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Amoeba Quiz: Cell Structure & Function

Cell Structure Packet Quiz
How does an amoeba move?
With tiny legs
With mitochondria
With fingerlike extensions called pseudopodia
Like an animal
2) What structure contains the ameba’s DNA?
a. The Nucleus
b. The Clinton Power Station
c. A Nuclear Power Plant
d. The Contractile Vacuole
3) How does an ameba reproduce?
a. Very carefully
b. Through mitosis
c. With seeds
d. Not sweating at Fortnite
4) How does an ameba survive when conditions become unfavorable?
a. It creates a firewall of code
b. It creates a hard-walled body called a cyst
c. It creates an underground bunker
d. It creates a catchy YouTube song
5) What are extensions of the cytoplasm which are used for movement called?
a. People-fingers
b. Pseudopodia
c. Bi-ped Organelles
d. Ask the Ameba Sisters, they’ll know
6) What disease is caused by the ameba?
a. Amebic Dysentery
b. Amebic Dynasty
c. Amebic Domination
d. Amebic Dares
7) To what Kingdom does the ameba belong?
a. Professional
b. Pacific
c. Pterodactyl
d. Protista
8) How are protozoans classified?
a. By their dance skills
b. By how they move
c. By their Spotify playlist
d. By the cytoplasm
9) Why is the ameba not classified as an animal (in the animal kingdom)?
a. it is too much like a plant
b. it doesn’t know how to roar
c. it consists of a single cell; it is unicellular
d. it doesn’t participate in the circle of life
10) Why is this unicellular organism called an “ameba?”
a. Named after the Greek god Amebaleezabub
b. Comes from the Greek word “amoibe”, which means “change”
c. It’s a Greek Island
d. It’s a Greek yogurt company
11) Surprise question (fill in the blanks):
“There are two types of cytoplasm in the ameba, the darker cytoplasm toward the
interior of the protozoan is called __________, and the clearer cytoplasm that is found
near the cell membrane is called ___________.
Endoplasm & ectoplasm
Everything & Anything
Eukaryotic & Eurasian peninsulas
Enveloped & Envisioned