Hong Kong University of Science and Technology School of Business and Management FINA 3103 Intermediate Investments Spring 2023 1. GENERAL INFORMATION Instructor: Email: Phone: Office & office hours: Utpal Bhattacharya, Chair Professor, Department of Finance ubhattac@ust.hk +852 2358 8498 LSK 5007, by appointment Teaching Assistant: Email: Phone: Office & office hours: Kelly Zhang, Department of Finance kellyzhang@ust.hk Class Dates and Venue: Section L1: Tue and Thu, 1:30PM – 2:50PM in room 2406 (lift 17/18) Section L2: Tue and Thu, 4:30PM – 5:50PM in room LSK 1011 Course Prerequisite(s): Course Exclusion(s): Course Add/drop deadline: FINA 2203/2303 Not applicable February 16, 2023 (Any late add/drop will not be considered, please contact your program office) Canvas course site: https://canvas.ust.hk/courses/48722 2. LSK 5068, by Appointment COURSE DESCRIPTION This course studies the concepts and evidence relevant to the management of investment portfolios. Topics include diversification, asset allocation, portfolio optimization, factor models, the relation between risk and return, trading, mutual funds, performance evaluation, and various investment strategies (passive, active, using fixed-income and derivatives). 3. COURSE OBJECTIVES You will learn how to trade on financial exchanges, how to allocate money across several different types of securities/assets (how to invest rather than speculate), how to determine the fair price of a financial security, and how to determine whether a portfolio manager is doing a good job. You will be introduced to various investment strategies (passive, active, using fixed-income and derivatives) 4. COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES On successful completion of the course, students are expected to be able to Course Intended Learning Outcomes (CILOs) CLO1: Allocate money across different asset classes in a scientific manner. Aligned Program Intended Learning Outcomes (PILOs) P3, P4 CLO2: Price financial securities on the basis of fundamental financial principles. P1, P4 CLO3: Determine whether a portfolio manager is doing a good job. CLO4: Understand various investment strategies (passive, active, using fixedincome and derivatives in the portfolios). CLO5: Perform financial analysis using Microsoft Office Excel and the REUTERS financial database. 5. COURSE TEACHING AND LEARNING ACTIVITIES P3 P4, P7 P4, P7 Expected contact hours Study Load (% of study) In-class lecture and class assignments 40 40% Projects 20 20% Self-study and review 40 40% 100 100% Weight (%) 20% Aligned Course Learning Outcomes (CLO no in section 4) CLO 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 00% CLO 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 30% CLO 1, 2, 6 50% CLO 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Course Teaching and Learning Activities Total Assessment Methods Brief Description (Optional) (Homework assignment, Exam, Quiz, Class participation etc) A. 4 projects B. Class Exercises C. Mid-Term Exam Real-world projects based on what practitioners actually do. There is a class exercise (ungraded) in every class. D. Final Exam Total 6. STANDARDS FOR ASSESSMENT A+, A, AB+, B, BC+, C, CD F Assessment Rubrics For Each Assessment 4 projects 100% Excellent Performance Good Performance Satisfactory Performance Marginal Pass Failure Real-world questions plus interpretations of answers given Mid-Term Exam Multiple-choice questions covering the first half of the course Final Exam Short questions covering the whole course 7. COURSE CONTENT AND TENTATIVE TEACHING SCHEDULE No 1 Date Tue, Feb 7 Course Content Introduction 2 Thu, Feb 9 Trading Securities 3 Tue, Feb 14 Risk and Return 4 Thu, Feb 16 5 Tue, Feb 21 Risk Aversion and Capital Allocation Homework 1 given 6 7 Thu, Feb 23 Tue, Feb 28 Portfolio Theory 8 Thu, Mar 2 9 Tue, Mar 7 10 11 Thu, Mar 9 Tue, Mar 14 12 Thu, Mar 16 13 14 Tue, Mar 21 Thu, Mar 23 15 Tue, Mar 28 16 Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) Homework 1 due Homework 2 given Index Models Readings Slides Syllabus BKM 2-12 Slides BKM 28-47, 71-77 Slides BKM 111-130 Slides BKM 130-137 Slides BKM 147-166 Download and read the introduction of paper 2 from http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/cf_dev/AbsByAuth.cfm?per_id=1333 Slides BKM 194-202 Slides BKM 168-172, 202 APT and Other Multifactor Models Mid-Term Review Homework 2 due Midterm Exam Portfolio Performance Evaluation Homework 3 given Efficient Markets Hypothesis Slides BKM 204-213 Thu, Mar 30 Behavioral Finance 17 Tue, Apr 4 Fixed-Income Securities 18 Thu, Apr 13 19 Tue, Apr 18 Term Structure of Interest Rates Homework 3 due Managing FixedIncome Portfolios 20 Thu, Apr 20 Futures Markets 21 Tue, Apr 25 Options Markets Options Valuation Homework 4 given 22 Thu, Apr 27 Grand Review Homework 4 due on May 2 Final Exam Slides BKM 258-274 Slides BKM 283-309 Download Bond Fun.xls from CANVAS Slides BKM 312-317 Download Term Structure Movie.xls from CANVAS Slides BKM 328-348 Download Duration Calculation.xls from CANVAS Slides BKM 547-565 Slides BKM 475-497, BKM 509-529 Download Implied Volatility.xls and Black Scholes Demo.xls from CANVAS TBA Slides BKM 86-96, 111-115, 581-591, 594-600 Slides BKM 226-251 8. TEACHING MATERIALS (e.g. journals, textbooks, website addresses etc.) Required Materials: Bodie, A. Kane and A.J. Marcus (BKM), Essentials of Investments, 12th Edition, Mc-Graw Hill Education. 9781265450090 ISBN: McGraw-Hill also offers a website you might find useful: https://www.mheducation.com/highered/contact.html Other required course materials will be posted on the course website in CANVAS as they become available. Suggested /supplementary Materials: I suggest you consult one or several of the following texts to acquaint yourself with Hong Kong financial markets. I have put copies of each of these books on reserve at the library. 1) L.C.K. Low, 2000, Financial Markets in Hong Kong, Springer. ISBN 981-4021-73-3. (An overview of the institutional and regulatory environment.) 2) Richard Yau, 2004, Securities Investment Practice in Hong Kong, The Hong Kong Institute of Bankers (HKIB). ISBN 962-7322-50-4. (Detailed description of primitive and derivative securities markets in Hong Kong, for HKIB certificate candidates.) 3) L.S.F. Young and R.C.P. Chiang (eds), 1997, The Hong Kong Securities Industry, The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Ltd. ISBN 962-7946-02-8. (An in-depth look at HK equity and debt markets.) 4) Simon S.M. Ho, Robert Haney Scott, and Kie Ann Wong (eds), 2004, The Hong Kong Financial System: A New Age, Oxford University Press. ISBN 019-5937-49-X. (An updated reference on HK equity and debt markets.) You may wish to refer to the following internet links to learn more about HK’s financial institutions: The Hong Kong Monetary Authority (Exchange Fund and Bank Regulation): http://www.info.gov.hk/hkma The Hong Kong Exchange (Primitive and Derivative securities markets): http://www.hkex.com.hk HSBC (Multinational HK bank): http://www.hsbc.com.hk and its HK associate, Hang Seng Bank (62% owned by HSBC): http://www.hangseng.com The Bank of China (largest bank in the world): http://www.bochk.com There are also some very good web sites covering finance, investments and financial markets. Here are some of the best: http://finance.yahoo.com Good source for historical financial data. http://www.ft.com Site of the Financial Times. Good for news and weekly surveys on investments, banking, finance, etc. http://www.ftmarketwatch.com Web site from the Financial Times; more focused on finance and investments The Wall Street Journal Site of Journal to keep abreast of daily events http://www.afajof.org Journal of Finance home page http://nber.org National Bureau of Economic Research. Links to many useful economics web sites along with useful historical statistics http://www.finweb.com This site has a comprehensive set of links to many useful sites in finance http://www.jpmorgan.com This site is the J. P. Morgan site. Nearly all major investment banks and financial firms have useful web sites http://www.nyse.com Web site of the New York Stock Exchange 9. MEANS/PROCESSES FOR STUDENT FEEDBACK ON COURSE Complete online Student Feedback Questionnaires (SFQ) Survey during two weeks before the course end at: Canvas website (https://canvas.ust.hk) or SFQ Mobile website (http://sfq.ust.hk/mobile/) or HKUST iLearn app at smartphones / tablets 10. COURSE POLICY (e.g. plagiarism, academic honesty, attendance, etc.) Attendance: Though 100% attendance is not required (minimum 75% is required), absences will cost you because you will miss the class exercises that prep you for the exam. Professionalism: Late arrivals, early departures, chatter, ring tones, unwarranted laptop or smart phone usage, eating, chewing, or drinking are rude and disruptive to the quality of the learning environment in the classroom. Any such behavior will be noted and count against you if you are on the cusp between two possible grades. Make-Ups: Except for students who have time conflicts with other exams, there will be no make-up exams offered. (If you have time conflicts with other exams, please let Ms. Zhang or me know a month before the exam.) Should you miss the midterm, your final exam will be re-weighted accordingly, i.e., it will be worth 80% of your final grade. Note that you must still explain your absence, otherwise you will receive zero marks for your exam. Absence from the exam will not be excused except under circumstances described in the University Regulations. These cases must be substantiated by the appropriate documentation within one week of the missed exam. Academic integrity: Academic integrity and honesty are critical values in upholding HKUST's reputation as a community of scholars and its claim to the "intellectual property" created by staff and students. As a student of HKUST, you must commit to the Academic Honor Code. Cheating will not be tolerated. If you are caught cheating during the exams, at a minimum you will receive zero credit and will face further disciplinary action. Calculator: Student must bring a calculator to class every time. Financial calculator is optional. Although financial calculator can sometime help you solve some questions faster, you will still be able to solve the questions in the exams without a financial calculator. Calculators with text display functions (those that allow you to type A to Z) are not allowed during the quiz and examinations. All HKEAA approved calculators are allowed during e xaminations. Course website: https://canvas.ust.hk/courses/48722 You should visit the website regularly because a lot of important information will be available on the course website including Announcements, Syllabus, Lecture Notes and Grades. Please download the slides before each class and bring it to class. 11. ADDITIONAL COURSE INFORMATION (e.g. e-learning platforms & materials, penalty for late assignments, etc.) Class Exercises: There will be one class exercise per class. They will be in real time, i.e. they will test understanding of a concept covered minutes before. Please bring a calculator to every class. Class exercises will not be graded. Projects: There are four homework assignments, which are to be done on a team basis. Teams of four to six are allowed. Please form teams yourselves by February middle. If you cannot form your own team, the TA will help you. If you feel that some team members do not contribute their fair share to the homework, you can omit his/her name on the write-up, or you can talk to Ms. Zhang or me. We will treat any complaints confidentially. Your team will stay together until the end of the term. Each team needs to submit only one write-up (either hardcopy or softcopy) of each homework assignment, and all team members receive the same homework grade for their work. Homework assignments should be submitted via softcopy (via Canvas). Only those students whose names appear on the assignment will receive credit. Homework assignments will be available on the course website once I have prepared them. You will have one to two weeks to complete the assignment. Completed assignments are to be uploaded to Canvas <Assignments> before noon on the due dates to receive full credit. Any late assignment will earn zero credit – no exceptions. You will have the opportunity to ask questions and discuss any problems with Ms. Zhang after requesting an appointment. Examinations: There will be two comprehensive exams: a midterm and a cumulative final. These will normally consist of multiple-choice and/or short questions. The exams are closed-book. An A4 sheet of paper with formulas and other notes that have been prepared by you will be allowed. The exam will cover all assigned textbook and supplementary readings, problems and exercises, handouts, and anything mentioned in class. Appendix BBA FINA Program Learning Outcomes (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) Graduates will be critical and creative thinkers who make effective decisions supported by analytical and quantitative techniques. Graduates will be effective communicators in oral and written English for general business applications. Graduates will have broad understanding of the core business functions and integrate these functions to solve business problems. Graduates will have in-depth grasp of their area of business concentration or major. Graduates will be effective team members and leaders. Graduates will be effective in multi-cultural and international settings. Graduates will be effective users of information technology and sources of information in business applications. Graduates will understand their professional and ethical responsibility.