NOTRE DAME OF JOLO COLLEGE LIBERAL ARTS AND CRIMINOLOGY DEPARTMENT LEARNING MODULE ISLAMIC THEOLOGY 102 – AQEEDAH 2ND SEMESTER 2020-2021 BY: NUR-AIN LEGASPI SAHIBIL, MAIS COURSE OVERVIEW 1. Course Overview: This course is an introduction to Islamic Creed (Aqeedah). It will explain the meaning of Islam and basic fundamental principles of Islamic Creed in the light of Qur’an and Prophetic traditions. It will further analyze how these beliefs will transform the lives of every Muslim into an ideal one. Moreover, this course employs the mixed e-learning approach wherein students engage in asynchronous learning called study sessions of the topics in the learning modules given and then engage in discussions during synchronous online meetings using messenger, viber, zoom,or other online platforms identified in the module. Course Objectives: 1. To have a clear understanding on the meaning of Islamic Creed (Aqeedah). 2. To identify what are the fundamental beliefs of Islam in the light of Qur’an and Prophetic traditions. 3. To awaken one’s mind to the real purpose of creation and to deepen one’s faith to the sovereignty of Allah, the All- Mighty 4. To encourage students to strive more and to live the ideals of Islam in their worldly transactions. 11. Time Frame: December 4 – January 30, 2020-2021 111. Class schedule: Date and Time DECMBER 4 -20,2020 Class Meeting Remarks Synchronous Class Meeting using Messenger Apps. nd existing chatrroom for 2 year students. The students shall have self study by reading the learning module chapter 1. Read /view the printed copies of learning modules and flash drive given during the enrolment. Completion of the Learning Contract based on the understanding noted during the synchronous meeting (self study). Learning Contract may be submitted through Messenger or actual submission by parents/guardians within the day to Liberal Arts Department. Synchronous class meeting Asynchronous/Individual study activity 1V. Values Integrated Service to all walks of life Respect Accountability Class attendance, clarification/question will be entertain Finalization of activities/assignment. Actual submission of activities, assignments and quizzes by parents @ Liberal Arts Department. NOTRE DAME OF JOLO COLLEGE LIBERAL ARTS & CRIMINOLOGY DEPARTMENT LEARNING CONTRACT ISLAMIC THEOLOGY 102 - AQEEDAH FIRST SEMESTER 2020 NAME________________________________ Picture 1x1 COURSE/YEAR_______________________ The contract terms below ensure that students are aware of the expectations that guide policies and guidelines in taking online for above course. By signing this contract, you are acknowledging awareness of your responsibility for completing this course. If you decline to sign, the conditions and requirements noted below will still apply. No exceptions will be made to the terms and conditions set forth below and in the syllabus. TERMS: COMPUTER SKILLS As a student enrolled in online courses, I have the basic computer skills to: 1. Open files in standard formats (e.g.) MS Office documents, PDFs and images) 2. Create, save, organize and maintain digital files. 3. Communicate electronically and 4. Knowledge of web browsing and searching. ATTENDANCE DURING CLASS MEETING 1. I know that incurring seven (7) absences in both synchronous and asynchronous class meetings will result in D (Dropped) unless reasons for absences are acceptable as stipulated in the student manual. 2. I am responsible for all materials covered in class even if I fail to attend any of the scheduled class meetings. COURSE OUTLINE AND CLASS POLICIES 1. I have read and understood the course outline and policies regarding conduct, coursework, exams, and requirements. 2. I understand that it is my responsibility to regularly check the official messenger account of the class for additional materials, synchronous and asynchronous discussion schedules, announcements and activities. 3. I am willing and ready to regularly communicate with classmates and instructor online. I will participate in weekly activities of the course. 4. I will be attentive and engage in class activities, assignments, online discussions, and complete assessment activities by the due date. 5. I will take time to evaluate my progress by checking and calculating my own grades based on the assessment feedbacks given by my teacher. READING ASSIGNMENTS 1. I need to read, annotate or complete the given reading assignment BEFORE the online discussion covering the material. 2. I am responsible for asking questions if I do not understand the material or contact the instructor if I am having difficulty comprehending the material or meeting course requirements in advance of the due date. WRITING ASSIGNMENTS 1. I understand that all writing assignments should be submitted on their specified dates unless the teacher has granted an extension. 2. I know that all plagiarized assignments, either accidentally or deliberately done, will be given failing scores and will be subject to proper disciplinary actions. 3. I know that all writing assignments, written works and performance tasks submitted after the deadline will have a deduction of points per day from the date of deadline. EXAMINATIONS 1. I understand the no make-up policy for missed quizzes. Unless my reason for not taking the quiz is valid which will be certified by my parent/guardian. 2. I know that I have to schedule an alternative test time at least one week in advance in case of a valid scheduled absence. MINIMUM COMPETENCIES 1. I have fully read and understood the minimum competencies set for this class (Program’s retention policy) 2. I understand that failure to meet any of the minimum competencies will result in failing grade. I HAVE READ AND AGREED TO THE TERMS ABOVE. ______________________________________ Student’s Name & Signature ______________________________________ Parent’s Name & Signature ______________________________________ Date MODULE 1 Chapter 1 TOPIC 1: An Introduction to Islamic Creed (Aqeedah) Intended Learning Outcome Learning Objectives: At the end of the sessions, students are expected to: understand the history of the creed ( religious beliefs ) as told in the noble Qur’an; describe the first generation of mankind who believed in Tawheed ( monotheism ); and identify the first deviation from correct ‘Aqeedah ( creed ) and the first Messenger. Essential Ideas Did ‘Aqeedah develop with the passage of time? Many western scholars believe that man did not come to know religious belief – creed – as it is known today in one step, and that it evolved and developed over the centuries. This idea was echoed by some Muslim researches, for example, ‘Abbas Mahmoud al- ‘Aqqad says in his book entitled “ Allah”: “ The earliest human beliefs were appropriate to early human life, as was man’s scientific knowledge and handicrafts. Man’s early scientific knowledge and handicrafts were not more developed than his early religious beliefs and acts of worship. The elements of truth in one field were not more abundant than the element of truth in another” Different theories were arised on ‘Aqeedah and found their way into the mind of many writers and scholars for several reasons such as the following: They thought that early man was created imperfect, and was not qualified to receive full knowledge of the greater realities. Their concept of early man makes him more like an animal than a human being. They thought that man was guided to religious beliefs by himself, with no teacher or guide to explain it to him. So long as this was the case, his knowledge of Allah would inevitably evolve just as his knowledge of science and manufacturing evolved. When they researched religions to discover their history, they only studied the deviated or misguided religions, which they took as their field of research and subjected them to study and examinations. How could they find out about reality from their religions which represent human deviation in religious belief? (al- Ashqar: 2005 ) Only the Qur’an Explains the History of Creed – Religious Beliefs There is no book on earth which explains the true history of religious belief, except the Qur’an- the book of Allah, which offers abundant knowledge of this topic. Human knowledge can’t attain this level of abundant knowledge for several reasons: What we know of history about five thousand years ago is very little, and what we know of history about ten thousand years ago is even less. Anything earlier than that is considered to be entirely unknown. Hence, most of the truth together with human history has been lost. The truths which mankind did inherit have been mixed with a great deal of falsehood; indeed they have been lost in the vast ocean of falsehood, deceit and distortion. This indicate that it is extremely difficult for one person or a group of people to write a true history of modern times, let alone a history that stretches back to the dawn of humanity. Part of history that has to do with religious beliefs - creed – did not happen on earth, but in heavens. (al- Ashqar: 2005 ) Hence, the only one who can give us a true history with no confusion is Allah, Glorified and Exalted be He: “Truly, nothing is hidden from Allah, in the Earth or in the Heaven” (Qur’an: 3: 5) The History of the Creed as told in the Noble Qur’an Allah, the Al- Mighty, has told us that He created Adam (a.s.) as an integrated upright and independent creature, that He breathed into him of His spirit and caused him to dwell in His paradise. He permitted him and his wife to eat whatever they wanted from the Garden, apart from one tree. Then his enemy Iblees ( Satan ) tempted him to eat from that tree. Because he obeyed his enemy and disobeyed his Lord, Allah sent him down from paradise to the earth, but before sending him down, Allah promised him that He would send down His guidance to him and his progeny, so that man would know his Lord and His way and Laws. He promised those who repented, guidance in this world and joy in the hereafter, and He warned those who remained stubbornly arrogant of a life of hardship in this world and even greater hardship in the hereafter. (al- Ashqar: 2005 ) The Qur’an states: “ We said: “ get down all of you from the place ( the paradise ), then whenever there comes to you guidance from Me, and whoever follows My guidance, there shall be no fear on them, nor shall they grieve. But those who disbelieve and belie Our Aayat ( proofs ) – such are the dwellers of the fire. They shall abide therein forever “ ( Qur’an: 2: 38-39 ) The First Generation of Mankind believed in Tawheed Adam (a.s. ) came down to earth, and from his progeny Allah created a nation which believed in Pure Tawheed ( oneness of Allah ). (al- Ashqar: 2005 ) The Qur’an states: “ Mankind were one community “ ( 2: 213 ) “…and Allah sent Prophets with glad tidings and warnings, and with them He sent down scripture in truth to judge between people in matters wherein they differed…” (2: 213 ) Hadith: Narated by Abu Umaamah, a man asked the Messenger of Allah ( s.a.w. ): “ O ‘ Messenger of Allah, was Adam a Prophet? “ he said: “ Yes, and he was spoken to by Allah.” The man asked, “How long was then between him and Nooh (Noah )? “ He said, “ Ten centuries”. Bukhari narrated that Ibn Abbas said: “ and between Adam and Nooh there were ten centuries, all of whom followed Islam. “ The First Deviation from Correct ‘Aqeedah and the First Messenger After mankind had been one community, believing in Tawheed – Oneness of Allah – there arose deviation and confusion. The first deviation came about as the result of exaggerated veneration of righteous people, raising them to the status of Gods and worshipping them. (al- Ashqar: 2005) The Qur’an states: “ And they have said: “ you shall not leave your gods, nor shall you leave Wadd, nor Suwaa’, nor Yaghooth, nor Ya’ ooq, nor Nasr ( names of the idols ) “. ( 71: 23 ) Ibn Abbas said: These were the names of righteous people from among the people of Nooh ( Noah ). When they died, the Satan inspired their people to set up stone altars in the places where they used to sit, and to call these stone altars by their names. So the people did that, but they were not worshipped until those people died and knowledge about them was lost, then they were worshipped. ( al- Ashqar: 2005 ) This was the first deviation from Tawheed in human history, so Allah sent to them the first of His Messenger, Nooh ( A.S. ), in fulfillment of the promise that He had given to the Father of mankind, Adam, to send messengers and reveal Books to guide mankind. A Hadith narrated by Muslim, an evidence that Nooh ( A.S. ) was the first Messenger to be sent: “ After going to Adam, the people will come to Nooh and will say to him, among other things, O’ Nooh, you are the first of the Messengers sent to the earth, and Allah called you a thankful slave.” Prophet Nooh ( A.S. ) called his people to pure Tawheed: ‘O’ my people! Worship Allah! You have no other Ilaah ( God ) but Him (Islamic monotheism). Will you not then be afraid ( of Him, i.e. His punishment because of worshipping others besides Him ) ? ( Qur’an: 23: 23 ) The Call of the Messengers ( al- Ashqar: 2005 ) That from the beginning, Allah created man as complete and integrated creature, for a specific goal, that is, to worship Him, and that He created him with the ability to do that. That he taught man about himself from the beginning, and did not leave him to find out about his Lord through his own thoughts and wanderings. He sent many Messengers to man, so that they might convey the message to all mankind ( see Qur’an: 35: 24 ). The call of the Messengers is one, and the basis and heart of the call of all of them is Tawheed, and tell mankind of their Lord and God, and to show them the way to worship Him. The religion of all the Messengers was Islam and they had no other religion ( see Qur’an: 3:85/ 10: 72 ). The development of religious beliefs throughout the centuries is not the reason for shirk ( polytheism ) and the adoption of gods other than Allah. The reason for that was the deviation of followers of the Messengers from the message which the Messengers brought, and their abandonment of that message (see Qur’an: 20: 124/ 53: 23/ 5: 177/ 5: 13/ 5: 14/ 9: 31/ 5: 116- 117 ) TOPIC 2: AQEEDAH Learning Objectives: At the end of the sessions, students are expected to: Define the meaning of ‘Aqeedah; Describe the issues of ‘Aqeedah, its importance and necessity; and Discuss where is the true ‘Aqeedah today. Essential ideas AQEEDAH: Definition and Explanation ‘Aqaa’id ( plural of ‘Aqeedah ) are the things which people’s hearts affirm and believe in, the things that they accept ( as true ). There are matter which are held as certain beliefs, with no taint of doubt. In Arabic, the meanings of the word ‘Aqd revolve around ideas of adherence, certainty and affirmation ( see Qur’an: 5: 89/ 5: 1 ). In Islam, ‘Aqeedah ( belief ) is the counterpart of Shari’ah ( Islamic Law ), because Islam is composed of both ‘Aqeedah and Shari’ah. Shari’ah means the practical duties enjoined by Islam, about acts of worship and dealings with others . ( al-Ashqar: 2005 ) AQEEDAH is a Matter of Knowledge in the Heart ‘Aqeedah is not a practical matter, but a matter of knowledge which the Muslim is obliged to believe in his heart, because Allah has told him about the matter in His Book or through the revelations to His Messengers. ( see Qur’an: 2: 285 ) The Prophet ( peace be upon him ) defined the belief in the famous Hadith of Jibreel ( Gabriel ), may Allah’s peace be upon him, in which he said: “ Iman ( faith ) is to believe in Allah, His Angels, His Books, the meeting with Him and His Messengers. And to believe in the final resurrection. “ ‘Aqeedah in Islam refers to those matters of knowledge which have been transmitted in authentic reports from Allah and His Messenger, and which the Muslim must believe in with all his heart, believing in what Allah and His Messenger say. ( al- Ashqar: 2005 ) AQEEDAH means Certain Belief with no Room for Doubt In order to form correct ‘Aqeedah, one must believe in them firmly, with no room for doubt. If there is any element of doubt, then they are merely speculation, not ‘Aqeedah. ( al- Ashqar: 2005 ) For more evidences, see the following Qur’anic injunctions: 49: 15/ 2: 12/ 3: 9/ 9: 45 The Issues of ‘Aqeedah are Inevitable Aqeedah is to believe in unseen matter, not visible, tangible things. (al- Ashqar: 2005) ( see Qur’an: 2: 3 ) for more details. Allah Almighty is unseen, as are His Angels and the Last Day. Correct ‘Aqeedah and False ‘Aqeedah Beliefs are divided into two kinds: ( al- Ashqar: 2005 ) The correct ‘Aqeedah: it is composed of the set of beliefs brought by the Noble Messengers. This is the one ‘Aqeedah, because it was sent down by the AllKnowing, All- Aware ( Allah ); it cant be imagined that it differs from one Messenger to another, or from one time to another. False Beliefs: they are very many indeed. Their falseness stems from the fact that they are the product of human thought and intellect. No matter how great mankind may become, their knowledge is ( and will remain ) limited and is ( and will continue to be ) influenced by the customs, traditions and thoughts that surround them. Where is the True ‘Aqeedah Today? The true ‘Aqeedah today is not found anywhere except in the religion of Islam, because this is the protected religion which Allah Almighty has guaranteed to protect ( see Qur’an 15: 9 ). Whoever wants to know the true correct ‘Aqeedah will not find it in other religion, or in the words of the philosophers. He will only find it in Islam, in the original sources of the faith: the Qur’an and the Sunnah, pure and clean and shining, which convince man’s mind with evidence and proof, and fill the heart with Iman, certainty, light and life ( see Qur’an: 42: 52 ). ( al- Ashqar: 2005 ) The Importance and Necessity of Islamic ‘Aqeedah The Islamic ‘Aqeedah is as essential for man as water and air. Without this ‘Aqeedah he is lost and confused. The Islamic ‘Aqeedah is the only one which can answer the questions that have always preoccupied man and still preoccupy human thought and cause frustration. Only through the guidance of Islam does man learn where he came from, where he is going, why the universe exists, and what his role is in this universe ( al- Ashqar: 2005 ). TOPIC 3 : IMAN AND KUFR Learning Objectives: At the end of the sessions, students are expected to: Differentiate between Iman and Kufr; Identify the ruling on Rejection of ‘Aqeedah; Discuss what are the actions and words which are counted as Kufr; Describe the attitude towards the Kuffar; and Describe who are the Kaafir before Allah. Essential ideas Ruling on Rejection of ‘Aqeedah He who rejects ‘Aqeedah altogether, such as the community who denies the existence of Allah, reject the Messengers and the Books, and do not believe in the Hereafter and reward and punishment, or who denies part of the ‘Aqeedah, is a Kaafir ( disbeliever ) and is not a Muslim. He should be told that the Islamic ‘Aqeedah can never be accepted in part, because the whole is so strongly interconnected. Belief in Allah requires that one believes also in Angels, the Books, the Messengers and the Last Day. Belief in the Books requires that one believes in all the other basic principles of faith ( usool al- Iman ). Belief in the Messenger ( s.a.w. ) means that one believes and accepts all that he brought. Hence, Allah considers the person who believes in one principle and denies another as being a kaafir. (see Qur’an: 4: 150- 151 ) Disbelieving in some of the minor issues of ‘Aqeedah which have been proven definitely in the Qur’an and Sunnah is also counted a Kaafir (disbeliever ), such as denying one of the messengers or one of the Angels. ( al-Ashqar: 2005 ) Actions and Words which are Counted as Kufr ( Disbelief ) Kufr does not consist only of denying basic principles of ‘Aqeedah. There are actions which, if done, are also kufr. They may be summed up in one phrase: “worshipping others besides Allah“. Worship is the right of Allah alone, and directing worship to anyone or anything other than Allah is shirk ( polytheism ), such as praying to anything other than Allah, offering sacrifice to anything other than Allah, calling upon anything or anyone other than Allah, etc. A man may become a Kaafir (disbeliever) by uttering words which insult the Creator, Glorified and Exalted be He, or Islam, or the Prophet, or words which make fun of Islam, or which give preference to misguided principles such as Communism or Buddism, or which accuse Islam of being imperfect, backward and reactionary. ( al- Ashqar: 2005 ) Some of the rulings concerning the kuffar are: We do not let them marry Muslim women; We do not marry any of their women except those people of the book; We do not wash their dead or pray for them. ( al- Ashqar: 2005 ) The Kaafir Before Allah The person who hears of Islam and knowingly rejects it is a Kaafir (disbeliever). Those who do not hear of Islam for whatever reason, such as living in a remote areas or because they have lost their hearing and sight, or because Islam reached them when they were too old to understand, will not be punished on the Day of Judgment until they have been tried and tested, because the proof did not reach them ( al- Ashqar: 2005 ). See Qur’an: 17: 15 Hadith narrated by Al- Aswad Ibn saree’, who said: “ The Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.) said: “There are four who will be tested on the Day of Judgment, the Deaf man who could not hear anything; the Imbecile; the Senile old man; and the man who died during the fatarah ( interval between 2 Prophets, when no Message reached him ). The Deaf man will say, “ O Lord, Islam came and I did not hear anything”. The Imbecile will say, “ O Lord, Islam came but the young boys were putting me with camel dung”. The Senile old man will say, “ O Lord, Islam came and I did not hear anything”. The man who died during the Fatarah will say, “ O Lord, no Messenger came to me”. Then Allah will take their pledge to obey Him, and He will send word to them to enter the fire. By the One in whose hand is the soul of Muhammad ( s.a.w.), if they enter it, it will be cool and safe for them”. WRITING TO LEARN WORKSHEET 1 SUMMARY SHEET DATE: ________________________________ NAME: _______________________________ TOPIC: ___________________________________ 1. What is the topic about? _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 2. What new information did you learn from the topic? Include new terms and their meanings. _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Which of the new information is most significant to you? Why? _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ WRITING TO LEARN WORKSHEET 1 Instruction. Answer the following guide questions. 1. Why Aqeedah is very important? ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 2. What is Iman? How does it differ from Kaafir? ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 3. How is a Messenger differentiated from a Prophet? ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Instruction: Make a short Reflection Paper about your own personal Aqeedah. Write you answer on a short bond paper by following the format below. NAME: COURSE: DATE: REFLECTION PAPER (My aqeedah) ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ CHAPTER 2 TOPIC 1: ARTICLES OF FAITH Learning objectives: At the end of the sessions, students are expected to: Define the meaning of Theology in Islam; Identify the Articles of Faith; Define the meaning of Iman ( faith ); Discuss how Iman can be strengthen and the things that weaken one’s faith; and Differentiate Iman and ‘Amal. Essential Ideas An Introduction to theology The word DIN or religion, has 3 meanings: ( lebbai: 1963 ) Obedience i.e. submission to Allah’s laws and commands; Practice i.e. performance of duties and devotions that we owe to Allah; Reward on the Day of Judgment, i.e. reward or punishment on the Day of Judgment for our deeds, good or bad, in this world. Qur’anic Injunctions: Truly, the religion with Allah is Submission ( 3: 19 ) To you your practice or religion and to me mine (X1X: 6 ) See also 2: 132 Din is referred to as the religion of those who have submitted to Allah. Din therefore comes to mean Islam and Islam means “ Submission or Obedience”. The aspects of Din can be grouped into 4 chief categories: Iman or Faith. Faith here means belief with strong convictions of the existence of Allah. Tawheed. Establishes the One-ness of Allah. Ma’rifa. Knowledge of Allah. Islam. Means submitting oneself to Allah, and acting in obedience to His laws and commands. Iman or Faith The first of the “pillars” of Din is Iman or faith. It is summarized in the following sentence: “ I believe in Allah, and His Angels, and in His Books, and in His Prophets, and the Day of Judgment, and that the power of doing actions, good and bad, proceeds from Allah. “ Belief in ALLAH Belief that Allah is One and Only. Allah has no associate in His Truth or Essence ( Zat ) or in His Attributes or Qualities ( Sifat ) or in His Holy Names ( Asma ) or in His Acts ( Af’al ). Allah was not begotten, nor does He beget. He does not have parents or children or relatives. He does not need food or drink or any form of nourishment. He is free from sleep or forgetfulness or weeping or laughter or sickness or good health. He is not of any color or form, and no idea of length and width or shortness or tallness can be associated with Him. He is neither male nor female, and no idea of sexual class can be applied to Him. He is free from any limitation or space or time and He is not of the present or the past or the future or of the six ( 6 ) directions, front, behind, left, right, above and below, or of the cardinal points, North, South, East, West, North East, South East, North West, South West. His knowledge is not gained by the five ( 5 ) senses of sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste, or by thought or by reasoning. ( Lebbai : 1963 ) Belief in Allah’s Angels M. Fethullah Giilen in his book “ The Essentials of Faith “, described the characteristics of an Angel: “ The Arabic word for Angel is Malakun . According to the root word from which it is derived, Malakun means “ messenger, deputy, envoy, superintendent, and powerful one.” The root word of the word also implies descent from a high place. Angels are beings who build relations between the macrocosmic world and the material one, and convey the commands of God, superintend or direct the acts and lives of beings and represent their worship in their own realms. Belief in Angels has many benefits for man. It provides man with some sort of peace and removes his loneliness. The inspiration breathed by Angels exhilarates him, enlightens him intellectually and opens for new horizons in knowledge and thinking. Awareness of the continuous company of Angels holds man back from committing sins and improper behavior. Angels have no sexes; they do not eat and drink, nor they feel hunger, thirst and tiredness. Although they have no wages in return for their worship, they derive special pleasure in carrying out God’s commands and feel delight in being near to Him. They are not promoted but they receive some sort of spiritual pleasure from their worship. Praise, worship, recitation of God’s names and glorification are their nourishment; they are also nourished with light and sweet fragrance. “ Angels never commit sins and show disobedience, and since they have no evil- commanding souls to resist obedience to God Almighty, they have fixed station, they are not promoted to higher ranks, nor reduced to lower ones. They are also free from negative moral qualities like envy, rancor and enmity and from lusts and animal appetites which are to be found in mankind and Jinn. “ Angels possess wings in pairs of 2 or 3 or 4. Their number and their excellence are known only to Allah. The highest in dignity among them is the Angel Jibril a.s. who is entrusted with Allah’s messages to His Prophets on Earth. The next is Angel Mikail a.s. who is entrusted with all water and is guardian thereof. Then comes the Angel Israafil a.s. who is entrusted with all the air. Then comes the Angel Izra’il a.s. who is entrusted with the taking of all souls at the moment of death. He is also known as Malakal Maut i.e. Angel of death. ( Lebbai : 1963) Belief in Allah’s Books All codes and commandments are Allah’s words, and were therefore not created by Him. They are the truth. They do not possess sound or utterance like the sound or utterance of living beings or inanimate objects. Except the laws laid down in Qur’an, all other laws and codes of religion have always undergone several changes. The laws contained in the Qur’an will continue to remain pure and unchanged till the Last Day. The Qur’an was not created. The Qur’an is Kalamullah i.e. the words of Allah Himself. Its Allah who speaks. If He who speaks is not created then the words spoken by Him could also not have been created. The Qur’an is a miracle. Even if all people in the world got together in an attempt to produce a verse like the verses of the Qur’an they will never succeed. (see Qur’an: 2:23) The Codes of Religion are four ( 4 ): Taurat – revealed to the Prophet Musa ( a.s.) in the Hebrew language. Zabur – revealed to the Prophet Dawud (a.s.) in the Greek language. Injil – revealed to the Prophet ‘Isa (a.s.) in the Syriac or Aramaic language. Furqan – revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) in the Arabic language. Of the commandments revealed to Prophets there are a hundred and ten according to some authority, and a hundred according to others. They are: 10 commandments revealed to Prophet Adam a.s 50 commandments revealed to Prophet Shith a.s. 30 commandments revealed to Prophet Idris a.s. 10 commandments revealed to Prophet Ibrahim a.s. 10 commandments revealed to Prophet Musa a.s. ( Lebbai : 1963 ) Belief in Allah’s Messengers The fourth article of faith is belief in all of Allah’s Prophets, belief not only in the messages they brought from Allah, but also belief that they all enjoyed Divine Protection, and were consequently free from the commission of both the greater sins and the lesser sins, and that they were all males and free man, and also that they were all free from physical defects. Allah has sent 124, 000 Prophets to the peoples of the world. Of this number 313 or 315 have been Rasul ( Messenger ). Only 27 of them have been mentioned in the Holy Qur’an, and of this number, 6 belongs to the category known as Ulul – ‘Azm. They are: Adam ( a.s.); Nuh ( a.s. ); Ibrahim ( a.s.); Musa ( a.s. ); Isa ( a.s. ); Muhammad ( s.a.w. ) The first of the Prophets was Adam ( a.s. ) and the last was our most beloved Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.), honoured above all Prophets, above all Angels and above all Allah’s creation. ( Lebbai : 1963 ) Belief in the Day of Judgment The fifth article of faith is belief that the Last Day is a certainty. After death, wherever our bodies are, whether they are buried in graves or amidst rocks, or whether they are in water or in the stomachs of fishes or animals, or in the clouds or on the surface of land, the Angel named Fattan will bring back the Ruh i.e. the soul, and ask a few questions relating to its life in the world. Thereafter, the two Angels, Munkar and Nakir will appear and question further to find out whether the life it led in this world was a good life or an evil one, and what faith it professed. If they find the person to have been a Salih i.e. a pious and a righteous person, they will have the doors of Paradise opened for him or for her. On the other hand, if they find him or her to have been a Fasiq i.e. a great sinner and profligate, they will have gates of Hell opened for him or her and invoke chastisement. On the Last Day the Trumpet will be sounded twice by the Angel Israfil. When the trumpet is sounded the first time, all creatures living on the earth at that time will be destroyed. The mountains will crumble to dust, and the earth will be leveled. After a certain length of time, the trumpet will be sounded a second time, as and when it pleasure Allah to command so. Then there will be a general resurrection of all the dead, and they will all be made to stand for judgment. The Mu’mins i.e. the people of faith, will receive in their right hands the scroll recording all their good deeds. The Kaafirs i.e. disbelievers, will receive in the left hands the scroll recording all their evil deeds. The actions of every person will be weighed in the scale of Mijan and all will be questioned. All will also cross the bridge known as Assirat- ul Mustaqeem (Lebbai: 1963 ) The Power of Doing Actions Good and Bad proceeds from Allah The 6th article of faith is belief that all good and all evil, all gains and all losses, all pleasures and all sorrows are from Allah; that they are all of His creation and that they happen according to His commands. (Fathud Dayyan: 1963 ) TOPIC 2: IMAN OR FAITH THE COMPOSITION OF IMAN Head of Iman is the Kalima Tayyibah Heart of Iman is the recitation of the Qur’an Body of Iman is Zikr, i.e. remembrance of Allah or invocation What nourishes Iman is Zakat i.e. poor rate Soul of Iman is conviction Light of Iman is cleanliness Friend of Iman is the acquisition of knowledge The rule of Iman is the desire for Allah’s Mercy, and the fear of Allah’s wrath and punishment The throne of Iman is fasting ( Lebbai: 1963 ) THE DANGERS THAT BESET IMAN The first that can destroy Iman completely consists of falsehood, jealousy and anger. The worst enemy of Iman is hypocrisy, i.e. showing oneself outwardly in a form of behavior that is not true inwardly. Pride prevents Iman from taking root. It acts like the worms that eat up that tender roots of a growing plant and destroy it. A Mu’min, i.e. a person of faith, should therefore necessarily pay special attention at all times to his speech, to his actions and to his thoughts. (Lebbai: 1963 ) TYPES OF IMAN Iman existing in itself, pure and simple. This is the Iman of Angels. Iman that is protected. This is the Iman of the Prophets. Iman that is acceptable. This is the Iman of Muslims. Iman that is not stable. This is the Iman of the seventy- two ( 72 ) sects that have gone astray. Iman that is easily brushed off. This is the Iman of the hypocrites or Munafiqs. The Iman of the Muslims is divided into two Sub- types: Iman – ut – Taqlid ( imitated or traditional Iman). This is the Iman of those who believe in obedience to others. E.g. Iman of a children, who believe in obedience to their parents who explain to them the power and might of Allah. Iman – ul – Ikhtiar ( Iman of Choice ). This is the Iman gained by increase of a person’s knowledge, by meditating on Allah’s greatness and excellence and by certainty that is gained in the mind. This is the Iman that every Muslim must strive to attain. It is Fardh- ‘Ain, i.e. obligatory on him. (Lebbai: 1963 ) THE SHARTS OR PRE- REQUISITE OF IMAN For Iman to be firm there are 7 Sharts: Bearing love towards Him who is incomparable ( i.e. Allah ) Bearing love towards His Angels Bearing love towards His Prophets Inclining to be angry towards those who act wrongly Acting in obedience to Allah’s commands Refraining from those acts that Allah has forbidden us to do Fearing Allah’s chastisement THE CHARACTERISTICS OF IMAN A person whose Iman is firm can be known by his manner of life in this earth. The following will be characteristics of such a person: When he makes suggestions he will do so with the best of intentions His good deeds will be many and will continue to do them When he does good deeds his intention will be the doing of good, and he will not look forward to reward He will do much of the supererogatory acts recommended by our great Prophet( s.a.w ) He will always strive to be just and honest THE ‘ASL OR SOURCES OF IMAN The following acts help to make Iman firm: Contemplating Allah with a feeling of joy, i.e. coming to love Allah Being truthful Placing responsibility for all affairs on the Great One i.e. Allah Fearing Allah Adoring Allah at the appointed times with a feeling of joy Submitting to Allah’s decree Being a true friend to others of faith. A true friend is here defined as one who brings knowledge to a Mu’min ( a person of faith ) DIFFERENCES BETWEEN IMAN AND ‘AMAL Iman means faith. ‘Amal means good deeds. These two are closely connected but there are many differences between them: Amal is the beginning of Iman Iman is a continous state, but ‘Amal is an act of the moment Iman is obligatory on all humanity but ‘Amal, which is the doing of good according to the commands of Allah, is obligatory on Muslim only All the wise rules of Islam pertain to, or are closely linked to Iman It is Iman that makes ‘Amal acceptable, for ‘Amal are of no value if they are done without Iman Iman brings one closer to paradise, but not ‘Amal without Iman Reward is not for Iman but reward is for ‘Amal Iman will not be weighed or measured but ‘Amal or all one’s good actions will be weighed Injunctions are not in relation to Iman but all injunctions and commandments relate to ‘Amal One who has no Iman becomes a Kaafir or unveliever, but not one who has no ‘Amal to his credit It is through Iman that Prophets have been protected by Allah Iman cannot become excessive nor can it fall short, but ‘Amal if increased then a Mu’min can become perfect. If the ‘Amal of a Mu’min decreases then he becomes a Naqis ( a defective person ) ( Lebbai: 1963 ) MARKS OF A MU’MIN It is stated both in the Qur’an and in Hadith that a Mu’min can be identified by certain marks that he bears: Truthfulness Fear of Allah Entrustment of all things to Allah Cleanliness Paying attention to regular prayers, to payment of Zakat ( poor rate ), to Sadaqa ( doing charity ), to Fasting, to guarding of the tongue and of private parts. Freedom from reliance in the assistance of fellow beings. A Mu’min will always submit on what Allah has decreed, he will be patient in calamities, he will be grateful for Allah’s ni’mat ( blessings ), he will be faithful, he will keep his promises and be true to his word, and that he will be trustworthy. ( Lebbai: 1963 ) PRIORITY IN DIGNITY It is necessary for a Mu’min to know that of all things Allah created, our beloved Prophet Muhammad ( s.a.w. ) holds the highest position in dignity and honour. Next to him are the following: Abu Bakr As- Siddiq ( r.a.) Umar Ibnul Khattab ( r.a.) Uthman Ibn’ Affan ( r.a. ) ‘Ali Ibn Abi- Talib ( r.a. ) Sa’d bib Abi Waqqas, Sa’id bin Zaid, Talha bin Abdullah, Abu Abdullah AzZubair bin al- ‘Awwam al- Qurshi, Abu Ubaidah ‘Amir bin al- Jarrah, Abdur- Rahman Ibn – Auf The Angels in general Imam Hassan bin Ali Abi Talib, Imam Bin Ali Ibn Abi Talib, Hamja and Abbas The Muhajirs from Mecca The Ansars of Medina The other companions or Sahabis of the Prophet The followers of Tabi’s The four Imams The Mujtahids ( those who persevered through record ) to establish the Islamic Code The Qutubs ( saints of the highest order ) The Walis ( saints or friend of Allah ) The Pious or salis Those very high in honour and dignity among females: Maryam ( mother of Prophet Isa a.s. ) Aisha (r.a.) daughter of Abubakar as- Siddiq and Prophet’s wife Fatima ( Daughter of Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) Khadija (Prophet’s wife The other wives of Prophet. They are also known as the Mothers of the Faithful. ( Lebbai: 1963) WRITING TO LEARN WORKSHEET 2 SUMMARY SHEET DATE: ________________________________ NAME: _______________________________ TOPIC: ___________________________________ 1. What is the topic about? _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 2. What new information did you learn from the topic? Include new terms and their meanings. _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Which of the new information is most significant to you? Why? _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ WRITING TO LEARN WORKSHEET 2 Vocabulary Build Up: Define each term in your own words and understanding. IMAN ‘AMAL DIN TAWHEEDZAKAT SADAQA MA’RIFA RASUL ULUL-‘AZM ZIKR SIFAT MU’MIN MUNAFIQ KALIMA TAYYIBAH YAWMIL QIYAMA MALAIKAT RUH IMAN-UT-TAQLID IMAN-UT-IKHTIAR WRITING TO LEARN WORKSHEET 2 Instruction. Answer the following guide questions. (note: do not copy what is written in your module) 1. How is Iman differentiated from ‘Amal? ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 2. What are the characteristics of Munafiq? ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 3. What is the difference between Iman- ut- Taqlid and Iman- ul- Ikhtiar? ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 4. Who is the real Mu’min? ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ CHAPTER III Topic: ISLAM Learning objectives: At the end of the sessions, students are expected to: define the meaning of Islam; define the meaning of Kalima; identify the Sharts and the Fardhs of Kalima; define the meaning of Ilaha. Essential Ideas The Meaning of Islam Islam means “ submission to Allah “, submitting to Him in all our actions. These actions may be committed in 3 ways, by a person’s tongue, by the parts of his body and by what he possesses. The principles of Islam are five: bearing witness that there is none worthy of being worshipped except Allah and that Prophet Muhammad ( s.a.w.) is the Messenger of Allah; constant performance of prayer; giving away of zakat; fasting during the month of Ramadhan; and performance of the pilgrimage to the House of Allah ( by those who are able ). The “ way “ of Islam consists of 4 ways: Shari’ah; Tariqa; Haqiqa; Ma’rifa According to Hadith: Shari’ah consists of the words of the Prophet; Tariqa consists of the actions of the Prophet; Haqiqa consists of the state of the Prophet Ma’ rifa consists of the secrets of the Prophet These four ways are very closely linked together and one can’t be separated one from the other. The kalima has four (4) meanings: According to Shari’ah the meaning is: There is nothing in the world that can be worshipped with certainty except Allah According to Tariqa the meaning is: There is none that can do a thing except Allah According to Haqiqa the meaning is: There is none who is sought after except Allah According to Ma’ rifa the meaning is: There is nothing existent except Allah (Lebbai: 1963 ) THE SHARTS OF THE KALIMA There are four (4) sharts in making a declaration of the Kalima of bearing witness. They are: Iqrarun bil- lisani ( making declaration with the tongue ) Wa tasdiqu bil- Jinan ( affirming the truth with the heart ) Wa Ikhlasu a’malil adyan ( showing sincerity by acts of devotion ) Wa add’ ul arkan ( observing all the Fardhs that are add and the Fardhs that have been become Qadha. THE FARDHS OF KALIMA There are four (4) Fardhs of Kalima. They are: Ithbat Zatillah ( establishing the reality of the existence of Allah ) Ithbat Sifaatillah ( establishing the attributes or qualities of Allah ) Ithbat Af ‘alillah ( establisng the acts of Allah ) Ithbat Sidqi Rasulillah ( establishing the truth of the words of the messenger of Allah ) ILAHA The word Ilaha means “ any object of worship “. The term can be generally applied to any created or uncreated object that is taken for worship and adoration. It can belong to any of the following categories: Ilahun Batil . These are invisible objects of worship that have been created. They include Jinns and Shaitan and other spirits. Such objects of worship are false and unreal gods. They will be destroyed one day just as much as they were created. Ilahun Muqayyad. These are particular objects of worship that are visible and that can be described. In this category are objects like the Sun, the Moon, the Stars, the Wind, the earth, the Water, the Fire and any image or idol or any object set up for worship. Ilahun Haqq. These are created beings that are real and that are taken for worship. Under this category are beings like kings and monarchs, fathers, mothers, teachers, people of means and power and people holding power to whom obedience is due and who are therefore taken as Lords for worship. Ilahun Mutlaq. This is the absolute Lord. This is the Lord who is free from any description or any illustration. He is the One and Only. He is the lord who rules supreme, creating what He likes and destroying what He likes. This is the only Lord worthy of being worshipped. ( Lebbai: 1963 ) WRITING TO LEARN WORKSHEET 3 SUMMARY SHEET DATE: ________________________________ NAME: _______________________________ TOPIC: ___________________________________ 1. What is the topic about? _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 2. What new information did you learn from the topic? Include new terms and their meanings. _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Which of the new information is most significant to you? Why? _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ WRITING TO LEARN WORKSHEET 3 Vocabulary Build Up: Define the following terms in your own words and understanding. Islam Ilaaha Kalima Shari’ah Tariqa Haqiqa Ma’rifa Ithbat Zatillah Ithbat Sifaatillah Ithbat Af’ alillah Ithbat Sidqi Rasulillah Ilahun batil Ilahun Muqayyad Ilahun Haqq Ilahun Mutlaq ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ WRITING TO LEARN WORKSHEET 3 Instruction. Answer the following guide questions. (note: do not copy what is written in your module) 1. What is Ilaaha? Who is your Rabb? ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 2. How do you differ Shari’ah (Islamic Laws) from other laws? ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ END OF MIDTERM TOPICS …