Psychological Self Analysis Paper

Analysis Paper 2: Blogspot on Psychological Self
On a spiritual level, I completely identify with the essay's author. My biggest issue and the
one I'm working hardest to fix is my lack of self-reliance; how I wish there was counseling for
this. Her essay has certain inconsistencies, such as having less self-reliance, leadership,
knowledge, and intelligence. Sincerity, compassion, and happiness are a few things that go hand
in hand. She does not yet possess all five qualities that make up a fully functional human, according
to her essay: being open to experience, living an existential existence, trusting feelings, being
creative, and having a satisfied life. She was lacking a number of things, including sentiments of
trust. She is not yet a fully functional person, as she acknowledged in her article, but she is making
progress in that direction as I have seen that she is open to new experiences.