Uploaded by Miranda allison

Personal Growth Assessment Format

Personal Growth Assessment Format
The following is a listing of topics to be discussed individually in the following order for the PGA. Be sure
to show each heading of the PGA in bold type. Then write your response for each section individually as
shown below. By using this format, the Guidelines for the PGA, and the Rating Sheet, you will find greater
success and not fail to address each aspect of the PGA and the letter dated in the future. This entire
assignment is worth 30 points and 30% of your final grade in this course.
Introduction to PGA
Career Objectives (3 years from now)
Career Objectives (6 years from now)
Work Setting (upon graduation)
Type of organization
Job description
Number of Subordinates (if any)s
Special Challenges of Work Setting
Work Setting (3 years after graduation)
Type of organization
Job description
Number of Subordinates (if any)
Special Challenges of Work Setting
Assessment: Insights gained
Class-related activities highlighted
References to models/theories
Assessment of Strengths and Challenges (list strengths and discuss each)
Assessment: Limitations
Individual Challenges/limitations
Organizational Challenges/limitations
Professional Development Plan (discuss what you intend to do in the six-year period
immediately after graduation in order to build upon your strengths and overcome challenges you
identified above. “What will I do to build strengths and overcome limitation so that my six year career
objective will be achieved?” Identify specific activities you will utilize.)
(summary of thoughts regarding the PGA)
A letter addressed to the professor from you six years in the future.
This letter should be constructed as a professional letter (sample format is
provided). Remember that you are to develop this letter separately from the
body of the PGA.
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