugas (1) 4F Wheel Loader Chargeuse sur pneus Pneulader Pala Mecánica-Neumáticos (1) 4G Scraper Scrapedozer Planierfahrzeug Rascador (1/B) 4H Grader Niveleuse, Grader Grader Regulador, Grader (1/B) Vehicles 40 41 42 43 44 45 Vehicles Véhicules Fahrzeuge Vehículos Pick-Up Camionnette Lieferwagen Camioneta (D) Tractor Tracteur Traktor Tractor (D) Fire Engine Voiture Pompiers Feuerwehrauto Vehículo de Bomberos (D) Ambulance Ambulance Krankenwagen Ambulancia (D) Mobile Cleaning Equipment Vehicule de Nettoyage Reinigungsfahrzeug Automóvil de Limpieza (D) HES 97/6'345/E Edition: May 2001 Rep 45 E General Assets Holcim Asset-Code Code Asset Unit -Description Table 4 Page 6 of 11 Flow Sheet Code Asset Unit -Description Flow Sheet 4I Roller Vibreur Walze Apisonador (1/B) 4V Barge / Ship / Boat Barque / Bateau Schleppboot / Schiff Barco / Navio (7) 4J Truck < 20T Camion < 20T Lastkraftwagen < 20T Camión < 20T (1/B) 4W Welder - Mobile Unit Machine à Souder - Mobiles Schweissmaschine-Fahrbar Maquina Soldar - Móviles (G) 4K Truck (off road) > 20T Camion > 20T Lastkraftwagen > 20T Camión > 20T (1/B) 4X Brick Laying Machine Machine à Briqueté Ausmauerungs Maschine Machina para Refractario (G) 4L Fuel Tank Truck Camion de Carburant Brennstoff Tanklastwagen Camión de Carburante (L) 4Y Compressor - Mobile Compresseur - Mobile Kompressor - Fahrbar Compresor - Móvil (G) 4M Forklift Elévateur à Fourches Gabelstapler Elevador de Horquillas (6) 4Z Diesel Generator - Mobil Groupe Electrogene-Mobile Notstromaggregat - Fahrbar Grupo Electrogeno - Móvil (G) 4N Tow Truck / Mobile Crane Grue Mobile Autokran Grúa Móvil (G) Laboratory-Equipment Lifting Platform - Mobile Nacelle Hebebühne - Fahrbar Plataforma Elevadora Móvil (G) Hydr.Hammer/Peeler-Mobile Marteau Hydraulique-Mobile Hydraulik Hammer - Fahrbar Martillo Hidraulico - Móvil (G) Locomotive Locomotive Lokomotive Locomotora (J) Rail Wagon Wagon Eisenbahnwagen Vagón (7) Rail Bulk Wagon Wagon Citerne - Vrac Bahn Silowagen Vagón Cisterna - Granel (7) Road Bulk Truck Camion Citerne - Vrac Auto Silowagen Camión Cisterna - Granel (7) 4P 4Q 4R 4S 4T 4U HES 97/6'345/E 50 Laboratory Equipment Equipements Laboratoires Labor Einrichtungen Equipo de Laboratorios 51 . . . . 52 . . . . 53 Chemical Laboratory Laboratoire Chimique Chemisches Labor Laboratorio Chimic 54 . . . . 55 Physical Laboratory Laboratoire Physique Physikalisches Labor Laboratorio Físico Edition: May 2001 Rep 45 E General Assets Holcim Asset-Code Code Asset Unit -Description Table 4 Page 7 of 11 Flow Sheet Code Asset Unit -Description 56 Curing Equipment Conservation Eprouvettes Probenlagerung Conservación de Muestres 5I Titrator Titrateur Titrator Titrador 57 Laboratory Tools Outils de Laboratoire Labor Werkzeuge Útiles de Laboratorio 5J . . . . 58 Glassware, Lined Piping Verrerie, Tuyau en Verre Glaswaren, Ausgekl.Rohre Vidrio, Tubo Revestimiento 5K Kalorimeter Calorimètre Kaloriemeter Calorimetro 59 Miscellaneous Equipment Equipement Divers Diverse Einrichtungen Diversos Equipos 5L Laser Granulometer Granulomètre Laser Laser Granulometer Granulometro Laser 5A AAS Spectrometer Spectromètre AAS AAS Spectrometer Spectrometro AAS 5M Mixer - Mortar Mélangeur Mischer Mesclador 5B Blaine Apparatus Blainemètre Blaine Bestimmungsgerät Aparato Blaine 5N Strength Testing Machine Presse Druckprüfmaschine Prensa de Pruebas 5C Moisture Cabinet Enceinte de Conservation Feuchtschrank Cabineto de Conservation 5P Photometer Photomètre Photometer Photometro 5D Drying Oven Etuve de Séchage Trocknungsofen Secador 5Q . . . . 5E Element Analyser Analyseur d'élément Element Analysator Analisador de Elementos 5R Robot Automate Roboter Automata 5F Melting Furnace Perleuse Schmelzofen Perla 5S Sieve Tamis Sieb Criba 5G Gas Chromatograph Chromatographe Gas Chromatograph Chromatograph 5T Tablet Press Pastilleuse Tablettenpresse Pastilador 5H Laboratory Mill Broyeur de Laboratoire Labor Mühle Molino de laboratorio 5U . . . . HES 97/6'345/E Edition: May 2001 Flow Sheet Rep 45 E General Assets Holcim Asset-Code Code Asset Unit -Description Table 4 Page 8 of 11 Flow Sheet Code Asset Unit -Description 5V Vibrating Table Table Vibrante Vibrationstisch Comprimido 66 Other Parts - Warehouses Autres Magasins de Pièces Andere Teile - Lager Otros Almacenes de Equipo 5W Balance Balance Waage Balanza 67 . . . . 5X XRF - Spectrometer Spectromètre Fluorence XRF - Spectrometer Spectrometro Fluoreszencîa 68 . . . . 5Y XRD - Diffractometer Diffractomètre XRD XRD - Diffractometer Diffractometro XRD 69 Machine Tools (Tool Sets) Machines Outils (Outillage) Werkzeugmasch.(Zubehör) Maquina de Taller (Útiles) 5Z . . . . 6A Lathe Tour Drehbank Torre 6B Workshop / Warehouse Atelier et Magasin Werkstatt und Lager Talleres y Almacenes Sharpening Machine Aiguiseuse Werkzeugschleifmaschine Afiladora 6C Mechanical Equipment Store Magasin Pièces Mecaniques Mechanische Teile Lager Almacenes Equipo Mécanico Sawing Machine Scieuse Sägemaschine Sierra 6D Electrical Equipment Store Magasin Pièces Electriques Elektrisches Teile Lager Almacenes de Equipo Eléctrico Drilling Machine Perceuse Bohrmaschine Taladradora 6E . . . . Grinding Machine Rectifieuse Schleifmaschine Rectificadora 6F . . . . Thread Cutting Machine Machine à Fileter Gewindeschneidmaschine Maquina Roscardora 6G Wear Parts Store Magasin des Pièces d'usage Schleissteile Lager Almacenes Equipo Desgastes Bending Machine Plieuse Biegemaschine Plegadora 6H Milling Machine Fraiseuse Fräsmaschine Fresadora Workshop/Warehouse Equipment 60 61 62 63 64 65 HES 97/6'345/E Edition: May 2001 Flow Sheet Rep 45 E General Assets Holcim Asset-Code Code Asset Unit -Description Table 4 Page 9 of 11 Flow Sheet Code Asset Unit -Description 6I Press and Punch Presse et Poinçonneuse Presse und Stanze Prensa 6V Carpentry Machines Machines à Menuiserie Schreinereimaschinen Maquina de Carpentera 6J Rolling Press Rouleuse Rollen Presse Prensa de Rodillos 6W Cleaning Tools Outils de Nettoyage Reinigungswerkzeuge Útiles de Limpieza 6K Forge Equipment Equipement de Forge Schmiedeeinrichtug Equipo de Forja 6X . . . . 6L Welding Machine Machine a Souder Schweissmaschine Maquina Soldar 6Y . . . . 6M Miscellan. Machine Tools Divers Machines Outils Versch. Werkzeugmaschinen Diversos Maquina de Taller 6Z Cutting Machine Machine de découpage Schneidmaschine Maquina de Corte 6N Electrical Measuring Equip. Equip.Mesure Electrique Elektrische Messeinricht'gen Equipo Eléctrico de Medición 6P 6Q 6R 6S 6T 6U Mech. Measuring Equipm't Equip.Mesure Mécanique Mechanische Messeinricht. Equipo Mécanico-Medición Optical Measuring Equip. Equip. Mesure Optique Optische Messeinrichtungen Equipo Óptico de Medición Misc. Measuring Equipment Divers Equip.de Mesure Verschiedene Messeinricht. Div. Equipos de Medición Handtools, Toolkits Outils à Main Handwerkzeuge Útiles de Mano Shelves and Racks Etagères et Armoires Regale und Gestelle Estanterías Furniture 70 Furniture Mobilier Mobiliar Mobiliario 71 Office Machines, PC's Machines de Bureaux, PC's Büromaschinen, PC's Maquinas de Oficinas, PC's 72 Office Furniture Ameublement de Bureaux Büromobiliar Muebles de Oficina 73 Teleph.Switchboard, Paging Central Téléph., Recherche Telefonzentrale, Suchanlage Central Telefónica/Búsqueda 74 Decoration, Paintings, Plants Décoration, Tableaux, Plantes Dekoration, Bilder, Pflanzen Decoración, Cuadros, Plantas 75 Office Modification, Walls Modific.de Bureau, Parois Raumveränderungen/Wände Modifi. de Oficina,Parede Infrastructure Machines Machines pour Infrastructure Maschinen für Infrastruktur Maquina p. Infraestructura HES 97/6'345/E Flow Sheet Edition: May 2001 Rep 45 E General Assets Holcim Asset-Code Code Asset Unit -Description Table 4 Page 10 of 11 Flow Sheet Code Asset Unit -Description 76 Household Equip./Machines Equip.- Machines Ménagèr Haushaltgeräte, - Maschinen Equipos Domésticos 87 Concession - Number 1 Concession - Numéro 1 Konzession - Objekt 1 Concesión - Tipo 1 77 . . . . 88 Concession - Number 2 Concession - Numéro 2 Konzession - Objekt 2 Concesión - Tipo 2 78 . . . . 89 . . . . 79 . . . . 8A . . . . Flow Sheet Land and Concessions Construction in Progress (CIP) 80 Land and Concessions Terrains et Concessions Land und Konzessionen Terrenos y Concesiones 90 Preoperating Expenses Dépences de Projets Projektaufwendungen Gastos de Proyectos 81 Works (Quarry) Exploitation (Carrière) Abbau (Steinbruch) Explotación 91 Preproject Expenses Dépenses d'Avant - Projets Vorprojektaufwendungen Gastos de Anteproyectos 82 Land Buildings Bâtis Industriels Fabrikgelände Terreno Industrial 92 Engineering, Services Services Ingénierie, -Extér. Engineering, Dienstleistungen Servicios Ingeniería,-Exterior 83 . . . . 93 Site Supervision Surveillance de Chantier Bauleitung/Bauüberwach'g Supervisión Sobre el Lugar 84 . . . . 94 Training/Start-up Expenses Formation et Démarrage Schulung und Inbetriebnahme Formación y Arranque 85 . . . . 95 Other Preoperating Expens. Autres Dépenses sur Site Übriger Projekt Aufwand Otros Gastos sobre el Lugar 86 . . . . 96 Administrative Expenses Dépenses Administratives Verwaltungsaufwand Gastos Administrativos HES 97/6'345/E Edition: May 2001 Rep 45 E General Assets Holcim Asset-Code Code Asset Unit -Description 97 Finance Expenses Dépenses Financièrs Finanzaufwand Gastos Financieros 98 . . . . 99 . . . . Table 4 Page 11 of 11 Flow Sheet Code Asset Unit -Description Flow Sheet 5) Normally coded as component of the mechanical asset (X) Function code I1I - see remarks in annex II, point 3. HES 97/6'345/E Edition: May 2001 Rep 45 E General Assets Holcim Asset-Code Table 6 Page 1 of 2 Table 6: Electrical Components Group Number The Asset Unit Components Number 1 2 3 - 4 5 6 . 7 ... The classification of electrical components in position 7 shall always be carried out according the following table: I7I will define the component or the type of measurement. Suceeding positions shall be used to define sequence numbers or functions. Code Component - Description Flow Sheet Code Component -Description % Proportion 1) Proportion Verhältnis Proporción I Current Courant Strom Corriente A Analysis/Aux Device EU Equipement Auxiliaire Zusatz-Gerät Analysis US/Auxil.EU J Power, Energy Puissance Leistung, Energie Potencia, Energia B Push Button Bouton Taste Botón pulsador K Key, Switch, Selector Interrupteur Schalter, Taster Llave, Interruptor C Control System Sous-System de Contrôle Untersteuerung Sub Sistema de Control L Level Niveau Füllstand Nivel D Drift Switch Interrupteur Déviation Schieflaufschalter Interruptor de Desvio M Motor Moteur Motor Motor E Voltage Tension Spannung Tensión N Special Sensors 1) Capteur Spécial Spezielle Sensoren Sensor especiál F Flow Flux Durchfluss Flujo, Caudal P Pressure Pression Druck Presión G Gong, Flash Giro Phare Gong, Blitz Gong, Flash, Claxon Q Quantity US/Analysis EU Analyse Analyse Cantidad US/Analiza.EU H Heater Chauffage Heizung Calefacción R Rope-Switch Arrêt à Câble Reissleine Paro Emerg.de Cuerda HES 97/6'345/E H Edition: May 2001 Flow Sheet Rep 7 E Components Holcim Asset-Code Code Component -Description S Speed Vitesse Geschwindigkeit Velocidad T Temperature Température Temperatur Temperatura U Unit, Cubical Unité Einschub Unidad, Armario V Valve Vanne Ventil Valvula W Weight Poids Gewicht Peso X X-Device 2) Equipement-X X-Gerät Dispositivo X Y Y-Device 2) Equipement-Y Y-Gerät Dispositivo Y Z Position Position Position Posición Table 6 Page 2 of 2 Flow Sheet 1) Special Sensors (E.g.: Moisture, Density, Proportion, Vibration, Noise, etc.. Do not use "%" for new applications.) HES 97/6'345/E Code Component -Description Flow Sheet 2) "X" Stands For: Forward, In, Up, Open, Right, On, North, East and 1; "Y" Stands For: Reverse, Out, Down, Close, Left, Off, South, West and 2. Edition: May 2001 Rep 7 E Components Holcim Asset-Code Annex I: 1. Annex I - Page 1 Application Examples for "GROUP NUMBERING" (Table 1 and 2) GENERAL For the general definition of the limits between the different cost centers please refer to the Holcim Accounting and Reporting Manual. Table 1 and 2 provide a list of all possible groups. The list is generally complete for a "normal" cement plant but can be extended for special applications. The practical subdivision of a plant into groups will depend on the actual importance of a cost center or a group. Small groups will be directly included in the main cost center, big preparation and handling processes will require a separate cost center e.g. group 23: Alternative raw material prep. and handling or a separate cost center W for a complicated alternative raw material preparation and handling. Groups which are defined for aggregates or ready-mix applications are indicated in brackets e.g. group 14. 2. DEFINITION OF GROUP TRANSFER POINTS A group shall normally start and stop in a material storage. The storage is part of the feeding group. In certain cases an "asset" other than a bin (I4I5I = 3B) or a silo (I4I5I = 3S) is the transfer point between two groups. In many cases a specific asset can be allocated to the correct group by the question: "how would it be coded, if one of the groups would not exist?" 2.1 Examples 2.1.1 Transfer point between Raw Mill and Laboratory: A raw meal sampler (code I4I5I = SM) belongs to raw meal transport (code I1I2I = 39), the storage and the stored material is the sample. The tube mailing system (code I4I5I = TM) from this sampler to the laboratory belongs to the group sample mailing system (code I1I2I = H2). 2.1.2 Transfer point between Raw Mill and Cooling Water: The centrifugal water pump (code I4I5I = PU) belongs to group M3, the water control valve of the mill bearing belongs to group 36. The fictitious transfer point is the flange (s) between the main water line and the mill water line. (Where would group M3 end, if group 36 would not exist?) 2.1.3 Transfer point between Raw Mill and Electrical Power Supply: For easy reference within the plant, all electrical equipment in the field is normally a component of the corresponding mechanical equipment. Electrical maintenance costs are therefore allocated to the corresponding mechanical "maintenance unit" within the corresponding process group. HES 97/6’345/E Edition: Mai 2001 D:\Q\HES\STANDARD\HAC-CODE\EDI5_01\English\HAC-ANE1.DOC Holcim Asset-Code Annex I - Page 2 The mill motor is a component of the "maintenance unit" main drive (code I4I5I = MD) and therefore belongs to group 36. The mill motor circuit breaker is a "maintenance unit" switch gear (code I4I5I = 1S) and belongs to group E2. The cable between the circuit breaker and the motor shall normally be labelled with the asset code of the motor. The fictitious transfer point between raw mill and electrical power supply is the connection point (the terminal) between cable and switch gear. 2.1.4 Kiln Dust Transport The kiln dust often has common dedusting and transport equipment with the raw mill. In this case the following general rules shall apply: The common transport of the raw mill and kiln dedusting (including the extraction from the filter) will be group 391 (mainly raw meal). The common filter including its rapping mechanism will be group 421 (mainly kiln gas). If a separate transport for kiln dust exists (big enough to justify a separate group), this group will be 4D1. 3. DEFINITION OF PARALLEL GROUPS Please refer to chapter 3.2 and 3.3 for the definition of group and of parallel production line. A group is, generally, regarded as a separate, operational unit. In the case of transport groups, the material(s) may be fed from more than one starting point and be fed to different end points. However, if the material(s) is (are) fed onto a common set of transport equipment, this is normally still to be considered as one single group since independent, parallel operation is not possible. In deviation to above definition, a separate group may be created, if one of the transports is big enough to justify a separate group (sub cost center). Two or more groups of equipment may be called "parallel", if they perform the same function and, if they can be operated independently from each other as well as simultaneously. Within the main cost centers 3, 4, and 5 a group will normally take the number of the corresponding production line, even if a parallel operation of a group would be possible. Example (Drawing 310486): HES 97/6’345/E ä Group 321 has one starting point and one ending point ä Group 31x has three starting points and three ending points but is one group with a common conveyor BC1 and BC2 ä Group 322 is parallel to group 321 with the same function and independent as well as simultaneous operation ä Parallel operation within group 322 is possible, but all assets should belong to line 2 to follow the main cost center structure ä Group 391 and 392 have several ending points Edition: Mai 2001 D:\Q\HES\STANDARD\HAC-CODE\EDI5_01\English\HAC-ANE1.DOC Holcim Asset-Code ä Annex I - Page 3 Group 39x is a common group for both line 1 and 2 x shall preferably be a letter, to indicate, that these costs have to be split to different production lines. HES 97/6’345/E Edition: Mai 2001 D:\Q\HES\STANDARD\HAC-CODE\EDI5_01\English\HAC-ANE1.DOC Holcim Asset-Code 4. Annex I - Page 4 GROUPS AND SUB-COST CENTERS In certain cases it might be useful to define a group according the type of handled material to better cope with the desired structure of internal sub-cost centers. In the example below group 31 defines limestone, 32 marl and 3A pyrite. Within the fix main cost center defined in position |1| a matrix of positions |2| and |3| can be used to define groups (or products) and lines (or products). The number "0" is used in both positions to define the sum of all groups or lines. In the example below 301 would be the sub-cost center for raw meal preparation line 1, 302 for line 2, whereby the cost of group 31x and 39x would have to be split between the 2 lines. A sub-cost center 360 would add the costs of both grindings. Example (Drawing 310486): HES 97/6’345/E ä 300 is the main cost center preparation of raw meal (all groups 3.., all production lines) ä 390 is the sub cost center raw meal transport to silo (sum of costs of groups 391, 392 and 39x ) ä 301 is the sub cost center preparation of raw meal line 1 (sum of costs of groups 321, 331, 361, 391 and part of costs of 31x and 39x) ä If a separate sub cost center for pyrite is important (and group pyrite is big enough i.e. more than 5 assets), group 31x can be split into 2 groups 31x reclaiming and transport of limestone and 3Ax reclaiming and transport of pyrite. (This in contradiction to the general rule, since independent parallel operation is not possible in this example) Edition: Mai 2001 D:\Q\HES\STANDARD\HAC-CODE\EDI5_01\English\HAC-ANE1.DOC Holcim Asset-Code 5. Annex I - Page 7 GROUPS IN PRE-PROCESS AND AUXILIARY COST CENTERS The same rules as above generally also apply for pre-process and auxiliary cost centers. 5.1 Gypsum & additives preparation and handling (Cost Center K) For the definition of additives please refer to the Holcim Accounting and Reporting Manual. For mineral components please refer to the pre-process cost center "T". The gypsum and additives handling normally ends in the feed bin of the cement mill feed system (53x). The bin itself belongs to the feeding group i.e. Kxx. A separate group shall only be created, if the Kxx group is big enough (approx. more than 5 assets). Big additives preparations shall be coded according table 2 pre-process cost center K, different parallel production lines (or products) shall be distinguished with HAC position |3|. For common transports also refer to Annex I, chapter 2. 5.1.1 Grinding Aids Grinding aids installations complete with unloading, tanks etc. are to be included in the main cost center 5, group mill feed system (group 53x). 5.2 Fuel preparation and handling (Cost Center L, V) The fuel preparation normally ends in the feed bin (tank) of the corresponding firing (35x, 45x, 48x). The bin (tank) belongs to the feeding group i.e. L9x, V9x. The equipment for very small fuel preparations without bins (e.g. for alternative fuels) can be included in the burner group (45x, 48x). In more complex installations with many different fuels it is however recommended to use the cost centers L (traditional) and V (alternative) groups, coded according table 2. The groups will have to be adapted according the different processes applied to the different products. Different parallel production lines (or products) shall be distinguished with HAC position |3|. For common transports also refer to annex I, chapter 2. 5.3 Air conditioning, lifts, compressed air etc. Air conditioning units (of electrical and compressor rooms etc.) lifts, compressed air equipment etc. shall normally be coded with the group code of the corresponding process area (main cost centre) where they mainly perform there task and not with an auxiliary cost center. Exceptions are e.g. equipment for central control room (E0x) or laboratory (H0x) or a plant central compressor station (D3x). HES 97/6’345/E Edition: Mai 2001 D:\Q\HES\STANDARD\HAC-CODE\EDI5_01\English\HAC-ANE1.DOC Holcim Asset-Code Annex II: 1. Annex II - Page 1 Application Examples for "ASSETS" (Table 3 and 4) CODING OF "MECHANICAL" ASSET UNITS The coding of mechanical equipment shall take into account both the cost aspect of the initial investment as well as the maintenance aspects during the operation of the equipment. The maintenance (and electrical requirements) often ask for more detailed coding than initially required for investment / asset coding. The enclosed coding shall be given as an example. Generally applied compromises are also explained as follows: 1.1 Bucket Elevator The bucket elevator (code I4I5I = BE) is a standard example, accepted as asset for investment cost as well as maintenance unit. All ancillary equipment of an elevator (barring drive, motor, gear box, buckets, belt or chains etc.) are mechanical or electrical components of this elevator. 1.2 Bag Filter A bag filter system for the nuisance dedusting of an elevator is normally regarded as one asset from the investment point of view. Electrical and maintenance requirements however distinguish between the filter (code I4I5I = BF), the fan (code I4I5I = FN), the screw conveyor (code I4I5I = SC) and possible other dust transport equipment. It is generally recommended to use these detailed codes for the individual equipment to ease maintenance and to allow a standardised denomination of electrical components. With computerised tools it is normally possible to relate these detailed machine codes to one master code (in this case BF), where investment costs and asset related aspects can be located. 1.3 Air Slide The aeration fan (code I4I5I = FA) for the airslide (code I4I5I = AS) is normally a separate maintenance unit (similar reasons as for bag filter). Another argument for the separate code is that one fan might serve several airslides or one airslide might need several fans. 1.3.1 Aeration Fan / Fan The aeration fan FA shall be used for applications where ambient air (filtered or flap regulated) is blown into the process, such as for air slides, grate cooler fans, burner primary air fans. The fan FN shall be used for all other applications, like filter fans, kiln and raw mill exhaust fans. HES 97/6’345/E Edition: Mai 2001 D:\Q\HES\STANDARD\HAC-CODE\EDI5_01\English\HAC-ANE2.DOC Holcim Asset-Code 1.4 Annex II - Page 2 Main Production Machines Ancillary equipment of "big" machines like crushers, mills, kilns etc. shall normally be split into separate maintenance units. This mainly refers to lubricating equipment (code I4I5I = LQ), hydraulic systems ( code I4I5I = HS), fans (I4I5I = FA, FN, FX) etc. 1.5 Drive for Main Machines The drive arrangement for main machines shall normally be coded as main drive unit (code I4I5I = MD) and where applicable, auxiliary drive unit (code I4I5I = AD). Gear box, coupling, motor; auxiliary gearbox, coupling, motor, brake etc. shall therefore be electrical or mechanical components to these units. "Big" lubricating units (code I4I5I = LQ) or "big" cooling fans (code I4I5I = FN) shall normally be coded as separate maintenance units. 1.6 Special code for Preheater Cyclones and Big Bag House The preheater cyclones shall preferably also be numbered with the flow of material namely from top to bottom. A special asset code I4I5I6I = Z1A, Z1B, Z2A .... Zxy shall be used to designate the individual cyclones, whereby "x" may indicate the preheater stages and "y" the preheater strings. The same coding system may be applied for large process bag filters. Instead of the standard code I4I5I = BF, the Zxy code may be used where "x" may number the compartments in x direction and "y" in the y direction. Components (valves, tubes etc) shall normally use an identification, which allows an easy reference to the location within a compartment. 1.7 Special Applications A "big" coupling i.e. to couple a mill to a synchronous motor will have a separate code I4I5I = CU. A "big" brake, i.e. to stop a long inclined conveyor belt will have a separate code I4I5I = BG. An electromechanical or manual valve for the aeration of a distribution gate, for the water cooling or as valve for bypassing standby pumps, filters, instruments etc. will normally be a component of the equipment. The control valve or main shut –off and bypass valves of main process fuel, water and gas lines like e.g. the kiln burner will be a separate maintenance unit code I4I5I = VA, or a component of the valve rack unit I4I5I = VR. A similar rule shall be applied for flow meters i.e. only main, integrating flow meters shall be coded as code I4I5I = FG or FL. A motorised, "important" belt cleaning device will have a separate maintenance code I4I5I = BZ, the asset will normally relate to the corresponding belt conveyor. HES 97/6’345/E Edition: Mai 2001 D:\Q\HES\STANDARD\HAC-CODE\EDI5_01\English\HAC-ANE2.DOC Holcim Asset-Code 1.8 Annex II - Page 3 Identification of Equipment and Marking of the "HAC" For easy reference in the plant, it is recommended to mark the HAC (position 1 to 6) on every equipment with letters of approx. 100 mm height. This size can be used as an additional help to distinguish between "assets" and "components": If the equipment is too small to put the letters, it generally is not an asset but a component. 2. CODING OF "BUILDINGS AND INSTALLATIONS" ASSET UNITS The coding of buildings and installations will normally be applied for cost aspects only. For certain installations as i.e. the air conditioning (code |4|5| = 3A), or the silo (code |4|5| = 3S) the code may however also be used to define electrical or mechanical components. In these cases, the civil asset code shall be labelled on the item. For the coding of individual assets following rules shall generally be applied: 2.1 Air Conditioning Units Air conditioning of control rooms and electrical rooms shall normally be coded as separate unit (code |4|5| = 3A). Small aeration fans of electrical rooms shall be coded as component to the electrical room (code |4|5| = 3E), big aeration fans i.e. for compressor rooms (code |4|5| = 3I or 3P) shall be coded with separate machine code (code |4|5| = FX). 2.2 Bins/Tanks/Silos Storage structures shall normally be coded as civil asset using code |4|5| = 3B for steel and code |4|5| = 3S for concrete structures. Small structures (< approx. 10 m3) which form an integral part of a machine (dosing) as i.e. a kiln feed hopper or a fine coal bin may be coded with the mechanical code |4|5| = BI. 2.3 Stacks/Chimneys "Big" stacks as i.e. the kiln stack or the cooler stack shall normally be coded using code |4|5| = 3K. Stacks of nuisance dedusting (transports etc.) are components to the filter and are normally not coded. 2.4 Water Systems The water systems are normally split into the different circuits according auxiliary cost centers M and N. Water pipes, pump’s, valves and installations for water intake, potable water and fire fighting shall normally be coded using the civil code |4|5| = 3U. "Big" pumps and other machines may be coded with the corresponding machinery code. All process water circuits shall be coded with the corresponding machinery codes. HES 97/6’345/E Edition: Mai 2001 D:\Q\HES\STANDARD\HAC-CODE\EDI5_01\English\HAC-ANE2.DOC Holcim Asset-Code Annex II - Page 4 Water treatment plants for potable water shall be coded |4|5| = 3V, water treatment/cooling of process water with the machinery code |4|5| = WT/EC/HX. All water sewage systems will normally be coded |4|5| = 3W 2.5 Electrical rooms Electrical rooms shall normally be coded using main cost center / group code and 3E for the asset. As an example 200-3E1 is the full code for the crusher electrical room (Substation and MCC). A short code 2-1 however is normally sufficient and helps to ease the communication between central control room operators and electricians. With this short code, following electrical room designations are recommended: 2-1 crusher E-room 2-C crusher control room 3-1 raw mill E-room 3-2 raw mill 2nd E-room 3-3 raw mill 3rd E-room E-1 incoming switchyard E-2 main substation E-C central control room 3. CODING OF "VEHICLES" AS ASSET UNITS The allocation of vehicles to the different cost centers, shall normally follow the 75% rule, meaning that if an equipment is used more than 75% of its time in a main function its cost shall be allocated to this function. As an example, a quarry dozer, which occasionally performs work in the gypsum hall will remain to be allocated to the function 1. General-purpose vehicles will normally be allocated to an auxiliary department as indicated in brackets to the individual vehicle asset code (table 4) Example: 41. Pick-up normally is allocated to the function D - General plant services HES 97/6’345/E Edition: Mai 2001 D:\Q\HES\STANDARD\HAC-CODE\EDI5_01\English\HAC-ANE2.DOC Holcim Asset-Code 4. Annex II - Page 5 FLOWSHEET DEFINITIONS Flowsheets are an important basic tool for the definition of assets in a project and are also an excellent tool for interdisciplinary discussions of electrical, mechanical, process, production and financial aspects of the production equipment. Flowsheets are the means through which the HAC and the equipment it represents are displayed. Flowsheets shall be drawn to the following standards, where possible: 4.1 General o A typical flowsheet will display assets with material type/description, major equipment design capacity, conveying equipment design capacity and equipment HAC. o The flow of material shall be shown from top left to bottom right of each sheet. o One group shall be represented on one sheet (where possible). o Flowsheets shall generally use metric definitions. o The drawing standard is AutoCAD, the standard symbols will be drawn in version 14. 4.2 Drawing standards and symbols o Different layers shall be used to distinguish between different functions. Each flowsheet will contain 21 layers/ colors and line types as defined in the table below. Flowsheets must contain all 21 layers, even if the layers are not being used. o A grid (GRID 3, SNAP 3) shall generally be used for the alignment of the symbols. The lines are to be set to 8 (LTSCALE 8), the FILL to ON. o The major components of the HAC (i.e. digits 1 to 6) will be drawn green colour at 3.0 mm text height, with internals white and components (digits 7..) orange (30) and sensors red . o Text will be drawn in the corresponding layer at 2, 2.5 or 3 mm text height, font SIMPLEX, width 0.9. o The remarks layer may be used for text not relating to a specific layer. o When a standard symbol is inserted into an AutoCAD created flowsheet, it will be automatically exploded and placed on the appropriate layer. The user will have the ability to move the HAC to the desired location and to stretch the block symbol as required. o Flowsheet standard symbols will be created as a block nested within a block. The nested block shall be the HAC number for the asset with two attributes attached: one for the group number (digits 1,2,3) and one for the sequence number (digit 6). Using the DDATTE command in AutoCAD the designer will edit the HAC to show the correct group and sequence number. Digits |4| and |5|, the equipment number, will be set and unchangeable in each language. o Six standard attributes for main technical data go along with each flowsheet symbol and may be filled in as required. (Layer HAC-INFO). Additional six attributes are available in hidden format. o Symbols with a HAC code marked with comment 2) (important maintenance units) shall be reduced by a factor 0.7 and be shown orange color (nr.30) without HAC, when used as a component. o The standard symbols of main machines shall be modified to be as close as possible to the actual plant machinery. HES 97/6’345/E Edition: Mai 2001 D:\Q\HES\STANDARD\HAC-CODE\EDI5_01\English\HAC-ANE2.DOC Holcim Asset-Code Annex II - Page 6 o Standard flowsheet symbols, HAC manual and flowsheet manuals will be available through Holcim Corporate Engineering, Switzerland. 4.3 Presentation o Standard flowsheet drawing symbols are originally sized for an A2/C (metric/imperial) format. o The A3/B size flowsheet shall normally be used as a paper copy of the detailed flowsheet (i.e. all layers) for maintenance and/or documentation. o Reduced sizes of the flowsheet without all the details/layers (i.e. asset, HAC and process line layers only) can also be produced. o The flowsheet may be presented with selected layers only, as required by the plant/company. o Flowsheet lines shall generally use: SOLIDS layer and line for all solid and bulk material which is mechanically or pneumatically conveyed. GAS layer and line for clean or dusty process gas, like gas after dedusting, before and after aeration fan or compressor, after separator, kiln cooler dedusting. GAS layer and SOLIDS + GAS line for main process material transport with process gas such as the process line from a vertical roller mill to its dedusting. DEDUST layer and line for small auxiliary filters like transport dedusting. COMPAIR layer and line for auxiliary compressed air lines, like air connection from compressed air system to valves, air purge systems etc. (normally on component level). LIQUIDS layer and line for all liquids. HES 97/6’345/E Edition: Mai 2001 D:\Q\HES\STANDARD\HAC-CODE\EDI5_01\English\HAC-ANE2.DOC Annex III - Page 1 Holcim Asset-Code Annex III: Application Examples of the HAC for "ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT" In the following, some specific equipment is numbered for illustration. It has to be noted that this coding is given as example only and is not considered to be complete. Actually applied codes shall be selected as required for the plant specific power/control distribution network. 1. POWER DISTRIBUTION The equipment listed under 1.1 below (see also drawing No. 34623) is considered not to be allocated to a specific process function, but serve for the overall plant. Therefore, the equipment is coded as auxiliary function E (plant power and control network), groups E11 and E21. The equipment related to the main function 1.2, however, is coded with the appropriate code of the main function. 1.1 Power Distribution related to Auxiliary Function Investment and maintenance costs of this equipment are normally allocated to the auxiliary function (cost center E). 1.1.1 1.1.2 Equipment for 115 kV-level (located in main-substation): ä Main incomer breaker I 115 kV E11-1S1 ä Main incomer breaker II 115 kV E11-1S2 ä Main transformer I 20 MVA 115/11 kV E11-1T1 ä Main transformer II 20 MVA 115/11 kV E11-1T2 Equipment for 11kV-level (located in main-substation): ä Transformer sec. circuit breaker I 11 kV E21-1S1.U1 ä Transformer sec. circuit breaker II 11 kV E21-1S1.U2 ä Metering panel 11 kV E21-1S1.U3 ä Feeder Transformer 2P1-1T1 E21-1S1.UA ä Feeder Raw mill drive 361-MD1-M1 E21-1S1.UB ä Feeder Trafo 3P1-1T1 E21-1S1.UC ä Feeder EP-fan 421-FN1.M1 E21-1S1.UD ä Feeder Trafo 4P1-1T1 E21-1S1.UE ä Feeder ID-fan 441-FN1.M1 E21-1S1.UF ä Feeder Kiln drive 461-KL1.M1 E21-1S1.UG ä Feeder Trafo 5P1-1T1 E21-1S1.UH ä Feeder Cement mill drive 561-MD1.M1 E21-1S1.UI ä Feeder Trafo 6P1-1T1 E21-1S1.UJ HES 97/6’345/E Edition: Mai 2001 D:\Q\HES\STANDARD\HAC-CODE\EDI5_01\English\Hac-ane3.doc Annex III - Page 2 Holcim Asset-Code 1.2 Power Distribution related to Main Function Investment and maintenance costs of these equipment are normally allocated to the respective main function (cost centre 2...6). 1.2.1 1.2.2 1.2.3 Equipment for 11kV-level (located in dept. substation): ä Incomer circuit breaker dept. 2 11 kV 2P1-1S1.U1 ä Incomer circuit breaker dept. 3 11 kV 3P1-1S1.U1 Equipment for 11kV/400V-level (located in dept. substations or process dept.): ä Transformer 11kV/400V dept. 2 2P1-1T1 ä Transformer 11kV/400V dept. 3 3P1-1T1 ä Transformer for EP-fan drive 421-1T1 ä Converter panel for EP-fan drive 421-FN1.U1 ä Transformer for ID-fan drive 441-1T1 ä Converter panel for ID-fan drive 441-FN1.U1 ä Transformer for kiln drive system 461-1T1 ä Converter for kiln drive system 461-KL1.U1 Equipment for 400V distribution (e.g. dept. substation 3): ä 400V Sec. power distribution 3P1-1V1 ä Motor control centre 1, section 7 3P1-1M1.U7 ä Lighting transformer dept. 3 3L1-1T1 ä Lighting panel 3L1-1N1.UA ä LV-Power factor corr. panel 3P1-1C1.UA ä Aux. power distr. panel dept. 3 3P1-1V2.UA Remarks: Code I4I5I6I (e.g. 1M1) in above examples represents the complete system or panel. Code I7I8I (e.g. UA or U1) in above examples is used for the designation of a field or section within a complete panel, counted from the left. This designation shall be used to identify physical locations only. For investment and maintenance cost purposes, the code 1-6 (e.g. 3P1-1M1) shall be used, for the detailed designation of a motor feeder; the corresponding motor designation (e.g. 331-FN1.M1) shall be used. HES 97/6’345/E Edition: Mai 2001 D:\Q\HES\STANDARD\HAC-CODE\EDI5_01\English\Hac-ane3.doc Annex III - Page 4 Holcim Asset-Code 2. CONTROL SYSTEM 2.1 Control System related to Auxiliary Function Certain central control equipment (possibly located in the central control room) is coded as auxiliary function, as it may not be allocated to one process department only, but serves the overall plant control. Such equipment may be coded as follows (see also drawing No. E34744): 2.2 ä Non-break AC power (UPS) E50-2A1 ä DC power supply unit E50-2D1 ä Management station E50-2G1 ä Central communication system E70-2T1 ä Auxiliary/utility control system E50-2X1 ä Central operator station E50-2H1 ä Central control panel E50-2Z1 Control System related to Main Function Equipment located in the central control room, in local motor control rooms or in the field and serving for a specific department control function, such as department operator stations, field junction boxes, etc., are coded according to the relevant department. 2.3 ä Raw meal prep. control panel 3C1-2Z1 ä Operator station for dept. 3C1-2H1 ä Process station for dept. 3C1-2P1 ä I/O rack 3C1-2R1 ä Remote rack No. 2 of PLC 3C1-2P1 3C1-2P1.U2 ä Field junction box No. 61 in dept. 3 (panel 3C1-2P1) 3C1-2JA.61 ä Warning flash (for several groups within dept. No. 4) 4C1-2W1.G1 Special Applications ä Dispatch System 6C1-2G1 ä Programming / Engineering system E50-2Y1 HES 97/6’345/E Edition: Mai 2001 D:\Q\HES\STANDARD\HAC-CODE\EDI5_01\English\Hac-ane3.doc Annex III - Page 6 Holcim Asset-Code 3. ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS Code I7I is applied as per enclosed example of group 331 (drawing E310360) and according to the component type (Table 6). 3.1 3.2 ä Bucket elevator main motor 361-BE1.M ä Bucket elevator auxiliary motor 361-BE1.M2 ä Bucket elevator power measurement 361-BE1.J ä Bucket elevator mechanical overload switch 361-BE1.T Special Electrical Components ä Kiln shell scanner 461-2I1.T ä Kiln sinter zone pyrometer 461-KL1.T ä Filter dust measurement 421-BF1.N ä Filter emission control system 421-2N1.C Control Loops Drawing M310047 Loop Diagram shows an example of control loops. For the weighfeeders three different types of controls are shown as follows: 4. ä 331-WF1 with a weight (W) and a speed (S) measurement and with the external setpoint %1. ä 331-WF2 with a flow (F) measurement calculated in the subcontrol system C1 and with the external setpoint %2. ä 331-WF3 with all controls integrated in subcontrol system C1 and with setpoint %3. ä The setpoints are calculated in the proportioning module F(x). PROCESS FUNCTION CODE OF ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS Process function codes are used for more detailed identification and classification of electrical signals and software tags. The application of process function codes shall normally be optimized to be in line with the applied plant automation system. Details of these applications are available with Holcim Corporate Engineering (CE). HES 97/6’345/E Edition: Mai 2001 D:\Q\HES\STANDARD\HAC-CODE\EDI5_01\English\Hac-ane3.doc