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Athlete Testing: Objective Measures & Training

Objective Testing
Athlete Testing Notes
Vertical Jump
o Energy System: Maximal Muscle Power
§ Male Scores: 15-22 inches
§ Female Scores: 10-16 inches
300 Yard Shuttle Run
o Energy System: Anaerobic Capacity
§ Male Scores: 56-74 seconds
§ Female Scores: 67-75 seconds
o Energy System: Agility (Change of Direction)
§ Male Scores: ~10 seconds
§ Female Scores: ~10-12 seconds
VO2 Max
o Energy System: Aerobic Capacity
§ 50th Percentile College Male: 44 ml/kg bw/day
§ 50th Percentile College Female:38 ml/kg bw/day
§ High VO2 max for athletic Males: 55
§ High VO2 max for athletic Females: 50
Athlete Examples
1. Jerry is an 18 year old 180 pound (82KG) male basketball player with a vertical jump of
20 inches, 1RM bench press of 195 pounds, and 300 yard shuttle run of 76 seconds.
Which area should be emphasized in his strength and conditioning program?
a. Lower Body Power
b. Upper Body Strength
c. Anaerobic Capacity
2. Sushmita is a 22 year old 130 pound female tennis player. Her 5/10/5 test is 4.9
seconds, her body composition is 25% bodyfat, and her VO2 max 46 ml/kgbw/day. What
area should be emphasized in her strength and conditioning program?
a. Agility
b. Bodyfat Loss
c. Aerobic Conditioning
d. None of the above
3. Sarah is a 23 year old 118 pound female pole vaulter. Her 40 meter run time is 5.1
seconds, T test 12.5 seconds, and she can complete a maximum of 18 push-ups. What
area does she need to improve?
a. Sprinting
b. Agility
c. Muscular Endurance
Validity: Did the test measure what it’s supposed to measure?
a. Face Validity: How good the test looks or if the athlete thinks it’s a good test
b. Content Validity: how well the experts believe the test covers relevant subtopics and
component ability
c. Construct Validity: How well the test measures what it should measure
d. Concurrent Validity: how well the test correlates with the gold standard test
Intra-rater reliability: Lack of consistent scores by a given tester
Inter-rater reliability: How well do different raters agree on test results (consistency)
Athlete Testing Webinar Sunday October 25th 12:00PM-2PM EST
2 Hour Deep Dive into everything you should know about Objective Testing for Athletes.
Learn more: https://the-movement-system.mykajabi.com/athlete-testing-webinar-info-page