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TestLink Management Tool Guide

TestLink Management Tool
What is Test Link?
 Test-link is most widely used web based open source test management
 It integrates both the Requirements Specification and Test Specification
 The Tester can create Test Plan and Test Report using this tool.
 We can create an account for multiple users/testers and assign different
user roles.
 Admin users can manage test case assignment tasks.
 It supports the generation of Test reports in MS Word, Excel and HTML
 It supports both automated and manual execution of Test cases.
 It also supports integration with many popular Defect tracking system
Advantages of Test Link
 It supports multiple projects.
 Easy export and import of test cases.
 Easy to integrate with many defect management tools.
 Automated test cases execution through XML-RPC.
 Easy filtration of test cases with version, keywords, test case ID and
 Easy to assign test cases to multiple users.
 Easy to generate test plan and test reports in various formats.
 Provide credentials to multiple users and assign roles to them.
URL : http://testlink.squadinfotech.in/login.php
PASS: squadadmin
After login user will navigate to Dashboard -
Creating a Test Project
Step 1: In the main window click on Test Project Management, it will
Step 2: Click on the tab “create” to create a new project.
After click on Create button it will create project for “FA_Demo_20”
How to Assign Test Project Roles?
1. Go to Home page
2. Click on “Assign User Role” below Test Project
3. New window will appear
4. Choose the project name
5. Select the user role from the drop down
6. Click on Update Button
Now logout and login through Sr. Tester Id’s
Id: Sr_Tester20
Pass: 1234
You will get navigate to Home page.
Creating a Test Plan:
Test plan holds the complete information like the scope of Software
testing, milestone, test suites and test cases.
Step 1: Go to the Home page and first select your project from drop
down list at top right corner.
From the home-page, click on Test Plan Management
Step 2: It will open another page, at the bottom of the page click on
a tab “Create”
Step 3: Fill out all the necessary information like name, description,
create from existing test plan, etc. in the open window, and click on
“create tab”
Now Test plan is created successfully.
Again go to Dashboard.
Build Creation : A build is a specific release of a software
Step 1: Click on Builds/Releases under Test Plan from the home
Step 2: In the next window, fill all necessary details for a software
release and click on create to save your release
1. Enter the title name
2. Enter the description about the software release
3. Mark the check-box for status- Active
4. Mark the check-box for status- Open
5. Choose the date of release
6. Click on create a button
Writng Requirements : Step 1: Click on “Requirement Specification” under same Test
project from the home page.
Next window will appear.
Step 2: From the requirement page, on the right side of the panel
click on “create” button
Step 3: A
new window will open, enter all the details like
1. Document ID
2. Title name
3. Requirement Description
4. And Click “Save” button
Now to create Scenarios under Requirement :
1. Select the created requirement ID’s.
2. Click on the round setting icon
3. Click on CREATE button under “Requirement Operation”.
4. Fill all the detail
5. Click on “Save” button