Uploaded by Muhammad Nouman

Marketing Master's Personal Statement

Personal statement
Dear sir,
Myself Muhammad Nouman. I have completed my bachelors in the
field of business administration in marketing from the University of
veterinary and animal sciences, Pakistan on 23 November 22 with a
CGPA of 2.68/4.0. I developed a keen interest in the research and
education in marketing. Four years ago when I joined a university in
Pakistan for graduation in BBA hons ، the thought behind the Choice
is to become a businessman and become a successful person in my
In my point of view success is defined as the line of journey with (,)
in it there is no full stop, where it takes me I'll go there.
As a matter of fact, I belong to a middle class family, my father is a
government employee ( teacher) and we are three siblings they also
study their bachelors from abroad on scholarship. I'm also looking
for a funded scholarship because my father can't afford so much. I
know I didn't perform well in my graduation (2.68) which is not so
much appreciated. Actually I passed my degree in Very tough times,
but I'm a very hard worker and passionate student.
I'm applying for a master program in marketing 2023 to 24. Offered
at Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich. The graduation in BBA
hons Marketing introduced me to a wide variety of business subjects
like, introduction to business, Accounting, finance, Human resource
management, management, Marketing (Brand management, retail,
export & service).
During degree I have done my important project as a team lead like
SOWT analysis report on company, new marketing strategy, strategy
management, international Business and most important
entrepreneurial idea new business. I chose university of Berlin
because I believe it's a culture of research and development and
opportunities would give me head start in my journey toward my
ultimate goal of become a successful businessman as world leading
University in Pakistan have infused a culture of thinking out of box,
innovations, question queries and tested ways in their education
method. Pursuing my marketing studies in Germany is the only idea
to get more exposure from advance environment.
I believe in Pakistan it would be better positioned to channelized my
I'm very glad to apply for master program in this course of
university. Pakistan may seem to be a mature country but I believe
that it still has a lot of changes to become one.
I believe this program will be useful to develop and enhance my
professional skills in my future profession, so I'm looking forward to
being a part of this prestigious master's program.
Muhammad Nouman