JOINT STOCK COMPANIES Organisational structures - Shareholders’ rights and obligation LLM. Bui Doan Danh Thao 1 Contents • Organisational structure I • Shareholders’ rights and obligations II 2 Joint stock companies can be structured as one of the following models: (Article 137, the law on enterprises 2020) 1st model Control board 2nd model Shareholders’ meetings Shareholders’ meetings Management board Management board Director/ general director Director/ general director Note: Control board is optional if the company has less than 11 shareholders and organisational shareholders owning less than 50% of the company’s shares Note: - At least 20% of members of the management board must be independent members. - Audit committee is a part of 3 management board Shareholders’ meetings 4 Features of the shareholders’ meetings (Article 138, the law on enterprises 2020) Position: The highest decision making body Its composition: Shareholders with voting rights Operation form: meetings 5 Rights of the shareholders’ meeting (Article 138, the law on enterprises 2020) 1. Decide development company orientations of the 2. Decide types and number of each type of shares which will be offered, the rate of annual dividends 3. Elect, dismiss members of the management and control board 4. Decide to invest or sell assets valued at 35% or more (unless the charter allows smaller percent) of the total value of assets 5. Decide to buy back more than 10% of the total sold shares of each type 6. Amend, supplement the charter 7. Decide on reorganisation of the company 8. ………….. 6 Who can convene the meetings of shareholders? (Article 140, the law on enterprises 2020) 1. Annual meetings: (held once a year) - The management board 2. Irregular meetings: - The management board in case: It is necessary for the benefit of the company at their discretion The remaining number of the management and control board is less than 3 members The control board requests Shareholders or group of shareholders owning consecutively 05% and above of the total ordinary shares (unless the charter allows a smaller percent) - The control board if the management board fails to convene. - The above shareholders or group of shareholders if the 7 inspection board fails to convene. When will the meetings of shareholders be conducted? (Article 145, the law on enterprises 2020) 1st convening: Attending shareholders holding more than 50% of the total votes 2nd convening: (within 30 days after the proposed opening date for the first meeting) Attending shareholders holding at least 33% of the total votes 3rd convening: (within 20 days after the proposed opening date for the second meeting) Irrespective of the number of attending shareholder and the number of votes held by attending shareholders 8 Where will meetings of the shareholders’ meeting be conducted? (Article 139, the law on enterprises 2020) Within the territory of Vietnam 9 How many forms to pass decisions of the shareholders’ meetings are there? (Article 147, the law on enterprises 2020) Vote at the meetings Collect written opinions Apply in the following cases unless otherwise provided by the charter • • • • • • Amend, supplement the charter Decide the company’s orientation development Elect, appoint, dismiss members of the management and control board Types and the total number of each type of shares Adopt annual financial statements Decide to invest or sell assets valued at 35% or more (unless the charter allows smaller percent) of the total value of assets 10 • Reorganise, dissolute the company When will a decision of the shareholders’ meeting be passed? (Article 148, the law on enterprises 2020) Collect written opinions Vote at meeting Approved by attending preference shareholders representing at least 75 % of the same type of preference shares Approved by shareholders representing at least 65 % of the total votes of all attending shareholders Approved by shareholders representing more than 50% of the total votes of all attending shareholders Based upon result of cumulative voting Other cases Elect members of the management and control board Approved by shareholders representing more than 50% of the total votes - Decide types and the total number of each type of shares A resolution on adverse changes to rights and obligations of preference shareholders - Change business lines, traders and fields, or organisational structure - Reorganise, dissolve the company - Decide to invest or sell assets valued at 35% or more (unless the charter allows smaller percent) of the total value of assets All cases Except A resolution on adverse changes to rights and obligations of preference shareholders 11 Ex: Cumulative voting Elect 3 members of the management board out of 5 candidates Holding 3000 voting shares A B C D E According to principle of cumulative voting, David will have 9000 votes David (David’s votes = number of the holding shares x number of to-be elected members of the management board) 12 Joint stock companies can be structured as one of the following models: 1st model Control board 2nd model Shareholders’ meetings Shareholders’ meetings Management board Management board Director/ general director Director/ general director Note: Control board is optional if the company has less than 11 shareholders and organisational shareholders owning less than 50% of the company’s shares Note: - At least 20% of members of the management board must be independent members. - Audit committee is a part of 13 management board Management board 14 Features of the management board (Article 153, the law on enterprises 2020) Position and role: the management body of the company Function: full competence to decide and exercise rights and obligations of the company, which do not fall within competence of the shareholders’ meeting, on behalf of the company Operation form: meetings (can be regularly or irregularly, but at least once every quarter) Each member will have one vote 15 Rights of the management board? (Article 153, the law on enterprises 2020) 1. Decide on offering new shares within the number of shares offered to sell 2. Decide to buy-back no more than 10% of the total shares of each type already sold within 12 months 3. Decide on the selling prices of shares 4. Decide on the time and method to pay devidends 5. Approve contracts for sale, purchase, borrowing, lending and other contracts valued at 35% or above of the total value of assets (unless the charter allows a smaller percentage) which do not fall within competence of the shareholders’ meeting 6. …………… 16 Composition of the management board (Article 154, the law on enterprises 2020) Number of members: 3 to 11 Members will elect one to work as the chairman of the management board Duration of members: exceeding 5 years not 17 Who can be a member of the management board? (Article 155, the law on enterprises 2020) Individuals meet all the following requirements: Not being independent members Being independent members Not forbidden to manage enterprises by the Not working or worked for the company or its parent article 18.2 company, and its subsidiary within at least the last 3 consecutive years Having professional qualifications and Not being entitled to salaries and remunerations experience in Business administration unless from the company otherwise provided by the charter Can be a member of the management board Not be the spouse, natural father and mother, in other companies adoptive father and mother or natural and Not be relatives of the other managers, or of adoptive child or sibling of the company’s large the manager and people with competence of shareholder, manager of the company or its subsidiary appoint managers of the mother company (For state owned enterprises and their Not directly or indirectly owning at least 1% of the subsidiary companies) voting shares Not being a member of the management or control board within at least the last 5 consecutive years 18 When will members of the management board be dismissed? (Article 160, the law on enterprises 2020) Members of the management board will be dismissed in the following cases: Not fully meet all the requirements stated at the Article 155 Having not participated in the management board for 6 consecutive months except force majeure cases Submitting a resignation letter Other cases regulated in the charter 19 The chairman of the management board (Article 156, the law on enterprises 2020) Cannot work concurrently as a director/general director if the company is a public company or stated owned company Duties: - Convene meetings management board - Assign a secretary to assist the management board - Monitor the implementation of resolutions of the management board - …………….. of the 20 Who can convene meetings of the management board? (Article 157, the law on enterprises 2020) The chairman of the management board in case of - Regular meetings - Irregular meetings - Being requested by: • Control board and Independent members • Director/general director or at least 5 other managers • At least 2 executive members of the management board Requesters if the chairman fails to convene 21 When will the meetings of the management board be conducted? (Article 157, the law on enterprises 2020) 1st convening • ¾ the total members attend 2nd convening (within 7 days after the proposed opening date for the first meeting • More than half of the total members attend 22 How will decisions of the management board be passed? (Article 157.12, the law on enterprises 2020) More than half of attending members approve 23 How many forms to pass decisions of the management board? (Article 153.3, the law on enterprises 2020) Vote at the meetings Collect written opinions Other forms provided by the charter 24 Joint stock companies can be structured as one of the following models: 1st model Control board 2nd model Shareholders’ meetings Shareholders’ meetings Management board Management board Director/ general director Director/ general director Note: Control board is optional if the company has less than 11 shareholders and organisational shareholders owning less than 50% of the company’s shares Note: - At least 20% of members of the management board must be independent members. - Audit committee is a part of 25 management board Audit Committee (Article 161, the law on enterprises 2020) Position: a part of the management board Composition: at least 2 members Decision making: ◦ Forms: vote at meetings, collecting written opinions, or other types as regulated by the charter ◦ Each member has one vote ◦ Resolution ratification: more than half of attending members. In case of equality of votes, the opinion having the chairman’s vote will be prevail Rights and obligations: ◦ Inspect the accuracy of financial statements ◦ Supervise the company’s internal audit unit ◦ others 26 Joint stock companies can be structured as one of the following models: 1st model Control board 2nd model Shareholders’ meetings Shareholders’ meetings Management board Management board Director/ general director Director/ general director Note: Control board is optional if the company has less than 11 shareholders and organisational shareholders owning less than 50% of the company’s shares Note: - At least 20% of members of the management board must be independent members. - Audit committee is a part of 27 management board Director/general director 28 Features of the Director/general director (Article 162, the law on enterprises 2020) Manage day to day operation of the company Be appointed from a member or hired by the management board Be monitored by the management board Duration: not exceeding 5 years Be responsible before the management board 29 Who can be hired or appointed as a director/general director? (Article 162, the law on enterprises 2020) In public companies, state-owned enterprises and their subsidiaries, directors/general directors must: Not be forbidden to manage an enterprise by article 17.2, the law on enterprises 2020. Not be relatives of managers and controllers of the company and its parent company, and relatives of representatives for the state capital in the company or its parent company Hold professional qualifications and experience in business administration 30 What are the rights and obligations of a director/general director?(Article 162, the law on enterprises 2020) 1. Organise the performance of decisions of the management board. 2. Decide on all matters related to day to day business operations. 3. Decide on wages and other benefits for employees and managers 4. Appoint, dismiss managers unless the competence falls into the management board 5. Recruit employees. 6. Other rights and obligations. 31 Joint stock companies can be structured as one of the following models: 1st model Control board 2nd model Shareholders’ meetings Shareholders’ meetings Management board Management board Director/ general director Director/ general director Note: Control board is optional if the company has less than 11 shareholders and organisational shareholders owning less than 50% of the company’s shares Note: - At least 20% of members of the management board must be independent members. - Audit committee is a part of 32 management board Control board 33 Features of the control board (Article 168, the law on enterprises 2020) Having from 3 to 5 members elected by the shareholders’ meeting Duration: not exceeding 5 years The head of the board, who works full-time, will be elected from the control board by majority rules The head of the board must have a qualification in economics, finance, accounting, auditing, law, business administration, or a major related to the company’s business More than half of members must reside in Vietnam 34 Who can be a controller? (Article 169, the law on enterprises 2020) Individuals must meet all the following requirements: • Not being a person specified in Article 17.2, the law on enterprises 2020 • Not being relatives of members of the management board, the director/general director, or other managers • Not working as a manager of the company. • Not required to be a shareholder or employee of the company • Having a qualification in economics, finance, accounting, auditing, law, business administration and a major related with the company’s business 35 What are the rights of the control board? (Article 170, the law on enterprises 2020) Supervise the management board, director/general director in management of the company 36 Summary: Structure of join stock companies Shareholders’ meeting Control board - - Function: Supervise and inspect the management board and director/general director - Composition: 3 - 5 members elected by the shareholders’ meeting - Duration: not exceeding 5 years - Position: the highest decision making body Composition: shareholders holding shares with voting rights Operation forms: meetings Who can convene meetings: the management board, the inspection board, or shareholders or group of shareholders owning at least 10% of the total ordinary shares within at least 6 months Meeting conducted when: shareholders holding at least 51% of the total votes attend Decisions passed when: usually approved by shareholders representing at least 51% of the total votes of all attending shareholders or optional Management board If the company has less than 11 shareholders and organisational shareholders owning less than 50% of the company’s shares Independent members of the management board - Number: at least 20 % members of the management board - Position: the management body Composition: 3 – 11 members elected by the shareholders’ meeting Duration: 5 years Operation forms: Meetings Who can convene meetings: chairman of the board, its independent members, inspection board, director/general director, 5 managers, at least 2 of its executive members - Meeting conducted when: at least ¾ members attend - Decisions passed when: majority of attending members approve Director/general director - Function: Manage day to day business operation - Duration: 5 years - Can be hired or appointed from its member by the management board 37 Who will be a representative in law of the company? (Article 137, the law on enterprises 2020) Cases Representative in law The chairman of the management board or Director, general director Having one representative in law (The charter should provide this) The chairman of the management board (If the charter does not provide otherwise) Naturally: Having more than one representative in law The chairman of the management board and Director/ general director 38 Contents • Organisational structure I • Shareholders’ rights and obligations II 39 (Article 113, and 115 - 119, the law on enterprises 2020) Rights Receive dividends Free to transfer shares to others Shareholders holding voting shares can join shareholders’ meetings and vote Shareholders holding voting shares can convene or nominate candidates for the management or inspection board Shareholders holding voting shares can request for buyback of their shares or together decide on buy back no more than 30% of sold ordinary shares, a part or all sold dividend reference shares Obligations Pay on time and in full the amount of shares registered to buy Comply with the charter Execute resolutions of shareholders’ meeting management board the and Founding shareholders must buy at least 20% of the total ordinary shares 40 Rights to transfer shares to others Shareholders are free to transfer their shares to others. Except: 1. Within the first 3 years of establishment, founding shareholders can not transfer their shares (registered at the time of establishment) to others rather than the remaining founding shareholders unless approved by the shareholders’ meeting. 2. Voting preference shareholders 3. The charter restricts the transfer 41 Rights to request for buyback of shares Shareholders holding voting shares can request the company to buy back their shares in the following cases: 1. Disagree with reorganisation of the company 2. Disagree with amendment of the charter’s contents relating to rights and obligations of shareholders Note: The company only buys back the shares if it is still able to pay off in full its debts and other financial obligation after buying back. 42 Rights to decide together buyback of shares The shareholders’ meeting will decide buyback of: 1. No more than 30% of the sold ordinary shares 2. A part or all sold dividend reference shares Except: Buyback of no more than 10% of each type of above shares will be decided by the management board. 43 Rights to request courts to cancel resolutions of the shareholder’s general meeting and the management board (article 151 and 153, the law on enterprises 2020) Ordinary shareholders or a group of ordinary shareholders who holds at least 5% of ordinary shares can request court to cancel resolutions of the general meeting of shareholders Shareholders can request court to cancel or suspend implementation of resolutions or decision of the management board 44 Rights to sue the company’s managers (Article 166, the law on enterprises 2020) Shareholders or a group of shareholders who hold at least 1% of total ordinary shares can sue members of the management board or director/general directors in case: Fails to fulfil perform article 165 Fails to comply with or fully and punctually perform their rights and obligations as prescribed by law, the company's charter, resolution or decision of the management board; Abuses power and position or uses the enterprise’s information, secrets, business opportunities and assets for personal gain or serve any other organization’s or individual’s interests; Other cases 45 Obligations to pay on time and in full the amount of shares registered to buy Must pay in full the amount of shares registered to buy within 90 days after being granted an enterprise registration certificate • Consequences of failure to perform the obligation: - Cease to be a shareholder of the company if failing to pay in full and can not transfer the right to buy the shares to another - Having rights and obligations respective to the paid shares if failing to pay in full. - The company must register for adjustment of the charter capital and founding shareholders within 30 days from the last due date. - Be liable for all financial obligations arising after being granted an enterprise registration certificate within the amount of shares registered to buy until the company’s registration certificate is changed. - The unpaid shares will be considered as unsold shares 46 47